Slums. Ill be telling you how this card is helping people here get clean water cheaply. In sport, bolt is officially still the fastest man in the world. He wasnt the favorite this time, but bolts still good enough to win a third world title in the 100 meters. It is warned that the growing refugee crisis will rip out the solve of european union. Germanys vice chancellor has called for the e. U. s asylum policy to be revamped, saying Member States need to share the burden fairly. Germany said its prepared for a Record Number of 800,000 asylum requests this year. It had previously been expecting about half a million. The refugee crisis is continuing to build along the border between greece and macedonia. Thousands of reef gees are desperate to cross into macedonia and some are finally being allowed in. We have a report on the macedonia side of the border. Theres no end, it seems to the suffering, the exhaustion. Its a different place, a railway platform, waiting for another journey. At one stage, police and soldiers blocked the border with force that. Now theyre organizing transit for people to pass through macedonia on to serbia. In the crush, theres tension. A train has arrived. Theres no way everyone can get onboard. There doesnt seem to be any system on telling these people whether they have a right to board this train or not. Its hit and miss. People are pleading to soldiers to let them onboard. They begin to let people through in orderly lines. The anxiety turning into smiles of relief. Some of the Security Forces here are helpful and considerate. Any resistance to their orders is seen as provocation. One officer was heard telling a refugee if you dont like this, then you should go back to syria. This man was saying that even though he had the right papers, he wasnt being allowed on the train. We are human beings its enough. Its enough. Thats enough. Yeah, ok, that is enough. This woman from afghanistan is trying to guide an extended family of 12 through all of this. She has been separated from some of them. My family, my grandfather, my uncle, my uncles children. My whole family, but we dont going. Some have gone to extraordinary lengths to get this far, parting with their children on the border to be allowed in. They would put their children underneath the razor wires to go and extricate the family from there. This act of desperation should not be happening anywhere to anybody. As many more head from greece to the border, the latest political moves like so many others right across europe have failed these people. Many of the refugees are heading so germany. To get there is a 1500 clam at her journey through the czech republic, slovakia and hungary, which is building a fence along its border with syria to stop the refugees from getting in. Thats where the next bottleneck will likely be. We can speak to executive director of the asylum protection center, joining us now from bell grade. What sort of reception is belgrade or serbia preparing then for these people, many of whom are currently on trains and due to arrive at the border with serbia within the coming hours . It is quite difficult. A mass influx of people, thousands coming every day. This is real difficult and it seems there is no kind of system to respond to the needs of refugees coming to serbia in such numbers. Its quite difficult. The Prime Minister said he will personally support this humane approach to the refugees in comparing with macedonias and greeks, but there is the response, we are waiting to see what will happen and this real lack of accommodation and real difficulties in providing basic humanitarian support to refugees entering serbia. The problem isis that this is eminent, isnt it, because as i say, people are currently on trains now, hundreds if not thousands of them, and they will be arriving at the border with serbia anytime soon, so is there in the some semblance of a plan being put into place by the serbian government . Yeah, actually people are answering even today in big numbers, like more than 8,000 of them on the border with serbia and there are two centers, actually, first urgent Reception Centers on the border with macedonia, but this is not enough. Those are center, First Responders of the government. People are just waiting there for a few hours and continuing further on. They need water, hygiene, hygiene, they need humanitarian conditions. We receive information that the government trying to form some kind of shelter, but for thousands of them, its really impossible to respond at this moment. Ok, all right, than thank yoy much talking to us live from belgrade. Thank you for giving us the scenario there where you are. We can now go back to macedonia and our correspondent Andrew Simmons is at the border town. Andrew, over to you. Im outside the border town by that the border. Theres been remarkable developments. Theres a train thats parked itself here. Theyve got planks underneath. What the government is doing now is collecting refugees and putting them straight on trains heading to the serbian border. They dont want to go into the town itself. Theyve got a makeshift arrangement here. There are bigger trucks over yonder, ill just show you this over here. You can see the people waiting here. A few hundred at the moment, and behind this gearing, a tent, and as you can see, the diggers are preparing some sort of camp. Now the interior minster has said that this is a reaction to the situation, that he is looking for the assistance of the outside world to help with this camp, but really, this is so political. Aside from the desperate humanitarian needs, its very political, and thats because what has happened is a greece has chartered ships to bring refugees on to its shores. They, then, come to this border, and the situation has escalated with such large numbers, macedonia shut the border because they felt that was a response to what greece had done, then the International Community were horrified by that act because of the injuries and because of the if you say that ensued. Now macedonia has done a you turn on that, all of this action is going on and they want to get their refugees out of the country right away with a lot of investment in obviously here on the ground, and also with rail. Let me just bring in the representative from the International Red cross in geneva. Are you a bit surprised by the sudden speed of action here . Look, i have to say, andrew, that the situation has been einvolving by the hour. When we were here earlier, people were pouring over the border. A lot of people waited in the hot sun all day for something to happen, waiting to register over there. The local red cross are now contributing water and food, hygiene kits and giving people first aid. Theyve been under a lot of pressure these last few days especially with injuries on the border with the Police Taking action and refusing any entrance here. What sort of injuries have they been dealing with and what sort of pressure have volunteers been under . Our medical team have been seeing diarrhea, vomiting amongst serious young children, a lot of blist terse on peoples feet, sunburn. Theyre also seeing old injuries from gunshots, knife wounds, from quite a long time ago, and they are also treating epileptic people, people with diabetes. They were telling me today that they had to resuscitate someone 15 times the other day on the way to hospital, managed to save his life. I have to say, there are a lot of Vulnerable People here and our teams are helping around 2,000 people every day. There are more people than we can help. This is on going. Do you see the situation changing . Do you need more assistance . Ive seen very little in the way of real, you know, large scale teams to deal with a humanitarian emergency. The local red cross has been here for the last three months. Its only just enough that the situation has escalated. I think now that there are two registrations open, the situation will improve, but, you know, if we want to avoid seeing scenes like this, its going to take a coordinated approach by all the countries involved on the migratory trail. Its a global problem and until the issues that make people leave home, we will see this in happening in countries of transit. Certainly journalists in humanitarian situations, the very start of the war, poor people have been trying to flee situation. Weve seen them in turkey in bad conditions, but the conditions here are absolutely appalling and all people want to do here is move them on somewhere else. They want it to be shifted. I have to say that there is no shelter for people here. They are sitting in the hot sun. We were just attending a pregnant womb who fainted. We had a resuscitate here. There are many women losing their babies along the way. You know, it is a very serious situation, and, you know, unless there is coordination between all the countries, its going to continue. People leave their homes to flee conflict and insecurity and theyre entitled to do that, but they deserve protection along the way. That is the key issue. Here instead of getting protection, they were attacked on the border and then the next day, the opposite happens, theyre invited in and herded around in a very, very heavy way, and then put on trains and buses to get out of the country. All i will say is that any action that is taken at any point along the border that repercussions further up the line and further down the line. Theres going to be a Ripple Effect. Whatever action is taken in any particular place, so, you know, i wasnt on the other side of the border. Im in macedonia and what ive seen here today, its been calmer and less people than the last few days. Careen from red cross, thank you very much indeed. As she says, there is a Ripple Effect. The Ripple Effect right now, being that these people, as you can see right now, this train is about to leave. Its not going to stop anywhere, other than than serbia, the serbian border, as you can see, the last group or one of the last groups is coming on now. Theyre showing their tickets, effectively, their papers, they are not complicated. They simply confirm that they had some sort of visa to be here and theyll be on their way very soon. Really, what you condition conclude from this is that politics is happening here at a very big way and it isnt necessarily in the favor of these poor people, who simply want to have some safety, really to get a life that may be rewarded as ordinary by some, but certainly a life. It is a critical situation and its a situation that this country wants to be moved elsewhere. Ok. Andrew, thank you very much. Andrew as i am machines there in macedonia with those people who are just about managing to get on to trains to go to serbia. Its not just that area, is it . Thousands are still trying to travel in boats. 22 separate rescue operations were carried out saturday, picking up 4,400 refugees and migrants in the mediterranean sea. Most have started to arrive in sitly. More than 2,000 people have died so far this year, trying to make this perilous crossing. Many of the refugees who are making their way to europe are escaping the syrian war. 44 people have been killed there in government airstrikes. The rebel held town of douma east of damascus came under heavy bombardment on saturday. Activists say buildings were shelled, at least 200 people are thought to be trapped under the rubble. Rescuers are still trying to find the survivors. Douma is regularly targeted by government forces. More than 100 people were killed by airstrikes a week ago. Southwest of douma, the town of al kal is under siege. Relieve agencies are blocked from entering the town. We have the latest. With Food Supplies blocked, these chirp are doing what they can to find something to eat, scavenging through the rubbish on the street. He and his children came to escape a siege in a nearby city. We were sitting in our home and there were airstrikes happening over our heads. I have four children and they get scared. The fighting was right in front of my house. Thats when we decided to flee. Thousands came here, hoping to find security and food. They have found neither. Al tal has been under various levels of seige since the start of the syrian war. The people supported the government early on in the uprising but that is when the towns buildings were still whole. They never managed what would followed be more than four years of hardship. They dont have access to electricity and water and now that the town is under siege, aid agencies like the red crescent have been unable to take in crucial supplies. All entrances are closed off. No basic material or medical supplies can enter. The situation is now getting worse because of the growing shortage of basic materials. The clinics are having to shut down because they dont have the medicine to treat people. As the routes in and out continue to be blocked, the residents of al tal go hungry. Weve got a lot more to come on this al jazeera news hour, including warming ties between the u. K. And iran, as both countries reopen their embassies. In colombia, one Students Initiative is turning her town into a bike friendly environment. Facing a battle in the gaming industry to stay drugfree. The lebanese Prime Minister say all Political Forces are to blame for the unprecedented protests in the capital, beirut. We can have a live look at the scene now. Thousands if not tens have thousands of people are maintaining protest. This is something the Prime Minister is saying cannot be ignored, and he says that lebanon needs to elect a president as soon as possible. Thats a live scene in beirut. We have this report now from richard. These were by far the biggest protests since the crisis began. Now its about much more than just rubbish collection. Many people have been pushed to the limits by unreliable power supplies, expensive water and what they say is a dysfunctional government. We are against the sectarianism of the lebanese government. Our parliament thieves have stolen forcing immigration. We are here to protest the lack of jobs, poverty and hunger. We have no electricity and no water. It wasnt long before the protests became a standoff. Riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds. Dozens of demonstrators and police were wounded. The crisis began a month ago, with the closure of lebanons biggest landfill sites. Rubbish piled up across thety. The summer heat made the fumes and the smells even worse. Its the stephan of political corruption and paralysis which is now driving this growing protest movement. Theres still no lasting solution to the Waste Management crisis, but with unrest on a scale not seen in beirut for years, the government is facing much bigger problems. Al jazeera. An academic and analyst says people are protesting much more than just garb. There has been an accumulation of both garbage in the streets and real anger by citizens across the whole political spectrum about the manager in which they feel they are being mistreated by their own government, or the fact that there really isnt a functioning government. Theres problems in electricity cuts, water shortages, dropping wages, lack of job opportunities, lack of basic political integrity of the lebanese system, and ordinary citizens are fed up with it. What they are starting to see is the kind of expression of anger that mirrors what we saw in many of the protests in egypt and tunisia and other places in the arab uprisings, a sense that citizens feel they are treat by their own government with both heavyhandedness, like shooting yesterday at peaceful protests and political disdain. Ordinary citizens feel they have no value, they dont count and theyre fed up with it. Theyre starting to feel the tangible consequences of water, electricity, jobs, rubbish in the streets and all of these other things, so its quite qualitatively different than the kinds of protests weve seen before. I think the government is going to have a respond more substantively than it has in the past. What the government does, which is the political elite, the ruling class is tend to blame each other. Now you are getting politicians being asked to step down and get out of the way so good, efficient people can govern the country. So the ruling class has not responded any differently than in the past and there is troubling. This is why people are in the streets, because theyre fed up with this. It was just annoying before and slightly embarrassing, but now its really hurting when you dont have enough fresh water in your home, electricity is cut 10, 12 hours a day. These problems should not exist, they are simple things to resolve, but the government cant make a decision on how to solve these problems. Theres a deeper structural problem in the incompetence of the good morning structure in lebanon and many lebanese are saying theyve had enough and they really want something to change. For the first time in four years, britain and iran have reopened embassies in each others capitals. The british fortune secretary Phillip Hammond traveled to iran for an official secretary. Iran expelled britons ambassador four years ago. Relations have improved since world powers struck a nuclear deal with iran last month. Paul bren be reports from the Iranian Embassy in will not don. Its remarkably low key start to what is going to be a very Significant Development in diplomatic ties between britain and iran. Its sunday morning here. Were in the weekend outside of normal office hours. There has been a steady stream of Iranian Embassy officials going in and out of the building behind me. The actual ceremony will be behind closed doors, though, at the iranian diplomatic resident about 100 yards from here. You can see theyre being cautious with the iranians and the british. With the amount of fanfare they give this. It is extremely significant. Phillip hammond, the British Foreign secretary, his visit is the first by the foreign secretary in four years. The two embassies have been closed for the past four years, so reopen them is significant. What as is significant is the reason behind it. This is far more than politics or diplomacy. Phillip hammonds delegation to tehran comprises delegates from the Foreign Ministry and treasury. There are saner. Member representatives of big british energy, might being and Engineering Companies there, as well. The reality is there is billions of dollars of business that is likely to open up as relations thaw between britain and iran and the british into not want to miss out on those dollars. Thousands have experts gathered in stockholm for world water week. The theme this year, water for development, focused on making sure resources are used efficiently and that we have enough for the worlds growing needs. More than 40 of the worlds water is consumed in just four countries, china, india, the u. S. And brazil. Around 750 Million People, thats 11 of the worlds population still dont have access to safe water. Almost 40 of them live in sub saharan africa. From kenya, we have a report on a new scheme developed for people who dont have piped water. This simple prepaid card has never been more important for people in this township. It pays for water. At half a u. S. Cent, they are able to get 20 liters of clean water. An average family uses about 120liters a day. In an area where water has for decades been scarce, expensive and unclean, this a. T. M. Style dispenser is welcome news. It has helped me, because we used to go far to look for water. Now even if there is no water at from the city council, we can still get water here. This is a slum of half a Million People. The Nairobi Water Company which provides water to the citys residents has only installed four water dispensers so far and faces competition from illegal vendors who have diverted the companys water to sell. That water point there, thats an illegal collection. It seems to be much easier, but also more expensive. There are many such water points here and they are said to be operated by landlords and vigilante groups, as well. We are told those who live in this township are forced by the cartels to buy water from the illegal points at twice the cost and without the guarantee of safety. We dont have the security. Local Community Workers are being used to convince people, including many skeptics, to buy the cards. She has just bought one. She said even though the new water points may be cheaper, they are an inconvenience. The water points are very few. The water pressure is very low, so we have to wait for long time. They hope to install more water dispensers to reach all the people in the slum by the end of next year. Until then, the company has no option than to continue operating alongside the cartels stealing from it. Stay with us here on the Aljazeera America news hour. Still to come, rocks Prime Minister responds to protests with a promise to tackle corruption, but says he faces powerful enemies. Im at the Worlds Largest art festival where were finding out if comedy can travel. Find out if cricket captain Michael Clarke can end his career with a test win against england. Thats later in sport. Could normalization change cuba forever . Im afraid for cuba. We ask cubans about their hopes and fears. I would love to see my business grow into a transnational company. Youre with the al jazeera news hour. Lets have a look at the top stories. Hundreds of refugees bored a train taking them from macedonia to serbia. Macedonia has seen a dramatic rise in the number of people trying to cross its territory on the way to northern europe. 34 people have been killed in airstrikes in the rebel held town of douma. 200 people are thought to be trapped under rubble. Antigovernment protests continue in the lebanese capital, beirut. This is the scene live. People are angry with piles of garbage mounting on the streets and are blaming the government for corruption. The saudiled airstrikes targeted houthi positions around the port city. This is not the first time the area has been hit. Earlier raised on the port itself have been criticized by the u. S. , the e. U. And the u. N. The port is crucial to facilitate aids delivery for northern parts of the country. Joining us from riyadh is a the spokesman for the saudiled coalition, brigadier general. Thank you for talking to us. Theres been criticism of the saudiled coalitions airstrikes in particular, saying its knocked out civilian infrastructure. Hello to you and to your audience. First of all, unfortunately, this is not the first time that the United Nation talk about such situation. We compare that to the position that we had an operation against it. It is a military position part from the airport and to make sure that the airport today and several days ago continue to receive the ships which is located by the king solomon humanitarian center to bring food to the population. The u. S. , e. U. , the u. N. As well as a variety of nongovernmental organizations are claiming that the port is virtually out of action now, because of the damage that has been wreaked upon it. The cranes have gone, even dock workers have been killed. They are saying this prevents the distribution of much needed aid to northern parts of yemen. Again, i confirm to you that according to our report, the operation was apart from the claim that you mention. We are willing to get the truth to send a committee to have an investigation there. It is set to release report to the coalition, to investigate what is the cause. You know that the port is controlled by the houthis and the houthis continue to do the same thing. When they find there is a strike against their position, they continue to fire randomly everywhere. We are looking at scenes of extreme damage of the port. Are you saying that that was caused, then, by the houthis themselves . Look, what we compare is what we do and what we did, that the coalitions far from the position that they mentioned, but we want to be we cant get an answer until there is an investigation. We dont know who investigate the position and to get to this report. We know that houthis continue to use their weapons randomly. To go to this level, we ask got to this allegation to the coalition. Who is the one who investigate that . We confirm that the port is operational. We continue to send ships there. At the same time, we ask those people where they were when the houthis controlled the port and highjack the humanitarian aid. We know the importance of the port. We are aware about the importance of the infrastructure, and we have been doing this since we start operations. I think it is too early to talk about such allegation unless there is an investigation, and we are sorry for this kind of allegation, because it will not help the yemeni population. At the same time, we want to ask the United Nation where is their plan for the humanitarian distribution. Brigadier general, can i also get your reaction to criticism as well coming from doctors without borders. The group we spoke to just yesterday were complaining about what they called increasingly random bombardment in taiz, yemens third city, which they say is now making it nearly impossible for people to that Access Medical services. I think its too easy to get the result if you just ask the houthis. I confirm to you that doctors without frontier never called us to ask about this kind of allegation. If you ask the yemeni government, they will give you the truth, that since the yemeni loyal part of the army controlled most of the frontier, the houthis and Ali Abdullah Saleh troops try to get revenge. I think to get this kind of allegation, why dont they call the coalition . I assure you, no one from doctors without frontiers asked us about this kind of allegation. We are very sorry about this. We want those kind of allegations to be helpful by giving their plan, getting on the ground what happened and their report and the houthis lying to us. Brigadier general, can i finally ask you then, would you consider a pause in hostilities, allow in airstrikes in order to help humanitarian supplies be distributed to these people who are suffering in what many of the n. G. O. Community describe as one of the worst human crise in the world today. Would you consider a ceasefire or a lull at least in hostilities . You know, the coalition has been for the long of the operation, i think cooperating with humanitarian posts. The houthi militias on the ground, they always violate what they accept, and i know that the last time they never accept the humanitarian post and we are not for humanitarian post which is a negative for the population, because the houthis will continue to move on the ground to try to gain advantage through this humanitarian post, so there is any humanitarian post, the coalition is always cooperative in that. You remember the last time the coalition ask for the humanitarian pause, unilateral, but no one from the other side accepted. We want the United Nation and other humanitarian and others present their plan how they intend to aid the yemeni population. It is very clear, there is a resolution voted by the Intelligence Community, but unfortunately, the Intelligence Community has failed to implement what they vote. We want to be cooperative, and the humanitarian relief enough getting inside yemen, and we want to continue to do so and ul the yemeni population get their freedom. Thank you very much. Hundreds of protestors stormed the office of a mayor in southern iraq, forcing him to resign. This happened in the hometown of the former Prime Minister, almaliki. There is increasing anger across the country over government corruption. Prime minister abadi announced reforms but said some are tannedding in the way of progress. We have a report from baghdad. It is a protest movement that has brought society together, but it also brought into the open the power struggle between iraqs shia politicians. Every friday, iraqis from different sects and walks of life at first demanded better services. Now they want change. People dont just want water and electricity, we want political reform and government institutions. Prime minister al abadi promised to do just that. These protests have become a support for his pledge to fight corruption. Even the Prime Minister said he is facing powerful enemies. There are people who want to bring down the political process. They have money, they run television and radio stations, but we will stand in their way. Abadi has the backing of the highest Shia Religious Authority in iraq, the grand ayatollah, who has considerable influence over the shia population. Through his spokesman, he urged abadi to press ahead with reforms. It was a message of support to abadi and a message to his rivals not to stand in the way. Abadi took office over a year ago after isil captured much of the sunni heartland. He replaced almaliki. Abadis mission was to reconcile iraqs communities and reinstate the state authority. He has been challenged by Political Forces from within the shia leadership. Shia militias, known as the Popular Mobilization forces, have replaced an army that collapsed in the face of isil. These groups gained support among the public and their leaders have political ambitions. Some have strong links with iran and are allies of maliki, who still has the largest single block in the iraqi parliament. There are serious divisions within the shia house. This is very dangerous. Abadi tried to ask the groups to stop meddling in state affairs, but it didnt work. The protests emerged from a Grassroots Movement p. M. There are fears they might be highjacked by Political Forces who in many ways are stronger than the state. Al abadi needs to meet peoples expectations in order to ensure his credibility. Police in malaysia discovered the bodies of 24 suspected victims of trafficking. They were found in the jungles of the Northern State close to the thai border. Earlier in may, more than 130 bodies were discovered in abandoned camps. They were believed to have been used by people smugglers. Many are suspected of being from the rohingya month. Guatemalas president is facing pressure to step down over corruption allegations. Protestors held antigovernment rallies in the capital in front of the national palace. They were calling for the president s resignation. The attorney generals also south penalty perezs impeachment over a customs fraud that led to the arrest of his former vice president. The president has denied the allegations. Once known as one of the most dangerous cities in the world, medellin in colombia has been trying to change that. In the final part of our series, Global Public transit, cities on the move, we have this report on how medellin is trying to create a bikefriendly community. After two years spent abroad in amsterdam, engineering student lena lopez he returned to her hometown of medellin with an idea, help turn this car crazed city into a bike friendly environment. With two friends, she designed a Pilot Program for a public bike sharing system and sold it to the local administration. At the beginning, theyd say here come the crazies, the hippies, we would be attacked on social media. We insisted, and now the bicycle has become a serious means of transport in medellin. It still is an issue of controversy, but many understand the benefits it brings. The system started with just a few bikes connecting universities to public transportation. Now it has 50 stations across town, and more than 20,000 people have signed up for the program. As another wellknown bike sharing system in new york or in paris, you just sign up on line, pick up your card, and youre ready to borrow your bike for an hour before returning it to a station. This system is completely free. Nobody knew what a public bike system was in colombia. There was no infrastructure. It was perceived as dangerous. There was the idea that bicycles were only for poor people, but being a free service, people tried us and then started using us. In recent years, medellin gained attention for its urban transformation. Its the only city in the country with a metro and it has built innovative aerial tram ways and urban escalators in its once notorious slums. Despite a master plan of 400 kilometers of bike routes, only 40 have been built and few respect the cyclists on the road. There hasnt been the political will to really focus on bicycles as a sustainable alternative. More needs to be done to educate people, but we are seeing change. There is a new generation of citizens organizing, not waiting for the government to act. Thousands of cyclists take to the streets every wednesday night to do just that. Like lenas public share program, they show changing the way people navigate the streets is possible, even in increasingly crowded carchoked cities. Al jazeera, medellin. Its time for the sports news now. Bolt is officially still the fastest mon in the world, winning gold in the 100 meters at the world championships. Despite his relaxed demeanor at the start line, bolt looking impressive here. The american was the race favorite. Bolt produced when it really mattered, while gatlin ran slower than in the semifinal, bolt was not the title in a time of 9. 79 seconds, somewhat off his world record, but this his third 100meter world title. Hell go for gold in the 200 meters and the relay, as well. Jessica has won her second world title in the triathlon, she returns to action after the birth of her first child. It was a late decision by her and her coach. I knew that i was making progress, and me and tony knew we were heading in the right direction, i was making improvements. We didnt talk about a gold medal. We talked about coming here and a bronze medal would have been an amazing achievement. Winning the grand prix to extend his lead in the formula one world title standings. Rossberg had a poor start at the fast circuit, slipping from second to fifth on the grids. That gave hamilton the edge he needled for the duration of the race. Hamilton now leads by 28 points in the world title standings. Chelsea picked up their first win of the new season. Pedro scoring the opener for them, while john tarry was sent off in a pretty haphazard 32 win. Man city looks to continue their perfect start to the season. A win will take them atop the table. It is 00 in that one. Australia have won the fifth and final ashes test against england to provide consolation for the outgoing captain, michael clark. The host had already won the series going into the test at the oval ground in london, denying the 34yearold the away ashes win he desperately wanted. Chris rogers, another player also retiring from the australian team. He can gland have now won five of the last seven ashes series. Just 18 in his time test innings for sri lanka, he is the fifth highest test run scorer in history. Hell retire at the end of this match. That will how to be on monday. Sri lanka on that day will require another 341 runs to pull off an unlikely win on the final day. Serena williams once again has that unstoppable look about her in cincinnati. The defending champion is through to the final after winning. The world number one winning in straight sets. This is williams final tournament before the final grand slam of the year. That is the u. S. Open, the american is winning all four grand slams in a calendar year for the first time in her career. Last time i lost in cincinnati, i won the open. The last time i won in cincinnati, i won the open. I think either way, hopefully, ill be ok. Djokovic faces federer in the mens final in cincinnati. Djokovic did drop a set against the ukrainian before coming through in three sets in his semifinal. Djokovic has made four previous appearances in the cincinnati final, and hes lost every one of them. Federer reached the final by beating world number two andy murray. He has beaten murray in the last five matches. He is aiming for a seventh title in cincinnati. Tiger woods is in a tie for second ahead of the final round. The windom championship, a lead at the halfway stage, a 68 keeps him within two strokes of the leader. It could have been better for woods, had he not done this on the final hole. He free putts. It was a grind today. It was all like yesterday. I cant leave myself above the hole and seems like on every hole, i had to putt defensively because of it. I couldnt get on the run that jason did. Competitive video gaming may or may not be your idea of genuine sport, but the prize money on offer is real. Its predicted the he sports market will generate a billion dollars of revenue within the next two years. With such high stakes comes the temptation for some gamers to cheat, as sarah coats reports. Production of this magty understood are usually reserved for global music and sporting enter stars. Plus theres a new player exploding on to the world stage. Welcome total world of e gaming. A lot more people are starting to know your face and the brand youre playing for, even in my hometown, people ask for autographs or photos. Its a bit much to take in at some point. Its a bit of a new sensation to be known as the superstar. Opinions remain fearsly divided on whether competitive video gaming is in fact a sport. Its certainly trying to present itself as just that. One of e gamings largest organizations now drug testing players. We began working with the National Anti doping agency in germany to come up with a set of comprehensive policies that allow us to police at the highest levels globally. Gamers have been accused of taking stimulants to help improve concentration and reaction time, and the stakes are high with prize money of 250,000 at this event in the german city of cologne. We have had bans on drugs. We realized we didnt have the tools set we needed to police. We wanted top support and improve on drugfree gaming. We are kind of referee in this atmosphere. Gamers appear to be taking testing seriously too. We are playing for thousands and thousands of dollars. We need to be more professional to take things more seriously and do stuff like that, i have no problem about that, its order to me. With predicted revenues set to top 1 billion within two years, organizers are hoping its now game over for drug cheats. Al jazeera. More sport coming up later on that. That is it for now. Stick around, andy, i know you like a laugh. The Worlds Largest Arts Festival on comedy is held in edinboro. It is shown that humor can transcend cultural differences. This is the way every ethnic resident stands. We start out the very same way that everybody else does here. Poking fun at preconceptions, he is a big celebrity in south africa. Within the u. K. , hes just an unknown comedian charming an audience with his observations. Every day, partly cloudy. With no chance of black people. He believes comedy can unite people. I know in south africa with 11 official languages and even more cultures, i have definitely seen it transcend culture. Voted asias best standup comedy be, this manti lowers his material performing all over the world. The first thing i do in a new country is find out about their politics, culture, their recent scandal. My first 10 minutes are purely about them. With that, you sort of brought them in instantly and then you can take them beyond their borders. Traveling to different parts of the world, depending where i am, people treat me differently. What i found really amusedding was how excited all the american comedians were. Theyre like oh, my god, 10 Million People watch this program i was like dude, i come from india, if i open my bathroom window, 10 Million People will show up. International comedians do brilliantly well, because of being foreign. When youre outside something, you see things that people on the inside dont see anymore. Everything is odd and strange and interesting and quirky, and that is the cement in the bricks of comedy. This festival proves that comedy is universal, but audiences want its passion and sincerity. Al jazeera, h edinboro. Lauren taylor is warming up in the wings to take you through the next couple of hours, so dont go away, please stay with us here at al jazeera. Okay, its enough. As people desperately try get in on europe. The e. U. Calls this the worst refugees crisis since world war ii. I am lauren taylor, this is al jazerra live from london. Also coming up. Hundreds are thought to be trapped under rubble after more shelling in douma. Out on the streets of beirut, thousands of protesting against the government they say doesnt work. Reunited against, iran and the

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