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A quote later on during this global pandemic, another threat, putting the lives of millions of women at risk, you will hear from a Domestic Violence survivor northern ethiopia, 1st of all where after nearly 3 weeks of fighting a deadline, imposed by the government for the to ground, forces to surrender is to expire. Later on wednesday, the federal army has surrounded the capital mccully, and it is threatening the use of artillery on the city of 500000. People to get a leader to deny claims though that their fighters have begun surrendering. Weve heard from ethiopias Prime Minister, who is asking the International Community not to intervene. He says, well, we appreciate and understand the interest of the International Community to assist the ongoing Law Enforcement operations. He calls them. We would also like to under school. This must be done in accordance with international law. This 1st and foremost means the International Community should stand by until the government of ethiopia submit such requests for assistance. Also said the reported massacre in the town of my car is evidence of the criminality. Newly released video appears to show graves and bodies. If european state appointed Human Rights Commission is accusing members of a temporary and youth group of killing about 600 civilians earlier this month, the United Nations is calling for an impartial investigation. Many of those who escaped the fighting in my car broke have now arrived in sudan, but they have had to leave family members behind in some cases have been more than spoke to some of them when fighting came to her hometown of make had to and if the degree region to testify fled with most of her children, but she had to leave her 2 oldest daughters behind integris capital and the high then they went to study mccully with this school in the fighting started and there was no way for me to contact them now i dont know where they are and how they are doing. They said they didnt have enough money before the fighting started. 1. 00 is 14. 00 and 1. 00 is 15. Are they being feed . Are they being taken care of their only children . Since the fighting started integrate in early november, more than 40000, people have fled to sudan states of aid organizations say more than 5000000 are trapped in the region with no access to humanitarian aid. Sudanese Authorities Say nearly 3000 people arrive every day. It is the head of well, i arrived here 2 weeks ago since his arrival has been searching for the parents of these 3 children. When the fighting came to the town of mark kendra, everyone started running. These 3 siblings were in the town and seemed lost. So i took them with me, i tried to look for the appearance, but i couldnt find them, or even used loudspeakers among those displaced. When all filed, i came with him to this camp. If you piers government has imposed a Telecommunications Blackout in the region since the start of the fighting with malfunctioning 4 lines of internet access, families who have left loved ones behind say theyre not sure if theyre still alive. Most have started the process of tracking their parents or children, hoping theyve arrived in sudan, but are in a different camp. And as more of these arrive, the number of families separated by the conflict is rising. Sudanese Authorities Say theyre not sure how many children have been separated from their parents or how many mothers and fathers left their children behind. Aid organizations efforts are being made to reunite families of children, the influx of refugees, and we have social workers who are working with them as well as the police. And were going to be starting with but for those like me who have left their children behind, the process is yet to start. She says she can only pray her daughters are still alive and someday make it to the camp. If not, she has to wait until the fighting and to go back and look for them. And shes not sure how long that will take that report from her morgan, whos live now in the Sudanese Border with ethiopia. The numbers of people crossing the border now you were telling us a while ago its upwards of 40000. Now can the camps even cope with these sorts of numbers coming across . Well, thats the thing. Come out of the camps where the refugees are being house or hosted right now. Are not conventional camps. For example, this camp where we are, its a place that was set up for sudanese residents who were displaced by a dam. That was built not far from here. And was not resided by those people. So it was largely an uninhabited place before the refugees came in. Lets take a look behind me. You can see refugees still continuing to arrive. Most of the people who are under that tent and behind it are refugees who are still arriving. Most of them from the town of may kudrow, all of them talking about harrowing stories of displacement, of people knocking on their doors at night. Of victims of seeing people being slaughtered and hearing gunshots and aerial bombardment that force them to flee and come here to sudan. Now over 3000 are fleeing very difficult to sydneys authorities, and the camps are simply not enough. Thats what the authorities are saying. Theyre saying that theres a shortage of health care, a proper food, sanitation, and places for them to live in other camps such as it, which is about 120 kilometers away from here. Most of them are still out in the open. Then theres the border. The Reception Center in a neighboring state where people are registered, but they dont have a place to stay so much so some of them are being hosted by the community. Now the biggest concern is that the figure that the un predicted of 200000 refugees coming to sudan over the next 6 months. That figure may be reached as soon as in the next 3 months and authorities are saying that they will not be able to accommodate without international help. The number which is 200000 in the next 3 months. Who are morgan report from governor in sudan . Just another Development Today with ethiopia, its pulled 3 of its soldiers who are all of ticket and ethnicity from a Un Peacekeeping mission in south sudan. Done the same in somalia as well where several 100 to go in soldiers serving in a peacekeeping force were disarmed or on to other news. And protesters are gathering in thailands capital in the latest show of defiance against the government and the monarchy. Large crowds expected, and indeed they are outside a bank in bangkok of which the king is the Majority Shareholder for months. Demonstrators have been demanding the royal family embrace some reforms. Hes reporting from the protests, a very targeted protest today. Not just general anger at the government really going after the finances youre. Absolutely, very specific. Im wrong. Why theyre here. C m commercial bank, as you mentioned, the largest shareholder is the king of this bank, 23 percent of this bank. Billions of dollars are own personally by by the king. And i say personally, because they used to be before 2 years ago before this recent act was passed and implemented, the crown the property bureau, all the assets that the crown owns, the monarchy would be administered by a panel as well as anything Big Decisions to be made by the ministry of finance incorporated into that Decision Making process. What happened 2 years ago, the king has now fully controlled all the assets. Were talking about 30 1000000000. 00 here in thailand that the king himself controls. Thats one of the things that these antigovernment protesters, prodemocracy protesters want to change. One of the 3 main demands they have the 1st is the Prime Minister. Resign 2nd is a new constitution. That 3rd is reform within the monarchy. And within that reform, there are very focused on this, and that is transparency with the finances of the king. And this shift that took place just 2 years ago. So were in front of the bank now, right in front of the gleaming buildings of the headquarters for the bank, this protest. And this, it was planned to be in front of the Crown Property bureau, which is in a very high profile, sensitive part of the city, very large Security Posture in the last 24 hours, even stacked up not shipping containers as blockades to prevent the protesters from getting in the protesters tuesday night switch to plan and they decided to come here and they have been coming in the thousands, you know, and its because this now has been deemed a legal gatherings. So its a much different atmosphere than we would have seen of those over there because even from the governments harder stance, if you will harden the harsher rhetoric about how theyre going to deal with the protests moving, moving forward to come to the laws that they can implement specifically when it came to those areas around the world policy, then you were a property. Thats why smartly, i would have to say the protesters decided to come here. The point is still being made because then from the bank that 20 percent is owned by the king, but they will do it peacefully and legally and quite honestly, its now a bit like and might bark it. Whereas before they went to their original plan, it could have been a much different scene. Thank you for that report. Scott hiding in bangkok. Americans back that message coming straight from the president elect joe biden. As he moves ahead with preparations to take charge in the white house, he has unveiled some of his senior cabinet, picks, men and women, and says, will restore americas leadership in the world and support from she hypertensive in delaware, president elect biden was unequivocal as he presented his National Security appointments and nominees, its a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world. Not retreat from it. Once again, sit at the head of the table, ready to confront our adversaries, and not reject our allies ready to stand up for our values. Much was made of the backgrounds of the nominees as examples of the american dream. Linda thomas greenfield, nominated as u. S. Ambassador. And 100 my all costs, id like to know immigrants nominated to lead the department of Homeland Security and avril haynes, the 1st female director of national intelligence. If confirmed mr. President , you know that i have never shied away from speaking truth to power. But for all the talk of diversity, this is a National Security team that symbolizes the return of the washington Foreign Policy establishment. After 4 years in the cold. None more so than secretary of state nominee tony blinken, deputy secretary of state under president obama, and a long time Foreign Policy adviser to biden. Hes known to be far more of an advocate for u. S. Military intervention around the world than the president elect. Lincoln has spent the last few years consulting for weapons manufacturers and big tech america at its best. Still has a greater ability than any other country on earth to bring others together to meet the challenges of our time. But biden has pledged fresh thinking on Foreign Policy, perhaps a recognition that a key reason that some voters switched from the democrats to trump in 2016 was their disappointment that president obama had not brought the change in Foreign Policy. Hed promised, and bidens incoming National Security adviser did speak of an approach to Foreign Policy, not traditionally expressed in washington, the alliances, we rebuild the institutions. We believe the agreements we sign all of them should be judged by a basic question. Will this make life better, easier, safer for families across this country . Our Foreign Policy has to deliver for the us biden is making one key change, a special president ial envoy for climate. John kerry will sit on the National Security council with a pledge to make the environment central to policymaking across government. But there is some skepticism of the washington insiders being chosen will be the woman has to deliver a fresh policy thinking. The president elect is promising. She ever turns the aljazeera wilmington, delaware looked at the headlines in a moment and then hong kong, vowing to end what she calls chaos in the political system. Chalons plans for the coming year however, got some quasi weather coming into japan over the next couple days. The bits and pieces of cloud just pulling out of the way, but there will still be some showers low pressure to far away from here. Flabby areas of low pressure just stretched across the korean peninsula, pushing into northern parts of china. Central areas of china will see some showers, want to see showers just around the sea of japan, so north korea could see a little bit of wet weather. Want to see showers possibility into japan, but not too much to speak of 18 celsius in tokyo, temperatures picking up on recent days before a better around 14 as we go on through friday. And by friday will want to weather just pushing out into the open waters here. 7 celsius in seoul 6 celsius. In beijing it will be largely dry, but its on the cool side thats for sure. Across the northern parts of interests, settled and sunny, but down towards the south this is where we have cycling cycling nevan making its way into a tumble. Not in northern parts of the not is seeing some very heavy rain, some very strong winds as well as the system pushes its way through red warnings in force then for tom another and also pushing across into a good part of under. But thats the storm will continue to make its way further inland as we go through friday, with the risk of flooding for many this week. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable. As societies develop their energy demands increase, requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a global power developing to the basement companies. Nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against least amount. We provide business growth, promote social economic benefits, and provide innovative, safe, and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generation. The brush fire nearing future energy the top stories this hour on aljazeera a deadline imposed by the Ethiopian Government for to crane forces to surrender. And set to expire later on wednesday, the federal army is threatening the use of artillery. On the main city of mecca, lay, a free, gentle forces fail to lay down arms. As a large rally being held in thailands capital, bangkok right now, the latest show of defiance against the government and monitoring for months demonstrate is appalling for reforms including a new constitution and curbs. On the kings powers and wealth u. S. President elect joe biden has formally introduced some members of his proposed cabinet. Also bidens margin of victory against trump is growing. Pennsylvania, nevada, have certified him as the winner of the election. Executive carrie lam has defended beijings National Security laws. She says her urgent priority is to restore order in the territories political system from the quote chaos. In a speech outlining plans for the coming year, government will begin a Public Education program to and hans the understanding of the rule of law. As is the national, controversial National Security law, which beijing imposed in june high profile opposition activists have been jailed since then. Dont, dont see funds through collaboration with various stakeholders more targeted Public Education activities will be carried out. Including educating the truth on the proper understanding of the rule of law and promoting them. Law abiding awareness and research on the rule of law and related Data Compilation will be conducted besides, through enhanced efforts in promotion and explanation. To clarify misconceptions and understanding. The department of justice will continue to showcase how harmans a neutral and Effective International league for deal making. And this be a Resolution Services of the transfer of land from armenia to azerbaijan is continuing on the close watch in the disputed region of the corner. Cut about russias defense ministry, released a video, showing its peacekeepers guarding a corridor or used to transfer people in and out of the area. I mean, youre going to transfer control of disputed lands to azerbaijan. As part of the agreement to end the weeks of fighting. Israelis reported its highest daily death toll from corona virus. Since march 853, fatalities were confirmed on tuesday. The Health Ministry also registered more than 23000 new infections, but france is due to start easing its lockdown from this weekends president jammeh new microns. As the worst of the 2nd wave is over. So shops, theatres in cinemas will gradually reopen restaurants. Cafes and bars though, have been ordered to remain shut. It does this somewhat under summer, 15th of new . Do infections are dropping and there are less people in intensive care. More of the lockdown can be lifted. We could travel from one region to another and spend christmas with their families. But germany is going to be extending its partial shutdown. Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to speak later on weapons day about longer, tougher restrictions. A country continues to recall thousands of cases every day, despite imposing these restrictions at the start of november. When it came in berlin, germany has reported its worst ever death rates today more than 400 people. And i says, having died in the previous 24 hours, not certainly very considerable food for thought for the politicians who are meeting in berlin in the course of the next few hours to work out what they do next. Whats clear here is that there is a political will in germany amongst the federal government, that there should be some form of tougher lock down the lockdown. Thats in place right now is a lighter version of the full on lockdown as it were, the one that had teeth, people were saying back at the beginning of the pandemic back in the spring, but ranged against those people. Those ministers are many Prime Ministers of small states in germany who say that the numbers they have where they are, are solo. But they dont believe that there should be a tougher lockdown that they see to be infringing peoples freedoms. If there was an angle in that cold call, she wants to toughen if she can. But can she arranged on the one side angle americal on the Prime Minister of of area marcus or a leading conservative saying toughen where possible. Weve got to get these hotspots under control and many others on the other side saying, no, its too much, its true, the county and all people wont support it. The United Nations is Marking International day for the elimination of violence against women, and its launched a campaign highlighting Domestic Violence during the coronavirus pandemic urging people to help each other right now, many people are trapped dropped in their homes with an abusive resist. The shadow demick in one weekend calls to Domestic Abuse help lines in the u. K. When talk by 65 percent in the u. S. And pretty much everywhere reported numbers are rising. These arent just numbers that you might know. If you think someone is in trouble, check in a new monument, there again, if everything around isnt going, educate yourself about Domestic Violence. Know the details of Level Services like help my numbers or sheldons. If she tells you what you suspect, that ally in the lives of children are in immediate danger to call the protection Municipal Police to shut down and then it is ready. Right now, lets help each other safely. Right now, women in mexico are among those facing higher levels of violence during this pandemic. And with nowhere else to go, victims are occupying a government building in the capital. One of the women has found refuge there. We want to show all the women that we are not scared anymore. When my name is eddie, come out of the unit in my daughters victims of violence. On november 2nd 2017, my 7 year old daughter was 6, clearly abused by my brother in law. She was 7 and my brother in law was 43. I reported it to the police, but i had to spend 2 years fighting for justice just for the investigation against him to begin with. We lost our home, our job, and everything we had. When i started making deals for women, and sadly, most of them told this story. So the stakes are violence that they too had suffered. And when they lent what happened to my daughter, they said that they were proud of my struggle is that the situation is worsening. Right now, jule independent gender violence has increased. We believe the root of all of these is the nationals, the authorities did apathy. Theres no wanting to work for women, but we decided together with other women to occupy the building. On september the 4th, the building has been converted into a shelter for women who are victims of violence with the children. They can come here without being judged. On the contrary, they are left because we speak to understand them. All of these changes and you have 2 options. You either stay at home crying or you go out and fight. I realize that if you want to change things, you have to go out, go out and burn things break. Go out and scream, because if not, no one sees you know, when he is you and that apathy is a worse thing in the world. 2nd closer look at this. As we heard earlier, the u. N. Figures show an increase in calls to Domestic Violence. Helplines in several countries, argentina, for example, 25 percent rise during lockdown. In morocco, the womens Rights Federation says theres been a more than 30 percent increase in Domestic Violence cases. And research than egypt had been alarmed at the escalation of crimes against women in june. Local media reported a man in cairo, threw his wife from their 5th floor Apartment Building because she was infected with corona virus, from codirector, a female, which is a feminist collective in lebanon campaigning and advocating for womens rights. She says, the government just hasnt done much to help victims the situation and i dont, its not very different from other arab country is, but i mean, its much worse. According to the official number of Internet Security we have, it is of 122 percent. And the case of the mess to confide in and spy, and to mete partner all by a family member, the government of lebanon, or the defense governments. What do you think of the country where never serious about looking at women as citizens. Although at the is taking the needs of women and to conservation whenever we have a crisis its, its obvious that and in any crisis whether, whether its an Armed Conflict or, and kind of a crisis, i have the crisis, we need to take it a day at most one of us to predation, our women and children. And we have to take their needs and defense of the nation. And this doesnt have, it didnt happen and asked me if i can give an example, i can talk about that emergency that was promoted by of the, a lot of other men too. As and their spouse to that of 1000. This wasnt at all gender sensitive, didnt mention women and girls at any stage, just as i may speak about the shelters and that on that are safe places for women, survivors of Domestic Violence, we have 0. Shelter around the thirtys and all shelters across the country. Ive run by womens rights of the nation and feminist on his nation, who are counting on the funding from donors to be able to protect women. Became president. Russia has a large late in the early results from the weekends elections. Electoral commission, cisco board has won more than 3 times as many votes as his nearest rival, one of the former finance ministers, if when they operate. The opposition is claiming mass fraud. However, in sundays polls and is threatening to reject the results. Hundreds of thousands of people were unable to vote, because polling stations were closed due to fears of violence. And guineas Main Opposition Party has called for nationwide protests against the deaths and detentions linked to the reelection of alpha conde. The union of Democratic Forces of guinea says 49. People have been killed in protests in recent weeks and it claims another 350 people, including senior opposition officials are being held, has been tensions in the last war over last months election, which the opposition leaders said no doubt and general claims to have won. Lets get more because following developments from dakar in senegal, today, big protests called for a people ready to come out and the numbers will come on, given that there are Security Forces deployed and the military in numbers with a k 47. Theyre all, it seems in the neighborhood of the us, which is where weve seen a lot of protests following the Constitutional Court announcement today as the next president. And this is where the bulk of the violence has taken place. And weve spoken to some people who are in the capital, and they describe the situation of culpable tension, fearing that again, this could spill into a violent confrontation between the shooting forces and the protesters, no one out on the streets as of yet, we know that Human Rights Organization have recorded a number of protesters that have been shot by, by bullets that died of those wounds. Also of people that have been held in detention by the Security Forces, tortured and then killed. The security minister over the weekend came out and said those are all fabrications. 5 that made up by the Human Rights Organization to tarnish the image of guinea. But since the election day, well, the borders with neighboring countries have remained shut down right now where a neighborhood where the majority of the people come from guinea. And you can see behind me its bustling, these are good. That cannot return home because the borders are closed now in many of my coal, the french president , of course guinea is a former french colony, had harsh words for he said that president conde amended the constitution in order to retain power. He put his weight behind that you saying that he support the youth in guinea on this and it a few weeks times the conde is set to be sworn in to power. The 82 year old will be one of the oldest president on the continent in a country where most are under the age of 25. 00. From all nicolas. The latest on gone as elections are. Thank you. Apologize guineas. Now, irans leader is urging the u. S. President elect to condemn the last 4 years of american Foreign Policy. Husain rouhani says, the trumpet, ministration has committed terrible crimes against iran. He says joe biden needs to correct and compensate for the past the governments decisions and Syrian State Television has accused israel of firing rockets at targets in the south of the country and sunnah News Agencies as a village and areas of the countryside were hit south of damascus, israel hasnt commented on that attack. These are the top stories on aljazeera. The deadline imposed by the Ethiopian Government for to Ground Forces to surrender is set to expire later on wednesday. The federal army is threatening the use of artillery on the main city of mecca. If Regional Forces fail to lay down arms, hit morgans in sudan near the ethiopian border with more on the humanitarian crisis. Over 3000 and the camps are simply thats what the authorities are saying. Theyre saying that health care

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