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Often tension in iraq between supporters of top clerical and antigovernment. Protesters ahead of parliamentary elections but into the program. A prominent scientist at the center of Irans Nuclear program has been assassinated, gunmen ambushed a vehicle carrying it most enough, and his bodyguards, iran has vowed retaliation, which it says its suspects. Israel is behind a setback, has more from tehran, the aftermath of the killing bullet holes in the car and blood on the floor injured in the attack. Mostyn factories are there was taken to hospital, but later died. He had been one of irans most Senior Nuclear scientists and had already survived a previous s. S. Nation attacked based on the report made by the god 1st, they opened fire. Then after 10 to 15 seconds, a truck carrying explosive materials exploded in a car. Fire continued after the explosion. Officials admit his death is a blow to the countrys defense program. Foreign minister javad zarif was quick to lay the blame. He said in a tweet, the killing had serious indication of israeli involvement, but presented no evidence. This really Prime Minister had named fact result in 2018 as the director of Irans Nuclear weapons program. A key part of the plan was to form new organizations to continue the work. This is how dr. Morse, in fact, is the head of project about put it. Remember that name for his or so heres his director right here. And he says, the general aim is to announce the closure project. But then he adds special activities. You know what that is . A special activity will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments previous assassinations of 4 earing and scientists between 2012012 have also been blamed on israel with u. S. Officials briefing the press about his rating involvement. So based on the background briefings to the press, there is very strong reason to, to suspect both israeli and possibly even u. S. Involvement. Given the very public pronouncements of u. S. Officials that they will use this time between the end of the trying to ministration in the beginning. About a ministration to do whatever they can to punish iran and. d irans progress in the Nuclear Field and other factors are they had been under a u. N. Security council list of sanctioned individuals. Iran had never allowed him to be interviewed by the International Atomic agency. His whereabouts were also kept secret. The killing will also raise questions about the countrys internal security. Iranian officials are already vying to respond while saying the Nuclear Program will continue. But the timing of this assassination comes when iran is waiting for president elect joe biden, to return the u. S. To the 2015 nuclear deal. A treaty intended to keep Irans Nuclear program peaceful. Most in fact, is the most senior and crucial scientists killed to date. This threatens to complicate any future talks and further increased tensions in the region aside, big al jazeera, the iran. Well, fitzpatrick is an associate fellow at the International Institute for strategic studies. He explains how the timing of days, assassination could point to some state involvement. Factories are they was so critical to the past development of Irans Nuclear weapons program. It program that has largely been on hold for the past 15 years. Factories are, they has been maintaining the personnel and the organizational apparatus to get it going again, should an order come and the purpose of the assassination, presumably ostensibly, is to prevent iran or to impede iran from building Nuclear Weapons in the future. But the more logical reason for doing this now, because iraq was not on the verge of believe you could weapons, reason for doing it now, is to impede the by an administration to return to the j. C. P. A way. Tehran will believe that the United States was complicit in this and the 2 data points that you just mentioned, the fact that trump wanted to strike iran, and he asked for options to go after Irans Nuclear program. And then the meetings in israel with palm pale. All do point to the United States at the very least having given a green light to the assassination. Ethiopia has denied reports that the Prime Minister is rejecting talks with the grain leaders, met with African Union envoys and told them hed only speak to representatives operating legally in the region. His forces have been fighting troops for almost 3 weeks, but insisted his government must unfolds. The rule of law integrate all risk a culture of impunity, but could threaten the countrys survival. That he ordered the army to carry out the final phase of its offensive and move in on to graze regional capital. The ethiopian Prime Ministers spokeswoman say you spoke 12, does their own describe the governments position . I think the why do you understood the concept with regard to the strong words with rejection, particularly because the Prime Minister has enough rejected talking to anybody from thats a great region impact. The provision administration that has been set up constitutionally by the half a federation is an amalgamation or a composition of various, the great Political Parties that are active in the progressive region. At this point, one of the key measure is the number speak. It is because of the laws of the land and the constitution and the criminal code of the federal democratic republic of people attacking your own National Forces is the question, is the criminal act in this considered a treasonous act . As well as will, the madeon is a hold of africa analyst. He believes the Prime Ministers military solution to the crisis is a major strategic mistake. Well, tanks have surrounded the city of l. A. Thats what were hearing. And the 72 hours, all the matter that was given by Prime Minister that idea has passed and gone. And mediators have come from places to try to talk to him. And they were not allowed man standing, they were not allowed to go past him. And so it is looking a very ominous kind of situation where you know, i mean an entire people who sit around and this is a struggle for survival right now, you know, out of the looking at doing anything they can. And its also really not so much just that i think the entire people into guy out of the ceiling and seat by this. And there is a, there is this discourse that separates that he p. L. F. From the people of today. And this is, there is no separation, it is peoples wardak or grill or water kind of thing that they are transitioning to. And whats going to be happening in l. A. Is really going to show us what the future of course shes going to be. I think when i responded to gamble on a military solution, what it is issue is just the biggest mistake, a strategic mistake you make. A suicide blast in the somali capital has killed at least 7 people. The bomber blew himself up in an ice cream parlor in mogadishu. The Police Official said the death toll could rise and the group has yet claimed responsibility with fewer than 60 days until president elect joe biden takes office, the u. S. Justice department, a number of federal executions, and is trying to expand the methods that they can use. Biden is against the Death Penalty and says he will work to end it. Mike hanna, has more from washington d. C. News of these new protocols only came up because it was printed in the federal register as it has to be by law. The impact of this though, is to give the federal government a far wider range of methods of execution to use normally, it has been by lethal injection, but the Justice Department is now saying that it has got to keep the option of using a form of execution used in each particular state. Now states decide what form of execution they use most have used lethal injection. However, some have moved away from that because of the shortage of the drugs needed. So the Justice Department is attempting to say that it needs to do this to fall into line with protocols exercised by the states in which a federal execution will be carried out. Now this is significant because the finite executions have been shared between now and the 20th of january when joe biden comes into office 3 of them this month and 3 to next month. So this now the Justice Department is able to exercise what form of a death sentence is pickable to a particular state where its carried out. It must be noticed as well. Is that the death sentence, federal death sentence was on hiatus from 2003, before Justice Department, reinstated federal death penalties earlier this year. And since then, there have been more people executed by the Justice Department. Then there were in the last 50 years the Us Federal Court of appeals has rejected. Donald Trumps Campaign request to block joe biden from being declared the winner in pennsylvania. Is the latest setback in the president s legal challenges to overturn the results of the election. Was widespread fraud joining the votes, but the courts claim had no merit. The campaign is likely to appeal the case in the supreme court. Well, staying in the us, the new restrictions will be imposed now in los angeles from monday, in response to a spike. In credit hours cases, all private and public gatherings of people from different households have been temporarily banned. But it comes as the number of recorded infections nationwide passed the 13000000 mark this week. Millions of americans travel for the thanksgiving holiday, despite warnings to stay at home. And the World Health Organization is warning countries to remain vigilant, even if they see a decrease in corona virus cases. The agency also said more data is needed to review the efficacy of the Oxford University and astra zeneca Coronavirus Vaccine doubts have been raised over its effectiveness after participants were given different doses by mistake leading to different results. Astra zeneca says its likely to run another global trial after the job was found to be 90 percent effective within one subgroup. What weve seen as a press release and what is really the next most important step is that the data really needs to be evaluated based on more than a press release. Theres only a 1st of all limited amount that can be said in a press release. And secondly, it really needs to be reviewed in terms of the data and then questions asked about the data that may come up in the course of the review. Still ahead here on aljazeera, the Wine Industry becomes the latest casualty of an escalating trade rift between australia and china. Plus they ravage crops and cause widespread devastation. But could there be a new way to stop swarming . Locusts, well tell you after the break. Hello other beltre various switzerland. Danton is concentrating now in iraq. But there have been some pretty big showers in the extended frontal zone through saturday, which is still there on saturdays, proved to produce some pretty big zander stalder flash flooding was shown in jeddah. The same could happen in riyadh, more likely get heavy rain in eastern iraq or even in baghdad. And then the eastern side as it goes into Higher Ground of iraq following it should be fine. Weather, briefly shallots as day, then fine weather on sunday, 20 and buried rather colder up in aleppo, particularly at night. Otherwise, weather is looking quite outside those zones that doha is right on the edge of it could see spotted 2 of rain even a thunderstorm briefly on sunday. Otherwise its looking fine again, 26 degrees on that is not 36. If you suddenly come down by the seas, no rain through africa is fairly obvious. There is no sign of the recent cycle, but the remaining breeze is quite a moist one. So there are potentially showers in the horn of africa, maybe in djibouti bits of yemen. But the real heavy rain is further south and extends right down through botswana into the heart of south africa, including johannesburg. These are moving big showers. Told to aljazeera we heard scott realistically, how can you deal with institutionalized corruption in this country . If we listen, if this breaks up a little conflict between pakistan and india, this has implications for the rest of the world. We meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera be the hero, the world needs, right . Washing of the market watch aljazeera, that means the whole run a reminder of our top stories. A prominent scientist at the center of Irans Nuclear program has been assassinated, never capital tehran, the vehicle carrying out most in a bizarre that was ambushed by gunmen in the city. Of upside in iran says it suspects israel of involvement. If europe is government is denying that the Prime Minister has rejected talks with the grain leaders. 3 African Union special envoys met in addis ababa. He told them hed only speak to representatives operating illegally in the region. The u. S. Justice department is amending its execution rules no longer require death sentences to be carried out by lethal injection. That clears the way for other methods to be used. Several federal executions are being shuttled before president elect. Joe biden takes office. Tens of thousands of people have rallied in iraqs capital to show support from other ahead of parliamentary elections next june. They gathered in tahrir square, which was once the focus of antigovernment protests spent a faulty reports from baghdad on friday, followers of powerful shia cleric took over baghdad starting square. 8 in the, in moms words, the goal of this friday prayer was to defend their religion and homeland in the face of immorality and nonbelievers, a criticism of the secular leaning anti establishment protesters who until recently occupied the square in the lottery. The october protests had positive and negative sides. As for the negative sides of these protests at the hands of the american occupiers spread the obscenity into a square. The prayers also aims to shore up political support. Yes, yes, to our leader, they proclaimed their support for sutter after he and his aim to secure a majority in the forthcoming parliamentary elections, which would allow him to nominate the Prime Minister of the total solders, a patriotic leader for all iraqis, the sunnis, the shia and the kurds, he is considered a shepherd for all iraqis. He will not run for himself, but for these people, his constituents, he represents all iraqis, but many disagree. The prayer took place in the same square where just weeks ago, Security Forces cleared remnants of iraqs beleaguered protest movement, which had aims to topple the ruling class, including the sudras who won the last elections. Activists say the protests gradually lost steam due to violence. And because Political Parties including the sudras to hijack their cause, they infiltrate the demonstrators, demonstrations squares, and in every city where, but they can. And they tried to manipulate the process and tried to get to soften the blow. The solder has long tried to brand himself a reformist, and initially supported the protests. But india and he is seen as having chosen to protect the system. They have lost a lot of grounds, political grounds, social grounds, people who have doubted them as being really the pharmacist. But they found out they are not. They are just part of the political regime which runs the country since 2003. So they are now trying to gain back some of the ground and indeed thousands turned out to show their loyalty for solder. Fridays prayer was a display of power on the part of the saddest moment. I heard one of the general elections. But antigovernment protesters have struggled to organize politically to put up a serious challenge to incumbent party is like the sadrist herder aiding their prospects for al gore. All success is so wonderful to al jazeera that, that elsewhere in southern iraq, 3 people were killed in violence between satirise and antigovernment protesters. At least one person died from gunshot wounds on the run. 50 others were injured. The farmers in india have gathered outside the capital, new delhi to protest against new agricultural reforms. Police allowed the group to stage a peaceful march at a designated sites on friday. They initially clashed with police who had tried to stop them from entering the city, while farmers fear new reforms could put them out of business. They want the government to scrap laws, which would end guaranteed prices for their produce. Elizabeth product has more from the indian capital using their tractors to remove Police Barricades pharmacy voyde victoriously on their way to the Capital Region of delhi. For 3 days, tens of thousands of families from the states of punjab and haryana pushed barricades shipping containers and even trucks out of the way. The tear gas water cannon and being hit by Police Batons didnt stop the farmers from continuing on their march court. Lets go to delhi, but the comic farmers across the country want these black laws brought by the government to be repealed. This is our demand. Farmers are against 3 new laws which allow private companies to buy directly from them. They say the changes will see the end of the governments guaranteed minimum price for their progeny was and leave them at the mercy of large corporations. Around half of indias 1300000000, people who work in the agriculture sector. Many agree that it needs reforms, but they say these laws wont benefit farmers. After trying to stop the march for days, delhi police made a concession after discussion with farmers leaders, delhi police had allowed them to hold peaceful protest and even got to get on in what already. They are really appealed to them to mundane peace. But most fondness didnt take up that offer will block the highway until the government comes to talk to us. We will block the highway here who will listen to us there in new delhi. Theyll make us sit somewhere and know what will come to talk to us. Alice, after delhi police assigned an area for protests on the outskirts of the city, few farmers showed up, even as the supporters set up a food stall to feed them. There was a Large Police Presence here waiting for the farmers. And just as large a presence beyond this area to stop farmers from reaching Central Delhi and what have been the biggest protests since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Elizabeth purana aljazeera easterly. China has lot taxes of up to 212 percent, almost trailing in wind amid an escalating trade. Beijing accuses australia of flooding the anees market with cheap wine and harming local producers. We feel strongly in government denies. The wind tax is the latest in a series of chinese sanctions. Its already cut, imports of australian beef, cold, barley, seafood, sugar and timber. Now the measures are widely seen as a retaliation for australian support for an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and criticism of beijings security crackdown on hong kong is the managing editor of the china story of the Australian National university. She previously served as an australian treasury official enjoys going to via skype, from the capital camera. Good to have you with us on the program. It does seem a proxy war is escalating between china and australia with trade and finance as the weapon. Thats right. Trade, the trade tension is really just one part of the broader tension between australia and china. And that tension has its history go back to 3 years ago now. And australia has been put into basically the greens since then. But these here, it has escalated partly because of the Australian Governments call for an independent inquiry into the origin of coal. But, and that has really angered the Chinese Government and the Chinese Government then part of the australia for the exports and why they do that. Its because it knows that the Australian Government is if exports to china, australia is dependent, not dependent, sorry, australia has a very big china is a monster and its biggest trade trading partner. Indeed, i mean, how much of the sort of this latest trade spat is about australias sort of, i should say, vocal criticism of chinas policy, not just about coronavirus but, and we talked about democracy in hong kong, but the week is of access to the South China Sea just as 2 other elements. Yes, in fact, a week ago, the Chinese Embassy handed over a list of 14 grievances to the australian media. So that goes back all the way to the foreign interference legislation in 2710 when ben rather in 2018 and the wrath of the Foreign Investment decisions. So all of these bills out to 14, these are grievances that china is basically punishing australia for it is using trade as a weapon at the tool to punish australia. Politically, it would be true to say that some in australia see chinas move as a more sinister way of trying to sow the seeds of discontent. And split the sort of the Political Landscape as well as the Public Discourse over the way that china and australia are sort of relating to each other regarding policy and trade. And is it going to work . Well, certainly china hopes that by putting extra pressure more and more pressure, more and more goods and goods on the under trade sanctions that the Australian Government will basically capital it. But thats not going to happen because all from such a public coercion from china, the Australian Government is not going to be seen as kowtowing to the Chinese Government. What it does is its just going to dig into heels deeper and be even more tensors. And certainly what were seeing from the government from the Prime Ministers statement reflects that. So how do both, how to both of these countries than you might say, walk back from this policy without losing face . Is it possible . It will be very, very difficult for throughout this year, both sides have a we have seen signs of both sides wanting a better relationship, but that is quickly followed by more and more trigs or trade trading speeds. So i think it will be very difficult and more likely that their relationship will be in the downturn for a while to come. Yet you can jan. Joining us from cambra, thanks very much for joining us from the Australian National university. Russian opposition, politician alexina valley has called on the e. U. To impose sanctions on all the gas linked to president vladimir putin. And he was addressing the European Parliaments Foreign Affairs Committee by video link. The valley is recovering in germany from a poisoning. He says was ordered by the kremlin, even being, you know, the russian oligarchs not just got a new ones like these must be real targets. The president of belarus, alexander lukashenko, has promised to step down if a new constitution is created. Now he hasnt confirmed if the process is underway or even if its being considered. Because shanker has so far resisted months of protests calling for his resignation. Critics accuse him of rigging the election and cracking down on his opponents. Theres anger in chile over the governments attempt to revoke a pension fund. Bill protesters clashed with riot police while trying to reach the president ial palace, and they want access to that Retirement Funds to help them through the economic crisis. But president Sebastian Pinera is opposed to the idea saying, withdrawals will damage the countrys pension system. The proposal was approved by the senate in our faces. A vote in the lower house of congress. Locus ravaging crops, could become a thing of the past. Researchers in the United Kingdom are looking into the genetic code of Desert Locust to either find a pesticide that kills them, all stops them swarming, but doesnt harm the crops. A small cloud of 48000000 locusts eat the same amount of food in a day as 35000. People now this year the insect destroyed crops across africa and central asia. Tom matheson is an associate professor of neurobiology at the university of leicester. He was part of the team that carried out the study, but he hopes it will lead to a pesticide to control the insect population without eradicating them. But weve attempted to do, and weve succeeded in doing now is to 1st time sequence, the entire genome of the desert locus, just the circuit. And it turns out the genomes about 3 times bigger than the human genome. So its quite been quite a massive undertaking and cause lots of problems for the scientists doing the coding. But weve been able to do this and now that information as its deposited, where its freely available to anyone who wants to go and dig into it and start looking for keys and all that information that we can use to target these animals much better than we can at the moment, once youve got a genome, you can do all sorts of Different Things with that. Clearly controlling about this is one of the things that we would like to tackle. And when i say we are, and this is anyone who wants to get involved in doing this, essentially. So this is not just our program of work. Were trying to provide a resource for people across the globe. Because one of the big problems with controlling low, this is simply the infrastructure on the ground. When we spray pesticides on, on animals or in the current pesticides, certainly kill the locust, but they have a huge amount who consequences as well. They mostly toxic that the operators and so are using them. So the idea that once youve got the genome you can start trying to design has decided which target things which are specific to the genome of this particular organism. And dont have the terrible knock on effects for other insects. For example, in the environment i was on workers in several countries have gone on strike over pay and safety conditions. Garment workers in bangladesh are demanding pay the completed orders that were canceled due to the pandemic. Trade unionists in the u. K. Are calling for a parliamentary inquiry into what they call dehumanizing working conditions. Youre watching over there with me as a whole. Romney reminder of our top stories. A prominent scientist at the center of Irans Nuclear program has been assassinated near the capital tehran, the vehicle carrying out most and in fact, resigned. It was ambushed by gunmen in the city of upside. Iran says it suspects israel of involvement. It to go or hold more idea at 1st the card

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