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A 24 hour period. These radio me has now tells more than 30000 palestinians since this will began not the hospital, the largest facility and the south of the strength has suspended operations after a fiber account during a barrage of his rarely strikes. The facility and con unice has been under siege for weeks. All joining us on the line now is margie was buried. Hes the director of the golf study censor Castle University manji. But i do want to begin by asking you about what were seeing today in gauze as you what appears to be a massive got thousands of people that move in to 100 people injured. Most of them quickly. Weve spoken to a number of people including on rod just in the last half hour to say they count definitively say that a infrastructure is being targeted by the israelis. Whats your, whats your take on that . And again, this is, this happens in the north of that. What basically is ladies and does a government insist on evacuated old police send you an old dozen people from that . So basically they know that people are together and they are aware of this because the automotive putting of the Small Movement dental heads up to me that as a continuing a continuation of the is the, the policy of basically killing palestinians and targeting the civilians with the fact that this may lead to a see, but it doesnt evacuate more from those. And uh, thats uh and also push it on to measure and community to pressure. Um, how much is that to give more concession, especially in the light of the cut on the line of the negotiation. So you think uh this is a, this is a negotiation tactic. You think i and i think its not far away from that. And also it has, it has to deal also with the cutting clauses within the is what the government as you know, yesterday the cabinet, the some of the, the, the, the cabin and decided to basically isolate been defeated of the whats happened in the lock. So most can basically, there was the no limitation on that, but its still going to go to the most uh to the lock. So most come from im on as, as, as it, which the opposite to what they need to feed once. So there is a crisis within is about a government that is a push out on the is like the government of how much that the why something to, to move toward a ceasefire. And also there is a pressure on the army because there is no serious achievement, has been done in the day of a 146. So all of those to that, that can explain to us why dissolution of the eightys is continuing. So just to contextualize that for you as if theyre just joining us much, and you are referring that to what appeared to be divisions appearing within these really will cabinet or whether or not restrictions should be placed on, on the people who are able to pray at ill ox a, during the month of ramadan, obviously, but was going to be an incredibly sensitive time. Its due to start and in less than 2 weeks. What do you expect in terms of dynamics on the grounds to take place in the strip over the course of ramadan to i think i think the government and you know, has to decide what the auditor basically expecting. Theyre nice in a little or, or they are, they have to accept the fact is that what the theyd be have according to the my, so a little or they be have, i got all the state in the world today is very clear introduction, any order of what is, what hes doing is being criticized by and even by the United States, the ally of, of, of the eightys evaluated pianos domestic because they are basically a doing every day i get into the civilians. Its been condemned to criticize, but unfortunately, none of those companies are able to push those what any more it is has to decide whether they are basically part of the civilized, civilized world. Or actually they are living in a world where every, every, no kidding people has been, has become accepted by the 80. This is not the civilized world and the 21st century. This is, this is, this is the, the, the, the, the, the little, this is a lot of little the know the power, not you talk about whether or not israel choose us to respect international. I think what spend a lot of people about whats happened today has been the sheer scale of this attack, the number of tests, the number of injuries that weve seen. But ive been wondering because obviously weve seen huge restrictions on age coming into the gaza strip. Whatever makes it in particularly to the north, obviously youre going to get huge, huge crowds of people, custer in round, trying to get whatever they can given, given the salvation situation. That it is obvious that whats happening in the north. The has the political purpose and the political purpose is its an yahoo government one to the back await the most people open doesnt on the north. So they can achieve what they call it. They called the security of the eightys. So, so far as they have failed the was that about 700. 00, but its doing it insisted on stay on. Nothing because that and being stopped under the eye of the community. So what they are doing is a continuation of that. Its very clear to that with the lack of achievement the and the lack of, you know, the good thing to the notice now. And they, you know, it took about a half and they are doing the woods now. And then also because it has to do also, we should not undermine the fact that the eightys have lost a lot of that person in the last 24 hours. And there is a look of a serious uh, book has going on between them and, and how much psycho so there is, there is an affiliate on the ground. Many totally and also at the end failure to politically within the government. And also it comes to the diplomacy, the diplomacy, they are not respecting did a nature of alliances when you dont listen at the it is a lot of the saving weapon from the United States when theyve done this with them to fix the advice of the americans when they dont less because that device of the other pianos who would be, would be even what they say, even they are unpopular so i could see something different. So there is a crisis of the image of the is what you know. And they insist on doing something on the ground to basically to say they what they dont is justified because of whats happening. And some of the book to about this kind of attitude is no longer can be accepted, taken into consideration more than 100010. But its thing as autumn now killed or in just measure of the Palestinian Authority is released the statement with a very critical to action for the International Community to push for a cease. Why do you think . Do you think Something Like this . An attack . All of this scale, could this be a turning point all the any red lines that we would its we would expecting this many times as we i appeared with you many times before. We would expect to end with an amendment dining hospice has to happen, as it says, start to happen. It doesnt seem that the Mission Community is a blind. It is not seeing is that the out of that is lack of efficiency. That is that to the humidity i all of this quote, what you thought you were quoted did is lack of the humidity. And this was they see all of this semester could, there is no power to say to a government stop doing this. And so nicely to know its been, its been marginalized, disrespected and then they talk about a, you know, human rights in the district of a human life. What about all of those people . Cuz its obvious that the time has it has arrived to see it in action from security council, from europeans. They have to do what, what they can to, how does he say up to date on the dental model . Because if they continue like this, they wouldnt be able to kind of hook hatred, which already do that is if we can was of hatred in the region across the globe. And what the, what to expect of all of those because they wouldnt be more hate. They would be, what are the cultivation and, and, and this was because they shouldnt, can go, can kind of go do with. So i think the politicians has to be, you know, more to smotts and to have some action and put, just put in those semester. Cuz today the mental model logic is wary, the director of the golf study center on Castle University. Thanks for joining us again on how to 0. It was you. Well, lets now go about talk correspondence, and was rav 8, hes live from ramallah in the occupied west bank. Then give us a few more details about what weve been hearing from the Palestinian Authority as well. The reaction weve been getting from government officials here who are no doubt frustrated at but having to watch what is happening and gaza, really politically and practically for years let alone the last several months paralyzed to do anything to stop. Israels constant dehumanizing and a constant attacks on its communities across the occupied west bank and gaza issue. And yet another strong statement, strong condemnation, really perhaps all they can do at this stage, but calling the something that is seemingly unprovoked, deliberate, and once again, something that is targeting civilians specifically. Now if we stop for a moment and look at the anatomy of this attack and see whats happened, the people that were targeted, they are hungry, they were lining up for food. And what we see and garza, whats been happening since the war began is that at least 576000 people in gaza, that is one quarter of the population. According to you and statistics are one step away from famine. Practically every Single Member of the population of 2300000 people relies on food aid right now and that food a is woefully inadequate. There are some efforts for a drops. The trucks that are at the border are a trickle compared to what is needed. So the people that were shot at the people that were killed, images that weve seen of had wounds of bodies of men and women being piled up on the back of lauries that are meant to carry a shipping containers. All of those people were desperately hungry and lining up for food. And that was really all that was happening. And so the condemnation from the p a for an office here in room a lot. Its condemning in the strongest terms what they described as a heinous massacre. Committed by these really forces this morning and calling on the International Community to do more. But what weve heard from leadership here in ramallah as well as palestinians at street level that weve been talking to since the war began. Is a comparison that says that the double standards being applied to the palestinian call and select are different from elsewhere the compared to ukraine, for instance, an ongoing conflict that is happening on around the same time. And if we go back to an incident that happened early on in the war in ukraine, there was a bread line. It came under russian attack, 9 people died, it made headlines for days and weeks that were investigations into the kind of ammunition used. If you apply that standard to what is happening here, what has happened today . Whats been happening for nearly the last 5 months. That should be enough to call to Action International communities, International Governments to try to bring this conflict to a close. But what posting has continued to point out is the standards applied to the war in europe to elsewhere anywhere else in the world are different from those apply to palestinians that are suffering under the israeli occupation. Remember that in spent in new kinds and you mentioned the that youve been speaking to the people on the street to what have you been hearing from them that might be different from, from official lines as well. There is enormous frustration. We see demonstrations happening, but they are limited in scope because the Palestinian Security services here in ramallah tend to keep a tight control on public demonstrations. But what weve seen in the last few minutes, just in about the last 10 or 15 minutes was a call by home us across social media platforms for people across the occupied westbank for people in islamic countries. For people in eric countries to come out onto the streets in the next 24 hours, theyre calling for protest tomorrow. Theyre saying it is time to put pressure on their own governance to try to do something to try to pressure them to take serious decisions, to bring it in to the war in garza. So well be looking forward to seeing how people respond to that. But we must point out that home us has grown in popularity in the occupied westbank since the war and gaza began. And those calls for protests are something that people tend to heat. So the next 24 hours, were expecting some demonstrations across the west bank. And thats the same as raw visa with the lasers for us from ramallah and they dont get paid westbank. Thanks very much saying, well lets now go back to the monks. He joins me from occupied easter eastern for them. I understand. We dont have a statement from these early on. Yeah, they said they are looking into it and the stuff here theyve just been speaking to me. The last few minutes saying that this is something they are currently checking in terms of what they are able to talk about. What they may know about this incident city, not a huge amount of information for those outside the immediate vicinity of that incident. Of them. We know as we were saying earlier that that aid has been so tight they are restricted. Can you give us a sense at the moment of what these really is all saying is getting in and what they might be saying would be causing these buffalo . Well, these really is say that they are not preventing aid from entering garza and in the strictest definition. Of that, that is correct in terms of what they could be doing more. Thats around the most full time opening up some of the checking stations that they use in order to make sure that the going into the strip is not something that they think could damage the security foster inside the territory. In terms of what weve seen over the last few weeks, several you in agencies know to be the well food program saying that the aid is not getting up to the north of gauze in anything like the quantities that are needed given the size of the population that and of course, whats really crucial to think about over the coming weeks. Dont forget Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu very public. He said just a few days ago that the campaign against that off, but would continue whether or not theres a c spot at some point. And right now the boss, majority of aid unsolved, good getting into gaza is going through the process. So if that area becomes the sensor of the conflict as it is possibly going to, that would have a devastating impact yet again, on the ability of agencies to move food into these population areas that need it. So much. Of course of the mocks, the, what the latest for us from occupied the story. Some of the thank you that im, well we joining us now on the line is nadia is where he is the director of the golf study Sensor Council university. Monday. You just had them that talk about that rafa offensive that that has been mold or the for weeks i will just just minutes ago, you were telling me about challenges, military challenges. But israel is facing on the ground. Where is the rafa offensive . Is that still in pen . And i think, you know, the expectation was that they should be a ceasefire and that could lead to an looms hes choir, which could be basically put on hold the whole the how the nation. How about the statements of them . Theres right, a Prime Minister and says that that dropped off wouldnt be, and they did the got this. What would happen when it comes to this . Hes by us and the one kind of what would happen to 1400000 and left off the back on the, in the, in the very small area. It is one basically to bombard them, how many people they would be killed and what would be the reaction of the International Community. Um, its all the, there is, there is a, a, a behavior that reflects that this respect and the human nation to the nation. A no to international and i would say norms and it says the thing that you know, those and does as, as i described them, the monthly human being. And thats basically, that is the slogan thats that this cause they have using the day one. And they want to basically undoubted behaving best on that. Then production and community should wake up to the fact that these kinds of actions would not to bring stability and security neither to the agent not to the work. This is a fact, they should latin from their behavior, they should learn from this respect and the human ation and marginal and, and, and, and the, the for goods and they have the practices today, but its still showing closed but its the and cause has been forgotten 4 to 4 years and, and, and they have put them in, but that the more they ignore this fact, the more of these kinds of mexicos would continue. And the responsibility will not be in the hands of those ladies will be in the hands of or come to is the support thing. Thats why it is a god. This whole outlet lot of the as with all day because their support is giving this kind of limited to that it is to continue. And they have to, to, to look at, you know, all of what and that agent in the last 30 years. Everything has the link to the opinion codes. Um one of the major, fuck everyone should remember. Whenever they talk about the stability and does the humanitarian, isnt it . It is the responsibility of is that he does that isnt a to pipe land. The coupon it is responsive and to provide food to the people. And that is why it is a, has that as you know, the to open on the board that a points and allows you to go. That is what the, what the remaining opens connection and know this is the q pi ata has to do that. So all of these excuses, you know, for the, for not, and you know, the direction, the opening or the either it is that supposed to make it was what it is to provide humanitarian belie the then couldnt be put on because that they have to open on on all of this across the road a minute because i dont know how close and other to allow food to go into because otherwise, in the data that actually collect people without any kind of the 6. Unless you me, you mentioned earlier about that being heights that some kind of a cease fire would come about. One of the do you often cited challenges for those negotiations of the lack of palestinian unity. We know that a number of palestinian factions im using right now today in the russian capital must go. Do you think that that an incident like what weve seen now in garza city, this number of people did this number of people who been critically injured . Is it Something Like this, perhaps autonomy pointing to the palestinian factions to, to bring them together and find some unity and, and, and how to move forward. In the public tenure, defragmentation is made manufactured by other forces regional and it appears. And that is what you need is what is contributed to the documentation. And since 2006, i mean we come up with the thing in the sent him out of victims. And regardless what those different function are doing, they are the victim disability is the funny thing. Im factions regarding who are they they, they basically uh they way to put them in a situation to hate each other, not to work with each other and basically, and thats was a policy since 1948. Um, so uh, talking about the division uh within that kind of thing and no ones denied. But its not that its supposed to been to put a student on the is that was supposed to be the teacher of the others who play on that differences to divide and who creates more of the problem with them. But its thing and politics. Im sure any kind of unity with them, but its thing and when would it be helpful . Would, would, would it be, would it be pushing more . I would say uh towards the solution. But again, now, now the issue is whats happened and because of that, as i said, community should ask quickly, immediately and the, and the admitted to stop the semester. Because a lot longer with the i to go to the booklet with the to, to stop this accommodation. Anybody because debate can be respond to the model. But now its stopped. Mr. Good. Allow him, its a, its a good deal people to come see i live. Otherwise we can, i sense community is losing. Its on the speak to itself and for the future generation, a monument very that the director of the golf studies center in Castle University. Thanks for joining me again. Much of great to get your thoughts. Mike, if you are just joining us here on out to 0, let me reach out to you the latest news that we are getting out of the gaza strip. At least 77 palestinians have been killed and we believe more than 250 people are injured. Off the is rarely for says opened fire on people trying to collect food. Aid in goal is a city that 10 out from out of 0 correspondence is my uncle whos on the ground, that clinical viola. How do you know i shall then with the people in the area in the medics were able to receive most of the injury due to the continuous is really showing on the gathered people. But until now, they were not able to reach the dozens of bodies which are close. It is really military post in that area. The metix speak of dozens of killed that are still on the ground. Some of these bodies were run by is really tanks. This is really crime consists of really dated, shooting, showing, killing, and before that starvation to push people to come for 8 in this area. Israel contaminates a with intentional killing and blood. Yeah. Genuine. And what about . Well, thats not bringing out of there a senior political analyst along the shots and unpack some of this further on what weve seen today. Happen and cause a city, could this be a turning point or have already lines already been cost . You dont, we dont know if this is meant to be the last dry by these right is before us has 5. Meaning to take revenge at the most extreme for basically can in a seniors not once, not twice, but 3 times. Getting started. The 1st things, you know, when you actually bump starving population actually is getting twice fleeing population. So it is again and again a number of quite a number. Busy a number of, of a dentist by these radius to on the one hand lead to as much damage as possible in gaza could as many palestinians as possible. And to my mind attracted to the people whatever attempt by the United States. To me the h sometime direct temporary is useful because thats remember the president by then for the past number of days, weeks, youre being continuously talking about reducing the human casualties about reducing the humanitarian sufferings of the people in the past. So why is that practice war . And the by that administration gives, it provides you with a 3 like to do that to 5, which is just hopes that this would attempt to try just to reduce as much as possible the human stuff is doing exactly. But well, clearly from what weve heard from present by them over the last few days, this hope that the confidence that they would be a cease 5 by, by next week in shortly hes putting a lot of pressure for that to happen on all the parties involved how likely is that as well, you know, its, uh, but id like to pull stuff. Did you buy hostages . Right. It doesnt necessarily have to be founded in reality as much as by the will of the United States to impose some kind of a transition. So that was done by the being uh, you know, the ultimate mediator and this plus uh, the United States being the sponsor, most of the war and of the day after hes trying to transition from this war. Why dont we get down and go to some kind of a regions integrating . Is there an in the region ending the occupation . Im gonna leave it that the now my one because i want to share something with our viewers. Recapping the latest, again, at least 7 to 7, palestinians have been killed, more than 250 people are injured as my one and i were just discussing often, is there any forces opened fire on people trying to collect the food a didnt cause a said you know, some of the injured were taken to, ill she for hospital in garza city and we have an account from one of the doctors, the doctor does all that. Also say the that the level of edit definitely is may a lot of it has seen it are really no words to describe. The situation reminds us of the dock scenes from the Baptist Hospital 4 months ago with 500 people were killed. And one is really yesterday. Since the early hours of the morning, the hospital has been flooded with thousands of dead bodies and hundreds of injured. The majority of the victims suffered gunshot wounds and trap knowing the head an upper parts of the bodies. They were hit by direct artillery. Shelly droned missiles and on the fire, all operating rooms are full and all medical stones have been deployed. Above will we run out of medical supplies and fuel necessary to operate the hospital. We hope we will be able to provide any live saving procedures to those victims. Will victims are in Critical Condition that lying on the floor, we stand helpless. Im in the shop shortage of supplies and stuff. How did you get in . And i know you may have come here to get our hands on some 8. Ive been waiting here since noon yesterday was about 430 in the Early Morning with the truck started. The District Land is really just open random fire on us as if it was a truck. Once we approach to a truck that is really tanks and were playing started firing on us. If this continues like this, we do not want any a deliberate at all. Every con board come in means another massive. While we were just hearing that from one of the survivors of that attack, we believe it was in his really attacked on people collecting food aid on the streets of gauze, the settings and watching groups and pictures from rashid street. Well, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned this attack, calling it a heinous mass. Okay. It says that is where the forces killed in cold blood, dozens of palestinians as they wasted for humanitarian aid. We believe that was bags of flour. In this case, the Palestinian Ministry has been cooling on the International Community to intervene urgently for a cease fire. Now if you are just joining us, lets reach out for you the latest figures. We understand that at least 7 to 7 people have been killed in this single attack. A learned 250 people have been injured. Most of them critically. Many of them as youve been seeing on your screen hasnt taken vide, dont keep costs to local hospitals. Obviously theyre all new billions cruise available in northern garza. But well be bringing you much more on this here on al jazeera. Thats it for me and installs it, pay for this, and use our join a how it will be here with much more than 5 minutes. And i will see you often not to stay with the a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills that re discovering them is possible with the little house. A park ranger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect freest, simulating himself to city life. Monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to asking questions. Were you ever worn about the Health Effects of our no understanding the reality reporting from the action of the hospital with fear. This gentleman isnt just behind me. Hundreds of people have seen it back to a to is an in depth coverage thailand states its future of fossil fuels. Nope, renewable. Ill just use teams on the ground. Bring you closer to the heart of the story. This business uptake. These bolts is by the city bank Growth Partner of on the dash before he is the these business uptake. These me why this exact proton of bundle a dash football to use the the other until now. This is the news outline from dough coming up in the next 60 minutes massacred while collecting food 8 at least 77 college students. Q 5 is ready, smart pacific time in the west city in the west of kansas city side of the once we approach to a trucks that is really tanks of

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