for the suspension of peyton's not the w t o. also closer to a political comeback former brazilian president lula da silva addresses his supporters after court ruling boosts his chances of challenging. and cattle promises to make the world cup more inclusive than ever we look at how the country is growing football amongst its disabled players. welcome to the program the u.s. house of representatives has begun debating a $1.00 trillion dollar relief bill one of the largest in the country's history the bill will provide $1400.00 checks for americans as well as extended unemployment benefits and tax breaks it will still need to be signed by the president and around $10000000.00 people in the u.s. are commonly unemployment number that has risen sharply since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic our white house correspondent kelly helka joins me now from the capitol it's a slow process but the deal is slowly being done. yes that's right and the house is taking a look at this legislation for a 2nd time we expect that it will be voted on in the coming hours and signed into law the reason the house is looking at it again is because when they 1st passed it it had to be agreed to by the senate the senate made some modifications so the house is now basically signing off on this the core of the bill remains intact the white house calling this the most progressive piece of legislation a history and the president they say is eager to sign it this will be a major campaign promise that he's delivering on but it's going to be a vote on party lines and so another promise that he made to unite the country doesn't appear to be happening with this piece of legislation we expect that democrats will support it but republicans are firmly opposed saying this is not the right bill for right now the money that's being offered to americans you don't see the heart of the problem. is not a solution it's just a means to help them in the meantime until jobs can come back until businesses can get up and running again. yeah what's missing from this is pretty important to say the sort of clinician that they'll be some sort of jobs program in terms of maybe infrastructure building and also the federal minimum wage that was stripped from this is well the raising of it to $15.00 an hour so there are some things that are not in this that joe biden was hoping for having said that there is going to be help for families who have been hurting or trying to catch up there will be these enormous cash payments meant to stimulus the economy $1400.00 for an individual means that a family could get several $1000.00 but the problem again as you point out is that this is going to help people catch top catch up rather would help them get ahead and of course when the president takes to the airwaves on thursday to explain what's happening and really what the plan these from his administration in the weeks and months ahead he needs to be on the roll doesn't he could believe. he needs the momentum and he needs to sell this because well it's enormously popular right now some 75 percent of american voters are in favor of this legislation but the money is spent the fear is that people will quickly forget and if things haven't improved as jobs have a comeback if the economic downturn remains somewhat the same sort of goodwill that the white house is hoping to enjoy it won't last for long so what they're hoping to do is to explain to people as the president makes his address on thursday evening how this is helping them beyond those direct cash payments what this means in terms of helping people in their their towns and their cities what it means to the front line workers who are on the front line of dealing with covered 19 so there's an enormous amount of sort of something for everyone in this bill the problem is the ordinary american doesn't fully understand it that's why joe biden says he will be speaking talking about the sacrifices americans made and what they can expect in terms of the path forward for the future we'll continue to monitor what goes on in the house for the moment kimberly thank you south africa and india leading a push at the world trade organization to drop peyton restrictions on covert 900 fax scenes more than 100 countries say that would allow greater access to vaccines for developing nations according to a company group known as wall and richer countries a holding excess doses preventing poor nations from getting them most estimates of the surplus of doses would be enough to vaccinate the entire adult population of africa johns hopkins university found in the hearts of those who've been fully vaccinated so far within the united states and only 10 countries have been able to vaccinate 75 percent of their populations the u.n. secretary general antonio taraf says that the inequality of the vaccine distribution is one of the uneven. for me to mina johannesburg. this is a lot of the it's been a year since the 1st 1000 infection was identified in south africa since then more than 50000 people have died here and 1500000 have been infected while richard nations rolled out vaccines the program in south africa's been much slower. another important step is to enable the transfer medical to. for the duration. as well low. production. out of medical products south africa and india are leading a movement to suspend the world trade organizations agreement on intellectual property rights for covert 1000 vaccines but many high income countries including the united states and those in the european union have rejected the idea they say waving the peyton's would put off private investors and slow down scientific innovation and existing regulations allow drug manufacturers to make their own deals with generic manufacturers while some developing nations like garner ivory coast in the suit to have begun receiving their 1st doses to the u.n. back to vaccine sharing scheme known as kovacs many others in africa are being left behind. there is a capacity for mr companies to produce things and i stayed in medical. it is essential that the wealthy states stop blocking or putting in legal barriers and delaying essential crowe's all ahead of the troops of the world trade organization according to the united nations 3 quarters of all covert 1000 vaccines have been secured by just 10 countries all of them wealthy 130 countries that's about 2500000000 people have not received a single dose this is not the 1st public health emergency that south africa is facing it has one of the highest hiv aids rates in the world in the 1990 s. millions of people in this country and other developing nations died without access to the drugs they needed simply because they were too expensive so africa is once again calling for access to cheaper drugs to save lives with some arguing that despite covert 1000 vaccines been tested in africa many nations on the continent still remain at the back of the queue. for me to al-jazeera janice burke. chilly assert to extend its coronavirus state of emergency make it the world's longest running curfew the government says the measures which are already been in place for a year are necessary to contain the spread of the virus but critics argue it's ineffective and gives health officials too much power the country is registering thousands of new cases every week and that's despite it having being given out most vaccines globally per capita brazil has recorded its highest number of deaths from grown a virus in a single day nearly 2008 allergies are registered on tuesday the country has had more than 11000000 cases that is facing the worst phase of the pandemic pushing its health care system to the brink of collapse. and the former brazilian president luis in arceo lula da silva her sharply criticized his response to the coronavirus lulu was speaking at his 1st news conference since a corruption charge against him was overturned he told his supporters that he always knew he'd be dictated but days decision by a supreme court judge to overturn a corruption charge boosts his chances of making a political comeback the conviction in 2017 saw him serve 18 months in jail or barred him from running for office our correspondent monica going to care joins me now from rio de janeiro you're listening to that press conference lasted quite a long time what was he also talking about. well the main thing was that everybody wanted to know if he were. in the 2021 elections and he said this is going to be talking about this right now. the party the workers' party will take its will will decide later on and not only the workers' party itself but he also talked about having perhaps a front left wing party's political parties in brazil but also when people said ok but that won't that polarized elections in 2021 like it did in 20 teens and when that benefits. and he said well right now is not the time to talk about elections we should be talking about programs so i want to talk he said i want to talk to all these politicians from all even the conservative ones we have to come up with common policies for vaccines for and boy meant there's so much to be done and so little has been done by this government now so that was basically what he said about his plans. to build. alliances. even think about the election. completely i mean at the end of the day he's completely. you know he's not completely off. the corruption charges have been dropped in the sense that what the supreme court decided was that he had been tried in the wrong court not that he was innocent. so he can be retried in another court so that still stands though the corruption charges that were dropped aren't the only ones that he's having to deal with but of course after. these that trial was considered unfair by the by the supreme court justice took that decision on monday after he said that that whole trial had been a null then of course his chances now he now he could stand for presidency he could be a candidate before he could because he was a convicted felon he didn't his name was unclaimed now he's somebody that is being accused but still has not been convicted what happens in the coming weeks and. thank you for joining us. so ahead here on al-jazeera libya's rival factions agree on a unity government after suffering years of for. off limits we look at the impact the credible as pandemic is having on want of christianity its most sacred site so stories after the break. hello the weather set fair across much of the middle east but no one piles will see some cloud and rain over the next couple days and some snow for good measure say some snow fall recently into the northeast of turkey more where it's windy at a time as wintry weather just around the caucuses and this area cloud right becomes a little more expansive as we go through thursday so all widespread wrang coming in as we go on through the course of the day a little bit lifted thus the sand into southern parts of iraq and increasing winds just pushing through here and that increasing wind just starting to fade as well of course the eastern side of saudi arabia so again lifted dust and sand to watch out for a breezy day on friday here in doha temperatures around $34.00 celsius further north there will be that wetter weather coming out of turkey pushing across northern parts of iraq pushing into the northwest of iran southern parts of the caspian but to the south of that is generally fine and dry and the dry weather stretches across the whole of africa still a few showers just around southern parts of uganda but the majority of the showers really coming from a line from northern madagascar northern mozambique right up into the gulf of guinea sweater weather coming through here a little bit breezy pushing into the eastern side of the cape for time but even east. join africa's largest trade and investment in rwanda into african trade gives me at . just to more than $1100.00 exhibitors $10000.00 visitors and bias and more than $5000.00 conference delegates from more than $55.00 countries participate in trade and investment deals worth $40000000000.00 u.s. dollars as business and government come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibition boat t. by african export import bank and their premium partners the i 80 s 2021 transforming africa. for the. book about you're watching al-jazeera going to hell robin a reminder of our top stories the u.s. house of representatives has begun debating a $1.00 trillion dollar relief bill one of the largest of the country's history the bill will provide $1400.00 checks for americans as well as extended unemployment benefits and tax breaks. brazil's for president luis in our series silver has held his 1st news conference since a corruption charge against him was overturned he called the president job also narrowed the sale and accused him of bungling the pandemic and the economy. also south africa and india are leading a push out the world trade organization to temporarily drop pay to restrictions on covert $19.00 bank scenes they say it would allow more countries and manufacturers to mass produce the champs. libya's parliament has approved a new interim unity government as part of the un backed deal it'll be responsible for holding elections later this year libya has been divided between 2 rival administrations supported by armed groups and foreign governments there's been an arrest since an uprising topple moammar gadhafi in 2011 when a trainer has the latest from misrata. it's been a long and difficult process to come up with this agreement and this new unity government now libya has been engulfed as since an armed revolution toppled moammar gadhafi in 2011 after that things went quite well for a couple of years when this parliament was elected in 2014 they were supposed to be based in eastern libya but around the same time where the after began a military operation there to cement his power base so many parliament many m.p.'s especially from western libya boycotted the parliament citing security concerns and really that's when the divisions began a a rival to rival governments began one in eastern libya one in western libya in 2015 the u.n. facilitated the libyan political agreement that brought the rival sides together they came up with the government of national accord which is the internationally recognized government here in tripoli. but that was how after refused to recognize that government as well as i get the speaker of the brick base parliament so they've been quite divided and you know there's been a lot of division also among the international community which sort of put fanned the fire of divisions but now we're seeing that the international community are more willing or want to see a unified libya and and the m.p.'s after years of visions were actually finally able to meet have a session and give this new national unity government a vote of confidence. circle's opposition politician or spawn song has accused the president of being responsible for last week's violence because the russians for taking part of an altruist rally triggered days of demonstrations 2 people were killed in confrontations between protesters and police so of course also facing rape charges he denies the accusation which he says is part of a plot to bomb him from standing at elections in 2024 the clinic has more from the capital he wants to capitalize on the unprecedented movement that we've seen the last couple of days where we saw protesters demonstrators taking to the street not just here in the capital the car but throughout the country was quick to condemn the looting and the violence saying that he is not looting in the violence towards french supermarkets he's saying that he's not and he french but he wants to rebalance the relationship with the former colonial power in favor not big corporate french corporations but in favor of the senegalese people he also said that the government and the people need to listen to the word on the streets and this call from people they have really taken on mass on the streets to express themselves he says he is not responsible though for the violence that has taken place that has resulted and scores of people injured and at least at least according to him dozens of people killed. we are absolutely not responsible for the violence that happened and we're not responsible for what might happen next because senegal has a lot of problems right now and we will not profit from destabilizing the country further i'm calling on everybody for calm but to remain mobilized. now the owners he says is on president to answer to this call from the people on the streets there are more protests planned this saturday because this new movement called the movement to defend democracy well they say that at least 400 people are currently in detention people that have been detained and that were arrested during the protest movement that we've seen recently so a lot more protests at least a demonstration planned on saturday and for months some go he sees this as a moment for the country to unite and to get together behind his movement russia has restricted access to twitter accusing the social media platform of failing to remove banned content in other countries communications watchdog says it slowed down the website speed and they've all dick could be blocked entirely unless action is taken on tuesday russian authorities announced lawsuits against 5 social media platforms for post related to opposition protests according to the defects news agency critics say it's an attempt to silence the opposition. why it is the founder and president of the ethical journalism network he says the kremlin is action against twitter as part of a long campaign to suppress criticism and public dissent. we've seen this in particular. the way that social networks have been very important in terms of support for alexi in the valley and i think this has irritated the government and the authorities in russia and i think me perhaps one of the reasons to explain this latest action that's been taken against twitter the problem is twitter and some of the other social next level of stuff not exactly covered themselves in glory in recent times we saw the actions of the social networks in the united states around the attack on the capital which led to. politicians calling for restrictions on social networks and and there has been concern in europe about our slow social networks like twitter and facebook are in taking down abusive commentary so they've become in some ways that sort of. a soft target however it's important to bear in mind that twitter is by no means a significant player in the social networks but forms of russia but it there's no doubt at all that this latest action shows that the use of twitter is getting on that the skin of the authorities and there's not much they can do but there is one silver lining if that we can call it that and that's a technical one it's very very difficult for the authorities to slow down and completely stop the distribution of social networks like twitter those that are technical terms are very difficult for them to carry out so it's not certain yet that the authorities will be as successful as they'd like to be the chinese government is being accused of breaching every single act of the un genocide convention in its treatment of we goes into enjoying a report by more than 50 global human rights experts says there's clear evidence that china is responsible for committing genocide against the mostly we guess it's believed around a 1000000 have been imprisoned in camps and recent years mostly in joining region china denies allegations of human rights abuses. israel has partially reopened its airport to foreign arrivals but only those granted special exemptions tourism remains off limits and that includes the religious pilgrimage is so important to life in the old city of jerusalem how a force it has been to the church of the holy sepulcher to see the impact of the pandemic on one of christianity's holiest places. jerusalem's catholic patriarch leads a lent a procession down the ancient steps to the church of the holy sepulcher normally the priest would process through throngs of tourists and pilgrims but now the square like the church behind stands all but empty. first dedicated as a church by constantine in the 4th century on the site where jesus is believed to have been crucified and buried it's shared by 4 christian denominations and draws hundreds of thousands of visitors a year. to a set situation that they're not here at all i hope the coroner will be. ghana with at least to minimize it if they get to the population and they will start coming this is the holy places as usual as they did before between 20162800 more than half of all foreign tourists to occupied east jerusalem came here the old city's most visited site now in the run up to easter its giant doors are officially open again but israel's main airport is still partially closed only handfuls of specially permitted foreign nationals are allowed in a far cry from the more than a 1000000 christian tourists who would enter in a normal year living interest from this is a place i've been to pretty frequently and when it's full of devoted pilgrims from around the world it has a real emotional power but on a day like this when it's all but empty in some ways the ancient nature and beauty of this place a more fully revealed those who are here now we found a mix of foreign workers academics and locals have the place almost to themselves no competing for snatched moments in revered spaces details that might have been lost amid camera clicks and excited shouts now gleam quietly undisturbed but this period of quiet comes at a cost in the form of missing religious donations and struggling shops in the alleyways outside merchants say 95 percent of their business is simply disappeared . adeeb judo's family has held the keys to the church for nearly a 1000 years even in that context he says these last 12 months have been extraordinary. shereen it's been a year that we're suffering and the old city is the most affected and within the old city it's the tourist reliant businesses and places of worship. there is shared hope among priests and shopkeepers but the talk of a vaccine driven return to international travel will indeed soon materialize and this place will once again welcome the world back through its doors are a force it occupied east jerusalem the delay to 2020 tokyo olympic games will go ahead safely according to i.o.c. president thomas bark the german says he fully expects the opening ceremony to take place on july the 23rd although a formal decision has not yet been made it is expected that organizers will announce later this month that no international founds will be allowed to travel to japan for the games stage the i.o.c. is standing shoulder to shoulder of the side of our trip in these partners and friends without any kind of reservation. talking remains the best prepared olympics ever and this moment we have no reason to doubt that the opening ceremony will take place on 23rd of july well qatar is continuing its preparations for next year's football world cup and at the grassroots level the country is working to improve access to the game for disabled players try to get your oscar reports. jasim is 22 years old and like many young men his age enjoys football he's autistic and his mother says playing the sport in a safe environment has improved his life over the last 2 years but then better and after finishing school just some of those like him had no child to take part in any activities so he stayed home and most this time doing nothing but now they come here free themselves of any negative energy or aggressiveness they wait impatiently for this day every week this program really grants them their inherent right to life and i hope it will run forever. justin is benefiting from a sports program here in doha teaching those with special needs several sports including football the ability friendly football program is a relatively new initiative but it's already got the backing of the cattle 2020 world cup organizers and one of their most famous ambassadors form a straight captain tim cahill does a lot of work with the world cup social legacy division generation amazing comes part and parcel with who i am as a person i've had a great career but one of the most magical things is to be able to share. my wealth of knowledge to have fun with the kids according to britain's national to 6 society physical activity can improve social skills communication and anxiety it creates a sense of belonging and it creates an environment where anyone can just quite simply be together and play through that process of having fun and engaging that like you see a genuine growth in people's ability to communicate and desire to communicate as well. cattles world cup organizes the aiming to make next year's tournament the most accessible ever as well as providing dedicated areas for those with physical disabilities stadiums will host sensory rooms for autistic people to have a quiet space where they can enjoy the manchus it's all about inclusiveness we talk about inspiring the next generation and this is the next generation and as an ambassador and also as a father i want to be a part of this man now at the moment i hope more attention is paid to the slice of our youth simply because autistic people are very intelligent and enjoy many of the talents their talents wouldn't come to light and that's the given the choice to interact with the surroundings. with just over 20 months to go until the tournament kicks off the hard work continues to get cattle ready to host the world cup. also making it a welcoming environment for all johnny gosch or oscar al-jazeera don't. want your visit with me so robin a reminder of our top news stories the u.s. house of representatives is debating a $1.00 trillion dollar relief bill one of the largest in the country's history the bill will provide $1400.00 checks for millions of americans as well as extended unemployment benefits and tax breaks our white house correspondent can be out at how small this white house is eager to get this package because this is a key campaign promise made by joe biden to deliver aid to the ordinary americans that he feels is still struggling as a result of this pandemic.

Related Keywords

Madagascar ,Jerusalem ,Israel General ,Israel ,Doha ,Ad Daw Ah ,Qatar ,Tokyo ,Japan ,United States ,United Kingdom ,Iran ,Brazil ,China ,Rwanda ,South Africa ,Tripoli ,Tarabulus ,Libya ,Johannesburg ,Gauteng ,Russia ,Kremlin ,Moskva ,Uganda ,Germany ,Iraq ,Rio De Janeiro ,Estado Do Rio ,India ,Jasim ,Iran General ,Saudi Arabia ,Senegal ,France ,Turkey ,Americans ,Senegalese ,Russian ,Britain ,French ,Brazilian ,German ,Libyan ,Russians ,American ,Tim Cahill ,Moammar Gadhafi ,Oscar Al Jazeera ,Al Jazeera Janice Burke ,Joe Biden ,

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