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Responsibility for hundreds of miles and stretched on the board to applause. Im come on. I didnt know didnt progress on home to the largest number of last year. Outside the board of regents or the experts one because of climate change. The main thing is im much foster today and that of course is wiping out really good the night really hard in the mountainous area. The. We still us for the full out from the ships crew now and its the week a group of religious leaders from nigeria has met the Nations Ministry of elizabeth, a capital naomi. They say the cruelty to told him that hes open to exploring diplomacy and pays. The religious delegation has caused the dialogue to end the crisis, visit as part of ethics to ease tensions. Off of the military took power. The regional block echo was, which was chaired by the nigerian president as to as a military force of the home to fails to reinstate the deposed president s address has moved from the nigerian town of cut siena near the border with neesha. It looks like there is a ray of hope that this could and diplomatically, uh, the plus sign was uh, just days ago when the 4 minus Central Bank Governor of nigeria and for my amount of kind of visited and it was in fact the 1st person i just want 3 or 4 mission sent by a corps at or take uh, a you for your knowledge of nations, as well as the United States to meet those ministry need a signature. This is the 2nd one. The 2nd one was yesterday when these were, you just need is what youre about to travel to the general public with the blessing of the niger and president. And they also met the leaders of the military cool, including general china himself. And what we hear now is that the military leaders i showed literally just need is that they are willing to poke and that thats what only happened if that course extend an invitation to them. Right now is, yeah, doesnt have the opportunity to approach that course directly, simply because it is suspended like many other countries, why clothes of taken place. Now, that could be the window of opportunity to resolve this. I Mean Companies through diplomatic means, but its not something. What, of course, what happened from now on, what we heard earlier on was the bonita springs. Yeah. Wanted nigeria another maybe a member countries of course, to leave those such as tentative measures imposed on these. Yeah. That included cutting of electricity on shifting the boldest all goods, including food and medicines. On the outskirts of the Northern City of getting some 45 kilometers from the border with new share trucks loaded with goods weight to across the board. 2 weeks after the cool and with no sign of a diploma to break through the drivers, the military escalation is likely a semester. So thats able to how do you go . The most difficult thing is on searching tier and everything. We dont know when these and vision will happen when he be every day or grand operation. We hope we wont get to that. May not get a statement of traction with cost permanent damage to relations between nigeria and the share. The, the people in listed is the are what it they are, what they are, what they are, what they dont want. They dont want to us to go into within the general public on the major side of the border here to trucks trying to reach nigeria. Ive located these products have been in limbo since they cannot make community of west africa. States ordered on board is with this year to close for those transporting fellowship of goods especially fresh produce. Its a total loss. Now the drivers main concern is they dont know if im, when they would be able to leave here. Lady echo sanctions have effectively cut off supplies on both sides, forcing families to struggle. One on the months i see this is the most and 2nd period for everyone. No one knows what to do anymore. As life is almost unbearable, prices are food items have doubled or even tripled in some cases that i did that then. So just so many people in new jersey nigeria that kind of chair of the west African Regional book as leading the charge to declare war on that country. Opposition committed to innovation. Image is more for us here in the north. But anyone else in nigeria . Analysts say a world between the 2 neighbors made damage, not only trade, but also for media relations. Ties that bind the 2 countries for centuries. How many degrees i would use it, i might give you to launch. Why the news now and at least 93 people have now died in the worst wall, 5 in the us and move in a century. That was more than a 1000 people still missing on the island of molly in hawaii, their affairs, the death toll could rise significantly. People are searching for families in Emergency Shelter as in search teams of scouting debris to look for human domains. To begin the process of identifying bodies, thousands of people have lost a homes and livelihoods the historic talent of the highness. Oh, but destroyed and residents so they are coping with unimaginable loss. Special never i think in my in my life what i have imagined that we would have Something Like this catastrophe of an equal assessor and questions being raised about why sirens werent activated on the island when defies broke. How does she have her . Tom c reports from molly to saturday was the 1st time come down. The dogs were used to search through the ashes and rubble of liner in search of human remains. Buildings were marked with a bright orange x when they were searched with the letters h o. When the human remains were found, the police chief said it was a slow process. Just so you know, 3 percent. Thats whats been serviced with the dogs. 3 percent. We got. Busy more dogs on the way today, we just made it, i made that request seem to make that happen are on their way. But think about how hot and how fast is that . So were bringing in more. Once again, officials deflected questions on what a more could have been done to prepare for such a ferocious for, and with a warning should have been issued before the flames engulfed the town. Theres a lot of energy in you to spend on this tragedy right now. But its now clear the reports of an issue since 2014 specifically about behind is increasing vulnerability to weld 5. Now the thirtys, unless it in 2020, about the possibility of the womens associated with a hard couldnt located hundreds of kilometers away from hawaii. I think is a catalyst for fire for a 2nd day plans to the residence of love hina, back into assess the damage for themselves was subject to changes and confusion. These are our belongings. This is what we were able to grab behind the residents skips called so the extra restrictions were imposed of to some of those who made it back on friday at em to devastated areas for the authorities at colton. Golf. Desperate to see what was left, there are a lot of residents that just wanted to see if their house was Still Standing and just to assess, you know what theyre going to do next. I mean, a lot of us are trying to make tough decisions and whether or not your, your house is Still Standing or not is, is a big factor in that. But its these areas of, of a thought to contain yet more dead and still over a 1000 residence, remain missing. She everytime see, i will do 0 my way. David bowman is a professor of pilot geography at the university of tasmania, and he explains how, why is ecosystems cannot adapt to file was bad because of a whole constellation of factors, extreme weather, drought, and managed grass fuels, and inappropriate a sort of open design. I suppose a and a reliance on mass of actuation and those things escalated so quickly. So its terrifying scenario when you have people literally diving into the ocean to side they lodge. Thats. Thats, thats not, thats not acceptable. Lets thats not attached to the things of famous or the, or whats called a grasp bias oracle that hawaii is the icon of that. Where you introduce grasses from tropical regions. Very right, boss ross is and i have no probable its 90 potable is the 8 them. So you have this extraordinary biomass of grass fuels and then you get a drought. And basically youve got effectively, its like cetera, writing a landscaping, petrol. And all you need is a spock and a strong wind, and you cannot out run this far. And thats why were suspecting that so many people will and died. Because i didnt have a jobs. The ukraine says at least 6 people, including a newborn baby, have been killed by russian shouting themselves at the village of shadow cabal code. And the cousin region ukraines prosecute of generals has at least 500 children have been killed since russian began its invasion last. You, meanwhile, your cleaning authorities have ordered the evacuation of villages me a coupon skin. The east Russian Forces are advancing vera step lawson reports once again. People here are forced to leave their village as best nearly daily sally. And on the other side of the front line, over there, more than 100000 russian soldiers pushing through the front and also a lot of pangs idea. So while ukrainian forces, im making some advances in the southern front, this frontier is under a lot of pressure. So the authorities have no audit if actuation of more than 12000 people. And many have decided to go. But still, you can still find people here who say they want to stay as long as possible. Step 5 and eligible era in the copy on sweden to mizzi and libya have agreed to share responsibility for hundreds of migraines of Asylum Seekers sheltering on the board to many face and difficult conditions in the desert region off to being expelled from tennessee, a libya has moved at least a 150 migraines, to a Detention Center and the capital la correspondence from olive trainer reports from outside that center in tripoli. So were in front of the anti illegal immigration agencies here in the capital tripoli. Were at least a 130 migrants and refugees have been transferred from the libyan and to an easy and border. Theyve been brought here and put in a Detention Center. Now a deal was struck between the libyan minister of interior and these 2 eastern counterpart on thursday to to, to come up with an uncle solution for these migrants that were stranded there on the border. So of this group of about a 130. 00 people were brought here another group of around the same amount of people, 8082230 people were taking such an easier look. Detention centers and tripoli and in libya have often been criticized by human rights organizations by un un, uh, organizations like the International Organization for migration for the u. N. Refugee agency. As of one sanitary and the migrants often face abuse. And these microstates, but the conditions that these people were living in in the scorching sun in the desert of 4 or 5 to 6 weeks was really unbearable. So for many of them, im sure that theyre happy to be provided with some kinds of shelter of water and food and some medical assistance. Now, living in authorities here tell us that they will stay in the tent to stay in this Detention Center until the authorities are able to we patrick them to take them back to their own countries. North africa has long been a transit hub of for migrants trying to reach your peace source in search of a better life for themselves and their families. Also, libya and tanisha are often playing planes. So a balancing act between pressure from the European Union to decrease the amount of people reaching a europe, but also between the human rights organizations that accuse them of a wide spread abuse against migrants a. So for officials here, they have to play a, they have to play a balancing act and try to balance those out. Uh, but from what its looking at, officials here tell us is that these people are now being fed and they have water. They have medicine and they have shelter and theyll continue to provide them with, with these, with the and theyll continue to provide them with water and food and shelter until they can come up with a plan or until theyre able to take them back to their own countries and i will try not to 0, triplet, petro across charlotte as the preston Public Relations office of o. S. O s you, madam say thats non governmental search and rescue organization. She explains why these roots a so dangerous a little more crossings. So people are dying, you know, theyre more desk, but its also the quality of these totally and see what the, both of these medical thoughts are really not made for. Uh, these are, you know, lot of people who are in the phones. So its totally over crowded. Yeah, no, no, i was on the boat. These folks are heavy, so they are very low in the water. And as soon as there is a small way that comes in, you know, the hips, the boat is full of water. So it was sinking off and sinking close to the, to the shores. Already people have reported offer lots of fun east and the washer not even far from shore. So theres 1st of all, there are not enough rescue ships down there not far. And then the risk of ships that are there, and then the n g o is of the most obstructive, it will, for example, we need to go back to, to, to the shortest. So we are assigned to a place of safety immediately after the 1st rescue. It takes us. Ringback often up to 5 days to go to this for just for to say that to you that we have side to any to me. Instead of being, you know, going to close the place like, like sicily before, which we did it before. Now we have to go up north to for his upper right now i wish hes going be 2 minutes. One is going to i cool. Not from, from down there near near the coast to the head on. Now is there a argentine is common and co dash and fight for survival, as well as head to the poles and primary elections and da gazes across the Northern Hemisphere and the culture. The nice guy had to come back to expect a call the brought to you by visit capital to hello lies on time through land as it makes its way towards to pad is pushing further northwards, grassy running up towards the soccer as we go through the next couple of days it will bring that very heavy rainfall in the damaging wins, and also the storm, such as per usual the lights on monday will start see the out of bands pushing its way into a southern past of hauling, show up towards a soccer. Nothing further north was choose day, a saturday wet day, they will be watched by flooding as a result of this system. But thankfully, it does make free fatty quickly. But i think some areas saying 5200 millimeters define before it punch this way out into the sea of japan. Scattering a show is that still into northeast and positive china, china showers into the central and southern areas where again, we have recently seen some funding, some heavier down posts to into southern areas of the philippines over the next few days. No deposit of borneo south of the equator, generally dried is the dry season. Good scattering a shower is coming through here. Having said that, northern some off, it was a sing some particularly wet weather, particularly weather to into the far north of in the i just around with our account. We have a warning thing for us here thats pushing further east was and the rain wrapping up into a bundle with dish. Im in la. The weather brought to you by visit castle for 30 years, friends here we dont. Nuclear tests in the pacific, exposing locals as such workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of Nuclear Tests in french polynesia, the pacifics forgotten Nuclear Victims on no just 0. The challenge is here with the the you what challenges they are with me. It is a problem and does a reminder of our top stories. The ssl is a group of religious leaders from nigeria has met me. She has military who lives in the castle. Now me, they say the community to told him hes open to exploring diplomacy and piece. The devastating was fives in hawaii, other was the us seen in more than a century. At least and 93 people have died. A desktop is expected to rise. 1000 people from maine on accounting for and libya has moved at least a 150 migraines to a Detention Center in the capital. Tripoli. As follows, an agreement between the engineers here to share responsibility for hundreds of my friends sheltering on the on to the ends of the convolution in primary elections. The primaries will determine. Voters preferred candidates ahead of october in general election, but also gauge the strength of Political Parties to raise the boy. Reports from boy in a side is just so you have you had to be late calls himself, rely on and promises to transform the economy. If he becomes argentinas next president , the far right candidate has been compared to donald trump and these promising to dollar rise the country and get rid of the central event. So most of the data, socio bodies. We have. We have a society full of people while the only ones who have profited all the political leads many young argentinean say they will vote for me in the primary elections. Ok, the 2nd side we are tired of the economic crisis of seeing or friends leaving, which is what many have done really has managed to shift the president ial rates towards the right. Capitalizing on growing frustration with traditional politicians. The economies concern for dana, they saw the calls with around a 7 Percent Inflation rate every month. The prime, please provide the positive really just 2 months before the 1st i know so the most important economic sound familiar names on the ballot includes set of fuel massa, the economy minister will steering argentina throughout financial crisis. Hes the only candidate for the center left governing coalition and the scene as a close ally of the United States. Is it a bonus . Im going to be the so the center right together for change coalition will be choosing between the mayor of when a site is, what s o d is. That would be the, the bill and the full moving to your minister. But the symbol would reach to strong candidates that are among the top contenders for the presidency. Im recording in the theyre like there is a clear swing to the rights and the Political Office shows that it has to do with the time it has to do with the last decade. We are going to cant find a solution to its problems. In general engines, indians will seek the scene to the politicians if they deliver good public policies, and this generates a complex social environments. Opinion polls suggest the chances of candidates such as me making it to the president ial palace have shrunk in weeks and weeks. But hes growing support based shows that many argentines would rather vote for an outside or then for politicians who have failed over and over again. Very so well just see that when a fight is teresa is joining us live from when a site is now and within inflation close to 116 percent. The cost of living prices thats left for and 10. 00 people in poverty to is of the economy couldnt be more, and portions of voice has quoted well, thats correct its. Its been 40 years since i didnt t not returned to democracy. Its something that people, he was celebrated that flight to go out some bold that happened back in 1983 and today begins the pros as when people in argentina will begin to pick who is going to be the next president of this countrys. It was mentioned before. Voting is mandatory, so most people are just coming to schools like this one where i am right now to vote on this sunday in this country where i am right now. Its known as the neighborhood 31. 00. This used to be the largest slot in front of site is the situation here has improved, but still those with here amongst the for risk in the city and those who are struggling to cope with what i just mentioned a wrong 7 Percent Inflation rate each months people who have taken all sorts of measures to try to protect themselves from inflation. Right . Going right. Its to a supermarket and by everything they can and taking all the different situations or to cope with the rising prices that are happening all the time. And of course, another thing thats been going on here is this enchantment. Earlier today i was talking to many people who said that were not going to go out and vote even though its mandatory. Its because they do not believe that anything will change. Argentina has been in a crisis for many, many years now. People have gotten used to surviving and christ is their lives. Do not improve, but they survive. And thats what many of the people, especially in places like this one in poor neighborhoods like this one have gotten used to on whether or not people vote the election will of course, take place and what impact could todays results have on that most important issue of the economy are within the country like cards and see not everyone will be looking at their results on the sunday evening. Mostly the market back in 2019. And the last primary elections, when a former president melisha my monkey was in power, there was a clear indication after the crime, who is the president of the, from the, from the sense or less would be winning the president ial elections. And there was on monday, there was a huge differentiation of the currency markets collapsed. People were rushing to the bank to try to get their savings out. Im buying us dollars, which is the only way that people in this country have to protect some of their savings from losing value because of inflation. We do know that the minister of economies set of fuel master is also a president ial candidate, is trying to protect the banking system. We know that several sites with cash within us dollars have arrived during the central bank. Theyre trying to give some guarantees of this monday. Nothing is going to change. But of course theres lots of darkness in a way about what will happen, whether theres any big we thoughts where the candidates like outside or is like a far right candidates. Like have you had, i mean they will have a bigger challenge and this is something that could have instability, country like college in tina were financial instability as part of its history. Anything would happen and thats why people would be looking at the results very, very closely. On sunday nights during so thank you very much for that to raise a bar live and who in the site is spanish. So authority said of dismantled an organized crime group involved and people smuggling police. They let a series of rates upholstered by your opponent, German Federal police. The organization is accused of smuggling migrants from spain, germany in no way. Your pulse is a group is suspected to be part of a launch a ring and legally bringing sylvia and my buttons to spain. A soaring temperatures in jordans capital, the full some people to stay and dont was normally bustling sunday markets and im on will on usually classes, temperatures climbed above 40 degrees celsius is the 2nd day of a heat wave that stretched across the east of mediterranean. Thats a Global Temperatures have had record levels to see a the death toll from a mudslide in chinas move west and sean chief problems has risen to 21. Heavy rains, destroyed roads, and bridges and knock down power lines. Teams have been sent to reinforce collapse and river banks. China is experiencing unusually heavy rains the summer and the neighboring india to venture rains of the land slides across the northern states to marshal for this. They damaged rose and left many toys, trended. Officials have a portion was for damage to crops and infrastructure. So im just a warning place he is and the him all is a melting at unprecedented rates. They say they could lose up to 75 percent of the volume by the end of the century. And that could lead to flooding and a shortage of drinking water. Thats a nearly 2000000000 people who live down stream come on high. The results from the positive lacy and the pockets tiny region of getting good both to stop, you know, didnt bug its done as well to some of the worlds highest mountain beats. It is a drug, it get it any with little landfill eviction environmental experts. A warning of upper ginger today because of climate change, especially as young box them the patients. Uh, so you just, a phenomenon is so important and that the quantity of a wealth of which is being produced by debating good. So to create so long that the effects such as floating good non sites which affect the corporation they have to do it them focused on is have to call the living often by going to a neighbor that card watered by like the food supply of fresh water from the melting place you also provide a lifeline for everyone and bring for diet storage forgot eviction the glacier and also act as drain meters to reflect. So like 8 to help keep the good regard of climate change. The glass is melting at an unprecedented grade. And that means dangerous, large and border shortages for tens of millions of people across the buckets. Are so many yeah. Can i make changes to an existing church today . The village of virginia is in the direct part of a nearby glacier and its inhabitants. What it may wipe out everything equally, hit a pad to get the most lives. Yeah. That had the glacier was far away but has moved closer and we few, it may burst that what will we do . We dont have any other place to go to. We have already lost hundreds of trees and crops, and chunks of our land has been swept away. At night we hear a loud sounds from the glacier and its scary with them. Nobody. Campbell thought the of leisure like these and others around the world have already shrunk, and many more may be gone and dialect soon. The question is, where the country is at on the word take the take seriously, and act to guard Greenhouse Gas emission. Or look the other way. Why the last remaining place you in these mountains, this ship . Yeah. The model how you just need a good good. But this dawn, finding this bulletin stall, gazes, have been denied, and by streaks of light for me to a shell visible in skies across the Northern Hemisphere. The push a me to a shell is one of the biggest challenge that we can see it. Because annually, when the us moves through flows and fails of debris left behind from a comment, the hello again, im elizabeth brought them into how the, the top stories on alexs era, a group of religious leaders from nigeria has met new jazz military rulers of the cap

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