minimize military is accused of using battle tactics as it intensifies its crackdown on anti kook protesters. and justice for modern dawn up fans of one of the world's greatest football those march in argentina seeking answers over his death last year. it's a stimulus plan the u.s. president joe biden says will give millions of americans a fighting chance the house of representatives has approved his $1.00 trillion dollar covert $900.00 relief bill that includes funding for more vaccines and extends unemployment benefits alan fischer has more from washington d.c. . if you're going to pause the house deliver joe biden significant victory as president a $1.00 trillion dollar covert relief bill and all done without a single republican vote in support. this is a momentous day in the history of our country because we have passed historic consequential and transformative legislation thanks goes to the senators who are standing here are great committee chairs and all of our senators who pulled together as one unit beating back killer amendments making sure the bill was as strong as possible the bill has overwhelming support across the country 61 percent approval but republicans claim it spends far too much and delivers far too little we are here today mr speaker because democrats made a choice. i choice to put their own partisan political ambitions ahead of the needs of the working class the deal delivers $1400.00 stimulus checks to every qualifying american targeted mainly at lower incomes there's 350000000000 dollars for states cities and tribal governments 130000000000 for schools 40000000000 for further education and 50000000000 in relief for small businesses the package was a big pre-election promise from biden he wanted to do it with republican support but was happy to push on without it. everything in the american rescue plan addresses a real need including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort more vaccines more vaccinate tours and more vaccination sites millions more americans will get tested including home chesty schools will soon have the funding and resources to reopen safely a national imperative biden is expected to sign the bill when it hits his desk on friday the administration says the 1st checks could start going out soon with many people receiving their money before the end of the month alan fischer al-jazeera washington washington's announced plans for the 1st high level face to face talks with china secretary of state on state blinken says he'll be laying out his concerns on a range of issues and next week's meeting in alaska include the enforcement of a controversial security law in hong kong and china's treatment of ethnic minorities. i think it would be very important if china claims that there is nothing going on that it give access to the international community to the united nations if they have nothing to hide show it to us show show the world and so we'll be calling for that and then i think there are series of practical things that are very very important for example we should make sure that we are not exporting and others are not exporting to china any products that can be used for the repression of their people and their minority similarly we shouldn't be bringing into this country products that are created by forced labor including from changing. jordan's in washington d.c. and she says the u.s. has identified china as its number one rival we've heard secretary blinken say it several times now in the past week that the u.s. is going to be cooperating where it can with officials in beijing and climate change is what course one of those issues there's a very small working group that has been set up under the auspices of the g 20 currently being run by the u.s. treasury department along with the their chinese counterparts to work on these sorts of issues involving the warming planet but that does not mean that the u.s. as we heard there from blink ins testimony on wednesday that the u.s. is going to be overlooking china's human rights record particularly against its minority weaker community in the western part of that country the administration is taking the position that the previous administration took which is that what is happening to the weaker community in china is in fact genocide. the u.s. is imposing sanctions on 2 children of men was military leader men online over violence against anti protesters washington has frozen their assets on blacklisted 6 companies they control sanctions have already been imposed online and other top military figures the u.n. says at least $67.00 people have been killed since the military seized power last month after days of wrangling the un security council's condemned the military crackdown diplomats have told our jazeera the key parts of the text including references to a coup were removed because of opposition from china russia india and vietnam the un chief says he hopes the military will now recognize it's time to step aside i hope that we days statement. will be any increasing conscious in the military in myanmar that it is absolutely essential to release all prisoners it is absolutely essential to respect the result of the elections and to a low for a situation in reach we move back to a democratic transition. imus international says an analysis of more than 50 videos shows manaus military is engaging in premeditated killings and deploying battlefield weaponry and i'll give you a warning some viewers may find a lot of burden on his report to starving. myanmar's military is using increasingly beaten tactics and weapons normally seen on the battlefield its target protesters and bystanders across the country that's according to new research from amnesty international. the rights group verified dozens of videos like this one and says they confirm security forces are engaged in what he calls systematic and premeditated killings it was around $28.00 and every we started seeing action more lethal force people being shot with live rounds and being killed in the process earlier on there had been a mixed use like bullets and rubber bullets but and now what we're seeing is an and mounting death toll. in this video recorded a march the 2nd in young gone on the sea international says a commander can be seen standing over an officer in an operating a sniper rifle and appears to be giving him his to direct aspire to with specific protests as. well. since last month's military coup thousands of held daily protests across the country. an increasingly bloody crackdown by security forces has so far led to dozens of deaths. according to the u.n. at least 61 people have been killed activists believe the death toll is high and. in another development i'm a senior national report some soldiers deployed to me on month 2nd. city of mandalay belong to the 33rd light infantry division that's the division which has been accused of war crimes against the muslim or hindu in the west some reckon state in 2017 days per night into entry divisions that have been responsible said heinous crimes elsewhere in the country that i know out in the streets shooting people in the videos analyzed by amnesty also appear to show civilians being beaten at the hands of security guards but the demonstrators say they're undeterred. be showcasing their was brilliant to military rule by continuously adapting their tactics no matter how much violence by. the group as a money out of. libya's parliament has approved a new interim unity government as part of a un backed plan at lower sea elections in december this year libya's been divided between 2 rival administrations supported by rebel groups and foreign governments until a recent peace deal electronics reports from the strata. this was their 3rd day of meeting in the city as search and peace voted to approve libya's national unity government and what many are calling a historic day the main objective for the interim administration is to lead the country until elections in december the own can. today is a historic day in libya and a great historical transfer of power which will unify institutions unify the country and end the fighting years of conflict and political divisions have weakened state institutions and divided people libya has had 2 rival powers for years the internationally recognized government of national court in the capital tripoli and another administration in the east which was controlled by the warlords lisa huster who launched the failed military campaign to capture tripoli in 2019 with the support of egypt the u.a.e. and russia his forces later retreated towards the east after the un recognized government receives support from turkey in june 2020 but not before shelling residential neighborhoods hospitals and migrant centers the attacks have led to accusations of war crimes. after government forces we took western libya reports of mass graves rumors in the city of 2 who know where have to this military command center was base according to officials at least 139 bodies have been recovered so for the families of those killed want justice and those responsible to be held accountable before any reconciliation process can begin but for m.p.'s and certain ones a vote is a new beginning the parliament convenes for this is story for the sake of reuniting libya and giving confidence to the government that we see a glimmer of hype and an end to the institutional division. this is an important lesson that the libyans have been waiting for in order to unify the country after there are no longer 2 governments in libya international support for libya's new unified government has been pouring in but the road ahead is filled with many challenges according to the u.n. support mission here there are more than 20000 foreign fighters in libya forcing them out will not be an easy task but without doing that holding a fair and democratic nationwide election in december could prove difficult traina al jazeera misrata. still ahead of al jazeera the spark behind mexico's new state led energy policy and why environmentalists say the strategy could backfire. and we sit down with several opposition figure or swan song called who tells us he's committed no crime. there was seen some welcome rainfall pushing across the western side of the u.s. recently still got some showers along with spells of right and some snow over the high ground just rolling through here really wet weather that's going to be across the of the plains as we go on through the next couple of days this weather system here just currently located around the canadian prayer is pushing across into one terry will continue to slide further east was that west of weather coming down across the plains snow in the northern flank of that into ontario easing across into quebec ahead of that still warm there around the east coast d.c. at $22.00 celsius 19 in new york side looking good quotes a weather coming in behind it quite a few wintry showers there still across the rockies remake away it's a fraud i will say that wintry weather just not in a little further east with all heavy rain just coming in across the central plains at that stage i'm going to say just feeding over towards the eastern seaboard but still want to bad for those temperatures i have it was a northeastern corner for new york and for d.c. still a bit of snow there into quebec at this stage southeastern parts of the u.s. looking lousy fine in try lots of fun and try to across the caribbean but we have got somewhat of weather just around hispaniola showers along the spells frame here that weather spreading across into the western caribbean. it's one of the biggest clubs in south america. but its greatest rival is just a few blocks away. a mutual dislike between fans formed from a class divide sustained over generations. most wealthy jr supporters of born into these club colors. in an epic feud of rich versus poor the fans who make football on al-jazeera. they want to go to 0 reminder of our top stories this hour the u.s. house of representatives has approved a $1.00 trillion dollar pandemic relief bill that provides stimulus checks for millions of americans as well as in stand unemployment benefits and tax breaks. international pressure is building on myanmar as military overt its crackdown on anti-government protesters the u.s. is imposing sanctions on 2 children the country's military leader but the u.n. security council has condemned the violence. libya's parliament's approved a new interim unity government which will oversee elections in december libya's been divided between 2 rival administrations until a recent u.n. banks deal thursday has been declared a national day of mourning in senegal for those killed in anti-government protests then rest was sparked when police detained opposition politician was called last week he's told al-jazeera he's committed no crime there because hoc sat down with him in the capital dhaka. for some months on go is one of senegal's rising opposition leaders for others including the state prosecutor he's a rapist responsible for public disorder after protesters upped it following his arrest last week but sancho who is out on bail says the allegations against him are politically motivated. i have committed no crime we can't trust the justice system in the way the case is being carried out against me the trouble nortons by altering the law in the process or to sentence political opening the prosecutor is not working for the state but. the government deployed extra security forces including the military to end days of nationwide demonstrations rights groups say hundreds of people are being detained the protests stopped after president monkey cell called for calm and dialogue in a nationwide address but song go is calling for more protests what we are seeing right now is a revolution but this is not a privilege to overthrow president. it's a smart revolution we need to organize local elections that are 2 years overdue in the parliament election in 2022 so that the people can freely elected a new leader 2024. songs who describes himself as the anti establishment candidate for the 2024 presidential election critical of senegal's relationship with former colonial power france he accuses the government of corruption favoring french corporations our relationship with friends like in other countries need to be more balanced it has to be a win win relationship not a one way relationship critics say some goes nationalist discourse is dangerous during the recent protests his supporters are accused of burning and looting french supermarkets. those looting are due not because they support me but because they need provisions these are people that work past the split markets unable to enter because they can't afford it the trolls the feel of the seat. scores were killed in many injured by security forces since some cause arrest last wednesday president blames the economic fallout of the pandemic for the unrest for sanko the crisis calls for political change those that died were 141618 years old they know the future is at stake aren't to them and all those that are political prisoners of my cell we can't give up the fight. but this is a movement that goes beyond politics it's a call by young senegalese tired of being ignored wanting to be heard some who believes he is the best suited to carry that voice nicholas hark al-jazeera the car which are members of the world trade organization have blocked an effort to waive peyton's rights to boost the production of coronavirus vaccines the proposal by south africa and india is backed by dozens of mainly developing countries at the w t o but several wealthier nations including the united states and the u.k. have rejected the idea they say waiving the patents will deter private investors and slowdowns scientific innovation the number of covered $1000.00 deaths in brazil has exceeded 2000 for the 1st time why this figure pushes the total death toll to more than $270000.00 health experts say the surge is being fueled by more contagious strains of the virus. former brazilian president and with the nothing a little of the sylvan has slammed what he's calling the government's moronic handling of the pandemic but it was speaking for the 1st time since the supreme court overturned his corruption convictions on monday a surprise decision paves the way for the leftist leader to challenge president vosa noddle and next year's election but little has been confirmed whether he'll be running. has more from rio de janeiro. i think what brazilians are divided whether he made a speech or not there are those that don't like lula and still will like him but he spoke like this they form and that at a moment where the country is going through a very difficult situation a very we're at the peak of the pandemic yet again the 2nd highest number of deaths after the. policy no federal policy so. that was one thing the other thing is that he had a very moderate speech where he was blind to appeal to not only the left wing but also the middle the center of brazil so it wouldn't be such a radical thing between him and also not over the right wing president it would be with everybody i mean the left wing parties not only is the own party but also all those that are in the center and he said do not be afraid of me of me he said of himself of course because referring to the markets don't be afraid of a left wing government but he did say that he would be against privatization of state owned companies and because that would not be the way of getting more jobs. fans have been demanding justice for one of the world's greatest footballers diego maradona the 60 year old died of a heart attack in the ember weeks after having brain surgery supporters of the argentinian i will believe his death was caused by medical negligence argentina's public prosecutor has ordered an investigation and fly into whether there is a case for wrongful death there is a bull was among protesters in buenos aires she explains why many of them are demanding justice. well you know now is a man that inspired a lot of passion here in argentina people are thankful for him winning the 986 world cup but his death has not been able to stop that we're right in the center of wendell site as there were hundreds of fans who came here to demand justice they're convinced that divorce might i don't ask him to rush the people that surrounded him before he says are responsible for his death people look this road you can see lots of movements around here there's not so foley's there's been some small clashes between the police and fans you know but i want us former wife his daughters were also present here it's like a sold poll for that's being all going with confrontation same cord between deal about honest children his ex-wife among something else but what the prosecutors in argentina are saying is that he's into russia was responsible adult human story that was released recently revealed some audios that were exchanged between his doctor his psychiatry where people are very very angry of what was said for example that we're talking about giving him alcohol and drugs so that he could attend to certain events and profit from that his daughter. said that deal was being kidnapped that he was held by just people that were profiting from him that they were trying to get close to him and they were not allowed the other revelation that came out is that his daughters wanted him hospitalized after he had brain surgery well his lawyer and his doctor wanted him to take him to a house and take care of him where he was giving psychiatric medications alcohol and other things and that's why their daughters are taking best people to court. the president of honduras is under new scrutiny for allegedly promising to protect drug traffickers who are moving large amounts of cocaine into the united states prosecutors in new york say president hollande orlando one london has received millions of dollars in bribes commanders as denied the allegations and the reports . plundering president one would lead to an end as has been accused of trafficking tons of cocaine to the united states this according to u.s. prosecutors who went as far as calling honduras a norco state. investigators say president and is received bribes amounting to $25000000.00 from giovanni fuentes play midis in alleged drug trafficker currently on trial in a u.s. federal court though the u.s. government has long viewed hundreds says a strategic ally in the region this week u.s. state department spokesperson ned price distanced the biden administration from its counterparts in the adnan this government we are committed to fighting corruption in honduras and we will support and work with leaders who are committed to fighting corruption any leader i think it's fair to say fair to say not prepared to combat the corruption won't be in a position to enjoy a close partnership with the united states allegations of criminal conduct against president adam and his have been mounting for years in 2019 a us court convicted the president's younger brother tony of 9 days for cocaine trafficking charges. tell them about the us. everyone else. are saying work or not this. is rather and iran's president can only go up and say that he had race it and that he used that he was to bring. it out it's. the united states government ok for his part the hunter and president has denied any involvement with organized crime taking to twitter on wednesday to deny the latest allegations against him the false testimony of the not be a slice the not just testified under oath they purchased full immunity 425200 21 is an election year. wonderous and it's shaping up to be an important one for the country's relationship with the united states the bided ministration has allocated $4000000000.00 to combat the root causes of migration from central american countries along with violence and poverty political corruption linked to the government of president and man this has been a driving factor behind the waves of mass migration out of honduras but the white house says that as little aid as possible will go to corrupt governments setting conditions like transparent elections as evidence of good governance manildra up a look at al-jazeera. mexico has moved closer to decriminalizing cannabis after its lower house of congress approved a new bill the legislation would allow the drug to be used for recreational medical and scientific purposes it's backed by president under a smuggler lopez obrador and would make the country one of the world's largest cannabis markets the bill now goes to the senate. well president lopez obrador has signed off on a controversial energy bill which favors state owned plants the largely run on fossil fuels environmentalists say it's a big blow for investment in renewable energy john holdren reports from mexico city . one thing makes cars president makes no secret of his favoring state over private enterprise and makers especially for the country's electricity industry under his predecessor it was opened up to private investment now he's doing what he can to reverse that is to convince he's i am convinced that privatization has been a failure robbery looting of mexico's resources just to benefit individuals. thanks to the energy reform he's pushed through a bill that favors the state companies c.f.e. to supply the country's electricity and sends private firms to the back of the line on wednesday it became law lopez obrador says it will help give mexico energy independence but environmentalist are worried that many of the state plants of fossil fuel and the companies providing renewable energy formerly given preference and now getting such a bad deal that they won't want to come to mexico is that most undersea at that address where going backwards then years on all the bounces that we made in loss and policy instruments that push for the transition to renewable energy. in general investment is going to be hit say analysts flip flopping regulations don't inspire confidence and the country could also be open to lawsuits if it doesn't respect the investments already made when the sector opened up it doesn't look good it graham it doesn't look good technically it doesn't look good environmental re and particularly because it might cause a diplomatic crisis because my little ation the right of countries that have invested in mexico i particular analysts say the changes could run afoul of the new trade agreement between the united states canada and mexico but what the president says is that this is really going to help mexico to get back control of its electricity to the country and its people now that claim is questionable because a lot of the state power plants still depend on. it's coming from abroad but politically it's a winner. and it should go the noise the president's base going into the upcoming midterm elections will be helpmates kerry's energy sector as well is open to question john heilemann how does it a little. mining giants known as nickel has paid a record fine over an oil spill that caused one of russia's worst environmental disasters last year a storage tank at a power plant in siberia leaked $21000.00 tons of diesel into rivers and lakes in the arctic russia says the $2000000000.00 payment will be used to improve the region's ecology and. this is all to see if these are the top stories the u.s. house of representatives has appointed a $1.00 trillion dollar pandemic a relief bill it's going to provide stimulus that checks for millions of americans as well as extend unemployment benefits and tax breaks everything in the american rescue plan addresses a real need including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort.

Related Keywords

New York ,United States ,Honduras ,Doha ,Ad Daw Ah ,Qatar ,Hong Kong ,Argentina ,Alaska ,Washington ,Brazil ,Vietnam ,Republic Of ,Beijing ,China ,Mexico City ,Distrito Federal ,Mexico ,Whitehouse ,District Of Columbia ,Tripoli ,Tarabulus ,Libya ,Canada ,Russia ,Quebec ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,Jordan ,Rio De Janeiro ,Estado Do Rio ,India ,Egypt ,Dhaka ,Bangladesh ,France ,Buenos Aires ,Senegal ,Turkey ,Manaus ,Amazonas ,Americans ,America ,Canadian ,Chinese ,Senegalese ,Libyans ,French ,Brazilian ,American ,Hollande Orlando ,John Holdren ,Lopez Obrador ,Jazeera Misrata ,Giovanni Fuentes ,Joe Biden ,Alan Fischer ,

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