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Georgia, the ill just say are these are the main stories now us present. Joe biden is one of the threats to american democracy in a speech introduced by senator john mccains widows cindy fight and said that democracy is in danger. And that the republicans and that han write allies continue to fight it would stream missed ideals. Speaking the dedication of a library to the lake republican senator, he added that political fathers should never be normalized. Democracy means rule, the paper. I wrote a large, not room of money, not really mighty, regardless of party that means respected free and fair elections. Accepting the outcome when or news. It means you can load your front tray only when you where is the limit is it means rejecting the repudiating Political Violence regardless of pardon, such while as is never, never, Never Acceptable in america is on democratic. Most never be normalized to advance political power. The president took him to go into a kind of bank cosigned a decree to dissolve the self declared. But public media says more than half the 120000 Ethnic Armenians in the going to car back. Have fled, somebody john sees control of the region to 24, a ministry offensive last week. Iraqs Prime Minister is courting on the judiciary to punish anyone responsible for fire to wedding, which killed 90 people. On tuesday, funerals had been held for the victims. The fire was being blamed on fireworks that often started the winning hole on their toes. Chief says ukraine is gradually making progress and its counter offensive against the Russian Forces installed to the, to the press conference that members of the ministry. Lots would keep providing ukraine with munitions when one is up next status to the leaders. Somebody just said to take place in canada as the block looks to make itself more leuva. So me to help with z, just unite on the many challenges they face on the largest ocean on our planets, could soon be the size of the next big mining boom. Across the pacific results, companies and island nations, a scaring the div sees for bost on types, minerals, missiles that could Power Green Energy and reduce the most reliance on fossil fuels where a country thats been blessed with this wealth that sits and l ocean. Its no good sitting on the surface and being afraid of the unknown and not willing to go down and find out time to one of the Worlds Largest marine centuries. The cook islands is considering deep sea mining and its per stain. Most is the tiny pacific nation hopes that of bring jobs and wells to region raffling with climate change. Thoughts environmental as via ocean lining, a delicate underwoods an ecosystem that scientists noise lead to live out sick doesnt make sense to me to solve an environmental issue by creating a new environmental issue. You need to find the investigation 101 east examines. Dave, c mining is dividing. The city the weather you on to lounge on golden beaches or enjoy the restore cleanable. So the cook islands is a drain destination located between these feelings. I mean, not to stay, its a popular simple book cruise line is traversing the Pacific Ocean. Best tourism is the main money spin up to this nation of 15000 people. Fuss at the cook islands that wants to be a pioneer of the very different industry. Deep sea money, the at the main port island is a blessing, a boy that could bring unparalleled wells to the nation. The orange lab results company, lawanda, minerals, the Research Vessel will exclude the date, say the message was pretty cool. The green energy transition. Hello. This is us we will participate in 2022 Prime Minister ma browns governments awarded onto both an exploration licenses to 3 raises companies, including milan and minerals. Over the last 10 years, weve been preparing laws. Now, regulatory authorities of agencies towards building a sustainable and responsible c. B at 6. The benefits of apple governance people as the varieties count, they invoke the name of the boat, which translates to rainbow ocean. Theres no breaking of champagne bottles here. The cheapest placed within eco friendly option. The cook cannot see the the the Prime Minister is optimistic about his nations new direction of driving into the world this morning i saw the pros, fine are outside and that ship represent prosperity with tourism. This vessel here represents seeing these 2 different vis were on a journey of discovery. We see a country as being a leader of this particular industry. The 1st thing to those bases this morning that was a lot of talk about protecting the ocean that also are at home and seeing the minerals i just want to is a really possible today. By the next day, im going to get a glimpse at home deep sea money. Weve been granted exclusive access to the boards night in points 3 days. Lets say, hey, we got to prime minnesota is also coming along to the a team of 19 these see close to a month policy . Yes, youll kevin awesome. Showing me the volume sees milan, and mineral see your company and the site to the got a piece of fullness of african may be engineer and diamond minor. Now deep se, explore is today the size of a new frontier of money. Without a doubt, you know, the world is looking at going to green energy. Its looking at transitioning to alternate sources off all already now various equipment. And in order to do that we need Critical Materials and critical metals. This is the start of unlocked in the good thing. So of these resources on the ocean, the tonight, kansas team is dropping of probably into the water to calibrate this toner equipments. So we using to match the Ocean Exploration license amount, mulanda meters to Trial Technology and take samples. Missiles can be sustainably distracted, but its not a green light to mine with no, it guarantees. Its a risky 5 you Treasure Hunts in one of the least explored places on uh we looked at spending probably wouldnt weighed done, probably a 1200000000. 00 off of funds. Doing all of this initial web actress box. Should we prove that we can do it . We can do it responsibly. We will make that money back time more. So our survey area is up here in our its probation license area on the captains bridge. Hun shows me the companys exploration area spanning 20000 square kilometers. These pockets is less than one percent of the quick islands territory. The contains of minerals was up to 10000000000. 00. In this region on the sea floor, we estimate that they are roughly 500000000 tons of these nodules laying on the sea floor. And within these nodules we have predominantly manganese, cobalt nickel cop uh and then the railroads. And these are laying on the ground just those poly metallic nodules, said 5 kilometers, beloit on the ocean, full. It looks like a couple of road with all these little modules packed density against one another across this entire area. Unique little little golden nuggets. It is this the goto oil of the 21st century. I definitely think that these black nuggets are going to be an essential part of our ability to transition to what we want to do at the end of the day. Without these we, im not going to be able to achieve our goals and objectives. You can see some good, good structure around here. The milan and Minerals Team relies on sewing on mapping to find the nodules, so that still in bed with the same from the island. Does it go down . Correct . Yes, ponzi showing the Prime Minister. Well, theyre looking for flat salt areas of the sea floor with the biggest deposits of no choose a found these map. So im valuable for us in that regard that we can see all the flat areas. And thats what we can do in focus. Only 25 percent of the world sea floor has been maps and the Prime Minister says deep sea expiration is only possible with the help of large Mining Companies. What were seeing now is like a spotlight being shined at the bottom of the ocean to see what it looks like. Something that nobody seen before. We wouldnt be in a position to acquire the skills, the capability of the technology to provide us with this level of mapping right around the items. We just wouldnt have the critic side, the bulk of Scientific Research is being done by Mining Companies. And theres not enough independent analysis, environmental dos have, will be coming from your company, and you obviously have a vested interest in money. How can we be source and the data is independent. We are collecting the data and we have a vested interest in the data. Absolutely, but as far as us changing the dates or the data being tainted, no while doing well now with we always have inspectors on board confirming that what we are doing is done transparency. The analysis is being done by the scientific community. Its not being done by our employees, the work is not being done by all people. We have him off to over the next 2 years to do 20 different scientific studies. Each of those studies is being done by evidence, universities, and, and scientists around the world. I think if anything people should be strolled about the fact that we are doing such good stuff. Impressive, what is the only nation seeking this very treasury searches on the way across the high up to 63 on the island, nations new re care of us and to know are also considering deep sea money. Working with newberry canadian minus the missiles company is much further along in his exploration the plans to san lining in 2025. And hes trialing a Remote Control machine. Then many dc Mining Companies will use to collect, smelled use. The technology is built to withstand the extreme pressure 5000 meters below the surface. As it reaches the sea floor, it collects the nodules and settlements, pumping its back to the shape in a hydraulic operated pine. On board the no jews passed through allowed see the water and settlements is returned to the ocean and the rocks taken to land for processing. People assume its really difficult, but it is fairly straightforward. And the best analogy to use is one of a vacuum cleaner. Where you have the nozzle at the end of a pipe running across the flow, lifting the digital for the flow and traveling up that 5 to the vacuum cleaner and being collected in the bag. Thats the analogy i like to use to explain the process. Starting at the bottom of that process are essentially trudging along the say, floor and taking the hod substrate from the bottom of the ocean. Surely that will have some effects. Of course, what we do has impact that is a reality. What we need to do is we need to measure the expense of that impact and the home that that impact has and look at whether that is acceptable in terms of what the pay office. In other words, what were getting back. Were literally just picking them up and bringing them up to the surface. Harmony is being done, but the home is, is, is manageable and is acceptable in context of scale of what we are doing. The technology is nose full for these undercover, for each acquired by Environmental Group grain pace, choice test ranging carried out by the missiles company in the Pacific Ocean in 2022. The settlements should be going deep into the water instead its being discharged on the surface with a majority of marine life seas. And investigation by the authorities and International Experts found no environmental. Hom was caused by the spill. An incident has been shown out of context and has been used to drive negative sentiment against the industry. And what with the Metals Company doing, they were out there with a prototype system out, they proving it and testing it. And as we know with prototypes systems, this is, you know, the 1st time and they are going to be problems that we encountered. And what happened with them was a piece of machinery. Had failed. The rest of the story that is not told is that the minute that was noticed, the operation stopped. And what they did was they went back to the footage and found out what caused the problem and fixed it. How much of a risk is a spill . Lets see, a spell is always a risk you know, to, to sit here and say will never have a spell. Is, is, is untrue. Well have a sample. Is this Technology Good enough or does the need to be some advancements . Its good enough to get us started once weve started and weve learned small and we have more knowledge. We will go back to the drawing board and redesign and optimize what we did 1st time around sunday nights, italian not only the taser and pastor and the missile. I asked the Prime Minister why he wants his country to be the guinea peak of this industry, given the risks as a Prime Minister, as a leader, do you have to be pragmatic when it comes to dave, say mining pragmatism is, is by nature, a necessity. When you live in a small island state, were not a country that has very limited resources. We have this economies of scale that work against us in terms of getting what we want and what to achieve. So we have to be pregnant and we have to make both decisions sometimes. And we have to lead the way in order to get to where we want to go and not just follow the the cries of the people as the leader of our country. I have to look at all of it unities that will enable out people to have good comfortable lives. I mean, i think for everything that we do, there was a risk and its making appropriate judgment on what we consider to be a safe spots. Is the environmental home caused by mining really manageable . Thats hard to answer because scientists know very little about the tape say. They estimate only 10 percent of marine life in the depths of the Pacific Ocean has been discovered in new zealand, the National Institute of volta and Atmospheric Research is home to some of the worlds leading mines in marine science. Dont. The american clock is an expert in steve c, biology and a study the impacts of underwater mining. As you can say, your thousands and thousands of specimens, respected by conservationists and the Mining Industry for as pragmatic, no nonsense approach. Hes advise the cook islands on how best to conduct the deep sea mining tilt the clock is also one of the few scientists whose ventured into the ocean of bees. Well, the deep sea is a very fine environment, as, as we see it. Its partially dark. Its also cold. Around 2 degrees celsius is animals, a holly, addicted to devise conditions. What you have, among the many specimens here of these lives that live among the nodules on the ocean full, they have by to scavenge is without them the deep sea would be polluted with dead carcasses. The wriggling creatures also to pray for large animals in the Pacific Oceans food chain. Whats the effect when a deep say not to collect to come . Sorry. So these williams are going to get sucked up in the direct path of the collector is immediate, physical damage and mortality along these animals i need move very slowly. I cant get out of the way of a, of a collect the machine even even if i know its coming to clocks is possibly the biggest threat to dc life of the underwater sand storms whipped up during the drenching the see that it can called the, the feeding of rushes of animals that have living above the sea floor itself. And then when its safe, its back on the safe floor depending on how deep it is. It can bury animals and also kept the previous settlement. So that oxygen, for example, one will be able to penetrate it is easily as it could be for the best. There will be mortality caused by, by the sentiment plan. Be sure to sign just have to grapple with is trying to quantify how many of those animals are likely to die. The most is around the cook islands are an important breeding ground and migration versus a humpback whales. The clock is worried, they could be affected by the loud, clanging noise created when noise a pump to the surface through the still puts vials a will recognize as being quite sensitive to certain frequencies of noise. What does nixon conduct for excel . So were talking about that noise generation by the not, youll click the, the rise applied was discharged pipe extending over thousands of kilometers distance in the areas with sporting and migration rates without moving from this pointing grounds and the pacific islands, for example, down to the end tactic was for, for feeding. So its gonna be very important that were not going to be generating noise in the frequency range that will completely mask the, the ability of animals to pick up their own interest bases. Communication. Ringback while the impacts of osha mining on moraine life is largely on 9 thought the clock has studied c beds. When mining has been trials and found recovery is minimal. The ability of the to recover appears to be very, very long. Studies 50 is off to some initial disturbance shows the components of the animal communities have not recovered. The teases deep sea mining is viable if its carefully managed, comparing the ocean floor to rain forest. If we wanting to come down some forest to allow finding a whole lot of culture has an impact. The key question for scientists is how much can we remove . How much impact can we have on the original 1st, before we start to affect the structure of the function . One of the management responses to certainty is to make sure we, we start small. We dont just suddenly site to a large number of contractors go out there and so you buy its covering more than 70 percent of the us surface oceans play a key role in absorbing compet emissions that they face a roughed of growing precious. This plastic pollution. This over fishing this, i should a certification. If theyve seen monica say, its just going to compound all these issues. Its why Jacqueline Evans believes the world should pause dave c mining for decades. Shes one of 700 international sciences, a marine policy experts who signed a petition cooling for 10 m oratory him on extracting minerals from the ocean. Why did you do that . I think that its a really good way to have an agreement between people that are supporting mining and people that are not holding mining to just falls and collect the data to give us a better idea about the kind of impact that money who hits the jacqueline is taking me out, snow cling to showing me what shes so passionate about. Protecting in 2019 to cool kyle into one, the prestigious environmental award. The goldman prize you recognize towed cross roots campaigns that led to the establishment of one of the worlds lodges. Marine was a quote to marana wanna, it covers the entirety of the cool islands domestic forces and prevents commercial fishing within 50 miles of land. Our impact is a normal, it goes way beyond the horizon. Its about 5 times the size of the state of california. And we have wells, we have totals, we have seem to have to now we have all kinds of marine animals here in these. Christine moses, the clarity is a strode and airing. We swim amongst karl fish and cousins. I just love it here. I love the faithfulness of staying on the water. She argues mining isnt the only path to prosperity and theres money to be made open till the ocean fits her as they come to to see clean and healthy korea. Its really important for tourism, but also in terms of val um, subsistence fishing and how the industrial fishing that we have. Theres a lot of economic benefit to having a beautiful printing environments. The marine pock made the cook islands, alida in conservation funds with dave c mining on the horizon. Jacqueline says the nations refutation is it risk. We feel like the governments rushing into it. Theres been a lot of government propaganda for dixie modeling and the kinds of tips the my name per se, simmering pack is pretty much not going to be taken seriously. Im in already internationally. Its uh, its considered a disappointment because of the plans that the government has announced in a small country where the government is the biggest employer. She says most people are afraid of speaking out against theyve seen mining. Jacqueline claims her views meant she was forced to leave her position, managing the maureen park. Basically it was because i had recommended that we, we adopt the tenure moratorium among other concerns. She complaints, the governments was relying solely on data provided by results companies 15 asking for independent research to be done. But it just was not a popular suggestion. They felt that i was on the same page as them. So they decided to let me go. Was Jacqueline Evans fi because of a stance on dave c mining. I believe uh, the position was advertised by the Department Head and the new person was suitable for the next phase of the marine park project was appointed to take on the role all the manager of the but i want to office internationally 700 marine scientists have signed a petition for me are as far as on tape, say, mining, should you be listening to what theyre saying . Its all very well for people to jump on the bandwagon if you like. But what were hearing is, is more a rhetoric of fear rather than statements of scientific understanding. What we want to do is based our Decision Making on science, on data, on evidence. And the only way to do that is to carry out exploration and ask kind of deep see if youre on a journey of discovery. Is there not a need for a moratorium . Absolutely not. A moratorium would hold and slow down exploration initiatives. These journeys are not done freely, they cost a lot of money to undergo expiration. We want to be able to understand our ocean households. We dont want someone else to come and take that knowledge and understanding. We want to learn it ourselves. Next week, 11 east examines the push, the height is acidic nations facade. Theyve seen mining invoices on the territory. We travel from remotest islands to electric power shortage. To examine the social and Economic Impacts of extracting minerals. Biggest ocean or the a we look at the worlds top business stories from Global Markets to economies and a Small Business sales force and including security around the world. Is there something that the international community, your view should be doing to understand how it affects . Counting the cost on o g, a 0 . 1 of the last remaining ancient forest from Southeast Asia is a lifeline to hundreds of lumber jacks. Im drivers. We follow that treacherous journey as they walk through extreme conditions together and transport this dangerous but precious cargo risk in your phone. You on al jazeera, the us President Joe Biden launched is a direct attack on republican front runner. Donald trump facing an impeachment inquiry by house republicans. Trump says the constitution cajun, right to do what everyone says press ive never heard of presidency that in just the

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