While american officials meet to decide who will get inoculated 1st and the uns Nuclear Watchdog appeals to iran to reconsider its plan to halt inspections of its something. Its Donald Trumps bid to overturn the us president ial election result has suffered another major blow with the attorney general saying there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. We about told the Associated Press that the Justice Department investigation has in his words, not seen ford on a scale that could have affected different outcome. President elect joe biden be trumped 53062232 votes in the Electoral College and more than 6000000 in the popular vote. But its been down to a white house correspondent, alan fischer. Alan. So william barr is all was perhaps one of Donald Trumps biggest supporters. There must be a particular sort of sting in this one for the president. Yeah, you got to think about what 1000000000 bar was saying before the election saying that 1000000 votes were ripe for fraud. And now he is saying that there is no evidence that there was any widespread fraud. And that came just a few hours before and a meeting here at the white house with donald trump, a routine meeting we were told by the department of justice. But many people thought that that was bill barr turning up to get fired. Because of course, there has been a rift between donald trump and bill barr over the last couple of months that bill barr has been accused of being more. Dont want trumps top attorney rather than americas top attorney, because hes intervened in a couple of cases. Youll remember the roger stone case, big donald trump ally, the department of justice sent forward a brief saying that they should look again at the sentencing that was recommended by the judge. And of course, he also got involved in the Michael Flynn case, the National Security adviser, who pled guilty to lying to f. B. I. Agents. The department of justice under william barr decided that they were going to drop the charges even though the judge was kind of incredulous. That that happened. Flynt has no been given a full pardon by dont know, trump, so he has been this big supporter for a long time, but he is saying no. The president has been talking about fraud for the last couple of weeks. We have seen no evidence of that. Nothing from donald trump over the last couple of hours. Weve been watching his twitter feed, avidly, just in case hes been talking and retreating a lot about how there was voter fraud in the election. But there has been calling from rudy giuliani, of course, who is Donald Trumps personal attorney, the man leading the fight. And many of these states, he says, there has been no substantive department of justice investigation into the allegations that have been put forward that they havent interviewed any of the witnesses. They have interviewed. They havent even looked to see if there was a problem with the Voting Machines and there being no audit all of those Voting Machines. In a way, a 1000000 bar knew that that sort of allegation was going to come his way because he said the department of justice becomes almost the dumping ground for people who dont like whats happened. So think the department of justice should be investigated investigated. Theres also been a rift between bill barr and donald trump over the last couple of months, notably because in the run up to the election, donald trump was saying there should be an investigation into barack obama, but particularly joe biden, because he was alleging that the spied on his president ial campaign and 2016, he was trying to replay the playbook from then you remember just a couple of months. A couple of weeks before the 26th election. Jim comi, the f. B. I. Director announced an investigation into Hillary Clintons emails and he was reopening that investigation that played well for donald trump. He wanted the same sort of boost again will be a bar, looked at the evidence and decided there was nothing he could do. He could an open investigation, so after the election, we knew there were a number of names that the donald trump want to get rid of. Mark casper, the defense secretary, that was one, hes gone. Bill barr was certainly on the list. So things may change in the next couple of hours, but certainly weve heard nothing from either the white house or the department of justice that suggest bill barr is on his way out. But we do know donald trump will not be happy with what he had from his attorney general. Now to be a fly on the wall of that conversation. Thank you that live in washington d. C. Well, there isnt, sadly is a professor of philosophy, yale, who is the author of both how propaganda works and how fascism works. He joins us live from new haven, connecticut via skype or its good to talk to you jason. So what do you think he say no evidence of fraud that would change election results. Right, and weve also heard Mitch Mcconnell and directly at least talking about a new administration on a personal level. How do you think this is going to go down with President Trump . I think hes going to deny and to flock to and claim that its fraudulent all the way until the moment at which hes off shirt, out of the white house. And then hell use this to urge the republicans to claim that bidens probably presidency is illegitimate. And the democrats are an illegitimate party, and to degrade our democracy. Well, i think we might have noticed, or you dont know, we have still got you guys, are you guys that are 2nd . Do you think that this is degrading democracy . Of course its degrading democracy. You have many millions of americans who think that this election is fraudulent. So theyre losing trust in the democratic system in a democracy is based on trust. It only works if Citizens Trust the american isms, if Citizens Trust the different opposing parties to agree on an objective referee who decides every few years. Whose policies and whose, whose politics has it, has made the case. If citizens lose trust, that that is whats happening. They lose trust in the basic foundations of democracy and they go for conspiracy theories and other ails that undermine the reality based community, which we have seen a lot of that have many conspiracy theories. Speaking of trust, i want you stay there for a minute. Jason, us present donald trump has fundraised more than 150000000 dollars since the election, appealing to Election Fraud claims. The Washington Post and New York Times are reporting that he raised the funds from mainly grassroots doenitz. The Trump Campaign is declined to comment, but has sent about 500 postelection fundraising pitches to support his asking for money to fund voter fraud. Some contributions will pay for election related lawsuits to pay off Campaign Debt and to the Republican National committee. That as of mid november 75 percent of all funds have been siphoned off to save america and the pac thats a committee which pulls funds, which can be used for trumps Political Activities going forward. So jason, 3 quarters of this money then big siphoned off to a leadership pac. I mean, is that misleading to the people who are donating to trumps of forces, given their fervent support for President Trump, that perhaps they might not care . Its for the folk populism that we have grown used to here. Lets 1st note that this president always accuses others of corruption. He always, he always accuses others of rigging. A lot of shots, hes always projecting. Hes always accusing his opponents of what hes doing. Thats how you know what hes doing because hes accusing his opponents op ed. So im deeply concerned that this is the same kind of corruption. This is the kind of folk populism were saying all over the world now, where people claim they speak for the people and against the elites. Yet they comment to office and rich themselves enrich their supporters slash taxes for the wealthy. And its the kind of quote populism that, frankly, i hope were seeing the end of soon. And hopefully well have some real populist movements that can help ordinary working people. This money, as he said, is going to this leadership which can be used for trump, for the School Activities in the future. Well, sort of Political Activities. Do you think we might see a president from i think trump seeks a dynasty. He also seeks. Hes also in deep amount of debt, so he needs to have some postelection means of, of working off this bond, he adds to his supporters. He has an incredible bond too, with his supporters, who hes convinced hes convinced that that he is their voice. He is their representation, he is the only person they can trust and thats tens of millions of americans. And thats a very powerful group that you can then leverage for various purposes. Perhaps he doesnt have a self know what those purposes are, but we havent seen a president with that kind of loyalist the bonds to tens of millions of americans in recent years. So he could start his own media empire. He could do a number of things here. You say that, you know, thats how he sees his support is, but also that how his support is. See him, right . I mean, most of this money thats being fundraised hugs and that has come from, from dollar donors, not from the mega rich from grassroots support. Thats right, because this kind of pope populism says, you know, i am your voice against the elites, even though i am taking your money, giving huge tax cuts to my friends. Thats how this works. So they would rather give their own money to their so their supposedly leader, just because he enrages their animes and ray. He owns the libs in rages, the socalled elite, and that, that is its own kind of politics. People will give up their own money, give up their health care, as long as they get this kind of cultural thrill at shocking and raging their cultural, adam mayes. And thats the kind of politics that i expect, the trompe and media and media empire to exploit as well. Thanks so much for your time. We have to leave it there. Jason stanley, there. Fessor philosophy at yale. Thank you very much. U. S. President elect joe biden, has congress to pass a coronavirus aid package that has been stalled for months. He spoke while unveiling his Economic Team to deal with the crisis on partisan group of lawmakers, unveiled and 990000000000. 00 close to 1000. 00 relief. Theyll breaking the law deadlock and in this hopeful it will pass but says his team is focused on the next session of congress. Right now, the full congress to come together and pass a robust package for relief to address the surge it needs. But any package passed in a lame duck session is likely to be at best just a start. My Transition Team is already working on what ill put forward in the next congress to address the multiple crises. Refacing, especially are economic and covert operations. Lets go live now to kristen salumi, whos in wilmington, delaware, kristen, there is talk of all of Building Back better when it comes to the economy Building Back more equitably equitably. How do joe bidens picks janet yellen to seal around . How do they suggest he plans to go about doing that . Well, they are a very Diverse Group in terms of race and gender. As joe biden himself said, they come from very different backgrounds, but they share his core economic vision. Thats a vision, really of more government involvement, more government, bigger Government Role when it comes to raising wages and raising unemployment numbers and so on and emphasis really on helping low income workers who happen to skew more towards more and minorities. The groups that have been overwhelmingly hit hard by the pandemic, the nominees that he has have a history of calling for more government action. Cecilia rouse, she is the nominee to head the council of economic advisors. She penned a letter calling for more government stimulus to more government stimulus to help these groups recover from the pandemic. Other members of his team of called for raising the minimum wage. Theyve talked about the federal reserve, the central bank getting more involved in dealing with minority unemployment in this country. So what you have here is a team thats very focused on pushing for more fiscal stimulus in the history of pushing for stimulus in terms of how they approach this problem. Kristen, even if the Coronavirus Relief package doesnt pasta, as we heard from joe biden, there he said its just a start right now. I mean, doesnt it show that congress is perhaps getting closer to signing off on some well, i think the situation here is increasingly dire and theres a realisation that more needs to be done. The challenge for joe biden is trying to do what the trumpet, ministration hasnt been able to do, and find some way of compromise between these 2 parties in terms of the, the priorities that biden talked about. Focusing on he talked about more than just extending unemployment benefits. He talked about addressing the structural issues that underlie the problems in the economy. And so its not just extending unemployment benefits, its providing childcare. Its providing Affordable Health care for people whove lost their jobs and sick leave. So that, in his words, workers dont have to choose between going back to work and caring for their families. In the midst of a pandemic, its rent relief and student loan relief. So rather ambitious set of policies that he wants to push through and, and the more long term hes talking about promoting infrastructure and spending government money on infrastructure and clean energy. Things that he says will create more jobs and help the economy build back better as you say, this is an ambitious proposal, though. So it will be a challenge to get this through congress and compromise will no doubt compromises will no doubt have to be made. Ok, thank you for that. Kristen salumi line from wilmington, delaware, still ahead on aljazeera. U. S. Experts have been meeting to advise on who should get the best look at the challenges of getting to those who need it, but just devotion to the facemask. A new exhibition in japan designed to pay homage to the new reality. We have something of a cold arctic blast across much of Central America sees a very wintry weather across the eastern side of canada, the northeastern corner of the u. S. What an active area of low pressure this one top impact i suppose, wrapped around that and they dragging in some very cold situation as we go on the through the remainder of chews day cold with to right round of the rockies. I was there was a western side and that cold plunge, if anything, theres a little further south, its in the east, which as we go through the next couple of days, we are going to say its a retreat slightly as we go through friday, want to show some of the wintry just around the central plains, pushing a little further south with southerly wind, strong, some warm moist air up from the gulf of mexico, producing some rather heavy right into louisiana for a time become a little more widespread as we go on into thursday. Just not a little further east, east and west of that. It is generally dry. Its on the cold side, crisp sparkling sunshine. For many in that sunshine stretches data across a good part of mexico. We got some showers just coming into the yucatan peninsula. Wanted to show us still that just around the guatemala honduras, some really heavy rain in place there for costa rica over the next couple of days and that cool. Some flooding after world war 2 fronts is growing, empire began to unravel in vietnam to most people. It was train themselves into the street just bursting with joy, kissing each other, and algeria sieges until she must, if they indochinese manage to beat the french army. Why not that . The decline continues in episode 2 of blood in tears french decolonization on aljazeera. While the on the watch aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour, u. S. Attorney general william bell says the Justice Department has found no evidence of widespread voter fraud in last months election. President trumps team is, rejecting the comment and says the legal fight will continue. U. S. President of x. Joe biden has formally unveiled the Economic Team. He says, will deal with the crisis caused by the pandemic. He stressed the need to open businesses and screw us safely. Revive her least to millions of jobless people and a Bipartisan Group of lawmakers on fell the 980000000000. 00 covert. 90 belief, bit like the breaking of the deadlock president elect biden is hopeful it will pass, but says his team is focused on the next session of congress. The u. S. Drugs and its german partner bio and tech and said that they hope the vaccine could be rolled out in europe within weeks. The vast, the European Unions Medicines Agency for emergency approval, which could come by december, the 29th. It could made at least 2 vaccines approved in europe and the United States by the end of the year. And a u. S. Center for Disease Control panel is recommending that frontline workers and nursing home residents should get the coronavirus vaccination 1st. An independent Advisory Team made up of 15 medical and Public Health experts voted in favor of the guidance states and other local authorities will ultimately decide on the issue of course not, and gallacher who is in miami at the so this c. D. C. Advisory panel has come up with their advice, what happens next . , well, they issued their recommendations to the c. D. C. , who more than likely will approve them and then issued guidance to the states. As you said, its up to each individual state how they handle this. But all indications are that all 50 states will follow these guidelines, meaning they should get these vaccines out to Health Care Workers and those living in Long Term Care facilities. Of course, those are 2 groups of people that have suffered a great deal under this pandemic here in the state of florida. 40 percent of all fatalities are from the residence of Long Term Care facilities, but there are some hurdles to go before this begins to happen. To drug makers will be seeking f d, a approval emergency approval in the next couple of weeks. But they say if they do get that approval, they can begin rolling out those vaccines within 24 hours. But there are a great many logistical challenges ahead. Some of these vaccines require more than one dose. They also require extreme refrigeration, and there is a shortage of these refrigeration units across the country. Of course, hes talking about 25000000 people here about 21000000 Health Care Workers and 3 to 4000000, People Living in Long Term Health care facilities. So that is a challenge, but in the wider picture, theres also questions about how communities of color will be prioritized because they of course have been hit pretty hard as well. And there are another couple of vaccines coming down the line that may get approved. But the Bigger Picture here is that they general population of this country are not likely to get vaccines until the spring. And we are heading now into the winter. And Officials Say this could be the most brutal time of this entire pandemic in the United States. And they are warning people do not let your guard down for now. Ok, thank you. And again, we can live in miami u. S. Government wants the 1st vaccines to the vet within 24 hours of getting approval. But distributing it is not going to be easy. Thousands of cargo flights will be needed. Pfizers plan alone depends on 20 flights a day. Theres also the issue of keeping vaccines at the super low temperatures. Need it. Airlines are working on how to safely use larger quantities of dry ice and shipping companies, a building new phrases, sites around the world. Drug companies are already getting large quantities of their vaccines to strategic points to speed up distribution when they get the green lights. And leighs while the smith is a professor of emerging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine. She says the upcoming vaccines will be easy to distribution store. Clearly for this is that scene that needs an ultra cold chain. It needs to be delivered in a special licentious that know how to keep the obstacle and so kindly for example, in germany, there repurposing all of the factories or certain places the source of that. Indeed people need to come to those places. So, but the next, you know, the upcoming vaccine that we will have, you know, 2nd, 3rd and 4th vaccine, very soon. They look easier in terms of logistics and they can probably be delivered in normal temperatures of means to just 8 degrees celcius. , and then such vaccines that can be delivered in your local g. P. , your Outpatient Clinic or at pharmacists, etc. So the initial vaccines that have now a bigger logistic hurdle, but because we are desperate to starbucks in nation, we now need to proactively, you know, face these challenges and find solutions. England is entering a tougher system of ted coronavirus restrictions from wednesday after the plan was approved by parliament. 35. 00, members of Boris Johnsons conservative party voted against the plan. And the biggest rebellion since he became Prime Minister on 40 percent of the country will be subject to the toughest level of restrictions that follows a month Long National lockdown. Irans parliament has passed a draft motion to halt, unrestricted access by the International Atomic Energy Agency to its nuclear sites. The motion also allows around to resume uranium enrichment at levels of 20 percent. Another violation of the 2050 nuclear deal halts from tehran and urgent motion passed during an urgent session in parliament on tuesday. 251. 00 parliamentarians are demanding that the government stop unrestricted access by inspectors to rein in nuclear sites. This draft bill would also oblige irans Atomic Energy organization to take you rein him in richmond to 20 percent. It is now at 4. 5 percent. And under the 2015 nuclear agreement, iran should be producing enrich uranium at only 3. 67 percent. The muchly is indeed sends the message to the enemies of iran that this one sided game is over. This motion will now have to go to the Guardian Council for approval. But all the citizens about Irans Nuclear program are made by another body. As the supreme National Security council, but this move by the conservatively controlled parliament, comes at a critical time. On friday, 63 year old nuclear scientists, most and factories are there, was assassinated near to her on when his motorcade came under attack in broad daylight. In a rare move, the government released these never before seen photos of the receiving the order of service for his role in the 2015 nuclear deal. A fact which was not public, knowledge until now. In 2018, u. S. , president dollar, trump withdrew from the deal and imposed a series of crippling economic penalties on iran. As a result, iran reduces commitments to the deal in phases and the access to International Atomic energy inspectors is all of what remains. As part of the deal, there is a lot of pressure on the government inside iran to respond to the sasa nation of one of the countrys top nuclear and defense officials. I think its quiet telling indicating the fact that iran already wendy and debates on the j. C. B. Usa moving to our are for you know, situation and rhetoric, i think will best well have an effect on the future negotiations on the j. C. , you know, a compliance with them to use this motion allows the government one month to implement these demands. I asked this other after the article 176. 00 of the iranian constitution states, it is a matter beyond the 3 branches of government or the legislative body, which is the magnus, no political body or branch of power could act beyond that. The latest report which came out in november said that iran now has 12 times more than the permitted amount of 300. 00 kill grounds of enrich uranium, putting its stockpile at nearly 4000 kilograms. The killing of most in fact, is out there. Now this notion in parliament are all just adding pressure to their honey administration in the last few months that they have left in office. President sam, your money has already said that iran will avenge the death of the high ranking official. Whats clear now is that he doesnt want to be remembered to do so for such a party out here of this, if a small folks have of course, become a part of many peoples lives around the world. Now a month long exhibition dedicated to the protective coverings has opened in japan, where using masks was common long before the coronavirus pandemic reports. Its billed as a theme park for masks. The mask is fashion statement, a thing of beauty, but also life preserving functionality, requiring maintenance and accessories, and available as festive offerings just in time for the holidays. I think everyone wears masks as are their lindy sethi, but i dont think they have to chance to find and try something new. We hope to provide that kind of opportunity. Theres musk chic in abundance, but on this opening day, not that many visitors, perhaps on surprising with japan tackling its the wave of the coronavirus. Its fitting the mask should be celebrated here, with few countries embracing the Face Covering as widely as japan. The practice was already well established, long before people knew of covert 19, and ive always worn masks, especially around spring and autumn because im allergic to pollen. And i change my masks depending on what i wear. So i want to see what kind of masks i can find here. But japans record on dealing with the corona virus has been mixed. Former Prime Minister shinzo r. Bay was widely ridiculed for his National Mask plan that was branded benaud mask for its small size and poor quality. The government was also accused of responding late to the outbreak to try to save the 2020 tokyo olympics, which got postponed anyway. Of course, i understand the economys in trouble, but if the government measures and effective against the virus, then even holding the olympics next year will be difficult. I hope the government can get it together. With the postponement of the games, the Olympic Rings floating in tokyo bay where unceremoniously towed away. But those rings have now been returned to public view, raising hopes the ill fated games will eventually be held if they are, it will be thanks in no small part to the humble mask. And the nationwide willingness to mask up rob mcbride aljazeera this is aljazeera and these the top stories u. S. Attorney general william bar, the Justice Department has found no evidence of widespread voter for last months election. President trumps team is rejecting the comment and says the legal fight will continue. U. S. President elect joe biden has urged congress to pass a coronavirus aid package that has been stalled for months

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