Case against is around the u. Ns top course. There are instances where theyve acted inconsistent with their obligations under International Humanitarian law. The us actually have states mc blinking issues, his strongest criticism, yes, of israels actions, and goes up an array cabinet shakeup. And russia president Vladimir Putin replaces the guy show you as the long time defense minister the court of us. The thanks for joining us from the north to the south palestinians across gauze facing a renewed wave of his re the ground and air attacks in the north. There were reports that is there any time. So moving into jamalia refugee camp often launching a series of intends as strikes as central guns or at least for palestinians were killed. Find this way, the striking dare abala by palestinians both from the north and the south and taking refuge in the south and stuff. Israel has expanded this offensive, and asa now confronting i must fight. As the sousa begins, coverage moving deeper into northern and southern calls to these really military has re entered the densely populated city of depaula in the north. It says the new offensive is to prevent most from reestablish and gets capabilities that the 40 bucks piling up or off civilians never got to read my what. What do they want from us . Theyre telling us theyre not children, showing them. What can we do . We are staying on the streets. Were being smoke took water that they, it is road to points that soldiers back into the north. Its a tax in the south are intensifying by the hour. More than 35000 palestinians have been killed since october. And does really forces arranging closer towards the full scale of suits and rasa. And the fence of the un human rights to says cannot take place. I can see no way that the latest evacuation orders much less. The full assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of inter gnashing, but its angel. In with the 2 sets of binding provisional measures, ordered by the International Court of justice. Many palestinians itd be forced to be displaced once again. Im told to go to an area is role is cooling, humanitarians loan, but agencies say the only thing waiting for them is a lot of shelter. Sanitation will to, and food, judy vega, ill just 0 for the policy was just ready for see struck a Medical Clinic and the elbow rage, refugee camp, and central garza and last will fall from darrow butler with tens of thousands of people have been sheltering at least one person was killed in the attack. Video from the scene shows president , searching from rubble through the rubble so, so far, as you can see, theres an interesting people using the cell phones. Some of those trends under the death of a mood is of the all acts. The hospital in darrow, by the, by the injured have been rushed to within the past 20 minutes. We clearly could hear a loud explosion taken in ways. And just as we starting this report, injury started to pour it into the hospital. 3 cars got in these as, as the one of the cars is a pick up a truck with belongings and displays families that was on its way to dairy block city. But they were very close to a site that was targeted by what looks like a drawing missed those fired by these really military their, their injuries that were on, on these cars. And they were brought in inside the hospital initially, what were hearing about it was the target was the Medical Center and they some part of the city. And as these people were passing by, the were injured by the scrap nose as well as the people inside this Medical Center. I could count right here out at least 5 injuries, who arrived to the hospital right now and already over well, hospital within the past 48 hours. Uh we could clearly see the number of injuries inside the hospital as well as the over. Well, marg here with many, many of people who will, uh, within the past few days, and since the incense Bombing Campaign is started to uh, discourage here in the central. 2 area there is no space left in the hospital and the fear now with more. 1 more people pouring into the hospital more injuries, the hospital is at risk of completely shut down as there is a risk of not being able to be operational as there is no fuel. As we heard of from a press conference earlier today, and we spoke with the Health Officials here who described the situation is quite difficult. With the tsunami of injuries that keep coming into the hospital, its a 24 hours away from completely shutting down. Its important to point out the hospital as of yesterday we receive the close do 8000 leaders of a fuel. But those 8000. 00 leaders, if youre only enough for the 24 hours that they were referring to. So i made that will 3 palestinians have been killed and 8 others injured. And one of the latest is really strikes a Residential Homes of reference the south, at least 300000 palestinians, a flat the is very assault that they have. There was safe to go with them having to. He is an orthopedic surgeon, volunteering, and guns. I went for the, a scientific thats a chassis organization piece, but it was on the phone area for rafa described what hes been witnessing now. Several streams of patients that you have the acute injuries that are coming in. And these can range from blocks, injuries that people of and all over their bodies space for the injuries. You have shop low injuries that come through, letting them cut through the bustles, and also a trump dump the logins incorrectly golden as well. Do you have some really horrific injuries, where people come into the not the recognizable as a human being anymore. They are simply lump sum flesh that obviously quite um, you know, have obviously type um, initially it already exists for the adults but also for children. Uh, it is quite horrific to which ms. First hand. I dont you ever seen this sort of level of trauma on the photos im seeing in the shit . Its, you know, quite honestly, ive seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down to no preference for one demographic over the other. I think many people are being caught up in this initial. I think the other, the other aspect is to consider is, um many people. Oh, i dont know. A many of the big them though. I dont know. Uh yeah. And so go immediately to the moultrie. As well as the fact that im going to say is good luck. Evacuate many of the injured by to happen often at night with people a good idea. And no one can get to these people and, and its quite a well meaning experience that i feel like were playing our best to do what we can add that really makes visual, says the ultimate goal is that marrying a breaking point . As far as i can send, in terms of both personnel and supplies, and were really coming to a desperate situation now. So youre essentially a state entity blinking is issued a rad public criticism of Israel Ministry conducting garza. He says israels tactics, of course, the horrible loss of law innocent civilians lives for other. Hes also said that is route like say quote, credible plan to protect civilians are roughly ahead of a full scale offensive. Which sheets want it will carry out . Lincoln made those comments, doing appearances on sunday talk shows in the us. My kind of been following developments from washington dc and the secretary of state has been doing the talk show circuit. Basically, defending his departments memorandum to congress in which it was supposed to decide whether or not israel was contravene and International Humanitarian roll with its use of u. S. Weapons. Well, the report basically concluded may be enough possible to be absolutely definite. Now this report has drawn a lot of criticism, also from some democratic members of congress had the secretary of state. The also speaking about President Bidens red line, a President Biden referred to this when he was discussing a potential is really threat of an invasion of rough or saying that this could be a red line. Now the secretary of state was asked about that. Im one of the talk shows we have been holding back and werent active conversations with his real about the provision of heavy or high pillows, weapons of large bombs because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when theyre using a dense urban environment like profit. Mm hm. Were discussing that with his real right now. Second with the president said, is that if israel goes in with a Major Military operation, rasa, in that case, theres certain systems that we will not provide is real. That with a a that that effort because its something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. And again, not to achieve a durable, lasting, effective result for israel and for security. Thats what the president said. We said that in conversations with our as really partners, the results that weve seen in terms of the horrible loss of life, of, of innocent civilians is reasonable to assess, as we say, in the report that there are instances where theyve acted inconsistent with their obligations under International Humanitarian law, those in those investigations continue both by us and by israel. What a single shipment of those 2000 pound precision bombs has been put on hold. It is still on hold pending review, however, or other scheduled width of shipments to israel. All going ahead by kind of outright sarah washington, the russian president Vladimir Putin is replacing one of his longest serving ministers and a surprise coming to re shuffle more than 2 years into the crane war. Hes a moving defense minister, so guy show you from his role show you will be replaced by former deputy Prime Minister and right by los of who is an economist with no military experienced move still needs approval from parliament, but thats expected to come through with these shore good will now head russias National Security council. Your shop in front of a is it must go with more. It, would you be patient assigned a decree of pointing survey, showing you a secretary of the Russian Security castle. You collect pots, or should, who held this post since may 2008. Was the release of haste position. The criminal promise to name a new position to be filled by any collect partnership. Within just a few days, the survey should go ahead of the Russian Ministry of defense for the last 12 years before moving to the Security Council. So list expect thats that nichol. I potter should. A will head the president ial administration, but to h remains to be seen luxury prison proposed a pointing economist. Im tre. Below use of as the new minister of defense. He said this 1st deputy Prime Minister before the rest of the nation or the russian cabinet of ministers. It has never been enrolled in the ministry sabbath and according to criminal spokesmen to meet your pass code. The lady so is needed in the army to introduce innovations and the track they shall be economy and beyond me. And just a couple of weeks ago, survey sure, use deputy. It was arrested for bribery and there were rumors that the show is position was shaped. Thing about fine, but at the same time they were chokes. Thats a he could possibly be replaced. And the same time others were saying thats a car in place. The situation on the print in front looks quite good for sure. You unlike the situation last summer, so they would know that there was no need to replace him. So let me person has made this move and the choice of being human is still defense. It seems to me quite surprising. Youd have ship of all of the old to z right most are. All right, lets take a look at what the shuffle means and who these 2 man, uh 68 year old. So guy showing good has overseen verses on forces. His 2012 was tossed with modernizing it in his new role as head of russias National Security council. He will lead a consultative body that advise is putting them in a tree and Strategic Issues isnt coming. Success andre. Ballast off has no military experience as an economist who has been advising previously on those matters for 20 years. The pos for as deputy Prime Minister, your company in Spokes Person says hello solves being tapped for the Defense Ministry after rushes war spending increased to levels not seen since the 19 ninetys. Well you, i spoke to pamela feldman, how hes the defense analyst and Russian Foreign policy expert. I started by asking him, what does change your face means . It was going to still be very much templeton steam. Shell be the secretary of this. Also, it is an important position, and hes also human being given an important for you will also be be in charge of russian arms tray exports and import, which is also very important and lucrative job which didnt before come up with the secretariat of the Security Council so, so thats the thing he was asked to involved as defense minister much and then i was going to be working later. So hes going to be in do have a course well have to the browser on march of west responsibility because if something goes wrong on the ukrainian from klein as will be now those of today they have to carry the weight on the battery replacement. I believe is mostly in acknowledgment, but there are Serious Problems with the russian war economy. Thats why basically the grandmother, se, lets go into the war economy because you raised a really interesting point thats, i gotta show you who will be in charge of russias arms trade. What does this say about how stretched, how much pressure rushes industrial military complex is under after 2 years of war and ukraine . Well, the 1st one is the Russian Defense production as a triple, then its goods growing and everythings okay. Of course, no figures are actually pretty good produced. There are western intelligence reports most, most of them to say the pressure is producing a lot with a brands, but its not really a little that rosie. And as the list is increasing supports of ukraine, im sending more weapons and that youre increasing defense production itself is clear for the president bush and, but something should be done. So with, in the midst, without a new military background, as defense, minister to boost the Russian Military production requirements and emissions. And those that its important to you, im very low. So full is a condom. Theres where the connections to the more liberal part of the russian government than bush and he speaks the same language with him, and he will be better placed then a general in the same position to mobilize the russian finances and economics do serve the war. Of course, this is going to be very unpopular at this point, front of a civilian defense minister in the midst of o, r o w successful war, a disastrous back. Yeah, lets do. Its a, its an interesting point to a possible as an economist, the best person to be in place in the defense Senior Defense role. Like thats the most Senior Defense role. Is this the mind to win putins war in ukraine . You mentioned that its all about money. That is the priority. Now rather than strategy military hardware. Well, its hardware, its not so much money. Its a, its actually shows an x and funds and plans and my styles and drones. So this, thats a very uh, revolutionary move never happened before the russian histories happened. Another country is by mocking tomorrow being appointed secretary of defense in america. So its more of a size that was seen as a revolution in washington and in the sixtys. So right now russia is doing the same thing. This is going to do, there is going to be a lot of criticism, especially something goes wrong. Um, many in the Russian Military on page up in circles would be saying that this is wrong. We need the general in the past and believes that im a mobilization industrial mobilization right now is the most important thing to wind talking about further political movements. So what about so one nickaligha patricia, if hes the man who stepping aside to make way for so like i show you in his new role, just remind our viewers, pottery chef was a former chief of the fs b. And he wasnt charge of the Security Council until now. Hes going to be reassigned. We dont know what his new job is going to be. What more can you tell us problem . Well she, yes, hes a very important to them. Hes a senior official. Hes older than full jim where he continue on most likely yes. How actually important you will be and will have kind of position there right now, off of speculation. Its, its able 1st x were pulled you into decide, wheres the ones to put them . Will have to say, im afraid that can be which picture ways on the back right now, Ukrainian Missile attack has killed at least 8 people in the russian city of belgrade, close to the border between the 2 countries. Part of it upon the block, collapsed a few hours oft about attack and 2 children among at least 19 wounded dosage, a bar a report, some muska. This is the moment a Ukrainian Missile hit, an apartment complex in the russian city of belgrade. The attack took place on sunday morning, destroy most of the 3 buildings in the compound rescue workers search for survivors under the russell and said, well thats the one where everything started. Sign a windows. So can we do that with 10 floors in the building . I live on the 7th floor. My husband was sleeping in the bedroom, his head and face the injured. Everything collapsed in one second. We didnt have time to do anything. More than a dozen people were taken to hospitals. Seems like these are becoming common in this region. Since december, Ukrainian Forces had been stepping up their tax on belgrade which borders har. Keith authorities have been forced to cancel state events and issue regular evacuation orders because of the drone and missile strikes. The Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman murray as a horrible says this attack is the latest bloody work in a series of crimes by cubes. Shes accused Ukrainian Forces of violating International Law on the new pushed by the Russian Military in ukraine. Second largest city of par, keith comes after it declared full control of the city of, of these caught a gateway to done yes. In the dont boss region. In late february, increase and attacks on belgrade is seen as a result of the intense battles across the border and car keys. As far as the Russian Military seems determined to continue, regardless of the cost, well civilians pay the price. Stores is a very l g 0. Moscow. Ukraine says has moved 4000 people. The safety of the northeast in the khaki region of the heavy fighting video showed emergency workers moving people via the board of forces say theyve altered by 9 villages as they have us further into the heavier training and president s at specialist were taking place in the region till the home and as more from ki as it was in the early hours of friday morning, this russian offensive began crossing the board into North Eastern ukraine. The heart of cave region and fighting. Rudy hasnt let up since russia says that its taken several villages. Ukraine says that theres ongoing fighting in several villages and the dates trying to hold the line and to defend its positions. President , loaded me to landscape, said that there is a 10th situation at, but he also said that this isnt the only flight thats happening at the moment in ukraines front line. Is that on that . If thats correct, if she needs boomers, in fact, the idea behind the attacks in the khaki region by state to square that force has been what can undermine the more of the motivational basis as the ukrainians ability to defend themselves or the crops direction is the most difficult despite everything, and thats the big problem to ukraine. The roster is attacking various different points of the mold, 1000 kilometer front line, and ukraine currently lacks the weapons, likes the men to be able to plug all of those gaps effectively. Its hoping to move weapons arrived from the United States from it to europe and allies, and those weapons have started to come in, but it could be weeks, months or even more until the full amount arrives. I mean, well that gives russia a window to really press home. Its advantage, as it seems to be doing right now, john, home and i would just say the keys and left us down a flash floods triggered by heavy rain that killed at least 315. 00 people, but their fear. So the death toll could rise, which is 0, spoke to displace residents in by july, and one of the hardest hit areas. Kind of a 100 votes, buried on demand in debris, the ruins of what with family homes. The fullest of fridays flood, destroyed thousands of Properties Across bygone province. Isnt they going to move in and got out . This is model expect to see now that all these were housing out of the full one house of to another. How scary slept, came and took everything with it because of what im booked the act and im one of it on. It also took more than 300. 00 lives, according to the Taliban Ministry for refugees. A number that is likely to rise all uh, many of the victims have already been buried or not. I mean, i lost 13 members of my family, including women and children. I thought of flood waters washed out in time, villages and livelihoods. The guy said to them, we dont have clean water to drink and theres nowhere to live. Nothing to you. That is everything, including the school and the clinic, are gone. Im seasonal heavy ryans clothes, the flesh flooding, sweeping through several provinces across afghanistan. Line is considered the worst to fix it. While it is that rather than the, i dont know what health is coming to us from the government, there is no life left for us. I mean, why should we go . This is my house and all of it is destroyed. There is no life left for me anymore. Many of the roads in announcers the regions paved in mud, making it difficult for rescue teams to reach remote areas. Diggers on needed to combat the palm. So you at the top, i expect the government and the you end to provide us with shelter, water medicine or somewhere to live so that all these people can be safe or not. The people in the bag on a waiting for that desperately needed help to arrive. Kindly tell them, hey, ill just say to millions of people in chat and struggling to find enough to eat because of high food prices. Climate change as well as Rising Energy could also have played a role in creating the crisis charges. Richard resources for one of the poorest countries in the world. I was just curious, im an interest reports from the capital in germane food in chad has become so expensive that families are forced direction. What they eat as in markets across the capital produce is plenty, but bias. Im not how our them keep here to see what she could afford. The full 36. 00 us cents would buy you 2 cups of beans, but now that are and you get to one cause. She says that family must decide between you 2 to amuse or buying less nutritious for a trader. Say that on to play the we buy from farm is as a high price add to that the cost of transportation because of bad roads. And Rising Energy costs for prizes was sharply here in charge when neighboring nigeria, restricted export other factors like high fuel costs, Climate Change on the presence of hold on 600000. So that is in terms of why its confusing of what the little pool is about of the United Nations agency, save the situation is desperate as we have already too many young people in chad charges, people on the tv on nutrition its uh, i think the failed 4 times in the last decades that we have such, such an issue which 40 and security the next 3 months, which 8 organizations describe us the lean months. I expect it to be the most difficult for people in tried dependent on food assistance. How many degrees i would use either still a head allowed to 0 patients with chronic illnesses and guns that were running out of time out of the hospital. The provides live saving. Dialysis is only 2 days or few left time separatists in spains catalonia region suffer, set back up the results from local electric, the high again, lets get going with your weather update. Well start this one off in australia and get to see it by the way. So weve got this disturbance spinning around in the tasman. See, we go in here for a closer look because this is still throwing back rain into sidney. Just the other day, a land side of road caved in an eastern city. Weve seen Copious Amounts of rain here as of late. Also somewhat weather siding across has many a state as well. Now for news really not much to report, no weather alerts to speak of here. Light breeze temperatures pretty well where they should be for this time. The year where it has been hot is into an easy is capital jakarta. Colors are on dark, the red, the hot, the hotter it is. Chicago seen its hot. Its may day on record. Nearly 37 degrees. But with some showers and storms in the area, youre cool off to 31 by monday, by the way of the dang. The other day had about half a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours looking quite active right across indo china. So vietnam, cambodia, and laos, annual for gwen g. Providence in southern, in china we had some flooding just to the south of great land, but now that, that weather is scooted away. The suns out in scenes are starting to heat up. Lets go 32 degrees in great length. All of that weather now blanket in japans main island of han choose. So gotta be on the look out for land slides here over the next little bit. The, the, the latest news was so intense that this is all, but its a lot of people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis escalating and detailed coverage as well as Prime Minister relies on Foreign Ministers to stay in power. They want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office the, [000 00 00;00] the, [000 00 00;00] the. So what you know, just there, his reminder of our top story is this, our policy needs to be pushed out of jabante, a refugee camp in northern gaza. Once again, its been intense, bullying and slicing. Nations really forces have been to the area, months of to declaring an end to a mass, your sex, your state helps me blinking, says israel doesnt have a credible plan to protect civilians in rafa. With some launch a full scale crown defensive is cautious criticism, yet lincolns also said that as well as the time 6 of the coolest horrible lots of innocent civilians lives in garza. On the 6th, a trunks were allowed into gauze on saturday. That soft, no truck carrying live saving supplies could enter the strip since last sunday. Hospitals, bakeries and a Distribution Centers are running out of fuel and food. And central garza b o x hospital is the only Medical Center and the strip thats left. The still able to offer dialysis to patients with kidney failure, the fuel, the power is generated is running out of hand. Who do a report some durable so yall is this is a life savings treatment. It triplicate the kidneys functions. Cleaning the blood, the waste, an excess fluid and the ok, so hospital and dead in bella is the only medical facility in the cause of strips to able to help people with kidney failure. What happens here that the condition, the old people, patients in gaza have no way to go for treatment, but this hospital i was suffering is unprecedented. Not experience, but anyone before we p o for the World Health Organization to lend a helping hand. 600 patients are sharing 19 dialysis machines. The treatment usually takes 4 hours. These people are receiving just 90 minutes. How do you see it going on . So this will also force to reduce the number of sessions for each patient from 3 times a week to twice a week. This caused many patients to die. This is really armies expanding, assault, and russell has forced the closure of hospitals, including the biggest niche, are meaning many have had to risk the dangerous journey to central garza to continue their treatment. But in the civil war, ive been receiving dialysis and wrap up for 3 years. I missed my sessions when the attack spread to rafa. It was difficult for me to get here. Its a Long Distance and costly. When i finally arrived, i found that unit overwhelmed with patients. This is where it has blocked deliveries of critical medical supplies and fuel. The hospital is powered by generators and without fuel Health Workers can provide these patients with the care they need. Not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here unfortunately. Oh ok. So hospital does not have any pays for these policies in use to seek refuge. Youre leaving them homeless. This is in the study of to 0. That is the la garza palestine. Egypt government has announced it will now support the lawsuit, filed by south africa, the International Court of justice accusing israel of genocide. Egyptian ministry of Foreign Affairs said in light of the increasing severity and scope of his way to your questions against Palestinian Civilians of the gaza strip. We call on israel to comply with this obligation since the occupying power. And this implementation of the interview measures issued by the International Court of justice. We renew uh cool on the Security Council and the influential International Policies to meet the move to a cease fire in the gaza strip. Well, in january the i c j order, these are out of event acts of genocide in gaza within the rolling was in order to prevent killing and serious bodily and mental harm to the palestinian people. Measure this must also be taken to prevent and punish the incitement of genocide, allowing basic services and agents a goes on and to prevent the destruction of evidence of possible war crimes. But since january Rights Groups such as obviously international and Human Rights Watch have documented how hes around has still violated all those provisional measures. With the other for me is a professor Political Science of long island university. She joins us live from princeton in new jersey over. I will welcome to tanya. So colorado has been, as weve been saying, a key media to in this conflict so far. What does egypt participation now . At the i c. J alongside south africa mean for legal proceeding, stab wells, highest quote. So this is really an unprecedented moment in the history of the modern day history between egypt and israel. Egypt has been the most important mediator in the region. The 1st arab nation to recognize them formalized ties with israel in 1979. And here is this movement, the symbolic moment where the Egyptian Government puts its foot down on for basic reasons. And the 1st is the humanitarian. One that you cited where the ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that the intervention currently comes in increasing severity and that israels actions in gaza, leading to the death of almost 40000. 00 individuals via waves, International Humanitarian law and the 4th geneva convention. Im in terms of protecting civilians and they also talk and mentioned about the systemic practices against palestinians that are leading to star ration. And the provisional measures of the i, the i c, j have asked for that the to insure humanitarian relief actually be instituted. And so thats what the humanitarian level of this moment has deeper implications at the political level. Because israel has not proved itself in the eyes of egypt as a good faith and the gate negotiator. It didnt sign onto the cease fire agreement, even though it had mentioned that it would also for months, egyptian officials have stated that and is really invasion of rough. I would risk peace ties between the 2 countries. So its more so than the i a c j ruling. Its also a below to the ties between the 2 countries, because israel has bought it, theyve, theyve actually sees the border and theyve taken tactical privilege to know a 40 or border just one. I just wanted a, given israels ability to renewal, ignore those professional measures the about the only important injunction to cease and desist order the i c j. So father able to do that, given the pressure from south africa shortly, theyre able to continue doing that with egypt. To the mix as well a. But this is more symbolic because the ties between egypt and all of the other countries that signed on with south africa are, are different. So each of us will be the closest allies sharing a border, sharing a long standard kit camp davids agreement, but also is real. Do this one other thing to egypt and via waiting security by seizing operational control of this border and create an instability right on, on, on the border territory. And so this violation is also to the international if you will establish, quote of stability. And so besides violating the rights of the palestinians is also now violated several International Agreements that had been held long held between egypt and israel, given cairos long and historical relationship with the, with the United States. I wonder how much of a blessed thing possibly washington has given to this move by egypt. Its unclear, but we did see the secretary blinking statement today, which has been the harshest towards israel saying that any Ground Invasion would be not just a violation, but there would be no guarantee of security on the palestinians. And so on. Todays statement from egypt actually signing on as well as secretary blinking statement do indicate a possible change. However, it is real. Going to see this. We know that there are reports of 300 tanks that have entered rough. Alrighty, so its not clear that the any of this will lead to, to behavioral change. Yeah, just talking specifically about rough. Uh so apparently the us will not withhold weapons unless there is evidence of a full scale assault and rough. Uh, but given of course that weve seen as strikes on a daily basis, weve seen of thousands of people losing my life and rougher over the past few days. I mean, how consistent, how coherent is this us position right now . As they do us position has been deeply problematic and inconsistent. We know that the reports from the hospitals that have been emptied and that there have been not just violations of human rights, but the gross violations of human rights bodies found buried alive, done, and hadnt come to the back. That the violations that weve seen today. The world has not seen in decades and decades. The world had not seen really since post and post in the post world war 2 era. And so these violations that are coming to light as well as the blanket elimination of media from the territory, the closing down abilities you as well. This is kind of what happens in the darkness is worse than what happens in light. And so again, we dont know what will happen when we dont when we do know thats already been documented, is hes gross violations of human rights and of the geneva convention. Just putting this a loss against a historical come context because he mentions though, so unimportant come david quotes back in 1979, mobilizing relation said, defining the border between israel and egypt. I just wonder whether all of this is this donovan, a great unraveling of that historical name and as it possibly is, were seeing the brink of world war 3, possibly. And then not to sound hyperbolic. Its because for the 1st time were watching, for example, nations like thing, united slice like the United Kingdom act in ways that are against their own National Security camp. Davids assigned because of not just the security and safety of israel, but also to secure us interest in the region, fly over rights over sign i, the suez canal. Im Counter Terrorism cooperation. And so is were really in the best interest of the United States as well. And here we see for the 1st time and recent modern history, countries like the us acting against their own National Security interest. And so as we continue down this path, we dont see the warnings. Perhaps were entering into a myra. Id where International Norms of rules based International World order are going to unravel. And what weve seen in the past few months since january, since south africa brought this the i c j is that it is 3rd world countries. If you will have been trying to uphold the rules based world order, in spite of the western world, great unraveling of the international weld over to the funding. Many thanks for joining us and i was just there you are the my colleague and associates a spoke to about a christian raj. Go full. Who use the you in special wrap, a tool on the right to adequate housing. He says, well, its on folding and goes, i clearly constitutes an active genocide. And unfortunately, what is seems to be happening is the form of ethnic cleansing, to move population from one location to another with eventually i suppose the goal of not allowing them to live in a normal way. And that was, is a matter of great concern. And because it is a very great water crime under International Law, particularly grave human, it says start as an occupying power. So youve got a self described the destruction of the strip as weve seen it as genocide, although many of you as a familiar with that time when it comes to the killing of people. Can you explain how material disruption fits into that . Well, i tried to use the dummy side to wrestle, particularly to the vast destruction of housing that we have seen in uh uh, in gauze. Uh um, i originally floated that um, uh, in the fall of 2022 when russia was bombing ukraine and the cities like motor vehicles. Theyre getting popularized what we have seen in the case of god that is clearly a case of domiciled and constitutes an act of genocide as well. Because the purpose of the destruction of housing, in many cases exceeding 7080 percent across gaza is to make the place i mean habitable for the people of gaza. And south africa points are very clearly an expedition before the i c j. That when Something Like that happens, essentially what youre doing is to come into an act of genocide. So he does in that context, that the destruction of all housing, somebody infrastructure, a good Cultural Land support systems. We have to look at that in the context, even boats owned by fishermen in gauze have been completely destroyed. The administrators at Johns Hopkins university in baltimore, i have reached an agreement with anti war protest is to remove the colors are solid. That when he comes, the University Says it will conduct a timely review if protest is key to mind of divestment from israel. The agreement follows weeks or fails negotiations. The, the, you know, when you separatists in spain is calculating your region of stuff with a huge set back in sundays regional election. The socialist policy was also runs, the National Government and madrid is made gains. Pennsylvania separate, his government held a referendum to break away from spain in 2017, but madrid ever recognized the food. So. Okay. Got it has more from buffalo, sent me a mood of celebration here at the search for this policy type forces. Even though theyve already really manage this victory by a narrow majority. However, they are odd to me that this is a sign that the region want something different. The last time that especially as wire in the region was back in twins, expensive would be a new era from be a separate, has dominates. It is a prior to this, however, that would rely on the social is being able to reach an agreement with all the surfaces, policies, including the smaller ones as well. The major separate this policy are c, as is outgoing president , is a member of taking a policy, a negative turn on that saying that they will continue to do that. What from the opposition . That is, the case and associates would have to be unable to that governments. How does era also know the indias general election is reached to offer a points on monday millions of votes . This will cost the ballots in the 4th phase of polling among the regions. Voting will be indian administered kashmir where it is the 1st election since the area lost its special spaces back in 2019. The Indian Government has failed to give business to l. Just it was correspondence to cover the story from the country that full way reporting on the election from outside india. Im having the thoughts, of course, the good stuff. We bought, the indians and the 6 week long, 7 faced general election. Tens of millions of people have been voting since last month and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. We have turned out which is lower than last time. Im nor then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. Dont seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an actual if you know pop with the acclamation Prime Minister in the movie is seeking a bad 5 yet. Mean office. Hes going up against a condition. The lions made up of 16 parties. The position has accused moody of resorting to his speech against muslims. Is data focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease disease can do most in the space. They do some but the but by law, the god, whats helamano . Moody, who called slims infantry discipline, a Company Denies deposition. Youve got some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. The price. Thisll be calling me india for this coming monday. And we kind of get away from it to mr. Will. The has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did. And this is the consequence is still each crowds, wherever he goes. And he remains the feeble twin because it is to be a very popular figure. And if you compare with him any other politically the him of the opposition group, there will be no match. In fact, the 4th phase of voting starts on monday. And what it meant to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams. And we just need a reminder, the Indian Government hasnt grown to that, which is 0 stuff journalist visa is to cover the election. So were covering it from outside of the Georgia Department to set for the fed and potentially final discussion of the controversial fund improvements. Bill, thousands protested on saturday night demand and the government withdrawal, the proposal, which by the side was silenced, defend dmitri measured danco reports from the capital to billy c of all positions that gets in georgia. Say that being targeted, get buddies. It used to be the countrys invested up to cyprus. Now a political activist and vocal critic of the for an agents bill. He was attacked near his home this week. They started beating me. I started the defending myself, then i fell down. They started the beating. We so this speaks for whatever thing and the then the, the bill requires media and other organizations with eating 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. The government says its essential for transparency and that the country needs to understand whos financing thousands of n g os playing an active role in politics for us to look at a book according to polls, 80 percent of the population support the transparency of and jose based on these, the georgia in parliament will fulfill the will of the people by passing the bill in the following days. After the screws from the bill is highly divisive. It mirror as a law, russia adopted in 2012, that moscow use this to crack down on the sent the Traditional Committee of georgia as parliament is holding a 3rd reading of the so called for an agent spill on monday with a vote schedules for tuesday. Now the president has promised to veto this bill, should it make it through the readings. But the thing is that the ruling policy, the georgia dream policy and its allies, they have so many seats and told them that they can override any president ial veto. So thatd be one political observers say the party could lose its dominance and parliament at elections in october. I think there opposition to george of have woken out. There is a lot of a lot more recognition. There is a lot more question. There is a lot more external pressure actually supporting the freewill of georgians, that the government is trying to hijack and oppress the European Union has cooled the bill, anti democratic, saying it could end georges ambitions to join the e. U. And this is scaring the business community. One of georges chief exports is wine with 2 thirds going to russia. Producers have high hopes for joining the you. Because if the bid fails, all the informed and capable people believed the concert, you know, so this is the one that can happen. And then of course, it all depends how it totally and for us, the markets, the markets also closed. It gets more difficult to reach out to you. You know, tensions are running high in anticipation of tuesdays vote, because so much is at stake for georgia. Dream if it didnt go out to 0, w. C. Coates, m e m, has approved a new cabinet just 2 days after he dissolved paula to shake. Michelle, im at the algebra house. The boss nephew will have the new government, a political deadlock lab. The countries will have to dismiss parliament on friday and suspend some articles of constitution. Reforming quite gen with welfare system is being one of the biggest flash points between m p. s and the government. Are hundreds of protests as have gathered in the 2, newsy and capital to demand a new president ial elections. The cooling, present case said for his crank down on jealous activist single position because the place has come submit a wave of arrest targeting political opponents. On saturday, a prominent lawyer, nothing for the criticism of the government was arrested during a live news full cost. Without 0 still a head was rise again, a new area already devastated by floods in southern bizell. This now kills more than a 140 people. Basic code could soon habits. First, female precedents will tell you what that could mean for the countries Indigenous Women living in the office. The. This is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its allies from us. In casa, we are traveling with members of the United Nations peacekeeping force. Theyre on patrol with lebanons army. We are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. But the army is not the dominant force here. Has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. Its a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official sales that are already in the billions of dollars. Although the concept is still large and contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as, as the conflict wont end until theres a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. Because isabel is threatening a wider war if Border Security doesnt improve the the the, the number of People Killed by flash floods in brazil southern most states has risen to at least a 143 wising levels. River levels are rising again and we are ground to sol as heavy range continue. Well enough for 1000000 people have been forcing that homes. Heavy rain support, flash floods and lance licenses one sliced in. Denise is provence of west amount. You at least 31 people have died including children, thousands of still reported missed one major road was partially washed away, making rescue operations more difficult. Thousands of canadians. So in order to leave the homes in the west and province of British Columbia because of the threats of a fast moving wild fine, strong winds of dry conditions and fort nelson, making the place more difficult to find. Several of the western provinces have been affected. The government as well and of higher the normal spring and summer temperatures, meaning a great to risk while 5 mexico is it will send to it like to its 1st female president , next month. But the situation of the country is Indigenous Women is dia, an estimated 70 percent of them live in poverty, to the carry on are visited several indigenous communities to find out how people, the singly upcoming folks may impact the future. So the nation mind culture, traditional massages, were belief, secure ailments, ranging from intestinal issues to post partum recovery today and south eastern mexico. Justina chica news is keeping these traditions alive as a way to empower her community. If the proficio is that this profession is disappearing by the older traditional, he lives as guides and there was so much them on. So many women come here and end up sharing so much about their lives with me. Just so you know, as part of the Largest Network of Indigenous Women across mexico, working out of Community Centers created specifically to address the needs of this vulnerable group. 70 different indigenous groups make up 15 percent of mexicos population. Most of them live in poverty and like the influence and resources to make decisions about their own communities. Someones my yes we, on my end, we speak our native language. We live in and understand our communities. Yet when the state makes decisions about programs or budgets, which we have proposed is not reflected in, they planned as mexicos president ial election, draw smear both leading candidates, a promise to reverse decades of neglect, of indigenous groups. But many say they have heard such promises before. Indigenous communities have long been marginalized by successive mexican governments. But active is and Community Leaders have little hope thats going to change it with a new government, even if it is led by a woman. Instead they say whats needed is greater indigenous representation across political and social life in the country. A role that beekeeper lady patch has been fulfilling for over a decade when genetically modified crops threatened her livelihood. And that of thousands of my an beekeepers pitch build a coalition that eventually outlaw the planting of gm facilities in the area. She has since become a leading defender of friends, extra land and customs. Then what theyve done was that responded as women. We shouldnt adhere to this political systems that ive always been controlled by man and ink to strengthen the system, but as always dominated and marginalized. And has never understood him, but theres other ways of life out in the country that they have as political campaigns play out in the big cities that are in the remote communities have come page it Indigenous Women are calling for greater recognition of their needs. Yet they remain skeptical that their voices will be heard with a woman in power rather than a man. Do you go . Yeah, i know ill just 0. Come fidget mexico. Okay, thats it for me. And he bought it for this news. Dont go away. They dont enjoy it and well be here in the moment with much more. Todays news. Thanks for your company. The this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time its the victims themselves. Theres this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what were seeing on mainstream media. It is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. The western media does have a western bias. Understand what they are looking to get out and raise. The listening post covers how the news is covered. Our oceans are under swift. By a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trawling, rack, global war, easy off. The choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with Climate Change and we need to adapt. Now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against choice. The ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. Ill just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock, the fuss lila 2 weeks. So the total does not contain the more depth and more destruction across costs is rarely intensifies its ground and air attacks in the north and expands. Its offensive in the south and central fonts of a strip. The

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