Visit to the United States - April 15- 20, 2008 / Vatican MediaWashington D.C., Jan 6, 2023 / 12:55 pm (CNA).Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died Dec. 31, was remembered as "brilliant," yet "humble" and "warm" in a discussion yesterday with some of America's most notable Catholics. "Even if he had never become pope," said Mary Ann Glendon, former U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, "[Benedict XVI's] legacy would have been the legacy of one of the great theologians that the Church has ever had."Glendon made her remarks as part of a panel on Benedict's legacy moderated by Kathryn Jean Lopez of the National Review Institute (NRI) and hosted by the NRI, Catholic World Report, and Ethics and Public Policy Center on Thursday.The connection between truth and beautyAccording to Glendon, Benedict had the gift of "communicating without dumbing down." An important facet of Benedict's philosophy, Glendon said, was his belief that more people have been brought to Christianity by the saint...