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china tries one of 2 canadians accused of stealing state secrets in a case seen as politically motivated retaliation. thank you for joining as a meeting between the united states and china aimed at reducing tensions has gotten underway with confrontational remarks what was supposed to be a short introduction at the side of the talks lasted for more than an hour china has warned the u.s. to stay out of its internal affairs while the americans told the chinese beijing is threatening the international order of diplomatic editor james frey's reports from anchorage alaska. this is a meeting that will shape future relations between the world's 2 biggest powers relations that are currently at a low point good afternoon. and welcome normally opening remarks at events like these a brief and polite but the u.s. side went on to list their specific concerns and since wrong hong kong taiwan cyber attacks on the united states economic coercion toward our allies the chinese response was long and just as frank the foreign minister wang ye said you don't welcome guests with sanctions a reference to the black listing of 24 chinese and hong kong officials in the hours before the meeting his senior colleague politburo member yang jiechi was clearly unhappy. well i think we thought too well of the united states we thought the u.s. side would follow the necessary diplomatic protocols he went on to complain about regime change in the middle east and the u.s. is only human rights record and yet the challenges facing the u.s. and human rights are deep seated they did not emerge over the past 4 years the slaughter of black people the problem existed for a long time police are the words slaughter was not translated into english for those in the room by the chinese delegations interpreter on one second please journalists were about to be ushered out when the secretary of state made it clear his delegation wanted to speak again i just made my 1st trip as i noted to panic south korea. i have to tell you what i'm hearing is very different from what you describe. i'm hearing deep satisfaction that the united states is back there were reengage with our allies and partners i'm also hearing deep concern about some of the actions your government is taking a confident country is able to look hard at its own shortcomings and constantly seek to improve and that is the secret sauce of america alaska is a midway point just over 6000 kilometers to beijing just under 6000 kilometers to washington d.c. this was a meeting that was supposed to build bridges what we've seen here could be a welcome clearing of the air or perhaps the beginning of a deepening of the division it all depends on the crucial talks which now continue behind closed doors james bows out zira and courage in other news the afghan government and the taliban have reportedly agreed to speed up peace talks russia has been hosting talks in moscow which have been taking place less than 2 weeks before the deadline for american troops to pull out of afghanistan the u.s. russia china and pakistan have the warring sides to reach any media ceasefire this meeting in russia follows months of an entry afghan peace here in qatar. we had it in moments of negotiation with the americans and the dignity that they will draw in 14 months and these that time is now going to end if they do not go. that end up if that means they continue after that it will be tied up while ation of the agreement that way lation would not be from our side but it would be from the outside. so in that case if there is action of course the reaction i speak to or by doing. this he's a lecturer of peace and conflict mediation at cardon university and he's joining us via skype from kabul thank you so much for being on al-jazeera once again so as we know the afghan peace process has been a very thorny one and now russia is involved with these talks in russia do you see things moving forward and producing a tangible results and both sides right now saying that things are off to a good start can they be progress in russia 1st off i think whatever happened in russia was more symbolic in nature it was meant to jumpstart the talks and get out of the stalemate that we had seen in the past few months the idea is that we didn't discuss a lot of technicalities nor did we actually get into the details of what the future political order is going to look like in afghanistan but it's important to see a lot of relevant players sitting on the table and actually showing their support for this process and the urgency and lead for reaching a peaceful. apologies we seem to have lost our connection with our guests in kabul can you hear me. here. yes apologies for that we lost you there for a brief moment we were talking about whether they was. hope that these talks in russia could finally lead to some movement because the peace process of course has been stalled for some time now are you hopeful that the meetings in russia can kick start things again. i'm not though the talks in more symbolic nature if you noticed we didn't get to talk about technicalities or what the future political order was going to look like or even touch upon the drug peace proposal but it is important to see all lead by comparison on the same people showing their intent towards the peace talks and be urgently needed to get out of the stalemate so again it's an important jump start the peace talks needed right russia which fought a 10 year war in afghanistan that ended with the soviet troops withdrawing in 1989 they have been trying to make diplomatic a diplomatic comeback as a mediator in afghanistan not just recently but for some time now what do you think is their motivation ultimately and what can the russians bring to the table that the others the americans and others haven't been able to. well there is an optimistic way and a pessimistic way of looking at the thought domestically with what we've seen the democratic party within the us believing in regional corporation with russia being an important actor within the region it's good to bring them on board on the 2nd and even book the russians and the us don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues right now but it shows that they principally agree on the importance of peace talks with russia constancy of reiterating the importance of the withdrawal of us for the initial agreement pessimistically we can see that the russians getting involved there is showing the scale of their influence within the afghanistan conflict it shows their entrance internally within afghanistan on both political parties within the government and the opposition on the other and it shows there and block moment with the parliament's well again russia might be subtly issuing a warning to the united states that if they are ignored in the peace talks or their interests are back it could lead to a redo of what the americans managed to do to the russians with in atlanta the deadline for the final withdrawal of u.s. and nato troops from afghanistan is approaching do you see it happening on time and if not what would that mean for the negotiations. and you would see a lot of analysts saying that and the taliban have been very vocal on everything returning 2.0 it may be that line was not met however i think that it's a very tight deadline to injury david greene can be resolved with regards to the future political order or an actual ceasefire within these 2 months very limited time and again we are already at a point 0 with this in problem negotiations that will even if that happens we will have to restart anyways maybe if i'm by a peace between the taliban and the united states but it could be a risk worth speaking thank you for talking to us or by doing that by here a lecture of peace and conflict mediation at khandaan university thank you for your time tanzania has its 1st female president some yes or no has been sworn in during a ceremony in dallas salam this comes 2 days after she announced the deficit and john michael fully at the age of $61.00. former president of the tongan economic society she says the president has done his looking to shine unify the country. intense and they have what we refer to as an inhalant presidency. which means that she is completely responsible for whatever policy that she wants to put in place some direct and subject only to the party money system. we saw during the fully era was a complete disregard of the party manifesto and the. system policies it was basically a one man show so it will be interesting to see what she does in future will she go back to the party money sesto will she then make this part of her policy or will she go out on a limb and come up with her own policies or will she continue ringback the model for the policies i hope to see a more independent somebody has no hope i hope to see if somebody has who goes back to the foundations of how party and because that is predictability and what we need at the moment tanzania is predictability. demick now in several european countries resuming the oxford astra zeneca vaccinations after suspending them because of safety concerns europe's drugs watchdog said on thursday that the vaccine is safe and there's no evidence linking it to serious blood clots the agency said it benefits its benefits outweigh the risks but it could not rule out a link to a rare clotting disorder. new guinea meanwhile is said to close schools restricts movement and make masks mandatory it's part of what the government is calling aggressive interventions after infections hit record highs this week there are fears a nation's fine john health system is on the brink of collapse 70 percent of staff at the capital's main hospital are isolating off work while a 2nd hospital is closed entirely canon is the chief executive of st john ambulance same papua new guinea he says cases in the capital or more spree have been skyrocketing. they were doing quite well for all of 2020 we had a spot in that in orbits last year and then we sort of decreasing throughout the year and we were doing quite well if there are only 5 reported cases in the most be engendering and we thought that they had a small increase 224 cases in cool speak in february but we've seen that skyrocketing number of cases in the last this month in the last 7 days with saying almost 30 percent of the total cases reported what we are concerned about is just how the flowing the emergency department and the whole call little more of the you have to create another ward for all kinds of patients in addition to the one they have they didn't get a bottom and so we're told it's just truly full of private patients and then very difficult so i feel like they i should from other people right now which again with the support of the instrumentally government so young is helping to establish a military greg tent the hospital system in the cock of the pool all the general hospital much of that was set up last not and we're all sort of helping to establish 12120 bed field hospital model cases with the capability to scale that's 300 bit which are around 20 will be intensive but we have we're really at this point if the cases continue to rely on having a foreign maybe cool assistance. still ahead on al-jazeera away in northern nigeria way it's not just schools being targeted by armed groups and the challenges facing health workers in guinea as a town hall outbreak. it's time for the perfect jenin. sponsored point qatar airways now despite the recent wind which brought sand with it and therefore rather poor air quality northern china and another band on its way through i don't think we're going to see a permanent improvement in the across the sand those go on has not allowed the pollution to drop in beijing and rather more obviously there's a band of rain stretching from central china out towards japan and measurable couple of days running up through all the japanese made arlen's there's snow on the northern edge that have that coldest tucked into north korea you might feel you saw a drop of about 3 degrees in beijing but the breeze is still there the sun is out the quality when you strike the improved i feel a new delhi shares this air quality remains low here and although we've had a few showers recently and another westley disturbance coming through afghanistan's northern pakistan which will give showers which might improve things if they eventually reach new delhi it's not a permanent improvement generally it's a fairly dry picture so through most of india if you shout i'm sure lanka of course throughout the the foothills of the himalayas after very hot day yesterday where there were 42 the shells come back in a northerly therefore it's significantly cooler at 33. spoke support qatar airways. al jazeera as investigative unit takes you on for months on the cover. because. you had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the cause of my arrest revealing the illegal dealings of the surveillance industry to intercept the dish all this these all the nuclear weapons of the 21st century al-jazeera investigations. a recap of our top stories on al-jazeera the 1st us china talks under the biden administration got off to a confrontational start americans have accused china of threatening the international order while beijing has warned washington to stay out of its internal affairs afghanistan's government and the taliban have reportedly agreed to speed up peace talks russia has been hosting a meeting with china which is taking place less than 2 months before the deadline for american troops of call out of afghanistan and tanzania has won its 1st female president sam yes new house on succeeds john mughal 40 who died at the age of 61 tanzania and i'm looking to see if husain will take stronger action to stop the spread of coronavirus. myanmar now and at least 8 protesters have been killed in the latest rallies against a military coup. crowds faceoff with security forces in several cities the military and police have used increasingly violent tactics to suppress the protest movement a local rice school says more than 220 people have been killed since the call in early february indonesia's president djoko we dawdle has called for an urgent meeting of nations to discuss the crisis in myanmar he says democracy must be restored to. indonesia's the immediate end to the use of violence and more so that no your victims will fall to safety and prosperity of the people must become the top priority indonesia also urges dialogue and dr conciliation must be done in order to restore democracy peace and stability in myanmar. china's 1st trial of 2 canadians charged with espionage has ended with no verdict businessman michael spot or appeared in court in the southeastern city of done on friday canadian diplomats were denied access to the proceedings 5 or and former diplomat michael called rake were arrested 2 years ago it was a move widely seen as retaliation for canada's detention of while we executive. upon the requests of the united states. we're unable to have access to to the courtroom we were also an able to have access to michael's power himself before the trial. but nevertheless so the trial is now concluded. there has been no there's been no pronouncement of a verdict. so that leaves that remains unclear what has transpired in the court room and we're remain frustrated about that but then nonetheless we will continue to work diligently for the immediate release of michael striver and michael who's hearing will be on monday drew thompson is a visiting senior research fellow at the league quality you school of public policy and also a former u.s. department of defense department official he says the detention of the man has hurt china's public image. it's difficult to know what the timing intentions are because again trying to system is so opaque and this isn't being driven by. a regular legal process but more about political directives from above so it's tempting to think that this decision to hold the trial around the same times as the us china talks in alaska taking place that somehow there's there's causation i'm not entirely convinced of that but it is possible that that will make it much more squarely on the agenda so the fact that they've been under under arrest for over 2 years without any evidence being produced or any progress so far does indicate however highly political position of the 2 cases now what's not particularly good course is that china's just violated their bilateral consular treaty with canada which grants the ambassador or the consular officials access to their citizens including in a case like this of a trial so so those are both some of the more disturbing aspects of this but there could be a sort of lining and there is the potential that china recognizes that the detention of these 2 these 2 people is really been quite a disaster for china's public image hostage diplomacy has completely failed in getting canada to release. joe and it's turned off the entire least raise concerns amongst the international business community about the risks of. detention a completely arbitrary detention so they may be looking to cut their losses find that you can ians guilty and then deport them immediately afterwards and in the back to their families. gunmen in mexico have killed at least 13 policemen in what's been described as the worst attack on offices since 2019 it happened in central mexico on thursday a region security minister says a convoy was ambushed by a gang while out a trolling vanya rapido has the details from mexico city federal police say an investigation is currently underway to locate and capture armed gunmen responsible for the deaths of at least 13 law enforcement officers in the state of mexico the state that directly neighbors mexico city now authorities say that on thursday afternoon police in a convoy were ambushed by armed gunmen while police were trying to carry out an operation against armed groups in the municipality of what the big ideas now mexico's national guard has been deployed to participate in a multi agency investigation though at the moment details are still limited as to exactly how many suspects authorities are searching for now this latest attack against law enforcement officials highlights the many dangers and risks that law enforcement officers and security force in mexico take to try to curb violence in the country which has worsened under the code 19 and now nationwide at least 524 police officers were killed in 2020 that number unfortunately stands at 86 police officers that have been killed so far this year with the state of mexico continuing to be considered one of the most violent in the country. hundreds of schools in northern nigeria have been forced to shut because of more attacks by armed groups organized crime is also threatening farmers in what started as a conflicts with headers for land and water resources. force this is what schools in nigeria's malls are looking more like every day now isolated dangerous and like an image occasion. in the past month of attacks by bandits and the kidnapping of hundreds of students has had a devastating impact on classroom teaching. but it's not only schools that are being targeted for generations the north has been at the center of nigeria's agricultural production today that's in decline because of insecurity attacks on farmers in their land have risen sharply in the last 3 years with an increase in deaths and displacement and there are warnings that will continue a less urgent action is taken what should be our focus as leaders and the stakeholders in the nigerian project and the people of nigeria is to establish peace of the country that should be the number one priority of every leader of this country will most have a country 1st before you can have any ambition poverty inequality corruption and institutional failures are blamed by some experts on nigeria's problems we are electing people it isn't to happen. and this is also also. given in. the crises in our country. you don't have isn't it if you don't have anybody you don't have any blueprint for people you see the only language you understand is how to make and commit money their tax and farmers and schools are largely blamed on some nomadic katzman who themselves have been victims of bad governance deprivation and exploitation. just this week nigeria's beautiful statistics that unemployment levels to more than 33 percent in the last quarter of 22800 cultural production isn't continuous decline that's what shortages are common desperate nigeria's young population is increasingly drawn to kidnapping alright. and criminals find it easy to smuggle arms through the country's borders. call source apart police force 4 states have been ignored but the demands are getting louder. i believe that nigeria is the only federation with the one centralised police force which is inadequate in numbers as well as equipment and training we think it is time for nigeria to have state police to improve the security footprint across the country and also for very clear demarcations between investigation and prosecution of federal crimes against its crimes a central government struck a strict more vicious criminal gang structure parentage the personnel in the services of the security forces of nigeria by fire in adequate to my knowledge skill destruction of this country better trained manpower more equipment should be more sophisticated than the ones in the hands of the enemy is not just about finding out following the money. we actually supposed to do with the fund. disproved about the worsening security some states have to continue go shooting with the kidnappers but critics say that simply encourages them to carry out more abductions the government has called a new its military forces to put an end to the school attacks but there's no sign yet that's having any effect. al-jazeera northwest nigeria. health officials in guinea say they're facing a challenge as a. break many people in remote communities every fusing to get vaccinated they don't trust the health care system and prefab traditional. traditional healer to move this cocktail of natural remedies using plants soil and a mysterious liquid is a more efficient than a vaccine made in the lab he says it can fight off even the most contagious and fatal of viruses a bola. truth is real vaccines people have dogs saying it might even hurt them and attract more sickness. and aided by traditional medicine after a nurse died of a bull in february the un delivered 36000 a bowl of vaccines to contain an outbreak in guinea's forest region but only 3000 doses have been administered so far among those refusing to be vaccinated is shop owner. who says she's more afraid of the vaccine then a bola. i am not going to take the vaccine i don't know what's in it why should i trust health workers in 2015 more than 11000 people died and 20000 were infected after the virus spread from guinea's forest region to neighboring sierra leone at the time health workers wearing protective suits were attacked kidnapped or even killed out of fear hospitals were seen as a place where people came to die. not to he'll get his ministry of health says it's no better prepared but overwhelmed we have a covert 19 epidemic and now you pull out on top of an outbreak of these rules and yellow fever we need help from our partners to contain the outbreak it's in this lab at the best institute in neighboring senegal that scientists detected the virus from blood samples of relatives of the nurse that died from a bullet then put it inside this machine the machine and multiplied it and found to this genetic sequencing scientists made an extraordinary discovery 5 years after the last outbreak the same bull a strain has reappeared the virus has not jumped from animals to humans as previously thought by scientists but survivors of the virus are carrying a ball and some are unknowingly spreading it into the rest of the rules we think we need to keep a close watch on the bullet survivors with thoughts the because they carry the virus in the body fluids they are to keep population to contain the outbreak but the good news here is that we have a vaccine that works by the challenge is not the lack of medicine but the lack of trust in health services and communities where medical providers are too often absent this has now become the main hurdle in bringing and then to the you pull out break in getting dickless hawk al-jazeera. play again i'm fully back to bill with the headlines on the 1st u.s. china talks under the biden administration have gotten off to a confrontational sauce the americans have accused china of threatening the international order while beijing has warned washington to stay out of its internal .

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