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Israel guys war. At least 718 a palestinian 100 children have been killed and hes really yes. Right . On the gaza strip. Israel says its re taking control of the guys and border optimized by just broke through the springs on saturday. And hes really on me. Recovers bodies of soldiers killed in fighting with her mom. Forgot the it is 11 g m t thats 2 pm in the gaza. Strip where palestinians are once again on the continual bombardment by israel. They woke up this Tuesday Morning to scenes of destruction. I z a, and tillery strikes and or 4th day. Israel has bomb the roof of crossing on garza 7 border with egypt for a 2nd time. A visa lies pictures of the skyline of guys. As you can see fumes of smoke high up in the sky there on day 4 of these are asked bombing campaign. Theres been a number of s likes this Tuesday Morning, but relatively more quieter than its been overnight when there was intense bombing by the east. Really military. Theyre going concerns in the meantime at bottom humanitarian situation in the beseech territory. Because israel has cut off supplies of food, water, fuel, and electricity, and impose a total siege. The World Health Organization is calling for a humanitarian cordele in gaza to allow the entry of agents medical 8 and the death toll has been rising. We now know that at least 780 policy means have been killed, including a 140 children in these really rates. And the spokesman for the military. We know how much has warned it will begin executing is really captive if israel bombs residential areas in gaza without warning. And these are the latest exclusive pictures coming to us from hospitals in gaza, where theres a severe shortage of supplies in just people being brought in. The number of injured has risen to 3700 and hospital was in medical staff over whelmed many of these injured our children, 200 of them, at least guides, Us Health Ministry has accused israel of targeting also its ambulances and enjoying power. Metix and a food crisis is looming. United nation says its been forced to cause all 14 for Distribution Centers affecting half a 1000000 people. Now on the israel guys a border, these really is a say theyve read taking control of the border and mobilize to of seen the area so far. The military is called up 300000. 00 b service. We have correspondents in west jerusalem that came in seventys rep and gaza to bring us up to speed with all the latest developments this our and gaza is where we start with jamila ab, whos our new now, whos outside she for hospital in a guys, a city it was a long answer, oshas my to vast rights, all of a guys. And again, this Tuesday Morning, just tell us about whats been happening at the hospital. Whats the scene like that as well . We have the, we have been here at the house because were many numbers of casualties have been arriving since last night. After a heavy, bombardments happening over the city and different parts of the city with highly residential uh, areas. Uh, people have been experiencing a case of acute feelings of terror and, and fear of the are being good displeased in different places. They even came to the hospital here they have no place to go. As there is no safe place in garza anymore, as just the uh, last night to yesterday had to evacuate twice after being warned in different uh, buildings. Uh so people have nothing to do anymore. They are uh, furniture and uh, shocked from the scenes they are seeing uh this weeks were all the buildings at are, have turned into ashes, literally, rubbers, and ashes. And uh, as for the numbers, the ministry of health or the groups, none of the ministry of health is going to have a conference right now at 2 pm. Uh, hes going to give the last update on the numbers. Okay, jimmy, they for the moment. Thank you very much and of course when that News Conference from the ministry of housing guys uh, begins, we will be bringing that to you live as well as the latest updates on the medical situation at she for hospital in guys at the in the meantime, lets check in with reynolds who was in the, came in southern israel, not far from the guys, a border from a, these really military say the 9 full control of the board, or what is the situation there . Lets show you right now. Whats going on in the sky is over. Uh, southern israel. You can hear those detonations. And you can see the contrary from the missiles fired out of gaza and the iron dome anti Missile System sending up its own rockets to intercept them. The puffs of smoke that you see the small puffs of white in the sky. Those uh look like that. Those represent hits by the iron dough. Uh, system against uh, incoming missiles. Uh, seem to have just flared up there for a 2nd just as you are beginning to speak with me. So now, well, maybe its over. I dont know why dont you come back to me scenario. Well talk a little bit more. Whats happening here is uh, massive build up of, uh, armor. Uh and uh, artillery and of course troops, 300000. 00 troops as israel, a mass is its entire military machine against the gaza area in preparation, lightweight for a ground offensive. You also heard that israel is really forces have been removed or evacuated, all of the remaining studs, the civilians from the areas around the border. And they say that theyve sealed up all of the gaps in the border fence. The physical structure of border barriers, the surrounding causes that are intended to keep the palestinians in gaza from getting into israel. That system fails. The catastrophically on saturday when a fighters from inside gaza broke through i n as in a number of places, nearly a dozen. Uh, breaches of defense we are told and managed to really create havoc in those communities around the, the, the gods of border. And of course, weve begun to see even more gruesome video and pictures of the results of that, those early hours of, of fighting and ceiling on saturday. The, just to update our viewers on what you were saying a few minutes ago. It would seem that blockage has been fired from the guys in the last 2 minutes and intercepted by israels eye and dont miss on Defense System bob. So the board or that not entirely quite in the quiet, its loud their tags firing from that direction. All the time you can hear planes going overhead occasionally in here. Uh the uh, the bombing of gaza. Um, uh uh so i mean, if you use quiet in the sense of, of, uh, is it all settled or is it, has it come to, you know, as sort of states this point. Id say thats not the case either. The build up continues just a few minutes ago. We watch multiple large flatbed military trucks piled high with hundreds of artillery shells moving in that direction. The more missiles, well, no, maybe not. Those are just planes. Okay. So, you know its, its a dynamic and fluid and the billing situation right here. I feel a situation at the board of at rome. Thank you very much for the update. Of course, well come to you whenever there is some movement and a new development. They have all rentals on the israel guys a border. Meanwhile, israel as opposition, neurotic, dont leave. A man has called for the total elimination of how mos in a tweet. He said that means getting rid of the goose leadership in the gaza strip 11 on malaysia and also in kata wherever they hiding. He says, springing within marks, really muscle on this from west through has been so villains a willing, what do we make of this tweet . From out of door need them and, and is everyone in israels political pass on board with the current response from the gulf of the fully mr. Lieberman has, over the course of the last couple of days, made it very clear hed be prepared to participate in what we would call an emergency government here in israel. But only if he has said the destruction, the total destruction of how much is a goal of thought to them of the government. They are all the political leaders who have made it very clear that they are not so straightforwardly on board with the possibility of working with mister netanyahu. Jada, pete, and benny guns, the full months defense, minnesota full, but chief of staff is ready all me. All people considered to be experienced when it comes to management security methods. There is public pressure on them to tennessee join with mr. M. Yahoo inside of them the to the government. But they made it very clear then not prepared to do that without some pre conditions being met. Mister netanyahu not happy with those 3 conditions, which essentially include the idea that current allies of his inside his narrow governing majority leaders of the far right policies inside the car and government would be excluded from decision making. Cabinets involved in strategizing and planning. The Ministry Operation in gaza in the days and weeks ahead. And then in the last time we heard we heard from Prime Minister netanyahu. He said that the strikes and guys that were just the beginning. What is your understanding about what the next phase might be . And when that next phase is likely to get the so these are very difficult questions to answer fully. Of course, is there any minutes where youre not seemingly tilting that willingly or publicly about what that plans are . We know now they have an unprecedented number 300000 river reserve as to being pulled up the service about 360000 people available. So even more they need them. Huge numbers of those heading south towards the area around gaza as large numbers of heavy weaponry, munitions, time sama personnel, carriers, and artillery. The implication being that they were all considering at least a ground incursion into the gaza strip, but without any confirmation of that went left with the statement made very soon off to the attacks. The options were on the table and this ground swell of political feeling that the destruction of how much is an absolute prerequisite for any form of action in design the head. Then what about is really these are any people is a broad support for the current actions. The government has taken on gusts of the i can only tell you what people here im talking to. And whats the reason ive been saying over the last couple days fully, that includes a very common friend that they would like to see unprecedented action inside garza. Many of them have mentioned the fact that the, as randy minute 3, withdrew from gaza many years ago saying that since then, the situation has spiraled outside of israels control. In clear ton, some of them also telling me they would be prepared to see the as railey minutes, re carry out what base of knowledge would constitute war crimes. If it led to the goal that they all all telling me they would like to see, which is a long time destruction of how mass. Of course, the real challenges. What does that mean in terms of the consequences . Both full is ready to government is ready. People, the power sending people, the political sacraments, such as it is between the 2 sides of the law. Second, also in a pull, the relationship between israel and international partners. Even info that update villain marks slide force the in west jerusalem. This now speak to tom, a comm mode who is from gaza and hes a professor of Public Policy adult has institute of graduate studies. Thank you very much for joining us again today. Were now on day for these routes. We met miss bombardment of casa, and theres still no clear indication as to what the end game is for this mission. Yahoo government, if the bombing residential buildings in gaza, civilians bearing the brunt as weve seen of this bombardment. What is the end getting . Is that clear to you as to what theyre trying to achieve . Yeah, i, i, if i may, i would describe the situation as a, as a snowball. Its, uh, i dont think, i dont believe these ladies themselves. Havent to find that answer for this. For the best question from the perspective, uh, i think it would be more or less the new building situation. Then there wouldnt be on in the kitchen because the anger is very big and isnt. But thats what skin then kitchen wouldnt, wouldnt take a place thats. Thats a big question. The medicine that isnt the table, but the idea of ending it has, is, is not the stick nonsense of that. But i mean, because how messes an adult logy instead of an ocean. Its a Political Part to embrace by many supported by many palestinians and even out of some that a board. So its the solution is for sure, its not, i mean its a solution that has to be a political solution that involves that Domestic Community that involves making fees. Unless the piece by this, by your, from guys. And i wanted to get a bit more of your insight on the terrain itself, because as you say, theres a lot of talk about a possible brand defensive by israel, that mobilize over 300 reserve is right. A ground offensive for these really military and guys like thats not a favorable terrain for them. This would be a been more fat. Itll be close proximity or been fighting, which would mitigate o, v is really militarys advantages, right . Could have how difficult is that going to be for these roles military and how would come across, respond in a situation like that. Its, its going to be very difficult for the ministry for these are the minute 3. But at the same time its, it could happen suddenly because it has an a, an, an, an, an approval from the international play is like the us and you. And thats shameful, by itself to allow for domestic. Im typing in once of an once of the most populated and, and i the vince isolated. It is in the world. The possibility of whats happening. I mean, i sort of key is that i tried 3 or 4 times to invade garza and all of them stopped at a certain point. So what they have just wrote, the geography of guys is its, its, its, its a today and its a flat screen. But there is always a buffer zone, i get a cold sort of buffer zone where it is right and can make some advancement. But once the hits had been areas, advantages, refugee camps, cities, then it becomes asleep. The 3 sites. I wouldnt be surprised of how much does, what are the part for the sonata, how much has been practicing and training for a long time. And the biggest capacity is for this particular scenarios to inflict more damage and things that ages with so both of them know claim that the zip codes personally, i wish this will never take place. But the fix place is going to be a water from a sleepless 3 from house to house. These ladies are very famous of using civilians as hostages in this situation in order to buy houses and neighborhoods. And they would open coated doors from, from house to house and sleep to sleep and to be a total destruction it would be, i must have got my own international then stand. Thats a crime that the time i thank you very much for the moment time a combo. Joining us here on ologist here, were going to take a short break. Now, continuing coverage of the guys that israel board just a few minutes here on out to 0 to stay with this the to own. Our kia celebrates National Date as it was 100 you said, foundation, rigorous debate, unflinching questions upfront cost through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom. Poland is right wing Prime Minister schedule is a controversial referendum alongside parliamentary elections. And if its to retain power lines investigates how the stand, your Ground Defense is being used to construct justice for the families of homicide victims, voters in order to go to the polls amid economic crisis, with many hopefully the full practical change. October on tuesday era, 13 years of to the sewing, the 0 world, hows the behind the scene story of nor wasteful, and the oslo accords they wanted to have what the price, the and i ability and reveals how the secret negotiations were skewed. A strong decided, quote, the quote went to talk the terms of the negotiations and why theyre still far from delivering and forth was promised. The price of what was on, on to the the brought them back. A recap of the latest on the guys are israel. War and gaza policies are once again under compartments by israel. They woke up this Tuesday Morning to scenes of destruction as the air and artillery strikes under a 4th day. Israel has also gone the roof of crossing on guys, a southern border with egypt for a 2nd time. And then going concerns about the humanitarian situation in the b. C style of city and territory. Because israel has cut off supplies of food, water, fuel, and electricity and imposed a total siege. The World Health Organization is calling for humanitarian cordele in gaza to allow the entry of Urgent Medical 8 and a 788 policy needs have now been killed, including a 140 children in israel. The strikes and the spokesman for the military wing of how moss has warranty will begin. Executing is really captives if israel bombs residential areas in garza, without warning, as yvonne supreme need of meanwhile, has denied any. Busy is meant anyhow, mazda attacks on israel, he told an audience at a military academy that tave on support and defense pa, this time and his resistance taken me on it as seen as the supporters of the regime. And some officials of the occupying regime upsets a month since comments over the past few days. They introduce iran as the one who is behind this operation. They made a mistake. We of course, defend palestinians, which is the full heading of the brave fighters and use of protest on yes, its true. But those who say that non palestinians were behind what was done. They do not know, palestinians, well, they have under estimated the nation of palestine. Doctors that mistake. Yeah. That speech on correspondent entail on both sides or by adults. A how significant dizzy that the supreme need are himself has come out to deny any involvement in a mouse is attack on his rep. Hopefully its certainly very significant to have to remember. Of course i, its a lot of a common a is the commander in chief of the Countries Armed forces and he, his work is really the final say on any matter. He chose to comments on the latest accusations being hurled against his country. As a Graduation Ceremony of cadet said to him alley military academy, here in the capital, he highlighted the fact that this, the events that on folded over the past few days have been a destructive earthquake that took place. And there has been irreparable damage done to these really establishment something they cannot recover from. He also said that thats as the accusations being hurled that are on our counterproductive, and they undermine the achievements of the palace, student resistance move. But he also took the opportunity to issue a warning to these really official saying thats what theyve done is theyve changed the narrative theyve typed big from. Theyve gone from the oppressors to claiming to be the oppressed, to use it as an excuse to continue to bombard gaza with their military. Might that weve seen over the past few days. And he said this could be detrimental to them that were because they will see a severe and harsh blow at certainly the Supreme Leader making no qualms about the fact that a israels days are numbered according to reading officials. And he said that the wrong will continue to support the Palestinian People. And indeed on that the supreme need are expressing solidarity and support for the Palestinian People. What support is iran likely to give as well . And from what we understand, iran is providing humanitarian support. And weve heard just recently from the renew, for administered. Thats the iranians will continue to provide political, spiritual, and humanitarian support to the Palestinian People. And according to its a lot of the harmony, it is really up to the Palestinian People to ask for whatever they need under the radians will certainly make it their mission to provide any assistance that they can based on what the policy in a nation needs. Thank you for that dosage. Barry live there in taylor on lets get the latest now and cross over to washington dc and white house correspondent, Kimberly Hawk it. Kimberly whats likely to be the by new ministrations. Reaction to these comments by the radians supreme need are denying yvonnes involvement in how much is a tank on his right as well. Already weve seen attempts by the state department and other members of the administration to make it clear distinction between any sort of involvement by a rod with respect to even previous involvement between the by the end but astray shouldnt. For example, when we talk about the Prisoner Exchange that took place with the binding, the ministration in september, for example, many here domestically including republicans on capitol hill. Have tried to link that, that deal as being sort of fuel to allow for this attack on israel and the state department is very clear that its in, its my just had nothing to do with this attack. And so as a result, while theyve been taking great pains to make that distinction, but the latest republican president ial candid or uh, has been on the campaign trail, trying to draw those lines. And that is the, a former Us Ambassador to the united nations, vicky hayley and the former trump administration. Who has been trying to make that distinction a saying that that recent and freezing of the 6000000000. 00 that was returned to a rod. In fact, that is money that was owed to it by south korea is the reason that this has occurred. So the state department and those folks person, Matthew Miller has said that that is not the case. And we will also be hearing from the biden administration, the president itself at 17 g m t. Who will no doubt reiterate that. Thank you. Kimberly for the moment. Kimberly helped get live there in washington. All right, were now going to give you the latest from the side of news really, and ill just hear his child. Stratford has been with these really military and the tunnel cover as a way theyve been recovering. The soldiers bodies is really victims of how much is attack. Pretty shocking. Seems here in the village of key as a very close to the gospel to motivate toys. A lot of data from us. A lot of palestinian fight is killed and a lot of civilians killed as well. Many of the bodies are still being removed from the homes in which they were killed in the sand. A lot of Foreign Workers as well as this really citizens this town has suffered some severe fighting a lot of the homes. Although this particular square the house has become skies. Many of the houses are being hit, evidence of some very heavy fighting. The vote offense is on the other side. You can see where it was breach. Weve also seen a destroyed paraglider, which we have been told was used by one of the have my spices in order to come across the border from israel. The ministry say they come say at this stage, how many people were killed is they also say that there are a lot of people still missing and still on accounts hateful. They saying that they have now taken control of far as all they was still 5 fights with her. My spite is ongoing until the early hours of this morning. They say that there is the risk that somehow my support is still at large in the surrounding countryside. Truck strap it onto 0, fall as a and continuing coverage of the guys that israel war next on inside story here on out you 0. Do stay with us how i was still saying some very heavy, right, affecting southern parts of china and hong kong. 58. 00 millimeters to freight in the last 24 hours. Go back a couple of days, looking at 392 millimeters. The for any type of average is around a 120 millimeters, a phrase, a huge down polls coming through. Hey, im places i have found a warning has now been issued for what was Tropical Storm cleaning. It will drift his way across. Finance was the final of the vietnam weakening as it does so. Big boulder flat to notice a little further north, to stretch across the good parts of japan. That is on the move as well. Thats pulling out of the way. A cool breeze and all the way and coming back in behind. You can say that to west, the weather will grassy east over towards the open waters as we go one through web stay but a scattering a. She has like a c a. So i was coming back in for hi, for a time, and then it brightens up nicely. Dr. Broad across the creek peninsula into a good positive china. Even down to the south, you can see significant improvement coming in here as we go through the next couple of days with a lot of dry weather. Lot of tried by the 2 across the mount shelves, south asia, we still get a few shows up to the north east of india or bangladesh. Pulling out of the way heaviest. Rain is coming in across southwest and positive in the kind of taca pushing into cadillac with easing off the 50 years ago on october. The 6th, when muslims were observing remedy and jews with celebrating young k per egypt and syria launched a surprise war against these cartridges. Ro permit itself to get into this situation of disaster. In the 1st of a 3 part series, elgins era explores what really happened during the 1st week of the war in october. As israel declares war on how much sand porters at total seemed to have guys that with no food or electricity after an unprecedented attack by the policy and onto these ready Prime Minister as well, to destroy a massive capabilities. But at what cost and is the risk the war could spill over to the region. This is inside story. The

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