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Team visiting the 2 great regions the shops at knotts dont think to check points. In tunisia Officials Say theyre imposing Strict Health measures at polling stations as around 100000000. 00 people vote in local and Regional Elections and tunisia is experiencing the worst covered 19 al break in Southeast Asia recording more than 580000 cases and 18000 virus related deaths some Health Experts are worried a large voter turnout will make matters worse the election has already been delayed once because of the growing infection rate jessica washington as at one of the polling stations in south tank where she says hygiene and social distancing are being enforced. You can imagine that even in normal circumstances these elections are logistical challenge let alone in the midst of covert 19 but here we do see that there are some thank you particle in place trying to keep voting straight who have sanitizer and. Are compulsory in this area but every so concerns from doctors that a large turnout could lead to a spike in infection for the most part of a lot of the restrictions that all these countries experience into misa did not have a strict law sound in that sense and part of that is to do with the economy many people were out of work and struggling and so the real focus for indonesia has been on social distancing measures on enforcing some sort of crowd restrictions in terms of dissented requirements in terms of how many people can be in public but most life has continued relatively normally but the majority of the information that has been a focus on 1st hearing back screens and thats something that the government has really reinforced and they are depending on the availability of those vaccines in the next. Covered 9000 cases in the u. S. Have now passed 15000000 with no slowdown in sight the rollout of the 1st Pfizer Vaccine across the atlantic in the u. K. Offers hope but relief in the states is still a long way off on tuesday president elect joe biden unveiled his plan to bring an end to the pandemic like hanna has the story. President tran convened what was billed as a proxy summit just days before the f. D. A. Is due to decide on whether to grant an emergency use authorization for the 1st of 2 vaccines and it appears the president is intent on claiming credit for the unprecedented keeps up the fact seems development were just days away from authorization from the f. D. A. And were pushing on the heart that which point we will immediately begin mass distribution before operation warp speed the typical time frame for development that approval has you know. Could be infinity and we were very very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before representatives from pfizer and mcdonough that companies are waiting if the approval would not be present at the meeting submit strip ports that the transport ministration declined to take up an option with pfizer for an extra 100000000. 00 doses earlier this year confirmed by a former f. D. A. Commissioner whos now on pfizers board i think theyre betting that more than one vaccine is going to get off rising theyll be more vaccines on the market and that perhaps could be why they didnt take up that additional 100000000. 00 option agreement which really one of required necessarily even to front money it was just an agreement that they would purchase those vaccines President Trump signed an executive order aimed at preventing the export of vaccines from the u. S. Before all americans have been treated an order that would appear to be an impossible given the International Contracts both pfizer and mcdonough have signed. Another figure absent from the white house meeting with the countrys foremost infections diseases expert Dr Anthony Fauci opus had another engagement to open school a little meeting with the president elect to mention the east need us to advise i look forward to advising you on these most urgent priorities and to work with this team of world class experts whom i have known for many years and deeply respect i have been through Many Public Health crises before but this is the toughest one we have ever faced as a nation dr fox she was on the high powered Advisory Team introduced by joe biden this team will help get at the latest at the last 100000000 covert 19 vaccine at least 100000000 covert vaccine shots into the arms of the American People in the 1st 100 days 100000000 shots in the 1st 100 days all eyes now on the food and Drug Administration which is likely to complete its review of the application for merchants to use authorization by the end of the week mike hanna aljazeera washington versus Health Chiefs say the rollout of the vaccine will be a marathon not a sprint and just of all challenges made the majority of Vulnerable People will have to wait until early next year propose from london. It is happening a turning point in the global fight against a virus that killed more than a 1000000 people around the world 90 year old grandmother Margaret Keenan made history becoming the 1st person to be vaccinated with the pfizer bio and take drug outside a trial she encourage others to follow her lead. Over it because its free and its the best thing thats ever happened and the moment you do please go for it in a somewhat dramatic turn the 2nd vaccine went to a man called William Shakespeare a poetic star perhaps to a new chapter in the fight against corona virus more than half of the people whove died of the virus in the u. K. Are over 80 theyre getting the injection 1st along with the elderly in care homes and their carers unused doses are going to frontline medical staff the british governments call this a v. For vaccine day but the Prime Minister warned its too early to call this a v. For victory in scotland. In england people are having the vaccine for the 1st time and it will gradually make a huge huge difference but i stress gradually because you know were not. Yet we havent defeated this virus yet bunches of the pfizer biotech drug approved for use in the u. K. Last week have been arriving from pfizers factory in belgium the logistical challenge has been immense the vaccine needs to be kept to the round minus 70 degree celcius in england dozens of hospitals with facilities to store the super chill drug are the 1st places to administer it scotland wales and Northern Ireland have also begun similar programs the government sorted 40000000 doses so far and initial 800000 will be available in the 1st round of treatment this week capable of inoculating 400000 people with 2 injections 21 days apart weve shuttered our economies. And struggle through months of grief and anxiety lives cut short and elderly people separated from their loved ones weve known for some time but the only sure fire way out of this pandemic is a vaccine and now a shred of hope that miller not too distant future things might start returning to normal its hope so full 1000000 people will be back soon 80 before the end of the year when boxes of the vaccine that come in packs of almost a 1000 doses will be split up and sent to doctors surgeries and homes around the country the vaccine can be stored at normal fridge temperature but only for a short period its a day of mixed emotions joy and hesitation most Vulnerable People wont get the vaccine until next year but with infection rates going up here in london and elsewhere restrictions may have to get tighter before they get easier. But it is only a matter of some scientists set their minds on defeating this common enemy a process that normally takes many years and now against all odds a sense of the long march out of the pandemic of. The park al jazeera london. The Oxford Astra Zeneca corona virus vaccine has been deemed safe and effective in the 1st pair of year on its face 3 trials but the Lancet Medical Journal says more work is needed to prove its 90 percent success rate that was achieved when some trial participants were mistakenly given a half dose of the vaccine followed by a full dose fewer than 6 percent of participants got the smaller dose and all were under 55. 00 the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine this is particularly important for tackling coronavirus in the developing world as its cheaper and easier to distribute. Is Vice President of Vaccine Research and development at blue willow biologics and an adjunct professor at the university of michigan he says a centralized approach is needed vaccine distribution. For such a national. Pandemic and rapid demick its is very important to have a one body that treat it and deal with it in one way across the country and not allow every governor or 3 state to deal with it different ways so if you have a centralized operation thats improvised operation will be much more efficient in cheating the goals compared to each state will deal with differently and also you know in each state you will have different policies and different priorities you have to have a centralized operation and this is whats happening with the team that was organized put together by. President elect biden and giving the priority to experts in the field to Public Health officials and to institutions like the United States and the c. D. C. And the f. D. A. And the department of health and Human Services all these together really its a quote a comprehensive approach to to the to this problem still ahead on al jazeera. This will keep my sisters legacy alive and believe me that i it will save lives the discovery of a brutal murder and years of sexual assaults leads to major policy changes on u. S. Military bases. No prospects and nothing to lose protesters railing against corruption and repression in Northern Iraq refused to back down. But the last storm systems go through is quite active not since remains in afghanistan the next one will produce a few showers in lebanon maybe a bit further south increasingly Northern Iraq and the high ground of turkey has advised to be snow so guys are bottom and the alert has 3 fine days but a cloud thats a small chance for shabbat 21 degrees is reasonable enough weather the show is blowing steadily down the gulf and theres an increasing likelihood of snow on the mountains of iran to round to this 1st snow day of the season as well the active season already showing itself now in zambia and zimbabwe in particular and although it is welcome it isnt always helpful for example this is what happens when you get only 50 minutes or so gathering up in any of the rivers in zimbabwe overflowing quite often so up near Victoria Falls that is flooding up the windows so level in the south 50 millimeters in a raging torrent through this soft red mud even in the foundations tends to undermine them as has been happening in sudden zimbabwe on the whole though this is positive news weve had some pretty poor season rain last couple of years so this is good and theres more to come for zimbabwe and mozambique and malawi the focus of blow away or calm firms it 3 sundry days great stuff. But. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic lets start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the News Coverage whats the lay of the land there stripping away the spam a gripping story about president ial corruption it is real reporting its not in your challenging assumptions and the official line we all decided we need to cut i was of course we dont want to rely on authority and its media village just on out is iraq. To. Go to god is there a reminder of our top stories this hour indonesias holding Regional Elections despite warnings from Health Experts the vote could worsen the nations growing of us crisis but Officials Say theyre imposing stricter Health Measures at home stations. U. S. President elect joe biden has pledged hell get a grip on the pandemic in his 1st 3 months in office else his medical team promised to provide 100000000 vaccine injections in the 1st 100 days off his administration. President donald trump sided executive order to prioritize vaccines for the u. S. Before sending aid to other countries signing comes amid reports that the president rejected an early offer from pfizer to double their order to make asian. Ethiopian Security Forces have shot ass and detained un Security Officials trying to reach the great region the un says the 4 officials were assessing roads before delivering aid to refugee camps a government Spokesman Says the team drove through 2 checkpoints and ignored instructions not to begin the area or the 950000 people have been displaced by the conflict in the Northern Region since early november you know some of the. Staffs where actually did. Not happen. So this company is not no mans land it has a government it only has difficulty in the north so. Most of post move. In and kind of adventurous expedition. The u. S. House of representatives has approved a 740000000000. 00 Defense Budget despite the threat of a president ial veto the annual bill which sets policy for the pentagon branches of the military passes nearly every year with bipartisan support President Trump wants it to include a section ending Legal Protection for social Media Companies a request which has been denied by politicians from both sides of the aisle. And Donald Trumps quest to overturn the Election Results has suffered another defeat as the u. S. Supreme court rejected an appeal to throw out votes in the u. S. State of Pennsylvania Republican party wanted to dismiss up to 2 and a half 1000000 ballots arguing the states 29000 expansion of mail in voting was illegal under state law the nations highest court didnt explain its reason for denying the emergency request state officials had already certified president elect joe biden as the winner. The future trading relationship between the United Kingdom and europe is hanging in the balance with just 3 weeks before the u. K. Leaves the e. U. Single market british Prime Minister broad johnson is expected to travel to brussels for crucial talks with the European Commission president despite months of negotiations there are still significant differences on key issues paul brennan reports from brussels they spoken twice by telephone in recent days and still not been able to bridge the gaps Boris Johnson and van de lay and forced to admit the conditions for a deal are simply not there. When the e. U. Chief negotiator michel bunny a brief dui ambassadors this week he was described as being downbeat and gloomy with no tangible progress on the 3 main sticking points of fisheries a level Playing Field and dispute resolution so ahead of the leaders face to face meeting in brussels the negotiating teams have been asked to step back take stock and produce a summary report that peter. Martin have of the brickie Group Creation even a unity refutation of the work of the negotiating teams is constrained by their own respective mandates the political leaders of course have a little bit more leeway within the bounds of their own political redlines face to face talks may unlock the empress or presented with a list of just how big their differences are the 2 leaders may end up admitting defeat. Most commentators regard the dispute of a fishing rights a solvable whether to science of run into more trouble is issues of fundamental principles such as the concept of sovereignty to access the e. U. Single market the u. K. Except it will have to abide by e. U. Standards and rules. That the idea that the e. U. Could impose rules and sanctions that seem overbearing youve got to be you got to be optimistic youve got to believe that is the power of sweet reason. To get this the over the law in but ive got to tell you its looking very very difficult at the moment there may even be a 3rd way another stretching out the already stretched deadlines its looking very likely that. The e. U. Will have to use the procedure of a provisional application which would mean that the deal will enter into force even if not. Even if the ratification will not half been completed yet which throws up the risk that if. One actor you cite still have to ratify in february or so that the deal. Would be off and would be nolen voice a writ writter actively which would be of course a legal nightmare. The mood was certainly improved with tuesdays news that the you cant you had reached agreement in principle on border checks in Northern Ireland with the result of the u. K. Withdrew contentious proposals to override a legally binding Withdrawal Agreement but the main talks remain on a knife edge the slightly better mood may not be enough to overcome the substantial differences whole brennan aljazeera brussels. The United Arab Emirates and egypt have welcomed kuwaiti and american mediation efforts to end the 3 year blockade of qatar Egypts Foreign Ministry spokesman said cairo hopes the talks will lead to a comprehensive solution and the u. A. E. As minister of state for Foreign Affairs on my gosh tweeted saying his country supports saudi efforts on behalf of the 4 countries both countries say that you appreciate mediation efforts by kuwait and the u. S. To saudi arabia announce that progress had been made saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt imposed a land air and sea blockade of qatar in 2017 of the u. A. E. Ambassador to the us told the Hudson Institute there are signs reconciliation is taking place i think there is definitely progress or at least theres seeds of progress. Theres a lot of commitments a lot of are these numbers sort of governments decisions to kind of tone things down to stand down if that holds i think its promising and theres a chance that you can at least begin a process of the conflict whether that holds whether it doesnt hold whether everyones on board i think its still too early to tell but i think theres definitely progress towards some kind of. Trita parsi is the executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute he says no major progress has been made so far. It may very well be that there is an effort by the u. A. E. At this point to try to signal that it is becoming more conciliatory at a minimum come across as if it is it is not the problem here was mindful of the fact that its clearly the wishes of the United States both on the dissidents tricia but also on that in next administration that this issue be resolved then the u. A. E. Probably doesnt want to enter the new administration with the perception that it is the one that is holding up an agreement at the end of the day theres very little that has happened all we have is a signal from the u. A. E. That theyre welcoming these mediation efforts but when it comes to the issues of substance we have not yet seen anything that really reveals that we are close to a solution that does not mean that there may not have been some progress made the progress made in reaching a solution are still 2 rather Different Things tomorrow is going to be the votes in the senate in regards to this sale a sale less from the beginning seem to be facing no problems its actually facing some significant problems in the senate and if it turns out that the senate votes against this bill it would be an indication that u. A. E. Is going to start facing the same type of challenges in congress as saudi arabia has over the last couple of years 1015 years ago these were not major issues for saudi arabia already u. A. E. But we have seen a significant deterioration of the congressional view of saudi arabia in the last couple of years and it may be reaching the u. A. E. Yes well tomorrow will be one in the kaito of as to whether that has happened or not. Irans parliamentary speaker has ordered the implementation of a law that could stop surprise u. N. Inspections of a 2 of its Nuclear Sites it would prevent a unannounced visit some less the other parties to the Iran Nuclear Deal lift sanctions within the next 2 months though is opposed by the Foreign Ministry and by president hassan rouhani. A curfew has been imposed in iraqs northern somalia province after at least 5 people were killed in antigovernment protests kurdistan those reeling from a longstanding financial dispute between the central and Regional Government made worse by a global decline in oil prices which is their 1st Public Servants on paid for months some of. This is the office of Kurdistan Security agency near a town of one of many government buildings set ablaze by angry protesters in iraqs northern soul in money a province its a defiant show of dissent in the region where Security Forces use deadly force against antigovernment demonstrators many here are afraid to show their faces on camera in fear of being targeted. You know going to tell. Their. 6. In nearby town mourners gathered to pay their respects to the family of 23 year old. Shot to death on monday by Security Forces who opened fire at demonstrators. At sunset we went to a brother shop on the main street he didnt participate in the protests within the army of the Kurdish Democratic party open for the protesters in the dark and the protests began over the nonpayment of government salaries but have spilled into brother anger at the ruling parties in kurdistan who stand accused of corruption nepotism and repression. Stations are very but yeah theres no have you no water. Here. Kurdistan is supposed to get a share of the Central Governments budgets to cover Public Sector salaries but dad has refused to pay up because kurdistan is selling its oil independently rather than for the Central Government kurdish politicians say theyre being denied a constitutional right to the story there is a constitution in place and let it be the judge between us and iraq therefore this issue should be resolved within the framework of the constitution but the Iraqi Government owes the could the star region billions of dollars. The drop in oil prices has shifted attention to non our revenues like customs duties every year billions of dollars in goods enter iraq from turkey via this Border Crossing in kurdistan at the moment all customs revenue goes to the kurdistan Regional Government but some say much of it is siphoned into private pockets most of the major. Corruption is doesnt go into the books so in a place like in and other places. They simply write it off they dont include that in the revenues for the government in october the government implemented a new system to automate Financial Reporting in an effort to boost transparency which would also facilitate rev. Sharing with baghdad for years the federal government of iraq and the Regional Government of kurdistan have quarreled over how to share revenues in august they agreed to split customs revenues from border posts like these but since then new political tensions have hampered the implementation of that deal the latest have put pressure on kurdistan to agree to terms for releasing their budget chair but the people protesting now are not just unpaid Public Servants there you feel they have no prospects and little to lose someone a filthy narges era in iraqi kurdistan. A murder in the u. S. State of texas could end up having broad ranging impacts for the army an internal investigation has found rampant problems with a military base at fort hood 14 offices and soldiers have been fired or suspended in policy changes ordered to address leadership fame is that led to a widespread passion of violence at a call him reports. When this again disappeared in april her family and friends protested outside of the army base where she was stationed at fort hood demanding the army do more to find her or her remains were found a few Months Later Police say another soldier bludgeoned her to death then dismembered and burned her body he killed himself as police were moved into arrest him her family said she was being sexually harassed but was too afraid to report it and it turns out she wasnt alone but we found was that there was a fear of retaliation all forms of retaliation stigmatism ostracism career the railing a career. Assignments work assignments and that sort of thing Chris Swecker led the investigation into the base and found rampant problems with Sexual Harassment and assaults in the last 4 years there have been more than 150 noncombat related death at fort hood including 7 murders and 71 suicides im gravely disappointed that leaders failed effectively create a climate that treated all soldiers with dignity and respect because of this stores trust and confidence and accountability. I directed the relief and or suspension. And other leaders from the corps to the squad love in all 14 people have been fired or suspended and the army is promising widespread changes for the entire service again family has been demanding it taking their case to the white house the f. B. I. And the people at fort hood where took place or very much and. We didnt want to have this swept under the rug which could happen and to congress where they say the laws that govern Service Members need to be changed they say this report is just the 1st but important step everyone hears about when this name or hears about Sexual Violence in the military or any any way to endorse the bill to act i mean because this will keep my sisters legacy alive and believe me that i it will save lives the army plans to make one permanent change renaming the gate for gay and at the spot where friends and family brought attention to her story that we now know was shared by thousands of other soldiers petty calling aljazeera a Champions League football match has been suspended both teams walked off the pitch accusing an official of using a racist term players from the took us team a stumble. Incensed that a red card was shown to an assistant coach they claimed the 4th official described the coach using a racist term and then left the pitch the whole party says among team also walked off because president has called on the wife of to act on the incident. This is al jazeera and these the top stories indonesia is holding regional and local elections despite warnings from Health Experts that the vote could worsen the nations Coronavirus Crisis but Officials Say theyre imposing Strict Health measures at polling stations jessica washington has more from south tangere. Even in normal that can stand there these elections are logistical challenge let alone in the middle of it 19 but here we do see that there are thank you particle in place trying to go out and

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