Has been found guilty of war crimes. He is someone that no one thought they would ever see in the dark. So just for that, its a huge step forward for justice. But yes, there are certain aspects of the verdict which we are not so happy with. For example, the recognition of the crimes against humanity for rape. But the fact remains that in general it is a very positive verdict and a great message for the victims that justice is being served. Ethiopias government says that the grand Regional Forces have started to surrender. It follows a deadline by Prime Minister ahmed for them to lay down their arms by wednesday or face the time or the main city of mckelway. But to graze leadership says that fighting back at the destroyed an Ethiopian Military division, including a helicopter. And 2 tanks are serious, marc webb is following developments from nairobi in neighboring kenya. Both sides are making claims of advances. The Ethiopian Government has said that many to grain, special forces and militia surrendered to its side in the far region, which is just to the east of the to grain region. We havent heard a response on that claim yet. From the 2 great leaders they claimed to have destroyed the tally in a mechanized the tallying of tanks. But thats something that Prime Minister Spokes Person has refuted just a short while ago. Theres been a Statement Released by the uns human rights chief in geneva, and theyve expressed deep concern about what they say is a military buildup a buildup of tanks and artillery around the city of mikhail a. Thats the gray in capital. Now on sunday, Prime Minister issued an ultimatum, he said to green forces should surrender or lay down their arms. Otherwise he said within 3 days, the government federal forces would launch a final assault on the regional capital of mackellar position candidates and became a fan. So a rejecting partial results would show incumbent Marc Christian in the lead in the president ial election. He needs to win more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff. Millions of people turned out despite threats of attacks for the results will be announced later. Ill address reports now from nigerias capital abuja. Right now what we are hearing from the opposition is that they did not agree from what they saying that you dont agree with the results. Preliminary results being announced by the Election Commission. Remember the opposition a day before the election said there was a plan to rebel actually using, unmarked ballot boxes and ballot papers that would be stopped by the Election Commission to favor a president could boring. Now, they are again stating the fact that they dont accept the results of the elections, even before the final tally is mad. And a lot of people like suspecting that maybe they will be calling out their supporters on to the streets. And if that happens, it could raise the possibility of violence and even open the window for the armed groups of been attacking brooke, you know, for us, for the last 5 years, the opportunity to he to targets inside brooke, in a fossil saudi arabias state oil company around khost says that the attack on one of its facilities went affect all supplies. Yemens who the rebels fired missiles at the north jet, a bulk plant on monday, hit one of the tanks, causing a file. China has launched a mission to the moon to bring back lunar rocks. The 1st attempts to do so by any nation in more than 40 is beijing is spending billions of dollars summits military run space program. It hopes to launch a manned mission to the moon. By the 2836. Theres the headlines. Ill be back with the headlines during this next. Please. It took over 400 years for the french to build and maintain their vast impious. But the home structure came tumbling down in the space of a quarter of a century. Francoise me against the tide of history, and tried to keep hold of its colonies by whatever means possible. But by the mid 20th century, that position was no longer sustainable. This is the story of the collapse of one of the biggest impious the world has that to see the obama lead, the bulk of the bloods and t. Is shed then and not losing the belief and up the Lasting Impact its reach and its violent and still have on the wilds today on the 6th of may, 19th 31, the International Colonial exhibition opened in paris. It was a huge celebration of the french empire, which had never before seen so vast, so prosperous and so powerful. The u. S. City within a city had been built in the blood vessel on the eastern edge of paris, including a complete replica of the one called war on all income and not just religious monument in the wild. Its the league player. This is, it is good tour the whole world in a single day. And the show was a huge success with 33000000 tickets sold in 6 months. Live. The overriding narrative was of a civilizing european nation, bringing invention and progress wherever it 26 league play. My friends considered itself, the center of the world is great miss and strength at the heart of the 40 or more territories under its control. The message was clear. From the toss up tickets to the many, many new and in least until the economy. Young women leave that to be young men who look at your dinner when you are going to come and look for the french of the time. This was all completely normal. And thats how you said on this of the new morning that i dont see an idea to use a City Attorney that they were going to ensure these, remember but by the 1930 s. , the tide of history was beginning to turn from the car to honda. Sherry and from tang came to rebellion in the air the new generation of leaders was finding its force in morocco in tunisia and mrs. Algeria with question in the colonial order and in africa and the caribbean, posted assaying go in, senegal, and denounced the colonial regime. And in indochina, a young communist called was emerging as a leader of a National Liberation movement. People in the colonies simply wanted their dignity across seemed higher, the colonizers were firmly in charge of injustice and inequality had few means of redress. Regimes were author retiree in and among the millions, living under colonial rule, only a few elected officials had the right to vote and the widespread use of force labor underpins the whole system. The powerful symbol of this exploitation of labor was the construction of the Congo Ocean Railway opened. In 1934 second all the colonial. All say that she never saw thought, maybe you wanted to be possible, said i cant get me to tell you the sound you pull through to take them out of it. Let me say no sentiment on at all. They dont let me is all political. You all say, mase, we see, you know me, you are sure youre so different because she was and she said that they get what i got. But progress was built on the blood and sweat of local people. And the new railway cost 20000, fricken lives from exhaustion or disease, to skip or yourself from going on on the mercy of god he goes straight for do may be you see, so nobodys upset. You dont but settin up your color yellow. Something about did not please us. The subjects of the impious calculated their own value in kind little belgacom to see clearly that michelle is a girl can afford it, if it out to this will be the gen the visible on the telly peer live people, the liberal pundit that as it were a bundle political long is beyond me, live on what you presumably you know what you put in that you wont fix the long battle. Dont pleasure of it that you dated. Viscous more little david to domo measure of a heap is 0 inches in technique. Q. To magically number has only dimaggio if it early and isnt going to hold up, have a view. The macro has a lot of priests in work. Who shaker you . He seen much like how do you say he this kind of injustice was behind the new demands of colonial workers. But their voices were soon drowned out by the sound of the war. On the 1st of september 19th, 39 the wild exploded from iowa city book to algiers. To saigon, the soldiers of the empire were called on to modernize forefronts called the song little seal. This idea jenny dippin wetpaint going to end up leaving l. B. L. ,. But the minute she saw him in your dock all safe and amy then fired by c. B. S. , the same dish t. V. Busted nearly 5 years good being that cities are often 10 months later on the 14th of june 1940, the german army marched into paris. The ranks of colonial troops were shown. France had been defeated. The white colonizer was not invincible. Marsh opic towns government in v. C. Collaborated with nazi germany. To go made his famous call of the 18th of june to fight on. But he stood alone to resist and deliberate france. He had only one option to ronnie the empire, to his colleagues, starting with africa in august 1045, the 1st black governor of china joined to god. Soon, cameroon, the congo, the bone and others joined him. With this level of support, the goal could not prepare for the liberation of occupied france. Support for the general and marshall respectively split the empire into something today less and so on. The bit that blended as one that will force him out of play. If you are shot days, you know, i do good. I have exhausted, saw mr. Wood, our army nerves are god, all shot does not equal over the course of several months and battles. Whole areas of the empire joined the goalies county. Had to make promises, like offering independence to syria and lebanon on, in return for their support. The goonies of morocco, the spaniards of algeria, senegalese wife all men and soldiers from syria and lebanon, joined the forces of the free french to go from the hands of monty cassy known to the force of the polish the soldiers of the impious through to the rescue. Of occupied france, the socalled savages to be civilized, had become liberate us. Look, they didnt have the right to vote, but they had the bronx to die for something. But in 1944, as the defeat of germanys turd like began to look likely, nationalist demands once again shook the French Colonial border as the gold criss cross team high as he heads back home reforms were needed to galvanize the troops and calm their spirits. So on the 30th of january 1944, he opened the brass at the a conference in congo, promising to radio be impious on new, different foundation. Its why you needed the i dont know what it is, but ill let you know what i think to a roomful of condoning officials to go and expressed a willingness to change. But independence was not on his agenda. Frances greatness depended on its entire disappointment spread across the colonies. 7 months later, in june, 1944 forces landed in normandy and then in august, in the south of france. The war was not over yet, but the reality for the colonies was harsh and would lead to get more bloodshed. Its a victory in europe was on the horizon. So the french army had to be whitewashed, so that in the eyes of the world, it would look as though it was the people of france who were liberating themselves. So the government decided to demobilize several regiments of senegalese wife, all men and other african troops to speed up their return to africa. They were promised that theyd be paid as soon as they arrived in the car. The riflemen duly set, sail to ensure people only it is a public pool. Yeah. Dont know about it. Cant join a party. Do pool for fair play year get to endure this just didnt understand it. Daraya not done on the water. The above there is a telling but the colonial authorities claim that their demand for pay amounted to a mutiny and ordered french troops to fire on the west african soldiers. The artists additional key just demand it. No, do you seem to have been in one because i dont want us understand . Wouldnt i want a party to be a no seasonal color . Not in a scripture say solutions, but by chic views of the dog. Its what is going to be normally done though that the thought of a dozen plays or mobility done in additional to preserve what started as an act of repression became a massacre. The french claim that 35 died, but war veterans and former prisoners of war say 300 african soldiers were killed. On the 30th of november, 1944 white troops had fired on their Black Brothers in arms. There are no contemporary records, only word of mouth accounts. French propaganda chose instead to film the joyful return to his village of a wife, a man, probably unaware of the tragedy. And i think that is still a good look at getting at least one a day. Did you get their hands . Are they good again as we should all be leaving out it only to listen to me to be minimal. Good looking to do duty and not be in the ocean and live that intensity shayan only find that. Dont need any more to be, dont want you to mind. So now you guys with many business, youll notice your name in and being asked to meet him in the chow hall. A massacre was kept a secret in france for nearly 50 years. Yet open a memoir of the size it into pseudonymity bedroom memoir. Does it in move us in incest, and many of the mess i came to city of cuckoo damir chronicle says see it komisarek. So poor folks sitting down due to finish will overhung screw on when you do lose your position in number down and up. Of course at best buy prisca or handler who i want to introduce now at the 8th of may 1945 a victory in europe. Nazi germany surrendered and the rest of europe, we journalists, france, and its same pious, celebrated the end of 5 years of fierce fighting and the step by step free conquest of home territory. It was epic. The advent unisys, brazzaville, the car, and people also took to the streets in celebration lead, but perhaps deep down. They sensed that this was the time to ask for their dues they had shed their blood. Now it was payback time. My am i, you know, gerry at the French Colonial authorities allowed public demonstrations on condition that no one slide the algerian flag. It was, but in a city, a city the parade would turn into a battlefield, but one that lives on in memory today in the raid on d. V. D. And weekly. Good, young woman dont need you to feel it wont darn good food on a table, and you will not waste it on till needed. Dont have new, pricey pender citied never knew George Wallace got only his id discuss, he wont because she wept. Kennedy losses will suppress the seed in the Police Received these a breeze of additional w. V. On malice through. Sure. Additionally, e. P. A. Takes the theory only to get to the people in which to make the a. In the melee, a french policeman had shot and killed a young man waving an algerian flag full of anger. The demonstrators attack settlers and kill them in the street. Soon there were over a 100 dead this photograph of a victim with his hands cut off was widely distributed and spread panic among the colonial french. A trade had now been stolen in algeria and harness. Victory in europe was immediately forgotten. The at the colonial settlers organize themselves into local militias and the french army went into action in the areas around city and care ata villages where race to the ground. The army didnt stop to question suspects. They let the cameras get the footage and the executions began. Only a message to the city for the militia account. Thank you. Have it in trying me the most astute it deja to do pull of axes and those awful they usually will go to the cottage with and before the perpetrator caught. But boy, one older person is almost in full as the dr. Went to see also the about us level pretty strong. That he needed to do more with, says mark and you know who had the best and try to treat in a manner of voice. Or the trick said if one part of an elderly horse across the area fears spread through the arab population to show that order had been restored, the army reenacted scenes of surrender unloaded rifles were given to villages, gathered, specially for the occasion. The official french figures were around 1500 dead, but according to some algerian sources, it was between 20 and 45000. The colonial authorities covered it up. A few days later, algerian soldiers who had fought for france, began returning to their homeland in libya. Why do it . When youre paid to do what you did, you never see all of us here, courtesy of a knock on the back. If i go to the store letting well were going to be in a little bone over near the that i go to get a letter to through he has of our past, she fell off the south end of his many death bed. Because you know, by example, you know, any bandits in the assumption and this in a newer love one another can join the new bali. The cupola is demotivating, close off and let you know that on the french side, if you understood the gravity of what had just happened, the french general told the Colonial Government that he could establish peace for 10 years, but the colonizes must reconcile the 2 communities. But if france did nothing, he said the consequences could be disastrous. Not even design realized how true his words would turn out to be. As a 2nd wave of covert, 19 brings a surge in infections. A few months ago, there were dozens of cases a day. Now with which as 2000 and countries enforce new measures to curb contagion, this is the 1st step for the government, a in of mass testing the entire population. Scientists are on the brink of releasing new vaccines to reduce the spread of the virus. Will it be enough to bring the Global Health crisis to an end . The coronavirus pandemic, special coverage on a in 2012 aljazeera traveled to iraq. People here are definitely scared to speak on camera. Theyre saying that if they talk to us, they think theyll be arrested down the line to take the pulse of a country ravaged under us occupation. Some of these graves are completely destroyed. Its one of the most holy and sacred sites in all of iraq could turn into a battleground between the mahdi army and the americans rewind returns to iraq after the americans at this time on aljazeera. Youre again the headlines here on aljazeera 3 weeks after u. S. Elections, president elect joe biden is beginning his transition to the white house. Donald trump has refused to concede, but as will the rise, the general said this is agency to plant by the apparent wind up a former militia leader in the democratic republic of congo has been sentenced to life in prison for war crimes. And to bury shake was charged with murder, rape, and sexual slavery in north kivu province. Now the 7 colors that many eastern to your city has never experienced a trial on this level. Its a historic moment, has been found guilty of war crimes. He is someone that no one thought they would ever see in the dark. So just for that, its a huge step forward for justice. And yes, there are certain aspects of the verdict which we are not so happy with. For example, the recognition of the crimes against humanity for rape. But the fact remains that in general, it is a very positive verdict and a great message for the victims that justice is being served. In therapy, as government says that to grab Regional Forces started to surrender. That follows a deadline by private us to be on it for them to lay down arms by wednesday or face an attack on the main city of mackellar. The greatest leadership says the fighting back and the destroyed an ethiopian minister division, including a helicopter, and 2 tanks, opposition candidate syndicate afonso are rejecting partial results, which show that the incumbents rushed the boy in the lead in the president ial election. He needs to win more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff. Millions of people turned out, despite threats of attacks. Saudi arabia states oil company, armco says that the attack on one of its facilities wont affect oil supplies. Yemen sooth, the rebels fired missiles at the north jet, a bulk plant on monday, it hit one of the tanks, causing a file. Head of the United Nations is calling for an immediate and unconditional cease fire in afghanistan. The toady of good 10 ish says he hopes to create a conducive environment for peace talks between the government and taliban in qatar. And china has launched a mission to the moon to bring back lunar wrong. Its the 1st attempt by any nation to do so. In more than 40 years, beijing is spending billions of dollars on its military run space program. Those are the headlines, not us, gets you back to blood and tears the at the main, 1945, a victory by the on eyes over nazi germany. In the 2nd world war was a cause of wild celebration across the rest of your week. The liberation of france from German Occupation tasted especially sweet for the french, who shared it across the boxed impious the eat it, but it also left a bitter taste in countries expecting the dawn of a new era of independence. Men from the colonies had fought hard for the goals for the french, on the promise of a better future. But west africans had been gunned down by french machine, gun fire in seneca and nationalist unrest in algeria had been brutally put down in a new reign of terror. And syria and levanon had been set ablaze to ghost promise of independence to them had only been half kept. Even though france recognizes sovereignty is still hoped to maintain control that the French Forces oncet to revolt was to bomb damascus. And the airstrikes were devastating. Thousands were killed and many more wounded in a tux that were especially pointless. France was about to withdraw completely from the middle east, under pressure from the british, who aimed to dominate the region. With the mutiny by 946. 00 lebanon and syria, a both gained independence. The Foundation Stones of the empire would beginning to crumble, but france had no choice because 10000 kilometers away. Another front was opening up in indochina after world war 2, the nationalist movements in what was considered the jewel of the empire. Vietnam led by the 55 year old hoshi mean the communist leader proclaimed his countrys independence on the 2nd of september 1945. If not a pretty little rock up that rock up and to rock up his declaration, resigns peoples hopes. So this is the last survey says all goes well again, it may not be a day to be easy for the sesay list. Love us to stop only a it and wont give cambodia and laos immediately join the power. Struggle with the french in response to government dispatched the experienced player to the region along with 35000 men to deal with the nationalists from the north of vietnam as yet. And you need to get the cooking is that if it does, you will make a deal of money this weekend. It means as soon as it seems to get all going to keep it in the dish you need to leave leaves behind. If you find it pleases you, it isnt users who make you feel good. You know, initially i even lead a push through and i need to get under military pressure hoshi, me agree to negotiate to go had left power a few months before. So a new Prime Minister welcomed the vietnamese leader to paris. But during her she means to in indochina, the french governor general proclaimed south vietnam. An independent state affiliated to funds mean signed a franco vietnamese agreement, but considered it had been betrayed. Its all returned to vietnam. But the official soft vietnam ceremonies could not disguise the double dealing by the french and the, n. H. , his smiling demeanor. He knew that war was inevitable to eat sleep. On the 23rd of november 1946, the french navy shelled the north east in vietnam e sports of high on causing several 1000 casualties. Because for survivors, the memory is still vivid. With it though detail, that big fellow who we wont worry good as are going to all filthy think. Hold on. I think i fall into their our number for the lou is a poem or 2 a costly newmark table of illegal books in the uk. But all of one of the 2 caught a few weeks later, the north vietnamese nationalist army retaliated the 1st indochina war had begun. It would last 7 and a half long nice francis Political Class stubbornly refused to recognise the spread of mass liberation movements. This willful blindness continued another 20 years back home, people had other things on their mind. Then indochina in 1946, france still bore the wounds of the 2nd world war cities remained badly scarred and they were still rationing. The french were much more preoccupied with supplies and reconstruction than the future of the colonies. But they would be a price to be paid for preserving the empire in the shape of reform and bloodshed. The government of the 4th republic had already started to change even by 1946. There were already around 30 members of parliament, representing the colonies on the benches of the panny. They had never been so many in march 1946 and before martinique initiated a change to french law to make loop martinique guyana and reunion island French Overseas depok to mung meaning areas of governments in subsaharan in africa. Several m. P. s also pushed for reforms the ivory coast m. P. Felix who fled briny voted to abolish forced labor. While thanks to the senegalese m. P. Leonine gate, the status of citizen was granted to everyone in the colonized territories. New era was dawning. The 4th with public finally promised equality for all its subjects. For many, not before time. In october, 946, the term on peace was replaced by a new in stasis. The idea was that they would no longer be french colonies, but that france, the overseas depok tomorrow and territories would combine to create one france, regardless of race or religion. Officially, at least about it. Claire l. B. O. s. Yes, they can get a little medical chart up real men, which was everything about it is the actual guys it will additionally are, shall be and will be all the hospital i ve week abio evil that you are still a sheep. It was a nice image, but beneath the surface, the same inequalities remained in france and the colonial authorities still called all the shocks that do not fall. And that is why men sit there form a 1000000. Will they be godzilla . Many of the sioux said, be afraid john will send in a new all edges. Sure. A nice photos you will get out to death. Then elude a student. I will see back in the party only up i began, he did. But on up lament what a decision it dont let you know what happened while pull me. Thats for sure. All of so tied up with was able to move. One of the friends had not abandoned its imperio strategy quite the opposite, and to appease the people and win over hearts and minds. It invested in large infrastructure projects. I think it evaluate my leg in a new medical unit. And daniel, if you needed to do, you could find me on any of the british want, you know what this construction was, not altruism, but self interest. The investment was mainly in infrastructure. That enabled war materials to be transported to mainland france. Colonial wealth was pouring back into france in return, new schools were opening, but only around 8 percent of the children in the colonies attended them. And the curriculum was not tailored to the ne, its a premier of pure vision. Nothing else will bring me here. Maria, our planet live. There did be no longer there never got deleted or not remember mondrian, but after all, said a man who as you would have gone up a pretty dont and have of would go up a hole in the wake of the need of. So shows on to fact that he was a general up and it was called the city called task beside the bubble of trees. And while the schoolchildren of the empire were learning about volcanoes in the or valley, one of the worst incenses of colonial repression of the postwar era. It was taking place off the east coast of africa. One that didnt appear in the history books for decades. Madagascar are had been colonized by the french half a century before, but by 947 people had had enough of the colonial regime. The Democratic Movement for malagasy rejuvenation was founded by 2 m. P. s, Joseph Russert on the left and joseph from a hunch. And it now demanded more freedom, but without success, National Broadcaster must go a lot in the line of dorothy sure your phone or next machine, governors are running late to steer it to defraud fleet. Who put sockets you through a new tone. Document on grover to learn not to go, knelt on the 29th into the 30th of march 1947, nationalist unrest broke out. Armed with spears, knives and axes. The insurgents attacked the houses of french settlers and colonial officials. The number of attacks increased in the town of moore. Among the rebels attacked the french army camp and they murdered more than a 1000 settlers and local malagasy, accused of collaborating with the french moroccan and camorra. And reservist and senegalese rifle. Men were shipped in with a mission to impose peace at all costs. A clear signal must be sent out as in city if terror must break. What started as a local rebellion turned into a full scale war. Soldiers appeared in more among gun and set it on fire. Dozens of prisoners were dragged into the forest and shops, fearing for their lives, local people left their homes and hate him left the mainstream us a government and its reign and no one. Again, im up at that, want to rush him in didnt im not there and hung up will called multan one down do for love and war. New england known huge trees are too true for for more lawn new not just military aggression turned into judicial repression. 3, madagascar, members of parliament where arrested and were denied the immunity of elected representatives. They were sentenced either to death or life imprisonment with hard labor. Although their sentences were later commuted to life imprisonment. After months of violence, cameras were allowed into the villages. The message was clear, dont mess with the french. A few 100. 00 to 1. 00 or a law. Then thats highly kind of food. Then its like a fuel. Then you take on it over the top unit only. They are still not able to get out of play on the computers and even now i dont even if you dont let me show it, accept it and be british. Like if you wanted to have a definition, let it get to him. And you know, you, Michelle Jennifer are going to be painted with a wealth of knowledge about helping develop. You know, how to get your name. Not get angry if i get well, if you get your up on a bluff wasnt going to bring your boss and then it would be a possibility. Get on it. I think it was a victory for strength and terror. The uprising was responsible for the loss of iran 40000. 00. The massacre is inscribed in the collective malagasy memory. The 29th of march is an annual public commemoration day in madagascar, but not in france. 3 weeks later, france welcome the whole world to paris for a session of the United Nations. Ironically at the palace, the 58 u. N. Member states voted to adopt the universe so declaration of human minds that there is still a president. Dont love my 13 year old child yet, the dugout abductee up and laid back. Not that they clash all day, but what the new call to the all new aspect regrets, better come out, arent all that particular left off that bomb ever shipped in a reference in the 5 years since the 2nd world war by 950, france had succeeded in keeping a tight grip of votes in prior north africa and madagascar had fallen into line that kept the lid on the caribbean. Only indochina had caught fire. So the french still thought they had everything under control. But the tide of global history had turned in the cold war. Washington and moscow now wanted independence for countries of the old, impious to weaken then and build their own power. It was already happening as a British India sailed on and burma, and the dutch withdrew from indonesia. But while other empires were collapsing, france went against the grain and would not let go. Meanwhile, in subsaharan africa, several Political Parties in Different Countries combined in the early 1950, s. To form the r d a of an African Movement with communist affiliations in france. One of its leaders was the ivory coast and p. Phillips who fed briny, who openly wanted to end the colonial period. France could not possibly accept this, particularly at this time of the cold war. Paris decided to try and break these rebels who were a little too close to moscow for its liking. Nivea kosta french army action was brutal. On the 27th of january 1956 the fed buying a naturally escaped imprisonment. The next day senator, the top yacoub order was found decapitated in the words. Thousands of their supporters were arrested, and hundreds of villages destroyed. A cloak of secrecy was spread over this abuse, silence on the side of the executioners, and among the victims of warfare. My ally counted on a familiar sort of defeated on the pillows that i could see this really bounded door knock on wood more than is some of the about it. Of course, the only record of these events is a film afaik saigons, africa, 50 shot secretly by a young 21 year old filmmaker and communist party member of the neva to know what that ideal, really evident, bad idea behind all of that. You know, all happened. Why did all the end of it . I dont even know where it was. Not everyone all fired on live there not big enough was done. I dont know. I dont know if bob affleck sign count was the 1st french anticolonial film. It was banned for nearly 40 years, 40 was arrested and jailed. But he managed to distribute a version of the film secretly, which shocked leftwing activists. In paris, the communist party demanded the release of the ivory coast prisoners to avoid a new front opening up in africa, the french government shifted its strategy and offered to fred a deal. The charges against him and his party would be dropped if he cut his links with the french communist party. If not, the ivory coast would go the same way as madagascar are accepted and fell into line. He even became a government minister and ivory coast, enjoyed a privileged relationship with the motherland. France had achieved its short term goals in africa, but after madagascar and ivory coast, the caribbean felt the most tension. The 3 years since becoming french depok tamal had seen very little change. The large families descended from the 1st european settlers. The bay case remains firmly in charge. The black population was underpaid and was kept on the edge of society. In extreme poverty. Discovers a clue as to what the bottom of that is assumed to take it p. Many in that the capacity the sufficient distance. So the idea only to jacques, back up the work and let live men successful. The lot of dollars dont lisp, give work the hoffa, the book of well not the good it of what he has world dawlish, all the can social conflict was deeply. People were beginning to realize that being a dip back tomorrow of one france was only a smokescreen to keep their islands within the republic. In 1950, the m. P. For martinique a mrs. There wrote a long essay called discourse on colonialism. The colonialists may kill in india, china. He wrote torture in madagascar in prison, in black africa, in crackdown in the west indies. But the colonized now know that they have an advantage over the common isis. They know that their temporary masters are lying, therefore, that their masters are weak. In the next, at the st. Francis group, one is iow. We can see much, much more in algeria, but 1st in asia. Its hold on indochina was on the brink of to world war 2. Frances great empire began to unravel in vietnam to most people. It was throwing themselves into the streets, bursting with joy, kissing each other, and algeria years until she must, if they indochinese manage to beat the french army. Why not that . The decline continues in episode 2 of blood and tears french to colonise a shot. On aljazeera. How live t. V. Is really ramping up quite nicely across central parts of south america moment last a clear skies here and the temperatures have been responding accordingly. 39 celsius in a sense, youre getting up to 32. And want to say there is, there is some rain just to the south of the river plate. Its not quite going to make it initially. It pushes a little further north as we go on through why this day does not jump as we go into the 2nd half of the week. It will push into Still Holding the temperature up around 29. 00 degrees, 40 celsius there for us. And she is at 8, continues to just around pop over the next few days, plenty of showers across the amazon basin, particularly tools, western side of brazil, heading over towards ecuador and into colombia. Plenty of showers too, into the western side of the caribbean. Im afraid we do still have some showers in the forecast into nicaragua, flood affected possibly, and honduras still being affected by this chain of showers, which extends out into the open waters. Just to the south of jamaica running across into hispaniola will see some wet weather. Also affecting puerto rico as we go on through chews day and into wednesday. Lets talk playing a little further east woods and south was the showers will continue there across southern parts of central america, but largely fine. Im trying to cuba a key figure of the early 20th century arab literary scene and a feminist writer had to have had time. So why did her story and in such tragedy . Is there a well the expose the life and walk of maisie arda on aljazeera and all jews where ever this is aljazeera. I live a very unforgiving this is that he was live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. After weeks of delay, u. S. Prisons elect joe biden is finally getting to the formal go ahead to begin his transition to the white house. A Bleak Outlook for the Global Airline industry. The pandemic is expected to cost it barely 120000000000. 00 just this year alone. Ethiopias government says that to ground force

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