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Israel has continued is from bottom into the gaza strip as palestinians began. The fostering the 1st day of ramadan palestinians are observing the muslim holy month in the face of famine. With his red restriction, the entry of food into garza, im a how my triple palestinians, fusty in cause ive never known a fuss the or from of on a stuff of this one. When the not avoiding getting killed is really strikes. They are looking for food that they either cannot find or afford to buy. Dont worry, well have 700 on. Im 71 years old and i have never experienced a ramadan like this. Its an awful feeling drink. Previous from the guns i used to prepare the dining table to eat at sunset, but today theres no food. And i dont have money to get food to break off off to. Nearly 2 medium palestinians have been displaced across clubs that seems kind of told. They are sleeping in mixture comes wondering how they we bid the fuss and oh my god. You know . Yeah, i mean this is the 1st day of farm its own is tough on us. How the 2nd and the 3rd day be recording for c spy . Thats a temporary humanitarian. True. So anything else . We want to go back to our haines. We want to live the spirits of ramadan. Like every year. We want to decorate our homes and feel the joy of ramadan that i had met grumbled on. Its a time to us, family and friends to breakfast. Im afraid to get up. But is right, lets, lets bump abutment has made that impossible. While i mcmahon, well yeah, i wish that the airplanes will strike me and i will die. It will be brought to that his life, where they are of nations, where the most them nations, a long as the 1st day of from about and in regards on the left teen is picked the 1st, the hoping that the past will cease fund, wed be on some well hands and just talk 0 its kind of assume has been following the latest developments. Some rough and southern gods of this month has a wrong have to wait for the font types that stands to where im got. Corporate critical levels have been increasing as it was now was no key and installing to the work itself. What people completely are, are completely shocking from the ongoing bombardment. What, pray is healed outside of the reputable, they destroyed buildings and most where these many forces are intensifying their attacks as people. Were breaking that foss today, specifically that families would ordinarily break the foss with food if its available, but there is really a little beyond cam dues, and the prices are too high for many residents. Here in the south, one in the north we have been told by people that they had to taste it great fruits and vegetables for months right now. So finding interested in heart to find cam. Susan, this is absolutely terrifying because im both assemblies flipped from the another at pontiff collins. This taught to bremond on because of tongue, that is really a heating or cooling is of the other part of because a strip im very deep. Sure. Which, which is 2. And a same time the protocol or foster day why we were hearing the sound of explosions. And if you find change, we can texted a number of families in the middle areas describing the situation to be really tiny. As did the, recognizing that the author, the re bombardments in the middle areas of the gaza strip, did not stop. Specifically in areas the artist dictated as a save. So when any of my colleagues, my names aids, but to layla, allowed that her right to and kind of all of the gods a kitchen. She explained how her family and gaza just coasting with level. I have about 11 family members who were displaced from, from the city to alpha and the rest of my family. Dozens of members are in the city itself, in the north and the area thats been cut off from the rest and the north of augusta. And the ones who are in the north, of course, um their situation is much more dire as your reports right now. Just indicated that theyve been struck going to feed themselves for the past few months and, and their children. And i was able, i get intermittent. Yeah. But what soft messages from my cousins, and one of them left me a message in which she was essentially verifying what weve heard, that food is very hard to come by. My other cousins said he hadnt eaten any fresh fruits and vegetables or Animal Protein in months that he was relying on cant food. Which of course, especially during a time like of milan, which is salvatore. At a time where you gather with your family and cook, its very difficult to create meals from that. My other cousin told me theyve been relying on wild afford screens like malo and sort sorrel and so on and using bullying. Power bullying instead of meat or chicken. And she, and of course no flaw or to bake with a very hard to come by. They were until fairly recently having to use animal feet to big bread with my other cousin. Hasnt had any flour at all for 4 or 5 months right now. And never the less, my cousin showed me a picture of a large lantern from her window in central guys a city. And she said several people had gone out to erects this lantern and uh, powered it with solar lights just to be able to feel the joy of it on the vaughn. And i heard the a down in the background and she said, you know, dont be just key. She said, thats not the actual data or the call to prayer that someone is making thats a recording that people are playing because there isnt a single operational law can all of us, all of the 1000, some mosques have been either distorted or partially destroyed. And i think thats something a lot of us take for granted. Yeah, it must be incredibly distressing to have what your family is going through. I mean, tell us a bit about what ramadan means to you and your family and why knowing what is going on in gauze and this is going to be particularly challenging. Hold on is the time its of course the most uh, less than month in the most in calendar. Its a time where you gather where you, its it, but where you reflect, you look in words, you purify yourself. The intention of course, is to pure by yourself of worldly needs. You feed, not only your so your, you know, i have to say you feed your, your soul figuratively and literally. And its probably, i would say the one time where the family really does get together, especially in sort of hectic. Western households. Meanwhile unoccupied East Jerusalem worship was performed the evening prize at the alex a mosque on the 1st day of remedy to 35000 people who were allowed into the compound. Despite the heavy is ready, police presence, it comes a day off, the young men were denied entry into alexa, which is the 3rd how the a site is. The full i came to pray. They always refused to look the same as if its the mosque where peaceful will not carrying on a thing. This is the most of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. John need from they say we Home Security and recalls trouble with coming to our most. We are not coming to close trouble, we are coming to pray, but then not sees, thats the nature. A lambda salute is outside damascus, gate and occupied east, jerusalem palestinians, the unoccupied east, jerusalem, or marketing the 1st day of the wisdom, wholly month of them are gone. But it doesnt come without hardship here at damascus gate. There is a heavy security presence and is really forces have deployed in large numbers in and around the old city leading up to the end of the mosque. Now, palestinians are afraid that they will be denied entry into the holy site. We saw this last night when there were heavy is really restrictions were hundreds, if not thousands of Young Palestinian men were denied entry in to the oaks of compound. But tonight it seemed that more worshippers were allowed in, and thats because is really, authorities have said that they are not going to limit the amount of worship or as for the 1st week at least. But that could change based on a security and situation all assessment here at damascus gate though, palestinians are gathering in somewhat of a tradition during the night. So i put them on the, on what there are no decorations. There arent a lot of best cities. And thats because of the war on guns that were palestinians are still under relentless, is really attacked from the Central Jersey to all occupied East Jerusalem. Meanwhile, jordans foreign minister has condemned restrictions on worship at the alex a most during ramadan. Im society also criticized israel for the worst thing humanitarian situation in gaza. I understand i came suddenly in the north, allowing worship as to perform their religious duties and rituals during this holy month and restricting access to alex and most of all of these pushes towards an explosion in the situation. And this is what we are warning about and the headboard, but the key dollars for you and test these rail has to open the tools completely and widely for the entrance of humanitarian i. Theres a finding goals are right now. The figures of the United Nations talk about sales and just people who come find food for living with their children dying because of the unavailability of food and milk. Therefore, this humanitarian crises, content except through the ending of aggression at the entrance. If enough, i to old thoughts of the gaza straight and the allowance of distributing the site or live it goes. What site enters gauze and now is not enough for 4 percent of goals as needs and, and another day, a volumes across the occupied westbank opponents to me and mine was shot dead. And another injured buys, ready for us is doing a raid north of to cut them. Meanwhile, an occupied east. Jerusalem is ready for his 5 to guess as Palestinian Youth threw stones at them at the show effect refugee camp check point. The army has increased the frequency and intensity of raids in palestinian towns and cities since the war began. Now, Us Intelligence Agency Directors have been testifying before the Us Senate Committee about worldwide security threats. The chairman of the Senate Select committee on intelligence center, month buena, vermont. But israel is conduct and its one gaza will threaten to undermine support israel, of israels war against him. Os station on the difficulty of using military force allowed to radically a non saying after embedded in a civilian population, especially one that has been so adept that using underground tunnels. And i worry, the Prime Minister netanyahu conduct in the war threatened us to undermine support for israel in the long term, including in the United States. So ill just, there was mike kind of joins us live now from capitol hill, mike. So what else of intelligence . Shes been saying about israels war on god. Well, it was nicole knew that was said publicly about that ongoing wall. The director of the c i a William Burns has returned from his 8 strip to the middle east this past weekend. He says that everybody is continuing to work towards getting that cease fire in place a 6 weeks east fire, which is intended to allow for the release of captives and gone to and palestinian prisoners in israel, needing. He says, perhaps to a longer Term Solution or a longer term process of discussion about a more lasting solution. Interestingly enough, though, he was almost directly by a member of the senate committee. All is israel, exterminating palestinians. He would not onset directly. The question was onset again, and then the same center to put the question to the director of national intelligence, who basically also did not answer that question directly. Both who and the director of the c i a expressing concern about the civilian casualties in gaza. And that basically sticking it to 8 line of the by the net ministration. But the very fact that these questions were even ost, is an indication of how deep the concert and youve among Center Members about it. So the us is continuing unqualified support for you as well. Yeah, mike, what on the security concerns and issues with the c i a chief res to well, its a wide ranging. The menu is incidentally, thats all the intelligence chief discuss ranging from ukraine to iran, as per ukraine. They say that the letting me a booted and shows no signs of exhaustion, though that he was told just have been suffering heavy losses. And the question of iran, they speak about the possibility of a wrong continuing to loosely cold today to the activities of n t us at the elements. They also refer to an informant alliance between north korea, china, russia, and iran aimed at the United States as in a way as a 1st time this has been publicly stated. This, of course, a great cause for concern among intelligence cheap, some of the discussions centered on the situation on the us border. The intelligence chief talking about the number of crime related incidents that were, relate to britain resulting from this as well as the drug traffic across the board. And so a wide ranging discussion, but it was ended and one particular point. And then it went behind closed doors because items of classified nature were going to be discussed. What was discussed that we do not know where the gaza was on that list of discussion that we dont know either. All right, so mike kind of live for sale on capitol hill, mike. Thank you. Lots of all set to come here and ill just share including a warning from the un on the education of children in nigeria of the gunman cannot hundreds of students and the family photograph thats landed. The princess of wales in a right. Royal mess are not stay with the the brought to you by visit capital to now the storm system that came out of new england, theres no battering newfoundland bringing some light snow i would think. And then leaving Everything Else behind in the sunshine, very warm sunshine for the plane stage. Youll notice theres still waiting for you as a for the rest of it coming from the pacific server. The cascades and, and the rockies are breaks as though seem to be pretty widespread easing away during wednesday. Im moving slowly south as well. Same time this bit of an increase in the breeze coming up from the gulf. So sheriff was taught to reappear around, for example, mississippi or louisiana. South of all, this is pretty obvious line his own called front, which was in house to shelves and most of the bahamas techs and k, charleston maybe. But rico, otherwise widespread, but like to shares the heaviest lights being costa rica or maybe in panama and still the potential for funding rainys to the sides throughout south american. Weve seen it recently, you know, in bolivia and this line is still fairly position. And this isnt increasing the which area the northeast of brazil and moving a bit further north, south of all this. Weve had a number of big storms throughout the last month or so the police and pretty big have in the center raj and teen. And occasionally in uruguay, and they have reappeared. So tuesday, again, it looks quite a stormy day for many of the quote to you by visit cut some sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. Im into the outer a big language world wide. Shea come out award for translation and International Understanding of notice is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024. Starting march 1st. To may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the plug it back. You want to how does the record to mind about top stories here . Theres a israel bump options of guns. A continues, as it must be in the month of ramadan begins, as well as restricting how much food met some and she went to chairman supplies, can get into this for more than 31000. 00 palestinians have been killed since october. And ill try the service and worship it as i performed the evening. Presently i liked some musk on the 1st day of ramadan. Despite the heavy is ready for these prizes. Its a day off, the hundreds were denied entry to the come town, which is the 3rd how the a sites in his law on top Us Intelligence officials up and testifying before the Us Senate Committee about well, what the trends, chapman cents a month, one of remarks israels conduct and its one gossip will threaten to undermine supports, the israel israel has launched an attack deep inside liberal nits. At least one civilians been killed and 6 others injured in fall back. Thats a 100 kilometers from israel. Buddha, the same area was attacked last month. Lebanons has belie around as well, regularly exchange files. But most of the fighting has been confined to both the regions. Us somebodys war planes are reported to have carried out 17 as strikes in west and human media link to who the forces say the port safety of the data and other coastal areas where hit the us and u. K. Happened on several waves of air strikes as generate in response to who the attacks on ships and the red sea who the say they will carry on that campaign until as well time. And if it ends its more on the gaza. Are you a secretary of state and to me, blink, and has promised on additional a 100000000. 00 for un backed force to stabilize hate to the spoken emergency tubes with counter being leaders in jamaica, the 15 member kind of come block is discussing a proposal to foss truck, a political transition in a to the government declared the state of emergency last week. That Security Forces are struggling to contain criminal gains in the capital. The Prime Minister ariel all reason. Puerto rico and gang leaders have warned him against returning. I think todays meeting on so critical territory together is testament to, to make is leadership, leadership and they have a screen share leadership at a critical moment. But also kind of a moment for all of us. Everybody agreed to the urgent need for the establishment of a president ial conk. So everybody agreed that that president ial council would be required to have identify a Prime Minister. Everybody agreed that that Prime Minister working with the president ial council would be effectively required to establish a government. And the everyone agreed on the provisional electronic comes for being critical to institution to be established. And they all agreed that the security situation needed to be contained as soon as possible. Or for some patients doubt that foreign intervention will be effective in restoring security to the country. When we talk about kind of cold, when have they ever done anything for hayton . We must de code destiny into our own hands. All haitians need to Work Together to see if we can save the country. Other countries oldest food, hate to eat in a situation where we end up fighting each other. Kind of come cannot do anything for us. It is like when you run for the rain and end up falling in the month, i think ariel henry is out forever. You cannot do anything for us anymore. Correspondent teresa boat has more from the boat between the hate and the dominican republic. We spend several days here at the borders, hawkins of haitians, or trying to answer the American Republic of other difficulties are facing and hazy today. We do know that in the capital port of friends and several others, since hes in the country, theres constant buying and fighting between guns and the police. We do know that in the past a few days the police have been trying to, we take some of the street surrounding the president ial palace. Theres been lots of attacks against infrastructure, the police station, the ministry of interior, among other locations. The union of Police Officers of hasty had been requesting much more help. They say they need more weapons more on munition. Well, thats poor, best among other things to fight against again in the countries, it happens also, the European Community has started to evacuate. The diplomatic personnel in haiti the United States has done the same and under the situation, is that to carry comb, meeting our meeting of the carry, the community are meeting in jamaica to discuss the ongoing crisis in hate. See right now with the presence of the secretary of state and city lincoln, we do know that a priority for the United States is to try to create in a way a college Precedential Commission that will steer the way towards the flowing what is known as a move Kind National Security Support Team that will be helping the Haitian National police to fight against the gang. This would be led by tammy, at least 400 Police Officers from can you are ready to be deployed and the United States is saying committed for this to happen. Were going to have to see how this in a way interacts with what is going on on the ground, the, the gangs in have to have a different plan. They want to establish a transition uh government that will be composed by a judge also by a former queen, leader known as felipe. He was in prison in the United States for Drug Trafficking charges. So its unlikely that Something Like this was have the support of the international community. However, in the meantime, theres too many tyran crises in hazy, with hundreds of thousands that have been deploy. The displaced mostly because of the ongoing violence. Shortage is a food of medicines that at least half of the population is facing. Im struggling with that to with hunger. That is, how will i just see that the how one United Nations is warning of the bleak future of a childrens education and nigeria already this month, gunmen have kidnapped hundreds of pupils that follows he is of similar attacks by um groups. Ill just say it was off, but it just reports from could do mistake. Parents in the village of quitting guy. Wait impatiently for any news of the missing children. 287. 00 pupils under teacher. What . Kidnapped by gunman from the Village School last thursday. As the days brag on, hopes of that return page, 75 kilometers away, 10 year old use if i would walk the streets of goodwin, begging for alms in the state capital is got to be shipped by says without ever stepping into possible. He doesnt know if you will achieve that. I want to be a teacher to educate children, to you so far is 300 kilometers away from home. Why is 5 sibling so also never been to school . They for their products is like millions of others officials and i did an estimate that are 10000000 children out of school. But the vision say the total is much higher. Most of the children missing from cross in the local because thats why im groups have attacked many schools, enforcement, 8 organizations say 700 school, something shocked, destroyed or damaged by the continuing fathers and not just north on central states. Kidnappings in the northwest largely carried out by monday, seeking run some boat quite. Im a nice of lucky. Later im groups continued to attack and ive got students and teachers in the northeast. The impact of or on integration is huge. Right . To know apart and told me that they are not going to seem to actually get into school. And this is going to say Development Many years back. They are not, they are no longer feeling safe. They dont always have a drop off. They have kids in school that theyll be able to pick them up in the government. Do to encourage you to, to, to show that the majority of children is 10 and above the motor state, which i sleep by insecurity, have not finished 6 years of basic school. Last year, the number of children shut out of classrooms because of their tax was around 2000000. 00. The future is big. They dont have a future. They dont have anything to hold back onto. The system will complete the eventually look at what happened in riga. How do you convince a parent that you would give the children back that they should allow them to go to school 8 work . I say that the number of kids missing class will go unless not just the government and the emphasis overcome the rates of schools and the investment in education is increased degrees. Ill just need a couple of nigeria to send a goal now where the opposition are appealing to the Supreme Court to further delay president ial elections for the campaign has already begun, and its been marked by the absence or imprisonment of key opposition figures. Because talk reports from deco finally allowed to gather supporters of jail, the opposition to figure it was months. Okay. It says if hes a candidate to the president ial election, but he was arrested last july and stripped of his rights after he was accused of calling for an insurrection against the state, the government bound so close party pest. The resting thousands of his supporters, including his deputy, best through july 5. He is a candidate to the president ial election in his campaigning from his prison, so nothing will stop their campaigns as senior party leader. Yes, info. Our practice press tip has been presented to go out to demonstrate the people who displayed flies to debate the way of waiting for his time so that we will be now free to talk to the people via and his supporters could benefit from an u. M. The seat belt it was voted in Parliament Last week of the president s request. President saul is seeking to appease a tense, Political Climate following his decision to delay februarys president ial elections following allegations of corruption over the list of candidates in response to critics who accused him of trying to extend his time in power. Hes now organizing the vote for march 24th before the end of his mandate. But concerns from rejected candidates including kareem, what have not been addressed. They are appealing to the Supreme Court saying the election is illegal. This is done by the president of center dollars, a sort of everything to speed up the process like if they were running. Thats what this is. But for the people that we create more and stability, we may elect the president who is not to visit a man who is not coming out of a regular electronic process. The Supreme Court ruled rule whether to cancel the president ial election by wednesday, days after the campaign begun this latest appealed to the Supreme Court to cancel the election, is casting further doubts in and already are unstable and unprecedented electrical process. Meanwhile, the Campaign Continues with and without the candidates a race to way to hearts and minds in an election like no other. Nicholas hawk out is the right. The car butchered on the far right shade, got potty has one to evinced ability. If its not included in the new government, it could drupal thats number of seats and Parliament Following sundays, generally election center, right democratic alliance. One. The biggest share of that though time comes to govern without the majority in the Us Government has announced rules to implement a controversial citizenship, a little below which was passed back in 2019 makes it easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to become indian citizens. With exclusions muslims, legal experts say the little violates can be reset the constitution by excluding most good records and mike. Now the British Royal family is on the new screws in the opposite. Unofficial photograph of cape middleton, princess of wales, and her children was found to have been altered. Theres been intense speculation about the princess health since she im doing surgery in january. But if somebodys photo was intended to put those rooms to rest, it is back fired. As poor but an article its a happy family photograph taken. We are told by Prince William at windsor this week, but the smiles have since vanished in the royal household. Within hours of it being posted on social media, reputable News Agencies including reuters, a get to you and the press association ceased circulating the image, warning Media Outlets that the photo showed evidence of 10 print did not meet the strict standards of news photography. On this we took the photo to l, just areas, graphics department. So theres something really strange going on here. Im going to zoom in even more so you can see it when the subjects all money

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