We begin tonight in syria where the u. S. Led effort to create a reliable military against isil suffering yet another setback. The pentagon confirming today that alqaedas wing in syria carried out a surprise attack on Syrian Forces that are being trained by the u. S. The attack is the latest attempt by the al nusra front to undermine syria rebels who have backing from the west. Across the border in syria opposition groups have taken up arms against each other. There has been even more infighting threatening the u. S. Program to train and. This is an airstrike carried out by the u. S. It targeted alqaeda al nusra front, but it came too late. They abducted its commander and several of his men. The 30th Infantry Division has been trained by the u. S. Train necessary turkey. They entered syria a few days ago. It is a National Army that america is trying to create in syria in order to fight terrorism. As you know america classified the terrorist group. The infantrys main goal is to fight newsal news is a. This new syrian group. It appears they did not want to be filmed because it could create enemies in the syrian opposition. Saying that it is wrong. Were ready to coordinate anybody fighting the syrian people. Im announcing this through your channel right now. Well fight isil or anyone supporting them either regime. Iran or hezbollah. But this is not what the u. S. Training and equipped program is about. It is about creating a force to fight isil not the syrian government. The program has faced many difficulties since it was announced. After months much delay it was launched in may. And the pentagon was planning to train more than 5,000 fighters in a year. But so far it trained 54 in turkey. It wasnt the first time that al nusra targeted opposition groups that had received support from the u. S. It has a movement in the Syrian Revolutionary front and were forced to disband. Al nusra actions have been a direct challenge to the usa. The attack on division 30 is a setback. Both news are a and division 30 are enemies of isil. But the u. S. Considers nusra a terrorist organization. Nusra feels that it is a target, and seems to be taking preemptive measures to protect itself. At the same time it has complicated the coalitions plans to fight isil in syria. Meanwhile the u. S. Central command heading up the u. S. Led coalition fight against isil and syria responded to an al jazeera inquiry. The statement saying, quote the nsf along side 30 division fighters repealed the attack. For security reasons the names of those involved and the location of the attack will not be disclosed. The United States is committed to the success of the nsf. Kurdish fighters are accuseing turkey of provocative attacks against them claiming that turkey has targeted them four times this week. Turkey began bombing the pkk in iraq after a suicidebombing last month killed 30 people. The kurds in syria who belong to the syrian ypg say they have nothing to do with the conflict between turkey and the pkk. Officials say that theyre not parking lot targeting the ypg. John kerry is in tie cairo. U. S. Cut off military aid to protest the ousting of mohamed morsi, now washington is slowly restoring that aid. We have more from roslind jordan. This is the symbol of power and prestige that the egyptians have been seeking. F16s like these. Two years ago the u. S. Suspended aid after then military led by elsisi kicked out mohamed morsi. But officials were angered by what they considered a violation of political freedom. Every year since 1987, washington has given cairo 1. 3 billion in military aid. That money pays for American Made fighter jets, helicopters tanks, ammunition and training. And every other year egyptian and u. S. Forces would hold a Training Exercise called bright star but that has not happened since the acre spring erupted in in 2011. Elsisi, now president attended the a meeting with president obama and said they had a reason to work together. Everything from the situation in gaza to libya to the issues of isil, iraq, and syria. Even so, it wasnt until the end of march that the white house decided to resume most of the aid for what it calls National Security reasons. Including egypts efforts to deal with isil fighters who have been attacking its troops in the sinai peninsula. But the u. S. Now comes with conditions. Washington decides what cairo can had a v. Analysts say this is how the u. S. Will pressure cairo on political and human rights. If the Egyptian Government does not take concrete steps in addressing these political issues then no matter of weapons that the United States can give, no matter of recalibration they can do in a security relationship can have a fundamental impact on fixing cairos security problems. Secretary of state john kerry has already met twice with sisi in the past year. Their meetings during sundays Strategic Dialogue will be dominated by the regions security challenges, but this will also be a public demonstration of how the Obama Administration is recalibrating its ties to a country it considers an necessary ally. The retrial of three al jazeera journalists has how now been postponed for the ninth time. Mohamed fahmy, Baher Mohammed and peter greste were sentenceed to prison. Their convictions were appealed and overturned in february. On friday dozens of palestinians clashing with Israeli Security forces, a teen was shot in a demonstration. He hurled a molotov cocktail at the soldiers, and the shooting was in response to an immediate danger. We talk with David Livingston smith at the England University about recent unrest. The debris discovered on the island of reunion is now in the hands of the french. It will be examined at a Government Lab near toulouse. They will determine if the debris is from malaysian flight 370. The plane disappeared a little over a year ago. Charles stratford is in toulouse. This is in the French Ministry defense establishment where the investigation is taking praise. Some of the buildings behind me similar investigations have taken place in recent years wherein the hub of the European Aviation industry here. Its believed the focus of the investigation is going to be looking at what is reported to be a serial number on this piece of day brie. The malaysian Authorities Say this offers conclusive proof that this comes from a boeing 777. If that is the case then logically one has to think that it does come from mh 370 because they simply havent been any disasters of that plane over oceans since the plane that came into circulation since the plane started to be flown. We also hear that theyre going to be looking at trying to establish how long the day brie has been in the water. Oceanographers are saying that its not unlikely that this piece of day brie may well have floated around 4,000 kilometers from the area where its believed the plane went down to the coast of the island of reunion. Whatever happens here there is a lot of hope that this piece of day brie could begin seriously to answer questions for the hundreds if not thousands of friends and families of the victims of mh 370 as to exactly what happened on that night march 8th last year. Puerto rico saying it did not have the cash to make a bond payment due today. That could be the beginning of a larger default. The payment involves 58 million of bonds and bondholders wont know for sure until monday the next business day if that payment was, indeed missed. Puerto ricos economic slump began in 2006. Congress getting rid of a tax break that rewarded manufacturing on the island. Congress has arefused to allow those agencies to file for bankruptcy. The u. S. And 11 asian nations failing to come up with an agreement on what is called the transpacific partnership. Andrew thomas explains why. This was supposed to be the moment to announce the biggest trade deal in history. The summit in hawaii lasted four days. The minister claims of meaningful progress rang hobble hollow. Are you disappointed that youree to announce at least a deal in principle . There are, of course, at the end of the day a limited number of difficult issues that require additional attention to be resolved. But i feel very gratified about the progress thats been made. Each country has its own priority. For australia and new zealand it was access to markets without agriculture. Vietnam, clothing. Japan and mexico, then motor industries. Im sure youre aware that the Auto Industry in mexico is the seventh largest production and fourth largest exporter. What you can accuse me putting myself to the front to really push the interest of my country. With a deal as complex as the tpp deadlock in one area prevented progress in others. Power productions for specific industries exporting from specific countries were in play along side general discussions on common regulations not just the trade but also production. And that is where critics were concerned. That ministers would concede on Environmental Standards or labor regulations if they got their way on productions. But big business would be given more power over consumers. The proposed lengthening of copyrights for medicines concerned those who said that the worlds poorest would not be able to afford the higher costs. For us this is a victory. From what weve seen from several countries australia comes to mind standing up that were not going to trade away health this week no matter how hard you lean on us. Very glad to see that outcome. Effectively january is an unofficial deadline for the tpp. Any in principle deal needs to be ratified by National Congress and u. S. Congress before then. Without president obama pushing it the medicine could disappear. No deal reached here in hawaii. Undoubtedly some disappointment on the stage with the ministers. There is no date set yet either for further talks but the ministers say that they will go on. Al jazeera maui. Several wildfires in california are stressing the system. 23 are burning governor jerry brown declaring a state of emergency for the entire state. Hundreds of people have been forced to evacuate the largest fire burning just north of san francisco. It burned three hours and now athletens 450 other structures. 8,000 firefighters have been dispatched to fight the fire. And its been fueled by the drought about 100 miles south of oregon. A firefighter from south dakota dakotas black hills was killed in a fastmoving blaze. A journey for jews. 860 miles civil rights march from montgomery to the Nations Capital of washington, d. C. Well talk with cornell which will brooks. Head of the naacp. And the police death that is not making the headlines. Well take a deeper look next. A stunning light display to help save endangered animals. Beyond the verdict and on the streets. Theres been another teenager shot and killed by the police. A fault lines special investigation. Theres a general distrust of this prosecutor. Courageous and indepth. Its a target you cant get rid of. The untold story of what really happened in ferguson. They were so angry because it could have been them. People of color dieing in police custody. Sounds familiar. A couple of recent cases making headline but some are not. We take a look at a Minority Group that haslargely absent from the coverage and conversation those being the stories of native americans. But that could change. The killing of a denver man native americans and police. This is the last place i saw him alive. I burned some sage. I light seeds i retrace his last footsteps. Eagle feather is mourning the loss of her son paul cast away. He was cornered back here, then he comes out and he has a knife to his neck. The policemen were standing about where that oil mark is right there. Thats where he fell. Thats my daddy . Thats your daddy and you. Cast away was a tribal member. Navy native americans despite their small population, are more likely to be killed than any other ethnic group. It receives little Media Attention and eagle feather is still trying to he comprehend what was happening that day. He walks in, he was very agitated. He pulled out a knife. I know he was just trying to scare me with it, and he was like in a psychotic mode. And i never saw him like that before. I was scared. Cast away had a history of Mental Illness alcoholism and drug abuse. He had a felony record including assault and dui and served time. I grabbed my phone and called the police. I asked them for help. I was scared because i knew they were chasing him and then i heard the gunshots. Pow, pow, pow, one right after the other. Rapid fire. At close range. And i knew my son was gone when i heard those gunshots. Vigils are taking place every night at the Mobile Home Park where paul cast away was shot and killed. These surveillance cameras recorded the killing. They were able to review the tapes the night of the killing. Paul cast away held a knife to his throat. The police contend he was dangerously close and they open fired. We need the videotape. We have spoken to numerous eyewitness who is were on scene. Unfortunately, most of these eyewitnesses are small children. David lane is a prominent attorney representing cast away aways and aways family. The Police Act Like theyre a colonial occupying force. Theyre not there to serve and protect. Theyre there to occupy these communities. And that mentality is why people like paul cast away get killed. Reaching out to the Denver Police department. A leader in the American Indian movement and has been assisting the family. The continuing legacy of antiindian sentiment, while it may not be as vicious and overt as it once was the fact is that American Indians remain at the bottom of every socioeconomic indicator in the city. So the desperation that someone like a paul cast away would feel being completely alienated in his own homeland here. According to the analysis of centers for disease coal data from 1999 to 2011, native americans were killed by police at a higher rate than any other ethnic group in the country. In a theoretical population of 1 million people, 2. 6 native americans were killed on average per year by Law Enforcement. A rate higher than africanamericans and more than three times the rate of whites. We can get more Accurate Information then we can understand whether its a matter of police training, a particular pattern of suspects that the police in certain jurisdictions encounter, whether or not there is antagonism towards police in certain communities and certain jurisdictions that lead to a high rate of injuring killing involving Law Enforcement. There are a lot of questions here that need to be answered. Denvers native community is asking those questions sometimes in heated protests calling for justice for cast away. The police have made several arrests. [ sobbing ] grandma. Lynn eagle feather is struggling with the knowledge that her 911 call led to her sons death. What the police did was very wrong. Very very wrong. They need to be retrained to deal with mentally ill people. They could have made him put the knife down. Had he been a person of a different race they might have calmed him down. They might have stopped him. But i think since he was a person of color they didnt care. The Police Department dont care. Paul cast away will be buried on thursday. Al jazeera. Denver. Cody hall the cofounder of native lives matter. Hes also a member of the Cheyenne River sioux tribe. And mr. Hall, i ask you the question do native lives matter . Yes they do. Do you think that the Law Enforcement community agrees with your assessment . Like with Denver Police department the they do in the value native lives. Ms. Bassett is this americas dirty little secret . Well, i wish that yes i think its the time is right for National News media to take a look at what has been happening with Police Shootings of native americans. And in particular we represent a case, a young man 21 years old and it is the worst case thatweve seen all of these cases almost on a weekly basis but our case, the worst in some ways in that the state Law Enforcement officers in the state of utah do not have criminal jurisdiction inside indian reservation yet they follow the car in which our clients son was a passenger for 25 years inside the reservation. And even though he was a passenger in the car he ended up dead. He died from gunshot wound to the left of his head up behind his ear. And the Police Officers account was that he shot himself. Yet the gun that they say that he supposedly used to kill himself was later destroyed. Almost all the evidence in this case was destroyed never collected, there was tampering with the evidence. The facts of our case are outrageous. Were hall, ill go back to you. How do you explain all of this flying under the radar for so long . They value our human rights as nonexistent, especially here in south dakota. Thespeak of us in negative terms. We have people that are successful. Our own people who are lawyers doctors, they work in the professional field. They dont want to recognize those people. They want to recognize the people that they see on the streets, that are homeless, that dont look average take, speaking ofyou know, theythey tend to look more homeless than anything, and that spurs the negative stereotype. With that they say well, you know here was once a great culture of people, now theyre losing their pretty much an edge in a way and were not a force to be reckoned with in any sense. Thats why i say they do not value our human rights here in the state of south dakota. I want to pivot for a second and talk about that jurisdiction that you heard ms. Bassett refer to. Native american jurisdictional rules are complex. They could fall under federal state or tribal laws. Courty kili breaks it all down for us. The United States shares a sacred bond with our native nations. During his two terms problem has launched new initiatives to help native americans and youth in particular more than a third live in poverty. We have a sacred responsibility for all of our youth. I will do everything i can to meet that responsibility and honor that trust and to do right by our nation and by children and future generations. There are 567 tribes and 229 alaskan natives recognized by the u. S. Government. Each tribe serves as its own nation. Treaties with the u. S. In the late 1700s to the late 1800s served as the foundation for indian law. Giving the tribes the opportunity to make their own decision abouts their people, about their laws, about their culture ising that we have to strive to do. The American Movement fought for native american rights. And theyve gone all the way to the Supreme Court to maintain self sovereignty. Federally recognized tribes possess the rights and the authority to regulate their lands. They often collaborate on matters like Law Enforcement. Recently despite Republican Party opposition tribes won the right to process duty nonnonnative men who commit crimes of Domestic Violence against native american women on tribal jurisdictions but it also means that the native americans can be punished for the same offense twice. Over and over and over again we hear politicians say that we must honor our native americans. You heard the president is all of this just political double speak . Well, i would like to see it be translated into action and the case that i have just been discussing with you this young tribal member who was killed in the year 2000 and since the year 2012 we have been attempting to get the department of justice to investigate those shootings of this young tribal man. And even as recently as may of this year we were tribal officers, and this is the ute indian tribe in northeastern utah. Again, in may went to meet with department of justice officials we were told that theyre not going to investigate it. You know, to me, iits un unfathomable why they wont investigate this case. Are you afraid that a case like ms. Bassette will be swept under the rug . They have been for years and it continues this very day. What happened with adam bach. Itadam locke. They declared it to be a justifiable shooting. They filed this report and just like any other cop across the u. S. They state well, i feared for my life, thats why i opened up or open fired on this individual. The same thing happened with paul cast away, the little bit that i spoke with Police Department down in denver were trying to push it as if mr. Cast away was lurking or was going towards the police, the police officer, and they had open fired on him while the officer feared for his life. So yes, we areour cases get swept under the rug pretty much on daily if not weekly of crimes that happen to our people. Im curious ms. Bassette when you see videotapes coming out against officers and africanamericans, are you screaming at the television saying this is what is happening in the native american community, and nobody is paying attention to it . Yes to say yes that is my reaction. Let me make this point as well. The United States has a trust responsibility to the indian nations. When the ute indian tribe entered into treaties with the United States, and as part of that treaty theythe utes, the indians were required to relinquish their right toin the past if this sort of thing had happened, if nonindians had come on the reservation and killed one of the tribal members the tribal itself would have gone after the offender to get their own vindication. They gave up that right when they entered into a treaty with the United States, and in response the United States said we will come in and we will prosecute offenders. That has not happened here. The u. S. Is violating its treaty obligation to the ute indian tribe. Mr. Hall, i want to ask a question and ms. Bassett i want you to answer the same question. What does this say about america . They do not honor really, our existence. They do not honor the treaties just like ms. Bassett explained. We have the fort laramie treaty that covers wyoming parts of nebraska and montana. They do not see that as law even though they told us long ago that was the supreme law. Thats what we follow. Its one side, we as lakota people are following it, but its the nonnative people within the judicial system in the state of south dakota that comes down from the call of governor dugard who say we will not value native rights especially here in south dakota. I thank both of you pore being with us this evening. And coming up next on Al Jazeera America, a surgery ina surge of violence in the death of freddie gray. Organizers behind the justice will mash to washington, d. C. Ashington, d. C. J. An alleged audio message from the the new taliban leader. He said hell continue the talibans almost 14year fight to control afghanistan. Urging fighters to remain unified. The message follows news the death of mullah omar. It was announced that omar died in 2013. It was 50 years ago this month, hundreds of black southerners marching from selma alabama to washington, d. C. Pushing for the right to vote. The event forced president Lyndon Johnson back then to sign a Voting Rights law into law. Now another selma march is set to take shape involving the same issues that plagued the black community a half century ago. Few places are as iconic as the he had monday edmund pet Edmund Pettus bridge. They were met with clubs and tear gas. That day became known as bloody sunday but it led to the Voting Rights act of 1965. Giving africanamericans the power to cast their ballots for the first time in u. S. History. Your vote matters. And as we visit selma and many feel the battle is far from over. Its painful to realize that racism is constitutional alive and so many people spend time still trying to keep people of color from voting and strategy strategies its disheartening. A student when he marched with dr. King in 1965. He says this latest march to washington, d. C. Will raise awareness of a wide range of issues. Not only Voting Rights, but in equal jobs in equal education, and in all across the field. And so thats why this march is so necessary. 50 years afterwards. What the organizers behind this journal for justice are trying to do is bring civil rights back into sharp focus to make sure that the sacrifices and the achievements made here were present for nothing. Its considered one of the most important pieces of legislation in u. S. History. Now legislation seen as targeting minorities and their votes is emerging as the new battleground. We have a modern day slavery that wants to treat us in many ways the same way. Thats not what i thought would be happening. In 2014, 15, 16 or 17. The Civil Rights Era is one of the most important chapters in u. S. History. But there will still be battles to win. Cornell brooks, thanks for being with us. Hes live tonight in montgomery, alabama. There were marchs following trayvon martin, marchs all over ferguson. I was on the mall for the million man march that was 20 years ago 1995. 20 years later were talking about massive rallies for justice. Is this going to make a difference . Absolutely. Heres why. In the era of 1960s, we had across the length of this country seen on bloody sunday seeing black people being bloodied bruised in a horrible, horrific scene. Yet, Martin Luther king issued a call for people to march. We marched and passed the Voting Rights act. What were endeavoring to do in this march for justice 860 miles is not really march not really putting boots on the ground but rather laws on the books. Were doing so to address our lives, our jobs, and our schools matter. Were looking to pass legislation to fix the Voting Rights act in the wake of shelby versus holden. Were looking to address racial profiling and Police Mexico conduct and laws to address addressational inequity. Weve identified specific pieces of legislation, specific reform, and we believe it can be done. Consider this, Martin Luther king and march from selma to montgomery, a span of 50 miles. In the 19 tos 1930s marching 400 miles. Were marching 800 miles not just marching but educating activating. Let me push back on this, 50 years ago in the United States there were three Major Television networks and pbs. When selma happened it struck a chord among millions of americans. Television nowadays, the Television Networks seem to be more interested in what donald trump says, and this has been described as a donothing congress. How do you get a donothing congress to do something . Think about this, in the 1960s, at the time of bloody sunday there was no social media. The Twitter Technology of the age was called the mimograph machine. We do have social media. We have Cable Networks and consider this, when the selma to montgomery march began it started with 100 and ended with tens of thousands. In this day and night journey were building momentum. We expect to march into washington not with hundreds but with thousands taking people door to door in congress to bring them out specific reforms. Think about this, you mentioned ferguson. In ferguson there was one point accountability. Thats when the department of justice issued its pattern of practice report holding the ferguson Police Department accountable. How did that happen . It happened with the law that the naacp wrote. Laws make a difference and engaged citizenry make a difference. We believe and know well make a difference. I was in South Carolina with you. Yes. And the thing that struck me the most was the number of whites who were laying flowers at mother emmanuel. Is than any indication that while sometimes it seems nothing has changed that a lot is slowly changing in this country . Absolutely. Weve seen people of diverse hues and heritage with the common sense of sympathy. Here in selma. We left with reform rabbis, baptist preachers little children older children, grandparents grandchildren walking to washington, d. C. That says something. It says something about the way in which the love the people have for this country and a patriotism that is profound. That goes to a belief that we can truly bring about our own destiny with the respect to our constitution and our conscience. Weve done this, whey we can do this. Its clear we know how to bring about reform. We know how to engage the citizenry. Ive got 20 seconds left. Police invited as well . Police are absolutely invited. In fact, the international chief of police are with us. Noble is with us. The Alabama State troopers have been assisting us all along the way. Were saying that they clearly whether your skin is black or your uniform is blue your life matters. Were going to address and end racial profile. Joining us from montgomery, alabama, mr. Brooks, thank you for being with us tonight. A surge in violence since the april 19th death of freddie gray. Now 45 murders in the month of july alone that surpasses 42 homicide in may. That was a record month as well. It ties the previous record from august of 1972. In the aftermath of grays death mayor rawlings fired the Police Commissioner and replaced him with an interim commissioner kevin davis. Coming up on Al Jazeera America zimbabwe taking steps to protect its wildlife. A major change in its hunting laws after the death of cecil the lyon. Im Courtney Kili with the first of its kind projecting change and ill have more after the break. What did you see when you went outside last year . There was a dead body in the middle of the street. For 5 hours. Theres a lot of work to be done. They need to quite talking about what should be done and do it. Theres clearly an issue and we have to focus on how we bridge that. A lot of innocent lives are still being lost. The government in game babb which are imposeing a new restriction on the park where cecil the lion was killed. They have a new arrest of the man suspected of breaching those hunting rules. Conservationists insist much more still needs to be done. Its more than welcomed because thea lot of these animals are becoming indangerred, and we have to try to get these laws enforced and carried out other these animals are going to disappear. If everybody plays their part, and the professional hunters get the code of conduct and ethics into place i believe it will work. And the other thing is that cecil did not die in vain. Because you know, we would like to see societies change some of these endangered animals and put them on the appendix one. Like your elephant, your lion. These endangered animals. Your rhino. We have major problems. If we dont stop it now they are going to be extinct within the next 5 15 years. News that cecils brother was killed but they say that gps movements confirm that he is still alive. That brings us to the side of the Empire State Building that you may never have seen before. Crawling with wildlife, pictures of endangered species are being projected. The time to see it is running out. Courtney kili with the latest. Good evening del as you said the Empire State Building is behind me, and its a first. They lit it up since 1976, but tonight theyre projecting. And its called projection for change and its about extinct animals, or animals on the verge of extinction. 160 different species. They have worked in collaboration with technical and artistic folks to get this projection against the Empire State Building. Well show you what it looks like when it first started tonight. The first time projection on new york citys Empire State Building. A project four years in the making. Featuring 160 piece sees on the verge of extinction. A documentary fill maker call together public. There are millions of animals who have gone through the same gauntlet of history to be here with us, and one species is causing them to go extinct. To look in the eyes of these beautiful animals and see their exquit beauty, fall in love with them. When you talk about losing all of nature, its not a spectator sport. Everyone has to act some how. Its this event that he wants to spark a global conversation to bring communities together, to help draw attention to the alarming rate in which species are dying out in what he contends is earths sixth mass extinction. Normally i would give a larger introduction, but i wanted you and our viewers to see how spectacular that was tonight. Were looking at over 30 stories projection on the Empire State Building. There are 40 staffed and hundreds of projectors projecting these images. Theyre syncing with the music and its all on the same time clock down to the millisecond. On top of the Empire State Building the people who normally work on top of the building i spoke with the people who are behind the lighting, they explain how they technically got it done. Im hearing that hundreds of people in the streets of new york are just looking up at this tonight. Ant courty, we were among those on the streets looking up, and we have to admit it began with a humorous moment was that king kong climbing up the side of the building to start things off . Right, you came in the middle of the second round where they just decided to give us the icon iconic king kong. Endangered species gorillas, but a powerful peace. Did you catch the helicopter circulating when king kong went up the building . I dont think the news channel up in the sky coordinated that, but we were amused by the fact that we had helicopters and king kong. Really quite a spectacular event and can be seen all over manhattan. Its almost done, so im glad you had a chance to see it as well. We were down on the ground looking up when a lot of people were stopping. Im curious to know what it was like being interest when they were just waiting on this moment. What happened to the crowd where you are . Well, i had the pleasure and the privilege of talking with the filmmaker who has won an oscar, who has been working on this film eraseing extinction for over four years. He told me what he wanted people to feel. He wanted them to look in the eyes of these animals and fall in love. And we spent a week like you said social media with cecil the lion and people painfully aware of issues of poaching and issues of extinction. Its kind of groovy. The lighting guys also work for the grateful dead. Therethis was a great assignment for saturday night. People want to make sure that these powerful images and people really stand up and take notice of this and collectively call for change. Courty kealy live for us this evening. Thank you very much. Coming up on Al Jazeera America a glimpse of what could be a the future of the kitchen. Your meal could be prepared by robots. A federal government investigates car radio after a hacking of chrysler cars and trucks. Hackers access the cherokee suv threw an electronic opening in the radio. They were able to take control of the car over the internet. Chrysler has since fixed its Telephone Network with vehicles to prevent similar attacks. Well, for a lot of us cooking is a daily chore. More than putting something in your stomach. Its also about creating a memorable meal. Now a team of robotic experts in london have come up with a solution. Its the first robotic kitchen. Well go along and take a test. Its time for dinner in the worlds first robotic chef is hard at work. Every moment of its arms come from a real chef prerecord preed as he made his specialty crab bisque. The way these graceful arms are canning dinner really do seem to represent the way a normal chef would cook dinner. This is a prototype and it will go on the market in 2018 at 75,000, but the designers of this unit state that that could come down substantially if it catches on. As futureistic as it seems one day the thought is that all kitchens will come with robotic arms. You can have access to that Unlimited Library of recipes that are intellectual library of hundred thousand different chefs in the world. In this case you can enjoy any kind of dish potentially today if you have the same ingredients that they use for the cooking process. Much of the robot chef skills comes from its hands produced by a leading u. K. Robotics company. What we have done is lets replicate the capability in the machine. So where we need to copy the human hand down to the last detail we have done, but in other areas weve taken engineering compromises that give us the same promise but performance but without knuckles. They look at how the robot arms can be used at the food preparation stage beyond serving, it could also be put to other uses. This could have enormous social impact as assistance for elderly or infirmed people in their own homes. We have a crisis of not having enough carers in this country and having a system like this to prepare fresh and high quality meals. It would be fantastic. The making of the crab bisque goes without a hitch. And were told its almost exactly the same as the chefs real dish. Years of development are still needed but if adapted it could change the way millions around the world prepare their dinner. Well the first of any dish is in the tasting and very nice. Al jazeera. Central london. Thank you for joining us. Im del walters in new york. The news continues live from doha. Before we go we want to take you back outside to the Empire State Building. These images were recorded earlier lions and tigers, and bears o my. All this to protect endangered species. A symbolic visit as yemens exiled Vice President makes a trip to the wartorn city of aden. Coming up in the next half hour, a call to withdraw iraqs kurdish leader urges pkk rebels to leave their bases in order to protect civilians. For another night migrants in the french port of calais attempt to travel into the u. K. And we go back to nepal to meet a young girl whose life was changed forever