Transcripts For ALJAZ Rewind Iraq After The Americans 20240711

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As you said there. Secondly, importantly, those people in the large scale trials that have been taking place in this country in brazil and south africa who do still contract the virus with this vaccine. They do so only with mild symptoms. So it seems to eliminate altogether serious instances of disease disease thats important. Its also shown to be far more practical. It seems than those other vaccines in the sense that it is much, much cheaper in terms of scaling up mass producing. Now the news israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made an unannounced visit to saudi arabia to meet crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon. The u. S. Secretary of state mike brown, pale, was also present. And this follows washington brokered normalization deals between israel, the u. A. E. And bahrain. A senior political analyst says this is all about the legacy of the trumpet ministration. Certainly its part of the race with time. I think everyone understands the spiked his trenches and the trump and mrs. Sheehan will come to an end january 20th. And i think that Top Administration is trying to cement whatever legacy hes leaving behind in the middle east, especially in terms of the socalled deal of the century. That basically underlines potential normalization between arab states and israel. Now, despite all the hoopla about the rain or the u. A. E. , normalizing relations with israel, everyone understands that without saudi. This is all just thin air, hot air in the end of the day without riyadh coming into the fall. This will be true or this will remain shaky and weak and i think its important for sicko to bumper. You and the Top Administration to bring in the neo and the conference in order to see if there are ways by which to convince that ambitious crown prince that it is in the best interest of saudi arabia. To normalize relations with israel. d before january 28th, e. O. P. And Government Forces say theyre in settling to grays main city of mackay at a distance of 50 kilometers. This comes after ethiopian Prime Minister abu ahmed told the Peoples Liberation front to lay down by wednesday, all face a final assault. A t. P. L. F. Have rejected that ultimatum. A government Spokesman Says, as to grand forces are fired rockets at by here die in neighboring. Im haram, but cause no damage, has more on the t. P. S. Refusal to surrender. Well, theyve refuted the demand for them to lay down arms. Theres certainly no sign of that and neither sides have been talking to each other for months now. And that was part of the issues that led up to this conflict. The complete breakdown in the breakdown in communication, the total refusal of both sides to, to recognize the others legitimacy. Now for the 300000. 00 people that live in the town of me, kelly, if theres to be heavy fighting or a battle there, itll certainly be quite dangerous for them. Now the federal troops have insisted that theyre only targeting to gray and leadership in the to grain military and aligned militia, but certainly hundreds, possibly thousands of people have been killed in this conflict so far in fighting an airstrike. And certainly the movements of people show that people, the civilians living in the area certainly dont feel safe because about 40000 people refugees have already crossed to neighboring to dawn, prodemocracy activists, joshua one has pleaded guilty to Unlawful Assembly during last years protests. It was joined in court by 2 fellow activists. 3 will be held in custody until sentencing next week and could face 5 years in jail. And former french president Nicolas Sarkozys year to go on trial in paris on corruption charges. Hes accused of attempting to bribe a judge. Those are the headlines on aljazeera. Rewind is next. Oh my hello and welcome once again to rewind, im come out santa maria, in the decade or so since the start of aljazeera english back in 2006. Weve broadcast hundreds of moving powerful documentaries and here on rewind, we are revisiting some of the best of them. And looking at how the story has moved on today, where rewinding to 2012 when fault lines, Sebastian Walker returned to iraq to assess the state of the nation after the withdrawal of u. S. Troops. That was supposed to be the end of 9 years of occupation. Following the downfall of Saddam Hussein since that time, of course, iraq has had to endure chaos in the wake of the rise of eisel. A government widely seen as exacerbating sectarian divides and the virtual destruction of cities like mosul in the attempt to drive out. In retrospect, said walkers film is an extraordinary snapshot of a moment in time, a very personal journey through a devastated land with hopes of a better life emerging from the ashes. Hopes that were to be cruelly dashed from 2012. His fault lines iraq, after the americans. I hate speach. 5 years since i was last in iraq. Back then Coalition Troops were still deployed in the Southern City of basra. The military has left, but many of the british soldiers who are based here have stayed on this time. Theyre here for the money. Business is booming for their clients to iraq is pumping record amounts of oil and production contracts to develop the countrys massive southern oil fields. Have been to Foreign Companies many tell you to take the whole Country Company come here. Chinas National Petroleum corporation has partnered with british giant b. P. To develop the remaining oil fields, the largest in iraq newly arrived Chinese Oil Workers and other foreign employees meet their security details in this composite basser airport. To a private security escort is still obligatory. And this is asked, was the 1st city to fall in the 2003 u. S. Led invasion. I came here that summit to report on angry protests that have broken out against the lack of electricity. Today there isnt much improvement in the basic Services People were protesting for 9 years ago. Rest still suffers power cuts. Unemployment also is widespread here. Almost a quarter of people under 30 dont have jobs. And signs of new money flowing in the cost of living is rising fast. But i think the plague and then when the obama team played, well, i can see thats what i thought is that there might have been the shock of a 2nd community in the pledge of his shop for 9 years. Union leader has fought to keep iraqs oil wealth flowing to iraqis. Not just the Foreign Companies. Iraqs deputy Prime Minister for energy says that the deals the government has signed with Foreign Investors are reaping rewards. We have already increase our production to 3000000. 00 barrels per day. And during this, it will add another half a 1000000 or more better the president. So the progress is there. But despite record output in 50. 00, this frustration the companys developing the fields, importing labor and that there is no meaningful legislation to protect iraqi jumps. Isnt to be looked at and that it isnt to be affected and i think it will go, but are an end to the im in mind that im on you, michael. But this is youve got to remember. You have to be and that is that. And then i left and i wanted to die because saddam, he says it was the u. S. Decision to dismantle iraqs army and national industries. In the name of the both a vacation, the coolest widespread unemployment, and created a launch pool of angry men ready to take up arms. From basma, we joined north toward men jack along the road, lined with symbols. To commemorate a battle lost and injustice to the cemetery of want to yell solemn valley of peace surrounds the city. It is possibly the largest Burial Ground in the world and the final resting place to which many shia aspire scale of this place is breathtaking. 14 centuries shia from all over the world have been bringing that they had to be buried here. Its so immense that in that job they say that city is fall for the living and offer the dead. In 2004, the serenity of the valley of peace was violated. That spring fighters, loyal to monk, tied around the side of the son of one of iraqs most revered shia clerics for u. S. Forces in baghdad and the holy cities of karbala. And here in the jack up up e. G. O. s. Yes. As i landed here, destroyed everything at the beginning of august, trying to root out Sanders Mahdi army and take control of u. S. Marines invaded the cemetery when taken into a part of the graveyard where you can actually see the destruction from the fighting that took place in 2004. This p. G. Holes in the walls. Some of these graves are completely destroyed. A member speaking to iraqis at the time who simply couldnt believe that things had to tarry to such an extent that this one of the most holy and sacred sites in all of iraq had turned into a battleground between them and the army and the americans. While hundreds of monte finds his dined in the battle, in a new section of the cemetery, built for sound, his followers killed in the uprisings and sectarian violence that the u. S. Led occupation provoked. Families come to honor that danny was some arsenal. And i know no one knows how many iraqis have been killed since the invasion of them. Its range from more than 150002 over a 1000000 for years. The u. S. Claims not to keep a body count but there are some 6000 graves in the cemetery, learned where the grief seems impossible to bury the dying during the violence in 2004, whose brother is buried here in the section reserved for those killed by u. S. Forces. And these were the people, the u. S. Military expected to welcome them, but they soon made enemies of people like allie and his family. But then if i thought i should let you know job it. I could be here in america who tell you to his followers listens to him, deliver some of his most incendiary sermons against the occupation to his base in the nearby city of coup for now santa spends much of his time in iran, and on this friday he isnt here, but the message is political populist and doesnt shy away from criticizing the government in baghdad. When i see, yeah, it was, you know, there was, and there was youre here here you are here for the sermon addresses, the deepening conflict between iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Malikis party and opposition blocs. But has virtually paralyzed parliament for months. Was an area that a sheet where he was over the years. Santa has cultivated the image of an independent champion of the dispossessed shia who make up his base. And hes transformed himself from a leader of a militia, into the leader of a Political Party. An important one on which maliki reliance to maintain power. For years Saddam Hussein had banned public celebrations of shia festivals and limits of the flow of iranian pilgrims to man jack. Now the pilgrims and tourists are back prompting a booming trade in hotel developments. And there are unconfirmed reports that iran is planning to spend a 1000000000. 00 to refurbish the showing off the decades of being victims. The shia majority in iraq have emerged. The victims a shia now holds the top post of Prime Minister and commander in chief and government positions are distributed according to ethnic and sectarian quotas. The new balance of power in iraq has raised fears that irans influence is growing, both in baghdad. And here in the jaffa, ayatollah Ali Al Sistani is the top spiritual guide for iraqi shia and the leader of the school of clerics that government is trying to keep ation. He demanded the, u. S. Organize direct elections while opposing iranian style. Theocratic governance system is 81 years old, and there are reports that iran is campaigning, to have one of their ayatollah succeed him in iraq. These days regional ambitions run like undercurrents reshaping the country. But over the past 9 years, Political Violence has literally refashioned the landscape. I havent been back to back that in about 5 years, my only just entering the city. But immediately the 1st thing this strikes using drive in is one thing thats really changed. These walls baghdad is battle scarred and sectioned off by blast walls that were raised 1st around government ministries and military bases. Then around hotels filled with foreigners. And then the sectarian attacks escalated around neighborhoods. The city was reconfigured, is, iraqis fled mixed areas for the relative safety of religious and ethnic, the homogenized enclaves harboring the wounds and stories of the bloodshed, the occupation unleashed. Many remain there, protected by concrete walls, checkpoints, and each other more than 1300000, people across iraq still displaced. And in baghdad, almost half a 1000000 remain in camps like this one on the edge of the shia neighborhood of kind to me. I dont want to sit and thats one of the abu said johns family was living in town near a sunni neighborhood, north of baghdad. Where resistance to the occupation was famous, al qaida, also found a home that chased others out all the data. Well, you know what they need and if so, why did you have a sheet when the family fled, they left everything behind in school to tell you. And although they live in constant fear of eviction, they say they cant return to tommy cool. And that is out yet, and he had to step out there. I know i saw, but i saw a bunch of us up, but then i had a look that isnt that what about when you bust them . But im like ok with this in the sunni neighborhood. Of gaza live, where they came to escape threats from the mahdi army in 2695 and a mother in law, a struggling to care for their household. Including his 2 kids like almost one in 10 women in iraq. They all widows. And his husband. Hussein was killed by u. S. Forces during a raid on the markets in 2005. She had just learned she was pregnant with their 2nd child and dont want to ban was not going to have time to yesod. Mom will probably need to toss a 100 of them over to the diana thought of how to take the bad suck out of what i want to put. I dont want to go home by saturday. Im on cyber down and have a go money. 2 years later as monday is 2nd, son, nuri was killed in a militia attack. The family lost another breadwinner, and bureaucracy has made it difficult for them to get the support payment. The government extends to widows or so there is a reference to their new Honda Damayan not shown on the show must have been some very common how cool modern moment is that on my couch when youre not, i dont know how your mom and i believe now begun to notice, you know, not just ahead of the day that i was out, but soon because another that was so bad is that the other said that she had what they wanted as a little time, but i want to turn on the phone to your i know some parts man met, one in ma that i know i have a good message to home on and have got to tell us something about national. Its all going, i mean, honest and then would you have a career then you must do it for you. My dear only child would shout about how to we could help and i saw maybe her last spent 7 months seen u. S. Custody at abu ghraib prison and more than a year and a half in the u. S. Run detention camps. He has testified to us military investigators, that abu ghraib, he was stripped and paraded naked with a sack over his head, dressed in womens underwear, cuffed and hung from a window frame for hours when he asked to pray. And beaten into unconsciousness. Did to be that herman i had them and i didnt get the money. He says it was part of u. S. Interrogators strategy is they trying to quell resistance that the u. S. Terms terrorism or detaining people across the country . Especially those from sunni areas. As much you know, over the past year, human Rights Groups have reported that Iraqi Government Security Forces have conducted sweeps preemptively arresting hundreds of people, detaining, and sometimes torturing them in secret prisons inside the international zone. Some of the same people who were detained by the americans and were accused of being terrorists then many live in sunni areas in and around baghdad, from where armed groups still orchestrate attacks. The government says there are no secret prisons. I could say that there is no secret detention so we will come now. He will not arise for Amnesty Organization and United Nation organization to come and check and to find out whether there is a secret Detention Center and the arrests have fueled the perception in communities like this. One that the government is targeting them much like u. S. Forces used to come for friday prayer in. And amir, a sunni neighborhood that for many years was an important center of anti occupation resistance. Getting here hasnt been easy. The currently being stopped from getting access to the main mosque anatomy or a Police Checkpoint further down the street, our soldiers through our security guards currently negotiating with them to get approval for something we already have approval to do. And when prayers are over, no one here is willing to speak to us. People here are definitely scared to speak on camera. Theyre saying that if they talk to us, they think theyll be arrested down the line. And weve now been told that were not allowed to film anywhere outside the compound around that the main mosque, the guards have taken down the details of our security guards and said that if we go outside that gates and stop filming, well be arrested. I kind of many people, the deputy Prime Minister salah, almost like tells us that the fear we felt in and amir is warranted. He receives frequent reports that those arrested face extortion by Security Forces. When that again to go to the trial, they have to pay money in order to work through that. Otherwise than what no they would like with their will is theyre brought out of 10 years. As the sunni deputy Prime Minister temporarily suspended shortly after u. S. Troops withdrew in december. And off that he called Prime Minister maliki, a dictator by 110 especially when it was with sectarianism. But there were Many Political parties that exist. There were elections held here, there are ministries controlled by different ministers, and this isnt a dictatorship. Who is that i am i going to minister over the fence . Or is that i think of a minister of interior of intelligence who is the only department so their next destination is the only city in iraq where victory celebrations were held. As the last u. S. Soldier left the country, protested the u. S. Military presence in their city from the beginning of the occupation. And when the mutilated bodies of 4 American Contractors were strung up on this bridge across the euphrates, in 2004, just fate was sealed. What followed with 2 of the largest assaults of the entire war with u. S. Marines using devastating firepower to bombard the city into submission. The bloody campaigns had a profound effect on the residents of fallujah. That needs to be on the list, but you know, i dont like being told that these graves are actually for people who are still dying as a result of the fighting that happened back in 2004. These are the graves of babies who died having birth defects and other diseases. 9 year old cannot speak eat on his own. His 2 younger siblings are buried in whats called martyrs cemetery. Im going to let you know what it was like what the when he was born just months after the u. S. Led invasion seemed healthy. But after the sieges of 2004, doctors diagnosed him with brain atrophy. Theres no question in his fathers mind as to the cause. Was out of the wire and what i know i listen well and they conduct that one of the you know, if its gonna be other one of them, how am i the audience . How many parents dread the future that lies ahead for him here and flew to france once had, a vast empire spanning several continents. But by the 1940, s. , the french were forced to confront reality and demand dependence. And a 1st part of a new documentary series, aljazeera looks at how the colonial unrest grew. Conflict in nigeria and full scale war in indochina blood into his french to colonize ation on aljazeera. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter how you take a aljazeera, the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Down to 0. In a notorious waterside community, what cams and thugs will one theater direct eventually is to stage a play at comedy, mysterious add . To empower the women all mad city, debt and and redefine best status in society. Misses that. Nigerias women walk almost witness on aljazeera. The health of humanity is at stake. A Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of global health, delivering lifesaving to School Supplies and training to help the worlds most found mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that scene. Working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the ward and in the land, advocating for everyone to have access to essential health services. Now, more than ever, the world needs w. H. O. , making a healthy, a world for everyone or hello again. Fully back to bill in doha, with the headlines on aljazeera. The pharmaceutical company, astra zeneca and Oxford University say late stage testing of their coated 1000 vaccine shows. Its highly effective with no serious side effects. The company says it can be stored at french temperature, making it cheaper and easier to distribute. Join a whole has more from london. Hugely important breakthrough this, according to astra zeneca, 1st of all, no serious side effects. As you said this, secondly, importantly, those people in the large scale trials that have been taking place in this country in brazil and south africa who do still contract the virus with this vaccine. They do so only with mild symptoms. So it seems to eliminate altogether serious instances of the disease thats important. Its also shown to be far more practical. It seems than those other vaccines in the sense that it is much, much cheaper in terms of scaling up mass producing. In other news, israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made an unannounced visit to saudi arabia to meet crown Prince Mohammed bin salman, the head of Israeli Intelligence agency, mossad and the u. S. Secretary of state michael bell were also present. This follows washingtons brokered a normalization deals between israel, the u. A. E. And back yemens. Houthi rebels say they fired a missile at an armor aamco fuel distribution station in saudi arabias. Western port, city of jeddah, the videos on social media appear to show a large fire in the city. Saudi arabia has not commented. If european Government Forces say theyre in circling to grays main city of mchenry at a distance of 50 kilometers. This comes after Prime Minister told the take rate Peoples Liberation front to lay down on us by wednesday, or face a soul to final assault. The Reuters News Agency reports that the t. P. A. Left has dismissed that demand. A government Spokesman Says to gray and forces have fired rockets at the neighboring im hotter region, but caused no damage. Hong kong, prodemocracy activists, joshua wang has pleaded not as pleaded guilty to a novel assembly during last years protests. It was joined in court by 2 fellow activists. The 3 will be held in custody until sentencing next week, and could face 5 years in jail. And former french president Nicolas Sarkozy has arrived in court in paris to face corruption charges. He is accused of attempting to bribe a judge. The trial is set to last until december 10th. Ill be back with the aljazeera news hour in under 30 minutes. Rewind continues next. In the Neonatal Ward of general hospital, dr. Samir a lonnie has grown used to seeing babies born with cancers and congenital malformation, but has no one time to missing. Same jasim is 24 days old. During the siege in 2004, im other side, he was living in a village on flu. His last session we have more serious cases, like many residents of dr. Allen, he fled the worst of the fighting. In 2004, when she returned, she and her colleagues were immersed in treating the injuries and trauma in its wake. Then they started seeing a new crisis and the exodus of but they think not as a way to see before we are facing this effects. Nearly they now she documents every case she sees. She has hundreds of pictures and video clips saved on her laptop of newborns with craft pallets. d deforms limbs, cancers, and launched and atrophied brains are going to have the folks at the top of the list of a lot of the folks have many, many cases of difference. The misshapen hearts are harder to detect, and those babies are often miscarried, stillborn, or die shortly after birth. In a year long survey lonny conducted at the hospital, she found 147. 00 incidents of congenital malformation per 1000. 00 births. About 5 times the international norm. And in another study, she and her colleagues found higher than normal levels of enriched uranium and mercury in the hair of parents of children born with congenital malformation and cancer. How do you explain that something happened . As you know, you or anyone has not said isnt in a kids toy toys and snorts we didnt buy it, buy from the shops that something happened and the city where Everybody Knows what happened in the theater. Actually, we need more investigations. We need, our d. N. A. Has to be examined. Our chromosomes have to be examined. You know, what happened in japan after hiroshima . What happened here is after that study by study, lonnie is trying to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt. What people in fallujah convinced is true that theres a causal link between the weapons used by u. S. Forces. In 2004. The amounts of uranium in their bodies and the alarming rise in numbers of sick and malformed children here my personal experience, although i dont want to talk about it, it is so harmful. But one of my brothers have lost 2 kids because of i know hes here after the 2012011 after the us assault on fallujah, many of the foreign fighters fled north and set up camp in the city of mosul. Or used to live there until al kind of linked groups moved in while the violence has dropped significantly from its peak in 2006. Civilian casualty rates across iraq are on the rise again. Since i left in 2004, mosul has been under siege from car bombings and assassinations of government officials, governor, i feel only jay feels predecessor was killed in one of those attacks. People. He blames the americans for moses plight, and he says its taking on new dimensions that american met sellable mistake in iraq. Not just to what our car had done to fight here. But also in here how tall govern iraq leave iraq. But they give iraq to iran and to iraq like this. If not the americans here knew jeff. He says his forces have made Great Strides to rid his city of al qaeda. I thought the he a shape that he had in the when the men knew how would and your show and mahalo of all what applied to him was a war. And whats up a notice on that all day. But with armed police, a school to last time, next destination. Its clear, the fear still remains. Mosul streets are airily quiet. And this is a sense that the violence for which the city is notorious is never far away. The family im about to meet, protected me from that violence, and this is the 1st time out of seamen since their youngest son and the reuters photographer, whose work is on exhibit here, was killed by u. S. Soldiers. Who say i want to hear what you feel when you hear that right. I mean its still very sad still here. Thats why this in doha we saw the story. Ok on the reuters wire. So i called you, i think at that time and i asked you to call not be able because i couldnt get through to i think it was in syria. Maybe behind me is older brother now below was in charge of the reuters operation in mosul. We used to be a team. The 3 of us traveled around together reporting on the growing insurgency time in mosul, streets into a bloodbath. 2003000 farm. Its good. Yeah. Look like that now. And nothing like in 2000, something very difficult to believe that the ammos on and just when it was starting to happen. Yeah, exactly. When i think, yeah, you saved me your hand. As the situation deteriorated and the man was moved from mosul. But he continued to document life and occupation. And the violence that had unleashed budget was to sort of that he was not behind the me and the study from the airlock. And just when i saw what john has in the model, one of the well, i just came for the sword in the me and thats about that within 3 years, me and was killed by u. S. Forces in baghdad. His death captured forever on video shot by the u. S. Military, and eventually leaked to the public by wiki leaks and then started running like a fire code, i mean more jobs than then he was one of many who was sure i had the condo, you had less than an hours drive from the notion of iraq, because one fabric is now disintegrating, the prospects of kurdish autonomy has been a mine cutting across the north. But when i was based here, still at least looked like the same country. Now it looks like a different planet, and that seems to be the master plan of the kind of show for its have massive Foreign Investments and regenerate and Infrastructure Projects transforming the way these cities look. Kurdish leaders establish their own Regional Governments when a u. S. Sponsored no fly zone was set off the gulf war and they welcomed u. S. Forces during the 2003 invasion in the years that followed, washington lavished political and Financial Support on kurdish leaders billing the region as tomorrows iraq today, an example of how a liberated iraq could look. So if theres one place where the u. S. Can be proud of its legacy in iraq, it should be here. And on the surface, at least the future seems brighter than ever. Its a bit surreal to see the architecture transformed and Major International chains selling goods at western prices. And it doesnt entirely make sense. Most iraqi kurds own only around 400. 00 a month. These malls are full of people, but it seems like those actually doing the shopping on kurds from this region. Its iraq, our bank, the rest of the country, tourists who come in turkey and even iran influence may be expanding in the south. Turkeys footprint here is growing by the day 30. Iraq has become turkeys 2nd largest trading partner. Most of that trade is with the kurdish region. After years of animosity, economic potential seems to have won out over turkeys antagonism toward iraqi kurds and their dream of independence. And the kurds appear to have found a new patron from constructing the roads to rebuilding the souk signs of the deepening ties are everywhere. The Turkish Company building on this site has some of the biggest contracts with the municipal authorities. But 90 percent of the workers here are from turkey. So not everyone is feeling the benefits of this now than it should get that the kurds have always been strong. Supporters of their own political leaders in the struggle for the time a nation that they have represented when i was here 5 years ago, i never used to hear the levels of frustration with the kind of leadership that were hearing now. And as we travel from that discontent becomes even louder than all of the families whove been living in this building have been told, they have to leave. The government is making the move to the city limits so that this area can be redeveloped. They say they dont have the means to build homes that ive had it was you what . Yeah. She she was, im not sure. Yeah. That would be that she was going to get along with the song. And you know, theres a growing perception that the money flowing into the region is ending up in the pockets of a Small Business class. All of them politicians and party men a year and a half ago frustration here in so many a boiled over. It was february 2011 and inspired by peoples uprisings in tunis here in egypt. Kurdish activists took to the streets against government, corruption, and repression. Launching a protest of thousands the last 63 days that have created equal on the 1st day Government Security forces opened fire on demonstrators who had surrounded Political Party offices and with throwing stones, dozens were wounded. One man was shot dead. Over the next 2 months, Government Forces killed at least 9 more protesters. Among them Zahir Mahmood a mans 14 year old son. Saul q could you can you could be many shades but the kurds have other worries. Tensions with the Central Government are escalating. Kurdish leaders have been signing Development Contracts with Foreign Oil Companies asserting. Its their right to do what they please with resources in their territory. Baghdad says thats just not true. The k r g. This is a kiddish Regional Government feel that they have the right to negotiate and decide on the oil that is located in the region. They feel they have the right to say these contracts, and this is what their real disagreement lies with a us ally is gone. Iraqi kurds are feeling less secure than when thousands took to the streets a year and a half ago. Demanding democratic reforms is an equal example made me and showed it, you know, you know, if you want to do or how we are get that moment about woman on the set. Im gonna tell you this was, you know, as that yeah. You know, and towards that, yeah, they can, but theres a myriad good, you know, were up to this here now as kurdish leaders define bank bad and brokered deals for Oil Pipelines with turkey. It seems theyre betting that this new alliance will protect them, even if it cost them the promise of an independent kurdistan democratic and they had a milan kartika could you know it . When you saw me shift for the caucus time pakistan, you know that we could toss them to 20 with a little quicker there to the, you know, what im going to go on when ive been through this. And then, you know, if theres one man who appeared surmises claims that iraq is in danger of sliding back into all 3 terran rule, its fugitive Vice President tyrant called me the day after u. S. Troops left the country in december. Prime minister maliki issued an arrest warrant for iraqs most senior sunni politician. Accused of financing death, squads targeting shia. He fled to the Kurdish North to escape arrest cities such as yours. We caught up with him shortly before he left the country for turkey. My kiss is straightforward, sectarian, politically motivated and no way it could be engaged in any sort of violence. Hashimi says that his security guards have been detained and tortured into making false confessions against them. Members of his entourage show us photos they say, or of one who died in custody. His body appears to show signs of torture, and this is by their religion. A process has to be respected and if believes he is innocent, he should go to the court and prove that in a sense he cannot fled the country or said somewhat. And the start of trying to politicize the issue of the drama is the most visible manifestation of a political crisis that threatens further fragmentation and iraqs read a sentence of violent conflict that we dont have. The real democracy in this country is a fake and is moving towards a very dangerous situation. As again and a sectarian way throughout our journey across the country from bands wrote to a bill financial after baghdad and mosul. The post occupation landscapes have very every city unique, every stretch of road, another distinct piece of iraq. But in each place, the people weve met have voiced, similar things, impatience at the lack of basic services and jobs, anger, political corruption, distrust of the Regional Powers that seem to have more influence over their destinies. The nato and the lingering bitterness about what invasion and 9 years of u. S. Presence here has created that legacy for nearly everyone that weve met, can be summed up in a single word fear of the Prime Minister and his grip on power. Fear of Government Security forces in the armed groups of sectarian politics and Regional Power struggles fear that the ghosts of the past will never stop until the present and defrock are going to continue. And thats where its going to be divided and there will be a war of before a very divided and after the arrival of iraq after the americans, a powerful and moving film which is made yet more poignant by the fact that the terrible events following the rise of ive had yet to happen. Were going to talk about those issues now with found as there is middle east correspondent imran khan, just back from baghdad himself. Maybe you can just give us a rundown of, well those last 5 years, basically since the end of that film, and i still comes along, well thats, i think to really explain it that we have to go back slightly further to 20067 and 8 when iraq was a breaking point, it was a civil war between the sunnis and the shias. And also there was in iraq at the time now al qaida in iraq were able to form because a lot of anger towards the shia led government within baghdad itself. But it was really the precursor to everything that weve seen since then. Now al qaeda in iraq were defeated by sunni tribal militias. The 2nd was the awakening councils supported by the americans. Now when the sunni tribal militias got rid of al qaida in the rug, they were promised all sorts of things by the shia led government in baghdad. And you fast forward now to 2012 and the americans leaving in iraq have been defeated. There was a, a, a group coming up at the time called the Islamic State in iraq. Again, another threat to iraq. And what happened was the shia led government in baghdad really completely ignored the concerns of the sunnis, particularly any province. And for years the sunnis protested saying they were promised all sorts of things, jobs within the military, civil service, things like that for defeating al qaeda in the things they were given. Things are getting better. I mean that sounds like a very bleak picture, but things are getting there because Prime Minister howard other body is pushing forward with, with reforms. But these reforms are being met with, with stiff resistance from those people who have entrenched positions. And well, lets just pause for a 2nd because i want to bring someone else into our conversation to talk a little bit more about the human cost of these last few years. Joining us from beirut right general. Who is Amnesty Internationals advocacy director for the middle east and north africa. Its nice to have you with us. Right in runs giving us a really good rundown of how the politics of change, i guess in the last 5 years and bringing eisel in our film, talked about 1300000, displaced people, half a 1000000 lived in just one camp. How is those numbers and situations changed . The numbers are much worse. No, Amnesty International can confirm the number of i. D. P. s in iraq is over 3000000. Now there are few government has unfortunately been a part of the problem. Many of these internally displaced people who are displaced because of the actions of the Iraqi Government. And militias affiliated with the Iraqi Government and their conditions be bad because of the actions of the Iraqi Government. Many of the internally displaced people are taken through screening procedures where families are separated. Many of them are addressed to under suspicion of collaborating or walking for isis. There are tens of thousands of iraqis who have been addressed at the last few years with no due process with no access to any, mostly based on a tip from an informant or other suspicions. So there are for government is definitely a part of the problem. In many cases, it is the reason behind the problem and the construction of fort worth was promised has not even started in many cases. Tell me about outside influence. And ill also ask you about this after we hear from raid, im specifically talking about iran. Amnesty has not commented on the politics of whats going on in iraq. This in 3 to 4 months or a mandate. I mean, i can say from, from a person and point of view that many of iraqs neighbors have been interfering in iraqs domestic politics and different levels. Iran, for example, has a lot of leverage and water all over iraq. You put it, the iraqi militias. Some of the militias seem to be armed there definitely, or even controlled the by iran. So its one of the countries that has been involved very heavy in iraqs domestic issues. I do think the iranian influence is absolutely key. Also turkey, you know, and were looking, you know, saudi arabia as well. Theyre opening an embassy again, which they havent done since 1901. So these are all people that have something to play for within iraq and the influence is all but what ride was saying is very, very important. What you saying earlier about the sunnis and about the people who for feisal or not as the case may be being separated from their families. That will lead to a lot of anger. Why im very concerned about the future of iraq. Is those people who are absolutely angry at this government wont again be given what they were promised. Theyll go back to their homes, theyll be abandoned, and thats what led to ice and coming into existence in iraq, in the 1st place that sunny. So the next fight may well come from the very people right was just mentioned in beirut. Thank you so much for your time and your thoughts in iran town as well with us here in studio. Thank you. And that is it from us to join us again the next weekend. Check out the rewind page at aljazeera dot com for more films from the series. Im come off santa maria, thanks for joining us. And see you again, sir. The only 6 players in this were not an act of war. These Nuclear Bombs were experiments by the soviet union to the kazakh people who lived in the vicinity. The motives might be little difference. Rewind sign and weve got hot sunshine and clear skies across the good parts of south america set into those central areas. You can see, well see clear skies here a little bit of clouds and showers there into that eastern side of the audience and up to the north of that will push up towards of applied 30 celsius in want to service, ought to stand in the sense in at 38. 00 degrees, with touching the high twentys there in rio over the next couple of days, still change how western weather will nudge a little further north woods up towards want to say areas, but already making too much progress. Palencia showers across the western side of the amazon basin, pushing up towards the in parts of the region that extending into that western side of the caribbean as well. Lots of clouds still showing up here. Im afraid im afraid for nicaragua, in costa rica, there are still showers in the forecast as we go through the next few days. And that really is going to help the flood situation that we have here for them from a to are. If in this recently theres that west of weather as you go through monday, follow that line of cloud and rain through jamaica pushing across into his banjara. And just out into that western side of the alliance, a possibility of a developing system coming in here. Post on that one, its close to the bahamas, but is pulling away at the moment. Elsewhere across the region. Its sunshine and shallots. Aljazeera you know, this is a news hour on aljazeera fully back to go live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. A 3rd coronavirus axion enters the race to end the pandemic, but they are questions over a colleague affective. It may be in the long 10 israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries to sound a

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