Acting libya envoy has told the Security Council shes optimistic about the future of libya, despite the many challenges that lie ahead. The comments come after the arrival sides held talks last week in tunisia. They agreed to hold elections late next year. But to go, she has failed to name a unity government. I am optimistic about the way forward in libya. Yes. Dear, i about the many challenges that lie ahead. 10 years of war cannot be solved one week of political talks, but we hear more now the language of peace rather than the language of war. For the sake of libya, 75 libyans came together in tunis last week in good faith effort to start the process of healing their nations wounds. They said they touched as the family of the government. 100. 00 extended their hands, if not their hearts to each other. One, pompei, or has become the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit an illegal settlement in the occupied west bank and to step forth in the occupied golan heights. Earlier he said settlements can be a we quote, lawful and proper propose in israel as part of a 10 day tour of the middle east and europe. He also said that the u. S. Would be stepping up action against an anti israel boycott movement. But a stance Prime Minister is in afghanistan for talks with president musharraf. Garny is among calls 1st visit to the country when it comes as peace talks between afghanistan and the taliban have stalled. Theres been more violence between Afghan Forces and the taliban because you can follow those stories on our web site at aljazeera dot com. Well be back with more news in half an hour here on aljazeera. But next its the bottom line. Do stay with us. Ill see you very shortly. Hi, im Steve Clements and i have a question. The democrats won the white house. But are they going to be torn apart between their progressives and their centrists . Lets get to the bottom line. When the American People spoke on election day, they sent a mixed message. In many places they voted against donald trump. But then they voted for other republican politicians in their district and in their state. The democrats went into this election thinking they were going to pick up an easy 15 more seats in the house of representatives. But they want up losing 7 seats to the republican party. Theyre going to keep their majority, but this is going to lead to many more votes that are what i call squeakers are just getting by on last weeks show we focused on some of the lessons that republicans might be learning from this election. And this week were going to talk to a leading democratic senator to see what kind of soul searching his party is doing these days. He has senator joe manchin who represents the state of West Virginia where he previously served as governor. And hes the only democrat Still Standing elected to a federal position from his state. So let me just put it to you. Which agenda one did the agenda of wiping out Student Loans of health care for everyone. Did that Progressive Agenda win or did a more cautious deal making centrist agenda agenda when the selection im not sure anybody wants from that standpoint because theres nothing overwhelmingly supported by either side. We were right now in the middle. Were still so that i can only speak of West Virginia and tell you how West Virginians feel basically on all the opportunities that that theyre given. Theyre very appreciative, and the time the government is involved, that gives them an opportunity whether it be health care and women, and job said theres always one very welcome. But when the scare tactics, you scare the bejesus out of them by making them believe that theres going to be some type of an energy shift that will take jobs away. Not even give them recognition for what theyve done. An opportunity to continue to live a much to do that scares them and then they get mad if they do those like anyone else, if you lose your opportunity provided for your family and yourself, thats very scary. So with all of that, its a tremendous challenge that we have right now. I still remember the belief. Theres more the divide there more than unites us than divides us as a country. Were still the United States. We might be a little fragment of the right now, but we always come back and, and i think well come together, but i heard your i, and you were talking just briefly there about where we stand as a country and a basically as a different direction. Were going to go because the house didnt win seats, it was seats still has a majority, but a slim majority. The senate didnt get the majority, which it thought it would get. And were not sure if we will get it or not, because were still waiting on the results of 2 elections in georgia in january. But no matter what happens, we are much closer in the numbers that make it harder for any one side. To have the frenchs from control, which the hard left or the hard right has very little control over very narrow margin in either house or the senate. So i think it gives us a tremendous opportunity and come to the realization that we have to Work Together see versus just fighting for our respective sides. Because theres no comfort there. Theres nobody. If, if the Senate Becomes 52 to 48 or becomes 5050. If the house has to rely on not losing some of their moderate democrats to stay in control, then that will bring them back to the middle. And the moderate middle is where we run our lives, where we run our, our businesses, and what we run our country from. And weve got to get back to that. So maybe its a blessing in the skies. Im not sure yet. Well, let me ask you, you know, i mentioned senator that you were now at for in terms of those that are elected to federal office. The last democrat in West Virginia. You also happen to be overwhelmingly popular in West Virginia, in a, in a state thats conservative. You stand out and im just interested in whether we can derive any lessons from that. As now, president elect biden thinks about reaching out to those 71000000 people who voted for president from well, as i saw the last figure there, 73000000 and 78000000. 00 votes for donald trump, i mean voted for joe biden. So its a tremendous, overwhelming victory. But theres an awful lot of people that maybe are incensed how many of those will start looking at reality . Ive said this before, the bottom line, we need it. We need to cure our, our country of this pandemic. We need to read it was a vaccine and antibodies that work, and until that happens, itll be hard for us to get back to the normals that we had before. I dont think the new normal will be what the old normal was and what that might be greater opportunities that we have. We have to be prepared right to do that. And i think the, the more the more reliance we have on science and not denying it and give people false hopes it is not going to harm them. And its just basically a hoax is nothing real. Dont worry about it. I think weve seen study that this is serious. This is a killer, not just in the United States of america or of our all over the world. And we need to be attacked and much more serious than what we have been. So hopefully will come together on that. And next of all, we need a bipartisan bill. Whats the best bipartisan bill you can start with that everybody agrees needs to be done. Ive said this, if you have a bad road, a part of all. If you have a bridge is falling down. And trust me, that pothole in bridge and bad road doesnt know if youre democrat or republican, you know, bust your tire, tear your car up. The main danger your life. Thats something democrats or republicans can agree on. Lets do something that unites us. Lets do a major bipartisan bill as far as infrastructure, connecting all rural america, the divide between rural and urban is getting deeper and deeper. The chasm is growing. And with that, weve got to come together. How do you do it . You do it with infrastructure, you do it with Broadband Connectivity row connectivity, the same as f d r brought our country together during the greatest depression or is there or not . Thats what we need to do. So thats what were working on, and were going to try that hopefully with the binding ministration. Were in the most pragmatic way to start repairing and uniting, not only opportunity wise job wise. But truly the emotional generational gap that we have and, and in making sure that we understand each other that thank you for that part of the trauma of this year has not just been cove it, but its been the murder of george floyd. Its been the, you know, protests over racial, divides and Economic Justice issues in the country. Do you think there is a program out there that can address some of this, you know, Racial Justice and Economic Justice. These issues without losing the center and play to that area. Well i think we all, weve all heard basically the, the fun, the bullying from that is the most good is ludicrous and ive ever heard see, why would you be fun when you know you have a problem, you would invest more expect better results. That would be why would we do less training the most civilized nations with our police force and, and the continuing education as should, should be coming demanded by every police force to know the social challenges and social changes that are happening in there. And there is a police because its most of these areas are transforming themselves with all the new influx of population growth and shifts going on. And i think they should be basically experienced in that and educated towards that the needs that they have there. But so when they use that, that they scared the bejesus out of a lot of people that were going to divide the police and were going to accept the looting and rioting. Theres not a democrat that i know of, thats in favor of the fight. And if anything, were in favor of more find a and better targeted funding of how we expect the police to be trying next of all in the areas that have been hit, the hardest. Weve got to get in there and basically Start Building a social gathering. If you will, and on never forget after 911 in the West Virginia, you know, we were probably the least not bursting a nation. But when i was governor, we start bringing all the denominations and churches and religious. So we could understand as long as we can understand from our, from our brothers and sisters, whether it be our rabbis, our priest or creatures. We want to know what was going on. We had them all together from the rabbit to the amman, to, to the priest, to, to the pastor we had a ball trying to explain to us the social challenges that we have and how we would better embrace that. So we understand it better. That needs to be done more now than ever. You know, you might, you talk about defunding, the police, and i just want to read a tweet that you sent out and that represented how exactly Ocasio Cortez. Then we have, we did with her giving you the devil stare when you were looking at this and its a defun, the police defun my but im a proud West Virginia democrat. Were the party of working men and women. We want to protect americans, jobs and health care. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda and we do not believe in defunding the police. She sent that out with her just staring at her no words. So i guess that gets at the point of part of the question of the divide, right, is to get at this question of whats happening with the soul of the Democratic Party, where that struggle is and what role youre going to play in that. I mean, i remember, i mean, youre kind of, you know, in an interesting vice, i would remind our viewers that when you ran 2 years ago, donald trump jr, was going in campaigning against you in that state. And you still won with the trump machine going after you, but now youve got yet don trump jr. On one side, now youve got alexandria across your court as on the other. How does that feel . Well, 1st of all that was the president himself came in 6 times the president knowledge from him on state 6 times campaigning against me. Now afterwards i told him, i said i wasnt running against my opponent. I was running against you, mr. President , because thats what basically you could and people must produces. We want our senator, not your senator, mr. President. And its been tough. It really has been now to have that when you said so of the Democratic Party. Steve, i truly believe this. So has been silent when it has been very, very silent, and sometimes silence is deafening. And thats what i believe has happened. , the people such as a o. C. R. , their aspirational, thats fine. They have some ideas and they want to express that. That is not who we are as a Democratic Party, that i know i can and speak for myself. And the people that i know within the Democratic Caucus, but by being silent except that you know, we should denounce immediately when i said the from, were not the funding, the place were going to invest more and expect more at point blank. We should slope really, really strong and that wasnt spoke spoken by leadership or whatever reason. They just were kind of silent about that. Not knowing how to tiptoe around it and not talking about looting and rioting. I would have brought in the National Guard towers. I had the National Guard my at my beck and call when i was commander in chief or the West Virginia National Guard. I dont need the federal government to come in or federal officers to commit. We can take care of it. Were not going to tolerate it, but you prevent that by happening because in areas, you know, you have a hotbeds of dissent or this type of anger and hatred build up. Youve got to go in there and bring those people to the table 1st and defuse that before it gets lit. And thats what was done. But again, the soul of Democratic Party denounced looting and rioting. So the republicans picked up a made a believe that the democrats acceptable to the looting and rioting and tea fire never even heard of anti before. And the black was matter well as what we saw happen to george floyd. I think it should have shocked everybody to their core to watch a person who is the police about this already. Basically took the life of a human being in front of the whole world to this, to watch, in the most callous an insincere way. As a matter of fact, this is what i do every day. And it was beyond our imagination that Something Like that could happen, let alone the confirmation of watching it happen in front of our eyes. A. So these are the things we speak about. And yes, black lives matter and yes, all lives in that. But when people have been treated and dont you think youve got to step up in the fantasy, listen, were going to tolerate that america. Its not who we are. Not how i was raised a now and i think we need to speak up. Have the democrats yet done, has senator schumer has nancy that nancy pelosi sat down and really analyze what those of you who have been complaining about the direction of the party for a while. Have you done an assessment of what . What regt, what went wrong so far . Let me just tell you, i want to give senator schumer all the credit in the world for coming to a realization that we have to be heard. Every senator representing every part of this country has to be hurt. Those that want and those that those in difficult areas and what theyre seeing and what hasnt been said. And for 2 days for 2 days mount everest, democrat senator, has been on his own as we are right now. See. And was able to speak as long as they wanted to and take it also just what they think is wrong. And right now i can tell you that it has been a deep soul searching and understanding that we have to listen. We have to Work Together, but its different. And, you know, just trying to hold all of this together because its a real challenge, anybodys a challenge when you have a tent as big as our camp, with all the different people that we have. They always say from Bernie Sanders to joe manchin or liz before him to joe manchin. Well, the thing of it is, i come from a very, i think a very pragmatic, realistic, and conservative area. You know, was for jimmy was never given a lot, but the West Virginia basically was always hard working and never complained a lot. We did the heavy lifting. We never complained we were happy and we were just expect everyone to pull their own weight. We never wanted people to be suffering or slackers that if they were capable of doing something they should work and provide value. And those who couldnt, you should have the empathy and sympathy of basically. And i think the more responsibility of taking care of those. I think the good lord put been put there for us to see if we would react as human beings. And thats who was for doing it is our ive said today, ive talked to West Virginians and i said, you know, joe, we believe that the west, the Washington Democratic National Party is more concerned about people who dont work or want work versus people that do work in will work and that was about it in a nutshell. So weve got to make sure that the people that are working and want to work, that were the party for them. But also we have the compassion to help those who hit on hard times, but not handouts to where basically it subsidizes them and doesnt give them incentives to go back to work and making sure that we have the resources to take care of those who absolutely cant because of the challenges they may have physically or mentally. I think we just need to find ourself. You know, i know that youre going to be talking to the vengeful president biden, frequently, but, but part of the struggle right now between the different factions in the Democratic Caucus is what the 5 primary, you know, core message of the Democratic Party should be, you know, i think that youre focusing on, on jobs and the economy as the lead. What is that tension . Like, whats the battle thats brewing over what the messaging of the Democratic Party should be. Weve got to get back to what James Carville has always said. Its the economy, stupid, its the economy. And thats exactly what it is. And whats in for some reason, weve got on all of these. And thats where weve got tagged. Washington democrats must be social if thats all were talk about. They want to do this for everybody, and thats what i want people that want to perform and work and provide for themselves to have the greatest opportunity and the most capitalistic open society youve ever seen. Im not going to say that everyones going to live the same, or get the same amount of resources and live and have the same. And the same type of homes or cars and all that you determine that. But i want everyone to have the opportunity to have the same car i have or same car you might have or the beautiful home that we might have and things of that sort. They should all have that opportunity. Thats what we fight for. Thats what cap was, is all about capitalism. Not socialism brice people are coming to the right and left because theyre fleeing socialism. And so now you got tagged in the democrats never pushed back and never defined that. Were not socialist. We dont believe in socialism. And let me tell you, thats not the capitalism i believe in. Do you think that the Democratic Party runs a risk sensually of being taken over by those people who do believe in socializing to different than saying socialism . But socializing a lot of problems. Further socializing health care, further socializing education, further socializing, you know, finance and a number of these issues. And i think its fair to say that that the wing of perny sanders and Ocasio Cortez is comfortable with that description. Do you think that, that the Democratic Party is at risk of that wing of the establishment taking control of, of abiding presidency and by the leadership . I know joe biden, thats not who joe biden is. I can assure you that is not how he was raised as not how hes been in Public Service for all these years. Its not, its not who he is or what he believes to be. So i have no fear of joe biden, but i have fear that sickly. They get too loud or the mega from the basically paints us with a broad brush. Its not who we are. And the bottom line is they can talk about they want to, theres not going to be room for them in what i call a Democratic Party. That was democratic principles. But we just talked about if there are a set with that and then thats their own party, thats what i will return and happy with that. But if the democrats some, and we always have a big tent, we want to hear from everybody, always, always look at the far left. See that my conscious and my comment, then i predict something. Theyre going something that maybe i didnt think about in a way that i didnt think about or didnt see it. So when, when i hear of these new green, dno, and medicare for all ive said about medicare for all see we can pay for medicare for some right now the people that are paid into it. We have social security. Every one of our trust funds are going to go broke. If we dont make some changes, let me ask you the job, the cheaper the what this change we can make the social security. Take the cap off the tax. Take the cap off the tax. If you want the wealthy to pay their fair share, take the tax off the cap. That gives us the right interest to build many, many, many years. The Little Things we can do and doesnt harm anybody. But were going to leave that. I can see the twitter hash tag for that on the, on the cap and the tax coming out. And let me just ask you one last question. Senator donald trump recently tweeted out, we wont let a rigged election steal our country. This was well after the election had been held well after the election had been called in joe biden favor, you know, president trump, what do you thinks going on and what do you think were going to end up . And thats not surprising. Seeing on president trump, im not surprised at all. He started building this fall scenario long before the election because he knew he was in trouble. They seen it coming, theyve been polling and they know the only way when he said the only way that joe biden can win. It is if they fraud michel truly, thats the only way that donald trump knew that he could werent. So he just reversed that scenario. And put joe bidens name and thats the only way they could have won. Because the public overwhelmingly was just saying a change needs to be done. And those people that he lost might have like some of the things he had done. Policy wives. They just didnt like they just couldnt take the, the chatter on a daily basis. They can take the tweets coming up denigrating. Every human being, you can take ok. Who he fired . What country are we basically discriminating against . What come, what, what country did day that we embarrassed by saying something that was offensive. Its just awful. And its not who we are. Americans basically are looked upon as united as the United States, as working with them to improve their lot more life to prove the democracy does work. When people are put a head of government in government officials. And its a government of the people by the people for the people, not donald trump by dont trump and for the interim. And he has a hard time understanding that. So well see where it goes. But theres still falling. I can understand why, but i guess if you have 70000000 followers on your twitter account, thats a force that they would like to avoid if they possibly can. I still believe theres enough good republicans who stand up and basic approach country 1st, im waiting for them to come to. I think theres an awful lot of people that will help joe biden put a government thats all inclusive together. Youll see republicans and democrats working together. Youll see some far Left Movement of the Democratic Party thats mad at joe biden for working and bringing in all inclusive bringing people together. Or where this is likes of the colin powell or people of that sort of statute that have been around right. Or some of the bush people that really want a government that united. Well see how that works out. But im counting on joe biden, rising above all of that and bring his together. I hope happens. Well, senator joe manchin, well leave it there. I know you work very hard to get republicans and democrats to talk with each other and actually pass legislation. So thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your candid thoughts. Well, i think you speak for having then all of you, all your viewers and listeners there that, that remember, we are the United States, not the divided states. And i know country can take advantage of this great democracy of ours in this great economy of ours. And we will unite once. The dust settles here, we hope to settle sooner than later. And youll see more and more people coming out of the woodwork and speaking its time to move on with our new president elect joe biden. And im anxious to do that. Thank you. Thank you, senator. So whats the bottom line . The Democratic Party has been elected to lead america for the next 4 years, sort of preselect joe biden is going to have a tough time in the senate. And dont forget, donald trump is still going to be out there speaking directly to the 70000000 people who voted for him, a real thorn and biden side. American politicians are at a fork in the road. You know, theyre going to figure out how to compromise and play the center. Were going to retreat to party red lines and go absolutely nowhere. Its going to be a bumpy action packed, 4 years. Stay tuned. And thats the bottom line. In under a year, coverage 19 has altered our societies and exposed deficiencies in political, social, and economic structure of capitalism is the pandemic back is the root cause of so much of the suffering apps and the data which old could literally save our lives to live. The high life has the pandemic given us the chance to reevaluate our world all hail the lockdown. Coming soon on aljazeera. France once had, a vast empire spanning several continents. But by the 1940, s. , the french were forced to confront reality and to moms face dependence. And a fast part of a new documentary series, aljazeera looks at how the colonial on rest conflict in ontario, and full scale war in indochina, bled into his french to colonize ation on aljazeera. Play an Important Role in acting, it would face covert. 19 is indiscriminate, but it quickly found the racial divisions in american society. The cold, the pandemic is a, would be alert of americas true blood in the racially segregated city of chicago. The majority of deaths have been black and latino residents fault lines asks why i think its become entirely clear that there is such a thing as structural racism. The great divide, covert 1000 and race in chicago on aljazeera. Scientists reporting courage and results as the world searches for a safe and effective covert 19 vaccine. So robin, youre watching aljazeera life. My headquarters here in doha also coming up the death toll in uganda rises to 16 after protests, against the arrest of Opposition Leader bobby wine. And the Ethiopian Government says its moving forward on its final offensive against fighters around to graze the main city. Also palestinian leaders

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