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Arrive along the us Mexican Border firefighters. Extinguished the fire to fuel the car back an explosion on monday killed at least 20 injuring hundreds to job items made by joining striking order workers on the picket line in wayne county is the 1st sitting president to say united also work has begun to strike 12 days ago, for better pending conditions on sunday, ford said there was still significant gaps to close on key economic issues. There also strikes gains general matrices and cries of the parent company. The lenses arriving in the picket line and wayne county and michigan present by an address and the other the. Lets meet now to a correspondence official who is in wayne county, michigan, and tell us more about what some stake a look at a significant this is a is symbolic, but here is the 1st time a civic presence has ever joined a picket line notes precedents normally site to meet the dispute here is still by the saying that hes on the side of the work that it would protect themselves. Is the most cruel union for what capacity effort to say and view of it if it is showing it. But this politics involved in this as well, and well get to that in a 2nd. But the people that been here on the picket line and the numbers of thing done in the last couple of hours because people thought the president might actually come here. They said that they need something more than just a full 2 opportunity. They need something more than just a drive by visit the actually the, the president to get involved. But he said that the workers here do, does that more when you look at how much the bosses are being paid some of the more than 20000000. 00 in the last year. How many, how about the profits will be made by the also companies . He thinks that the workers should be able to share and excuse me, those are those who will criticize and put, coming here saying that the only reason he did it was because donald trump, i always think he would be here in detroit on wednesday. And he will be here be speaking to the same onto work that he believes that to buy his funds, including to bring in more l l 20 vehicles means that the workers on the production line here will lose their jobs. And a lot of these jobs will be shipped to china, and that is a message that he will be at the rate on wednesday. But joe biden came here because he says that he supports the work. Theres no, theres been some movement in the discussions between the union and the, the, the companies, but not enough to bring it in to the dispute. And certainly with only 18 percent of the workers are on strike. This certainly room for the potential of more people to come out on strike a job. I would like to see this sorted sooner rather than later. Because although he says he supports the work, as hes aware that as long as the strike goes on, it makes it more difficult for the economy, the losing billions of dollars. Of course, he wants to run on the strength of the economy when it comes to his re election effort. So you can see why hes here quite a while both sides would like to see this dispute ended sooner rather than later. And thanks for that update to the official reporting that from michigan. Thank you. Amazon is being sued by us regulators ever allegations that it stifled competition by inflating prices and theyve been charging sellers on its platform, the lowest broke by the federal trade commission and 17 state attorneys. Oh, part of it is long investigation into the e commerce jobs. Its costing political. He joins us from washington, dc and pettys no mean feat taking amazon to cool. Tell us more. No, not at all. It is after all, the 2nd largest employer in the United States, 144000000. Its worth truly more than a trillion dollars. So basically this involves a big part of amazons business on their website, which by the way, it has about 40 percent. We think of all of the e commerce traffic in the United States, 60 percent of their products. They dont make those are made by small businesses, medium sized businesses, they get paid, they have to pay a fee to list out amazon. Well, the f t c, which is the countrys biggest business enforcer. Basically, they say that amazon, if these companies try to list on a different platform at a lower price that amazon basically buries their results because you know, you type in, i want to buy a screw driver and theres a 1000 screwdrivers that come up. Youre never going to get to the bottom of that. And they say, because amazon is so dominant in that space, they can charge what they want for the listing for delivering the products for advertising. And so thats why theyve gone after amazon for is part amazon. Officials say this is wrong and the law are wrong on the facts. And that if the f d c succeed, its going to cost consumers more. That products are going to be harder to find. It will stifle innovation. So this is just the 1st shot in whats going to be a years long case. But its only actually just one of the many cases we solve, the, by the ministration. Come in the office and say they thought it was time to go after big tech that the monopoly laws from the 1920s hasnt necessarily caught up and kept up with what is happening now in big tech. So the f t c student mehta to uh, for me potentially break up its facebook met uh, met accounts. Uh its actually the Justice Department just down the street is ins, 3rd week and the lawsuit against google. Saying that they are, that they are anti disclosure of anti trust, which is slightly different. So its really just a broader effort and its interested in person in charge of the f t. C. When she was a law student, she wrote a paper of on how amazon was a monopoly. And that really sort of brought her to the attention of a law makers in washington. And they actually tried to get her off this case and they didnt when. So now it is going to be a j norm is case with you can just imagine the lawyers fees, but really the bigger potential impact on consumers and businesses. Others could really be huge. Yeah, but how does it has the buckets, isnt that all right . How do you think so thats kind of go ahead and reporting that from washington dc. There is a growing crisis at the southern board of United States, a large number of Asylum Seekers continuing to cross over from mexico. The so i just put the bite and ministration under intense pressure. Maribel paso says the board, a city is not breaking point. Another city eagle pos to create a state of emergency. Its kosta. How did you at castro, whos in ego pos in texas . And heidi, weve been seeing some dramatic pictures over the past couple of days. It gives us the latest on the situation to the nick. Im right on the us bank of the rio grande river, which of course is what separating us from mexico and throughout the last week. We have seen people Asylum Seekers crossing this river by waiting or swimming, carrying small children carrying their baggage with the hopes of arriving on the us shore. But then theyre greeted by this. This is all razor wire thats been placed here by the state of texas by order of their governor. And so its led to a point where people are stuck, theyre stuck halfway in the water. Theyre surrounded by this sick raiser wire, and many of them have been begging for help. Just a few minutes ago, Us Border Patrol troops came and cut a hole through this wire and allowed a several small infants, several mothers to cross. But now as you can see, theyre putting the fire back up. In fact, this is what were seeing. These are state they are they report to the state of texas there with a national guard, and i just want to ask them, excuse me sir. Excuse me, im confused because we just saw the Border Patrol cutting through this wire. Where are you guys putting back more or no . No comment . Is this not a doesnt make sense. Why would you, we remove the wire and then just put it up a few minutes later sir, can i ask you what the thinking is behind that . To thank you. Thank you. All right, theyre asking us to step back. You know, this is really the evidence, neck of, of this conflict between people reporting to, to boss is essentially these soldiers report to the Texas Governor who is a republican and has order these hard line measures as a deterrent to migrant. The Border Patrol who we saw earlier helping people get past this. Why are they report to the bite and administration . And there is a political battle brewing between the 2 very obviously in fact, a Border Patrols chief jason owens was here speaking to us earlier today saying that he was proud of the actions of his Border Patrol members who had been taking down this wire in order to help people, his words were that he was not going to allow people who are ready on american territory to just simply drown or die due to the conditions here due to the heat. Not on his watch, he said, but youre hearing obviously a very different sort of to coming from the state. Right. So you have this, this federal versus state dynamic going on and all the while the real emotional griffey story, if you like, of those actually making the journey and you do one that has how long this can carry on or yeah, nick, im sorry, its a little bit hard to hear you. I didnt hear your question because now we are seeing a very loud vote that is driving past us. That is uh, states Law Enforcement assess so. Ringback ready i would say that they also report to the state of texas and they have been cruising through this river. Theyre actually on the mexican side, which technically theyre not supposed to cross that half of the river. But oftentimes, when we see migrants kind of halfway crossing these boats will also come nearby. And i dont know whether its to intimidate or whether theyre just passing by. But oftentimes they have to stop and its very loud. And its a potentially dangerous situation, as you can imagine. And i should mentioned that on this river to 2 children died in recent weeks while trying to cross. And we have witness time after time people risking their lives and their childrens lives to get to the side to of course space these further barriers. Is there a sense heidi, to just how long this can carry on make that thats everyones a, everyones question. Because behind this search of migrants arriving here at the southern border of the us, there are thousands more in mexico and in Central America who are behind them. Mexico has taken measures to work with the us saying that they will start deporting people directly from mexico to their home countries and many are coming from venezuela, nicaragua, and saying that theyre trying to escape dictatorships. But how long can discontinue, where we have this situation where and its an obvious conflict of resources. The Us Government, not united in its response with the federal government be more humanitarian, the state governments, not how long is that tunnel . And what does that mean for all the people whose lives are caught in the middle of that . Those are questions that we dont have the answers to and they are hiding. Well leave with that for the moment to appreciate that. Thanks very much. How did you a customer reporting that from the side of the we agree, i think a more medical team is erased in a going to try back where an explosion the fuel depos killed at least 20 people and injured hundreds. It happened as people seeking to free to a median lined up for petro a monday, and any 300 people have been injured many in the Critical Condition, close to the boss is unknown. So im good. You have a, it has this report from hardest place to go on a car. Back of the peacekeepers and the red costs are evacuating critically wounded burn victims. Hundreds of people were injured when a few of the poor exploded. If you could let me just from the city, people gather to fill the tons of tens of thousands of Ethnic Armenians leave. Caught about the 5 raged for hours as a 110. 00 fuel tank burned, 50 inspections, firefighting vehicles were sent by us or by john to extinguish the blaze. Equip hospital struggle with the influx of hundreds of patients. 7 facilities, including the Medical Center run by the rest in peace, keeping mission but quickly overwhelmed. Aid has started to arrive and metix, a calling for urgent supplies is urgent that all these patients, hundreds of patients get as much of medical care as they can. But its also urgent that these patients are moved to medical facilities that are better are able to better care for them. We have a medical team on the grounds, but assisting with the local medical experts. But what is the problem so that the most things are facing is that they will be in lots and lots of lots of dressings. And not only today, but in the coming days and weeks. And theyre going to need as much medication, a topical medication for the, for instance, they can get one of the reasons were trying to move more supplies into the region. Representatives of the other by johnny guffman say theyre in contact with the representatives of the army and residents of colorado. The red cross is being given access to the wounded medical workers and supplies are being thrown in from armenia. And some patients in Critical Condition are being taken back, and the other by johnny government says its open its airspace sent in medical health and put hospitals around the corner buffy region on high alert. But after years of mistrust and fighting ethnic, armenians arent even ready to bring in their critically wounded patients for treatment and do as advice on some of them driving down to 0. Hold on this kind of off region. Were going to hear from both smith now, whos narrow registrations, entering the con medians, arriving at the village of clinton, so, which is near as about. Yeah, its the end of the road for the estimate medians of as a by john, who for centuries, have made that home in his mountains and deal with the separatist ng type of nicole and oconnor back. Now wonder as a by john to control the a 120000 remaining ethnic. All medians were told they could stay on the road from back. Who will leave it . Set off in exodus will neighboring media more than 20000 of arrived since sunday. By the way, we are going, what will happen to us . No one knows. I dont know what you say about our future. I dont think we will be able to return your car, but how, how can we go back off to order this happened . We cant live with them. Of these all means a proud, angry, and upset russian peacekeepers failed to stop by so by john blocking the only road to all media for 9 months, they refused to accept a that as a by gentle foot. Instead, your opinions are accused of not wanting to pressure eyes, oil and gas. The rate terms of i jones just strong latania for this thought. I dont know what kind of just game dcs. I lift everything in my whole a ton of potatoes in my cell or honey noticing was there. I know i wouldnt make a new life, but it wont be the same. I cuz the one who made us like this car, the Us Government says as a buy jones use a force to take control. Were going to go into a counter box was unacceptable. We know that there are insureds civilians in the corner. Car box need to be evacuated and it is absolutely essential that evacuation be facilitated by the government of us or by john. Thats about jones president l. How ali a says his iron fist is consigned. The idea of the regents independence, the history within the going to kind of back under control. He can move on to his next project. About 70 kilometers over the shes necessary explained. Now with a button a took he is president regis time code one. We have once on media to allow road from exclaim to as a by john, if that happens, then good ones. Im vision is realized of a road colorado linking to key to us by john and then across the caspian. 0 0 to of a to. 0 seeking communities in central ation. 0 0 0 0 but its all just era on the all media as a by john i still head hearing notes. There will tell you why the british, im secretary says you and Refugee Convention needs to be revised and is really cabinet minister visit saudi arabia for the 1st time. Is saudis on passive . Its a kind of time. This is the west bank, the the, its about to get stormy in our lives. Now step 10, remember this is looking more like mid october, whether to be honest. This is the boundary line, but whats coming in hasnt yet developed. So in the immediate future, it looks fine, but that seemed got to change. This is what happens during went to a storm one, a name still named agnes neck. Logic is the strength that we just touched, the precedent united front, otherwise the whole european plains looking beautiful, as is most of scans, and maybe it was tempted by foreigners, by a few degrees. The exception is down in greece, where the sizes of thunderstorms could produce some local flooding, some flash flooding. The stone runs through the middle child and its no way that we can systems more right on these wave. Otherwise, its more or less the same set to come says days. Well athens, tim, she wouldnt change, but she was going down about 5 degrees from current. But these other stones die by the end of the state and got a couple of good days when skating to friday and saturday. Thats coast has some concern about whether or not those thunder storms which are significant to across the water into libya. That thing they will, you might get a cheryl too, but no more than that. They tend to want definitely retreat and then disappear altogether and west. I forget not as much as it was. Well still see some wet weather that initially and see earlier and probably get a of the critical debate instead of trying to externalize the management of this problem in teaching is here to libya, to other countries of europe. The Member States should be trying to take control of this issue themselves inside story on al jazeera, in the the other guy knew, watching out 0 might about top story is this uh, and President Joe Biden is joining striking Older Workers on the picket line in wayne county in michigan telling them they deserve a significant res. U a w work is begun to strike. 12 days ago. Amazon is being sued by us. Ricky lights is over allegations of the e commerce john spiteful competition. But inflating prices that have been charging set is on its platform. Expressed say this is the biggest legal challenge growth against the company. Its 30 years starting as a growing crisis at the southern part of the United States and launch number of assigned them seek is continuing to cross over into the u. S. From mexico. So just put the fight administration under intense pressure. No british home secretary sort of brockman says the rules for who is able to seek asylum in a different country need to be looked at a game and revised addressing us based sense of right. Think tank recommend questioned whether the u. Ns 1951 Refugee Convention is still relevant in the modern age province, said ferrying discrimination for being gay or women should not be enough to qualify for International Refugee protection. Lets explore this further. Maggie chapman is a member of the Scottish Parliament and justice and equality space for us and for the scottish greens. She joins us now from an abrupt maggie, welcome throughout this era. So. So essentially, im secretary, fearing discrimination for being gay or being a woman is not enough to qualify for refugee protection of souls. Quite frankly, im outraged by sweat abraham and speech. Today. She has effectively undermined more than 70 years old refugee protections. And she has trying the Refugee Convention under a bus. We know that people dont seek refuge just because they want to. They seek refuge because they all being persecuted. They seek refuge because they have no other option. In the u. K. They, theres been a consistent narrative for several years now folks up by hate unpaid you just by the conservative government and others that seek to scape goat migrants and refugees. We know many people, many hundreds of, of, of people have died in the English Channel trying to get to safety in the u. K. It is our responsibility as one of the wealthiest countries on the planet to offer safe refuge. Im secretary to, to people who all clean persecution and depression and to say that in those characteristics that make people, the target should no longer qualify them for the full refugee status. That, thats just an abomination. As far as im concerned, it is it, is there an important question . Isnt how to define a refugee . Because yeah, the we had the view in 1951 Refugee Convention set up in 1951. Many is on, it is time to look at it again, isnt it . And i think what we are clear about is that the more than 7 decades of protection that the Refugee Convention has a full, has a forwarded people, is fundamental to Human Dignity and respect. And if anything, we are going to see more people seeking refuge, we are going to see the needful for more and more countries that kind of a sunk street to do so. As we see, the Climate Crisis as spoke, put people having to leave either because of a scarcity of resources or because of, of conflict and will that is caused by that scarcity. And im quite honestly, the u. K. And its history of imperialism and colonialism. Has a very, very clear responsibility to, to make sure that people who are seeking sex, treat and are seeking refuge actually get that wrong. Know body. Nope, nope. Themselves all the children old and loved ones in a small boat to cross the English Channel, knowing that that boats might capsize. We know that hundreds of people have the English Channel and that is a direct consequence or brought them into policies, right. She says also in a speech, let me be clear there a voss ways of the world where it is extremely difficult to be gay, ought to be a woman where individuals are being persecuted, it is right to office st tree. But if she goes on the side, we will not be able to sustain in the side of the system if in effect simply being gay or women and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection. When its put live that it sounds like its is more of a acknowledgement. I think its quite clear that sweater brought them in and the government colleagues are looking for any opportunity to not to office on country know to offer refuge. You know, when weve off to talk to me, then what are the opportunities, one of the routes for people who want to seek, find them in the, in the u. K. Walked all the routes open to them and there are virtually no roots. Actual, we have quite a well known system for ukrainian refugees. Weve had this theory and resettlement scheme, but theyre all nerve roots for people who dont come from those parts of the world who dont come from areas that are deemed worthy enough. You know, at the moment burton is, is supplying weapons and, and british manufacturers of supplying the bones that are causing mystery and death in yemen. There is no scheme for you. Im a niece seeking refuge, and this is a direct consequence of that spoken of hate that spoken with praise you to us. Thats where the bradman and her tory governments, connies, i mean, undertaking for were decades now. Id like you to a good target perspective, appreciate it. Thanks very much indeed for joining sir. Thank you very much. To customer service, come to dr. Gun back little cost of a bonus tree. The paid and cooled governments and costs very says around. So do you have any on ethnic steps for police . Im barricaded themselves into a 7 or if it was ministry, 3 attack cars and one Police Officer were killed. Prominence, russian Opposition Leader election to validate has lost his appeal against a new 19 year prison sentence. His jail time was extended last month, often and found he was convicted on extreme. His charges, 47 year old has been a critic of the crime. And for the last decade, it was arrested 2 years ago after returning to moscow from germany, where he was recovering after being poisoned of israels tourism ministers in saudi arabia to attend the United Nations conference on world tourism. I am kansas to day visit to riyadh to comes this saturday is pursuing a possible us broker deal to normalize relations between the 2 countries. So scientists testing intelligent farming robots to help address the worlds growing food crisis. The idea is to make a culture more efficient from small hold a thumbs to launch compassion of states to 100. 00 and has a story. Now, champagne, illinois, its on the midwestern prairies of illinois and seen many high autumn corn come the farmers of the future. A march of machines ad, but in prairie parlance, rolls its way through leafy crop prose, performing much of what farm hands do and more scientist at the university of illinois and several other institutions are testing Artificial Intelligence technologies that are already being evaluated on farms world wide its a win win for everybody, right . A farmer makes more money. The soil and environment is better off. Risk the string, more carbon, ready whenever we can. And the consumer gets healthier, more organic climate smartphone. A small army of robots targets dry story, the spots weeds and pest in fist agents, avoiding indiscriminate pesticide and riverside use that leads to resistant waves and bucks. And they measure which seeds fair better. Between seasons, farmers often lack the time and labor to plant cover crops. It enrich the soil and protect against run off into the water supply. But farm bots, plant all season crops between corn and soybean rose before theyre even harvested and robotic dogs walk where wheels can get tangled. Robots are very the eye candy and so they tend to get most of the attention. Robots are just a fraction of all the things that we do to install these at a depth of the they are buried sensors that record soil health and crop hydration. Livestock drawings, monitor cattle, health, weight and single out pregnant couch Artificial Intelligence is designed to make farming more productive, more environmentally sustainable, using better data, and not so much to replace human labor as they make it more effective. As this 28 year old farmers, as new technologies can help with a growing field, labor shortage and of crushing schedule planting occurs at the same time. Spring harvest is all really at the same time. So we really do get into labor crunch for, for very short, but intense periods throughout the year. So things like automation are definitely a solution with limited Agricultural Land in a growing global food crisis. Researchers say the rise of robots and increasing automation seems inevitable. John henry, l g 0, champagne, illinois. The, all right, lets have a quick check of the headlines here and ill just sarah and joe biden is made history by joining striking order workers on this picket line. And wayne county, he is the 1st sitting president to do so united ortho work has begun to strike 12 days ago for the best of pay and conditions

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