Fukushima meltdown toxic sludge in the u. S. State of colorado, millions of litres of waste spills to local streets a state of emergency has been declared in ferguson, and authorities bracing for unrest. Largely peaceful protests marked the death of michael brown, and another black teenager shot by police. Kristen saloomey has more. Activists gather in a church in st. Louis, preparing to be arrested. We march, and march with a chance of all of that. Church leaders and peace activists take part, including a philosopher, west. You have head of homeland security, who is black and still cant deliver justice for poor people and black people. Now we are moving towards pressure on the federal government. Some have come from out of state. This girl is from ferguson. Theyll see we are serious. Theyll take us seriously instead of thinking us as a joke. All in all, a couple of hundred people acting under the banner of action descended on the courthouse with a message from the department of justice. About 50 climbed the barricades, pushing up against police as the crowd chanted and cheered them on. In less than an hour, they were arrested. This has been a textbook case of civil disobedience. Everything has gone according to the organisers plan. They were aggressive but peaceful. A contrast to the demonstrations on sunday, which were more dense and unpredictable. Activists blocked traffic on west florissant avenue, the scene of rioting a year ago, refusing Police Orders to move to the side work. Down on the street shots were fired between two groups of men, when police pursued one of the men, and shot at them. Police returned fire leaving 18yearold tyrone in Critical Condition. Four officers in a van, all fall firing. U. S. Attorneygeneral Loretta Lynch condemned the violence. Not only does violence obscure message of peaceful protest it places community as well as the officers who are seeking to protect it in harms way. It was a bloody end to a day of piece p peaceful march whose death sparked a national movement. His family called for peace. I. S. I. L. Says it carried out two suicide car bombings in iraq killing 57 people. One happened in baquba in a busy marketplace, and the other in a residential area. We are in baghdad. Dozen killed and dozens wounded in two deadly suicide car bomb attacks happening on monday, close to the city of baquba. I. S. I. L. Claimed responsibility for those attacks. One thing to note. I. S. I. L. Took responsibility for a similar attack in late july, close to the same area in which over 100 civilians were killed. Police and medical officials telling us that this was a devastating attack. All of this very much underscoring how tense the situation remains in iraq. We have a deteriorating situation, iraqi forces stretching thin, trying to fight i. S. I. L. Several front ears, especially the anbar offensive, beginning a few weeks back. You have mounting pleasure on the government to pass much needed what civilians call muchneeded reforms to restore basic Services Like electricity, clean water. This is a hot summer, a heatwave going on in iraq. Many people. Thousands, have been taking to the streets. This past week and last friday, tens of thousands mobilized claiming that the government must get their act together. It is expected on tuesday that parliament will meet, that they may pass the directions that were given by the prime minister, Haider Alabadi to fight corruption. But much needs to be seen tomorrow by the iraqi people to make sure that the government is doing as much as they can to deliver on the promises. They vow to the iraqi people that theyll fight corruption. So much going on on so many fronts, its a country considered to be in crisis, and many want the security situation and the situation at large for society to improve. A member of bashar alassads family has been arrested. He is accused of killing an army officer for overtaking him in his car. The incident angered some of the regimes supporters. People want retribution, they chanted. Protests are ordinary. This is a regime stronghold. The man they are protesting against is bashar alassads cousin. This man is accused of shooting to death a man in an incident. The president spoke to me saying just needs to be done. More than 1,000 took part in the protests. Hes in a difficult position. I would not be surprised. An open trial. Basically take police to show authority, that he is in control. Analysts say protests unnerved the president s regime, pushing him to arrest a member of his family, and he cannot afterward to lose the support of people here. Protests have been held for japans return to nuclear energy, the first of 25 reactors restarted under new safety rules. The Nuclear Plants have been shut down after a melt down triggered by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Harry fawcett has more from tokyo. At 10 30am local time, the control rods were removed. Figs began, and fission gee are began, it will start to produce electricity in three days time. For shinzo abe, its an important moment. He was arguing that it was necessary to get the capacity back online for economic reasons. In the wake of fukushima, it produced 30 of japans electricity, no longer existing. Power costs were up. And fossil fuels had to be deported and burnt. It will not be an easy process. The regulations have been toughened and they are taking a long time. When approved we have seen legal cases brought printing restarts. It represents the first step in a difficult battle. Given the very strong Public Opinion against the restarts. 60 of people in japan, according to most polls believe it is wrong to restart reactors in the light of what happened in fukushima. Other protesters say the guarantees that the Nuclear Regulation provided saying that they cant be believed and the kind of evacuation procedures required there, the responsibility for those remain vague. Obviously this presents the first step in shinzo abes plans to get Nuclear Power online in this country. Afghan president ashraf ghani demanded that pakistan crack down after a bomb attack in an airport. Five were killed when a car bomb exploded. The attacks followed a change of leadership in the taliban, which some say dashed hopes of peace talks with the afghan government. The Pakistan Court rejected a request from the government to set up an inquiry into a child abuse scandal. A gang has been alleged to have been involved. Nicole johnson is in Punjab Province with more. Reporter this man says he was raped by three men four years ago. We are using a different name to protect his identity. At the time he was 11 years old. Afterwards he had to pay the man not to reveal what they had done to them. They made a video out of it, and started blackmailing me and told me to bring them more kids. My family is poor. I had nothing to pay them. I left school and worked in the field, giving them everything ahead. A report came out that 284 children in in state were sexually abused. People in the Community Say 400 videos were made and sold across pakistan, and overseas. You wouldnt normally see a large gathering of people from the village in the middle of the day. All the neighbours are coming out, talking about the case and are demanding one thing, they say they want justice and for whoever was behind the abuse, to be stopped to death or hanged. A week ago he started a protest march with victims families, stopped by Police Firing tear gas. He has been charged under pakistans antiterrorism law, saying some of the child abusers are wellknown. They are influential people. They work for the courts and drug inspectors. Because of threats everyone was afraid of them. They harass people every day. Some people in the village say police were paid bribes not to vet. The police deny it. When we heard about the allegations i sent an officer to the village and we announced if there were any cases of abuse, they should tell us. No one came forward. This man showed injuries he received when the police beat him, protesting about the abuse. Because of dignity and honour, some are not coming forward. They are worried about losing respect. As lamb says he has nothing more to lose. Still to come on al jazeera Philippine Police say the drug trade in the country expanded, even mexican dealers are getting involved. Plus,. Im rob reynolds in portauprince where a day after haiti held elections, some are calling the process into question. Question. Into becoming a sex pistol. Every sunday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas movers and shakers. We will be able to see change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. Talk to al jazeera. Tomorrow, 6 30 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Welcome back. The top stories here on al jazeera. A state of merge dpi has been declared in the u. S. City of ferguson after protests ended in a gun battle. An 18yearold man is in Critical Condition after being shot by police. Protests have been held over japans return to nuclear energy. Nuclear plants have been shut down after the melt down triggered by an earthquake and tsunami. A bomb has exploded in a town. 57 have been killed in two blasts the u. S. Led coalition fight against i. S. I. L. Is facing an internal struggle. Each member of the coalition has its een geopolitical centers. Turkey is con it is own geopolitical interests. Its a fact complicating the coalitions fight. Reporter the u. S. Led war is in a second year, experts say theres more going on than the coalitions efforts to defeat i. S. I. L. The americans want to work with the y. P. G. , People Protection movements, youreedish group in syria, and the turks are attacking the group. The turks longstanding goal of preventing the kurds from creating their own country prevent a challenge to the mission. For much of the past year it denies access from launching air strikes against targets inside syria. But they didnt object to y. P. G. Fighters going after i. S. I. L. Inside syria in late may, when they came close to crossing the river from the east. Its been considered a threat to security in an idle free zone. Part of the deal, the zone is supposed to remain kurd free. And the turks allow f16s and drones to lunch attacks, in part, say u. S. Officials, to prevent fighters moving into their country. The other complicating factor, Turkish Forces have been going after p. K. K. Because of attacks by p. K. K. Inside turkey, there is a fear that the turks may use illegitimate threats from the p. K. K. To justify going after fighters inside syria, and jeopardise the coalitions mission. U. S. Says that fear is unfounded. The turks made it clear themselves that inside syria, they are focused on counteri. S. I. L. Activities. The u. S. Is not interested in giving anyone freedom to pursue their own agendas, its not secret they have bigger fans. The challenge is to keep the focus on the immediate fight against i. S. I. L. A u. S. Reporter detained in iran for a year had his final hearing, jason rezion is facing charges of spying. His detention has been condemned. Jason is a duel citizen and he is paying the price of the suspicion, the animosity and the paranoia between the two countries for more than 37 years. Haitis long delayed parliamentary elections on sunday was marred by sporadic violence. Some are questioning the ballots of what wont be known for a week. Reporter the streets at portauprince were peaceful and people went about their business as usual, a day after the election. People gathered in the shade of a tree to watch the shows. Opinions varied. Motorbike, taxi drivers thought the election was a big success. Everything went smoothly. I voted. It was the best election ever. Eve voted, but then his polling place was trashed by protesters, like 50 others around the country. He is not sure his vote will count. Snoop it was a total why can it was a total catastrophe. This man who pedal soft drinks didnt bother voting. I did not go to vote. What is the point when you stay in the same situation. It was marred by violence and incompetence. Many did not vote because they had trouble finding their names on liftses of ellage lists of eligible voters. Others say the electoral counsel deliberately created confusion. There are some in haiti that dont want elections. Official did not reveal the numbers of votes cast, buts most expect turn out will be low, on the order of 1520 . Speaking after the polls, the head of the counsel said he was satisfied the elections went off successfully. Haitian groups that monitored voting tell a different story. They said everythings was okay. This man runs the human rights group. A lot ever violence and irregularity many people, when they went to the center and couldnt find their name, they couldnt vote. Democracy may be taking group in haiti. As a haitian proverb has it, little by little the bird builds his nest. Six died. 800 evacuated from their homes. The disasters triggered by a series of weather fronts. Over 100,000 have no electricity in their homes and 9,000 no drinking water. The bad weather is set to continue. A mexican activist helping families has been killed. His body was found near his home in the sit of aguero. Its thought he was hurtered. He searched for 43 students. They prayed for jimenez the way they prayed for others. They wondered if the death would bring change, because it has not for others. He was a fight erp, a man that wanted to defend the people. He was a good man. He was not a killer. He helped to organise a search for 43 Million Students abducted and presumably killed. It caused an outcry. He was also part of a group called the other disappeared, searching for people reported missing by families, also presumed dead. Look, this is a bone. Here is another one, a bigger one. Another bone. This is the price of kidnappings. This is normal. Can we open the door, and take you in front of your family. The activist murder was one of 15 over the weekend. He was dismissive of police who men believe are linked to the disappearances. Officials say why dont people give us information. Instead of winning trust, he lose it. Bodies are burnt and dumped in the river. So far only one student mass been identified. More than 20 dozen people are missing. Now theres one less person looking for them, and looking out for their families. A state of emergency has been declared in the u. S. State of colorado, over 11 litres of toxic sludge. Thats three times the payment thought. The spill was triggered by a team of workers. Dan olsen is the sieve director of a Nonprofit Organization advocating for clean hair. He says the long term effects of the spill are not known. We are saddened and worried about what the future implications of a spill will be for communities up and down the river may be. It would be wrong to say we are surprised. We have been living with pollutions from abandoned mines for decades. And its unfortunate that this event happened, the Silver Lining is that it raises the spectre of pollution that has plagued the community for a long time. Its hard to know. You are waiting on critical data, what the contaminants are, and what levels. We dont know now. We know the impacts were less worse than they could have been, so far in this population, they have survived the initial plume. That is not necessarily an indicator for longterm health. No one can answer that question. That is causing anxious among the communities. We dont know. The drug trade in the philippines is so lucrative that mexican dealers want a piece of it. One of the leaders was arrested in manila. After selling 272,000 worth of cocaine to undercover agents. Now there are allegations that the drug trade is tlaifing because drug officials are in collusion with drug lords. Law enforcers planned the drug raid. Six sashays of meth were found here. Small quantities of the drug are consumed every day. That is according to this woman, who asked her identity be kept hidden. She worked as a fixer, putting drug sellers in touch with local distributors, and is a police informant. The chinese are the ones that one the biggest syndicates. It is through connections that they come in. They have their own factories here, bringing in the chemicals. The most popular drug is math. Theres a market for cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy and others. Theres so much to be maid, apart from the chinese, theres west african operators. Most of what comes into the country comes in through low volume, high frequency, small quantities carried by couriers creatively. The drugs are mostly consumed locally, and Officials Say many user are from less affluent communities. Undermanned, with less than 900 agents. The antidrug office says its doing the best it can. 46 of the detainees i think we are doing enough. Sometimes people are impatient. They want the to vanish problem to vanish. Its not going to happen. Reporter no matter how hard the drug agents work, they are not likely to wipe out the trade. Because officials themselves are protecting it, and in some instances they, themselves own a business. It would be hard to eradicate this. For example, like me, if im recognised, for sure i will disappear. Wiped from the earth. If you have money, you have the means to fix things, you stay free all comes down to money, and there are millions of dollars involved. Law enforcers say they are aware the task is not easy, but are out to prove despite ut the challenges, they can put a dent in the trade. A reminder you can keep up to date with the latest news and analysis on the website at aljazeera. Com. Aljazeera. Com. Its Christmas Eve and u. S. Soldiers are preparing for their last month in afghanistan. About 40,000 are still here. By the end of the year there will be just 8,000. We traveled to afghanistan in the midst of this transition. But on the base, we found a story that isnt being told

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