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Bowers, accusing as of complications. And on keisha sims with the support we countdown. So the womens world cup coastal finals post talk to them agree a deal to solving and cant seem to bind munich. But is harvey kane able to say good bye to see the we begin this use how and jerry a with the leaders of west african nations, a holding an emergency meeting to discuss the military tank of an issue. Only if its by the regional block, a co boss have failed since the crew 2 weeks ago. The group says it will continue to prioritize diplomacy and restore civilian role. Yeah, democratic is a sense. Yeah. So evaluate the effectiveness over 8 dimensions. Did you bet any gaps or challenges that we have in that progress . Well it through, it is comprehensive assessment. Kind of, we collectively track it, news of the label, but was less than piece stability for us better t in the j allow is before the segments, the military counseling, the i me announced an interim government of 21 ministers, deposed president mohammed visiting remains on the house arrest and both the you and you with have expressed concern for his health and safety. We still recognize, president presume as the elected democratically elected president of new chair and the conditions he is being held in right now are unacceptable. And we have call for his release along with the secretary general as well as members of echo was. Lets get more on this with them addressed. Susan boucher in nigeria. Were that eco was summit, is taking place now as we hit the chair of a co was that earlier . Realistically, the what can he hope to achieve through this summers and i think from the look of things they are doubling down on the threat of force. Now they prefer to do it the diploma way and sofa. We have seen the ministry in this year. Rebuffing all attempts by a cause, the African Union, the United Nations and all the International Bodies and international, the international community. And with the appointment of what to into on member cabinet yesterday. Is it fine those pro that points to the fact that the military leaders didnt miss . Yeah, im not willing to give charles to return to democracy in this west african country. So basically now what we are looking at is probably a statement from the leaders, by the way, the meeting just ended a few minutes ago and we expect to communicate on the next line of action. Now to make progress, we understand that the cool need to spin. Yeah. May i ask you for specific concessions, concessions that include the easing of functions that its pro ration of electricity, the allowance of food and medicines to flow back into the jet. It probably is so clear whether the need us you have agreed to that i need they do with that me is that the sanctions may effectively be over. Thats how it started in the cool, i guess the molly in the cool, i guess. Gimme, i mean the cool, i guess, looking at possible the daily dialing of the Economic Community of West African States, the lifting up the placement of suntrust. Im the easing of those sciences gabriel heart. Is there the will power to resist any attempt to restore democracy in the country . Are we going to see the same thing with me just probably yes. Okay. I just wanna talk about the timing of all of this because just a few hours before the, some of the military council in the meet announced an interim government of 21 ministers. I mean, other carlita sending a pretty defined message doing that on the same day as the summers of the its been translated as an act of defiance by diploma to attending this particular assignment of a few that the coordinators are sending your message to the Academy Community of west Africa States told me to you that they are not going to hand over power to well, how many by them, who therefore the invitation by the way, and whose k u. So we understand it whose condition as we understand is to get out of your rating. The establishment of a cabinet, along with the Prime Minister, signifies their intention to go on to this country until one. Its convenient for them to identify all do i know as a transition plan for now they coordinate the government and instead of government. So how long nobody knows at the moment, but the Course Community or the echo was heads of state and government have constituted all these matters and we are waiting to hear from them. What next will they be doing . I big is still going to impose most im just going to read that some of the sensors going off when it goes is just dropping. Well, at diploma theres somebody tell us that although they provide diploma solution, theyre not rooting out. They use a force to restore democracy in the chair. Okay, thank you so much. That is um, an address for us at the eco us some of us. Thank you. Victor darky joins us from acura. He is a professor of international studies, conflicts, peace and security. Because he and an International Peacekeeping center. Thank you very much for joining us on al jazeera. Now, as we heard from correspondent, just the eager wasa. So pushing for a diplomatic solution here. And how likely talks going to be between the 2 sides. And what do you think its going to take to get them together around the negotiating table as well . No. What is going to happen is with this 21 minutes to step through june to has put in place to so the only interest of the a monday. Now obviously with this 21 minutes this call me to enter incoming will be im gonna be on charge of this tutor. So you will notice that the queen full of these 2 in one minute. So its going to come from the june to punch and get the june to itself on the negotiation on the dish and table it made like not happy. Now what the message, the essential be you wouldnt owe corpus to do with these 2 to one ministers a we have appointed and the question is, how would they even appointed, right . Do you with them . And then ill come back to us. But then it will cost more to just the situation that we are in now on the availability of this john to lead us to meet emma service. Right . In regards to comfort prevention and management. So its still kind of us to where we are now. They will not be able to sell on a negotiation table unless might take to take more functions on it. Probably you wouldnt, of course, to give these miniature, just to kind of on a negotiation table, other than that, they were getting little white and was doing what we are. Okay. Do you think that military intervention is completely off the table here . Now . You know, i dont think so. It will not be on the table now. Lets not forget one thing with this functions that have come in, its bike in hub. That is what weve seen the results where they seem to have selected 21 minutes test to represent ok. Now, is that most functions ok, then it would mean that it will not be crippled and it will force them to come out to meet these emissaries. But the nature of an intervention is not of the table. Lets not forget, one of the mondays of was a stroke, establish peace established democratic practices. So its the last resort as we saw in the going to be on the spark. Then the cost would go in, but however, the cost, what does it cost . 100 logistics and the Financial Aid and capacity to even go in the share. Thats another question well look at and, and if they cons, i mean, what does that do to the credibility of a co us to well then of course, have you seen us just a rhetoric . Not a happened in mollys book. You know, what happened . Yes, there were some functions button didnt really bite for these june test, relinquish to democratic rule. Right. Some of been known how to put in the process of organizing elections. We are, you see that even once you realize what will happen or the process has been even a huge initiative. If this does not yield the positive results, we will expect to see then that costs will be seen as in effective investments, drums. And what were going to have is it no more when it comes to quality task, right . Not only in the sale wont be in some hundreds of states in the worst i forgot itself. But lets not forget the school to fix the cookie was what happened to you mind during christmas . That is going to happen. Is that course african states prepaid for disagreement 20. Thats whats, whats going to happen. Okay, well well be waiting to say what it go was come out with uh, hopefully in the next uh, hour or so. Uh, in regards to the end of the a, some of that is uh, evicted uh can we really do appreciate your time and your inside and the coffee in an International Peacekeeping center. Thank you. And if she is a music truly does have announced old taxes will be collected in cash, they have also directed businesses to pay money directly to the treasury notes banks. Its an edit to bypass International Sanctions imposed on the country opposite the code for the observer sock has this report from the amy the loss of the Electricity Supply to the um, it has been reduced adding to the suffering of new jersey and robbie, i can no longer support her 5 children selling ice cream was her only source of income. The freeze, it isnt working, we only get power for 2 hours. We depend on theres to survive. Now with power outages, even the juices we have on drinkable because most of the shares imports come from neighboring nigeria and the need. Both countries have impose sanctions on major, which are affected day to day life. If we get the products at the old prices, i dont mind selling them at the regular cost. But if the whole sellers are selling at a higher cost, we will have to increase our prices. Since western countries and International Organizations suspended aid, the military council has launch several initiatives to reduce the impact of sanctions. The i see in the past, we used to deposit that money at the bank, but now we dont go to banks anymore. Now we pay out taxes directly these days. If you put your money in the bank, theres no way to get it out. The closure of borders not only affects the livelihoods of ordinary people on a national scale. The sanctions include the suspension of commercial financial transactions, preventing the military council from accessing new jersey assets in both domestic and foreign banks. Yeah. Put in waterloo, and i need my opponents and supporters of the military Council Agreed that the sanctions are not enough to force the army to open the doors of this parliament restored the constitution and release. President mohammed buzzer proper authorized. Uh, i guess you uh, yeah, i mean, as well, theres plenty more ahead on this news out, including sure, linking students squarely against those stairs he misses, imposed as part of an International Monetary fund by a louse. Trying to accuse us the United States, a bullying of the president showed vital signs in order to restrict American Investments in Chinese Technology companies. And well, number one is back in action for the 1st time since winning wimbledon, peter has the action in schools, the fast moving wall and fires in hawaii has killed at least 36 people. Mally been victims have been lifted off the islands the treatment present. And showed bothered and says hes sending helps to the us dice, victoria guys and the reports. Oh my god, look at the harbor. Home. Yeah, the scalar, the devastation to the town is behind. It is evidence. Fast moving world sized read through this book, the, the tourist area on hawaii. Now we only live with devastating results. Thousands fools to escape any way they could. The dogs, u. S. Coast guard rescued. 14 people who jumped into the ocean to escape the incentive just to fly over ki head and continue see to see the the burning flames. And thats the 1st and the impact on the high and low high in the town was just so shocking and devastating. It look as if its just the whole town was devastated. High wind has knocked down to electricity supplies, cellphone services, and grounded flights. And west my way there is no power of general harris team is going to be doing assessments in the area. But right now the roads are still, some of the roads are still close, so its hard to get to the hotels to find out what their situations are. You brush wise, its hung up on the Hawaiian Islands meteorologist say hurricane dora, blowing across the Pacific Ocean is partly to blame for the strong winds, fanning the flames. They havent been able to determine what ignited the flyers. So theres, theres 3 conditions that we got from the National Weather service, and they call it a red flag alert. So thats the dry conditions, right, so youve got dry steel trees, plants, you got low humidity and high winds. President biden is sending help to the us state. Hawaiian say the full extent of the damage may not be known for months. Victoria gates and b l g 0 o. Mckayla. Oh, my guy sent us this report from molly i made that sobering and staggering death toll, which now stands at 36. We know upwards of 4000 people at one point were evacuated from this wildfire. Hundreds of people are at the shelter behind me here and now we, its unclear when any one will be able to return home. Those images of this while fires, there are now 3 separate while fires burning across this area are just dramatic. It shows how quickly the scope of this fire really exploded. Officials say entire neighborhoods are decimated, upwards of 300 homes and businesses have been destroyed. And Officials Say that number will likely climb later on today at 1st live Officials Say theyll also be able to scour the bern zone, hoping to find more of the missing. Of course, theyre looking for survivors, but its quite possible that the death toll which again stands at 36. 00, could continue to rise. Official say these while fires were fanned by incredibly strong winds upwards of 80 miles per hour. The weather is getting better, but the official say theyre going to have a long firefight on their hands in the days ahead. To pick the doors president ial election is to go ahead and scheduled in 10 days despite the assassination of candidates, financial v, as in c, i printed in color and last so to clear the National State of emergency out to the shooting on wednesday. The suspected attack is reported to have been killed and the confrontation with police and the capital key to the meeting. We had finished a meeting here in the anderson called a see and a few meters from here. As soon as he got out, it took him around 30 seconds to get to the door and shooting started. I think it was more than 30 shots. We tried to find where fernando was, and at that point we realized he had been taken to the hospital. He was shot several times and in the head, the 59 year old journalist was one of each president ial candidates running in the election on august the 20th. Go on to and is a journalist by some tito, he says, fee of a sincere it was outspoken about corruption and it could, it was politics. The finance of you, the sense who was a candidate running about 3rd or 4th took paid place in the pulse who was an Anti Corruption candidate. His investigations, while he was in the congress. And as president of the auditing Watchdog Committee led to several arrests and convictions for corruption of former career governments. Officials mister v sense, you declared basically a war on the korea candidate. Miss louisa gonzales, who is running in the 1st place mister via the sensor was um, oh cool. Was a witness to the crime to the shooting, cleans that this. This was what was leading his campaign. The number one issue was, was to a try and sort out the, the huge security problem in the country. So he was also an, a, a candidate that was a advocating for a very hard hand in terms of the security situation in this country. Where you kinds of bases it is making advances and its offensive. Near the eastern city of buckboard, this video released by ukranian troops, allegedly shows them approaching russian positions and urging russian soldiers to surrender the exact location and dice the city of the video was short, cannot be verified. Russian forces took my back notes in my optimum sufficing, the poland is sending 10000 soldiers to its border with ballers. Tensions between ve also and mintz, which is an ally of russia, has been rising. Recently. Poland says to by the Russian Helicopters briefly, incidents a spice last week. They have also been long running concerns about migrants crossing into poland. And more recently, the wagner masonry group was deployed. The bellows is part of a deal to end them use in a, in russia, in june, washington, im not sure that i need so there are all kinds of hybrid detox right now, and ill boat is on the left you any and border on the polish border which we have been seeing for the past 2 years, russia and by the roots ever increasing, the pressure on our board is the increasing the number of publications. We have to be aware that the number of these publications will increase will cost you the criminal offenses. Poland is becoming increasingly hostile to russia, a serious disease. So there are existing risks associated with the militarization of poland to which has become the main instruments of the United States. And the russian policy was, are announced its intention to build according to the polls. The most powerful on the, on the continental, in this regard, large scale purchases of weapons has begun from the United States of america. Great britain and the republic of korea, including tanks, artillery systems, and defense, a Missile Defense systems. Im calling about that across the blue and most of the been jeff joins us now from was or in a some of what does this mean for the border between bell, ruth and poland but as the situation has become more of a stalemate at the border between russia and ukraine, it seems that another nato member here, this time around poland is again flexing. Its mostly because of what it sees as threats coming from the better ition side is you mentioned that there is a number of issues on the board, including the number of refugees and my goodness that it says has multiplied in the last few months as opposed to what it was last year, as well as the threat from perceived threat draws from the wagner group, which is now based in ukraine after that deal in russia. And then theres been this talk of these incursions again, denied by the roost from poland. So all of this is amounting to in the last 48 hours, we heard the minute treat being asked for an additional 1000. 00 troops from the for the god. It says its going to be sending 2000. And now the rest of the Defense Committee sort of poland is saying that hes going to serve as a pos, that number by 10000 in the next weeks and months to come. It is worth noting that this is something which is which has been an issue on the polish producing border which goes up and down. And theres now a board defense that is there to stem that flow of bite bins. But again, this is the hot topic here in poland and all eyes are on how real is that spread and could it further escalate it just so domestically just the 70 local political ramifications. But you have to realize that in the last few days, at the date of the elections as being the balance of is just 8 weeks away from to date. So obviously the, the, the governing a policy which has be logging in polls as opposed to way it was last time of once to spruce up its voter base once to show that it is doing some actions. And obviously the best place to show it is actually security. This is a, a centralized government, and according to end of this, it is, might be difficult for a student for to maintain its majority. And that again, many pundits of saying that this also has the number of troops that again talking about migrations and the perceived threats from a neighbor which is seeing much closer to russia. Then any other other side is also seem to have a wider implications on the political scene here in warsaw. So it is a, its a National Limitation where it is a wider issue in concerning native countries, but again, inside poland it is also a political issue. The people are going to be not just supporting on based on the performance of this government, how policies like migrations efficient and obviously National Security are going to pay a major role. Okay, thank you so much. That is are some of been certified for us. So the libyan in tennessee and in terry administers have discussed Security Cooperation along the border. Libya says an agreement was reached in when it cools the problem of illegal immigrants. The bodies of 27 refugees were found dumped in the visit this week. Libya says margaret numbers have increased since tennessee is 1000 people patients last month. Its literally 17 very hang of refugees of drowned off to the boat, capsized off me in my now the i rescued by sit out from the con, stays and were hitting for malaysia. Risk of assigned more than 50 people may have been on board, but many remained on accounted for. But i think of refugees risk their lives at safely and displacement camps and banquets shouldnt be in my hoping to reach muslim majority, malaysia and indonesia. Who are the governments of indian prime into send . The range from body has evolved into a confidence of ours and parliament his policy and to tell us, hold the majority of states, the opposition groups, the motion accusing body of failing to end the month of if nick violent and the North Eastern state of multiple thousands of all position politicians move down during the Prime Minister speech. Marty has promised to restore peace in monica, and since the entire country stands behind the states, the people of the country have to an immense distrusting our government again. And again. I am here to thank every citizen and so my direct to, to, to the people of the country focused on the president has this old problem and paving the way for a general election planned for november. Been voting may be delayed because of a plan to redraw a constituency boundaries. That was a known stuff. The opposition lead it and run convers giles and bond from politics to 5 years. The last 16 months were the most difficult time of my life. Mister speaker. These 16 months were difficult for me and my allied parties. Colleagues, ive never seen this kind of tough time in my whole political career when the country is facing the highest inflation and fuel prices going up day by day. Or at least 22. 00 people have been arrested in sri lanka during the latest Anti Government protest slid by University Students by condemning the International Monetary fund by a loud deal and the stairs emissions impose since as we nelson and this report from colombo, the students that demanding an end to what they call the governments repression of this sort as if taken to the streets of a rake of a few weeks. Citing a number of concerns, they talk about the is it actual money to refund the agreement with the government, which the government says was so vital to securing a 3000000000. 00 bill out of package to lift the economy of the doldrums. Here outside the open university is where the students that sort of regrouped and ended up to playing sort of kept the most with police with rice squads with a special task force or date. Uh, essentially, the government generally corrects down on protest. The students dont have much. 5 kind of flexibility to take to the streets of the government has said that there must be disruption of people on the road. A Traffic Movement and things like that. But according to the students, they are being repressed. The voices are not being allowed to be heard. Now the student said that the government essentially what they call the brand new raja pumps. The gym to is vic taking the dictates of the i. M. S a. And essentially, im the minding free education, free health care, essentially social was to have programs and undermining all of these things in a way that is really detrimental. 5 to the for long people, they said they will raise their voices. They also have concerns about whats happening to the University Education system that the government is planning to bring in private education and things like that. So todays protests that you saw there was like a decoy protest. There was another protest in a different occasion with the government deploying massive amounts of police of ministry to bring it under control. And keep it contained in that fernandez oh, to 0, colombo as well. Still ahead on al jazeera new loans for your gans or the World Bank Joins condemnation of old pending saving. 6 relationships. President says he will not bounce. Appreciate home swift. Why . In thousands of evacuations, ordered a new way off to a den bridge and many a cooling at a new era of football. Well look ahead to the Saudi Pro League season and this new stuff thats coming up in the schools the it is waiting to. But as you may well know, has been feeling more like summer in peru and bolivia. But this is proper when she weather and surprising the average temperature for port allegra and monte video are back where they all that would. Res, coming in off the ocean is bringing try to rain, but it but also relative woods. But you still have snow falling down the chilean chain. The happy surprise from santiago science with but if i take you to peru and bolivia, inland showers around the bigger than you might expect and dine by the coast at 21 is dont particularly will. But it feels that to the will. Will that breeze that from the south . I think with a bit of trouble to the weve seen some big charles recently in hispanic area. And it seems like you did hate in particular. And federico will see more of the site. And it could be a benefits in place like cuba because cuba seen some very hot weather recently. And we had reco rule nights and pops of florida key west. For example. This generally speaking a mile he twice in the bahamas, cuba and in florida. Same is true in north mexico, the south west, the west, and certainly Southern States with a mile. So you have a proper one here. I mean, that was, shouldnt be at 42, and you feed that into the showers and they become jobs in the midwest. And the northeast and learn. Learn. We become an enquire with Lewis University and discover how to frame and solve present future challenges. Ok. On our lot to me, your boots in wont be attending a summit in south africa with an international warrant out for his arrest for suspected war. Fine. Can you travel anywhere . Bowed. Im told stories from across asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. Explain the issues affecting the close the most populous region. The rates for the white house keeps up with donald trump take pump in the republican policies, 1st debates or holds his own private. Riley people impala investigates the topic impacted on ukraines fragile environment. And thats the temperature of solar and biodiversity plummets the Global Environmental facility to coordinate financing for international action. Assembled in canada focused on l. G 0. The the to you watching l g 0 reminder about top stories. The ssl is fast moving wildfires in hawaii. You have killed at least 36 people on the island of maui, the 300 year old town of law, you know, which is popular with tourists, has been largely destroys. Nice. I mean, the poland is sending 10000 soldiers to its border with fellow roost. Poland says to been a russian, how he called his incidents in space last week. Fear also long running concerns about him icons crossing the border. The west african block he called was holding an emergency meeting to discuss the 2 in the share. This year. The jerry and president is sharing the summit and emphasized on august, crucial to restoring democratic role as any prevents. Everybody has more from the she is capitol, the i me the media. Sorry jen has just names and you government directed by all means i was also trying to sort of fine by 21 members including 15 civil members and 6 direct answer to it shows also that the mediators and stuff doesnt care about take or situations. And we continue to ignore a international goals. Story is safe, south president residence and does house iris says that he is living in the very hot, vicious, without electricity medicine or food. Leaders have also accused French Forces for substance service. You know, this is fabulous. He just will the president of you can to has denounced the will bank for refusing use loans because of legislation that outlaws same 6 relationships you where he most of and he has promised to find alternative sources of critters. The will banks is the n t l g b t q lower, past and may, contradicts the institutions values. Katherine story has more from nairobi. A president ial wireless 70 has issued a statement, a very heavily wooded statement about this. The suspension of was bank closed and he says that says the country will continue developing. We always out those loans in part, the statement that youve gone to was not the cost is to abandon the our principles and sovereignty using money. And this is, this is to do with this on see good news. The. 5 reason he passed as they criminalize homosexuality and this has been very, very controversial. The president has been talking about it and the president said that the laws do not target specific groups a rather the low protect you, brandons from being a reputed or cost into homosexuality. So this is something that has gained a lot of talk, so not just in uganda, but across the world as well. And the impact of the so was done to move is immense because the was gone, a gave this loan and millions of dollars to youve gone down for different projects when it comes to education and health of infrastructure and so on. And its not just the was bank, you know, the, you, youve gone to itself is, you know, is dependent on aids. Uh, so a lot of donors and other partners are very uncomfortable, particularly about the snows and the sections of the slows. Catherine, sorry, auda 09 will be when more than 4000 people have been order to leave their homes in no way is strong winds and heavy rain. Beth of scandinavia, the rivers have broken, the banks of the swelling to the highest level in decades. Most of the evacuations were in an area of 40 kilometers northwest of the capitol, also power lines of down and i and a hydro electric den and has collapsed up to its flood. Gates fails to work and well start with these for more flooding is expected as the water flows towards low line coastal regions. A Tropical Storm con noon has made lanfield and south korea more than 10000. 00 people, mostly in southern coastal areas, had been ordered to leave their homes full cost as bone. The storm could bring winds up more than 100 kilometers an hour. The president has placed or tara these to be on. Hi lewis. After flooding, killed 47. 00 people last month was told was also affecting japan and of koda montgomery as in tokyo with more overnight, tyson can you and has continued bringing strong winds and heavy rain across the southern japan. In the Southern Island of chu, shoes, several people have been reported with injuries from falling objects or these powerful powerful wins around 12000 households have been experiencing blackouts since last evening and south. Since ive been told to evacuate certain re areas at risk of flooding, typhoid is making its way across south korea, and its forecast is planned, certain major urban areas. Some southern parts of the country have already begun to see flooding, and have seen rain fall up around 600. 00 millimeters as well. And if the pricing continues to move as predicted, it could mark the 1st time since records began in 1951 that a tyson travels across the entire Korean Peninsula from south to north. According to the korean metre, electrical administration. A us president has signed an executive order to restrict American Funds investing and Chinese Technology companies to abide and says hes declaring a National Emergency to deal with the threats posed by advances and Sensitive Technology that could have military uses. China is accusing the white house of bullying and describes the band is economic coalition. She pretends he has moved from washington, dc on prisons and bidens decision to the white house as these restrictions are the result of 2 years of internal deliberation. So that was something of a tough well underway, where we understand between the Commerce Department, the Treasury Department on one side and the attempt to get into the National Security council on the all the former one thing less stringent regulations to allow us businesses to invest in china and make lots of money, the pens and get a National Security council wondering more stringent regulations on the m, theyve decided on these 3 categories, comfortable, confusing, Artificial Intelligence related to the military. Im the advanced study, conduct industry, and the white us pointing out there running some restrictions on the export of some of these technologies to try and that. But what that trying to do now is to prevent, in the words, the immunization of trying to escape ability to become must, as in these, in these areas, there are several coffee at the new investments. This is, this is only going to affect new investments of china. Old investments wouldnt be effective. Plus, thats not going to be a months long process where the white house will take advice on the treasury. And the Commerce Department will take advice from business as to as to the regulation. So these regulations may change. And finally, it should be noted very about us as well. The minimal investment in china, right . That if i just have a 1010 year later on the fact that try to itself has plenty of competing through investments in industry. There. Plenty of other countries who want to invest in these countries certainly use right now. It seems reasonable symbolic them having a major impact on the nurturing of chinese chinese industries. Shepherd has the ultra 0 washington. This is katrina you with moral beijings reaction. Time. It says its gravely concerned with the us or the bending you investment into todays technology. Comments from industry has released a statement saying that this will disrupt the supply chain and it reserves the right to take countenances. It also says that it hope cus will respect the market, the quantity instead of all sufficiently hindering trades under the guise of the risk a. Now this fall is a statement by Chinese Embassy in washington saying it was disappointed with the action and accusing the us of ordering, using the reason of National Security to politicize and weaponized. Trace of this latest, very full slowly complicate recent efforts to stabilize ties between staging and was adding to an already long list of dispute over everything including the war ukraine. Anti war staging insist at washington is sent on trying to contain chinas rise. Now if there is a Silver Lining here, industry insiders say it says that us sections of only helps of galvanized. China is High Tech Industries and aging has certainly millions of dollars. Its becoming more self reliant in the sexes. However, the fact remains that Chinese Companies remains very dependent on Us Technology and we have seen recently a slew of twentys internet joins rushing to buy us micro chips. And thats the patient a further restrictions. Katrina, you all the 0 . Well guess the noise was the end of the 3 of the atomic bombing of nagasaki by that you with the cold was rice, then followed lift to radio, active legacy on native american land. In addition to slate is a uranium mining still poses a threat to communities. Riddles, reports from the cooking, you know, county in arizona uranium mining has a long history in native American Lands during the cold war uranium, doug from now the whole land powered us nuclear weapons. Now the whole miners were exposed to deadly radiation. They were sick, it made their families sick. And you know, there wasnt a lot of good information provided to people so they could protect themselves. And so theres really a horrible legacy relative to uranium. Hundreds of radioactive waste dumps still scar, the reservation president joe bidens creation of a new National Monument was meant in part to ban future uranium mining on tribal lands. But not completely. This is the opinion plains uranium mine owned by energy fuels corporation. And its legally exempt from removal, even though its in the new monument pay on play. Mine does exist and so well continue to exist. In theory, its been told that it was grandfathered in beginning in 2016 mind workers breached an upper layer of ground water at the site and had been pumping out contaminated water. Ever since. Right now theres thousands and thousands of gallons of water, those viewing from the mine and lays within pond outside of the actual mine. Theres no way of them actually mitigating the, the water at this point. For the havasu by driving grand canyon. Round water contamination is a lethal threat. I worry about the most. For the water that runs in my village, the water that sustains my family and my community. I worry that that water will either dry up or be contaminated forever, which will then cease the history of my people. Energy fuel says it has put state of the art environmental controls and ground Water Protection in place. But environmental as warn that uranium mine waste can remain dangerously radioactive for thousands of years. If indeed the mine contaminate still lower, awkward for theres really no way to clean it up. A deadly legacy and a continuing danger. Rob reynolds, l g, 0, coconino county, arizona. Splitting it in for a foot Fringe Festival is back in full swing this year. Following the corona virus pandemic. Its one of the biggest odd festivals in the world showing how bit some of the performance who side the increase in the cost of living is making it harder to take part. In the event. The and refrains has rebounded from pandemic bloom. They see a mocking, a full throated return to full for the Worlds Largest performance ounce festival. But behind the furious street marketing the open poncas appeals to a wondering public on the bridge royal bile for many performers, the fringe is less and less an open tool. It galler taylor and experience youll have a great so i mean it was then the fly is printing be a combination the venue via the people who want to do this. On the most creative and the most pull in generals, i was caught about rages that they have to spend so much money to do the thing. They love. The fringes, of course, evolving with the times, changing social attitudes towards things like gender, for instance. Mean that often titillating showed the flips that have to be towed down. But it is that all the defining issue about time, the cost of living crisis that some field poses a real danger to the festival. I mean, possible is called the frame, right . So it should be, you know, friends, comments, you know, under represented groups. Um, you know, a wide range of people coming here. Its not like a free trade space anymore. I think i was just wondering what was showing tonight. There is a new cost of would be stats big names on social media, trying to make it big in front of real life audiences. Welcome to the show, my name is alex and there are new avenues of performance. Artificial intelligence here, feeding lines to actors in an improv show the question that link those 10 a i do comedy those over the goals, the dates of, oh massively, just in the last couple of months like the things that exist as a media sites. The talking to the audience as they come in, hes go assess the button. Im actually excited about what happens when robots become something that we deal with on a crate of equal footing, not a replacement, but something that we create with. What theyre going to lead us to life for me is something that we cant imagine yet as times change cost mount and the big commercial interest expand much remains as it was. The fridge is still a place where Experimental Companies most at home shows like below neils amazing phenomena, brothers about sleeping on a button on a skid. Okay, look something on the skins. Gets peals of laughter night of to night during the whole elders here at the fridge. Well, still ahead on al jazeera, with the bowl go. One bicycle play a gets very confused during this Major League Game thats coming up and so forth. With peter the, the, the, [000 00 00;00] the, [000 00 00;00] the bullets well hopefully get to support in just a moment. But were going to take you to the echo was celeste, which has just concluded, we have president s, its a new booth, is speaking. Its summing up what has happened to the summers to me and the government of the people of an idea maybe our collective efforts, 50 wave for bright to future. Funny get is people will have free goods. Of course, continue to drive as a big calling of unity cooperation, and progress. And there is yeah. With this uh, fee shadley bring the 2nd the extra matters for me only says you have political situation and the republican of new jersey to close of the thank you very much. Excellent. See that you see the bill for it . See, excellent. Sees the members of the for the sales has the season on government was standing on own or the existing predict goals. Please allow me to ask you to rise for the echo as im to my apologies. The final communicate will be read is obviously the extra ordinary summit of the echo as i thought or 2 of heads of state and government on the political situation in asia. 10th, august 2023. Final communicate authority of heads of state and government. Of the Economic Community of West African States convened in the next order, not a session in bolger my duty on on 10th august 2023. Under the chairmanship of his excellent cibola from the tubal president of the federal republic of nigeria and chair of the equity authority to text or do notice something that was convenient as a see quote. So the reason one held on thursday, july 2023. Following the legal detention of president mohammed by whom, by the members of the president ial god in the republic of new jersey on 26th july 2023 to present the summit. Where are the following heads of state unduly monday to the representatives to such a lot and see by trees, fellow president of the republic of many his excellent c i less than what the president of the republic of what he is excellence in my model done for a full adult president of the republic of gunner his excellence, the old model, physical battle president of the republic of getting to be so hes excellent and see. Well, i went to the president of the republic of nigeria, his excellence, the microsoft president of the republic of center go. Is that so let me see julia of my, the bill. President of the republic of uncertainty on his excellency for now seemed president of the to police republic. His excellent and see my my boot. I gotta minutes so far enough as representing hes excellent. See the president of the gum. Yeah. Its excellent. So the max file size, okay. Maya municipal or folder in affairs representing his excellence, the head of states, president of liberia, his excellency bella, mino, silver ambassador of kid, but representing his excellency, the president of couple of them beside me to ask also attended by a very yes mia president of the republic of balloon, this is excellence the mohammed court. And thats why the president of the slot make republic of monitoring you allude to the president of the commission. Its just excellence the little novel santos, the malice, special representative of the United Nations secretary general for west africa. And this i have had a few and it was his excellency ambassador to bunk caller id or commissioner for peace and security representing the jefferson of the African Union commission. The authority, having considered the memorandum presented by the president of back or as commission on the Current Situation in the republic of new jersey as well as equity engagements. Since the last x, the origin of the summit, im having considered the reports of the invoice of the chair to needs yet on various are the places carefully considered the report and recommendations of the echo as committee of chief self defense stuff. Extensively discussed the latest development in new jersey since the last extra oden on his summit held on the 13th july 2023 noted. But the whole diplomatic efforts made by echo, as in resolving the crisis, had been completely pellet by the military leadership of the republic of new jersey. Taking note of the expiration of the one week ultimatum given for the restoration of Constitutional Order in the republic of new jersey to decide as was a 3, its rates it strong fund. The mission of the attempt to put a tom and the continued illegal to the attention of president mohammed, bedroom, his family and members of his government, be further condense. The con, the condition in which president bedroom is being detained and hold the cnsp fully unsettled, are responsible for the safety, security, and physical and integrity of president , bedroom, members of his family and government see of hold all measures and principles agreed upon by the ex, the old, the summit held on new jersey on the 30th july 2023 underscore the determination of backwards or sorry to keep all the options on the table for the peaceful resolution of the crisis. Enforced on measures, in particular, border closures on strict traveler bonds and assets freeze on all persons or groups of individuals whose actions in the old peaceful efforts came back and showed him the smoke uncompleted restoration of Constitutional Order. One Member States who by the action directly or indirectly hindered the peaceful resolution of the crisis in new jersey about the consequences for their action before the Community Calling the African Union to endorse all the divisions taken by the echoes authority on the situation. India for the call on hold partner countries on institutions, including the United Nations, to support echo escalates. Thats what the, and show a quick restoration of Constitutional Order in conformity with its normative instruments. Direct the president of the commission to money to the implementation of the functions that a good committee, a big chief of defense stuff, to activate the equity done by force with all its elements immediately order the deployment of the equity stand by force to restore Constitutional Order in the republic of news yet, underscore its continued commitment to do the installation of Constitutional Order through peaceful means as expressed opposition to his excellency general rob. Thisll allow me, ill go back of his eminence mohammed decided to go back on the sort and also cut them about. So to buy back and get paid for the special envoy admissions undertaken image and libya and not judy on behalf of the child. According to express gratitude to his excellency boa, i meant to be president of the federal republic of nigeria until the equity authority for convening the x, the ordinary summit, and for the manner in which he has been conducting the affair that failed the community. Straight out of assorted done not a boot, jack based 10th day of august 2023. I thank you. Thank you very much. Oh prison cause of this, please rise for the article was awesome. Well, that is the eco boss summit that has officially concluding the car was cheer and nigerian president s introduce it all is not lost yet with regards to needs. Yeah, he also said that they remain steadfast and our commitment to supposing these yet, and the Journey Towards the democratic stimulus. Same. He also said they remain steadfast in the condemnation of the crew and the condemned. Again, the treatment of president bus, im now the west african block, a co watson this statement reiterated a strong condemnation and said that it was going to activate it, stand by force immediately. Now this all comes uh, as if its a failed over the last couple of white weeks since the co it co boss is going to continue to prioritize diplomacy and try and restore civilian rule. Nice. Yeah, thats just how is before the summit, the military council in the army announced and into room governments of 21 ministers. Now disposed prisoners mohammed buzzing remains on the house, the wrist and advice to you in. And the us as well as eco, was, have expressed concerns for his health and his safety. And they reiterated this in the final communicate, which was just given at the conclusion of the echo was summit that is being held in nigeria at this point in time. Where we going to go now to address who is at that summit and boucher, were at the summit has just concluded. And im, and what do you make of that final communique from co was it looks like all the options, like the president said, it cost to learn the table. They use a force, this pipe,

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