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Here finance ministers have approved 7 billion euros. With all companies expected to contribute to. The European Central bank is pumping an extra 9 Million Euros into the bank which is have been closed for more than two weeks. The focus now shifts to germany, and decide friday whether to approve the Corporate Tax rates are among the highest which means keeping thens thes in order can be a struggle. The thought of his firms hard earned tax money being used for another greek bail out is maddening. I always imagined that if i lend money to someone, and i want to have it back at a certain point, i get angry because logical, but i am not stupid enough to lend money a second time. We have accepted the ascesesment of the bank of greece in terms of the immediate needs of the liquidity, the Greek Economy has. Now, if things continue to proceed in a positive way we will have a phase during which the bank of greece and the ecb which are working very very actively, monitoring the situation will look at exactly the needs of the Greek Economy. How can they gradually be satisfied and at the same time, we dont risk a bank run. An opinion poll commissions immediately after the terms of the latest bail out for greece emerged suggested that barely half of germans approves of more money for greece, more than threequarters said they believed the greek government would not honor the terms arrived at. One leading Economist Says many people now believe there is a limit to how much money germany is prepared to pay. Theres a strong understanding that you need to make financial contributions. But at the same time, there is a very clear view, that europe should not be about a transfer union. They are a minority, the finance ministers has suggested that a temporary might still be the best solution, to help reduce greek debt. Whether to allow new german money to be used to keep greece in the euro zone, al jazeera, berlin. Simon mcgregor woods two pieces of good news, how are people reacting. Well, i think it is very certainly embattled greek Prime Minister, i think it is important for him to make a connection between pushing through all these painful legislative changes which he successfully did on wednesday night and this motion, that if the government continues to do the bidding rewards will follow, and they have done today, and i think another important issue for him is the connection that he made with the possibility of debt relief, remember the i. M. F. Report suggesting that the greeks arent going to get out of the hole unless their debts are restructured. He repeated that, that will be very welcome but it is the business of trying to do away with the daily cueing up at the bank. I think will plea mr. Cypress. The extra liquidity dripping into is system, which is announced today rumors are not confirmed that some greek banks will probably open their doors on monday, and that the cop toll controls to make sure that people dont pull their deposits out immediately, will stay six city euro as day that will probably be a condition for some time to come, but there is some good news to sweeten the rather bitter pill of last nights dream ma. Certainly. In spite all that, they still face a tough task ahead. Very much so, because last night is not the only difficult law passing process that he has to confront, on july the 27th, again in connection with these conditions. Imposed by the e. U. He has to much through more laws dealing with privatization the fast tracking of that, curtailing the power of unions all very difficult things very left wing Prime Minister dont forget, and he has a real rebellion on his hands within his own party. He was meeting close advisors today, we expected news reare shuffle of this government to try to purge the rebels, thats not happening today perhaps it will happen tomorrow. He needs to do it, but the longer term, these difficult decisions implementation of this very very unpopular deal, is going to be very hard and it wouldnt be surprising if we saw some kind of election in the autumn, his own interior minister hinted that would be the case. He needs to refresh the popular mandate, despite these unpopular laws. So i think theres going to be a lot of political turmoil here. Latest live from athens thank you. Now to yemen where some members of the government are returning now in the southern port where shia fighters were pushed out the government wants to reassert control. The sounds of cheering fireworks and gunshots. As people celebrated the biggest defeat in the city since the conflict began. Members of the compiled president are returning to the southern port city for the first time fighting forced them to leave he will announce within the coming few days we have secured the entire city and have returned home. This is mart of a manage to the city, where the government will be based and work towards liberating the rest of the company. After houthis rebels drove them out of the capitol last september they were forced to three several months ago as the country slips further into conflict. This week, forces retook the airport in adan. Congratulations to the people of adan. But in the city, people were offering condolences instead. Hospitals were filled with the dead and injuries after shelling in a residential area sources say eight civilians and at least 46 fighters before killed. They were supposed to see a low in fighting and get access to much needed aid but the u. N. Brokered a truce to give agencies safe passage to dangerous areas. But i fell apart right after it began. The needs are water health food, nutrition pretty much everything that you can imagine we have a catastrophe at the moment. 24 million people, need help. Aid agencies are ready to deliver. But people say they cant continue to waits fighters affiliated where the Islamic State have claimed a responsible for an attack on a coast guard beet, it happened off the northern coast, in the mediterranean sea. Egyptian military says the coast guard exchanged fire with gunman on the shore. And at least 15 isil fighters have been killed. As part of an operation to clear the group for the largest province, from baghdad. Iraqi Security Forces are calling this the operation. While thats on going those who are threing from the violence are suffering. Ask official holiday has been declared. The operation to remove isil involves 11,000 soldiers and has been running since monday. The coalition has hit targets. They are sending troops to break up safe houses this time if we need to we can change the strategy easily, not all agree. They have announced many operations before, but this time they say it is different. The Security Forces will cut supply lines and set up barriers in between. In the past, they liberated a town, but capitalize on the game and have to withdraw. All across baghdad you will see posters like these they wish for the Security Forces to have victory over isil fighters. Now isil approved to be a very formidable enemy, and every operation that has been mounted against them, they have managed to learn from, and thats crucial when it comes to developing their tactics against iraqi Security Forces. However, the iraqi forces are insisting this al jazeera baghdad. The Historic Nuclear Deal with iran straining u. S. Ties will be live in washington. In tokyos parliament approved legislation which allowed the government to fight overseas. Inside story takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the sound bites. Were giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. Ray suarez hosts inside story. Only on Al Jazeera America. This is Al Jazeera America we want to bring you up to date on a developing story in chattanooga, tennessee we are starting to get more information about a shooting and an apparent Navy Recruitment center, you can see the latest video there and theres some other photographs that indicate that at least 20 bullets were fired at that particular Navy Recruitment center. Officials have confirmed that a Police Officer was shot, there are also unconfirmed reports on some of the local television stations that as many as four marines that were inside that building were also injuried and have been taken to a local hospital. Another local station is saying because this is an active shooting scene, in other words, active in the sense that police have not identified or found the person responsible, that a number of facilities are now on lock down. There are a number of hospitals and community collectses where people have been told to stay inside, information is still a little bit sketchy, we do know this particular Navy Recruitment center, is on the highway in chattanooga, and again everybody who is in this particular strip mall, some of the other buildings and you can see the other restaurants and grocery market, and even a mcdonalds they were all told for at least a period of time to stay on lock down, although we have found out that people in those nearby buildings have now been told to leave. But again, a variety of reports coming from chattanooga Tennessee Police have shut down roads and highways they put a number of facilities on notice. There you can see the police going up and down the nearby roadways. It all began to unfold just after 11 00 a. M. , when a number of people reported hearing multiple shots being fired. There was a witness that said she saw somebody in a ford mug tang with awhile powers rifle that simply opened fire at this center, from the car and that would of course explain why you would see the bullet holes in the glass and again, officials confirming that at least one Police Officer was shot, perhaps several marines the reason this has a lot of people so nervous is because police have still not been able to figure out or identify who is responsible and theres a great fear that some other military facilities in the area might be targeted. Some of the information has been contradictory this morning there was initially a tweet that was put out by the navy that walk of the reserve centers had been hit and there is a large Navy Reserve Building building in chattanooga and then the navy backtracked and said that was inaccurate, that it is a Navy Recruitment center. A number of people suggested that the scene was horrific, that they had never seen anything like it. The assistant metro editor for the Chattanooga Free press newspaper. Well, we are reporting now there has been two separate shooting scenes we have not been able to access either scene. There is an army here right now, we have federal state and local officers all trying to figure out what is going on. We know we have one officer shot, the shooter is down, and dead, although we dont have that confirmed from any other sources and we have it is believed at least five or six people that may have been wounded but we dont know how badly and at which of the 210s. You said the major said that the shooter has been shot and killed . Or is there reference to somebody else. No, the mayor says there was a single shooter and says that person is shot and killed. So that would suggest the person believe responsed for this is no long ear threat, you mentioned a second shooting scene, in addition to omni cola highway, what is the other scene that your news papeser report. The other scene is a military recruiting center three miles away, the east highway. We believe that at least one person was wounded there there are rumors of others but we have not confirmed that now, as far as that particular facility on lee highway, and the omni cola highway, where we know theres a recruitment center, i wonder if you can describe, what part of chattanooga that is and what thier is like. It is sort of in southern chattanooga. It is very near to the cross roads of interstate 75 and state highway 153, which is a major northsouth thorough fair. The site where the military stands it is in a strip mall. The Naval Operations center is at a right beside a very popular local park called the Tennessee River park, which is widely used by families. And it is adjacent to Technical Community college, a local Junior College which has been locked down since this happened. We have armed guards standing by at the medical center, where the wounded people have been taken that is also on lock down, our mayor and our police chief is on the scene or about to arrive he was out of town this morning so they are at the hospital, we dont know what is happening at the hospital, that is the downtown trauma center. We just got confirmation, and i am sure you newspaper that Chattanooga Police are now reporting and confirming that in fact the shooter is dead, the shooter is no longer a threat. Now the question is sorting out the details about whether this happened and who the shooter was i wonder if you can describe the mood for the last two hours since this began. I think there is a lot of fear, but the word has been out that the shooter was down, the mayor that was one of the first things the mayor said, i think it must have all happened fairly quickly at the time there was talk about a potential car chase we arent sure what happened we had floods of officers show up at the park area, which is we we believe this incident ended but add jay saint to the park area is a strip with restaurants and a hotel, and some other nearby developments. So everybody in the area has been locked down, we also had an associated knock down next door, bradly county that was a military recruiting center, and they locked down the mall, and sent officers there i think as a precaution, but there was a rumor going around of a shooting there turned out not to be the case, but they did lock down that mall all over town we have hospitals and Junior Colleges and commercial businesses in lock down just waiting to see what will happen. From the Chattanooga Times press, and the latest information is that the person allegedly responsible this morning has been shot and killed it sounds like this happened after perhaps two different shooting scenes and then a police chase that ended at a park, one of the other questions is in addition to the Police Officer, and its not clear what his condition is, the Police Officer that was shot, there are also reports of marines that were shot, do you have any more information about that. We do not have any more information, it is a persistence rumor but we dont have anything confirmed and the potential chase, there was only otwo shooting chase, the one on lee highway, and the one at the Navy Operation center, which we we believe things ended. The report of the car chase came after that, it may or may not be related. No, we dont know for sure we do know that five to six ambulances did come to the local trauma center, and is being guarded by armed officers any information about the status of the Police Officer that was confirmed shot. No, we dont have anything. He said that person was sitting up and alert other than that we dont know about anyone else. Judy from the Chattanooga Times press, thank you very much, and for everybody just joining us the situation is over, but a very scary and frightening two hours for a lot of folks this morning. At least one person, one person has been shot and killed. Presumably the shooter that opened fire on at least one Navy Recruitment center. Perhaps a second Navy Building as well. A Police Officer was shot and injured there are ink confirmed reports that marines were also injured jaime, what are they saying there what is the navy got on all of this. Well, theres still not confirming whether and how many people may have been shot what we do know is this took place at a recruiting station thats in a strip mall in chattanooga. Aal shopping center. As you know, this is the kind of place where there would be no security, because its a recruiting center, a store front in rah shopping center, where people they invite people to come in and sign up. So there would be navy and that rene core recruiters. Marine corps being a part of the navy. We do know, for sure, that somebody pulled up in a car and opened fire at this store front, there with multiple shots what we dont know, is exactly who may have been hit, and what the extend of the injuries may be. Again, this was because of the intense scrutiny of anything involving shooting involved the u. S. Military, whether its military is a target, theres been a very big response from law enforcement, alcohol, f. O. B. And firearms as well, but at this point, the navy is still not confirming the extent of any casualties if there are any at this location. And again, the investigation is continuing to go on, this is not a secure facility, it is not a Navy Building it is really a store front recruiting office, what the u. S. Military does all the time in trying to reach out and recruit new people to join the navy and marine corps. And jaime just to update our viewers again, Police Confirm that the shatter alleged shotfirer this incident, this morning has been killed. And there are at least one scene, perhaps two scenes where he opened fire with a high caliber weapon shooting a Police Officer whose condition is unknown although reports suggest that that Police Officer should be fine, there are also reports that marines who worked in the navy center, may have also been injured jaime even though this situation is now presumably wrapped up and police have started letting people out of the nearby buildings and the lock downs are over because they believe they have the person responsible, i wonder if you can explain, you mentioned given the number of navy and military Recruitment Centers what sort of precautioned have they been urged to take, given the number of shootings that have happened at some of these place. First of at it would be surprising if somebody did sustain injury. There were multiple shots fired through the glass doors and windows at this store front. And while everyone has been urged to take extra precautions keep a low profile on social media be aware of their surroundings and things this is these are what they could call the tip of the spear. They are not people that can hide behind barriers their whole job is to interact with the community, to present a friendly face, to help encouraging people when they want to look at what the military has to offer as a career, so thats why they are located in these shopping centering really all across the country in very accessible location as place where you can drive up, and walk in the door. So theres when it comes to secure facilities you can secure headquarters and big buildings like here at the pentagon, which is a very secure location, but when it comes to Outreach Centers that radiodesigned to interact with the community it is not a place where you can have a high level of security. None of these people would be armed the military routinely does not operate in a state where they carry firearms when they are conducting these kinds of activities. Most military personnel at most bases are not armed they are err lying on whatever the local security is, you can bet that after this, that they review more should be done to provide a i here level of protection, and we dont know at this point, exactly what procedures were followed, once it was cleared that somebody was firing at the building with ill intent. Jaime mcintyre, reporting thank you very much, and again, just to recap the news out of chattanooga. Approximately 2 1 2 hours ago, somebody opened fire, at one Navy Recruitment center, and perhaps as second one, another reports of a Navy Facility on lee highway they opened fire according to witnesses with a high caliber rifle, as they were in a car this apparently according to the Chattanooga Times led to a chase with police, the incident may have ended at a nearby park. The mayor says the alleged shooter was essentially brought down. There is an indication that this shootser dead, although those reports have not been confirm. And in any case, the situation is now in terms of the lock down, in chattanooga tennessee at this particular mall, you are looking at where this happened and some nearby buildings those have all been lifted Police Believe the situation is over, that it was just one person involved in the shooting and now theres some question, of course, about the status of the Police Officer who was shot this morning and also whether theres some marines who were inside the navy center who marry have been injured. Again, here is the mayor. We have an officer down, we had somebody out there shooting at our army reserve center, this is a very very terrible situation and we need to go figure out how we can handle it. Again apparently they have finished handling it, police say that the shootser essentially no long ear

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