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Is there a tool . So the countries prime minister, the we looked at why a new multi 1000000000. 00 bullet train is fueling debt concerns in indies here. The United Nations Security Council is authorized as appointments of a Multi National Security Force to haiti is designed to help the caribbean nation fight heavily on gangs will become increasingly powerful the but its not clear when the force will arrive, all who can, you will contribute to it should happen times eve, now reports from the un headquarters in new york, the haitian government for us. And the un secretary general has been pushing for an International Deployment to haiti for almost a year. But it was only at the end of july, but the us filed a country willing to lead the mission. Kenya, this village was the next procedural hurdle. The draft resolution has been adopted. Both russia and china of stains, but dont veto the resolution. Very good question. The wisdom of authorizing an International Force without 1st settling on its rules of engagement. Historic 18 made the stuff to katy contains a lot of history of irresponsible for an interference. That is what gave rise to the downward spiral. The patients have not been able to overcome for years. They also insisted on a more comprehensive owns and logo and haiti at the moment, a large proportion of the gangs weapons being smuggled in from south florida, tied to you to associate. We explicitly requested all countries take all steps to cut off at the sources the channel through which haitian gang obtained small alms, lightweight brands and ammunition. This is not a United Nations peacekeeping mission. Its less Stabilization Force left in 2017, havent been accused of widespread sexual abuse and smoking a color outbreak of killed some 10000 people. That rec, what appeared to be on the mind of the us representative of the Security Council. Importantly, this resolution recognizes the need to learn lessons from past missions and calls for safeguards to promote respect for human rights and accountability. Can you will now have the legitimacy off a un Security Council mandate. As of the attempts to augment its proposed force of 1000 Police Officers with those from other nations under become objections at home and abroad about the mission, not least as a result of the pool human rights record of the Kenyan Police force itself. Residents of older friends express mixed feelings about another international for the past. The force will not be able to dislodge the gang because theyre hiding in every corner unless to destroy the houses to chase the bandits away. I would like the Multinational Forces to comment and make things better for the haitian people because of a tied v. M. S, as its cold, is probably authorized for one year and will be reviewed often 9 months can use. Foreign minister says he expects boots to be on the ground by next january. She ever tenancy out a 0 the United Nations to fully as present. Donald trump is appearing cold on the opening day of a civil full trial. Trump, along with to the sons on the Trump Organization, or in queues doesnt citing the net worth and by billions of dollars. Trunk faces hundreds of millions of dollars in fines and the loss of his business license is gabrielle. That is on the narrow bullets from you. Donald trump, again in a court room. But for the 1st time on trial, trump is adult sons and the Trump Organization are facing locations of intentionally inflating the value of trumps Real Estate Holdings by nearly 3000000000. 00 in order to gain more favorable loans. That is a crime. When they could deal a major blow to trumps new York Business empire, its a which are trump, is not obliged to attend the trial. But on the 1st day he did so voluntarily. This trial was railroaded, that faster. This traffic have been brought years ago, but they waited till i was right in the middle of my investigation was years in the making by new yorks attorney generals office, which brought the charges last year. Donald trump and the other defendants have been committed, persistent, and repeated fraud. Last week, we prove that in our motion for summary judgement. Today, we will prove our of the claims. The case is simple and not criminal in nature. There is no jury. A judge will rule if trump is liable, if bound liable, trump would have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines. The attorney general was also asking for a permanent ban on trump. And as adults sons running businesses in new york at a 5 year ban on commercial real estate activities, trump, i said hes eager to testify in the case. Even volunteering to do so. Trump is already last part of this case. When the judge last week ruled that he was liable for fraudulent lead inflating the value of his new york apartments. The trial now is dealing with 6 other allegations. This is the 1st of what will likely be several trials involving the former president over the next year. Hes facing criminal indictments in florida, georgia, washington dc, and another one in new york. But those trials will come later next year, right . In the middle of the republican primary where trump is leading the poles. As for this trial, there are more than a 100 people on the potential witness list. Meaning it could go on for weeks or perhaps even months into december. Gabriels under, how dizzy to new york us House Republican that gates has filed a motion to our speak. I kevin coffee, gates and other hard line republicans. What and good the, im a coffee relied on votes from the democrats to pos a loss, but it temporary deal to the government. Shut them for the yellow brick road of working with democrats has been paved, constructed engineering, and architected by kevin mccarthy. Look no further than the debt limit deal a deal we passed with democrats, with no further than the last continuing resolution, which he passed with democrats. And by the way, if hes able to stay in power, it will be him working for the democrats continuing to do their buildings. My kind of brings is more from a washington dc, is a very rare device, the motion to vacate. In fact, its only been used twice in the last century, and it has never ever succeeded. But what it needs is a simple majority in the house, so that some 318 votes with everybody is the uh, to pos, and which case the speaker has to step down. However, there are some interesting parameters in this. The only way that gates is likely to get this motion passed is if he gets the support of democrats, which is exceedingly unlikely, given the relationship between the hard line, conservative and democrats within the house. So he is going to struggle to get the majority of young, the Republican Caucus to you havent had seen years of war poverty and a grave humanitarian crisis. The u. K. Charge the all the time is one and the 3rd of the many population is facing stream on the situation is likely to deteriorate. Unless a political solution to the conflict is found soon as somebody who bought that impulse as hospitals is the capital side of the bolts, if youll put a to a day the battle to say on to children, shines nutrition here is among the highest in the world doctors are struggling to provide threat puting food for now, but its not just children who are hungry. The parents are also facing tough times. 2 thirds, if you have any need humanitarian assistance, h e is since the spots of the war. The economy has declined. Government employees are not paid a nation of more than 13000000 is getting poor and hungry. Are you an Emergency Response in the am and is the largest in the world, but of the money it runs out. Many fia people may die of hunger. The most immediate need to know is a funding, you know, a benefit to funding is an issue and human the credit to come sit sort of the top agents foreclosure of suspicion and this we see a Cross Country in the meantime, the international communities, yet to convince the world and factions to the complex re, cynthia who feed delegation, met sound you officials in re, uh, to agree on a permanency is via and a political solution. But we explained to the host, these who are backed by iran and control center held, admitted to activate its leaders insist a deed with only half of and when fun to explore to the young man. And so do ravia commits billions of dollars, a compensation then to nationally recognize government in the south. Blaines the jose so took over the capital into a 1014. 00 for governments troubles for now. Again, that remains divided. The success of this movement is about noon to break away in the south. While the sound of the back government is desperate to expand its influence. Beyond the battery and the other provinces occupied by the under 0. My colleagues have these i down spoke to humans problem and is that my in of the lubbock who represents the its a nice the recognize goldman. He says the grave, humanitarian situation is accumulation of years of on results. I think its uh, the results of a to you. So of the conflict its accumulated. We saw no lack of funding. It goes down from approximately 3000000 in the year in 2018 barely, no 1000000 to start to increase before the russian ending. Now the problem is more a cd you so many of those programs would come to shut down any and thats why theyve been pulled by some you and agencies, they would go funding to the hosp, the pins, few, the boys and the patients education, many Different Program what will that means to the, how many people do we have . I d, b s. Now we have a to use a poor even with the last one year of a tool since february 2022 still economy quote, region good, malicious. So now with will affect all the private sector supply chain. So we have millions of identities matter, for example, more than 2000000. And we have in lash and then with all the places and those people will pay, thats always the people that pay the price. So the, they pay the price, but its not commission for them, nor do cation uh, it becomes more than 1880. 00 camp. And when the governor, its like a matter of, despite the government rates and also different the government, they have not compared with the infrastructure of like mcculla say on that model. And even then with the control area. And then these as long thing Southeast Asia is 1st high speed by the way off the use of delays on the multi 1000000000 dollar project. The line will connect 2 of the largest cities. And this part of china is built and road initiative. And some economists are worried about growing that risks. Jessica washington reports these 2 columns and this is whoosh. The new high speed re weigh connecting to canada, and the city of bundled in with java, that thats about set up under your name and, and a list of costs of buying done foss strain amongst a modernization, an efficiency of a mass transport system, which is environmentally friendly and integrated with other modes of transport as either then of the 142 kilometer rain line cuts, travel time from around 3 ellis, 201. Our train can reach at top speed of 350 kilometers an hour. In september, the authorities began public trials at the train ahead of its official launch. We have already reached the wrong station which would normally take 2 to 3 hours. The seat is comfortable is just like sitting on the sofa on the project, which is mostly funded by china cost more than 7000000000. 00 to build up to significant cost overruns, due to construction delays, to cost us new. High speed rail is an important part if aging is built in Roads Development project, china will soon celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of the initiative. As some experts raise concerns about growing death risks. Some say the high speed re weight is a burden for entities just budget the future of this project. I think similar to either attend this project in other countries, the c port in salon got in focused on and a pretty can get the project. Not for sure, but then the company could not pay the debt, then go next. There is no way to finance again this project president jacoby has acknowledged some of the criticisms of the project. Knowing that experience is expensive but valuable. And the country should be enthusiastic about developing its transport links. The government is planning to extend the rail project into east java. Jessica washington, which is 0 badging to i dont see corruption investigates as in can you have recovered, stolen islands in the nature reserve and the indian ocean 3 companies. And now, facing possible Court Proceedings for land grubbing and to have agreed to hand over the legally required land titles for the items. I was just welcome web travel to one of the items of the coast of kenya in the indian nation. Ly unique ecological treasures. Some in the sea and of his own islands, 3 of which would need the loss to develop those. I dont. One who is in charge of the coast area for kenya is Wildlife Service, which is the law for i dont know if the items i think thats corrupted. Nora, they grab us. I think they, they have their ways of being that which is not the pharmacy both by the government. And of course, because the government hours is on and make uneasiness, even though they werent able to recover the airlines full day from the grab ice. The surrounding waters of the k. C team from duty Marine Reserve provides century for more than 200. 00 dolphins. Its being protected by law since the 1970s below the surface are endangered seats, the toes, and carl gardens that a breeding grounds for hundreds of species of fish. John says it hotels have been built on the islands. It would have been an ecological disaster. Some speculate as a quiet irregular titles for them in the 1990s, amid a series of Corruption Scandal was late to the legal title report by companies and by foreigners in spite of the island clearly being in a native, as of some of them, sued the Wildlife Service seeking to build and asked repair, they lost the case and drew the attention of the all sorts. Hes the investigate to say, because its completely out of sight of the mainland, but accessible in small boats and possibly like that, croft that its the perfect location for criminal activity such as drug smuggling. And they say that one of the Company Still holds a title for this island and has refused to hundreds of the investigators say theyll now take the company to cooled. The others agreed to hand over that titles off to being investigated by 10 years ethics and onto corruption commission. This was piled up do behind me. Its been decades recovering all kinds of public prophecy for the government. For that he says its the 1st time hes ever recovered. Islands the people with sight to do all manner of things. And we are not saying we, we, we finish or rather completely finish caught up something good. What youre saying is that still a bit to ensure we reduce the about percentage. If we reduce it by 10 percent, good enough. The companies they handed over the titles went face charges. For now, the islands have at least been sped from an equal Development Mountain web alger 0 can see taken from go to the lower island can yeah. So head on out, is there a on patrol . The northern costs of the Security Forces remain on highlights following a recent tax and the scientist who is what paid the wife of hybrid 19. 00 vaccines are awarded the nobel prize, the medicine, the hello, weve got some right in the full costs, but parts of the middle east, over the next couple of days, a fair amount of crowd across north america sliding out of north africa across the us on our financial and Northern Areas of iraq could see some showers along the spells the frame for the time of the what the weather will be into the kia up to was the cool cars itself. Is that generally try mobile sunshine. So touching faulty celsius here in 1000, all right, for the next couple of days and Similar Properties 5, i know. So there you go with that west to whether between the caspian and the black sea, some heavy showers, longest spells of right and a set of possibilities. Some brain is know, the positive iraq little more cloud to just stretching it to north america. Saudi arabia, st. Bad a cloud i see stretches across the so hara southern areas of libya because he some went by the handled and shot pushing across towards the gulf of getting plenty of showers right across the southern fringes of west africa. These 3 way still continued to pulse away here. Will rain coming in as we go on into wedding. Stay then, still not too much right on the other side of the rift valley, but a few showers started to crop now across central and northern parts of mozambique. Some went to weather round comes to the fringes of tents and the into can you just went by the to, into madagascar. But south africa is not to find somebody the coming of age story in the Community Fighting to push the heritage in an ever changing world thing on an ancient way to, to future generations. In an Award Winning documentary, ill just say, well, photos, a group of young men on the right to pass each time in the most. Sorry, i, because the say quickly on notice era the the, [000 00 00;00] the, you want to go to there are a mind about top stories. This, our, you and Security Council is voted to authorize a Multinational Force to haiti. The one year deployment will be led by Kenyan Police and will look to help a fight on getting through not control large parts of the country. For us present, donald trump has wrapped up the 1st day of his civil for trial. The new prosecute decided he and his Companies Post Financial Statements and inflated his net with might billions of dollars and us House Republican not gates has filed a motion to House Speaker kevin mccarthy. Gates and other hard line republicans were and good. And mccarthy relied on by some democrats to pause a last minute temporary deal to event a couple of tensions between ethics of and cost of ill buildings in the notes of cost of i remain high officer gunbar last month between on demand and cost of those police out there it was showing around the village of bonds go in the heart of the fight as well. The march report police are still investigating the incident in the thick forest of the cost of those mountainous north. There were few puffs. Even few a people. Okay, here we go. We go. Riverside Police Search teams here often struggling to seek a route through what started as a man hunt to see bullet holes is now one week later, a desperate quest for evidence weapons that we are finding all over. Yesterday we found more than 10 colossal because left tenant, kind of a thrown at a sunny is over seeing this effort. A former soldier now focused on finding facts and building a prosecution. Were not an army. We are police force. So basically we deal with this police force, but days this team is continued to uncover, discarded weapons, and military supplies. Stretched out along several hill sides, the remnants of a raging gun find the ravaged, a Tiny Mountain community and shots, an entire region. These men didnt care. No, no. This is a life of no one is not be more than a week since the extraordinary, unprecedented attack on a village here in northern costs of o. As you can see, theres still a very heavy Police Presence here. A lot of questions remain on on said whats slid is there was a huge array of weaponry being brought to bed with ferocity raining down on police positions right here on the entrance to the village. L johnny says despite the attack is powerful weapons, the training and tactic seemed weak, with none of his men seriously injured in the subsequent 5 fight. That last, it was cost of those government called the assault plots of a larger plan to annex territory in the north where it predominantly ethics population is now placed by heavily on ethnic albanian offices. Not always, happily, people in general, dont trust me. With that, i have been a change, which is executive director of a Non Profit Group that advocates for the rights of ethnic subs in northern costs of, of the 1st barriers. Basically, you know, the entity to understand the local Community Unity to communicating their native language and vice versa. And of course that even defend the mistrust, could you them all on the other side, the saying and vice versa. The clean up from the surprise, the time is now almost complete, but this investigation could continue for some time. A heavy Police Presence may remain half a month. The full out from this deadly incident could be felt for fall, fall longer than a month. Ill just say to bend sca costs of these guys, rosie leaders have accepted al jerry is offered mediation to help resolve is political crisis out. Serious proposed a 6 month transition period for military and civilian rule. They say the acceptance of this initiative paved the way towards a peaceful resolution to savvy football side. If they had, has refused to take the page for that reason. The Champions League game against sharons us up on this how the team left the stadium reportedly and a protest over the presence of a bust of customs for the money you run in general was assassinated in us as striking 2103. 00 step on it says it will file a complaint with the agent for the confederation of games with a group of entities and parents, and still fights, and for just as often nidia yet after that children were poisoned by contaminated cough syrup. More than 200 children died from acute kidney failure. Another 100 was seriously injured. 24 families, a certain Government Agencies and pharmaceutical companies. One of the mothers involved in the case, she had a story that i was there high. Yeah. They see, but a lot that sadly in go daddy, i locked in, but of them i Shanna Shanna in. Yeah, the last off the full caught a bun, castle scolding. Dont put a few, but could i turn on thought thats almost a little shit. I the ones a little infected at the moment, but i like a lot of movie looks. I had this unofficial thing to do. See, i can do the film, but the more in the sub sub i did, it was at the low percentage of what you saw below the moment something but the job was able to myself keep because we all thought about us. Its almost a little bit less pre flight a month. Lets do ahead. Skip that into a heavy. Its the one line, so i need to do more about them. We can was a fatality idea of, of the use of the fees. This isnt what im, what i must be. So the business is there. So if the best bugging use a melody as little as ask you to the, for the bath, and well let you know. Well get to the thing. The original thing. Lets see john, go for the auction. So the deluxe hits us up to this, but this is said, i want you to put in the button that he loves, will will upload, hed do. If it doesnt do, did he certainly have to bring it to lets say that one to listen to feature. So then the unit letter, will this be the best way to do . Im going to use the center to pop up. But thats it. Dont say that the most of it go to the little plus button on the, on the left. The little list of this is the opposite. And with the window of the 2nd set, it need to actually so it will open. So what are you supposed to . One level, that is the, or the sub products. Recently lets begin did the, did you say what was the method of whats it like now what you can look us up, lets say the World Health Organization is approved a 2nd. Larry a vaccine for children. Its cheaper, more effective than the previous the recommended shots, the most of the table and disease claims half a 1000000 lives every year or sciences that catalina carry co into advisement, have been, would it be 2023 nobel prize for medicine . They receive the award for the research that led to the 1st time or in a vaccines to fight the code. Be 19 full risk. Reports from stuck in target levels may be rising, but still comes rachelle. It looks very much like it did before the pandemic. That normal c, like in most cities around the world, is partly due to the global vaccination program. A program that received reflected glory in the swedish capital on monday as to of his pine is were awarded the most prestigious prize in science, the nobel assembly, apparently excuse to, to, to test today decided toward the 2023. And nobel prize seems fishy all in your mouth, this in jointly to captain and kerry co. Andrew weiss, man carry coat and weisman developed the m r and a vaccine thats allowed to roll out of an organizations against coven. 19. Within a year of the disease emerging, but it had been a long struggle. We couldnt get funding, we couldnt get publications. We couldnt get the really people to notice jorge as Something Interesting is it failed clinical trials. And pretty much everybody gave up on that. But katy lift the match and, and we spent the rest of our 20 plus years working together, figuring out how to get it so far. I didnt know whether, you know me suspected maybe some you know, maybe i dont know. The present may not have been an unrealistic assumption given the relative speed with which the power has been awarded that 1000000. 00 prize. It counts like very many years, sometimes decades for the Nobel Committee to recognize the work of a scientist. In the case of capital inquiry, co entry weisman is just on the 3 years since that breakthrough made a decisive impact in the fight against carpet. 19. It is the respite, but the effects and it was so important to say like, whats actually ground. They have the on of basic findings and basics results 15 to 20 years back. And that, i think you important to people to understand that is very important to have the tools in the tool box when something unexpected happens as the print them m r and i allowed a vaccine to be developed that didnt need a week and division of the current of ours to be injected into patients. It could now be used to find other diseases such as cancer. Its also given its probably it is a place in medical history. Full rece out is there. Okay. The is out there and these are the top stories. The un Security Council as votes and told her i the Multinational Force the hate see the one year deployment will be led

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