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Contacted her after meeting her and dialogue and i said, i want to do something together. Organization is called clean shelter. What we do is fundraise to um, finance the construction of toilets and 10, and i d p accounts and guidelines and never sold that. And at this time of history that we will face this kind of hunger. And like i couldnt imagine that people would be displeased. I couldnt imagine that children would lose all of their families because we really started small. And because im is riley, most of my networks are from is rileys. So we have a lot of is ready donate donations. But we have donations actually from all over the world. If there would be a rebuilding taking place. And im sure they would be any building taking place. We want to take a part of this and make sure its inclusive and make sure that its reliable and accommodated because students that we are constructing now is theyre not going to last. I have family and friends in is around that im still really, really worried about and hope for their safety. I also feel a lot of responsibility and also a lot of shame about the war and, and that respect. Im really happy for this project with 7 and even for friendship. I feel this is happening in many ways. Well thats it for me down jordan, my colleague fully bought you, but it will be here at the top of the i with much more news. The news continues here off to upfront. Thats it for me, extension. Thanks for watching. The, [000 00 00;00] the the the center ive been getting after 5 months of israels Brutal Bombing Campaign and siege on guys of and its still more than 30000. 00 palestinians and seen israel facing a case of genocide at the International Court of justice. Negotiations continue and a cease fire maybe image, but even if a cease fire is reached, what happens next . Will there be account ability for the war crimes committed as the former commander in chief of these really navy and former director of israel, secret service on the aisle and then upfront by the media yellow and thank you so much for joining us on upfront. I think you must uh, as we record negotiations for a ceasefire in guys, a continue to advance a mini youre asking, even if there were to be a ceasefire. What happens next . Now youve stated that you hope is rarely, society will demand and i quote security democracy and an end to the as rarely occupation of the palestinian territories because the 3 are inseparable. But this idea strays quite far from Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, whose intentions, which currently suggest taking in definite control over the security and civilian affairs of guys. And how do you respond to Prime Minister netanyahu has plan . Well, i look to respond to other than you know, because this is the beauty of democracy. Um, i represent myself. I just want to present these are the people uh, many of these ladies. I agree with me, but uh, as long as the Prime Minister, as much as i dont like it, you represent the state of view it. So im going to go see i didnt read nothing. Yeah. Im telling what i believe in. I hope this is way, at least with this one. I hope the world really some of your audience for example. And finally sees ease of democracy. I hope that we shouldnt have elections as soon as possible. And then they like people with vote um for uh, for another leader. I guess my question is why do you disagree with Prime Minister netanyahu . You said you dont like it. What dont you like about his plan . Okay, uh, let me go back a little bit and just thought uh where is trying to explain uh, to form people um the way we understand the reality in the middle used and um, these are the point of view or the status of dollar. Uh, i think that the experience, something that we couldnt imagine that ever we should face now why it is so important to stop with this. Because you have to understand is that we went to a war and the way we understand before is it just or, but uh, even adjustable must and because more should never be. The goal of it says, is mighty discussion or debate. Oh, why this is a uh, the reason why i do not agree with nothing. You know, is that uh the way i understand him. He do not heavy intent. You dont have any dental. And just for, for him, uh, it is a kind of an endless war. Another idea when i speak about this war, when we find um, how much we choose uh, at the, from the meant the least organization. And im not saying or the other students are the same, but how much is organization you know, way it is a totally different type for. We are parting on, put the mentions. One is on the military, bottom, on the bottom. Theyre just immediately the war. But the other, and the most important to mention is the war of ideas. And what i claim you use if you order to defeat thomas is not enough for this month. The is music. I mean, these are a couple ability is probably to cutting this as this is what were doing. But ive seen that the war must. And today, when you, when youre talking about an end to the war, one of the things that isnt yahoo is talked about in addition to actual military engagement is the question of a palestinian state. Hes saying a very explicitly at this point that a palestinian state is a non starter. I totally disagree. Uh, what is the, the all and um, just the support might you. Uh, i see that in this case, you know, uh all i do is me. If you listen to the american voice, your a bad voice, all the out of states, its all the most of the states will sign for the piecing issue. I see just on the lawn, and its, you know, hes by law. How mazda is that . What you did not sign within the 1st do we do . We do the arrow bins and most of the lord and if you listen to russia in china or they wont accept the future of those states. The only realistic view in order to bring that to this concert. So on at the job unfortunately, is where the government today do not accept the question because it raises an interesting point about International Consensus. You, you say that the world, the dominant majority of countries around the world, the arab states, europe, etc, are all calling for 2 states. Theres a, theres a similar consensus around the globe, and israel has committed war crimes. There is a Similar International in global consensus that is real has contravene International Law. Uh, do you accept what, what consensus on those issues as well . No, i dont. Why i dont. And i saw that i started by saying, 1st of all, is it just more . And when we tried to run this, but im not making it just just to be clear. Im making a distinction between what youre calling sort of the. The inputs is for the war and the actual practices within the, in the war. There are some people who might agree with use with the war, but say in the practice of war, because 20 or 30000 people have been killed. Because 2 thirds of those people are women and children because we can even conventions have been violated by, you know, bombing mosse and in schools and hospitals. Because we dont practice. So many civilians have been indiscriminately targeted that perhaps even if one were to except that the war itself was just as a, as a mission. But in practice its still violated. So many laws. Why do you think International Consensus is, is, is so i the, i dont, i dont see that the international concerns. I think that this is a view of the street in many places. But i dont think that this is a view of most of the lawyers. The international know you have to understand that i have the right a laptop every target. This is a booster done. And i have to, i have to explain to me something about uh, is it what, why is it working . Got you so problem i think because it is the 1st well the 305 d which use it so populated area and there is no way plus tax and the junior my target was out to me unfortunately without any intent. Serious. This is the one reason the 2nd reason. Well, let me, let me ask you what your 1st reason before you jump to the 2nd reason. Again, even if one were to accept your argument, that is, that casualties are inevitable in war, but the okay. And this International Law does not suggest or does not allow for you to indiscriminately kill civilians. It does not, it does lives. It does that absolve you of your responsibility to make sure that somebodys or evaluated from a hospital for, for, for example, jesus and they have been finally, then i want to get your response to this. And then also, you know, you say these are legitimate military targets, but when you, when you blow up a hospital or when you, when you destroy a school or a mass, these are not the military targets as such. And the only way they will become military targets is if they were to lose that status. And to date theres been almost no evidence presented by the state of israel that these targets have lost their status, their protective status, and that they are legitimate military targets. And even if they were, because how mazda is in there, you still have to evacuate civilians. You stuff that gives the mean time to get away. If civilians dont leave and you dont just get the blow up the place because they, they civilians havent left a, a home or records you cant for example. Um, what do you make . Sure . What is the question . My question is, what do you, what do you make of the geneva conventions and all these other International Legal statues that make it very clear that you dont have the ability or the right to blow up houses of worship, or hospitals or schools simply because you believe that a mass agent may be in there without taking proper measures and without making sure that civilians are protected. I dont. Okay. I heard you. I dont see i, i not sure that you. If you read, you know the facts we saw as a respect. It is not that we believe thats how boss is using it. It is because we know it and we present the real real evidence in every case is the case of moss, is a case of hospitals which we did not adopt by the way. So what im trying to explain is the 1st war ever in which is their state home us organization, or what we called the bar looking garza is using the civilians as a human issue. Im not inventing it, you just have to go to the internet at the what, what, whatever, whatever it is you havent, thats there because to data, actually no evidence within it. Its pretty heavy. This go on my website for the last 10 years, the mazda website. How much the website is saying that heres thing the here proof that how much is using human shields . Is that on a mazda is website, is what you say on the phone. How mazda. Com is it . Uh, we, uh, pick 1010. I have a few minutes, you know that to give you those phone. Yeah, im just asking what the evidence is because you havent present any evidence. You just go to the masses website. I. It has been yours, suggesting that well, how much is the website they acknowledge that they use human shields . That thats your argument. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, um i just i, i only know i have no, but let me finish my arguments and then do whatever you want. Ok. I then you go, how most websites, and for the last 10 years or was i see this flap, the geez, is to bring to zillow. For the middle of this, it is in order for these waves soldiers as matters civilians, as close as possible and send the war. We love this then, and then what we support say this is a strategy. And in addition, you know, in gaza, they built this, you all show that im the wrong city on god. Youre only by how much activities and how much columbus know what a cnn c media can hide there. If it is true that a mazda strategy is to hide in the middle of Civil Society and surround themselves with civilians, if that is true, are you suggesting that you didnt have a right to attack them there, and indiscriminately killed civilians . On is not the case in which we know for sure that ccs, how many totes are unfortunately when we heat emulate the target unfortunately and resolve any intention civilians a dime. So what im saying, so israel is now killed 30000 people over 12500 and those of those 30000 people are children. On average, 10 children are losing limbs every day. And as a near starvation, there are several reports of people eating, grass, and animals the to survive. This is the reality. At the end of november, you said that you called dont think that the military can achieve its goals without doing exactly what they are doing today. Now in the now, as we said here, now, as we said here in march of 2024 with 30000 did go 2 thirds of the women and children, 12500 kids that 10 children losing lives every day. These still believe it, the militarys doing exactly what they have to be doing. No, no, not listening. I said, zip, zip, military action on the if you asked me, we have to stop immediately as this is why, what i do know that the reaction on the military goals which we cannot use every day when we go to fighting we are cheating nothing. Because because of your money and your human instead of disaster, which is creating even here it is not what we want. This is the intention of how much. And we are losing this wall, not because we are noisy or the bottom. How does it matter if im able to do this . For example, when there are a 100 people or a 112 people were killed defenseless, effectively while waiting for a humanitarian, a truck, and is rarely, 4th is killed them even though they are not engaging in any kind of military action. How does what, how, how is that, how mazda is fault, and not just these really militaries. For me to stop this interview, it just to push a button. If you go, if we should go, i know youre willing to push a button. I dont know what im saying is under, under what circumstances i saw and under the circumstances, what is a modified doing some of these actions. Im just asking awesome to every interview just like the war and we have to abide by the rules. And my question for you is, when a 112 people are killed thinking humanitarian a by is really military forces. Is that how much the spot or is that purely the fault of these really military . Ill give you an opportunity answer. No, it is a responsibility to know what it is that you really dont have disaster. Thats how much was that to be created and we did not understand it and we are going on with the use of military power. What im trying to explain my view is that we have to agree by ceasefire immediately because we are no z z the world of ideas. The secondary motion of this war is the level 5 years. And in order to dispute how much we have to do so we need or what we can do in order for this month to its really very power. And we should not go on doing what we have to do is to create the horizon as opposed to the horizon, which is the support. So the egypt, jordan, and the rates learned, oh is it out of state or sign or the present is your zip. They zip, how much would it be depleted . How much would it be defeated . Oh, yeah, for sure create. If it does not your fault, but a scene is it for you right now is the moment that we should create a process thats going to bring us to where they react your estates. How much is the paint that you will not be supported by more than 50 percent of the students and the us up days they will stay as a police because they know the key. I have no problems. This is my view. Understood in december you spoke about how there are too many, what you call chaos agents in israel, whose political goal is to create a human disaster in guys that you call this radical and fundamental stating, quote, this is exactly the theology and the strategy of isis and of l k that quote, are these k us agents in your estimation . You just pull some soft is where they put additional. And so i can tell you that via and smart region, just saving all goldman. I totally disagree. Reason. Unfortunately, these are elected and unfortunately they brought us to create this disaster as this is, was, this is exactly what, how much expected is this is why the celebrating as this is why they are getting support to buy more and more for the students and more and more people in our states that makes that makes it so. So from your perspective, its not going to be at mit benjamin. Thats in yahoo. All this whole cohort of people are advancing or kind of extreme is city ology, designed to create a humanitarian disaster. I, by the way, i, i, you mentioned that, you know, i dont seem to, this is what you wanted. But to use it created a partnership and you do not, you do not control it as long as you are that are all right, is this problem is this extreme is coalition guiding the policies of israel . Yes. And are they being successful in guiding the positive israel and persuading . Nothing else up to now . Yes. Okay, so you said that just so i got this right. There are extremists who are guiding the policies of israel towards humanitarian disaster in guys that these people are successful and intentionally creating humanitarian disasters and gaza. And yet when i ask you more isnt responsible for humanitarian disaster the, you know, you see the contradiction there. You said you said the guiding him successively toward creating humanitarian disaster and then i say, hey, theres a humanitarian disaster. And you said in our fault, please explain the contradiction. The contradiction is that how much is responsible to this disaster and we are stupid, you not to have to. Okay, this is the way i explain it. Okay. This is the dream will come off and we do not understand it from the very beginning. And we often surprise, unfortunately, a studious how the studious offerings the price. Because we do not understand the existing agreement from us. And in addition, we were a lot because after the service of october, we had to go to war against time us. And this is the result. So you believe that the problem here is that these really government at this stage has fallen into a mazda is trapped by exactly right. Exactly. So falling into how am i subtract, doesnt absolve you from your responsibilities and International Law. It doesnt absolve you from the crime genocide of either the number of any sort of words of International Law. But uh, whats your 1st thing, sir . Man, i have to do something. You do not understand what juno started this point about whats inside of what weve done is i genocide is to keep it people in the home or in part or in a home or in part by international, in a home or in part based on a racial ethnic pool, or national identity, thats for an International Law, and we are getting one percent of the child population guys has been killed. This one out of 75 guys has been killed. We do not test. It will be the posting. Its. We have to was how most, but youre killing palestinians. O generals are saying again and again and again. We have to ever see in order not to hit scenarios because this is not all. So just to use your example, if, if the, if the commanders are saying do everything, you can not to hit civilians and a 112 civilians are killed while waiting for humanitarian aid on arms. And by all accounts and not at all, confronting is really military who is responsible. I ask you again, what was the phone . It was a huge was the if you asked me z, we try to bring you many during the day for the never seen and exist. Oh boy was attacked by people the most. Any good to me. It was a huge problem, a huge mistake. And i hope that we shall not doing it. It was the military, it was, it was the idea of some state youre saying it wasnt me. Let me stay just a little bit because early on the other thing is it was nobody saw. So im glad you, im glad you removed on the inside. You know, i appreciate you say i appreciate you saying earlier in interview set something different. So im, im glad that we have clarity now that it was their fault when you since october to this case. Yeah. The most amc, i said was, what was it, how is it, how much is the part you said its not anyones fault. The case. Okay. Whats the thats fine. Well, we dont to put well the audience and well see for themselves. Im you called for the release of jail Palestinian Leader of motor one, but the which is also one of the current demands of him. As you said, that this will create the conditions for meaningful negotiations from anybody who is viewed as their nelson mandela. And recent polls suggest that he will be a prime candidate to lead if he were released and they were open elections. Right. Do you believe it has released can lead to more diplomacy or a way for it in the conflict . Ive seen just the process that i see is in the military operation. We just use fire and getting, bringing back all the hostages and raising all day. But i just need a proof of that. We have to really get ahold of what jesus didnt and was hearing what im afraid of that. Um is that zip ive seen here, we go to elections, we out the political horizon. And i hope that when we should have the ability to go to resin, which would be supported by over the world america. So during the i or the states, the way it is, youre going to be released on it then they will go to elections. And the way i understood the policy and the societies they didnt vote for uh, for murder on the, and the would you believe hes not the how much hes not the most activities you believe in 2 states. You float . Because he did not believe that we should do 1st thing in the states unless there was a fight. So whether he was right or wrong, i know discussing it. Now, this is the story we didnt stay doing. Also, what a student in the state farm across the states as the responsibility is sure, im trying to discuss the future as this is why i think that when it was delivered to raise it. And when the 1st thing is with go to elections, you should be really, you should be a candidate. And the way i understood posting is there one vote for mr. I alone . I appreciate your time. I look forward to talking to you again soon. Well look to soon, but thank you very much. Take care everyone that is our show upfront. Well be back next. The President Biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, what does anybody believe its doable . What this is real for . Im gonna say it back to us Foreign Policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world . A quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. The latest news, as it breaks the leaders attending this is National Peoples congress all under pressure to stable, which tends to unimpressed and convinced the public. The chinese front of me is not in defined with detailed coverage despite their show of force money. Here realize yorba is not ready to defend itself without the house of the united states, from around the world. Advocates for the homeless se criminalizing people who live on the street simply wont work, especially in a city like los angeles. The challenges with the a ramadan in guys like no other as israel continues to bomb and stuff civilians to death during the muslim holy month. So im pretty back to boy, youre watching out g 0 life from till also coming up. These really ami says its investigating the killing of a disabled and on um to palestinian man in gaza after

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