A Graduation Ceremony. And breaking record september clocks the highest temperatures putting 2023 on trying to become the hottest year. And on piece of seminal deal sports excitement in south america is fif, announces a unique world cup in 2050 to be held on 3 continents while defending champions england to get the cricket work up on the way in india stating news. Even the victory to august of 283. 00 the we begin with breaking news out of ukraine and one of the deadliest attack since russia invited to cry last spring. At least 51 people have been killed and a strike on the horizon village. In the northeast near hockeys, president s for a lot of minutes, the landscape says Russian Forces showed a shop and a cafe in the village. The strike comes as zalinski is in spine for European Security some this. Okay, well lets bring in our correspondence and best robbie who joins us from separation in ukraine. And i know its really just an arrow. So since the attack, can you just tell us what more we know at this stage of the well, this attack happened at around 1 oclock local time. Its been about 56 hours since this attack happened, and debris is still being cleared from the sight of this attack. Now it is about 5 or 6 hours drive north of our position in the car to youve region in coupons district in a village called kudos. And what we know is that a cafe and shop. In the middle of the day, a daylight attack was hit when people had gathered there we are learning in the last hour or so that the desk told has climbed. People who were wounded, receiving emergency medical aid, at the sight of this attack, have died in the last 2 hours that dest told us now, at 51 killed. We know for certain that at least one child a young 6 year old boy was among the dead as well. We also are hearing this again one of the worst attacks in recent memory. We havent seen anything this big in a few months been. Busy and a scanner, a russian guided missile, this is a missile that can be and these are meant to be very precise. Missiles the carrier, they can carry up to a 700 kilogram warhead. So a very, very large missile used on seemingly indiscriminately 8 civilian target from what we understand of that village. There were no military assets nearby. So why this attack happened . It still is unclear if the russians knew it was a civilian target or not. But what people here keep telling us is that in their experience, this could be a village anywhere along the front line, anywhere in the east of the country going from north to the south. This kind of thing continues to happen in civilian areas. Weve seen many towns here in separation as well, where people say the same thing. They feel that they are in civilian spaces. And this kind of thing distributed targeting is continuing to happen. It has been happening since the war began in saying, whats been the reaction from cave the world present a whole lot. Is the landscape who is in spain at the moment for that. And you can also saw that she did come out very strongly calling this an act of terrorism, saying that this kind of people need it to be stopped. Anyone supporting russia was supporting, in his words, evil terrorism being carried out in his country. A Senior Member of his office, the deputy head of the president s office lexical labor came out saying, offering on social media condolences for the dead offering his well wishes. But also saying it was no time to take revenge for everyone. Thats been children this more so very, very strong statements coming out from the leadership. And steve, it will be certainly something that they point to when they go to their allies and say what they need now are better air defense system. More modern lesson to be able to take back the skies over the country and bring this war to a quicker end. Okay, thank you so much for that update. That is the best route the for us in separation. Maria of david is the Research Direct at the European Expert Association in ukraine. She joins us live from t. Thank you very much for being on this news out. As we heard from us now, correspondent just to the doesnt seem to appear to be any military infrastructure in the area. We have the strike happens. I mean, what do you think it was targeted for . So this is a very tiny village where about 300 people going to leave and, and 51 over those low cost were killed. Theyre just in one place. They will get the reading in the local courses show up the Grocery Store and Like Community center in the center of the village and they will get there in there for funeral. So rush, i hear exactly the time when, like every 6 person from the village was in that one place. Now, what is the reason theyre still unknown . Of police and local Security Services are on an investigation right now. And theyre also asking low cause and because there is assumptions that probably someone gave all the information on, navigate to describe it because it was so precise and hed, besides with this port where all these people who are about to move from what we see is that russia is all the time attacked him in the direction of skin, heart kill region. This is one of the many at tags thats happened we simply and just about 2 weeks ago, russia attacked the breach in town square. They looked when they recreation at the point where it was cross and the reverse. And 6 people who are being a kid were killed at the time. It sounds like this could have been and scanned to ms file, which is really precise. It can be guided into a target. Do you think that this was a deliberate attack on civilians . Oh, yes, absolutely. So this was clearly and deliberate attack of russians you that all those people who are there and they precisely attack these built in a boost right . Was whole huge, thats from what we know. Not only start the board, this being able to be identified from 51 People Killed. So means that 20 board is off. Are you still on and then to find them. The dna, a test will continue on the scene of the attack, and from what we know from last, the russians attacks of the same kind which were on the big city and cut off my thoughts. Going on this. Then later police said that they found people who navigated this tribes, those who gave all the information and told russians when and where to sheep. I mean this comes as zalinski is in spine trying to convince european leaders to continue the support for you. Crime. Do you think that this attack, you know, with so many civilians day its here, will actually help him to be able to do this as well. Uh, i, the goal here is that the western current is we will continue support for you. Great, because ross is clearly using this time not to stall the time what it has, but to continue its a tax and then becoming more and more cool. So thats why you great is asking for this help and this helps has to be continued otherwise. The number of, of, of People Killed by russia will only rise. Imagine if you create and have enough capabilities and lots enough, uh, web funds to push russians for the from the, the rush. I wouldnt be able to keep this particular we, which was east of them use house. So these are all things that the where it connects to do more. But once you great, and well get the more ukrainian drops, we will be able to push the russians out of the territory all you pray. Like i thank you so much for your time. We really do appreciate it here on that, which is here. That is maria of the, for the Research Director at the your European Experience association and you cry. And thanks so much. Well, meanwhile, rushes president Vladimir Putin has accused the west of demonizing. Any country that doesnt shift its views. Speaking insults, he blames the west of spiking the tensions that lead to warn you crying is the best day. And then thats the issue. And that we all forced to respond to constantly increasing military and political pressure. As ive said many times, we did not begin the so cold war and ukraine. On the contrary, we are trying to end it. It wasnt us who staged a coo and key of in 2014, a bloody empty constitutional. Cool. Whenever Something Like this happens elsewhere in the world, we hear the west, mostly anglo saxon dominated that you cant do this, this is on democratic, this is not permitted, but here it is permitted. It wasnt also stage the code. It wasnt us who tried to make don bus. Neal through shelling and bombing. It wasnt us whos the rest of those . Who wants to speak the native language . Lets get more on this from julia shuffle for love in moscow into what more did the present person have to say theyre so basically i pacing spoke no totally about the conflicts in ukraine saying thats its not a territorial conflicts. And he also spoke about the situation around no, going to come right back, but a lot of time was devised to be multi polar wild. So you know, blame game of saying baby west for the atrocities that we have now. And he also talks about domestic problems and basically he develops a lot of time addressing those domestic problems. And he said thats actually russia has a lot to do to develop its own territories and, and well, basically improve the lives of its own people. But, you know, the reality is that the room continues and the financing for the koreans have a trees continues and people continue to die. Okay, thank you so much. That is usually a shop over and over for us and most gone. The, the lead is from nearly 50 European Countries are in the spanish city of grenada for a summit, and easing tensions and conflicts on the continent. Ukrainian president below them is zalinski, attended the meeting. He asked countries for continued support and the war against russia. Your colleagues, thanks to your brain. Your soldiers, i know is fighting against russia right now and we do not doubt nachos. Nato stands and, but im sure none of you wants to find out what it will be like if god forbid, nature has to stand up for one of you. We have to rename you paying. So that puts and cannot scale this in reference to someone. Someone else and it is realistic. Thats why the key things are our unit to the unit. And so dodge of all of our you are a must be on wavering as mediation between as a body shop. And media was also meant to take place of attention in the color block region, but hopes of calming them have cited since i was a bi jones president confirmed he bought into tens of amazing, but also on the agenda is migration from north africa. Countries have fainted all the help is to reform policies to deal with growing numbers, all of asylum seekers. Lets go live to sonya guy, a guy whos at the summit in granada, in spine, and on the back of that latest attack, which is with thousands of civilians date and you cry. And what has been the reaction to is there when it suddenly would have subs to really put into shop focused exactly how much of the situation is to try and attempt to resolve the situation. Of course, without impassioned plea by a president selecting himself, it would have set me full on on is the best thing to ukraine and space voices normally, that of the various european leaders from germany as well as the European Commission president asked of on the lines facing that they, they will do what ever they come to, gives, maintain that support for ukraine, as well as also even seeing ukraine eventually as being part of the European Union itself. Now thats still an issue that is being talked about. There were reports that perhaps as early as december, that would even be some kind of commencing of formal tool expect section. But there are many other voices who have said that this is false. Who is that this really doesnt happen . Any preparations in place . A serious preparations in place to make sure that that would be through costing of accountability tests. So that could take place costs with the will continue doing a in ukraine as well. Its very difficult to maintain those tests and how it would be up to accordingly to try and experience of the European Union. Okay, thank you so much. That is on your guy. A good for us in grenada. Whats a sylvia now with is being a drawing to tack on the Graduation Ceremony in the Military College that happens in the city of homes. The defense minister was reportedly at the event a pro government media says 66. 00 people have been killed and nearly 200. 00 injured families invited to the ceremony, are among the casualties as well. Shortly after that strike of 10 people were reported to have been killed and a rebel held area of Northern Syria following attacks by government forces. Ive seen more people as it had been injured in the strikes on the city of just l sugar. And it would provence, according to opposition sources, while it speak to correspondence, i know how to, whos following this from neighboring living on incentive, do you have any more information about the attacks and uh, and who might have famed behind us . Well, what we understand is. A doesnt have been killed and injured in this one of the really deadliest attacks. And in the years, a major Security Breach a major blow to the Syrian Regime. Because really, it has been here since the publishing forces have been targeted in such an operation in the heart of government control territory. And the information that we have was that this was a suicide drone attack. The target, the Graduation Ceremony out of Military College and homes, a Senior Officers were present, cleaning the defense minister. It was crowded. It was crowded with people. Some of the pictures that have emerge show that the drone hit, the area near where Security Officials were, were sitting. Now, there has been no claim or responsibility, but it appears that the syrian machine is bleeding the opposition because shortly after the attack, its launched, a series of air strikes artillery, selling targeting. A residential areas across the opposition held a province of ad lib thats in the northwest of the country. Now who could be responsible for this attack and rebels are position. A 100 in a 120 kilometers away. The front line is far from home. But the regime does have many enemies. It is also fighting a war with a dash which operates in the you turn country side of homes, but also within the state security after office within the army, there are internal disputes. We have seen classes in the past between the Different Army decisions between pro, regime militias and the army. Clearly this is a major Security Breach. But right now, theres a major escalation underway in the north west of the country where the Syrian Regime is hitting indiscriminately and civilians are being killed. Like, i think so much. So i know that designed to hold it for us in neighboring living on what tech issue strikes have targeted areas control by siri and Kurdish Forces in the house of cape province. Id people are reported to have been kills to kia, dos the Syrian Democratic forces. As an offshoot of the code as done work as possible, p k, k. Off more on this, thats go to send them because the other whos standing by for us in his temple. What, what can you tell us about these strikes and a of the law . So far there is no official claim for the a surprise that are happening in Northern Syria. The code, the side has been reporting that they have shut down the long stitches here, however, seniors purchased a 1000 special sold today, but it didnt belong to true during ever every press reef. A defense, a official, high level defense official told press members that to case conducting a counter p, k, k, a encounter y p g operation in coordination with the iraq, your storage fees in northern iraq. However, there was no statement about whats going on in Northern Syria 2 days ago, following the ball as we side bomb attacking the capital on colorado. As soon as you start to, to target a p k case bases and outlets in northern iraq. And so im thinking case, high level representatives in Northern Syria and come and say about today, the original statement about the book. Yes, if theyve ever very harsh explanations from the turkish authorities, including the defense minister, the foreign minister, and in the later hours of yesterday night, uh, wednesday nights uh, security will sold tubes including interior minister, defense ministers, uh, the chief of the intelligence, a chief of staff and foreign minister, they had a meeting and introduced the fast but as of yesterday said that they will increase the bully, him also positions and at churches for administer. One statement was very important from no one who said any, its a relate to shoot p k k, why pj and p y, the logistics space and the military base, any energy personalities. They are all Security Forces entails and forces, legitimate targets. And today we heard as senior level defense offer sol saying that amanda operation is not to own the way the purchase will sort is conspire against the p k. K. And, and the real price is that for sports. So there is no official claim of responsibility if whats going on and hows that good today, but the message has been cleared by the turkey so forth, you since yesterday. Okay, thank you so much. That is to them because the only for us in a sample is plenty more hit on this new zona, including we go on patrol with cost of us for the police. As tensions with sylvia arising, the nobel prize for literature is awarded to norwegian, altar and pirates you in the fall. So, who has been prized for giving voice to the young cycle and how to win a gold middle at a slow a price will take a look at mine sports at the asian games thats coming up in school. The at least 14 people are consumed to have died and floods in india is northeast and so it can stays. A search and rescue operation has been launched for more than 100 people who are missing, including 22 soldiers and run on the con reports. The major highways, bridges, and street. In india is northeast, sick them state, all submerged in muddy water. The heavy rains caused a glacial lake to overflow flooding several towns and villages in the mountainous region. Around 22000 people have been effected, and 3000 torres are stranded. Sowards say, rescue and recovery operations are under way. As of now we have to work then the bodies data is missing persons which have been reported and which includes 20 p plus and im from new york. We uh, searching for them and making all efforts to trace them. Storms of last, stick them state on tuesday and wednesday, causing a dam to collapse. And youve got labeled with money. I said, im look for most of our league in the board meeting. We thought the water level wouldnt rise as it was very low. But as the water was released from the down, the level started to rise slowly. And after the dam burst, our houses were washed away. We had moved to a higher ground. All our houses are damage to the continued rain falls, hampering rescue efforts and the capital gain talk is cut off due to major infrastructure damage. The weather forecasters are predicting more heavy rain for the rest of the week and have warned a possible landslide as thousands of people seek refuge from the relentless rain rental a fine, ill just hear a plan thats experienced its hold of september. It will recorded last month. It was only one degree celsius house of an average compared to the past 20 years. And 1. 75 degrees will live in pre industrial levels. But you climate motorcycles, of an extraordinary jump. It shattered the previous record by half the degree. Thats the largest increase in average monthly temperatures. If a saying and it follows the sum of heat waves and while fires, scientist say its now oil, but susan, but 2023 will be the hardest you ever record is that you Climate Services for the year to date, temperatures, a 1. 4 degrees, ha, ha, then pre industrial levels. Thats the closest weve ever been to the 1. 5 degrees celsius threshold. Say its in the 2015 paris agreement. What catherine gamma is the Climate Change, edit taishan specialist at the organization for Economic Cooperation and development. She says that then you think is our major cause for concern. The extraordinary and its all extraordinary in the sense that the jump is so not senior. And also that kind of times as has been bullying us, that has been saying thats the move temperatures increase and the more rack, if you do so the more we lock Climate Change into the system to who we need to expect the search at sort of typically once thats uh huh, to predicts to the very answer. But once we observe them such as we might be doing, just know that once they, once theyre not into the system and, and theres no unfortunately, no, its a point of no return, so to speak. So theyre observing exactly the same, but it has, but perhaps we wouldve expected. So to be unfolding so rapidly to be honest with you. And its what were seeing in your now just now because its the end of our summer at the beginning of the also, which is incredibly, im usually home. But we have seen that in the Southern Hemisphere as you know, in their, in their now the summer periods as well, where we have records in purchasing in latin america as well as in, in south east asia. So its across the whole phenomena weve been observing only. But once we observe the impacts that were observing right now, its not just the heat. As you know, its all to be extreme melting that we senior being licensed at the moment. Its been really race. Weve been up serving this year, so theres multiple unfortunately criteria that we see that describe these kind of tipping points unfolding in front of our eyes. A sylvia has released the suspected leader of an ambush on police and neighboring costs of our. The move has refueled tensions costs of the accuser. Sylvia of orchestra rising, the a tank setting, the incidents relied on weapons smuggles from across the border. This put a spotlight on surveillance in this remote region, which is areas of the monks receives re access to a special police unit. And since this reports on the lake side settings may be stunning. But the costs of those bullet please. Theres little time these days to admire the view crushed stream or sheet a sub in a Rapid Reaction force on this section of the boda with sub for almost a year. But hes never known circumstances as serious as the window foot patrol lately because of the situation about this between us and the southern side. But we have a flap on from them. Its a dangerous area. One of the federal offices died near by end of the tank plus months. When you joined up for this job, did you expect to see these kinds of threats . The best part to you . Compare them with the. The 2nd side, what is doing . Its uh like enough kinds of outcomes, the cost of a country cost of those boundaries up here may be difficult to defend that on regular roads. This bought it. So itd be a fairly recognizes. Its a lot to miss this kind of might evolve. Road checkpoint is one of several tools available to special units inside the cost of i bought a police force as they say theyve been intensifying these kinds of efforts and recent days, wherever they own out the threat from savvy. Its a few kilometers down the road. Is more real than it has been in years. This police units, usually searching for smuggled goods. Now the more worried about weapons that might one day be used against them. Little more come onto. So does that sound, and as of now, its difficult to see because of the situation of how it is the 1st line that to replace with this guys. If the board is hardly student, then it seems that there is no lump on him, but he just a mentor. But i only is the executive director of the institute for security studies. Think tank in the capital. Pristina as we sold last week, was always not to say if the board us im not typically controlled. So i think that they need to invest in the board. And in order to prevent the conflict from within, the receipts is unit used to operating on its own. That mission is motivation enough. We will do our best, you know, decide to soft, our content and our community. We do our jump and we will assess to do that as long as we already. That means look into the future, but also watching that backs the months ill just say to the cost of a. It was still a hazel and l just there. As we look at my children in human being forced to skip school and in states goes to work. And im, im interested in life and you cancel and you, nice its, its, i get the 1st when in the Champions League for 20 years. Thats coming up in the had a lot of that weve got a stormy situation across the america. Is that the moment we start in south america, and you can see the tail end all with that cold front bringing storms to southern parts of brazil from gusty winds as well. And the winds are an issue down across the south of chile into argentina. And before cleaned the island no farther north of this is looking more settled for northeast in areas of brazil. We got humid and heat warnings out here over the next few days. And the heat continues to build form and now so we had a new old time record set. Just the other day was so high in the thirtys day on thursday. But the temperature will be easing here over the next few days, but still a story of heat the farther north we go to Central America and the caribbean, weve got a hot spell warnings out for trinidad and tobago. Hot nights and days for the Dominican Republic and pots of his been yada, but still a stormy situation. Thanks to the tail end of tropical storm. Philip was saying some was a weather as well. Fact and coastal areas of mexico honduras bought them all as well from the circulation and stormy conditions affecting the north of mexico. Thats thanks to storms that are moving across the southern part of the us with some heavy rain for texas and oklahoma of the states them even been coming to add any international and corruption excellence award, nominates your hero. Now money, the worlds biggest ocean would be defined in Climate Change and transforming pacific on an economy. And the 2nd of to the special reports. 101 east investigates. Wants it states . Oh no, just the the, the, [000 00 00;00] the youre watching out is there a reminder of our top stores, the ssl, at least 51 people have been killed in ukraine and one of the deadliest attack since the beginning of the war last spring. President , the modem is the landscapes see the russian messiah and had a cafe of the shop in the village. And the hard key for region is being to try and attack on the Graduation Ceremony of the Military College in the syrians, city of homes, defense. Minnesota was reportedly at the event, the government says 67 people were killed and nearly 200 injured new figures reveal the time this experienced its office obtained. But if a recorded last month on the sciences so morning that 2023 is on cost to become the office. If frances, it will begin with drawing its troops from the ship this week, the pullout is expected to be completed by the end of the year president , somebody will account, announced the decision 10 days ago of the mass protests in the army cooling for the french ambassador and all the troops to leave french soldiers were in need you as part of the fight against the groups. And this, the hill region of west africa correspondent Nicholas Hawk explains. The pull out means for these. You or the immediate withdrawal of french soldiers means that there are certain places where the new air forces will go at a loan to tackle these attacks from im groups link to ice. So, and ill tell you that what we heard is that early this morning at around at 4 oclock, jim t 2 battalions that were actually struck by the border with molly in the share. 2 french battalions are now making their way back to the army, and immediately afterwards, they will take a plane off of going, leaving the country and going to paris. Its according to one of the, the senior officials that we speak to the beginning of a, this engagement operation. For france. The soldiers have been in the country for the last 60 years since independence. And then last, in the next 3 months, they will leave the country altogether. This is a really historic moment for new share, but for a lot of people in this a how new share is a country that is twice the size of france. Twice the size of texas, and now you have a small army trying to deal with trying to contain what seems to be contained contagion of attacks. They will no longer be able to rely with, with the french, but theyre still the American Military drone base thats on the ground there that will support new shares army now these year is key to the security of europe. They see it as a main, a point of transit for migrants that then go on to the mediterranean so, so the fact that the french soldiers are no longer on the ground means it more porous borders for the europeans. This is really a blow to france and it belongs to the europeans who saw new share as the main partner in the fight, both against arm groups, but also in the fight against illegal migration. Could you in fact investigation into allegations of human rights abuses . And if you, if he is to cry, regions will be disbanded when its man dies expires this month. No countries stepped forward to seek an extension thats despise repeated warnings. The violations continued almost a year since the cx 5, which ended through years of conflicts. Thousands of people were killed and displaced during finding between the unami. Its a grind ripples. Jeffrey robinson is a form of United Nations more crimes judge. He says the un failed to serve its purpose, and i think its very sad and very disappointing to you. And cause of a general malays that is affecting the United Nations, which is not fit for it. Up was its purpose laid out. You look, job is to stop was good, you war and not rosalie. As it failed, we crane each has failed with a number of, of, of was most recently at the moment the good care a back. And each is now they with to guy. Because uh, walk huge his guy is in this very obscure. Ready where we do know at times whos right wrong. Uh, but i would say so a commission is free experts who had good news report several report shedding light on the accountability. Particularly critical of the view in the government. As well as of the t grinding forces and it was, it gives to now being a band because its and then virus and 2 countries that want to work with you and not consider the allegations of genocide in doing video. You can, does all possession later. Buffy one has been to tying dr. Returning to the country, he is being held by police at his home in the capital of kampala, this National Unity platform policy organize to welcome back gathering. That was shut down bios overseas and police 5 tickets to disperse people. Is a permanent critic of president s, jo, where a miscellaneous government and has been arrested many times as soon as i landed, the goods grabbed to me and dragged me, twisted my hands and bundled me into 18 private car. They drove me to the airport where they put me out and then put me in the middle to come with the menu. So just unplug yourself. It says more than 15 people. We are putting that. You know, it was very humiliating. It was very uncomfortable, but im glad i reached the United Nations. Is that nearly 3000000 children in human . Im not going to school due to the ongoing conflict and with a declining economy. Many of them have to find work to help support the families. Child strengthened reports, the motor one the should all be should be in school, but just be forced to give them peace studies and work his family rely for the basic needs on the money, the ceiling, vegetables, the market, a little stuff thats it was of the nice great, but i stopped to go to school so i can work hard to provide for my family, cover our daily expenses. I am trying to do my best to see what god provide. Of course, i would rather be of schools on working, but what can we do . Someone has to support the family. United nation says there around 3000000 children who cannot go to school. Examine the decade loanable has forced many amenities to take their children out of school, so they can work and help ease the financial pressure. The millions of families face every day of the u. N says nearly 3000 schools would be need to completely or partially destroyed and mold in the cool. So closed some of those areas that are available. I left the main reason to students dropping out is because of difficulties. Theres so many things weve tried, like speeding up the educational process and supporting the students financially so they can go back to school. But these efforts have failed in other reasons. Keep failing is the financial situation of the teachers. The scene is be the teacher prefer to use he sounds reasonable enough to combat his familys needs. The average wage for a teacher in yemen is now less than 60. 00 a month. And it was almost 7 times that amount to just the case. So many people working in the public sector, teachers salaries already paid on time. And often most of tool not gonna come are you mean nice little side by seizures were living in very difficult times, extremely difficult. We cannot even handle our basic daily expenses and our families meet mainly because of the war every year. Rising cost means the seller depreciates more this year, our wages have hits rock bottom. The teachers take into the streets and protests. Raise your voice is loud and clear, they told stopping of salaries means our deadlines. So im stuck with how to do the nobel prize and literature has been awarded to, to know which and all the union fossa, the laureates work includes fiction nonfiction poetry plays, and stories for children. He was awarded for his writings, which give voice to the unstable full race, has more from stockholm. So i think its fair to say, guess didnt go up here in stock time when the name was announced. I think many people were expecting maybe it was maybe purchase and you know, if the Salman Rushdie you had the font was imposed on him after his 1988 tonic versus there was also a tips that it was going to be the exiled russian officer. Pacing critic miller relate sky, but yes indeed, it is. The man whos in it individually plays and prose, give voice to the unstable unit fossa, his name, somewhat unassailable, and in English Speaking circles made his breakthrough in 1988 with his play nova, and kim till coma. Someones going to come home and he is one of the most widely performed at play writes in, in the modern world, we wont know who else is on the is on was on the short list of the academy here. Have done a lot of reading over the past months of that if that 5 person shortly to, to decide this prize. And it is, it is your own fault. So we want know the rest for about another 50 is the still ahead on al jazeera simone biles leads the usa to a record 7 stripe world gymnastics types of thats coming up in the the Residential Construction project. In the heart of gauze a has lead to an archaeological find the roman symmetry dicing back to 1000 years. But these really blockade is making it difficult. The archeologist to access the discovery, you mail site reports from gaza. It all started as a typical building job. Bulldozers were working on the construction of a special project in the jamalia neighborhood of northeastern gaza. But as construction workers, doug to lay the foundations, they soon discovery that piece of history that has the spanish or colleges and historians. A roman cemetery believes to be more than 2000 years old, although not the 1st. The Historical Context of this finding makes it extremely remarkable. So far, 134. 00 toms at least 2 lead sir. Cough a guy and very mature burials has been discovering the discovery of the leads are tough. A guy is a rare case of its kind. And a 1st gossip french archaeologist renee alter, believes more, could still be 1000, seemed to be put to the body. This segment trait is a small part of the entire archaeological heritage because a straight dont you have to imagine not being tired, gaza strip, at least along the coast, is a huge archaeological site. Which means that today there is a real danger. As soon as that is a new construction site, we risk coming across the archaeological remains to the presence of the roman cemetery. And godsa indicates the once thriving commerce and cultural ties between this region and the roman empire. This discovery is more than just an archaeological achievement, a window into a where. 2 long gone and the testament of the ancient history of the gaza strip and the people who lived here flooded and halted is a palestinian archaeologist who leads the excavation team. Its a project funded by to purchase government and implemented by a global n g o. But he says the team is severely lacking in resources and financial assistance. This presents a huge challenge from basic excavation gear to proper preservation facilities. I dont know, but as the in gaza, we are facing great difficulties due to the lack of continued Financial Support for our to logical discoveries. Because garza is a rich historical city. So this area must be taken care of, but the is really occupation and the lack of Financial Support for archaeological excavations limit the ease of access to it. So this is the question sasha, or the pasha palace for all the artifacts and top findings are being preserved and displayed. But each rails years long locate of gossen means not many outside jury, so well get to see yet it also presents International Archaeologists from exploring and learning about its rich history. Unit c, l 20 goes to strip the to solve this for now is piece a and youve got more from one of the cricket woke out. I certainly do tell him the kind of news thats going to make you very happy, actually easy. Didnt have hamids defending champions, england by 9 wickets in the opening match shop. The cricket woke up in india, but he was one of the toast and chose to bet you a little bit for me. Loved about johnny bass. So going middle for mall, scoring a 6 of the sick and pulled up the tournament to roots would speak, print, vote for a sick, smoke many best when the bad route actually made. 77 slips going full. The english you pose to 292. 00 for 9, but the key res, posts that total with more than 13 service to span for the loss of just one wickets. But theres also been criticism from fans who knows that the opening match begin in the nearly empty venue. Then the ring remotely stadium has a capacity of 132000, but most of the seats will unoccupied despite the opening match being a repeat of the 2019 final despite the low to in the full, the opening game, a leading cricket equipment manufactory in india has rent up production, anticipating a boom in demand due to the world cup workers at the s g factory in the town of mute. So busy making more than 1500. Thats the day. If the host, when the tournaments, the company, all predicting that to cricket equipments that the market for it in the country would sewage costs 300000000. 00. The head of south american football consideration says hes happy that the world capital. We play the game where it all began. Conbal president e come to the me dominguez welcome fee for the announcement on wednesday at the 2032. And that will be hosted by morocco, portugal in spain, but with opening games in argentina, paraguay, and uruguay. All 6 nations will get automatic entry to the 4018 tournament, which is being held on 3 continents for the 1st time. And its the south american leg, thats it. To kick off for the 100 year celebration of the world, kept whether you have any match being tied into your lawn capital of months of the day of with the 1st woke up final was held back in 1958. Okay. I think this is the biggest football news in south america and in the world, it is the 100 the and the verse. And it will be played a game where hes only begun you ways in argentina, which was the 1st find that is an far away, which is the headquarters of condo. So i rates right, that is just minutes off the fif of made that announcement. Saudi arabia launched, its good for the 2034 world cup. The country will host the fee for the club will kept at the end of the year. And the 2027 asian cub fees have already said the 2054 will cap, will be held in asia. Oh she, anya, australia has said theyre also exploring the possibility of a bid. The hosting goes up and saw that idea would mean everything to us. We are uh for the nation and this is uh what that means. Automatic off uh for all the generations. Young and old boys and girls that 2030. Busy woke up as our invitation to the wall with this. Solve that, itd be as development experience, its welcoming Society Culture and heritage and become part of assess the you call. So united friends waited more than 20 years to see Champions League foot over to into some jamess park, and it goes with the weights half a full day thing. Thresh power sandra, man, full, 100. 00. So i took the lead, 17 minutes in power line, fluid miguel element on school in new courses. First school in the competition into decades. The premium each side go to another before the break and then short long stuff with them. 3, the 2nd of p a. C, put one back while new cost and save the best for last, defend the fab you and share with the goal of the night to make it full. One victory moves you cost on top of the group is whats the point that must be. It was this very special and i knew it would be this an amazing place to play football regardless of the competition. But i think there was an extra level tonight, a contact the support was enough for what they gave the team and how they helped us in the game. Personally, theres a very difficult thing so frankly, and i never spend time doing it and you just always onto the next challenge, but i, i hope theres a lot more night slot this to come or defending champions mattress. The said he made it to in some to him the competition so side and gave them deleted all the lights inc. Gym team equalized in the 2nd hole. But city when 2nd front with 6 minutes to go, put in over is coming of the band is to score a great goal to make it to one over as being 2 and provide it to say have certainly done cuz weve got cities to 3. Want to finish, so the now im basing in 16 european games and the mixed up awesome in the premium on sunday. Mistake bipolar midfielder tomatti a bottle was punished by boston. Lona fed and torres was the only goal of the game to give boston a one. No victory in portugal. Chevy side to prove h off to starting. They campaigned with consecutive twins. Just look at the reaction of fleming and say player, head mankato off, that hes goal since these t mean for the final of a couple of bits of donates. Its the biggest competition in south American Club footballs, living in se, when one know down in the 2nd leg of the semi final with philip present insight into unless you know, john kennedy equalized for the wayside with 10 minutes to go. And cono school, the 2nd 5 minutes late to gifted and then say up to 3 advocates victory to remain in with the chance of winning. They 1st come from the visit to this type. You can see just what it means to the play is women and say will face philip resiliency and palmetto or origin seen his book, a juniors in the final and nothing but the hosts. China, it continues a race towards the 200. 00 gold middle luck. As the asian games. Who did you realize the lifetime dream is the one the mains marathon single for challenge . So no 3 is had you gone well by reins eunice trim, but when the womens raced by nearly 2 minutes, a titles has swept a pair of gold medals for the 2nd day in a row with the dragon, both competition, most winning, both mens and womens 500 mesa grand finals. And it was an emotional moment for this chinese race walker who was finally would have heard gold medals from the 2012 london and then takes she and 2 of a competitor. Its finished. 4th, 5th, and 6th, upgraded to gold, silver and bronze, and the top 3 finishes would disqualify slipping. Chinas mains full by 100 meter read 18 also the fe phones middle from the took care 2020 games of the great person was penalized for typing violation. Ball games or mine spoiled, says that refreshing the cold in hon. Just a, one of the events that fit the agent games. A pause choices back for the 1st time since 2010 and gold medals are also at stake in some more traditional chinese games. I mean richardson reports it may not be the most action parts corner of home, joe, but board games and making the full agent games of parents. This was the goals middle, much in go, which lays claim to being the worlds oldest board game. Chess, sean g, an bridge earl, so being contested in mind. Sports is the asian games categorize these, these events. Some think the host nation take very seriously. Has visa problems when the, when to when kids the come here they can find it hard to concentrate on one thing. But both games in coverage and to focus and think move. It teaches them to be persistence in the future. They wont give up when they face problems. There are dozens of old game academies like this one and hung joe over hey, weve got a chest tournaments taking place with hunting, taking on arrival school from shanghai. I take you across the colorado a private, less than in shan, she or chinese chest. The ancient strategy game, which represents a bustle between the 2 armies. She was 1st played move in to sales and use ago, but it continues to attract new funds. Good, good, good, good. So yeah, i just play, its the way i like it. Sometimes i need to think more when i want to win. The game is full of stomach. Its very interesting to get their competitors involved in more active endeavors, say the sort of mental strength live through playing board games time being valuable. What i didnt tell you for thousands, besides the value of concentration at the very important events where its easy to get distracted by the funds and the footlights. Its crucial just to focus on the high jump. Ah, the pace of my steps. Thats when i perform it, my best one. But mine sports could soon be a distant memory. The agent gains, they wont be returning to the 2026 edition in japan. Im the richardson l g 0. Im john the Minnesota Twins i celebrate him day 1st Major League Baseball post Season Series winning 21 years. The twins trick off 2 decades of disappointments to beat the Toronto Blue Jays to nothing. The kings bay while cold playoff series. So face the defending will to his champions, the Houston Astros mixed the Philadelphia Phillies and baseball with the sweep of the miami mullins prices starts getting the 2nd grandson and cities post season history. As a 171 for these will face atlanta that mixed the Arizona Diamondbacks with a based of 3 well called seas, with the milwaukee brewers, theyll pay the Los Angeles Dodgers in the next round. And the texas ranges meet the type of a re, 71 to finish a 2 game ale world called series sweep. Theyll take on the Baltimore Orioles in game on, on saturday. So many miles is late. The us women seem to wrinkled 7 straight time to let the gymnastics wheel championships biles, who is competing internationally for the 1st time since taking it to your Mental Health break. So the dramatic, finally, with a superb full routine in belgium, the usa team. So i can told him to, for zillow and phones, that was also a 20th world types of files and the 53rd major championship middle, when you to those that she has one at the olympic games. Thats in the small things. So the maybe theyll be able to get a little bit later with move tubs, but the, and thank you so much peter. Really appreciate that. But that sense of this news, how that ill be back in just a moment up to the break with much more of todays news. The, [000 00 00;00] the v e. Usually just Somebody Just said to take place in canada as the block looks to make itself more recent with somebody to help which leads us unites on the many challenges they face. On 50 years ago on october, the 6th, when muslims were observing rema time and use was set up rating yom kippur. Egypt and syria launched a surprise war against the powdered israel permitted. So to get into this situation of disaster in the 1st of a 3 part series, how to 0 explores what really happened during the 1st week of the war in october stories of hope. And inspiration show us documentary from around the world. That celebrates colleagues and resilience in the times of the out the phone and the in russia. It attacks the village in the ukrainian region of how i keep at least 52 people are killed. The, until mccrae, this is all just there. A line from doha also coming up, man, showing this one we have that is to save unity in your ukraines president to pay

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