Rather than his body was lying in state at the president ial palace. Some people in the crowds clashed with police when their visit to see the coffin was cut short. Ethiopias Prime Minister ive made, has ordered, a final assault on the capital of t. , great province after the expiring of a 72 hour ultimatum for local forces to surrender. Ahmed says he will open a humanitarian corridor for those who want to flee more than 40000. People have already left for eastern sudan, where aid agencies are struggling to feed, treat, and shelter them. Well have a morgan is in one of sudans poorest regions where many refugees have arrived with nothing where we are is the border and its where more than 15000 refugees have arrived over the past 3 weeks. All of them think that theyre escaping shelling that left family members behind and came here for their 50 and there they would be more than 200000. 00 refugees. And the next 6 months are going to be trying to step up so that no refugee is left in need. Hundreds of people have been given life sentences for attempting to topple turkeys government 4 years ago. Its one of the biggest cases related to the failed coup with 475 suspects on trial. About 80000 people were arrested after the coup attempt and drug company astra zeneca is planning to test its potential corona virus vaccine. Again, days after grabbing headlines over its reported 90 percent success rate, which is now being questioned by scientists. Astra zeneca insists the vaccine that it has produced with Oxford University was tested properly. One when east is next afghan women talk about their fears for the future. Is a half an hour away 100, 60 percent of the stories in developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in is indispensable to economic activity. But in this country, on aljazeera, the day it was supposed to be a new dawn for afghan women. Play was being terrorized by the taliban, they celebrated will be us, overthrew the brutal regime. We will not tire. We will not falter. And we will not fail to almost 20 years and tens of thousands of casualties. The war rages on and the taliban insurgency is stronger than ever. And the American People are weary of war without victory played. The us has negotiated a deal to withdraw its troops. But it could also see the group returning to power, along with its violent repression of women. Because saudi king will commit hadlee as the people who have signed the death sentence of many women. And i have no expectations of the taliban claim. One on one east investigates if afghan women pay the price for peace, they war torn country player was on the phone and on was the other talking about. Im not part of that outfit, but to play driving with layla. Hi there be kabuls. Traffic can be stressful. Mostly the motion rests unique to lead the side never committed to exactly legal but then this is the risk of the sound of them up on the sands. Not that it would be to put the lives of millions of the opposite house in these congested roads like never fails to cause the same. It might be the christic, the human origin might be that you really see women driving to especially one without tickets. How do people react when they see you drive . Its not though i was on a, im on toys. Im not a have, its a list of the holiday. But but when it comes to a farce, layla is not one to back down to her driving isnt just a convenience in afghanistan. Its an act of defiance and go away and turning out, of them. Good. That end of will throw off is in the u. K. , the good news or the amount of an opponents can doesnt beginning from the moment, but its going to but its not just these streets that have made life a little tough for moves in a decade. She has worked on the sidelines of an if we didnt make the future bold enough to take on driving around, looking for drug addicts on the streets of kabul, so that labor can take them back to a rehab center. Its pretty dangerous work, but she does it all the time. Some little crowd at the limo that campaign under a bridge in broad daylight, we spot dozens abuses in ticket pub having all the motor home by small arms and thats going to be it is ok to come out is one of the main seasons filming and stop throwing rocks, but layla pushes on you saw, and that is, it was suddenly she spots a young man. Shes already treated several times but it was for the blood. All of them now with this work is not for the make but enough. Gonna stand a woman doing this job is so offensive to some that people have attempted to kill her. She had to fall off 2 men who broke into her home and tried to strangle her in her sleep. Another time she was attacked in what she thought was a taxi pushed aside one. Im told that im out of, i got it on monday, the people in the back pulled a scarf around my neck and strangled me. I thought i was finished. The driver took a weapon from the glove compartment and said, if you dont stop your work, its this easy for us to kill you. But didnt stop. In fact, she doubled down as my house, like a mother on a society expects me to stay at home. Have children be a good host and no man should hear my voice. I have just one life and i dont want to live the way society wants. Its a choice she wouldnt have had 19 years ago when the taliban ruled afghanistan under its regime, women were not seen or heard. They were forced to raise a book, go and work banned from stints in jobs. And if they broke these rules, they were filled. And sometimes executed was in the gift, was it that weve gambled with our lives minute by minute . Because we want women to have a place in society to show them how much things have changed that let a lot of new friends take me to a place. So to boot, it was completely banned by the taliban. Its a bowling alley. Not exactly the hotbed of vice i was expecting. But not that long ago. All of us would have been publicly flogged, just being featured. Would you do Something Like this is a ghost and probably just this not, were going to turn this into at all. If you mean you dont get where shes going. I will not be pushing my crap at that. Any luck, not that im trying it the same way get and they tell me thats not the only change was the design. And that john pointed out that it is still a show that was it and wasnt done ish done with it. He said this he planned on it, but now women see it that these freedoms may not last for much. Longer room is a rife that the taliban could come back into government after american troops withdrawal was the taliban. And that the more they use making sure the movies title was it was a major read that as an afghan, im shocked that the americans introduced democracy, human rights and womens rights to us and encouraged us to defend them. But theyre telling us that now the taliban is legit. How has the taliban changed . Was all this talk of human rights womens rights . Democracy was a just a game. Made us not the only one outraged by these negotiations with the taliban under the hash tag, my red line, women, it taking to social media to defend their rights. My bomani eggs are now falling. Cut this off. My house is that the hash out . I think that i got them manukau about me. Got cut the star command also idea by animals, but money ads like this, all their athletes, musician, its money that is all coming together to make it clear that they free dominicana be traded but in a country. So scalloped by war, a womens rights, a luxury that only affluent afghans can afford to care about that obeidi agency at the of what the so come to find out i had to the north and province of bottle down on the amount of money. Sharif is a much smaller city then there are definitely no bowling alleys here and in public at least many women still wear the blue collar. Can you come here to me because ching here is easy to talk about the model of the articles i will play with them equally right now shes juggling 17 cases defending women who have fled, abusive families and forced marriages that i was making up of a lot of them. But what that water is, the one that was i guess it was most remeasure was are they going that . Are they go there with the would you wash it works for an ngo called women for afghan women, which run secret shelters close on one cause if only most of the cases we have are connected to Domestic Violence and family issues. Women want the relatives who have abused them to be punished. That the number mean that the one that we dont get is that many here fear for their lives, for their protection. Weve changed their names to us. Thats not for the regime. Must not get out of the market. Theres no question. She called me today. Nigerias meeting with her client fatima and her husband fatima says her husband is violent and that his uncle sexually harassed her accusations. He denies. Quote my younger son, missing his honest youngest northbound. Silly stuff. Sure my family got him killed in the last hour that america reacted to b. C. My going to go. That is no good. And i dont know what i mean when i walk up and his stride to leave him before ive done for the more thats my remark and i mean, felt so numb youre maybe youre not making my young with im up, but i jump, we can all meet in the surf on what is good aria is your what a pleasure be home soon become design. If i make or not. I make money on me. Im a little maid of which despite knowledge is best efforts. This meeting is going nowhere. Not if it was a grandma itself, doesnt know me as that has learned. I was out of well about a 1000000. The only nice example you have all these are you one of them and as im about as our new stories are going on sale in order to us all who body husband says he will never agree to a separation. Shell have to take him to the morgue or their mother is the most. There was a mistake. Of course there was a lot more but its her 3 children that fossil is worried about under afghan law. She lose custody if she leaves. The reactor only god knows her client is in a desperate situation. She also knows it could be much worse on what these women that we help. Now, as defense attorneys, they would never have been able to raise their voice under the taliban. And not just says shell never forget what life was like under the brutal regime. She was only 12 when taliban fighters seized his city. Afghan leader, we want allowed to go outside without a male guardian girls aged from 12 or 13 you had to wear the school and college was forbidden for girls. Under the taliban, we were in conflict darkness. We didnt know about womens rights that they could separate from their husbands or punish the people who were violent. Whats a mother to do . What is it now has a daughter of her own and another baby on the way. She says this is why she and so many women are worried that the taliban may come back into power. And i was just a child and it was so traumatic. I dont want my children to go through this. So im fighting for my kids for their future and for the future of this country. Right now, one of her most pressing cases on the question that she has run away from her father and a forced marriage. Its up to 9 to protect to use in the law. He cocked his gun and put it against my head and said, why dont you want to marry him . You have to marry him. There were tiles on the kitchen floor. He grabbed me by the hair and banged my head against the floor again and again. Then he locked me in and my older brother came and he hit me in the eye and it became swollen. Then he punched me in my mouth and broke 6 of my teeth. They were in pieces. Not just says yasmin is fortunate that she could reach the shelter. Thats not always possible. In areas controlled by the taliban, are you able to help women who may be suffering from violence that we cannot to help them . Because we dont know about the violence to hear whats going on and it looks like everythings ok there. Looks like lack this because we did, the woman doesnt have a right. Dont have a right to raise did it was. So when a, but if you dont, heres something. So how can you help today more than 60 percent of districts in afghanistan, a controlled or contested by the taliban. We dont know how theyre treating women in these areas because its too dangerous for us to go. But a confidential source close to the taliban said he could help us investigate after days of kid food planning, he was able to film this extraordinary footage and smuggle it through government checkpoints. Its from a district in gas need province which fell to the taliban. And hes a guy was someday that young rich enough to even try to get on managing to support you. Because, you know, when we see feiss carrying i k 47. Its an, r. P. G. Its parading through the District Office and we hear from taliban judges running to run courts. What we dont see is any footage of a single woman one because it runs on its on the planet. So people go to the, i dont know, a spokesman months, who gets nabil, tells us that girls in the area are allowed to go to school. We do, you have female madrassas in our district, but they have to wear that he job even in the future when were in government will allow them to go to school. According to sharia law, this might sound like progress until you dig a little deeper. But should i know sharia law only allows women to wear the full her job and to always be accompanied by a male relative. Because in the koran, it says that women should stay at home. And if they have to go out, they should be with a male relative morphy to our contact chriss him to be more specific. Us is asking, will women have the right to work to study and marry whoever they want to do this . Well, i cant answer this question, but we tracked down a young woman who cannot. So i want to one of my avi is totally controlled by the taliban. They forced young girls into marriage. They burnt down the school. There was a medical clinic, but they burnt that down too. At 1st masuda says girls still try to go to school, but it didnt last long. That would be wendy. The taliban came to my school and took a girl out and shot her because she liked a boy. She was bleeding all over her body. We all screamed and ran away. There was forced to marry when she was just 12. She says her husband beat her, and her father in law demanded sex. Shes now in hiding, but insurgents in her area have ordered her to come back to drive out by the long ago tomorrow about on the daily buy and see if theyll control all of afghanistan soon. Anyway. Then execute their calling me from my moms phone. Shes begging me to come back. She says, if you love me, you should come back. If i go back, theyll kill me. If i dont, theyll kill my family. Throughout the peace talks with the u. S. , the taliban has insisted that it has changed and that it will uphold womens rights. But these videos taken in areas under their control, tell a different story. In this 40 taliban fighters shown executing a woman accused of adultery, these women were gunned down in the dead of night on a dirt road because the taliban thought they were prostitutes. And this video from earlier this year shows a woman being publicly lashed for singing and dancing even if they have changed, surely, even if you believe them for what they say, its very unlikely that they really impose what they say on the 4 soldiers in afghanistan. Politician fozia koofi is one of the few afghan women to meet the taliban face to face during the peace negotiations held in russia. And qatar, speaking in moscow, in a 5 star hotel, is much more easier than actually practicing it in afghanistan. In the rural villages through you are full soldiers who are not educated. What they have heard. 2 years of fighting is hate towards woman hate towards society killing murder. How, do you change perspectives . But saves her harshest criticism for the u. S. , which she says has failed to follow through on a war that it began. About the west came to afghanistan, not just because they wanted to save us. They came to afghanistan after the 911. 00 attack happened to me your so they actually came to afghanistan partly to save their own from fatalistic attacks. Now, because the americans want to leave, we just ignore the woman. Its a question. U. S. Government cannot answer and they did not agree to speak to us. What is clear is that after the death of tens of thousands of people, many view a peace deal with the taliban as a stunning betrayal. Baguettes said was, i only play on and on. All those american and nato soldiers who have been killed. They werent fighting me. I didnt kill them. They were fighting the taliban. The same taliban that youre now going to bring back into power. Is the face of who country and its women has never been more uncertain. But she also has a warning for the west and yes, just had another day on the car. If american politicians can play with the future of afghan women like this, then they can make the same deal for their own women. Its possible. So american women need to stay vigilant because their politicians can trade away their freedom to my last day with her layla takes me to a place she often visits on the outskirts of kabul, past and enjoy. As a cat has phantasy echoes out of india, when it came to had that whole joy of commission and she says like most afghans, shes desperate for peace. But not at any cost. I dont want my children to ask me, what did you do when the taliban came . I cant tell them that i ran away. This is not peace. Not for me or for any woman. d held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell, denied the right to a fair trial. No charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent, mr. Saying, this crime journalist, to demand more truly and boy solidarity with all detained journalists. Sign the petition. d 3 percent frank assessments, youve got colleagues on the ground in the canaries. What is the situation . Theres only one doctor and one nurse for 2200. 00 people informed opinions. How big does Foreign Policy figure in the early stages of a bi ministration . He comes into office with a huge amount of Foreign Policy experience. Indepth analysis of the day, global headlines. How will a place like get live, get the vaccine when theres no money at all . The rest of rich countries are fighting for inside story on aljazeera. A key figure of the early 20th century arab literary scene. d and a feminist writer had to have had time. So why did her story and in such tragedy, aljazeera wont expose the life and why of maisie arda on aljazeera aljazeera and saying goodbye to a football legend. Thousands in argentina pay tribute as Diego Maradona is laid to rest and of there, im starting at 10. This is al jazeera live from also coming up. Pharmaceutical company astra zeneca says it may need to run a new global trial for its coronavirus vaccine. Amid questions about its efficacy, half a 1000000 people in the firing line. If you refuse, government says the final offensive in tikrit has begun

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