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To restore the u. S. Position as world leader at a time of unprecedented crisis. Government must make tough choices. The u. K. Treasury chief cuts foreign aid looking for savings to support the coronavirus ravaged economy. And people around the world protest to end violence against women as the u. N. Highlights what its calling a shadow pandemic. We begin in northern ethiopia, where after nearly 3 weeks of fighting a deadline imposed by the Central Government 40 Ground Forces to surrender is said to expire. No, around 30 minutes. The federal army has surrounded to Grace Capital and this threatening the use of artillery on the city of 500000, people to gray and lead, deny allegations that fighters have begun surrendering. If you piers Prime Minister ahmed is asking the world not to interfere. He says, while we appreciate and understand the interest of the International Community to assist the ongoing Law Enforcement operations, we would also like to underscore that this must be dire accordance with international law. This 1st and foremost means the International Community should stand by till the government of ethiopia submits its request for assistance to the community of nations. Also said the reported massacre in the town of may is evidence of the criminality. Newly released video appears to show graves and bodies. Ethiopias state appointed Human Rights Commission is accusing members of a to gray and youth group of killing about 600 civilians. Earlier this month, the United Nations is calling for an impartial investigation. Razaq reports from inside to great province. You know, on the run up front line in southern tikrit, federal reinforcements arrive and helicopters, hover above. The Ethiopian Government has maintained that. This is a Law Enforcement operation against what it calls the treasonous group. Then youre just going to get our little our morale is high, were ready to enforce the rule of law for the sake of the fallen, we will prevail over those who had betrayed them. We have another mission, namely to safeguard the renaissance dam until its fully completed and operational. This building has been set up to receive fighters from the tea, grab Peoples Liberation front, whove surrendered ahead of Prime Minister. Its wednesday deadline for the t. P. O. Left to put down its weapons. Government forces here say this man was among those who surrendered. We are being treated well. We are not enemies, we are all fellow ethiopians. We are all brothers. I hope this will come to an end and peace prevails across the country. As fighting continues in northern ethiopia for the 3rd consecutive week, a team leader has reiterated his rejection of the ultimatum. He says his fighters will continue their struggle against the federal government until the end on the other side of the battlefield. And the t. V. Says it standing its ground and that its fighters are ready to die defending and its right to govern itself. There are conflicting claims of victory on both sides and a communication blackout in the region makes it difficult to verify information. The Prime Minister has met as said, this operation will end when the t. P. O. Left, who he accuses of destabilizing the country and undermining his leadership, are brought to justice. The province in northern utah. I have a morgan is at a camp for displaced in therapy and families in and sudans get out of state. She says hundreds, continue to arrive every day. More and more refugees continue to arrive to states here in sudan as well as neighboring states, arrive at the border points where theyre being registered by iran is asians and the Sudanese Commission for refugees before they are brought to the camps. Now, most of them arrive to this camp here and got out of state known as village 8, which was initially supposed to be a residence for people who have been displaced by a dam. That is built not far away, but because people refused to live here. This place was largely uninhabited until about 2 weeks ago when the refugees started arriving. About 2 weeks ago when people started arriving 1st here, the camp had about 2 to 3000 refugees. Now is houses more than 15000 and authorities here say thats beyond their capacity, largely because the camp is an open space, so monitoring it and save guarding it is a challenge. This also the issue of access to aid distribution as well as clean water, proper sanitation and health care. Here say they wait for days sometimes before they are able to get their share of Food Distribution and get access to health care. Meanwhile, the pharmacies here and the only clinic says that its running out of medicines and it doesnt have enough staff. So lots of challenges facing this camp at the moment and thats before, of course more refugees arrive with the ultimatum given by the Prime Minister. Made more refugees are expected to come in the coming days. Thats because the ultimatum that the Prime Minister gave was about 72 hours. And of course, upon hearing that many people, according to people who have relatives in the region, say that many people will flee and come here to sudan and its take them about 5 days. So its expected that the number of refugees pouring into sudan in the coming days will increase. This is something that sudan says is already beyond its capacity and that it needs help from the International Community and International Donors to respond to the countries already going through an economic crisis. And it says that without the help of the International Community and aid organizations, it will simply not be able to handle the refugee crisis. In other developments, ethiopia has pulled 3 of its to ground soldiers from the Un Peacekeeping mission in south sudan. Its done the same in somalia, where several, 100 to grain soldiers serving in the peacekeeping force were disarmed. An oil tanker has been damaged by an explosion off saudi arabias southwest coast. It happened near the city or not far from its border with yemen. The greek operators of the m. T. R. Grotty tankers say it was attacked by an unknown source. No injuries have been reported. A day after u. S. President elect joe biden announced his cabinet picks. Hes preparing to give a National Address on the challenges of the pandemic before the thanksgiving holiday. His speech is expected to focus on sacrifice as the u. S. Records its highest daily coded 19 deaths since may 8th, his figures show it recorded a total of 259000 deaths and at least 12500000 infections. , u. S. President dog trump is still refusing to concede. Hes vowing to press ahead with legal challenges against the Election Results. In a few hours is expected to attend an event to gettysburg in pennsylvania, alongside his lawyer, rudy giuliani, republican state politicians are holding a socalled hearing on allegations of fraud. Lets go live to our correspondents now in a moment well hear from Shihab Rattansi whos in washington wilmington by the delaware, but 1st lets go to washington d. C. Our white house correspondent, kimberly hellcat. So it sounds like the u. S. Presence Still Holding out some hope that he can change the official results of pennsylvania. Right. We thought that until a few moments ago when we learned that the president s plan to visit pennsylvania may have just been called off. Now, it certainly was never on the official schedule, but it was widely reported. The reporters had all assembled here known as the pool that travels with the president. So clearly there was an unofficial movement in the works, but now they are being told that that may be canceled. So were watching very carefully. We dont know why. We also dont know 100 percent why the president was scheduled to travel to pennsylvania in the 1st place. And why it was not on the official schedule. The bottom line is, is that the u. S. State of pennsylvania is hotly contested. It has been a battleground, no. Everyones noted, would be a battleground in the 2020 u. S. Election. Joe biden won it and that is a certified vote. Now that is going in terms of his Electoral College votes into the column for joe biden. But the Truck Campaign has insisted they filed 2 court cases. And the 3rd went today, insisting that there was widespread voter fraud. Now, the 1st 2 cases were tossed out of court and they were accused of having speculative accusations in terms of the legal arguments hastily put together poorly crafted and not entertained by the judges. But an appeal has been launched and what we expected to hear about was some details of this appeal that has been filed as of today for rudolph giuliani, the president s attorney. But now its appearing that that may not be happening. Were not sure if the meeting with the attorney and the republican lawmakers up in pennsylvania, where the president is scheduled to appear whether that is still on just without the president. Were still trying to work out some of those details. But the upshot of all of this is that any attempt to try and undo the Election Results are highly unlikely. Still, it appears that donald trump, even if he is not, could seated, but is now working with the biden team on the transition. Is it least attempting to show that he believes he has won this election even if he wont be president come january 20th. Interesting. Lets find can believe that spring in delaware. So while the u. S. President s public appearance, at least in pennsylvania, seems to be reeling back. Theres no reading back for joe biden once he expected to say in his thanksgiving message. I think the main object of this is to show how different joe biden is from the president from this isnt going to be some stream of consciousness arriving, as we perhaps become accustomed to. This will be more of a calming, soothing farside chat with uncle joe about what we expect, as he said, he will talk about shared sacrifice and getting through the current the Current Crisis beyond. But the main issue is, who else is joe biden . Going to nominate for his cabinet. We just had a briefing with the Transition Team. They said the next appointments will be announced next wednesday, december the 2nd with a particular focus on the financial team, john that yellen widely expected to become the treasury secretary nominee is seen as acceptable by both right and left. Who isnt acceptable though . All of the other National Security suggestions for the team. What was notable by their absence in tuesdays rode out of the National Security team, the cia director and the defense secretary. And theres a lot of rumbling right now. A lot of on these because the names being suggested and being put forward a very objectionable to progress to the left, Michele Flournoy long been seen as the lead candidate for defense secretary, even more hawkish. Those names on tuesday was actually worked very closely with tony blinken in consulting for making a fortune for advising weapons manufacturers. Shes notable recent weeks are saying that there shouldnt be a blanket arms embargo on saudi arabia because of the, the war in yemen. We understand a lot of obama officials you to put it mildly, express regrets at helping create the worlds biggest humanitarian crisis by greenlighting the bombardment of yemen. So thats a very controversial issue. Michele flournoy pretty on acceptable to a lot of progressives. Maybe stepping away in part because of that, but also because he doesnt have that personal relationship that he has with the others. And these, you know, hes fought with florida in the past. Illinois was all for the afghan surge. Biden was against it, but they have a long, long record of not being as interventionist as fluent. The other name being mentioned. Hes defended torture, post 911 torture in the past and other objectionable figure. So there is that balancing act with the Transition Team says all of the cabinet will look like america. The subtext of that is it will look like america from both left to right. But the concern is that if they get extreme right wingers in the cabinet extreme, always neo conservative hawks in the cabinet. The progressives are going to stand by. Theyre going to take to the streets to be interesting. Definitely see how that plays out. So much. Iran has agreed to release british Australian Academic kylee more gilberts, in exchange for 3. Uranium is jail. The broad was arrested in 2018. Ouster, attending a conference and she was given a 10 year sentence for espionage in a secret trial. The identities and locations of the 3 iranians evolved not being revealed. Still ahead on al jazeera, accused of harming saudi arabias interests. One woman finally faces trial after 2 years in prison, seeking asylum in israel. But find out why thousands of sudanese refugees may now be at risk of deportation. But weve got some wet weather pushing into central parts of china at the moment. So wet weather, just sliding away from will hot and thatll stretch its way over toward shanghai. Push out into the china sea. Heavy rain for a time temperatures in shanghai, around 15 celsius to the north. That is cool, but large sheets right. Wanted to showers there into that eastern side of the korean peninsula, one or 2 showers into honshu as well, but nothing much to speak of. And it should be largely fine and dry as we go through friday over caught without the possibility of a shower or 2. Just pushing across into tokyo, temperatures 14 celsius more than just the odd shower into southern parts of india. Of course, we have got severe cyclon and they have are making its way towards chennai 140 Kilometers Per Hour on those winds and it will continue to intensify further. So you go through the next 24 hours storm surge coastal flooding. Very heavy rain coming in over the next 24 to 36 hours or so. So as we go through thursday, theres that wes, the weather. Much of the day, very wet there. Its a tom will not be pushing up into under protest red warnings in force here. Im out west the weather will continue to drive its way further west, which is we go through friday gradually heading towards the west coast with flooding. For many joint africas largest trade and investment fair and rwanda enter african trade gives me access to more than 1100 exhibitors 10000 visitors and buyers and more than 5000 conference delegates from more than 55 countries participate in trade and investment deals worth 40000000000. 00 as business and government come together to explore business and Networking Opportunities at the International Exhibition boat to you by African Export Import Bank and their premium partners, the i. D. F. 2021, transforming africa. Welcome back. Youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines now. The therapy and government deadline for the surrender of the Ground Forces is set to expire in around 15 minutes. The federal army has surrounded to grace capsule, michaela. Its threatening to use artillery on the city of 500000 people. An oil tanker has been damaged by an explosion of saudi arabia, southwestern coast, near the city of the greek operators of the m. T was attacked by an unknown source, no injuries have been reported. U. S. President elect joe biden is preparing to give a National Address on the pandemic before the thanksgiving holiday. Speech is expected to focus on sacrifice as the u. S. Records its highest daily death since government is ditching its target for overseas aid to focus spending closer to home, the moves expected to free up billions of dollars. Treasury chief says britain is facing its worst recession in more than 300 years. I have listened with Great Respect to those who have argued passionately to retain this target. But at a time of unprecedented crisis, government must make tough choices. I want to reassure them that we will continue to protect the world poor the equivalent of 0. 5 percent of our National Income on overseas aid in 2021. Allocating 10000000000 pounds at this pending review, paul brennan has more from london. Theres been an intense debate about the budget in the direction of travel for this Boris Johnson government has been set for many, many months, even years. I would suggest, i mean, in september the 2 departments, the International Department for International Development merged with the Foreign Office and many saw that as a hostile takeover by the Foreign Office. Essentially bringing aid into the kind of political sphere of influence of the Foreign Office and under the foreign secretary as opposed to a separate, almost independent department. Totally separate. And the arguments that ive heard today about whether or not it should be a government led thing is a very, i mean, some people say that its clear that money shouldnt just be spent on things that have no relevance or value to the british public. That said, that sort of things that british aid is spent on all things like vaccination programs and Education Programs and refugee rights. And those who say, for example, that we shouldnt be spending money over there when we need to feed children here. Many n. G. O. S say thats a bogus argument as well because the refugee problem, for example, by educating refugees, by supporting them in their own countries, prevents them from becoming refugees in the 1st place. So the arguments around backwards and forwards, and one of the big arguments is about the length of time that this cuts will stay in place for refused to knock. It was thought it would make it just a temporary measure. Just a year. He clearly said in his speech in parliament that this would last as long as the financial situation was as dire as it is. That opens the way for it to be in place for many years to come. Its called the shadow pandemic, and its in the spotlight as the world marks the International Day for the elimination of violence against women. The u. N. Has launched a campaign about rising Domestic Violence since coronavirus started locking women indoors. Right now, many people are trying to trapped in their homes within and he said this is the shattered. And then in one we cant call for Domestic Abuse help lines in the u. K. When thomas 65 percent in the u. S. And pretty much everywhere reported numbers out, right . These arent just numbers that you might know if you think someone is in trouble. Check in there again, if everything around isnt something magnetic violent, know the details of level services, like how my number tells you what you suspect that has nice and children are in the group of Protection Police schatten andranik is reading right now. Lets help each other safely. Right now, well, as we heard, u. N. Figures show an increase in calls to Domestic Violence, helplines across several countries. In argentina, theres been a 25 percent rise during lockdown. Were all because Women Rights Federation says theres been more than a 30 percent increase in Domestic Violence cases there. And in bangladesh, a local Rights Organization says, cases of rape and violence against women rose by 32 percent between april and september. Several mass rallies are planned in chile way, where hundreds of protesters are expected to gather, to call for men to violence against women. More on that, lets cross over to our latin america, editor human. She joins us now live from santiago. So i can see the square behind you looks a little bit quieter this time. Whats happened to the protest . Exactly where the were in front of the Supreme Court building where just a short time ago, a demonstration held by the made by Women Trade Union leaders ended. They were here to demand that both the government and the courts approve an International Labor Organization Convention that prohibits strictly irish mint and abuse, sexual abuse of women. Something that has not yet happened. In chile, they were screaming out a number of yelling out i should say, a number of slogans from down with male chauvinism up with feminism. Another one was what, what happens . Whats going on . They kill us, they rape us. So no one gives a damn. And my personal favorite was no, no, no means no what part dont you get to the end or the 0. All of this a reference of course to the fact that women are continually being paris and sexually abused, not only in the workplace, but at home. The Domestic Violence in this country has soared during the pandemic us in so many other parts of latin america and the world. And there have been a lot of really grisly cases of femicide to throughout the year. Of fact, the president of the senate this morning held a minute of silence in homage to these women who were killed in the problem is that the sentences against the culprits are incredibly low. In fact, in one case, a man who had already killed 3 women had cut them in pieces and made their tried to make their bodies disappear in acid, was freed early from jail after what was already a light sentence, went back and killed 2 other people afterward. So thats the sort of thing that women a demonstrating against and its going to continue throughout the day, particularly this evening when the sun lowers a little bit more. Its summer here, and there should be fountains of people, women, especially out on the streets, demanding an end to violence against women. All right, thanks so much. And soon human are saudi womens rights activists alou jane, and have, has had a case transferred to a specialized terrorism court. According to her sister and a dozen other womens rights activists were arrested in 2018. They were accused of harming saudi interests. Just weeks later, the government lifted a ban on women driving, which is what they had campaigned for through has been in solitary confinement and assaulted while in prison. According to family and rights groups. Saudi officials deny allegations of torture. Flynn maluf is a middle east research director, family c international. She says arbitrary decisions are being made on have fluids detention. You know, theyre not in a position to speculate or to try and understand the actions of the self. Your priorities now goes without saying that it does not serve their purpose or their narrative of change when the 1st and only individuals who have been calling in fighting and hating peaceful or they think changes like this. Now, there was no guilt over this. And i think that the unprecedented since the 1st innocent days and to the womens activists though the most pleasure in the past. We are hoping that this pressed forward to the unconventional release of these women to this end up. But we are not in a position to speculate hoping because we do see that from our standpoint, the decision that the citizens of the forward arbitrates offer. And there is no way for us. What, what, what we do know is that there was a one day notice and that the scene has been so without any contact to her family or access to a lawyer, sudanese Asylum Seekers in israel say theyre worried about the impact of last months deal, normalizing ties, between israel and sudan, both governments have said theyll concentrate 1st on agriculture and trade. For migration is on the agenda. There are fears, thousands of sudanese in israel could be deported. Herefore Central Falls from tel aviv tel aviv is it was mined barrackers home. He works as an advocate for african students, but his life here is precarious. His asylum application lodged in 2013 has never been ruled on. He needs to renew his temporary residency. Each year. He fled darfur as a child after his father and brother were killed in militia attacks. He fears what would happen if he were forced now to return to sudan. If its really decided to report thats back. We dont know where to go. Because again, it says that happening and we even also taking different reports from our right to pam is who is living in i. D. P. Camps in therefore and are saying different areas. Its still going to happen is the war happening. Barak is concerned stems from the normalization deal announced at the white house last month between israel and sudan. Do you think sleepy joke, or maybe theres fear, maybe you know why your one minute Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he wants to address migration issues. As part of the process, ministers have long sought the removal of tens of thousands of africans. They call infiltrators. Interior Ministry Says of the 6285 sudanese, a 1000 have been granted temporary residency, more than 5000, others are waiting to their asylum claims. Sudans, former president Omar Al Bashir was opposed last year and awaits possible trial on war crimes charges. But activists say the Israeli Government itself has reported continued insecurity in the country is, well, were not there to be pulled the genocide survivors. It would open asylum claims without checking the deal signed with us. This is like a kind of lead to the line that i dont believe the country will cause, despite so many violations of the international law, israel has failed before to make good on domestic promises to expel africans 3 years ago to shoot an ultimatum to accept deportation. To a 3rd country or face indefinite detention, the new groups, thousands of protesters to the streets. It was eventually defeated in the Supreme Court. The Detention Center in the southern desert has since been closed. Israels Prime Ministers office declined our request for comment ahead of israels 1st direct talks with sudan. Since the normalisation deal was announced in the meantime for the thousands of sudanese here in israel, it means a continuation of an uncertain and contingent life aware that their futures are reliant on decisions made by governments and courts. Its a way of life. Theyve got used to now over many years, are a force that television. A car has crashed into the gate of german chancellor Angela Merkels office in berlin. There are no reported injuries and no visible damage. The word stop, globalization politics is written on the side of the vehicle. Police say theyve taken the driver into custody and investigating whether the crash was intentional. 100. 00 pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins were found dead on the nile and off new zealands, east coast. Most of them were stranded over the weekend. The remote location of chatham islands, hampered rescue efforts. The government says 26 of the whales were still alive when they were found and had to be euthanized due to rough sea conditions. Experts say great white sharks in the water may have forced the whales and dolphins to shore. Take you through some of the headlines here on aljazeera. Now. A deadline imposed by the theo paean, government for the Ground Forces to surrender has just expired. The federal army is threatening the use of artillery on the main city of mccalla. If Regional Forces fail to lay down their arms

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