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Challenging and trying to overturn those results and win the 2nd term in the white house donald trump is also urging georgia voters to come out to the polls in january for our Critical Senate runoff race he says it will control not just the future of the senate which republicans currently hold but the future of their. The u. S. Has reported a Record Number of covert 1000 infections for the 3rd day in a row nearly 230000 cases were recorded over the last 24 hours according to Johns Hopkins university the u. S. Has seen a major resurgence of the virus over the past months putting even more pressure on hospitals u. K. Media is reporting that the british cabinet will support Prime Minister boys johnson over a no deal breaks it the u. K. And the e. U. s to let on its less than a month before the deadline to reach a deal talks are set to continue later on sunday. A committee in the us has found that to wreck to microwave radiation is the likely cause of an outbreak of mysterious illnesses among american diplomats in cuba and china at least 2 dozen diplomats reported dizziness pressure and cognitive problems during a period of nearly 2 years from may 26th in venezuela a voters are choosing a new congress in an election boycotted by the opposition the us a un most latin american countries a calling the vote a sham that will enable president Maduro Zwilling socialist party to take over the last a body controlled by the opposition and a japanese space capsule carrying samples from an asteroid has been retrieved after a successful landing japanese scientists hope the sample could provide clues to the origins of life on ice those are the headlines coming up next here its talked to al jazeera to stay with us. Pakistans k a c 100. 00 its said more than 36 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in the water that is indispensable to Economic Activity but industrial uses worse than this 1st week to come to new calls on aljazeera. The landscape of central albania region is breathtaking. But behind these seemingly dormant volcanoes a social eruption is taking place. An indigenous reawakening of pride and demands for justice at times expressed with. Little holes and graffiti marked this vast area as indigenous my territory its original inhabitants call it. The conflict has been simmering for years but in the last 10 months young and more radical not have been launching nonstop attacks. There are hundreds of trucks farms holds forests owned by lumber companies and even trade. Tranquil area looks at times like a war zone with militarized police and Armored Vehicles patrolling day and night. And people are being killed on both sides of the conflict. Banners and refugee flags to clear increasingly large stretches of land as territory in process of recovery. Sending a clear message to the wind gusts as most chilean landowners are called to get out. A 130 years after they were defeated by. The chilean army a mouthful to people on the offensive. They say they are determined to reclaim their culture their language and especially their ancestral land. Them up which a nation was once famous for its fierce warriors. The greater i doubt any a region runs 500 kilometers south from the b. O. B. A river. For centuries it was the border that separated chile and the butcher nation during the Spanish Colonial period and later after todays independence in 1900. But in 868 the new chilean republic expanded its territory southward in what became known as the pacific creation of the outgun e m a bloody conflict that ended with a map which had people being pushed off most of their land. And the promise to respect land titles never occurred to day them up to make up roughly 12 percent of todays population and they are the poorest and most discriminated sector of society on this edition of talk to aljazeera in the field who traveled to the outcome your region to see why im up which of communities are rising up and to explore whether there is a path to peaceful coexistence. 2 months ago they had none this went to call family made their claim on this property land they legally still belongs to a chilean family. Theyve renamed it new way new came up all on what they call recovered territory. They have a few sheep and cattle and grow vegetables. The eldest son brandon tells me hes hoping to make a go at producing blueberries had it not been for what happened to him almost 4 years ago his mother would still be teaching her children to respect chiles institutions instead of hanging banners demanding justice for brandon and accusing the chilean state of terrorism. Brandon was 17 when the special forces squadron chased him captured 3 men to to use right in front of his house justice is 13 year old brother was passing on his bicycle. He says that when the police grabbed his brother by the neck he ran out to help him thats when an officer ordered brandon to lie face down on the ground and fired 180 lead pellet at point blank range into his back. On the router when they were on the crucial so nearly sent on the part of. Your one is a moment in all of where youre going to know that i was on the the dot com or local scene with for the. It was sort of us i want to use a moment. Larry for them in some in the whole well you know and weve been but o. C. It was all of it i was on the but i mean it out there and i you know so i didnt want to go in. He was taken to 3 hospitals 17 operations and later the wounds have healed but more than 100 metal pellets couldnt be removed they remain large in his body still seeping talks a glad for a lot of them. They go to a needle no you dont they are neural. You know you dont there are 2 or you know what then will go or see another one or the but that the handle a little is in another one of oral and we see a hook though. For your water lucy on a very similar to one tick on the candidates and the at the map which is one of your really got a little youre going to circle around the hours ago very. Were going to remember you and really up to you know so youre going to a bunch of little one lawyer we want a wall and i guess on your soul to my leg you know and if easier youre simply emotional. And im going on on a slow motion all of all your your because your present which is whether or not im not down below ground there was a little bit i see on a little money now is of. I know how you. Dont want to be will you know so little and. Where they give me radiogram your little mental of your world. You know that i want to add a limited him to. His mother other when the goal used to be a meek evangelical housewife with little connection to her roots her husband is in fact a chilean of german descent now both are tireless activists and she has never identified more as a magical chair when the. Familiar is about meant the burden but we see hope. To see in the gutter we never. Wanted to sink in with a video that. Are not that i have seen ok but i certainly are brought up with adam about a plot to hit. He wanted to see and then you can provoke and then mental metaphor my been saddled with a full mother. Contrary oh yeah next it a little bit ok i mean men could get on that became a. Bit better. Electric give you me haul borel 90 to see on get a read up at the hill in a similar mental note that minted next or say you better not. Come or just simple alone with each of them get in it. But up all that elicit the long me guess your intellect but on a la la vida. Loca. Cannot commit an act that they did to syrian. Meant them and. They meant that. I meant that you are the one quote that meant they were going. To save the earth tone me hope that meant the better thing to do you know except they were. Like i meant about it but theyd also but ill political. Without. A look at the enemy for their impresario but i. But allow him to mean they not see it the next it that particular movie or im a compromise and it gets a me where in the camp and none that i sent them up or the quantum then. More chips are in the city around than our own i see it that i know for a father and and believe it. Yes when we. Look at ok i only commented on that and thats what they say it demands of control. Chillies government has bought privately owned land to give to communities but its insufficient. Some claim land peacefully returning repeatedly each time theyre expelled hoping that the owners will cave in and sell it to the state. But increasingly others are using more direct and violent methods to drive off the owners. These summer homes along lake lanao rate was set on fire. Im asked you. Know when takes responsibility and communities dont betray their identity. Outside of the onboard jail where a dozen or more my pooches are imprisoned for alleged acts of violence Young Children attack prison vans with toy guns armed with being. From an early age they learned to hate the police. In a number of high profile trials its been revealed the police had fabricated evidence to get a conviction or hide evidence to protect the officers who killed them up to change in cold blood. But innocent chileans have also been killed recently for no apparent reason during or after an attack luckily supermarket owner delvin size was away when the home he grew up in was burnt to the ground overnight he takes us to see whats left. To see in front of a thought. He would rather not say when the illinois in the event can attract also given the event the law with the order of one of the on the football ban didnt leave a lot of them a. Signal at all the mullet or the uniform of the cycling team all. In including assembly leave it to you. C. E. O. Of in that in your company sort of in on them come. On the run of the council the record of a yes and so then the world whether or not. Gail beadle say they think if they had a little more poacher he. Saw in us what is the civic when are we going to win the home of a chicken the one called the it that the. The cinema liquori. Dr yes listen. You know. What good we have to put up with us about the assault. So never giving a thing in the. Ceiling of the book in a sort of. We that is a derogatory word for outsider to chileans who live on their land disrespect their culture. But not all chileans are wind gusts. Im in the middle of a forest and ive been invited to actually see the body and this is the traditional monthly just project Something Like the muppet just football except that its much much older hundreds of years old. The game is played between 2 communities to strengthen their bonds of friendship but its much more in recent years theres been an extraordinary reawakening of culture and customs. Children as well as adults are again wearing traditional head dresses clothes and jewelry as a matter of course not just a special occasion. Its a way of asserting their identity and heritage at 1st the communities are wary of us but soon were accepted because weve been invited by her sons. This property belongs to chiles largest Forestry Company it owns the lions share of the land in this region is to be has been claimed by him up a community at least in theory because the special forces police could move in any time to force them out. And join. The spokes people for their respective communities. Our offer of what. Went on the for me. The name of. A yugo. Going to question my thinking. In a subordinate as a bullied on be honest that would qualify me in a cast. Of. Course like. The no or the monitor the name of it its one thing to work with him or for that i thought you know Glenn Mcclary been the numbers are going to out of. The time of the month on the come here in the skeptical him program of the. Us do you know get him off the you know. You know almost like you dont. Like saddam which a kind. You could not talk with food or. We have. Not give year. To look like we saw last with you. And personal so to. Go i mean look pretty much as you see. It its not us on it dummy you dont really count on the fact that you do what is most. Likely become the case when you come here. Because its a political culture. Here some of us on it. Get a. Lot of it. To give a go but im going toward the authorial its another one so youve got this one to see that can. We decide to visit the History Museum in onboard to find out more about the origins of the conflict the museums founder who will be able has gathered unique historic material. First he shows us the portrait of the general who led the conquest of the i doubt. Very much. In that. Then he takes us to see what is truly an extraordinary historic treasure wow that is told this is amazing. Tens of thousands of documents in newspapers some dating back to the mid 1900 mr diagonal salvage them from the courthouse when they were ordered to be burnt. They include land titles that prove that wealthy mapuche is was swindled by chilean angry members and the government. But i just found this is incredible this is a the real the original contract made with the French Family to just steal them dong 25 years old his wife married 20 years old it says that the chilean state will bring them to chile on a ship for free give than 30 hectic airs of prime land in try again and it also says that it will give the 1st tree a pair of oxen 30 sheets of sink 6 kilograms of nails and whole series of other things this was part of the chilean governments effort to clone a nice this part of chile with people from europe land that belonged to them up which it is their if theyre then boil. On believe it corn which is the only gift and you know Howard Anderson it then gets income until they get what i mean yes. Solomon. I order him up water we know how on the field they look if they may throw. The be. Our friend. We feel because he thought were fat. We. Feed our people you know who to feed your lengthy about a. Bit on. The end of perfect summer. Meant pm double click here you. Are you know maybe you were you know i you know. But for nearly an hour before yeah. Oh my poor. People. You have lived here all your life what do other white chileans think how do they see them up which is the agree with you know all youre going to get on the real. Business idea. They give them up which is a d. N. A. Youre celebrating other lammy mostly male i think give me a galley and well go you know. The same deal well tell us go to be a complete island. Communities are united in their demand for nand and recognition sheedys constitution is one of the few that doesnt actually recognize the existence of its indigenous people. Communities have historically been governed by a long court a chief and one or more of my g. s they are the spiritual guides in healing. But unlike in the distant past to date leaders are divided one of the most emblematic long course is any simple 9998 he cofounded the cam an organization created for recovering lance. He was the 1st long to win a lawsuit against the chilean state after he was in justly imprisoned for 5 years under chiles antiterrorism law. But hes distanced himself from the organization now has an armed wing. In september he organized the 1st meeting. With representatives of chiles executive legislative and judicial branches a bold move to try to establish a dialogue. But the meeting and repudiated by others who protested outside accusing 19 and the others of selling out to the government. We visited 19 to ask him about the deep divisions. How do you. Carried out by the people that support the majority of the minority some of them will call me daddy daddy you can all. Go in with not a percent of total bullshit will not or should not honestly. Dont give it out. Yet they disappear all mean fuck you. With pneumonia well just have to wait. Were not out of it only way this fall if you will go to the end of your money actually have put their. Going after dark enough. Not iraq he said love over not only. A model ship. He saw it get down to command a bit o. Our young of love this will actually kick docklands on evidence which up early put him on as he got him in to case only upon we pick a neutral seal is it a political i put the political get the material nazi to assume it to put up or there are a lot of the time you need to put a. Historic on precut all of. The local or much of the. North but that assuming one Party Political game. Syria would only if you look at all your syrian clothes im in control not call you for not cooperating of it can we normally concentrate only amount one following known the simple law of yellow out she got a solution on a polemic equal law any one of the true motherly. Cannot simply ya seriously youre going to get but dont see the solution will shortly be a pork or not i am an adonis firms on the docket and chile seems to be well on the way now to writing the new constitution if it does could that present an opportunity to result the centuries old dispute. With the. Only silly while they were that are part of the early colonial indicate kim paralegal. The political with him because of him no no no. But activist an educator on a c 1000000 kill is more optimistic even though she spends much of her time working with children impacted by violence she says that from 2016 things became worse. He said on the bus that more cho had to live your lives. In a city and a symbol so you could. Live your lives. But going to be safe when you. See. That an american are you this. Infant this week or so illegal to do you know when youve been missing the nia. Fit into. Your sweet home. So if you live in syria or baghdad and then and then they went there. They gave me but mother wouldnt that be. Yes see. Man i hear more theyd be the embassy last year to. Go more. Really into the 1st episode see i think for the police. If they. Want to be mcclement their border Border Police e r. R. E. I mean yes. They kneel. In. The mud but are you going to give a very easy. But are you simply. Learning at the or because you know very adamant that i mean you understand yes a bit of a seal and percent and exists. When the demon the. Elder that youre going to look in 5 that youre going to bust for the normal dully. In fact that were going to see him get a little said that after the money about the fatal illness and thaw if necessary but at the little while about sort of what i pull him up but at the end of the looking to him what a scenario that that he thought. The clock cant be turned back to before the spanish and chilean conquests. Brandon is still struggling with conflicting emotions but he says he understands the effort some approaching leaders are making to find a nonviolent way to live in their territory with dignity with the right to selfgovernment and cultural integrity. It has been achieved in other places like new zealand greenland norway and closer to home in colombia panama ecuador and bolivia chile has never come close but perhaps its not too late. Weve never had a president who has literally for 4 or 5 years repeatedly attacked our democracy. Loosely linux isnt something that you either have a narrative i have a question youre getting there really where if you cant youre treated industrial sure even further join me Richelle Carey and up front as my guest from around the world take a hot seat and we debate the weeks top stories in pressing issues here on aljazeera. In 2008 traveled across the United States discovering what it was like to be both a patriotic american and a devout muslim can you be muslim and american you have to be an american tourist are you didnt have much appreciation for why it would be a big deal that a muslim to be elected to the United States Congress Want has changed rewind islam in america on aljazeera. U. S. President donald trump again falsely claims victory in his 1st rally since losing to joe biden as he backs republicans standing in Georgia Senate runoff. For the back to board this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the e. U. And u. K. Hold last ditch talks on a break say trade deal with time running out to agree a way forwards a vote is on the way for a new congress in venezuela but critics say president maduro is trying to seize the last day body controlled by

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