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Often thousands of microns drowned in the atlantic when it played capsizes will be live in the village, where many of them came from struggling to eat in yemen store and food and fuel prices add to the suffering, often 9 years of civil war plus im drilling a hole in a disused welch like mine, and ill tell you more about the legs. Some people will go to for the next week. Oh, im trying to go just go with the sports. The son may have set on australia as well. Come dream, but the matilda is historic runs, the semi finals has left a positive legacy. The defense chief from the west african blog echo us, a Constitutional Order will be restored in asia, but own means available there and go on to discuss military intervention following the crew in last month in asia and new minute treatment steam. And it truly does have ignored calls to reinstate the post presence with by zoom. Jones, who is planning to charge him with treason echo as says its giving diplomacy a charles. But the options are on the table. Cereals interest side speak here, but that theres no going to buy that. It was about this and we just want to tell them that a new phone, them about the result of the office of State Government to make sure that by all means a be level constitutional or that will be restored in the country. And this may seem to be best testimony to that. Of course, one didnt tell. Stratford joins us live now from outside that meeting in at cra and charleston strong was weve been hearing coming from these minute treat cheese. What else have they been saying . Of the strong was indeed at the beginning of what we understand is going to be a 2 day closed close meeting by these defense cheeks right across the region, the nigerian chief of defense, Christopher Robin mussa. He said that we wants to charge a cost that will uphold the democracy. And the rule of law in this year he went on to say, a response must not be driven by fear. But it was started pointing at the back. The credibility full echo as really hanging in the balance here. He said we are not only looking for a good solution for the jet, but we must emerge a stronger echo us. Youve also had comment as you were playing the in from echo axis commission and for peace and security optimal for 2. Most he said that if all else fails, then a stand by pharmacies ready to respond to the call of duty. And he went on to say that they were all serious and different interests at stake, but by all means, the color of his old constitutional older will be resolved. Interestingly, also from the host nation had gone to the gone and defense minister dominic nature will say that no one is safe in west africa if a president ial god in this yeah. Can take the president hostage. So yeah, some very strong words at the beginning of this, this meeting, we know that there are a whole host of challenges that they face. But we understand that a little bit focus, hes going to be on this so called stand by full force that was put together in 2013 as part of the a used 2063 agenda basic. Theyre all 5 stand by full. Shes across africa, the one here in west africa. So its a 5000. 00 maintenance strong, 1600. 00 plus of those full sees. We understand all dedicated specifically to restoring democratic ruling countries that have suffered codes. But there are still a lot of the questions as to how big this particular policy is going to be when its going to be deployed. And what indeed its modus operandi will eventually, if necessary, because this is allows result, will be under tools, could give us an idea of what some of those challenges that you mentioned on likely to be for this west african block. What you can really break them down into a different categories. I mean the 1st china image any, any analysts will tell you an echo, as leaders will say, is that of opinion as to how to push forward. For example, after the last echo a stomach that was held in the nigerian capital in boucher last week, the president of cote divoire, the ivory coast came out. Describe what had happened to the president of the chair as terrorism, and promised to put forward a battalion of policies. It was a similar kind of language used by the senegalese 4 minutes. Give me initial talk to these qu, happens for the troops class at the same time. Theyre all right, go us Member States that all form over the we know that they are facing serious opposition. For example, amongst many of the domestic guardians, whose bare leg trips their opposition policies. Weve already seen that in nigeria with the senate, the, the parliament emulate. Jerry a basically saying no at this stage to any kind of military intervention. Its a similar scenario here and gone are as well with opposition policies in the last 24 hours saying they are completely against. And so there are affairs among some of these leaders that associate doing themselves with an echo, as planned for potential military intervention, something. But for example, the french, the old, colonial, the west african nations are involved in a shed fossil against arms groups linked to iceland outside on diesel operate in best to how and child stratford who would just have him from the, at the meeting. And at cra, since has this report from the gone up became a faucet for the bell. Thirtys say they are struggling to protect the area. Theres an uneasy calm along with isolated buddha. People move back and forth across an invisible line, only widely spaced the markers demarcate with gone, the keen effects of meat fitted you live seems normal on the surface. The people here are afraid because on the groups like iso and al qaeda of q and destroyed villages, just a few kilometers away the end of the week. So we have for that there has been fighting on the other side of the hills, people from breaking of fossil flood into our village. Then went to a refugee camp. We are very afraid that the fighting may come here. At a dialer, somebody has this. Villages say border patrols pulse by from time to time. Theyve gone and says its struggling to find the results has to police this area defense in the wider region could make things even worse. The key to 5. So it says any military intervention, but the west African Regional book eco asked up against 2 leaders in asia, would be a declaration of war on them to which could strengthen the secuity of thousands of gall names living along this border. If you were to get a sense of just how exposed this boulder is, the house is behind me in the key and that fast. So thatll go on and look forward to some praise the military leadership in between and 5. So saying that they doing a good job in preventing attacks inside gone a, they say that vital security cooperation, including the sharing of military intelligence, could well be jeopardized if that glass was to launch a Ministry Intervention against cooties is inside major moving, going to an official say they need more resources and working with the key to fax, those ministry june to in they shed, fight against groups, must not stop or the issue ladies who cannot do it alone. And we had to, we need to wait on the bas, were sharing information with them with that environment partners. Sometimes you will have the same club house and cannot for so and house in common. And therefore, the cheese also has been as uh, with some of these informations. You an express concern over reports gone, it was forcibly diplomacy and refugees who would flip the on groups in class. So the going to do noise, the claim filed on seeing similar problems facing countries like iraq or effective screening of people. So being members of all groups is a huge challenge. We get to receive them with green them. What is your name . Where are you coming from . That is all what we can do. We cannot dig for that to find out who the person and that is a good c. Capital hood is room free with the livestock, it costs these boulder land as they have done so. Millennia real life goes calmly own. But fear finds heavy among People Living at the foot of these hills. Charles, drop it down to 0 on the gonna book, you know, fox of boulder. Well, germany is cooling for the your opinion to impose functions on these as to the, to that space and ask them that came and joins us live from. And then some of these been pretty close on this crisis. What is germany saying now as well in the course of the last hour . Also 2 hours, the German Foreign ministry on social media has said that it wants to see through the guys of the use functions being imposed on the people who it refers to industry. It is what ive seen anyway as purchase and cravy this thing, they want this done through the just the auspices of the you, its worth also making the point that the German Foreign minister under the bell book has held me things with her counterparts in france. And the United States, precisely to talk about the situation in the chef. Its also worth making the points that another german minutes, the spaniel shirts, the cooperation minister. Thats one of the titles of home industry, these country in west africa and has been leading talks with echo us. We were hearing child strapped for the talking about it. Costs will send you a short, so has been in the region talking to latest from echo was precisely about the levels of cooperation, the germany and the you can build into the relationship that exists. But the take from this so far, at least, is the germany. Now appears to be saying something is a ministry, the Foreign Ministry saying on social media that they would like to see sanctions imposed boats under the aegis, the, the auspices of the. Okay. Dont that kind of bring installations lines the from jeremy, thanks very much on that. The principal still had hit on destinys, our, including the. 6 domestic forces showing a will collapse and a j mine. And then mom, rescue is a sil searching, supporting anger. And while growing, i have a slow response while flies destruction and why emergency sirens didnt sound puzzled, was full and, and i dont fetch places 1st singles match in the United States as the 2021 us open final or have from the full amount. Well, number one in the villages and set a goal of mourning, the death of thousands of migrants who drowned in the atlantic. Fuzzy. 8 survived when a fishing boat packed with migrants capsized the cape verde islands. The page with around 100. 00 on board left, senegal, a month ago headed the spanish Canary Islands speak now of correspondent malcolm whip. He joins us from 5 point incentive goal, and thats where many of those who died were from malcolm. How people that reacting to this tragedy, it is still in the mood. He, hey, a painful many people uh morning have gathered outside this home and the family that lives lives in here last 3 young man in the, in the boats and the family in the house across the street last to and is, he wont say to town, its a similar story outside, very many of the homes now while hes coming for so i sense a little trouble that was common for people to travel from the region to this part. A set of golden continue Journeys Home was invited to k, that a and to the spanish can i have your items on this occasion . What weve learned from speaking to the people here in this particular but uh who am i sort of the people were from this town. This is why its been so devastating to the community. Yeah, now everyone here says it normally takes the very most 7 days. And one of these wooden boats to sail from here, 600 kilometers into the atlantics to reach cape data. And so theyve known for weeks having not heard from that relatives that this, but it was very likely in trouble since the last 2 deal. So its easy. Every incentive goals, they say did nothing didnt loan to rescue operation . Is that in the last couple of days that they found out the fates of that loved ones that close quite some and got people here protested set binding write books up in the street. Police came and brought them up last night. People here complained the police then kicked in doors at around 3 oclock in the morning and arrested many people, most of them teenage boys about 20 of them and took them away. Weve started to raise the police for comments on this. They havent responded. So people here angry about the loss of loved ones and see and about many of what they say is that teenage children being taken away 5 place. So this is the community is really struggling emotions on the styles. New running high. Has there been any of the response from the government to the dublin made an announcement when it said it receives the information from kate that a post the coast guard about the, the roughly for the survivors, the bodies found and the thousands still missing. Now we understand that send the glaze government is involved in preparing to be packed, create those survivors from kate that day. And also the, the, the handful of bodies that were recovered. But the people here that simply not going to be enough. People say that the livelihoods of being destroyed over decades, almost everyone here. It depends on the fishing and everyone says its not. Its just growing harder and harder as far and solos costs more. Remove the fish of center goals, coasts, and they say that the government hasnt invested any money here. Havent created any jobs, not whats what . Pushing is a growing number of people. Yeah. On the get on. But young man in particular, try and seek better full teens in pay that a spanish Canary Islands in europe and, and beyond. So people say it feel thatd be 9 months to let down by the government and in 70 because of these that comes down to is the people take these great risks and there was an angry and when people trying to make these do, and hes got in trouble, it seems there wasnt anybody that to help. Now come, were proposing that from fast boy a village and set a goal morning. The death of many, my grands, etc. A container ship is by hit see off to being trapped in the ukrainian foldable desk. Since ross has invasion, 18 months ago, the hong kong was to vessels sailed along what ukraine describes as a new and temporary humanitarian, colorado. From much ships the Joseph Schultz has already left and claim your will to waters in the black sea is added to the tech support says you have, im volley quoting to marine traffic, dont. Com. Is the 1st much the ship to sail from odessa since the collapse of the black sea greenville with russia last month. Thats awesome. Has moved from odessa and southern ukraine. This is exactly one month since the grain deal collapse and brush i pulled out, and our commercial vessel has successfully passed, assessed, and sailed from the odessa 4th through the black sea. Its about to arrive somewhere today in turkey, and this was a test of ukraine. Soap goes human to terry. In colorado, they really came to resume x for us and especially great next for us. But this ship was carrying out a cargo that also auto cargo ships. Still stranded here in the ports and ukraine, but this past doesnt mean that the green exports now can resume because there are a lot of other concerns. The costs, the insurance that is involved of exporting from odessa for us. So, so far, the exports, as i said, we are not sending any grain on this same humanitarian call it, or maybe they want to wait and see how the, our ships uh next off. So this one that now has a sale of how that will go. But only 3 days ago, we saw that the, that the russian worship has entered the commercial vessel on its way to ukraine. So it is still a lot of security concern. So meanwhile, the brain is still being export to through the data new for us. But those were also attacked only last 2 nights ago. Step foss with alexs era in odessa, is where the forces have killed a palestinian man during a rage and occupied westbank. But such a 2 year old died when soldiers stone to house in the city of jeanine. Several others were injured during the gum fight between palestinian fighters. Im the is right in the army. The army has since withdrawn from the sea. Food and fuel prices, a soaring in yemen and the local currency of loss more than 250 percent of its value in the us dollar. As adding to the suffering of millions of families of to 9 years of civil war. I could offer reports i submitted on the works, the aisles of a supermarket and humans, port city of aged. The price of basic goods is increasing every day. He and millions of others simply calling to keep us off to some careful calculations. He has to put some food back on the shell. The father, a full who works is a night watchman. Explains just how difficult its become to feed his family in a um and its all the prices have sort recently, the value of our local currency has declined sharply. Cant afford to buy bees that come with a peaceful. I came here simply to buy basic food items. Im shocked by the prices you know, we demand that the thirtys find, the solution. Human imports, 90 percent of its food, nearly 50 percent of its weight came from ukraine and russia. The consequences of that whole being felt on the streets human itself has experienced nearly a decade of conflict and is now seen signs of recovery. Its un back government is in charge of the southern region. Well, who is the officials run the capital son uh in the north and well see what countries trading with human Foreign Exchange is drying up the local currency. The re all is losing its value. Lost is inflation topped at 40 percent . Uh, showing the buying salaries are not paid on time. We get paid every 3 or 4 months. Needless to say, the cost of living is rising and the policy currencies decline in most of as a pensioner. I cannot afford to buy what my children need and so many citizens remain at home to spear themselves. They are getting kind of how about the get done . A business analyst, somebody cassim, says the civil war has brought the economy to its me look at the us of a currency collapse due to a number of factors. Its declined gradually since the wall sconces the stoppage of oil exports, which was the largest source of revenue for the government as waste. And the situation is the shortage of foreign currency. The government needs 10. 00 to 13000000000. 00 every year to cover it. Some ports to nearly 60 percent of humans, population lives in extreme poverty. According to the United Nations way, hunger is a daily reality estimates mika salary can just about cover the basics. So now, even if he has to make some tough decisions at the to mike level o 20 i mean highway on the Hawaiian Island of maui has reopened off the last weeks while 5. But it is growing at the slow response to the font of destruction and why emergency sirens didnt sign sound . Well, bodies have been identified. The number of dad has increased to 110 barbara and gave a report. This group of volunteers is delivering supplies to wild, 5 victims on the island of maui, older they survived the flames. They say the future isnt such and my heart doesnt take for my loss of possession. A higher states for my community. You know, people that lost family members, friends, lot of people are still stuck on, you know, on the west side and up, nor its but without power, without food, without water dial provisions. And they have no access to that side. Destroyed thousands of buildings and cost an estimated 6000000. 00 of damage. The government says imagine c response for the rolled out of a full months. I want to be honest with everyone. This is also going to be a very long and hard recovery. But our federal, state and local partners are working around the clock to help all of those who have been impacted by this Disaster Rescue teams are using to drive adults to help find the dead. But thats growing. And about the response to the fire critics. A loss of life was presentable. We have sirens all over the island that are meant to be for any emergency, no matter what it is. And the fire is an emergency, not one side and went off. Nobody was warrant servers, as i mentioned earlier, is used primarily for simone is and thats the reason why many of them are phones. Almost all of them are phones on the coastline. The public is trained to seat Higher Grounds in the event that the service on the highway into the high and a has been reopened in a small step on the road to recovery. But the elderly people who lost everything in the far say theyll never be able to rebuild for our lives. Barbara and grandpa, out to sarah, residents of the caps, those kinds of northwest parent trades up in order to leave by noon on friday. With wall 5 is the expected to reach the yellow knife by the weekend. Federal government has approved the assistance and order the military to help 5 fighting efforts. Kaiser is experiencing its west wall. 5 seasoned with more than 1000 blazes burning across the country. The rescue work is in man mar, continuing the search. The bodies as a jade mine, the 3 bodies of so font being recovered after a will collapse on sunday, sending a huge wave of moves into the valley below 139 wife has remained missing the open pits mine in the northern township of hope. The count, tiny chang, reports to the group of jade. Mine is stand over a vast, open pick all the valley below, filled by to wrench will rain. Mine is searching for the precious stone along the banks. Are you one of them . Its going to pull say those above my god, steve was seemed to be shifting a cascade of rocks. Then the whole hillside collapses as it hits the water, sitting on the way, sweeping away everything in his palm. 6 from the other side of the valley was trying to point out to by the tiny specks swelling around. And the muddy will pause as more of the hills slides into the water to know the g line that you were at the spot where the large water wave struck. It was a huge wave. I mean, we were able to flee the area by running. Thats the only reason we survived. The rescue is have been struggling for days to recover bodies from the sides. Very few survived the initial lance, the heavy rains hampering the rescue efforts in this remote part of northern yam. Boats on the reservoir, only able to drag the mucky waters with hooks. More than 250 people died and similar accidents in the most jade mines last year for the precious stones that exact so very high price, toni chang to 0. But its time out for the weather and with a focus on the ivr i on west africa as well, where youve had a severe heat wave in both. Id be area and north africa. They see it currently not in, during that, but the temperatures are rising again as you got this could apply it and right, which is a cold front coming in, you tend to induce heat ahead of it. Cold abroad example in the south, west of spain was sure whats happening next 3 days were going up to about 43 degrees, 47, so reco, but the average is 37. The story or that goes along with that is the hot, dry winds. It often accompany this sort of thing, and thats now off show results blowing across the canary off. And now weve got 5 in tennessee say in the palmer. Another object today is we have to fight last month, a v, as in our building asset control launch, because the winds have been steady. They dropped down a little bit of notice today, but theyre still blowing and the fonts are still pending. And unfortunately the, the full costs of friday is not a good one. The same direction when gives you stronger winds far enough a day. So the far as probably will keep spinning, jumping star from that to the wind to no longer story. Know the temperature is the same 9th of rain. These classes which represent sharon is moving from e. C o p. West was adult child relevant to the test. It says a 100. 00. The heaviest rain that goes through the gambia ends up a potential for a hurricane that i had had on alexs era why haitis most powerful gang leda has issued a warning to International Forces in this country foss. What are the main issues for versus enforce them all, or theyve come to who to pay as the next president uninstalled, the jobs of africa, how basketball is helping change lives across the continental inspirational women mechanics because we want to gather the largest number of young women and showed the entire nearing performers was the 1st to male z to play it in jordan to senior. Well celebrate females and taking traditional in a new direction. They go on stage, its motivates other girls to join citizen. So jordan and egypt pon outages here have a fight thing and we dont simply focus on the politics of the conflict. Its the consequential for the human suffering that we have a full time. We brave bulletin bombs and some of the worlds most troubled region. The army floods in the face of idols advance it is one of the most serious stops of violence in recent years. In some instances, we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom the rule of law. And we always include the views from all sides, the, the the other again, youll what challenges there is a reminder of our top story is this our, the west african blog, echo us as Constitutional Order in asia will be restored by all means available. Defense cheese from echo us are in gone us to discuss military intervention, find the co initial last month. Long and 60 people have died off that micro boat cap size of the paid coast of cape validate in the atlantic. Any 38. 00 survives vote, less than a goal and police have been headed to europe. The victims families have criticized the government for slow response. And the main highway on the one island of bali we opened off to last weeks wildfire as bus i is wearing apps. Response to wall floods, destruction number. His dad has increased to 110 pages in guatemala, heading back to the polls on sunday to pick the next president. The Runoff Election campaign is being mobbed by allegations of both the interference. Im fluid as my, when i pull a report, the scandal written races between former 1st lady sondra taught us. And brando alvarado is filing to combat corruption. A political rally in guatemala city. Supporters of been now do unable candidate from send me up or the seed party or marking the official close of his president ial campaign ahead of the august 20th National Election. Many here say theyre eager for the election to be over and with it a Campaign Season thats been marred by allegations of election interference and fraud to see if yall meant that getting definitively we want the best results. We want the process to be transparent. We feel uncertainty about whats coming, but we hope democracy will prevail in their ability below is seen by many as the Biggest Surprise in recent electoral memory is victory in the initial round voting shook up. The Political Landscape is now leading in the polls ahead of the National Election would sound good. Daughter is a former 1st lady of guatemala, representing the conservative National Unity of hope party were there is also a strong contender and seen by many as the more experienced candid according to pulling data. The issues guatemalans care most about are the ones that affect the livelihoods of every day. Citizens like us struggling economy and worsening crime. One of the biggest answers on the minds of guatemalan voters, deep rooted corruption which many people here say has that you wrote of the confidence they have in their political leaders. Its this collective sense of mistrust experts say which could determine the outcome of sundays vote or when im in college, i believe the fundamental achievement would be to capitalize on the feeling of discontent. The feeling of awareness that exists among a portion of the population to reclaim those basic elements of democracy. This sentiment has been building up over the past decade. Yeah, that hasnt been a Political Force that has managed to unify and translate that collection of expressions into folks both candidates a promise to address corruption. Well daughter is emphasizes transparency and accountability. That even though has proposed measures to disqualify corrupt individuals from Public Office as the road off selection approaches the people of guatemala or boys to cast their votes in whats seen as a critical moment for the nations future. Made up a little al jazeera, one of my, a city, a powerful gang leader in haiti is promising to flight any International Force deployed to his country. If it commits abuses jimmy choice. Yeah. Known as barbecue has also urging haitians to rise up against the government. He says he supports the United Nations cool for a foreign force, but only if it targets corrupt politicians. And then prove security has been placed by violence since the president s assassination 2 years ago. So hes here is on the un sanctions for alleged human rights abuses. Because the bags of john list and also if heis, he will not perish. He says, some of the games are supported by the government. Believes the best way to achieve lost in peace is true political and judicial reform. A g 9 and g peps. They are kind of a loose allowed them a various games around the city. And what weve seen most recently over the, over the past weekend in terms of the displacement is we have a gain from a group called a, im an area called ron ravine, pushing you to a neighborhood called toppling sway. Trying to basically push those uh people out. So they will have a clear routes for their kidnapping enterprises and also routes towards a couple neighborhoods that have risen up against the gang since about april and a movement called block. Ill a which means a child who would basically increase, oh, i think you still definitely have connections between economic and political actors in haiti and the games themselves. I would say the games have a greater deal of autonomy than they did in the past because, you know, they have an enormous amount of money. Theyve been cultivating through their various illegal enterprises. Since there has been a real vacuum of state security. I think theres been a lot of, uh, you know, a sensible connections between the interim government. Its in place now. And another gain called eh, crosby about the 8th, which is based in a, in another room for the prints, from the ground ravine getting in, in haiti right now, is you really have a situation where you can maybe get some temporary security really. But unless it comes along with a kind of political and more traditional and legal reform, its going to be very short lived. Unfortunately, i was just 6 days to go have a full of, i says, go to the polls and 75 way young people have a significant say in the general election. But many, i agree at the lack of jobs, high inflation cache was just and all the problems young supposes of both the main opposition party. On the readings, i knew p f of being telling algebra about the expectations. My name is monastic. Ive been to my c r s to didnt lead to from zimbabwe, supplementing the Citizens Coalition for change as a lead advocate, nelson chevy. So what youre seeing is a, im guessing you are afraid to speak. Whats in your mind in our power is out for you, and if you hold that for you just become capital denies the future, we have our power. So we have coupon tire thats tied to funding play. And thats why you see most of the young people who ask them right now. What do you want after graduating . Some of the say i went to 14, it just says if im ready now into points for that feedback, moving for green, a past tense, we have found that there is no job particularly to i was invested ease of closing and is young people will be thinking what the future, what im doing that i signed in systems. I suppose that when i finished my ticket i should get something along those lines. Not to say i should start sitting phones like what i dont have interface it on. The ceiling face tables was one of the cryptic, i would think that is happening in zimbabwe specifications. Im up here in the cutting document to relate the issue of corruption into believe that faced into nelson, germany. So when it gets into power, youll deal with that issue. My name is allan santa, for money. Im 37 years old, and then agriculture going to bring your funding is and bubbly, and i support is on a p. S. Everything that i am has been built out of setup if im out of that graduated before. Most of us, the youngest and mobile ends have benefited from the advocates for orlando before through governments schemes and projects. I myself dont own a piece of land, but the government has actually created a making these and through j v. System in which i can go and release that from, from someone who has it. And if i have capacity, i can actually fund and produce on that farm is in agriculture, into p u. I started off it with a family business, and we have gone corporate uh now exporting cheaply from zimbabwe to various parts of the world. I tickets and bubble is going through its own agricultural evolution. Just as the british have gone through any of you, pollution, the americans have gone through various pollution. This time is about was going through. Every pollution is an appeal, is that people study by the peoples party. It actually means that its tends to benefit the masses of the, of the purpose of us. It probably doesnt open population. Its not a self centered departure. It seems way and every pollution others are going to be part of the resolution. So im going to be left behind by design a p. F is a party for the people, you know, breathing. The is a danger to health for many in the capital of indonesia. Doctors in chicago reports an increase in patients with serious respect to problems. A jessica washington reports pollution from factories and traffic, as well as drawing whether its crazy, how does a smoke this month . The sky because it has turned a bleak, dusty, green decays blankets, the city and residents. So choking in the smoke that breathing is difficult, my eyes hurt. I have to use eye drops when i get time to contradict consistently ranks among the most pollution cities in the world. It often records unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter, but in recent weeks a fluid he has been particularly poor. Because i think the again, when we pray together, many students are coughing and some keep clearing the throats. This week active is held a demonstration, a gene, the government to take action. Evolution is a recurring problem for these patients, particularly during the dry season. Environmental group say use in action by introducing authority isnt changing the lines of 30000000 residents who live in chicago and surrounding areas. State it from Health Centers in sales to construct indicates a more than 20 percent increase in patients with acute respiratory infections. Pulmonologist atlanta board han says her practice is treating more people with struggling to breed. It also can phonetic the bloodstream and that sleep at all can cost the increasing release of her type even stroke. The. Earlier this week, president jacob called a cabbage meeting to discuss the pollution as im to have up in debt in the short time, intervention is needed as soon as possible to improve that quality, like weather modification, to get some rain in the great that it costs area and if needed, we must push the offices to implement hybrid working arrangement. Thats what the one stones up has installed. A network is a quality monitors around the city. And she has life information on each app because were staying from kind of phase like, you know, us in the seventys china very, very recently. This is a problem that if, if you set a plan for it and you execute the plan, it is actually solvable in 2021 and you come to court room. The government had failed to uphold Citizens Rights to clean it. But there has been little progress since then with the attempts by the president and others named in the lawsuit to appeal the decisions still under way. The absence of any real action to limit and pollution activists say living in chicago is becoming more and more has it is jessica washington, which is 0 to content that i had had on out there. All the support and penalty shootout and drama as months just as the collect another piece of silver with joe as a reaction the the the best get you will the sport now and his job. Dora. Thank you very much, novak jokers, which has played his bus singles much to the United States since losing the 2021 us open final. The 23 time grand slam champion was denied entry into the us for the last 2 years, because he refused to take the cobit faxing. However, the world number 2 is now back in the states playing at the mazda series event in cincinnati. The last made events before the us open, the sub was taking on springs, alejandro. Its evident which for keena joking, which looks a bit rusty in the 2nd round match spots. He eventually won the fuss at 6 full before his opponent was forced to retire. In the 2nd set. Joseph, its saying hes looking forward to face email face instead rounds. Thats a few nice things about him. You know, its great to see him play on um, on the high level again after is struggling with his injuries for a few years. And we cannot forget that hes older than me. You know, because everyone talks about my age. But, you know, i think its worth saying that hes one year older and, and its kind of be a, its going to be a dual of width rounds tomorrow. So hes going to be quite, quite interesting to see that. But no, i mean its, its a fantastic guy. Well, the man who beat jo coverage in that 2021 us. I think the final was dental method. This, this the same dropped just a 5 games and a straight sets went over its needs load ends almost that take 2 weeks. The last 16 hell face alex on the service next. But there was a bizarre moment in stefan o sister passed his match against ben shelton when the grateful se to pay to be bolted by noise is coming from the crowds. The person that can Mount Pleasant to sign him to see do you know who hes has never happened to my guy who well the fine who created the bows that paid to apologize. And since the past regained his composure to reach the round of 16 and the womens tournament, you got shrunk, tech breezed into the last 16 against danielle collins. Publish well, number one took less than an hour to see of the american qualify and opening match screen take drop just one game. It has straight set suite tree chauffeurs chin. When john in the 3rd rounds, the 3rd seed on last weeks champion of the canadian opened a jessica group, survived the sky to reach the 3rd round, the american full back from a set down to beat its leaves. Martina travis on a l. Sturdy, a will play sweet and on saturday in the 3rd place, playoff of the fif womens woke up. So matilda is impressive. Run in the tournament has won over a new fund based, uninspired, and new generation. A football players. Alex thomas reports from sydney. As the sun stops, the set on this woke up. Everyone in womens football is digesting where the game goes from here. Following australia is inspiring run to the semi finals. The goal is that this Training Session and sydney still idolizing them until it is despite the feat to england, even the ones who were at the game. It was really amazing the right when the crowd went wild like i couldnt even hear my voice. My non playing, so we always choose someone from the to it is. We see that person, can we school, we do those integration and its actually one of the coaches from australia is Youth Development system is overseeing this practice and says, theres been a fundamental shift in the way this board is the, i think everyones starting to realize that you know, theyve been with us. Purple is purple and, and those atlantis board assigned to follow. But it has changed these things changed in terms of participation that interest the commercially also. So its exciting. Australia may have lost the battle against england, but the war was already won, attracting new funds and players. So the supports particularly young ones. Im growing the guy both here and across the globe. A t. V viewing sake has reached as high as 11000000 in australia. Nope, for the 1st time shattering records, but also perceptions that the commercial viability of womens book to feel like we need a group hug though this morning. Guys are feeling a little bit low. I feel you guys, lets get something to the people who bring the cost to spill here and around the world. Even when it wasnt in both when you was coming up. Weve always been waiting for the watershed moment in womens football where everyone realizes how awesome this board is. And it finally feels like its going from a nice sport and something that only womens football fans are watching into something thats a lot more main stream. Everyone is talking about its not just football fans who we thought that we were going his hoggard. Its everyone, its families, its kids. People are crying for the matilda is its been amazing outcry. The hope to fulfill is the young. Those like this will mimic the new female football heroes in other countries to offer a tournament has been more visible than any before. Alex thomas, how does era sydney woke up . Fine with spain have how they 1st Training Session and sydney ahead of the titled the slider on sunday. They meet sweden in the semifinals in oakland, earlier in the week to book a place in the final against european champions, england. It will be a rematch of la c as womens a year as quote to finals, which in one of the extra time. And now the world cup relates and use the coach of the us team has reportedly quits off to the west results of womens world cup. The americans were the defending champions. But when knocks out on penalties by sweden, in the round of 16 scoring just full goals over the course of the tournaments coach, flats co and then off ski was also in charge when the us finished with a disappointing bronze up until june and picks brazil also itself at an early exit when they failed to make it out of the group stage for the 1st time since 1995. Now stall martha has left the door open for a return to the national team. Next year amy for gold medal in paris to end her career on high. Like i say, im not going to play a more they would go up. But i did, i did say like, im not going to play the next olympics. You know, but i dont have the answer. Yes. But i, i work on like to feeling the, by the face still have the power that i can to, you know, share with the team with review and then a 5444 gold medals to minutes football now and travel. When is last season, month to city, have that 1st piece of silverware. This campaign of to winning the way for us to pick up. They trailed at half time to the euro public when a severe in athens, when use of in this city, gave the spanish signed the lease, bought the champions like when is through leveling the alamo going 21 year old co palmer equalized noble goals and 90 minutes minutes of penalty shoot towns, city schools is 5, as i spoke, kicks spot. So the missed that last the benefits. And that came to the victory for city that body are leading. Hes come to another trophy and its the 1st time they lifted this one more much since youve agreed a fee for that. If in the email, right click ports with the saudi club mass. So for an on disclose some, the french bones Spain International has been at city since 2018 winning the premier league 5 times. And Champions League once to hundreds of young athlete some across the african continents have come together this week and were wanting to to milk a special anniversary the 2 decades the joints of Africa Program as used this, both of basketball to help change lives. Also come a geisha reports from golly, to celebrate 20 years of using basketball as a to, to a pa for can use jobs of africa is holding a festival in kigali or one to 60 nations. 250 athletes all coming together to showcase this cube obtained over the press. 2 tickets. It comes across the african continent. The beacon arena is the buys, the teenagers engaged in competitive games in the life changing experience are preparing it live for months. I mean, ive been trying for 3 years now. Id see what academy you know, ive been involved in and then its almost instantly focused much on the brain. Child of this initiative has already won an n b, a championship with the Toronto Raptors in 2019. But continues to have a food on the african continent to inspire the you, theres a dream for everybody. Everybody has a past. Everybody is a giant. Yeah. Like thats for me. Thats how i see everybody kind of way this teacher of every, by the time you know, like peer giants and some people find it early in their lives. They find the i curry is the find me. I need to define who they are. Some times is later. So majority of the teenagers at this festival, it is the 1st time traveling outside the countries, and they using this opportunity to learn more basketball and life skills while also making new friends prevent how its new to the to much creative juices. Players, it gives us the confidence to continue learning from others what to do not know and make friends from other countries. The use that the giants of africa, festive, are being mentored by legendary coaches from across the world, including joe 2 more from cameron who scouted until the current and b, m z p, joe and b to how to play Basketball Co found a good we know engine and n b a play of festus and sally, bought from nigeria are among the big names of the week long event sharing real life experiences. The festival is the fusion of music and basketball in a true reflection of 2 of the continents because exports. We felt very strongly that music, that a sports who is intertwined together, it works together. 100 percent. The week long events will be culminated with a musical performance bringing together african giants, including nigerian stats devito, n t was savage, among others for the african use here at the giants of africa. Festival jamming big is a way of life and they want to use that to inspire those back home. I suck them. Yes sir. I was just the right guy. The Little Wonder what was just under you to go before the power. So let me pick. So try out some competition has been held on the river 768 try athlete to calls into space testament. A previous attempt has to be cancelled earlier this month because a pool was a quality. And it was another test event for the powers and picks taking place on thursday. Almost 16000 kilometers away from the french capital to 80 in French Polynesia will be holding the surfing competition that next year is games. And some of the best stuff is in the world. Were able to clinch a place at the end impacts in this last qualifying events. Very, very nice. So right, that is all useful for now. It is back to laura and do is day. Thanks very much. Indeed. I go to live a change of pace for you now from high adrenalin to deep sleep. That is something that makes it was crazy if it was if you offered it and its really well thats whats happening. And it this you sleep mine in north wales during the whole, when deep underground to find out more the tired of the mediterranean seats. This is what summer looks like in tiny, greasy north wales. Where besides hiking the picturesque hills of the vale of 15, the old lots of people come to explore the disuse like mind. Somebody from come to spend the night deep inside one. Fold about that in a moment. Because 1st, well, there is no easy way down to 30 minutes. Is that so open to initially and 1810 just the stuff is cory, the victorians. Was it . Thats right. Yeah, yeah. It was. They then followed the famous slate down into the ground and really ramped up the operation and then it closed in 1993. The victorians were much more sensible about all this. I do so they built bridges and that is so much please note that they can get this report was all work, not fun. So this is one of our final defense, an episode of about 20 meters through a depth of around 400 meters. Down here, the doctors length and depth. Some people will go to for a good nights sleep. The victorians never got around to building this. Welcome to deep sleep. Look at the extraordinary vertically we 1375 feet on the ground. Thats about 410 minutes is we all confident that this is the deepest a combination in the world. At the present time. Were not managed to find any, any evidence. Theres a little trolling that there was any way deeper than this. And guests are deeply impressed. Is the thrill of its its the danger of what was good those beds. Each room is slightly different with the day cool, but the grotto is incredible. And stoning is really nice to wake up any case of mine, but its a gave you know, if you do it again, recommended to me i would, i should say, yeah. Was because it was really pay so uncomfortable me something no victorian mind was ever heard to say. Joe, nicole, elders here at north wales. The last notes may, ill be back again with most todays me is the frank assessments 3000000000. 00. Is it going to be enough to get, i guess, on the economy back on track . The short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. How dangerous is that . The journey is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out, but its a great cost in depth analysis of the phase headlines. Questions really . Who controls what goes on an outer space in the future will be governments or wont be big part of the corporations and individual, super wealthy cleaners inside story on challenges, era african narratives from african perspective from the trust. But its a little while look at that. Things in a Short Documentary from an african filmmakers from mommy and skip on the not return the samples. Ive taken away medina, the heritage and making her future direct on. Ill just start showing you here is coming over our heads from russian positions and a new cranium. Positions have been standing about how they were directly targeted as they were trying to sleep. Weve seen some of the residents come out of the building with that possessions in suitcases by substantial safe anymore. What happens on that day is a war crime shows how many regions across the lines and the this is known as the level of destruction here for just how fast the fighting has been. In recent weeks, this russian or altamont street has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. The, like a means of the level constitutional or that will be restored in the account. West for good and defense chief, discuss the crew in that news. Yeah. They say if Everything Else fails, they all ready to use post the the kind of them or i, kyle, this is out of their life from the also coming out morning and set a goal. Often thousands of migrants drowned in the atlantic when a boot cap sizes

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