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On investigation into rentals for me to one scene boss, Christine Horner, has cleared him of misconduct. The rainy will champions in 6 feet internal process has to be fair and impartial. The we begin in gaza where there is no lit up in the is riley miller trees bowman campaign. The boy has now kills nearly 50000 palestinians since october, but most of them women and children, at least 76 people were killed and just the past 24 hours. Now these are pictures from come out of one hospital in northern gaza. Were an infant has died from inhaling talks a guess cool is biased rarely compartment for other children i did and 7 others are in Critical Condition. As a result of dehydration and mel nutrition, the hospital is no longer functioning after running out of fuel. As were you in agencies have repeatedly will involve increasing starvation and hunger among causes 2300000 people. Now they say 1. 00 and 4. 00 people is on the brink of famine. The trickle divide, entering the strip, is largely to blind. Michael apple has more empty bones and empty stomachs. In northern garza, about one in 6 children younger than 2 is male. Nourished and nearly 600000 palestinians all with the World Food Program says is one step away from the progress that you that we need food. We are sick. We have children, we suffer a lot. We are deprived of everything. Even if the palestinians dont a little food to us, we still have to cue to get it. Ive been here since 8 oclock in the morning waiting for this meal. The you an agency for Palestinian Refugees on ry says the number of humanitarian aid convoys entering gaza has dropped 50 percent compared with january. Thats an average 98 trucks a day in february, fall below the 500 that into daily before the war. But that aid isnt reaching the north of the strip. The thing garza city attempts to get your hands on what little age you can find can cost to your life. I dont understand. Ive been here since the early morning. I need food. I have a 40 year old son and a 40 year old daughter would kind of go out who will take care of them. We dont have rice and we dont have flour. My children are sick. I told the soup will likely be the only thing that many of these families will eat in the day. Its a hot meal, but it isnt enough. Its the ive come to get something to keep myself alive. Its only soup. We need bread with salt and pepper to eat and to give us some energy. For gods sake, we need help. I hate agency say they are ready to ramp up operations. As soon as the cease fire is in place, the cautious optimism of a breakthrough, however, is tempted by months of suffering and displays a salmon on the horizon. Might level of desert lillia. We spoke to john engler and the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council. He is in ralph and explained the dying conditions the palestinians are facing their serious worse than i fear it really be that you have to really be in godsa in rafa to understand the destruction that despair, the best solution, the best the ration of people as they say this roughly is a smaller place to 250000 people lift, you know, 1400000 people are crammed together or around where i am. There are a small, a improvised refugee camps with people, especially have attend menu on the plastic sheeting, uh many people are chrome to get that thousands in schools. I wasnt at school today with 4050 or more people in a small class room where they sleep at night. 4500 people in this school had your share 18. Let trends epidemic deceased is spread thing. I mean that there is no food, there is no water, theres no sanitation and there was no feeling of hope. And here is a rock. There is some availability of fruit, some 8, what we were doing or we can the, the few 8 organizations that arent yet going noise is less and less. So the 300000 people, north, nobody goes to. They are on time. And now i, they, i think there is no other situation way to describe bit the con, the crossing and the air is crossing could be opened by his right tomorrow. And that would leave avenues for 8 organizations to reach these people to come from brock or all the way up. No, its very difficult. Road blocks looting in security. Is this not reaching northern gossip . Outdoor h at them at this time . Us. Okay, well terracon, both of them is live for us in reference, southern gals or, and tara, can you just explain how people of color paying with this lack of food . What are the limits, people of having to go through just to survive day by day . In fact, tom, different trace, youre right now is getting much more difficult and dont as good think seeing the real consequences of the ongoing, a worse humanitarian, not made catastrophe that has been continued here since day one of the worst. That was in fact and another one hot did not have their basic food items to survive on. And we have been seeing all the domestics on or human to invest thats being made since day one. And the majority of such f, its being restricted by the ongoing is rarely, procedures that prevent the delivery much need to the human to terry. Im surprised them today is weve been seeing that at least for palestinians have died because of dehydration amount, attrition. They have nothing to feed on and also with their parents for their their relatives. And everyone in the north is a struggling their main concern every single day. Is how to afford a bag overflow from lives. A good grade for this family members, and to return back again to the houses with a very sufficient amount of drinkable within this is absolutely human. And this is what do you like to masons and police, national and human rights organizations have been courting for to afford this. This district bought a guitar at 3 with much needed humanitarian supplies, at least to mitigate aggravating humanitarian crisis. The utility. And obviously this is all happening is, is rarely strikes. Continue. We understand one of the refugee camps and gas, the city is the latest to be, what more can you tell us about this . Yes, im sort of usually of the do use been at tax and the past was the intensification of the, the latest found out is really military strikes. I targeted i noticed a rock at refugee campbell at least the 14 policy. And ive got a report that killed them right now. Were hearing the sounds that they use very fond to just answer begins to change the whole ringing. This kind of roughly district has a bunch of ongoing military campaigns that thatd be launched at a time to cover the 7th from today. And also we have been hearing more loud explosions in the southern parts of the city of con eunice and one. Also the latest attacks just a few moments ago in the parade refugee come up, targeted residential building work, pull out of things, the after reported, killed them. This is absolutely terrifying because there is much more attacks within the past a few hours as also finding them. Confrontations that weve almost finances and they just really admitted tree trips on the ground. Its for aging as well. They specifically, you know, say to neighborhoods and also in the street on top of the cost of putting the city. Okay, thanks so much for that update. Teracon bos him for us there in vasa for media is were going to try to secure these 5 deal between them. Awesome as ro this week, the u. S. President suggested an agreement was imminent, but a mazda is down, played his optimism, saying it had yet to receive a proposal to palestinians inside guys waiting for any news about whether it deal to stop the funding could be reached before the holy month of ramadan. And that was cut already has been speaking to people in debt by law. And how does the surf are desperate to hear anything about an immediate ceasefire, especially before rama thats today . Were indebted by downtown and were going to talk to people about what they think about these, these all your agreements. What was the last, the latest back young i hope. And i wish for a ceasefire with hood things during previous talks and negotiations that one might come with being disappointed every time the people will always be the victims, the people are really suffering. The people have no more energy. Ramadan is approaching. We ask god to make our life easier and better enough is enough. Well, the smart enough that every time they took a boss, hes fine. It never happened. At this time, i have a feeling. The b. C. s filed on my son, my son in law, and my brother a little i present as in israel details. And i hope there was really steve, the last we all got to have the see far into the back to a home, to our kids, to our neighborhoods. We left our lives and goes decision and came here and pray for true. So we can go back to our normal lives and prices here. A scary. I cant afford to buy food for our kids. I havent seen my daughter for a 100 days, theories and signed their pray for a c far. So we go back to our homes. Some palestinians are optimistic and others are present mistake all they want and all the wish for is an immediate cease fire, especially before rama done. This isnt the study. Ill just see you to that is buff, as i said, is bringing now is there a senior political analyst smell on the shower once again . And if we can talk about joe, it bonded, hes the only one here who seems to believe that there is a safe spot eminent. Do you think it is a deliberate tactic on his part to be . So what domestic at this point in time . I think so, especially that uh, the past few weeks and months havent been exactly rosy for him. I just been humiliated once and again by Prime Minister. Nothing you know and um on time is running out. Uh, as we approach super tuesday, hes gonna be busy with the elections. If hes gonna be able to get anything done in terms of foreign policy, a credit for his administration, it has to be done now. So i think you could call it on a start. Did you buy optimism if you project or not was here to last him is and then the junior partners of the likes of nothing, the whole or the likes of him us would have to come along. They dont, they seem like they are the party where they are, the rejection is they are the ones who dont want a did haines. They would deserve, for example, to be sanctioned to be board cutting a swans off. Yeah. So if jeff on wants is this will wrapped up as quickly as possible doesnt drag onto the election didnt yeah. Who does want to drag this out because of trump winston obviously he gets more support from the white house. So yes, they do all of the 2 different ways of looking at it. They are in many ways in disagreement. I think by those supports is road. Not nothing you hope, per se, i think he believes is right, is defending itself as it where all that, or be a dutch falls. And in a sense, hes been 4 or 5 months now. Arming, get, financing, get and shielding it from international pressure. I think thats it for nothing. Now its not just so to just in terms of destroying causal, destroyed by this time pushing people out and so on, so forth. Its also a political. This is the only way he can maintain his quite a sion of 64 out of 120 parliamentarians and its personal. This is the only way he can stay out of prison if you wait because if hes government falls, then he would probably be 50. You know, judged after he was invited, the idea on 3 important corruption charges. So i think moving forward especially by then continues to put pressure on on nothing. Yeah. Whole either for nothing. Yeah. I was gonna say flat no, to the american president part. Hes going to say yes and risk. Yeah. But haps and inclusion within his question government, theres also a pressure on tomas here too isnt a because was 30000 palestinians data and gaza. I mean people a staffing almost everyone in this trip time find food. Were seeing more more babies dying every day of mil nutrition that must provide some urgency of to getting a 65 done for mazda as well. Or i actually appreciate the, the formulation of your question because why we talk about is right, because if theres the more powerful, the ones supported by the United States and so on, so forth. But theres nothing to compare here when it comes to guys on this right. I mean, everything weve just discussed about is there is really about politics and personal privilege and, and, and corruption. How a and yes. So when it comes to god, so id have mice and all the rest of it. I mean its ready stuff. I mean look for example, this div thats be continued to talk about the talking about releasing what sort of hundreds best uh is it, the palestinian Political Prisoners is where i just dont know, 7000 Political Prisoners in the west bank the past 5 months, 7000 of the month. I mean if thats not captives, if nissan not hostages, i dont know what they are. Because most of them, you know, were not going to. Charlotte is what you called ministers. Essentially. They would be held non stop, you know, for many, many months, perhaps up to 2 years without trial. So its very difficult for him us to be able to try to manage this kind of a deal. But in the end of the day, what is happening is yeah, by didnt support it is red, is imposing a policy of starvation on the people guys. So im sort of that to put pressure how much fits states that are using violence against civilians in order to put pressure on political leaders to make concessions. Okay, thats the federal. Yeah. Well that to leave with david, thanks again. Not long. We really do appreciate your time and your insight into all of this as for the war and gaza has ive a shadow to you. Is president ial primaries in the Battle Ground side of michigan dont trump defeated mickey highly and the republican crime rate . Well, joe biden easily won the democratic one, but more than 100000 people cast a protest vote against binding or the his support, the israel, that is 13 percent of the total. And 10 times a target that was set by campaign is john henry and reports from dearborn, michigan. In michigan, the message to President Joe Biden has been delivered to the 10s of thousands of arab and Muslim Americans voted for uncommitted in the states democratic president ial primary, a protest vote against president bidens support of the war and gaza from the community. The over whelming lead voted for him last time in the majority air of American City of dearborn voter after voter told us which box they checked. Did you vote on committed . Yeah, im committed as of right now, as im coming to you, why do you want the no president because of what . Because of the word youve been telling me why . Because it was to and they wanted stuff. It was, there was little doubt that donald trump would when the republican primary in michigan for the bible would come in 1st and the Democratic Campaign and they have their supporters. I voted for donald j. Trump. I know the way the surprise of the night was the 10s of thousands of democrats who cast a vote of no confidence in the man most supported 4 years ago by didnt is clearly been listening, saying he hopes for a ceasefire by next week dearborn mer abdullah her mood was not impressed, and i simply cant look past the genocide where theres been the killing theres been over 100000 now. Weve been killed wounded or who are missing. So you cant really, really just right off for genocide. Uncommitted motors havent come close to the leading joe biden in the michigan primary, but they dont have state. He won by just 850000 votes here in 2020 and 4 years earlier, donald trump won this date by just 10000 votes. And the uncommitted campaign believes it has the votes, didnt i buy it . And a key swing states that he is counting on to win in november. His biden edges ever closer to amassing the delegates to win his parties. Nomination, the uncommitted vote marks a warnings to the president. Many of these voters help put into office john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan. Well, theres plenty more here on this new zone, including you dont have to go very far to find such stories of children. Well, Abducted Police report from the front lines in democratic republic of congo on the part of the children, possibly recruited by the groups. New kinds of president s as in the balkans as it continues touring allies in search from width ends and supports in the fight against russia. And the worlds fastest strong cameras, films, the worlds best formula, one driver thats coming up laser and support with envy the the Us Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell has announced that he will step down in november. The 17 he is. Hes held the top post as the leader of the republican policy in congress more than any other policy later in history. The dressing his colleagues on the senate floor will be a 2 year old admitted its time for the next generation of leadership to takeover. To serve kentucky on the side, its been an honor of my life, lead my republican calling. It is such a man for the highest privilege. But one of life most under appreciated college is to know when its time to move on to lives. Next truck. As to what she advertise, he joins us now from washington, d. C. For more on this. And was this a surprise at all that hes going to sit down at the election . You know, its funny that its the nature of american politics now that that was never imminent expectation that he would step down today in the last hour, even though he just turned 18 to last week. And i would probably makoto stepping down and saying its time for a new generation of leaders to take over. Does once again put the spotlight on joe biden, whos actually wanting himself, actually just going for his physical today as, as what happens in and in fact will be due to the winds, the 2nd time in november. So yeah, i mean, american leader will stay until they put the last possible minute its pretty, ill definitely seen that with other senators too. So yeah, and i mean there are perhaps a bit of a surprise that it was today, but it was you beat your time is taking good start. Weve had several how skies for the combo he had a lofty full last year. He doesnt have several or these 2 occasions in which while he was talking to reporters, he seemed to completely lose the threat of what he was talking about yourself, a concussion about for his a just saying that him stepping down has nothing to do with his health. Concerns he so saying that he was particularly shaken by the death of his 50 year old sister in little by drowning in the last couple of weeks. And thats really kind of all the shaking them. And then yeah, it just a matter of him saying, look, its time now its this time to leadership mindful to a new generation, even though he will stay in the senate and this is back to the initial initial facts that people dont step down until they really have to if hes still going to stay and is that adult for the 27th . And he says, so hes a he to write about. You can do the math as to when hes actually going to retire. Yeah. And do it for savings, and he is, hes helped the top post. I mean, in that time, hes been an extremely divisive to get to say the least. What will his legacy be really, he was not in the someone who could count the votes and make sure that you have the words and effective party leader and keeping us cool because together and all that stuff was a big part of being a leader. And congress isnt that much about isnt what about policy, but actually just ranking in the cache, who was very good fundraising, making sure that the Republican Party and Congressional Republicans have the money to keep things moving. Its interesting the be all about the, i guess the 2 main things, i think what was the 6 out . So in recent history is be completely, i boom, face double standards he had when it came to, you know, making a Supreme Court judge on the brock obama when obama, when Justice Scalia died, is he said, look, were not going to have a vote for a Supreme Court just as good as to place too, too close to the elections. So were going to obama failed to, to get married all under the sprinkler joseph. But then when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died under trump, he said, no, no, thats fine. Well have the, well get to any Supreme Court justice even though it was weeks away from the elections, complete double status. He was very rude. Lets see. Do anything he could to keep power and to get across his ideology and his, ive logical positions, but yeah, its notable that he is actually now looking at this, this time in the Republican Party as a whole, against him sort of ideological framework, which is re tonight which is near because of that, which is enormous intervention, challenging russia, wherever and fighting every proxy will with a new trump, america 1st policy when it comes to foreign policy, which is more about, man, thats not just spend money on, you know, millions of dollars, billions of dollars on nato and im facing other countries when we have problems with home. So hes, hes always seeing a sort of shift in the republicans ideology. Were hoping to pop these audiology of the groceries level at least. Okay, thanks so much for all of us. You have a tendency for us there in washington dc. A Security Forces in chad has surrounded the headquarters of the main office ocean. Positive comes out to several people were killed in an attack on the National Security agency. The government blames activists from the socialist Party Without borders will pay us if the carrying out the attack. The army has been deployed in roads in the capital and g. Shane has been blogs, incident disruptions have also been report as well. Earlier it was announced, the chance of long delayed president ial election will take place in my opposition. Lead to utila is considered to be a strong contender. It sounded clear with the he has been arrested. Now. Zillow is a 5th critic of president s, mom, that address stevie its know. Who is also his cousin. Tv in the seas palette and 2021 off to his father was killed by rebels. A lot of interest has more of this from neighboring. Now jerry is capital a boucher as the most secure to pressure as we understand that is still continuing and the headquarters of the socialist Party Without frontiers. They, one of the main opposition parties in the country is still under siege. Their security deposed on the streets of the capital, internet and telephone services. Ive been completely disrupted in most parts of the capital. I was able to get in touch with the when the social worker in the east of the country who told me that in fact, they have a Disruptive Services there. But of course they can communicate. Oh, i understand that also that some people with alternative means of connectivity, like i said, lightnings were able to make some calls and also make some co communicate on whats up. But the situation still remain fluid. We understand that military personnel and not patrolling the streets and the capital on the i spoke to some individuals in the afternoon time in jemina, who told us that they what came down because of the heavy count 5 in the center of the city. Not far from the president ial palace and of course not far from the headquarters will be a position a socialist Party Without frontiers. So we understand that a lot of people have died, but the government is not saying how many people have died in that incident, which happened overnight. And of course, with the with more gunfire i reported earlier today or in the afternoon and then death numbers set to rise. So far, the security still remains the security situation in german that remain floyd a series of attacks by um, groups and open mozambique have forced within 67000 people from their homes. Couple delgado has seen an upsurge in violence and recent weeks finding in the gas rich provence began in 2017 when fines is affiliated with ice will declared a campaign to establish california milk and with has more as the people here run to their lives. When on demand, its act that villages reports of the headings and homes being set on fire. A wide spread. Many of them of arrived here in the town as an impala and the last week the sounds of gunshots will cuz of the big guns chase people. We watch that this, the cutoff, the mens had with machetes, and we run away with the little we had. Those terrorists are evo, home to groups started attacking the police and army, and cabinet delgado proteins more than 6 years ago. Some have since pledged the legions to the lot makes days. It took control of several coastal towns spooling preparations to extract of show natural gas with tens of billions of dollars. Nearly 3 years ago, soldiers from rwanda and Southern Africa came to help the government forces. They now control much of the coastline once again. French oil john toe tile has expected to resume operations late to this. Yeah. The groups still operate further in around group of men arrived with firearms and machine and building the cars were to flight, so it was flex year. We had been here for the week and we havent eaten almost anything. All of us who came here had been suffering. President phillips, a new c, a said, the Security Forces have the situation under control. Some of the people here have slept before and had returned home in the last 2 years, only to be forced to flee again. They joined about half a 1000000 who were displaced by the conflict with many living in camps. Malcolm web. Ouch is era. A late fee of incoming to say the im it is and can use capital. Nairobi for a state visit is present in 20 router and on the expected to discuss an ethiopian plan, to establish a pause. In somali is breakaway region, somali land, the agreement crunch. If you, if you a 50 year lease on a naval base with access to a, somebody land port for commercials use. Somebody land says if you, if you agreed to recognize its independence and return, we have lots of problems in our region. Well, look, the problem was ended, your bank gave me a, we dont want to more problem. We have as of one to resolve problems. So features of so as to end events, they kind of mixed on the they kind of make a level of both countries, also to be exemplary. Countries for that is the profit can process. That is the reason for us to be confident that cannot be, im moving together in this period of time to, to sort of the data and Strategic Partnership to actualize the mens possibilities to apply before for peace and security. As well as Economic Transformation and share prosperity between our p the United Nations has handed over one of its basis to government officials and democratic republic of congo. Its part of a withdrawal of its peacekeeping forces, situated in the east and the d. C, to model the withdrawal of 15000 soldiers and police offices. Despite concerns of, of violence in the area. The Un Peacekeeping mission has been ordered to vacate or 14 bases in the east before my what are you in estimates more than a 1000 children in the democratic republic of congo, abducted and forced to become child soldiers last year, catherine source spoke to some who managed to escape and blanca, eastern d. C. Of this use are all under 18 years old. They say they were adapted from the villages that are now under the control of m. 535 to is well used as neighbors for the escape was heat in the identity for security reasons. Well call this point on. He says on man a talk to his village in january was separated from his finally managed runaway and ended up at this. Com is a cool be my, my, you know, like im, you know, i was not fine, my family is still back there. I keep thinking it back then. I tried to call them on the telephone, but the numbers dont go through. Sometimes i want to go back home to see if theyre okay. Youngest, here is 11 years old, the wine known to each other and did not separately, but they found called forth in the shed experience. You dont have to go very far to find such stories of children who was abducted, some of them are very traumatized. They say they cannot find help to florence. The whole youtube is trying to support them. One of her sons was killed. The other is in the hands of the fighters. She does what she can, but shes also taking care of 17 other family members. William, how you my house is not com. I think about my boys all the time. And so the u. M. S. M. I sat around 12000 sugar and support with im actually number were. 8 to supporting children who have been really released from here. Very terrible stories on a daily basis. These boys still not say, not easy pray for on group locking and surrounding areas. How to enjoy language come democratic republic. Facilitate ronelle just here, a cit, banks to the u. K government, a little given conditional immunities the crimes committed during the cycle troubles era in Northern Ireland is ruled unlawful plus a john 100 in dearborn, michigan where voters passed a surprisingly large vote of no confidence in jo bite. And in support. Former attendants, phone number one, and the mary lous isnt to buy, and it misses. Korea is coming to an end, the hello. We have seen some rather likely weather, making us way across part. So the middle east, the 2nd cloud that just spinning across the ron, pushing over towards afghanistan, snow over the mountains, a significant rain forwarding to southern pass over on some localized flooding here. I suspect as we go through the next couple of days, and that will gradually make his way into buckets. Donald west disturbance eventually pushing across moving parts of india behind that. It is long as you try and clear with some pleasant sunshine. Its sunshine extends up into northern parts of the region into that is the side of the mediterranean, generally quiet and fine with a good deal of sunshine here. Thats just a little bit of whether its a central pos with the met. Its right. You just heading towards the in western positive that the sinks and what the weather was. He makes away until the latter part of the week. This same system bring some very heavy rain chop system flooded the light to hit a flooding into the northeast of algeria. Thur thursday going on, its a friday wet weather just coming into this. You have had stage. Meanwhile, scattering the showers across the gulf of guinea, joining up with the heavy showers that we have across central parts of africa. All big down pulls that i just around the lobby, pushing across the times in the northern positive. Nice and big is thing very just the medic ask the, the stars of the war and you pray, run deep. But the devastation of the countries precious ecosystems may take the longest to hear the people in power documents, the environmental impacts of the fight to and follows the premium for prizes investigators, as they collect evidence of what they described as eco site ukraine, ground 0 on that just a wild animal tone from its habitat to satisfy the legal was life trade loses its survival skills that rediscovering them is possible with the little house apart. Granger facing retirements, grapples with the prospect free of simulating himself to city life. Monkey man, a witness documentary on a jersey to the the youre watching, ill just hear a reminder about top stories, the cell as well as will wrong cause that has now killed nearly 50000 palestinians, most of them women and children. That these pictures from come all out one hospital in the north for an infant has died from inhaling talks. A gas caused by is ready phone problems for other children have died. And 7 of those are in Critical Condition as a result of dehydration and mel nutrition. Paperless scrambling for what little food they can find in concert with many, on the brink of starvation, there is no laid off in these rarely bombardments, at least 76 people were killed in the past 24 hours a long and Security Forces in chad have surrounded the headquarters of the main office ocean policy that comes out to several people were killed in an attack on the National Security agency. The government claims activists from the socialist Party Without borders will p a see if the carrying out the attack the funeral of russian opposition the that legs and no vonny is to be held in moscow on friday, the vonny spokeswoman says they moved the burial through the capital office, several locations, declined to host the service. The kremlin critics died earlier this month and the remote could take a penal colony. Russian authority say no vonny died of so called natural death syntron, but many have blamed president vladimir persian for his death. Now, meanwhile, nova and his widow has addressed the European Parliament and strong as bold and emotional speech. She adhered to confront russian president vladimir person as you and all of was, was slides, the cream and no gang. And the political innovation here is to plot the mess. Thats all for team organize crime, not but lead to go competition, no diplomatic notes, but investigations into the financial make 2 nations, not statements of concern, but the source of mazda associates in your countries would excrete long. 2 ours in finance or towards helping woodson and his friends to whites money in these what you can reliable allies. There are bands of millions, the russians who against war it gives fortune. It gives the e will. He brings the and that will not be much north. Theres a few of them. On the contrary, you must have worked with them with us. European commission chief is shallow, owns the land, is proposing that the prophets from russia is frozen assets be used to. Um you cry and discussions have intensified between european allies about how they continue supporting caves. About 220000000000. 00 worth of russian assets had been held in europe in countries since most goes invasion of its neighbor and 2022. Officials in the break away mold of the region of the trends in history have appealed russia to provide it with protection. Will probably russian separatists in trans mystery of past the resolution saying the region is on the increase pressure for multi is government. Which between multiplan, ukraine it has maintained autonomy for 3 decades with support from moscow. About 1500 Russian Troops stationed in the strip. Russia accuses nice, so all of these stabilizing multi as you kinds president allowed him is. Lensky has been meeting the south east and you are paying latest execute, remove weapons and support. And the vote against russia savanski and albanian Prime Minister rama causing it to the summit. And no pena to encourage for the aid for cave. Its so its his 1st trip to toronto since russia invited 2 years ago. But it looks on the nurse code is the chair of the Foreign Affairs committee in the ukrainian parliamentary, joins us from caves now. Thank you very much for being here now to sierra festival, this is the landscape 1st visit as we mentioned one. Now why is it taking so long and exactly what is he trying to get out of it . Well, 1st of all, ben. Yeah, has proved many times thats what it is all reliable friend. And i believe that the president of the agree came to a band. Yeah. To visit the assignments of western book and states and to express the grid to cute, on behalf of ukraine and people for it supports political and military support divided by o benya and other western bolton country. So you talked about the new being reliable friends, but when it comes to associate russian influence via that must be a huge concern for zalinski into crime. Of course, unfortunately the leader of the president of serbia will teach he, for example, if he meets the russian dictator, put in shakes, hands, whiskey him. And its a matter of concern for ukraine. Unfortunately, serbia didnt implement. Youre not being sanctions against the aggressive stage against russia. And sure, got him on people. Can ukraine is viewed as a russian l. I a unfortunately, obviously these growing russian influence and in the region. What can zalinski do to try and combat that to well, 1st of all, we are trying to maintain good relations with all the countries in the region. And today, albania and ukraine have signed the treaty on friendship and corporation. We expect to be and you have to join the project on the gratian. Busy special International Tribunal of the crime of aggression couldnt beat it by rush against your brain. And as president and minister, you credit him before versus voted. This visa will, will boost our relations with bulk and states. We know that youre finest in desperate need of more munition and weapons weve had that time and time again. Especially for the last weeks and months. The landscape at this time is proposed the idea of a joint production. What is the chance of that happening . Your is working on developing a military capabilities to produce more artillery shells because right now on the battlefield. This situation is difficult because of the lack of a Team Recommendation to waive this more latricia. We need to have in a adequate quantities. Im a nation and germany and all the countries have started to develop all of their capabilities to use more of the nation. And of course, to give more military and technical 8th grade is the feeling and youre trying to is there a feeling of people becoming demoralized here because weve seen not just losses on the battlefield, but also around the world. A lack of supports or list support and they was a year old to a guy to well, the spirits of your greatness. Morales, our army remains to be verified. And we continue to be more debated for a very simple reason because we are fighting against aggressor for our families in our homes. And what we see recently, ukraine has to load it the number of very important payments on the security supposed security guarantees with such countries. S u k, germany, france, denmark, canada, and we expect to conclude this in board a security agreements in the future and whether its domestic. Oh, we are confident that we will win the war and the russian will be defeated. Okay, thank you for, for all of that, we really do appreciate your time and youre inside here, but i found a mariska. Thank you. With germany is hosting peace talks between the foreign minister as of as a by john and media. This comes 5 months off the as the by john recaptured the disputed region from a median separatist during 6 weeks sufficing. Almost all of the 100000 population slid, spiking refugee crisis and media. Theyre going to cut back is internationally recognized as part of as a by john. But i mean, the allies claim to us prose farming is the pushing, young and president on the have stated that they are ready for peace to solve the outstanding issues exclusively through peaceful means. And without the use of force, which is absolutely essential or davids dialogue like today and tomorrow is the best way to make further progress. The high court in belfast has ruled a u. K. Lowell covering the conflict in Northern Ireland to breaches human rights. The Northern Ireland troubles act was challenged by relatives of victims of crimes. And the crimes were committed during 3 decades of conflicts between mostly catholic republicans and mostly protestant loyalists, as well as the British Military beginning in the lights of 196 days. Village insulation in all investigations into the crimes and offices conditional and the state to some involved. But the court found the granting of, i mean is he violates the rights of victims under the European Convention of human rights. Harry faucet is following developments for us and bell fast. Well, the key part of the ruling here in the high court in belfast was the stripping out essentially of a key part of the legislation which would have allowed people to come to a new independent panel. And talk about the involvement in crimes during the troubles without being prosecuted for them. It was a conditional immunity attached and the judge has ruled it that breach is the human rights under european legislation of the victims. Im here with the Deputy Director know the non full Amnesty International ground. You take it. Thank you very much for joining us. Whats your reaction to what happened in the cold today . Well, we welcome to findings of the court and respective strike united key aspects of this law, which is the immunity from prosecution and the immediate bond on civil claims that was instituted. Those are very welcome and Significant Developments here today. The court has also raised that its too soon to tell in terms of the new bought a, the i c, r i are whether or not thats human rights compatible. But of course it remains open to victims to continue to challenge and the court. The particular point, what kind of operate, i mean, the whole point of this act was that, that would really take over from civil proceedings, criminal prosecutions. And it would be a way of being close to the government, a body which would sit a reconciliation and draw a line onto what happens. And the trouble is kind of in this kind of legally dubious environment operate. I mean, the immunity from prosecution is walk. This law is built around, its what the i, c r i r is dependent on and of course, and i, thats construct guide. So there are Big Questions here for the secretary of state of for, and where the not into um search. Hi, he plans to proceed. As im gonna say, we would urge him tonight go back to the drawing board to think again, to repeat this legislation and replace it with something that actually prioritizes and respects victims, right . I mean, when it comes to victims, people looking at this from outside might think, well this is a long time ago that has been the belfast agreement that has been power sharing recently re instituted. Is it not time to draw a line and to try to, to reconcile it in a way that doesnt involve prosecutions and drudging up so many ills of the task . Think for many families, you know, what they want is truth and justice. They want the truth of what happened to their loved one. Theyre entitled to that truth. We have feels victims for successive decades in Northern Ireland to have been fighting for the truth and justice to which they are entitled to pass for me into the presence for victims. And it will continue to do so until they get the truth. And just as theyre entitled to, so their concerns were me and with the i a ride the i c r i are on i think it always is right here today today was always going to be around one. It will be under the court of appeals and then on to the u. K. Supreme court. Right. Gotcha, thank you very much for that. And that is a key points to take away from today. There is potential further action in the courts. There was another action being brought in europe by the Irish Government as well. So this is not over yet, but the judge did induce that view. That by not addressing the claims with justice from victims, that itself could inhibit reconciliation going forward. How do you suppose that ill just here, go fast . Well, thousands of people have protested across greece to mike the one Year Anniversary of a train crash that killed 57 people. Launch demonstrations in athens and, and test alone the key to ins, balance for 5 items and mill the top coat house being thrown as ride police, which is to say they dont believe government assurances that safety on the rails has improved of flooding and bolivia has killed at least 40 people flood waters the most large parts of the city of could be high on the border with present allowed to the elk river boost its banks. The rainy season is expected to continue until next month and has been made much worse by the opening. You are with a passing. Volcanic eruption has forced airlines to cancel some flights in and out of mexico city. The purple cut the pit, the volcano lies 70 kilometers from the mexican capital and has been erupt into several weeks now. Authorities at mexico city import say safety checks are being conducted of the plains and counted the volcanic ash as well. This but hes still here on al jazeera, including and support will have reaction to the results of an investigation into the pulse of the formula. One will champions and he said with that story, say, the business like this, this wrote to you believe i guess is i life fly on one of your this makes more than please the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the well, its not the sport now. He is andy. Thank you so much. Tell him, well, im investigation into rentals for the one symbols, Christine Horner has cleared him of misconduct. The rainy will champions and says the process has been fair and impartial in total investigations took place after a female employee made allegations in appropriate and the controlling behavior against toner allegations, which is denied says chrome pre, if the new season is in bahrain on saturday, we want a statement ripple said, independent investigations the allegations made against mr. Hornet is complete, and red vote can confirm that the grievance has been dismissed. The complainant has a right of appeal. Redbull is confident the investigation has been fat, rigorous, and impartial. Weve been talking to pay i made is f one correspondent for the donkeys info, right . He says this may not be the end of the mass of the horner, all the right both say point is b. C. Pretty sort of the both right . Both cities exception in 2005. During that time theyve had, you know, a ton of success. He ever saw us the best, the best. So winning for his exit low temperatures between 27. 20. And more recently, mikes a separate honestly is one the last 3 well championships, and thatd be hesitant. So the new season is because his favorite. So william yes again. So what was the point as being the throughout season . Normally serving team boss and informed one people thats cool with the transparency of this investigation. The and the show statement which reprice and read to jim b h, the Power Company of the open racing i see was devoid of, of, of, of very few of the sense that im, you know, we havent be solvable navigations words. And so it, so seems very vague still, and that makes you think that there is a charles to continue to rumble on and on. Even though today we have we, under the impression that whatever is remaining in his role as being principal, im not sure it is quite big. So the, the end of it spot away from that investigation. Red bull draw the max to stop and has been helping to test out the worlds fastest drone camera, which has some potential to revolutionize the way. We watched the spoil, david start triples. Know many people can keep up with max to step in. But this drug camera has no issue. Its capable of accelerating 2 times faster than these red bull car with a top speed of 350 kilometers an hour to stabilize. My 1st impressions was just when it boss me like when the show me how quick it would go on on the straight. Yeah. Its, its crazy. I never thought you know, to say drawing. Going that quick. You know, just for, for camera footage, i didnt recognize the drawing. I didnt know it was following me while driving in, in the web. So, and it was very close to me in some places. So squared sees, backed by red bull, the camera was custom built over to gauge by the company, dot strong gods. It can reach 300 kilometers an hour in just full seconds. Is the only drone we know that has a filming camera and it, that goes this past 350 kilometers an hour. Its fully custom built around it. So theres no current. Drone has been modified as a one of a kind of thing that we developed ourselves. Its not clear if the drain will ever be used during live, right, seems given safety concerns. But the 3 time world champion, but stuff it seems keen. Weve had a lot of the same shots in over the last 3 years. So i think now with these drones coming in and especially this one being so fast as well, being able to, to keep up with the car. I think, you know, in some particular corners as well, and it will be so cool that the drawing is like for the following the car as close as possible. Um, so for sure, you know, its going to be very interesting. Um, you know, to finally be able to show that live through to a lot of people with the battery locked. Its only 3 minutes. Theres a long road ahead in terms of development. But this technology has potential to open up a new era in sports broadcasting. Theyve been stokes, which is 0 to the fullest sentence. Well, number one on the marys be not sound of the do by tennis championships and says his career is coming to an end or hes won just savings like mike, shes this year the 36 year old. But sure. A few glimpses of his best foam and is round to match against francis. You go on bad, but he went on to lose in straight sets. Lets see tom, and if you can for me says hes unlikely supplies to be on dishes, paris games. This is my mom and yours. Yeah. It was amazing. You know, i last or so to get a chance to do that of your country was really, really special. No, chris, when his Football Team have had a red trip to japan for going to qualify the type points and then after the 1st like a just a penny one. The place out the power stands for this to one victory. Australia will be ages. Other representatives are feeling pics. This was the 1st visit to japan by law school, the france, somebody since 2017 megabytes thing has lost his job as the head coach of calories mens team before the google play. So the job ahead of the 2022 will come by says song, so he saw knox out in the group stage and they were then beaten at this is ive got a couple of nations in the last 60 show. Hey, i tonys made it. Its an impact to the la dodgers. Tony assigned a record 700000000. 00 deal with the dont use he had to run home run in his 1st housing with the same time in spring training against the Chicago White sox, japanese ply wont be pitching the season because of an injury. The regular season gets on the way next. Okay, that is how you suppose looking pretty and thanks so much and a little bit for me. Tell mccrae for this new job, but my colleague my names. So you will be here in just a moment with much more of the dice and use is also one use of course on our website to stay with us. The unique perspective desktop plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. I try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. This is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about whats happening because of the tasks and media attention. The stream on out to 0 in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. That is the context to what is happening now. It says its context. Question about 5 unflinching questions. Rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. Augusta. Nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. And nothing leaves profit without result. Permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. Without 0 rights organizations filed a civil suit against the dutch states saying supply is round with spare parts for f. 355 projects makes the netherlands complicit. Impossible war crimes in gaza . Then that lens has, hows the repeating Distribution Center for f, 35 spare parts from where its also supplies as well. In 2022 and exported, spear parts worth 2400000. 00 to the country with the escalation of the war. And guys, at this number, its not predict has to be much higher. For the 1st time, the court has ordered the country to stop sending weapons to swell. The verdict is seen as a severe blow to the dutch government to have argued that stopping its gone for the ocean to the export size programs with jeff or dice. It starts with us and its warehouse. I was had a severe use Economic Impact in this product to judge argued that political and economic interests. Com be more important than the protection of civilian lives. During the war, the pain shortages take the toll at a hospital in northern garza, for children die and several others on Critical Condition as a result of non nutrition. The timeline site. This is island, is there a lie from dr. Also coming out of a full months of war and the number of dead in gaza is inching ever close to just 30000 a set back to the u. K. Government alone giving conditional immunity for crimes committed during the so called troubles era and or not. And is ruled on know for von inspect

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