And plymouth harbor, england, the mayflower second came to life again after three centuries in the pages of history. This is as accurate as scholars could make her, coming to america, a historical tribute far removed from the books, distribute a history takes the form of living it. On the landing page from which the pilgrims departed, it was smooth sailing. The ceremonies are rendered, the adventure is about to begin, an ironic contrast to the pilgrims departed from their homeland in search of freedom and a new life. 1620 and 1957 are separated by far more than mere passage of time. They had to master a complex precision, that meant learning a lost art. A tiny craft to brave the broad atlantic, only 90 feet long, 25 feet at the widest, it carries only a company of 33, but they failed with 125 passengers and crew. They have added advantages, a protected system of navigation, radio and charts. And perhaps more important, knowledge of the currents. The captain knowingly sets the course almost due south to help with the trade win. But in many ways, they lived 17th century style, even on a small ship, that means lots of work. The diet was mostly lime juice and salted beef. The solid but monotonous menu, grown in a box by the captain, fresh every day. Solid greens all the way without an epidemic of seasickness, that is some kind of record right there. For 16 days, the mayflower runs southwest from england, with a steady wind and smooth seas, what better time to grow a beard. Growing it is easy. Trimming it on the deck of the hard rolling ship was downright hard. In the trade wind, the vessel turned the corner, heading west, meeting its first rough weather. But the wind is there and each days voyage is longer and longer, once the mayflower logged 164 miles. Life on a smooth running ship ordinarily settles into a routine, but this is no ordinary voyage, its the highlight of a lifetime for every man of the crew and especially memorable for the 17 yearold cabin boy