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Bricks at trade negotiations are at a very difficult point as last ditch talks intensify in london to secure a trade deal with the e. U. Member of peta simply the sports. Games will cost the knicks to 2400000000. 00 because of the blue you cause boy of the coronavirus pandemic. Now the United Nations says its concerned about the situation facing refugees inside ethiopias t. Great region about 100000 refugees from neighboring or a trail a house to that that theyve reportedly been fleeing in search of safety ethiopias army has been fighting Regional Forces there now for about a month or ethiopia has hosted eritrean refugees now for almost 2 decades most of them are in the region which borders eritrea many of them fled political persecution and mandatory military service the uns access to routes leading to for refugee camps have. Causing those refugees in tikrit have been blocked since the recent fighting began its been calling on the federal government to open up access and then on tuesday the un said food has run out for nearly 100000 refugees sheltered in tikrit. Lets not speak to our correspondent on web hes been following developments from nairobi for us in neighboring kenya malcolm its been more than a month now since this conflict began and says theyve taken care of that fighting is clearly still ongoing on the ground can you give us a sense of the situation that. The u. S. Offer is for the coordinate to coordination of humanitarian affairs is that it has reports of continuing fighting in many parts of the 2 gray region last week Prime Minister abbott said that the Government Forces were in control of the region the Government Military operation was over that followed Government Troops taking control of the regional capital of macquarie but their enemy that the p. L. F. Said that it wasnt over they vowed to continue fighting know that its reported still controls thousands of fighters and substantial stocks of military Hardware Research is so that thousands of civilians being killed in the fighting the rules have been reports of massacres of civilians by militia aligned to both sides the leaders of both sides deny it it is very difficult for anyone to verify any of these claims because theres almost no access for humanitarian workers human rights workers and journalists now come up there with all the nations for us from nairobi thanks so much malcolm well we can now speak to young egeland he is the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council and he joins us now from khartoum mr egeland thank you so much for your time today i want to start with the situation inside tikrit i know its been very hard as malcolm was saying to work out just whats going on inside there the Communications Blackout limited access i know that your organization the n. R. C. Was one of the few working inside great before this all started what is the situation like there now. Well we were very worried we had 180 words there 90 on the ground but many of them had to flee themselves this is been in war zone for some time now 96000 every train and refugees came to t. Great because they felt they were safe that they say that they played it from persecution in every trivia not only dont know at all or hopefully convoys will reach there is parts of the great now monday just over the weekend and all that has been this deal apparently struck to try to get aid access into t. V. Had has that deal shifted anything for you at all. Well you know we hope it will shift in the sense that we will have access now at next week for the post time in more than a month we did this tribute in october. But since then we couldnt do distributions we couldnt be with a refugees and nor the other people. We know of violence in there im now in. I was in a refugee camp just came back from there the people who clean from the grave tell about violence they tell about widespread insecurity of course there are many more internally displaced inside t. Great then there are the 50000 refugees who have come here we need access were glad it seems to happen next week and mr egeland you mentioned being in in sudan at those camps i know you were at. And you were saying that you were surprised at seeing so many men in the camp but why did that surprise you. It goes in all about the camps ive been visiting over the last 20 years theres been between 70 and 90 percent women and children in the camps now there are camps with more than 50 percent men. That is because these young men and men were students teachers engineers promise. People in secure they feel but they are being that they are at risk they are poor they have fled many of them where heartbroken they had left the family speak by and. Still they feel it is not safe for them to return there have been these allegations of a vicious violence on both sides really and i know this is a conflict that we always thought could become seriously entrenched do you think any kind of resolution is like anytime soon. Im hoping. There isnt a baby the Prime Minister has been able to come under regional conflicts mediated peace between at your p. R. And eritrea hopefully there will now also be talks reconsolidation coal and when she great we do not need another conflict and not not the refugee dishonest on the horn of africa there are too many people suffering there from the poor hand here in sudan of course there is a and they cannot make crisis they dont believe there is a 1000000 refugees to start with 2000000 internally displaced people now pitted bounce people preen over commit the opium it just shows we need we need Peace Processes we need to or solutions we need people to be able to return in safety. Mr economics so i just picking up on something you said that you mentioned that you were hopeful that the author of the Prime Minister would engage in a Peace Process hes the one who essentially invaded t. J. Or started this conflict after we saw growing tensions here and hes also said that hes going to see it through to the end do you think that its likely that he is going to be the one to initiate some kind of innovation why not i mean i dont know if there has to be initiatives for peace talks reconsideration on both sides that has been violence on both sides thats been that theres been a lot of back to chair so lets hope they can be a fresh start treaty many spent billions so drawn into this rivalry between men and we need to see an end to it we hear monetary funds are willing and able to provide assistance here and we are already doing a lot with access we humanitarian relief but the has to be a political solution to this problem. Yun egeland secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council thanks so much for being with us mr evans i wish you all the best with the aid effort. Now the Foreign Ministers of cats and kuwait say there has been some progress made to resolve the gulf dispute has now been on to an illegal land sea and air blockade by saudi arabia bahrain the u. A. E. And egypt since june 2017 the Foreign Ministers say constructive talks have taken place between the 4 nations and they all want to reach a final agreement president from Senior Adviser jared question i recently visited riyadh and starhawk both for talks quite foreign minister gave a short statement a while ago saying that progress has been made. If i thought of all the as a constructive and fruitful talks have taken place recently where all the parties have stressed their desire to reach a final agreement and resolutions to preserve the region stability and harmony maintain the interest of the peoples within this context we express our appreciation for the latest if its pledge or pushing the us president s advice about it we have achieved set in for a better set septum point of time more than a year ago and then things has your down and right now there are some more moments that we hope that this will put and for the best price because we see and we believe actually that got a few and it is very important for the security of the region for the stability of that region and for for the sake of our people this need this crisis needs to end marwan Bashar Al Jazeera senior political analyst has more on this. I think we are. Heading towards the last phase if you where before. Clearer more comprehensive statement is made about the resolution of the gulf crisis my sense is that perhaps there are one or 2 issues. To be ironed out and and theres guns that has to be some sort of an ok engine for them to actually sign on whatever the deal is now we all know that that is the gulf a gulf summit happening towards maybe next week or so right usually it is in the middle of the in the beginning a middle of december and i think probably the d going to be a good occasion for the kuwaitis to introduce the new agreement between qatar and the other gulf countries so all in all im probably heading towards that and 2nd the all the signs are positive i think its just worth mentioning just for our own sanity that push not played an Important Role in the crisis itself 30 years ago when apparently according to former secretary of state rex tillerson. Questioner knew when he was in saudi arabia doing that meeting between President Trump and god and his gulf allies that there was something cooking against caught up and he remained silent he didnt even tell his own secretary of state so really when it comes to question i mean its nice that everyone you know is being thankful and appreciative and all but i think when it comes to solving this crisis this has been a goal solution to go from. Well more than one and a half 1000000 people have now died from covert 19 world wide a 3rd of those deaths happened in just the last 2 months with several countries reporting record numbers of deaths and cases the resurgence of the virus is stalling the u. S. Economys recovery new numbers show it added 245000 jobs back in november thats the slowest month of growth since recovery began back in may the u. S. Also remains the west the worlds worst affected country its currently refusing reviewing the fire as a vaccine for approval and hopes to release a decision this month the u. K. Which was the 1st western country to approve that vaccine has come under fire from you regulate says theyve suggested that their approach may have been too hasty or lets be tried correspondent alan fischer for as he was at the white house alan pressure clearly on the u. S. To get there that scene roll out started. Certainly the trumpet ministration would have wanted to be among the 1st if not the 1st in the west to approve any corona virus vaccine and they were aware that the United Kingdom was about to give approval as stephen hunt whos the head of the food and Drug Administration was cold here to a meeting with mark meadows whos Donald Trumps chief of staff stephen has described that meeting in the last few hours as robust that is normally diplomatic language for people show king at one another essentially we suspect that the f. D. A. Came under pressure to move a lot more quickly but the reality is that the f. D. A. Has announced that there will be hearings into the efficacy of the vaccines on december the 10th those will be public hearings they will be able to go over all the evidence provided by the Drug Companies people will be able to ask questions and then after that the f. D. A. Will decide whether or not to give approval for the use of those vaccines is expected everything will go through and probably pretty quickly as well so you can start to see somewhere in the region of 20000000 vaccine doses being sent out around the country front line workers to be among the 1st to receive those vaccines and then the United States is predicting that the Drug Companies will be able to produce and also distribute somewhere in the region of 500000000 to 1000000000 vaccine doses before the end of 2021 know the u. S. Has bought a lot of those vaccines the think that by certainly march april that extra year theyll be 50000000 doses that will be circulating in the United States remember theres got to be 2 doses to make the whole vaccine work and so with a population of 320000000 its going to take 614000000 doses to be circulated so its a big logistical issue but certainly the f. D. A. Believes that they will be able to move into the process by just after that meeting on december the 10th thats kind of going to take some time alamedas latest u. S. Job numbers also that have just come out the last couple of hours its really not looking good. Not great figures i mean the fact that last year the last month they added 610000 job jobs this time it was 245000 significantly dying normally this time of year you would expect there to be a rise in the number of people who are in walk and so the has been a supporter a green of comfort in the fight that the Unemployment Rate has dropped from 6. 9 to 6. 7 but theres no great retail uptick which you would normally get at this time of year simply with the run up to christmas where we have seen increases in jobs they have been warehouse and transport thats not the sort of area that tends to add a lot of jobs but its added a bit 6 months in a row and know that the figures havent been great if again if theres another bright spot its the fact that of the 20000000 jobs that were lost because of the coronavirus theyve i did just over half of those back into the jobs market in the past weve seen donald trump come out into the Briefing Room to to laud the jobs figures when theyve been good news this isnt quite so good hes not going to be overly keen to make a big deal in this and the other reason for that of course is hes no longer running for president the election one month ago thats right it was just one month ago so he doesnt need to campaign on the job figures anymore so i suspect that economists will be disappointed with this not the best news and of course with the idea that the covered by this could get worse over the next couple of months particularly with thanksgiving and christmas seating new breaks then the job figures in the next couple of months might not even be as good as what were seeing today and todays are not good allan fresh air with all the nations for us from washington d. C. Thanks im tom. Well theres plenty more ahead here on this news hour including bangladesh transfers hundreds of richenda refugees to an isolated island despite concerns from the un and other Rights Groups farmers continue to block major routes into the indian capital as their standoff with the government continues and the coronavirus disrupt south africa and England One Day International cricket series peter will have those details for you in school. British Prime Minister porous johnson says brecks of talks with the European Union have reached what he describes as a difficult point the e. U. Says a post breaks a trade deal depends on the u. K. Committing to a level Playing Field for competition rules and standards germany says it wants an agreement but not at any price while frances threaten to veto a bad deal negotiators are hoping to settle on a plan by early next week well lets cross now just want to go she is in victoria london whether its negotiations are taking place so now were hearing that these talks have been incredibly intense and time to be running out with less than a month to get this all sorted what is the mood like there now. But i dont think theres any doubt that the talks are actually extremely critical juncture really what they are having to deal with are the very finite details and of course time is against them this has been a pause of so much concern it has been time and time again so they only have so much time with which to guarantee of a trade agreement between the 2 parties and with those 2 particular points that mention the play of the competition rules as well as the issue on fishing rights as well they seem to be stuck on those 2 particular issues now with the competition rules those are of particular importance to the e. U. You know one of the sacred rules that about the blockhouses the fact that any. That wishes to do a free trade deal with the European Union can not use state subsidies in order to boost companies and of course an interruption in the competition rules as it were it has to be an effect on a fair trade on a on a level Playing Field as it were that is issue which the u. K. Has faced because an approach in a press bricks of world it has wanted to use state subsidies to boost Certain Companies in the u. K. To create a sort of Tech Industry here to rival any other countries in the world the problem is that in using state subsidies its going to contort that competition as well the 2nd issue fishing rights well now the french that is an important issue and to the dutch as well that coastal communities as well they need to go back to their countries and say look we preserve your fishing rights therefore weve weve got our moment and that the u. K. However fishing industry only accounts for 0 point one percent of g. D. P. In the country but it is an important symbolic. Industry as it were and that is being used to try and appear like a strong arm tactics in these negotiations in order to put across the message that the u. K. Is not going to take any deal at any price and theres a lot of strong feeling there for us in london with all the latest thanks so much tony. The uns Refugee Agency says bangladesh must not force would hinder refugees to move to an island off the coast which is prone to storms and flooding aid groups have expressed concern that people are being coerced into going there Navy Officials say more than 1600 reinjure refugees are heading to the island of fashion shot from. The u. N. Says its ready to evaluate conditions in the new location if the government will let them. Know that theyre forcing my son and his family to go he didnt want to go but he forced him i came to see him probably for the last time. Only ringback my family didnt want to go there taking them by force even if my family goes to the island they dont lie because the floods. Sleep beat my brother and broke 2 or 3 teeth when they brought him here my brother didnt want to go to the other they beat my brother they brought my nieces and sister in law here last night. Correspondent chattery has more from. Finally the controversial relocation of rowing a reference to a remote coastal island a boston charter has started out of 2500. 00 listed running as that is 1642. 00 knowing the refugees are on their way to this Remote Island by a knebel vessel now the government has come under severe criticism from local and International Human rights bodies as well as u. N. Despite all those the government is determined to go ahead and relocate at least a 100000 growing refuges there in phases now when all talking from a refugee camp as well as. 300 plus were rescued from the boats who are living in that island most of them are not happy with the situation the prefer to stay in the bordering area with me on my where they feel closer to home they can visit their extended families and they can help each other out now there is a lot of controversy this shortly. Where made by the camp leader a lot of growing us told that they were enticed and forced into putting their name in there we cannot independently verify that now the government on its part says the facilities are good doesnt have a base hospital at least 120 cluster of villages with good modern facilities despite all there is there are still a lot of controversy the government insists the concentration is a major problem in one area and it cites security reason to moving theirs rowing us to a disagreement island. And now the u. N. Says famine like conditions have reappeared and parts are yemen aid agencies are warning that time is running out to prevent mass starvation and the outlook is even less for next year famine has never been officially declared in yemen where after 5 years of war 80 percent of the population depends on. The window to prevent famine in yemen is narrowing is new figures reveal record high of acute Food Insecurity in the country thats according to new information today from the food Culture Organization the World Food Program and unicef the agencys new integrated Food Security face classification analysis for yemen indicates that pockets of famine like conditions will face 5 Food Insecurity have already returned to the for the 1st time in 2 years they warn that the number of people experiencing this degree of catastrophic Food Insecurity could nearly triple from 16500 currently 247000 people between january and june 2021 indias government unprotesting from this have yet to find Common Ground on new laws that could affect crop prices theyre due to meet again on saturday after a 2nd round of talks on thursday ended without an agreement from as a continuing to protest against the legislation that was passed back in september theyre worried it will put an end to minimum crop prices and lead to corporate exploitation our correspondent and as with parana as with some of those protesting farms. Where the god the poor Border Crossing between the states off the british and delhi where farmers from the states of all that are kind and other predation where thousands of farmers have gathered here on this highway which means that theres no traffic allowed to come from those states into delhi this is the smallest off the 3 assessment protests there are still around 2000 farmers as you can see everybody here is being fed theyre fed 3 times a day and all 3 probably. Sides tens of thousands of farmers remain on the other 2 key highways which are on the borders between the states of how to ghana and delhi and farmers everywhere everywhere say that theyre not going anywhere even as those talks between Farm Union Leaders and the government continue the 2nd round of talks took place on thursday and the main issue for farmers remain concerns over losing the minimum price for their produce losing elektras to the subsidies concerns that private buyers will have an unfair advantage over farmers and unions and also they worry about who will resolve disputes over procurement over prices of the government has said that they are willing to take all of these concerns into consideration even right amendments to these laws of pharma say that these laws are fundamentally flawed that they were created without consultation with farmers pushed through parliament and that theyre not going to end the sit in protest until the laws are repealed and were expecting the protests to only get bigger theres a nationwide call for protests on saturday and athletes from the state of punjab where many of these farmers from planning to go to the president ial building on saturday a number of athletes including a limpet Gold Medalist to return their National Awards to the Indian Government they say in protest against the governments treatment of farmers. Still ahead here on aljazeera well tell you why some muslims and. Refusing to collect the remains of fan loved ones who died of. Hollywood ballasts to streaming one of the biggest years says its going to stop releasing films online at the same time as in summers. And formula one driver returns to the bahrain circuit the scene was horrifying crash to thank those who saved his life. The weather looks like its on the town across the middle east weve got cloud and right into northern parts of the region anywhere from the caspian running down across the gulf pushing towards the red say this by and of clavell out marks a line denoting where we have cooler air to the north as that i mean warmer red to the south here in doha around 30 celsius but its 10 degrees cooler in kuwait and then between that boundary where we have got a nice a lot of rain which pushes all the way up to wards syria lebanon and jordan this week go on into sunday that western weather will shift its way through kuwait into that western side of iraq we are lucky to see some flooding here as a result of that west of where that doesnt quite make its way through casa will continue to drift a little further east which is we go into the early part of next week but it will freshen up attempt to struggle to get to 2425. 00 celsius in doha as we go into next week so youll notice that bunya showers meanwhile across central parts of africa line of heavy rain coming out of angola sliding across bob way down into mozambique and whats the weather continue recent was the weather to into the eastern side of south africa for a time showers into central areas and whats the weather to madagascar. For me ill just say around london broker fantastic 2 special guests in conversation people think that racism is having personal vitriol towards black people right and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with opposition if youre not upsetting people youre not saying anything f. 100 meet any of that you have there is not a family in britain i believe that has not been touched by empire studio b. And. Quick date on aljazeera in 1958 Charles De Gaulle made a famous speech in algeria. But take it dont hold back the tired of algerian independence or keep frances colonies in africa and the pacific. In the final episode of the series aljazeera explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today blood and tears french to colonise ation on aljazeera. One. And again i missed all the attainder home lets remind you of our top stories here this hour the uns Refugee Agency says eritrean refugees and northern ethiopia have fled their camps because of conflict in te gray there are more than 100000 refugees in the region and there are fears they have limited access to food. The Foreign Ministers of kuwait and qatar say there has been some progress made towards resolving the gulf dispute qatar has been under an illegal land sea and air blockade by saudi arabia bahrain the u. A. E. And egypt since june 27th. More than one and a half 1000000 people have now died of. Globally of private 19 of the viruses storming the u. S. Economy is recovering and out of 245000. 00 jobs in november the slowest month of growth since may. Interpol has warned that organized Crime Networks are preparing to target code than 1000 vaccines and issued a high alert to its 194 member nation. Is outlining potential criminal activity both physically and online the Global Police Coordination Agency says criminal organizations may attempt to fake or steal surprise as new vaccines the agency called for coordination between Health Regulations as vaccines come closer to distribution well take williams is president of rendition in face that thats a Cyber Security company he says the supply chain is likely to be talkative and obviously some of the vaccine manufacturers themselves but you know while theyve been concentrating on security for quite some time now the actual supply chains largely have not written is the 1st time theyve really been involved up to this point and so were going to see criminals target them and all of their cyber offenses probably are not are the same way that we see with a vaccine manufacturers and researchers themselves but early on in the pandemic we saw you know in 95 masks we saw. Stuff that was a you know massively lower quality but always that sterling in packaging definitely appeared to be legitimate obviously theres a little bit more safety around back scenes and you know medical devices there but hermetic medicine there but still definitely within the realm of possibility for a counterfeit standpoint and of course Cyber Attacks are going to give us the criminals the data that they need to manufacture convincing counterfeit i think that we will see a pass that attempts to insert things that are not even back seen maybe just you know sailing for instance replacing the actual back scene you know that may have been stolen in transit for instance were sold on the black market whatever the cases. Gyptian with dorothys have released 3 human rights workers who are being held on terrorism related charges after an International Outcry they were working for one of the last Rights Groups still operating in the country when they were arrested last month and accused of joining a terror group and spreading false news the arrests were condemned by western governments activists and the United Nations and aljazeera continues to demand the release of journalist mark winters sane who has now been detained without any formal charges in egypt for more than 1400. 00 days hussein was arrested while on vacation with his family in cairo and 2016 his detention is in violation of both egyptian and International Law of hussein but only as in egypt and libya as such at Amnesty International he says International Pressure helped to secure the release of these human rights workers from an egyptian prison. Its simply because it shows what we and other human rights organizations and activists have been saying for years which is that in order to have really change in egypt syria needs to be coordinated and public action from egypts allies in europe and in america when we had set we have a clear example where is this pressure work with egypt and as such its very important that this person is maintained by european and north american states that egypt listens to because there are so many human rights defenders of syrian behind bars but exactly from the already means behind bars muhammad bucket manual musri to fit their list that never ends and as such International Community is a need to look at this moment as an opportunity not just not this is a very minor victory but its an important unity because it was out the Human Rights Movement in egypt is it remains to face an existential threat and we would be in the same location 2 or 3 or 4 months is a mess and doesnt maintain that coordinate up at the last 40 years under the trumbull administration we have seen that say u. S. Which is a measure ally and partner to egypt has taken a back role on human rights and democracy issues in egypt and other countries and this has materialized in even more depression in where ization shortys were able to commit much much more violations against human rights defenders members or community christians and many many others including jordan that its now gone a is going to the polls then whats expected to be a race between the incumbent and a former president unemployment and corruption are dominating the campaign so far on address reports. After months of lockdown restrictions this Food Processing plant is slowly recovering from the impact of covered 90 many others did not survive. The companys founder says doing business is difficult but when times are good the infrastructure of the company of the nation is such that even if you have money and theyre also not good or they are not there you can still benefit from meet the maras sauce base that we have is such island which at times enterprise level i think you can see you know so its a National Something because you want Skilled Staff employees to work with and its not really is the. Critics of the couple insecure make policy say that businesses cant grow because of the harsh environment they operate despite the fact of coverage 19 experts say john is economy would go into a recession thats what are you predicting a one percent growth this year but concerns really about going right for us last month the countrys chief prosecutor quit alleging political interference from the presidency in the fight against corruption is now in hiding saying his life has been threatened and again it is vital wallys worried m i did see patients of because states are sources by people in positions of power and the conclusion is that none of the 2 parties is pure i dump you know rights because. The end is he had been in power and corruption was one of the key allegations he let let me give them and the government is also suffering from the attack of all corruption. Most of the train mechanic and commercial motorcycle operate it. Government is bad commercial to cycle some operating in the city produce accidents and pollution but most it does it anyway because its the only means he says to support his family in pain but a lot of money to the police when they get. To work full. Time does the government include legalize it so until it goes all the freebies. Hawks to raise money to education she registered to vote for the 1st time but has decided not. To the noble scene because i didnt see anything that got me to work for me like i dont get to meet any benefits from you even when we have a little right now weve been given bungees on quick. When most of our names want reform but they dont expect power to shift from the 2 dominant Political Parties that they say makes it hard to see how or when they will see a real change. Aljazeera gonna run in sri lanka the families of a number of muslim victims of covert 19 refusing to came the remains of their loved ones theyre protesting against the governments forced cremation policy because they say its against their religious beliefs and often and as has more from the capital. Geoffrey died of cool the dying teen on november 26th the Sri Lankan Government crewmates the bodies of anyone who dies of cold with 19 even if its a suspected case it says its technical experts have advised this is the best way to prevent the spread of the virus but cremation is forbidden in islam and some families are now refusing to collect the bodies in protest but he obeyed the law for you do whatever you want we dont come for you need this thing the leave the body with you and the welcoming a number of other muslims are also refusing to pick up the remains of their relatives. On tuesday the Supreme Court dismissed 11 petitions challenging the forced cremations a joint statement by 20 Civil Society organizations on thursday rejected the ruling saying in a statement the 5th the victims of forced cremation of called with 19 or covered 1900 dead had been the highest court in sri lanka has been shattered victims and communities are now left without a recourse in sri lanka for the continued injustice they suffer the Health Minister says burials cant be allowed until the Technical Experts Committee present its final decision after conducting an indepth study into the virus muslim activist says her community has lost patience and will continue to leave bodies organizers as theyre called here at the morgue until the cremation stop almost 18 months the Muslim Community has been asking answer from the government so they are fed up they dont trust the government any more they feel that it is a punishment so they dont want to be part of this process at all so therefore they are just leaving the genesis and ive been told at least 2 or 3 hospital muslim genesis up piling up government Spokesman Says the decision to cremate lies with the Experts Committee government to. Ensure it is exposed committee that decides finally its all garment to the government to the cabinet minister the president Prime Minister the governor of the minister im not going to do it it is just that really we have a lead and we do it in terms of the. Way the. Expert committee but cases like that of mary news are seen here in these pictures are hard for the Muslim Community to accept. The 44 year old was cremated within hours of dying at the Infectious Diseases hospital the next day the family was informed her test record 19 was negative her son seen here in this mobile phone footage have the task of burying. Losing a loved one to covert 19 is bad enough but many muslims cremating their bodies is a 5th worse than death the government says all corporate victims are cremated on the advice of its Technical Experts Committee and it cant make exceptions for any community with infections and deaths rising rapidly the dispute is far from over and then theres aljazeera columbus. Police in peru have shot dead a 19 year old farm worker during a protest against low wages he was part of a group of striking workers who blocked the countrys main motorway with branches stones and burning tires near the northern town of viru the protesters want wage increases and the scrapping of an agricultural or that they say limits their rights and their income. While nike is facing a backlash in japan over a commercial that highlights Racial Discrimination in the country the 2 minute advantage has been shared widely on social media and some users are calling for a boycott of the company from mcbride has the story the video features 3 teenagers who face bullying at school but overcome discrimination through sport. 2 of the girls are from racial minority groups and for some the ad wrongly portrays japanise prejudiced online criticism accuses nike of creating a false impression of japan from another critic the one thats prejudiced is nike while others have promised i wont buy nike ever again i think that they see the as the unnecessarily negative towards and and i think you have an older demographic it more male who are against one of the featured teenagers belongs to japans ethnically Korean Community mainly a legacy from japans colonial period when it ruled over the Korean Peninsula touching on the troubled relationship between the 2 neighbors always rekindles old animosities especially for the older generation but for younger people in japan there seems to be a greater acceptance of diversity with sports leading the way the success of japans multi racial rugby team in last years Rugby World Cup was widely celebrated and the emergence of biracial tennis star nyoman osaka who is featured in the ad is having a profound impact the images experiences that are project in the air you know i think resonate with young japanese over the summer we had black lives matters marches here japan is served leads exactly towards greater tolerance and diversity but of course there are people are not comfortable. For its part to nike is standing by the ad saying discrimination is a global issue and it exists around the world but clearly some in japan would have been happier if the company had focused on a different part of the world of the bride aljazeera. Now the trunk administration has sued social media giant facebook accusing it of. Favoring Foreign Workers over americans the lawsuit claims thousands of high paying jobs were reserved for overseas applicants and says facebook refused to consider u. S. Workers entirely for some of the roles facebook hasnt yet publicly responded to the accusation a runoff vote in the u. S. State of georgia will determine whether republicans maintain control of the senate or if democrats will take power theres also an intense push among grassroots organizations to get more people to the polls before mondays registration deadline to actually going to reports from atlanta. Order hurt. These signs wallpapering speak to the election fatigue among georgians the 2020 Campaign Cycle is continuing at a breakneck pace the outcome of Georgias Senate runoff on january 5th will determine the balance of power in the senate and how ambitious of an agenda president elect joe biden can pursue our ancestors fought and died for us to vote in the 1st place so its almost like a crime for me and who i stand for if i dont go out and vote one of the georgia stand up is one of the many nonpartisan grassroots organizations pounding the pavement during this pandemic Holiday Season its target is mobilizing the black vote especially eligible young and women voters we are experiencing a cultural war. Theres a shift in demographics this is a shift in power and so our job is empowered to those who have the right to vote the last time georgians elected a democratic senator was 15 years ago but during that time the demographics of georgia have shifted blacks hispanics and asians now comprise more than a 3rd of the electorate i expect that you know both groups will experience a mixed bag of wins and losses Going Forward and that theyre going to be really close elections you know the same thing happened when whites were shifting their Party Identification in the eightys and ninetys from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party time around libris action is a conservative organization wooing the countrys growing Hispanic Community latinos in georgia overwhelmingly voted for biden however the group points out that support for President Trump in the state jumped 10 percent in the last 4 years. Years were seeing inroads were seeing more and more are beginning to. Take a look at the issues take a look at their their lives take a look at policy and begin to say you know what the message that libor rate is is telling us and conservatives overall that thats thats the direction i want to go whatever the outcome of the georgia Senate Runoff the real winner might be the power of each persons vote to toss it in a oh just 0 atlanta. On a hollywood fast Warner Brothers has announced it will make its blockbusters available to stream online and the same time as in cinemas its a major shift in an industry hard hit by 1000 walk down the companys upcoming titles will be released on the h. B. O. Max platform in the coming months may just 2 years have been forced to bypass cinemas as close as say their traditional Revenue Streams dry up on jawn murray is a medium pub culture expert he explains just how this decision came about. What happened wasnt 2021 of the brothers released him it was a movie by Christopher Nolan the director of the right of the producer and he was adamant that that film had to go into theaters well were in a Global Pandemic and some people are going to be honest and depending on where you live in the world a lot of there is one quote so that we had a over 200000000. 00 budget but in the United States it only made 20000000. 00 in its Opening Weekend the Global Box Office of the film has been strong theyve made their money back and im sure what they start screaming at the film obviously make money but one of the brothers was like no were not doing this again so theyve already announced wonderwoman was going to this streaming platform h. B. O. Max in december and now all 17 of their 2021 films will go on their streaming app because they are trying to err on the side of caution but also be things up their streaming platform weve seen other streaming platforms like disney plus already take some projects that were scheduled for theaters and added to the disney 1st platform theyve done that with several fields and for them just getting the unique brand new subscribers is a victory for the overall channel because the belief is if you show up for the matrix on a lot of brothers h. B. O. Match or you show up or disney film on the disney plus at then maybe youll stay in consume all the content and still that subscriber and the long time in the long term sense of things is better than just a one off at the box office and so you know i dont lot of the theater owners across the world a frustrated they feel the fear losing money but the truth of the matter is Everybody Needs to err on the side of caution so the studios have this product and now they actually have a direct to consumer platform with the streaming apps that they can get the product to them and theyre not losing money and a lot. Well still ahead here on aljazeera the best of the football action from the Asian Champions League thats all coming up in sports but peter. Again its now time for sports and peta is going to give us an olympics updates. The organizers of the Tokyo Olympics say delaying the games to 2021 because of the corona virus pandemic will cost an extra 2400000000. 00 the un presidency postponements and a series of new Virus Council measures have been. The already controversial budget the extra costs will be shared by the organizing committee the tokyo government and the Japanese Central government japans Prime Minister is promising the games will still go ahead with it much more. At the u. N. General assembly in september this year i expressed my strong determination to host the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in the summer of next year as proof that humanity has defeated the pandemic i will continue to spend no effort to bring about the games that are safe and secure. So football d see one blue wings have squeezed into the knockout stage of the Asian Champions League the south korean side needed to win by at least 2 girls in the last group game against vessel coby and they did just that when they came to know at the Khalifa International world cup stadium in cutter they head into the last 16 and so diverse so we were already through as Group Winners sue one will face yokohama if merinos in the knockouts the japanese into just a point against australia sydney f. C. To secure a top spot in group h. And you can sign nettles volley help them to a 11 draw. Chinas showing i. S. I. P. J. R. Into the knockouts to face versal coby despite losing their final group game john book motors of south korea beat them to know with. Scoring both goals but john book still hitting home. Over in the us Minnesota United are through to the western conference finally Major League Soccer after super foods after splay against Sporting Kansas City kevin leno scored twice as minnesota helped themselves to 3 goals in the space of just 12 minutes kansas city never recovered from that good 3 nil win for minnesota to move on to mondays western conference final where they will be the defending and i was tramping the seattle sounders. Englands cricket team say theyre concerned about the integrity of their bio secure bubble in south africa of the one South African player tested positive for corona virus the case forced the postponement of the 1st one Day International in cape town just an hour before thats due to start on friday both teams are staying in the same hotel so the african team is investigating if there was a breach meanwhile the series will now start on sunday in paul for the test indicate that this is a more recent invention that occurred within the boys safe environment so its a so you know clearly there seems to be some kind of bridge which will be investigated in great detail to try and determine where this happened i can i can categorically state that is no player who can leave who is able to leave the Hotel Environment simply by virtue of the fact that is security around and the security will not allow a player to leave unless that player is leaving in a sign if you had hope. Practices underway for sundays drumcree in bahrain after an eventful week in formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton isnt taking part having contracted the coronavirus but theres been a welcome return to the paddock for remembering john days after his horrifying crash joanna gash rob school reports. Few drivers have walked away from a crash as serious as roman groves youngs but just 4 days as he was engulfed in a fireball the frenchman returned to the track where it happened. Spent 3 nights in hospital being treated for burns to his hands and a broken left foot he came back to thank those whod saved his life thank you for coming by giving the flag thanks upright right for you when a man across the road that was. Your reaction today saw the video of your work there so where was the car thank you for saving my life was. The investigation into the crash is ongoing and this has teammate is happy to see growth back on his feet everything taken in consideration i would say very good i mean. His spirit is incredible after you know what hes just been through is in a very positive and reflective on the whole thing and yeah i mean seems pretty strong about it i say as gershon recovers his thought has will be filled by picture of fittipaldi grandson of 2 time f one champion Emerson Fittipaldi and hes not the only replacement for this weeks race current World Champion Lewis Hamilton is isolating after testing positive for cocaine 1000 on monday that has led to an opportunity of a lifetime for williams driver George Russell whos been borrowed by ms sadies and hes confident he can more than fill hamiltons shoes different with a tight squeeze. My size 11 feet were a struggle so having to wear size smaller. That would be ideal so thats slightly uncomfortable but im sure i can enjoy all the pain to get us all to see. Another change from last weeks races that drivers will switch to bahrains outer circuit for the sick a grand prix it takes less than a minute to go around the much shorter track which could create conditions for another exciting race joining us roster al jazeera australias rugby team are not taking anything for granted when they play argentina in the final match of the tri nations on saturday the origin times will be without captain public and 2 other players off to racist and xenophobic social media posts from nearly a decade ago resurfaced this week but the wallabies expect their opponents to be fired up as both teams were in the year on a high terms of their place but theyre going to really good squad of saying that you know for match of matches that we played them in. And then through what theyve what theyve managed to do down here a short notice theyre clearly trying well against each other during the wake. And now we certainly up for it and week like that. You know theyre passionate bunch of guys im sure that we have to go. And thats all the sports news for now will be another update a little bit later on. Dont forget you can always find much more on our website n. P. R. s the thats al jazeera dot com and that is it for me for this news hour but ill be back in just a few minutes with more nice stay with us. In the light of the open seas hides a dark secret. Men forced to work without pay in slave for years but a glimmer of hope remains for the forgotten fisherman as a group of activists delve deep into the Illegal Fishing industry demanding justice. And freedom. Go street a witness documentary on aljazeera. December on aljazeera its 10 years since the vet aleutian in tunisia ignited the arab spring aljazeera looks back at the uprising and asks what really changed across the middle east the stream is where al jazeera is global audience becomes a Global Community a year after the 1st coronavirus case in china will examine the devastation caused by the virus and the efforts made to eliminate covert 90 people in power is back with more investigative documentaries and indepth stories climate leaders will gather online to press ahead with a new stage of the paris climate agreement and examine the possible Global Solutions december on aljazeera. With tiny you didnt cameras in the mills or illegally filming and sharing peoples most intimate moments going to one used to investigate south korean spy cam deming on aljazeera. We understand the differences on the semantics of cultures across the world so much of what we do to the news and kind of for that matter to you. The u. N. Says food is running out for tens of thousands of eritrean refugees inside ethiopias tikrit region. And again i missed this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a blockade breakthrough on the horizon Foreign Ministers of council and kuwait and saudi arabia say progress has been made in resolving the gulf crisis. The credit iris pandemic continues to bring bad news to the u. S. Economy which remains the wild west of fact a country. In baghdad

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