Big city, well meet some of hong kongs rural farmers. A car bomb has killed at least one person in downtown cairo and injured at least two others. The explosion struck outside the italian consulate at one of the busiest intersections in the egyptian capital. There has been no immediate claim of responsibility. Jerald tan has the latest. Reporter the raw explosion rippled outside the italian consulate. Minutes later people had gathered at the scene. The building was heavily damaged in the blast which also ruptured underground pipes flooding the area. It is still unclear whos behind the attack which witnesses say is caused by a car bomb. The situation is becoming familiar. The president , abdel fatah alsisi then pushed through tougher security laws in the face of what he calls terrorism. The militarys already engaged in a heavy campaign against fighters based in the sinai peninsula. One calls province of sinai and sworn allegiance to Islamic State of iraq and the levant. Its been carrying out attacks in Security Installations killing soldiers and police. The battles have killed approximately 700 people this year alone. Fighters soldiers and civilians. There is increasing concern the groups are widening their reach beyond the sinai. Saturday mornings bombing in cairo adds to these fears. Jerald tan al jazeera. World leaders are joining thousands of mourners in bosnia to mark the 20th anniversary of the srebrenica massacre. In 19 are 95. Act of genocide. Debate still rages over that exact description. Nadim baba reports. Lives in srebrenica and to call her determined will be an understatement her husband two brothers and son were killed in 1595. Most bosniacs were killed. Knowing that some still implicated in the massacre are still at large. If people like me were not to return it would put the future into question. So i came back to my family home to live with my memories of my family and my loved ones. Her loved ones are burred just down the road from her home. Each year more graves are added. Not only deny the extent of the crimes of 20 years ago but reject the label of genocide which has been accepted by the United Nations. In the town of srebrenica itself where boz bosniac are in the minority attending the anniversary events is out of the question. Translator i understand the feelings of everyone who hasnt found the remains of their loved ones. There are such families on both sides. I think a large number of those families are ready to look at the future and the problems that happened here during the commemoration come from outside. Reporter the bosnian academic agrees with him. There is too much attention placed on srebrenica but for many different reasons. As is if its a separate entity that is kind of you know exists in vacuum from bosnia hercegovina. Genocide started in 1992, as is proven in the trials of karagic and mladic. The pains of denial. We can cross to nadim baba who is in srebrenica. It is the 20th anniversary there are World Leaders and dignitaries coming here, former u. S. President bill clinton will be one giving a speech at the Memorial Cemetery here. But after that, there will be the funerals for the 136 newly identified victims the graves added to the thousands here at the cemetery. Some peoples of course loved ones are still to be found so of course theres a lot of hurt here in bosnia still of the events of 20 years ago. I am joined by someone who lost many members of his family at the time. You were working with the United Nations and since then youve actually sued the dutch government. Explain why. Sue the dutch government because the dutch the netherlands, few years after the srebrenica genocide, started the discussion about what happened here but the full truth was never going to come out. I waited for years for dutch to start openly 100 open talking about what happened here. And three simply were not able to do it they simply were not able to do it. What happened here what im going to tell you here is just a little episode of the whole disaster. Is that the dutch italian based 100 meters from where we are standing right here 20 years ago in their compound they received five 6,000 refugees inside the compound and two days later the serbs were all around all over the place and two days later the dutch the u. N. Protection force ordered all the refugees to leave. They just told the people go out. I was there. And actually they even asked me to translate these words to the refugees. I worked with the u. N. And i was trying to help. The u. N. Deal with the situation. But of course i never expected the u. N. Or the dutch to basically in this way assist the refugees by handing them over to the serbs who were waiting at the gate. So as the man and the boys walked outside the base they were separated from their families taken to execution site and killed. Some were even killed right there on the spot. And this is very simple. The dutch expelled my family from the compound and handed them over to the serbs in front of my eyes. They didnt expel me because i had a status of a u. N. Employee and thats what saved my life. Not the lives of my family members. I it took me 12 years to win the case against state of the netherlands. Just in the last few days there was a resolution at the United Nations which would have condemned the srebrenica genocide. That failed. How does the refusal of some people to accept that as a genocide how does that impact people like you . When they were killing the people around us, it never occurred to us to think whether this is a genocide or not genocide. When you are waiting to be killed, and i thought i was going to be killed at one point definitely, we dont think about such a word. You just think theyll kill us all. Is that close enough . When i say theyll kill us all i think genocide or theyll kill us all are the same. But still authorized to freefnt future genocide frompreventthe future genocide, you must condemn those in the past. Thank you very much for your time. Well i was saying, in the next few hours there will be speeches but after that there will be funerals the islam ick prayers and the partial remains of those 136 victims, it is estimated across bosnia as a whole there are still 8,000 people still missing from the war in the 1990s. Obviously this is an open wound which will take a long time to heal. Yes, we continue to hear these harrowing stories nadim thank you very much. To mark the 20th anniversary of the srebrenica massacre be al jazeera has launched an interactive website. Maps videos and Award Winning short stories. The address is very very reets srebrenica 360 sodom. The u. N. Backed truce in yemen has been broken just hours after it came into effect. The reports of saudi led air strikes in the capital sanaa and the city of taizz. Theres also been reports of fighting on the ground. The truce is supposed to last for a week so aid agencies can deliver be humanitarian aid to those who are in desperate need. Osama ben javid has more. Places like aden saada sanaa, taizz have been cut off for weeks. A warning if humanitarian aid does not go through over 6 million could face famine. We cannot survive without aid, food assistance, they dont know where their next meals will come from. It is essential that we reach them or the situation will certainly move into a much more difficult scenario. Reporter this is the city of taizz. The forces loyal to the government in exile have been battling houthi rebels. They need a brokered u. N. Ceasefire even before it began. In fact, we dont have much hope that it will survive. Because of the success of, on the commitment of the regime an their mercenaries. And the saudi regime as little reason to hold fire. First of all before the coalition agrees to any form of the humanitarian truce we need to make sure the houthis will you stick to it. And what mechanisms are in place to be sure the truce is not taken. Without these two terms the truce cannot hold and there cant be one in the first place. Many expect a weak ceasefire to take place. No one expects this ceasefire to be complete because yemen is a lawless country controlled by militants. Optimism strong desire for peace. Translator we ask the International Community for this truce to last longer. All yemenis are afraid the truce will not be respected by both sides. Reporter a hope that hinges on the possibility of a fragile truce. Osama ben javid, al jazeera. Still to come on the program greece moves one step closer to securing a multibilliondollar bailout but not everyone is happy. And hundreds of thousands of people head for shelter as a powerful typhoon bears down on eastern china. Well bring you the latest shortly. The top stories on al jazeera, a car bomb has killed at least one person in central cairo. Seven others have been injured. The blast heavily damaged a building housing the italian consulate. Tens of thousands have gathered in bosnia to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the massacre. Two International Tribunals have labeled a genocide. U. N. Backed truce in yemen has been violated hours after coming into effect. There are reports of saudi led air strikes and fighting on the ground. The truce is supposed to last for a week so aid agencies can deliver aid to civilians. Now what finance ministers across the eurozone will meet in brussels later to discuss the greek governments bailout proposal. Pension reform and tax heights so lest go straight to john siropolous who is life in athens. Any indication of whats been said in response to this proposal . Well weve now heard from greeces creditors that they approve the fact that parliament has passed this. They consider what Parliament Last passed here in the last few hours a basis for negotiations. Thats a positive sign. That means that they will welcome the discussion in brussels at a he walked out of a week ago. This is going to be a difficult negotiation because mr. Tsipras is asking for two very difficult things. One is a restructuring of the greek debt and the other is an aid package thats three times as large as the cost of all the austerity measures hes just asked parliament to approve. He therefore is not sounding terribly optimistic. Deliberately so. He wants to temper expectations. He says we have now reached after six months of war we have now reached the equator. From here on out, there is a mine field. And what that mine field is he described a little bit later on. We have a promise of a growth package and a serious discussion to do about the need to restructure the debt and the possibility of an agreement that will finally put an end to talk of a greek exodus from the eurozone. He makes no bones about the fact that this is going to be a very difficult discussion because he is asking for things that in fact he has agreed not to discuss, the transfer of some of the debt onto their shoulders. That would in fact be what happened, a longer period of time in which to repay the debt. But mr. Tsipras has at least reached the point where he is in control of the domestic political scene. Hes had his referendum, to back the austerity proposals that the greeks turned down in the referendum. Therefore he can at least walk into talks in brussels saying ive taken the ultimate political risk. I have turned against the wishes of my people only on the promise that you also will be reasonable and i think thats the only card i has got at this point. John siropolous in athens, thank you. More than 800,000 parts of people have been moved from part of chinas east coast the most powerful typhoon to hit the province in more than 60 years. Lets get more from the meteorologist robert, where is this storm . The eye of the storm is just to the east of shanghais center. Majority strong winds will go right across shanghai itself. We have seen reports of gusts of 180 kilometers just to the southeast and resign of course a real problem. Its already giving 200 millimeters and another quantity. The other danger is the storm surge or height of waves. They have brought the fishing fleet in shore for shelter. But the waves are reported as ten meters, thats a big wave and the eye is lifting the ocean up. Shanghai is in a shallow bay. What do you 19 by that . The height of the water bodily lifts and causing widespread flooding over lowland. One reason they evacuated so many people. And this is quite a serious storm for the people in the eye of the storm because its been a while since they were hit so badly so strong. It is. Are they prepared for this . You are quite right 1949 was the last time they saw this nature, this strength hit the province just south of shanghai. It was a contact 4 storm yesterday, it is only category 2 storm i say only. Before the thing tails off and goes to the northeast. Before we go just remind me of the time were talking before it makes land . The eye wont make land. The winds are expected in the next five hours. Thank you very much. Now iraq escaping violence in anbar province, eighth agencies say dozens of families are now stuck on the anbar side, surge of violence since i. S. I. L. Captured the main city of fallujah. More than 3 Million People are displaced by fighting in iraq. Many are stuck in such remote laces that aid agencies canned reach them. Jane arraf reports. They have been waiting for hours. This is the first aid delivery in weeks this one are from the International Agency of red cross. Most of them recently arrived from the anbar capital ramadi. They found temporary refuge here in latafia. The packages contain a months worth of food as well as supplies and blankets. There are now 3 million displaced iraqis. Many of them the dont have access to help. They need food assistance, clean water most importantly they need medical assistance. There are tons of hospitals around the country that are not receiving the required medicine to operate. They have no electricity to operate their equipment. Reporter to minimize the risk of aid being diverted the icrc oversees the distribution itself instead of local partners. Staff members were stopped at military checkpoints. Displacing people across the region and ongoing fighting this is a crisis that no one is equipped to deal with. Even the simplest is difficult. Widow lives in an abandoned shop with five of her children and three grandchildren. Three of her daughters were blind and disabled. She said, they left the village when they were attacked. There were mortars and air strikes. Everyone left. We were the only ones still there. Reporter a lot of these women are here without their husbands and adult sons. She last saw her husband when Security Forces took him away. Shes not on the list of. They tell her they can register the next time and wait to see if theres anything left over at the end. So they wait. They have at least hope of getting help. Jane arraf latafia iraq. Or the of people. The inquiry found that the American Psychological association issued ethical guidelines to support interrogation techniques used after the september 11th attacks. They included waterboarding and sleep deprivation. American Psychology Association now says it wants a ban on psychologists taking part in torture. Families of those killed when an Malaysia Airlines mh 17 gathered for a memorial in clmple. Kuala lumpur about. The head of the Roman Catholic church arrived in paraguay. Entailed its solid and stable democracy but he also called on leaders to address inequality. Land the hard to come by in hong kong with most free spaces snapped up by developers to feed the small hunger for housing. But some want the city to become self reliant. Food security in asia. Sarah clark sent us this report. Reporter nestled in the shadows of the skyscrapers is a group of farming plots. Becky au a Third Generation farmer who left her job in hong kongs financial district to return to her roots. Because i love this place. I was born and i grew up here. We grow food for our community. We want to show people that the rural and urban land can grow in side by side in the community. Important to the city for our sustainable future, we need farmland. We need food. We need the green area. Reporter local production accounts for just 2 of are freshfreshvegetables in hong kong. Food situations there are driving people to buy more fresh produce. Its fresh and the taste is very good. There are still around 4,000 farmers who are actively working here in hong kong, their plots are small and the amount they produce is limited because of the land side. Next generation of farmers came to see agriculture in the city grow. Johnny lau says the city can boost its local supply but the farming land thats left must be protected and production standards should be set by the government. 80 of farm land when abandoned are not well utilized. If we let our farmers utilize all of them, actually our self sufficiency rate can rise from 1. 9 to 27 . Reporter the government is not yet convinced. At the end of the day it comes to whether there is a market demand for it and whether local farnls are willing to do it or not. And above this Community Centered situation. Reporter farmers like becky au are i relying on the community for support. We want to stay here forever. Even so, her future on the farm is in doubt. Sarah clark, al jazeera, hong kong. A reminder you can keep up to sedate on aljazeera. Com. Stay tuned more coming up shortly. Historic accord that could be made between two old foes. The freed world request not allow a ran to have a nuclear weapon. How much could nations possibly trust the United States . This. This morning irans president offered the same wild accusations against the United States. A comprehensive diplomatic solution

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