Hunters in south africa who are making the controversial case of killing wild animals. L im lee wellings, how footballs new big city rivalry in the United States left fans fighting outside a stadium. Hello. Turkey has been hit by four separate attacks blamed on at least two different groups. In istanbul, a bomb squad officer and two others were killed after a gun fight, elsewhere in the city two women fired shots at the u. S. Cons lal. One who was wounded was arrested. Soldier and four Police Officers were killed in two separate attacks in chernak province. Bernard smiths report from istanbul contains strong images from the start. Reporter chased down oa back street near the u. S. Consulate in istanbul a woman who had earlier opened fire on the group refused to surrender. I did it for my party she shouts before being shot and wounded buy police officer. Her party is the extreme left wing and antiamerican the dhkpc. A second attacker also female escaped from the area. In 2013, the dhkpc said it was behind a suicide bomb attack against u. S. Embassy if the capital ankara. I saw this woman running and the police shouting stop. They fired warning shots. Then someone in an apartment threw a chair from their balcony at the woman so the attacker shot at the balcony. Reporter earlier monday a van packed with explosives deals detonated, an tacker was killed. Several civilians and Police Officers were wounded. Then as forensic and bomb squad teams searched the seen, there was open fire and police and attackers were killed in that shootout. Four Police Officers were killed buy road side bomb and a soldier was killed when a rocket was fired on a helicopter. Attacks blamed on the separatist pkk. In the last three weeks the Turkish Military ahas carried out attacks ton pkk and i. S. I. L. Across the country the Security Forces have arrested hundreds of people suspected of being members of band organizations. The turkish government has are previously said, it faces security threats from a number of groups not just i. S. I. L. The events of the past 24 hours seem to back up those concerns. Bernard smith, al jazeera, istanbul. A banned Marxist Group the dhkpc said it carried identity that attack on the u. S. Consulate in istanbul. Turkey has been clamping down on both groups in the last month including bombing pkk bases in iraq. Turkish planes have also been attacking i. S. I. L. Positions in Northern Syria and the government wants u. S. Help to create an antii. S. I. L. Zone there. To complicate that picture, most of the Syrian Border is complicated part of the u. S. Backed fight against i. S. I. L. Well professor gulna ibas, joins us live now. Thanks so much for being with us on the program. The turkish government of course would have known there would have been reprisals when it began attacking kurdish bases in iraq. Why do you think it believed that the risk was worthwhile . Well i mean the turkish reprisals as you mentioned happened only after the attacks happened against the pkk and they broke the fragile ceasefire going on with the peace process. They must have realized there would be reprisals. There is a two pronged approach, at the same time carrying out operations within turkey, arresting scores of people belonging to pkk and its other affiliate organizations like the one that carried out the attack on the u. S. Consulate this morning, so theyve tried to carry it out as a two pronged approach but obviously some back lashes were expected. Some critics say that is the wrong approach, the focus should have been on i. S. I. L. And that the turkish government was using the air strikes as almost a cover to then attack pkk targets. Well, no. The turkish government has said over and over that they view i. S. I. L. And pkk as equal security threats. Thats why theyve carried out these operations, the first attack by i. S. I. L. On turkish soil, followed by the attacks by the pkk, but even before the bombing the civilian part of the pkk, kck, announced they would be breaking the ceasefire. So the breaking of the ceasefire happened on one side and then came these reprisals. So you know, there is lots of speculation about how much politics there is in this but the Kurdish Party the h templep has used a lot of this for their political material as well. So all sides are obviously using this for political matters. But i think, you know, the reprisals are not political. They are military state responsive to a terrorist organization that doesnt recognize the legitimacy of the state. All right how do you think, speaking of politics, how do you think this latest violence is going to attack those ongoing peace talks, is this violence going to be affecting the talks that are taking place. The talks are still taking place so there is a period whereby either a coalition is announced by the 23rd of augmentation or turkey will have to go to early elections. And if that happens, its the timing i think which is an issue here rather than the expected or unexpected result or what will happen after such elections. Because the longer you have a period of uncertainty, the more instability it causes. But that being said, we havent heard anything yet from the Coalition Talks so we dont know whats going to come out of those. But obviously the other Political Part is the peace process. All the Political Parties except the nationalist party have said there should be some return to the peace process. But its very unclear at this point who is going to be negotiating with whom. I think thats the problem that the Kurdish Party have put themselves up against by recent demanding that the former leader of the Pc Organization who is currently serving a life sentence be actually freed and given a negotiators status. I feel very unlikely any party will stheap. Figure out negotiations if they ever happen or go back to that, but for the time being the pkk seem to be very unwilling to lay down arms. They actually, the civilian side has made demands that seem very unrealistic and as long as that happens, i think the reprisals of the Turkey Military and the intelligent will continue. Seem like a very unstable situation. Theres also the complication whats happening not just in turkey but across the border. You mentioned the ypg which is a kurdish Syrian Organization andd they have been very useful to the United States as Ground Forces for their air strikes but they are also very closely affiliated with the pkk which is armed against turkish state. Recognized as a terrorist organization by the u. S. This makes the situation more complicated. Barzani asked the pkk to leave. Just as they are embarking on deeper military cooperation against. Im going to have to its not a okay. Im going to have to stop you there because were running out of time. We appreciate your analysis, thank you very much. Thank you, good evening. At least 44 people have been killed in two separate attacks in iraq. One happened in the east of the city of baquba. , another went off in a residential town killing five, injuring 10. Al jazeera mohammed jamjoom, first of all, give us a little more detail about what you know about these attacks. Devastating attacks felicity. Both attacks happened in predominantly shia towndz. Blew up the in a residential town, thats where you said five killed ten injured. Another attack, another parked car bomb attack. Which is just north of waquba city. This is second deadly attack since one that was also quite devastating that happened in late july. That one killed around 100 civilians. Now this death toll we have so far according to police and medical sources, 44 killed, 82 injured, nobody as you mentioned has taken responsibility for these attacks but the last happened as i mentioned in july that one i. S. I. L. Claimed responsibility for. All of those underscoring how the security situation, how Dangerous Things remain here, at the time a grim social upheaval as well, protestors are having across the country. Citizens are demanding, a record heat wave is going on, all of this is going to show how much is going upon. Mohammed, the political situation and political reforms, the iraqi Prime Minister proposed getting rid of high importance position he in the government. Thats right, being former Prime Minister nouri maliki has supported his decision. Not only are these proposals that Haider Alabadi made, not only did he expect those to past, he was also proposing the same or more somber measures. Right now, any plosion any political leader or political block leader, milkily, because right now these politics are tween rock and a hard place. Right now so much of a ground swell of anger, they would like air conditioning and clean water that arent being provided to so much of the citizenry, people are calling it a revolutionary feeling in the crowds that are coming out. More protests called for even now, and we expect that on friday as well and several cities across iraq. It will be interesting to see what happens, tomorrow, if these measures pass, you still have to get to the Implementation Phase and thats where its going to be interesting to see if the devil is in the details here, if these things happen quickly and if in fact this appeases the anger of the iraqi citizenship. Mohammed jamjoom, thank you. Taken most of northern Idlib Province and fighters now say they are murk forward against the stronghold ever latakea. Osama plad reports. Many areas in trail syria, this is the elrab plain, many see it as a very strategic city. There is no red line on our advance. The next line will be the coast. Now we are almost at the coast. Reporter the alliance which calls itself jasal fatah or army of conquest, it includes el nusra front and Al Qaedaaffiliated group. Most effective force fighting against the Syrian Government and i. S. I. L. Also over taken most of Idlib Province and says it is moving towards latakia as well. Activists posted video, Iranian State tv says the syrian army has pushed back fighters from zebadani close to the capital damascus. As opposition tanks roll into areas, many parts of syria has reduced to rubble in the war thats in its fifth year. Some say their homes in hamaa have been destroyed. They left nothing for us. They have damaged the houses and thank god we have returned saferly. Beyond these mountains there is rare discontent in latakia. Killing an affairs colonel in an attack last week. Osama ben javad, al jazeera. Still to come on this newshour. Im Nicole Johnston in pakistan. Coming up well be reporting on the biggest case of child sexual abuse in the country. Also ahead, thousand refugees are arriving in grease every d day. Dear iwa, we cannot trust you anymore. A group of athletes speak out against their governing everyone body. More later. First, man who is in Critical Condition in u. S. City of ferguson after police say was an exchange of gun fire with officers. The violence on sunday happened at the end of the day of Peaceful Demonstrations to mark the death of teenager Michael Brown one year ago. Brown was shot by a white ploir. Kristin saloomey tell us where you are and whats happening. Im standing outside the u. S. Attorneys office here in ferguson, where a couple hundred demonstrators have gathered, they have stormed im going to step out of the way so you can see, they have gone across the barricades to try to deliver a message. We are seeing a tak fal phalanxf demonstrators. They call this an act of civil disobedience but here to deliver a minch also, they are concerned that the recognitions issued by the police department, to get to policing reforms, they feel theyre not moving forward theyve been ignored by this, they are chanting doj, do your job, doj, do your job. Theyre prepared to get arrested to make that happen. Christian, what about the situation where one died of gunshot wounds . Yes, it was a chaotic time according to authorities. There was looting and rioting last year, after the death of Michael Brown. There were demonstrators gathered there, about 100 of them, things were starting to clear up a little bit, until around midnight, when there was could businesses were robbed with people throwing something through the window and stealing a cash register. They decided to send in more police and try to kill out the demonstrators that were there. This reality just kind of an taz nighted the demonstrators. Resulted in a standardoff between demonstrators and police. At the same time, you had some plain coastline officers down the road somewhere you about 3 yards swrp. Thesomewhere. They were keeping an eye often a group of young men they said were armed. They were watching them when the standoff was going on in the street somewhere. At such point, gun at some point, gun fire was exchanged. Thats when police began ofollow one young man in particular. They were in an unmarked car and not wak wearing a police unifor. Although they were wearing vests that said police. When they were attempting to follow this young man, he turned and shot several shots which hut the police correct vehicle. Thats when foyer officer four d on him. He has now been charged with assaulting four Police Officers. Demonstrators here are very skeptical about that account. There is a huge level of distrust. They say theyre recall about peace and they are concerned that its actually the police who are committing this violence. Just trying to fuel the descrufs that we seep here in ferguson. Kristin saloomey is here. Thank you. Fest. Vocal for demanding justice for black under wongs woams who have died in police custody. A year after the death of Michael Brown, how do you think things have improved . It depends on where you are. It is important that all americans are treated equally by police, by the law, and this electioned official around Public Employees that are held accountable. The minimal changes weve seen in that city and other places are all part of a larger narrative that look, if you oar cop, you work for the city, you work for the public and if you make a mistake you should be held accountable for it and until those things happen regularly, youre going to see protests. Police are trying to have a socalled light touch, but if its there, just puts them in a very difficult position doesnt it . Well theyre trained and the protest eers arent. I remember this being in several of the protests that hatched last fall. Its a express themselves when the Public Officials and elected officials arent listening to them. There are people who go and commit acts of violence, of course there are. But Police Officers have actively engaged the plikd the way theyre supposed to. I saw building on fire, persons on hor back acknowledge owners that police just walked right by. Good to get your views. Jason johnson, appreciate your time, thank you. Police in pakistan say they have arrested seven menaccused ever selling for nothing reafer. Nicole johnston reports. Ashram says he was raped by three men four years ago. Were using a different maim to protect his identity. After he was 18 years old. Later he had to pay the men not to release what they had done to him. They made a video and started blackmailing me. Told me to bring them more kids. My family is poor and has nothing to pay them. I left school and went to work in the fields and gave hem everything i made. 284 children in this small village in punjab state were sexually abused. People in the community said 400 videos were made and sold across pakistan and overseas. You wouldnt normally see such a large gathering. Neighbors are coming out talking about the case and they are all demanding one thing, they say they want justice and for anyone who is against this abuse should be stoned. A week ago, a protest march with peoples families was stopped with tear gas. He says some of the childabusers are wellknown. Translator they are influential people. They work for courts and are drug inspectors. Because of the threats everyone was afraid of them. They harass people every day. Some people in the village say police were paid bribes not to investigate. The police deny it. When we heard about the allegations i sent out an officer to the village and we announced on the loud speaker that if there were any cases of abuse they should tell us but no one came forward. He shows us injuries that he said he received when police beat him for protesting against the abuse. Because of dignity and honor some people are not coming forward. Theyre worried theyll lose the respect of society. He says after what has happened he has nothing more to lose. Nicole johnston, al jazeera, pakistan. Theres plenty more still to come on the newshour including what lies beneath. The threat to yemens civilians from unexploded land mines. The man who led the hunt for 43 missing mexican students has been shot dead. And, in sport, why this Belgian League defender got more than he wanted for when he called for the physio. Well have that and more, later. This is a great place to work. Not because they have yoga meetings and a juice bar. Because theyre getting comcast business internet. Comcast business offers convenient installation appointments that work around your schedule. And it takes done. About an hour. Get reliable internet thats up to five times faster than dsl from the phone company. Call 8005016000 to switch today. Perks are nice. But the best thing you can give your business is comcast business. Comcast business. Built for business. 150,000 people injured every year. 33,000 are killed. To see my child laying on the table. What was that total bill from start to now . Almost like 10 million dollars. Enough people have decided that the gun lobby has too much power for too long. The nra is not invincible. It creates a huge opportunity for the Small Business owners. These are all different strains. Hello again a reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. At least 44 people have died in two separate car bomb attacks in iraq. 39 people were killed at a busy market in the city of baquba. Four Police Officers were killed by a land mine in chernak province and open fire at a u. S. Consulate mr. And Authorities Say the of e rebels say they have made m roads against sood government. Car bomb attack at the entrance of kabul airport on monday. Jennifer glasse sent this report from kabul. Reporter the taliban car bomb exploded at th at the busy civilian entrance of the airport. As ever its afghans along with police guards and foreigners who have been killed or injured. At least 55 people were killed or injured in three attacks on kabul. In one of the most Violent Attacks in years. The Police Academy and the largest a truck bomb, blew up outside u. S. Military headquarters. Although the government said it was supposed to explode. 5,000 killed and injured in the first half of this year. Military casualties are more than double that in the same period. And recent peace talks with the taliban, had announced the death of its leader mullah omar, last week. Leaders are undecided over who should succeed him and whether peace talks should rum. Increase the pressure, ton government and by increasing the pressure they expect they will get more concession from president ghani. President ghani took a harsh approach. Particularly the incidents of recent days prove that suicide centers and bomb making factories which are continually used to kill our innocent people are still active in that country. Promised to take action. On thursday, an afghan delegation will go to pakistan to see what pakistan plans to do what it does will shape its relationship with afghanistan for years to come. Jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. Also taken baden district and some houthi position he nearby. The head of the International Association of the red cross calls the situation in yemen catastrophic. On sunday toured damaged homes in the historic old city of sanaa. Mr. Mara also oversaw a prisoner swap. Seven men who have theld capti captive, all are members of the Southern Resistance armed group which is among the antihouthi forces. Seven released prisoners in the other direction. Well dozens of injured yemenis have arrived in jordan for medical treatment, many have injuries that are months old and although they are the first to arrive, Health Officials say more patients will be coming in the next few weeks. More from the capital, amman. Treatment for injuries caused by the countrys conflict. Theyve been admitted to three hospitals. The government of saudi arabia is paying their medical bill through yemens high relief committee. Fighter who was injured during an attack by Republican Guards in aden who are allied with Houthi Rebels. Translator i was shot by the Republican Guard with an m16 rifle that the u. S. Had given to yemen for purpose of fighting terrorism, not killing citizens. The bullet shattered my thigh and left me injured for more than three months. Legality has deteriorated over time because of the lack of medical services in yemen. All men have been admitted and their injuries range from critical to severe and some are in intensive care. Health officials here say they expect more to arrive in the coming weeks. All of the patients in this hospital are men who have fought against Houthi Rebels in aden. Medical Officials Say two civilians including a woman and a child have also arrived in amman for treatment. Translator this war is about religion, about sectarianism. I cant watch silently. Everyone must fight, it has nothing to do about age. The countrys Health Care System is close to collapse. In a News Conference in amman it called on all sites to respect the individuals and allow humanitarian groups to get to the victims. Those who remain are coping with extensive difficulty. The reason theyll collapse is not because there arent enough medical staff although there are less now. The reason they collapse is because theres no fuel. Theres no medicines to be provided. Reporter as is fighters continue to receive medical help in amman, jordan is expected to receive more injured yemenis as the conflict drags on. Al jazeera, jordan. Drove the houthis from the Southern City of aden. But Officials Say they face a major challenge disarm mines to make the city safe for the people. Neave barker reports. As the front line for the battle of control of yemen moves north, many dangers remain. Many land mines have been planted by houthis, here in the dasa district of aden the conflict has moved on but life is far from safe. This car was thrown into the air by a powerful blast. Progovernment troops have now sealed off entire neighborhoods. Translator weve discovered antitank mines among residential neighborhoods. We will continue our operation to clear land mines from this area. Progovernment forces have defused hundreds of land mines but they say theyre working without proper equipment. Translator we need tools, food and uniforms, weapons and everything. Engineers have not been provided with basic needs. Reporter this brother and sister were seriously injured in a land mine explosion. The same blast killed five members of their family. An elder relative tells what happened. They were hit by a land mine on the way home from the village. They are calling on a Saudi Led Coalition which has been conducting air strikes against the rebels to help restore safety to the city streets. Neave barker, al jazeera. Severe weather caused a landslide in the argentina town of tokopea. One of the main activists searching for the 43 mexican students kid nached is dead. Miguel angel ji jimenez,. Jimenez blank blanco was shot is taxicab. The only concern we have now is for family he left behind. He left his children and wife and theyll need support. This happens to everyone calling for change in our country. Rwandas intelligence chief who was wanted for genocide a warrant eeshed for his arrest. He ordered the killing of three spanish medical volunteers in 1997. One of 40 senior rwandans accused of war crimes. Rwanda had condemned his arrest as an outrage and called for his release. At least one person has been killed in fighting in eastern ukraine. Residents say the shelling has best fied there in recent weeks. Prorussian separatists and the Ukrainian Military accuse each other of targeting residential neighborhoods. Migrants rescued, hundreds more were saved by the Italian Coast Guard over the weekend. Found just north of the libyan coast and brought to safety by a Croatian Coast guard. Weve announced the release of 2. 4 billion from youre Member States, the question is very much approaching this issue with eyes wide open and we continue to work very closely with the Member States to address this challenge the best we can. Around a thousand refugees are arriving in greece every d day, leaving authorities swamped. That has created problems of overcrowding as john siropolous reports from athens. This is athens latest attempt at a response to the refugee crisis. Conceived just a week ago and became concrete in record time, since then dogged by problems. Greece is dealing with its own financial crisis so the transfer of hundreds of migrants to this facility has been delayed over the question of who will pay for air conditioning units in these mobile homes. More than half the total migrants entering europe. Hundreds of afghans are camped in athens biggest park. Many suffer from dehydration. This little girl has gastroenteritis. One of the most common conditions officials see. Said plans to leave today or tomorrow. Translator when we go outside we dont know if well return home safely or not. When you go into the street there could be a bomb or suicide attack. I dont know what the terrorists want. If for example you work for a Foreign Company if they catch you theyll kill you. If you dont work, how to survive . The situation is very difficult. Reporter and war or repression is producing more refugees. Syrians arrived on the island of kos, glad to have reached european shores, grateful simply for fact that no one is trying to kill them but unaware of the casualties that lie ahead. Camping under the stern gaze of greeces revolutionary heroes. That, says athens deputy mayor ought to remind people of wanting to be free. They abandoned their homes to avoid war and we greeks have been through war many times. If we are to live up to our ideals we must help them. Otherwise, history will shame us. We give what we have for these children. Athens may be just a start along a route thousands of kilometers long but these children may remember it as one of the places john vob lust, al jazeera, athens. Lets return now to that news we brought you from iraq a little earlier. 54 people have been killed in two separate attacks in iraq. One happened in the east o of baquba, car bomb dealt tai debt. 88 have been injured in those attacks. As of yet, no responsibility claimed for those attacks. More on that as we get it. Now debate about the benefits hunting can bring to conservation in african countries, continues, after a lion was shot and killed in zimbabwe last month. Some say the practice actually helps the hunters cause. Winter in south africa brings with it the hunting season. Were at a private game reserve in the province home to thousands of wild animals. Turned his team on the lookout for his first kill. Do you think this is the right place to start stalking . Yes. Do they normally begin in this area . Because it is winter time here, there is a plant area where you go through this mountain. It can take days to find the right animal. Old bull. Mature from the signs of it. Its exhilarating, challenge walk up to the animal stalking the animal. At this 3300 hectare reserve specific game is selected for hunting to keep the numbers down and maintain the ecological balance for this 50 year veteran hunting is also a way of life. We stayed on the form and yes, it was just part of life. You know the hunting scenario. We stayed on a farm where there was no meat available for us. And we actually lived off the land. He targets the finding on site and takes aim. More than 7,000 International Hunters visited, more than half of them from the United States. The professional Hunters Association of south africa. These lions are kept for tourists and conservation they are not hunted. But it is the killing of a famous lion in zimbabwe that has called controversy. Cruel unethical and threatened endangered species. The organization said did not follow the strict guidelines. The future of the Economic Contribution of hunting, decision he regarding that cannot be based on emotions. South africas camp fire believes human wildlife contacts should be managed. There can be a balance between hunting, and from camp fires experience can you not hunt to the conservation of the species. While the sport and passion for many continues to be legal, this time, al jazeera, malanga. Still to come on the program an invisible enemy, well have a special report on the impacts of malnutrition on the lives of indonesias children. Plus in sport a gun attack on a top german football clubs team buff, details in a moment. Moment. Set themselves a trrgt to cut world hunger in half by this year. U. N. Figures shows that target hasnt reached, although some progress has been made. Not enough food for a healthy active life, one if 9 of the world population. Sun Saharan Africa is the place of the target. Malnutrition has stunted the growth of a quarter of the worlds children. In indonesia, children under five are stunted because of malnutrition. Stefanie dekker reports. His tummy hurts, at almost three years old he should be bigger and still cant talk or walk. Four of his siblings have already died of malnutrition, a condition caused by lack of nutrition in diet. I often wait for my husband all awl day to bring money. He often comes home empty handed. Our children cry at home. Asking for food. But we cannot give it. This is some of what they can afford. Stale rice full of ants. Were told its duck food. This kind of nutrition is having an impact over most children in indonesia. Their intelligence is not as good for a lot of kids. We need to teach them that it needs to be addressed. Reporter one of the main causes of mall nutrition is poverty, affect millions of people. What that means is onethird of children under five years old are stunted, according to a world bank reporter. That could have implications on this countrys future and thats something the world bank has been pushing the indonesian government to take seriously. Youre not making use of the potential of like close to 40 of your population. So as simple as that. I mean youre having people out there, these people are doomed. Fail. In society they are not going to be able to contribute to prosperity right . The government has programs in place that deal with malnutrition but studies have shown that stunting has not improved since 2010. This boy is 23 years old, malnutrition has contributed to substantial underdevelopment. Stefanie dekker, al jazeera western java. All right, heres lee with sport. Felicity, thank you. Video message criticizing the governing body against doping. We have to act now and this is what we have to say. Allegations of widely spread doping, newspaper late blood test results from the iwaf website. Declined to be considered for their athlete of the year award last year, appear long side candidates, including sprinter justin gatlin. Called it simply madness. No one was injured in the incident ahead of the game and there were no players on the bus at the time, thankfully. Mooring Michael Prince said the bus was overtaken and shot at. Police are searching for shooter. Match has just finish, won it 2nil. The most expensive english football transfer has just made the trade. City won the championship twice in the last season but finished as runners up last season. Manager manuel pelligrini. English player with 21 years old, such amount of quality, good technicals, i think that he will continue improving every year, a lot because he is very young. I think they are players will also help him to improve and i have, a lot of more goals the other season that he play. City owners have another club, new york city and already their rivalry with the new york has been a fierce one. Problem started inside a bar and spilt outside. And on the pitch red bulls got better of their new rivals, bradley whitephillips put them ahead in the first half and five minutes from time. Felipe martin fueled their win. 2nil to the red balls. Meanwhile it all went wrong for the Seattle Sounders after the beginning, he went away to celebrate and he had to be substituted. Galaxy equalized and took the lead in the second half, Mexican International Giovanni Dlos dide los santos, often referred to as the magic spray, being treated in a bell january slee belgian. Eventually able to carry on playing. And finally Tour De France winner chris frume, is competing in another race, what a champion he is. 100 billion laboratorys windows, years of dirt have built up, left by exhaust fumes of visiting space ships. I guess it wouldnt have been birds would it . Thats it from me and the newshour team, do stay with us, byebye. A day of violence in turkey leaves at least seven dead, among them security personnel. Hello im david foster, youre watching al jazeera live from london. Also in the next 30 minutes, demanding justice. We report from the small pakistani village from a child at the center of a sex abuse scandal. More protest in the u. S. Marking a year since a Controversial Police killing. And conservation

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