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Finch and a Close Encounter nearly 5 billion miles from earth a nasa space probe has flown by pluto getting the closest look ever. Hello, this is al jazeera live from new york city im david and after 20 months of negotiations including 18 Straight Days of talks in vienna they announced a historic agree agreement and the deal will limit and monitor Irans Nuclear program in exchange the United States and European Partners will drop tough economic sanctions that have been in place for years. President obama is praising the agreement saying it will help the middle east avoid a nuclear arms race. Im confident this deal will meet the security interests of the United States and our allies so i will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. Reporter mr. Obama said this agreement is not built on trust, it is built on verification. Lets take a closer look at what is in this accord and first keep in mind in order to build a Nuclear Weapon we need center fuges and highly enriched uranium and calls for iran to remove two thirds of the center fuges and bringing the number to 6,000 and iran must reduce the stockpile by 98 leaving the amount below what would be needed for a Nuclear Device and iran will allow inspectors from the International Atomic energy or iaea to monitor and examine sites including military facilities and the world will lift sanctions on iran only after inspectors verified that iran has taken steps to comply with the agreement and the u. N. Embargo on conventional weapons in and out of iran will remain five years with the embargo on missiles in place for eight and lisa stark is live at the white house and congress has 60 days to review the deal and tell us about the reaction and the white house challenges ahead. David, they have quite a fight brewing on capitol hill and the war on words has begun already. The president this morning promising he will give extensive briefings, his people will, to members of congress to outline the deal so they can understand it completely and also called congressional leaders last night to tell them that a deal was imminent. Speaker of the house john boehner told the president in that phone call he was skeptical about the deal and today he was sounding even more adamantly opposed. Here is the speaker. The president has abandon all of those goals and that is why the deal that we have out there in my view from what i know of it thus far is unacceptable and it will hand a dangerous regime in billions of relief while paving a way for a nuclear iran. Reporter Speaker Boehner said they will carefully look at the details but says if its as bad as we think it is we will do everything we can to stop it. As you heard earlier in the broadcast president obama has threatened to veto any measure of disapproval passed by congress and said it would be reckless irresponsible for congress to try to vote against this deal. We should be clear what congress can and cant do they can either vote approval disapproval or decide not to vote at all. They cant change the deal they are not voting to scuttle the deal and are voting on u. S. Sanctions, tough sanctions against iran if they vote disapproval and if for some reason the veto is not over ridden that means the president couldnt lift sanctions on iran the white house will do everything it can to make sure that is not the outcome. It would seem the Obama Administration will have votes to obtain the president ial veto depends on what they will do. Some democrats are calling this deal historic and Diane Feinstein says she believes it will stand the test of time and nancy pelosi says it will stand the test of time and he will have support on democrat side but some democrats are also voicing concern so we will have to see. I think the vetting is the president will ultimately walk away with a deal and walk away with the ability to relieve the sanctions on iran. Lisa stark reporting live from the white house in israel the closest ally in the middle east and who they vowed to destroy reaction has been harsh and Benjamin Netanyahu called it a mistake of high proportions and anxiety over iran are growing and we report. Reporter hours before Irans Nuclear deal with global powers was formally announced the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a televised statement denouncing the agreement. This is a bad mistake of historic proportions. Reporter made a second address later in the day after reviewing the deal and his criticisms were even more pointed. The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday. Reporter netanyahu is under increasing pressure by opposition politicians at home who blame him for failing to prevent the deal, they accuse the Prime Minister of straining ties with u. S. President barack obama which they say harmed israels ability to influence the outcome. Say ten years obama will not be the president , nobody knows who is going to be the president , probably two or three president s would be in place of each other in this period of time, what extent will they be committed to stop iran if iran tries to go nuclear and we continue know. Reporter west jerusalem israelis were nearly universal of criticism of the nuclear deal. They will get all this money and fund more terrorism and it has made everything so bad. Iran just like north korea cannot be trusted and i hope that the u. S. Congress the house of representatives and the senate will go over this agreement very carefully. Reporter the United States congress has 60 days to review the agreement, netanyahu will likely use that time to pressure his political allies in the republican and democrat parties to reject it but president obama has already said he would veto any bill that would block the deal. The agreement between iran and global powers has achieved a rare show of political consensus here in israel. Politicians from across the spectrum have criticized the deal saying any kind of iranian Nuclear Program has a threat but with the accord all but certain to hold there is very little they can do about it. Al jazeera west jerusalem. The agreement between iran and the west caps a remarkable policy transformation led by the relatively new president rohani adjacent tear eded and tried to lift crippling economic sanctions and here was his reactions today. Translator im glad that today the 23 months of negotiations of the Islamic Republic of iran with g 5 plus 1 we are able to arrive at a new point. Al jazeera aly is here and you returned from spending two weeks in tehran and saw the sanctions firsthand and tell us about it. When you come back in america and people have not lived under sanctions its a bunch of words that people dont understand so i wanted to put it together to tell you what kind of sanctions people live under. For years now sanctions on iran over its controversial Nuclear Program have taken a toll on the countrys economy but they have done little to curb Irans Nuclear ambitions and it took more resent banking sanctions effectively booting iran out of the International Financial system to get the iranians to the negotiating table. I had to bring the cash i need credit cards dont work nor do atm cards. In 2012 iran was pulled off the swift system that is the society for worldwide innercity Bank Financial transactions and a society of 9,000 banks in most of the worlds countries and allow for global trade through the transfer of money. Because its off the swift system iran iranian banks and iran people cant move money electronically around the world. Not all trade with iran is prohibited under sanctions. Imports of food and drugs are still allowed but the inability to wire money, to pay for them effectively cuts iranians off from importing medicine. Daytoday there was not major problem but for patients for example children children who came here children with brain tumors there are major problems treating them. Reporter its hard to see the effects of sanctions upfront. In iran shops and bizarres they have goods for sale and brisk and looks the same with irans ports but business with the rest of the world has taken a big hit because Iranian Companies cant pay for imports coming in or receive payments for exports going out. Shipping volume is measured in 20 foot container equivalents and back in 2010 the port the biggest in iran handled 2. 5 million 20foot equivalent and dropped to 1. 8 million, a drop of 28 and the reason for that is sanctions. The pain of sanctions is being felt across irans major export Industries Like oil and auto but sanctions also hit iranian consumers who must also contends with hyper inflation that devalued the currency to a third of its value since 2010. Iranian leaders have decided to make a deal. They have decided to more or less close down the Nuclear Program which they spent a lot of money on and people died for it. And in return what they want is lifting of sanctions. Reporter in the end the forced belt tighting pushed negotiators to prioritize lifting sanctions over preserving the countrys nuclear capacity. Most iranians i spoke to had less to do with the nuclear side of the deal and particularitys about it and wanted the sanctions lifted and that for ruhani is going to win and Mohammad Javad zarif is going to be the big win i got rid of sanctions for you. And he returns to iran and he is hailed widespread for lifting sanctions or is there hard liners . He spent a lot of time in the west and Iranian Ambassador to the u. N. And lived in new york and around the world in an administration that is not known as being particularly diplomatic to the world, Mohammad Javad zarif is that guy and not everybody at home likes that and iran is like america with an array of political views and there are some hard liners. Remember this deal is a threat to the hard liners and there are actually people in iran who a dont want to give up the Nuclear Program, dont think iran should be negotiating with anyone and you heard that here why are we negotiating with people and there are iranians who think that too and will use it to threaten the power of rohani and a lot depends and have not heard from iotola says and when things looked bad at the negotiating table the iotola said they are good and have support and i have not heard him yet. Terrific stuff at 10 30 and 7 00 pacific only here on Al Jazeera America. The fate of several americans detained in iran was reportedly discussed during the final rounds of negotiations and he is currently held facing espionage charges, Senior Administration official says the u. S. Asked about long missing former f. B. I. Agent Robert Levenson and he said he urged them to let the missing americans return home and we will have much more throughout the day including an in depth special report inside the deal at 9 00 eastern and 6 00 pacific and to the financial bailout of greece and new terms for greece has sharpened divide between members of the eu and the Great Britain says they will not pay rescue money to greece and its one of Nine Countries not tied to the euro and in greece the greek people under go austerity measures have led to a new round of anger and frustration and simon mcgreger wood reports from athens. Reporter implementing this deal has begun and the greek newspapers the deal has given the country a bloody nose and chancellor merkel is a figure and first stop finance minister was to persuade members of the ruling party and they were elected to reject austerity but on wednesday their mps will be asked to support more of it. And not all of them will. This is the most immediate challenge looks achievable getting difficult laws through parliament on wednesday night and he will manage with the help of the Opposition Party but with his own party he has a bigger problem, leftest factions within it are now an open revolt and the fact he appears to have made such a comprehensive uturn in accepting more austerity will damage his credibility. Outside of parliament loyalests repeat the line this is the least bad option. Translator i repeat what is important today is that the government gives an answer to the coup and the country saved for attempts to bankrupt it economically. Reporter economically things have never been worse and businesses close everyday and they are brother and sister running their furniture business are clinging on but Customer Confidence has disappeared. They are afraid to spend some money to purchase a new chair or a new desk or even starting a new business to take some furniture furniture, to Purchase Office furniture and chairs and everything. How much have you sold in the last month . Nothing. Wednesday laws will pass and the detailed negotiations for a third bailout will go forward but the government here is creaking. Civil Service Unions plan a 24 hour strike to show their displeasant and he will keep following orders from his creditors he will eventually need a stronger coalition, simon mcgreger wood, al jazeera, athens. Just ahead Closing Arguments in the colorado shooting trial, coming up, as the case goes into the hands of the jury what are the chances they send james holmes to prison versus accepting the defense argument he is not guilty by reason of insanity plus an American Auto Parts Company under investigation for selling potentially dangerous airbags. Paz paz this getting . Getting the news from the people who are affected. People need to demand reform. Were here to provide the analysis. The context. And the reporting that allows you to make sense of your world. Ali velshi on target only on Al Jazeera America u. N. Safety regulators investigating an auto parts maker linked to faulty airbags and tennessee all motive made them in chrysler and kia vehicles that could malfunction and covers 540,000 vehicles takata a Japanese Company is recalling 33. 8 millionaire air bags for a similar program. Closing arguments for the movie theatre shooter james holmes and he opened fire in a theaterer three years ago and killing and injuring people and has plead guilty by reason of insanity and paul what has happened so far today in court . Well, david, after 11 weeks of testimony and almost three years as you mentioned since the act itself it all comes down to Closing Arguments will begin later today and we had a long morning of instructions to the jury very specific, very detailed going through charge after charge specific instructions as to what the jury can and cannot consider and started 9 30 local time and didnt wrap up until a while ago and prosecution and defense had questions for the judge and now they are in recess so Closing Arguments will not begin until sometime this afternoon after lunchtime and the arguments will last two hours for each side and the prosecution will have a chance to offer rebuttal. The prosecution has reserved 30 minutes of their two hour allotment for that rebuttal after the defense, david, and may stretch all the way through the end of today before we actually get to deliberations which are scheduled to begin tomorrow david. Defenses contention that james holmes should be found not guilty as reason of insanity what has the defense introduced at trial to support that . Interestingly both sides introduced some expert psychologists to talk about holmes mental state and defense ruled that holmes testified he was insane at the time of the crime and both testified he was sane at the time of the crime and both sides used his notebooks and personal journal sent to a campus psychiatrist shortly before the shooting as evidence to support those claims. For the defense they pointed to the sort of out landish arguments that it would accrue some points for holmes and pointed to delusional thinking up to the crime and the prosecution on the other hand pointed to his meticulous planning to support the argument of what he was saying and what we will see over the next couple days is the prosecution and the defense sum it up and deliberations we dont know and guess how long it will take. As far as the meticulous planning the prosecution has spoken about how crucial will that be to their Closing Argument . Well, its sort of for the prosecution, david, it all does come down to that was holmes aware of whether the crime was right and wrong at the time of it. They cite facts that he took painkillers before going to the theatre anticipating he may be harmed and aware what he was doing was wrong. Other statements to that effect that he was preparing for this. So david, the question as to whether he was actually aware is going to come down to the jurors meticulously reviewing all of that evidence. Fascinating Closing Arguments from the trial and interesting to see how long the jury takes to reach its verdict and paul will be monitoring this every step of the way and paul thank you. Just ahead the most anticipated book of the year up next go set a washman is hitting the store shelves and this is the harper lees classic, a look at pluto and a space craft has made an amazing fly by. Protestors are gathering. Theres an air of tension right now. The crowd chanting for democracy. This is another significant development. We have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live. Today marks the release of a literary literary literary and to kill a mocking bird a followup has been released but its generating controversy and Jonathan Martin is talking about the fictional town makum. Reporter celebrations and readings across the world as it was released in 70 countries and no where like here in alabama, harper lees hometown and inspired her work. To give you an idea how big and anticipated this book was it was the largest book on amazon since the hard by potter story and boldly explores racism and changing attitudes in the south during the 1950s and a book is 20 years after the classic to kill a mocking bird but it was written beforehand with a lot of the hype and anxiousness surrounding this book there has been criticism as advocates say the courage attorney who considered him a hero in to kill a mocking bird as he was the attorney who defended a black man accused of rape and in this book he is resistance to change and older and called a racist and many people who read this novel and it has fueled a lot of speculation and people asking did harper lee want the book to be published and asked if there are other novels out there from whom we do not know about and she is very private and not granted an interview in more than 30 years so those are questions at least for now may not have the answers to. Jonathan martin from alabama. A discovery in the world of atomic science and using a colider and atom smashing machine and stumbled on a penta clark and may shed how everyday matter is constituted and they have been seeking one of these for decades and through the years there are claims of discovery that turned out to be false but this time Scientists Say they looked at the particle with a high level of certainty. Nasa making history and a few hours ago the new horizon flew by the planet pluto and the closest nasa has gotten to the dwarf planet and we report. 3, 2, 1. [clears and applause] count down to the first space craft ever to get a close up of pluto. Scientists believe new horizons flew by at 7 49 eastern time this morning getting as close as 7700 miles from the icy body. Pluto has turned out to be a complex and for the first time we know that. Reporter the fastest space craft ever launched has taken 9 1 2 years to travel some 3 billion miles. Pluto once known as the 9th planet is the last world to be explored in the solar system. Its Unfinished Business its the last checkmark in the solar system in many peoples books. Reporter new horizons journey has already given scientists a wealth of data. We have seven instruments on the space craft and you can see it here and we are taking data that if you could transport central park to pluto you would be able to identify the ponds in central park. Reporter among the findings so far plutos diameter is wider than predicted and its bleeding off into space faster and what no telescope has ever seen before are raising questions. We dont know what the dark stuff is. Reporter hope to get more information on the complex dust mixed with ice on plutos surface. Ice you make in the lab are colorless or white yet pluto has color and it has a mix of yellow and brown and red issueness so what is that stuff. Reporter unanswered question and space and scientists couldnt be excited to find out more al jazeera. That will do it for this broadcast and the news continues next live from london and im David Shuster and thanks for watching. Announcer this is al jazeera. Hello, this is the news hour live from london and coming up breakthrough in vienna and world powers reach Historic Deal on Irans Nuclear program which will see sanctions lifted. Iran president says the deal meets all the countrys objectives but some of irans neighbors are not so happy. Israels Prime Minister netanyahu has denounced the deal and president obama phoned him to restate u. S. Backing for israel. Also ahead in yemen rebel houthi fighters have been driven out of the inter

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