Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20240711

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The conflict in northern ethiopia spills into neighboring arab tria and sends 20000. People fleeing to sit on the uns acting envoy to libya says she is pleased with the outcome of talks aimed at ending nearly a decade of violence. Thats despite rival factions being on able to reach an agreement on who will lead until National Elections are held. Harriets reports from tunis, a summer of protest in libya. After 10 years of war with 2 rival governments actually in for control. Basic services arent being met. Corruption is weight spread, and the Global Pandemic has worsened the situation. The majority in the room do not want the status quo. The uns top diplomats in libya, Stephanie Williams has a message for the countrys political class. And they were put on notice. You have an opportunity now to be relevant. You can rise to the occasion or, you know, you can go the way of the dinosaurs. I said that intern is, he has ended with 75. 00, libyan delegates agreeing to hold elections in December Next year. But failing to decide on who will lead the country until then, the un is focusing on whats been achieved. Save the talks, skepticism remains. What is happening now is basically recycling all talk more than giving real guarantees for libyans that the sessions will actually lead to a strong government or one thats able to achieve the real demands of the libyan people. The conflict has left people in this oil rich country divided tire. Here, negotiations will continue in the coming weeks aimed at bringing peace, security, and stability. But there are few illusions that its going to be easy. Clear headed to politicians in peru are going through the process of selecting a new interim president. After manual merino resigned. There were scenes of jubilation after merino made. The announcement has only been in the job for less than a week. Having replaced Martin Vickery here was impeached, pressure had been mounting on merino from day one, as protests continued. Cabinet has called an emergency meeting after 2 students died. And if you know the argument is democracy ended up with some days ago, i was sworn in as president of the republic to lead a transition government with a constitutional mandate to be impeachment of the president some days ago and met the president of the congress. How to take on the highest position in our country. And i did it responsibly with humility. And lets go to our correspondent anna sanchez, who is live for us and lima. So marinos gone after not even one week in power, and it seems a process is now underway to find his replacement. Thats right, and that replacement could come very soon as we are now waiting for the directive table as it would be in the translation. A group of a directive in congress with the new interim is Congress President who is to disclose the least of the names of those who will be in those in those positions. And the head of congress that the director, the president rather of congress, would be the person who would be sworn in as perus next interim president. We understand that theres been a lot of infighting in congress behind closed doors. Because of course, everybody wants that polls, but it wont be easy for whoever to take it. Because outside of congress, there are thousands of people outside congress outside in the center of lima, in many other cities. Right now at this time of the night of people waiting to hear what will happen because people are very connected. And they know who are the people who voted for the impeachment of president discover who are the the legislators who have a criminal investigations and people will take no less than somebody that has a clean slate. So people are expecting at this moment what will happen and who will be named the next interim president of the country. That should happen any minute. Marianna gives a bit of context, as you say, thousands of people out on the streets, whoever they pick is going to be the president in just 2 weeks. What is behind all this instability . Well behind, its not a very, not a very short story. All these 8 beliefs will turn parties, but at least 8 of them they, they pushed for the for the impeachment of president martin discolor because they wanted to take power. Because everyone has a different interest in congress. There are parties, there is a party who wants to change the education reform because the owner of that party has universities that have been affected by those reforms. He has lost a lot of money and he wants that back. Theres another party that house a brother actually of former president who is in jail for 4 for murder. And he wants his party to have a president that can pardon him, that he can get a president ial pardon, which he cant. Because hes, he, he cant leave jail without one. And thats the kind of interest that the plane behind the different interest of parties from the left on the right that have come together with the same with the same motivation if you will, of taking over power and taking over power power which ever way. So people outside people in improve, they understand this very well and especially this new generation of young people who have been out in the streets, protesting who are not who are not, who dont know very much about the political fights of the past. But they do understand what are rights, what is the market will see. And they want clean politicians because there is a widespread nationwide feeling that politicians are corrupt. They are indeed many of them corrupt. And thats what people want to change with these protests and this pressure that they have on politicians right now. Many thanks for that, Mariana Sanchez there for us in lima. The syrian foreign minister Walid Moallem has died state television, confirm the knees in the last hour or so. He was 79 years old, was a close confidant of former syrian leader hafez al assad, and then his son, bashar al assad. Throughout the war, he served as ambassador to the u. S. Between 1992002, the conflict in ethiopia, which is not only escalating but expanding across borders, threatening to destabilize the horn of africa. The leader of the t. P. M. , a group in the Northern Tier gray states has confirmed his forces fired rockets across the border, hitting the ever trian capital. And hes threatening to carry out more attacks. Because it is the home of those who attacked you great will not just attack and return home. We will retaliate while they are here and straight to the airports from which they launched attacks. There is no place that we cant reach and we will continue to attack selected targets that the invading forces are using against us. Well, after 12 days, the t. P. A. Laugh is now fighting on 2 fronts against both the ever trance and the Ethiopian Government troops. The Prime Minister, ahmed hasnt commented on whether he is getting any help saying only that his country is capable of fighting by itself. Meanwhile, least 20000 people have fled, the violence crossing into neighboring sudan massacres and ethnic profiling have, been reported in both. The t. P. L. F. And federal troops have been accused of atrocities. Mohammed is in the city of gondor in northern ethiopia with more on what every tree is. Potential involvement could mean this takes the conflict to a whole new level. It has spilled across the borders of ethiopia. And now another country, or a trailer, is about to be sucked in. If you would go with the version that you have, governments are given right now by the t. P. Alive. How you, most of the past week maintained that they have been fighting the visions of eritreans army on the ground on to korean, regional soil and saying eritrea was involved in the fighting from the onset. Of course, this is something thats been refuted by the advice of our government and also as matter with Prime Minister saying that they have enough capability to fight the operation on their own. But what we know is that the missiles landed in a small, as well as the lone group long held grievances working against the few people left leadership anough to put a smile on a wall. Of course, there is that issue of the border between eritrea and ethiopia. Which is also not democratized, and the Un Border Commission had ruled the flashpoint town of judgment to give into eritrea. Something Prime Minister is willing to do that. The area is currently administered by the current administration. And i support, it definitely has an axe to grind without administration to see that he gets what he wants in terms of the border. He wants for a train. Meanwhile, gunman has killed at least 34 people during an attack on a passenger bus in western. Its part of the country, western billions are regularly targeted. Theres no indication of who is responsible or if it is indeed linked to the escalating crisis in the north of the country. If europe is military said to be getting drones from the United Arab Emirates for use in the offensive, the Associated Press is quoting, a spokesman from the Peoples Liberation front, who says the drones are being flown in from a sob in eritrea. However, he provided no evidence of this. The u. A. E. Hasnt commented on the report. Day, no matter as Deputy Director of the Africa Program at the International Crisis group. He says, the u. A. E. Does have assets in the region. U. A. E. As has been using but also on the air tran, coast or its campaign in yemen has assets. Although these are state of the conflict that has also wound down the u. A. E. Has also, you know, importance diplomatic player in the rushmore between ethiopia and eritrea, which was signaled by a deal between i. B. M. , the eritrean president deescalate tensions still ahead on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump appears to acknowledge for the 1st time that joe biden has won the white house, but insists he wont concede. Thousands of iraqis scramble to find shelter after camps where they have been for years are suddenly closed. Hello the recent quiet weather in china is coming to an end. Winters not make itself felt really that still held up in the Northeast Corner a harbinger for degrees of the snow up here. But elsewhere the cloud is growing. The hint of blue, which means rain is coming up. Theres still showers around japan and possibly on the east coast of south korea as well. And this rain develop in the yellow sea. This rain developing throughout china. The snow falling in the himalayan plateau is that added to whats already you have a chance in just in hans in the cat lifting the cat, producing significant, right . Just north of who has just one example vanco. The typhoon has made landfall where now this is a satellite which is history, of course, it will no longer be traced for much longer to fall apart as an active storm. But its present in up to half a meter of rain. In vietnam, a place has been very wet and flooded this year, but the good news is theres nothing following. Nothing in the Philippine Sea is yet developing. So the major showers now are just where you might expect to be further south and peninsula malaysia. They were fast out to thailand in sumatra seem to be the focus of the biggest showers in the next couple of days. The still significantly heavy rain in chennai and places the south, but is dying out for a once again in the north. Since 2013 wish the World Innovation summit to health has gathered health care leaders, practitioners, and understand just together to learn, interact and engage with innovative organizations. They should wish will take place virtually under the banner of one world. Our Health Register now wish dot org dot q a. Youre watching out, is there a mind of our top stories this hour . The uns acting envoy to libya says a lot of work has yet to be done before. The National Transitional government can be named. Rival factions couldnt agree on who will lead the country ahead of elections next year. Politicians encourage going through the process of selecting a new interim president after manual merino resigned. Its only been in the job for less than a week having replaced martin the scar. He was abused. Syrian foreign minister walid and milan has died at the age of 79 state television families, not long ago. Imran khan has more or less. Walid muallem may have been serious top diplomat, but few would have described his style as diplomatic. As western powers, try to isolate syria over its conduct during the civil war or wavered in his support for president bashar al assad, a transitional governing body. In this exchange with the u. N. Secretary general ban ki moon Jurong International talks in geneva, he showed just how tough he could be. And one of them it was that a list of Prime Minister. Im sorry to tell you trust. I was 1st called 20 minutes yourself. If you live in new york, i live in syria. I have the right to give the syrian version here in this for a long which makes his support for assad. All the more remarkable assad is from the alawite sect, an offshoot of shia islam. At least one syrian observer suggests that he was trying to overcompensate for his background. With such vigorous displays of loyalty, he worked for almost all of his early career as a Civil Servant in syrias foreign services. Eventually becoming u. S. Ambassador in 1990, a role he held for the next 10 years. The start of the new millennium brought big changes in syria, longtime leader, died, and his son, bashar took over and 2000 was also the became assistant foreign minister. 6 years later, he was promoted to the role of chief and boy, but it was after 2011 when Syrian People rose up against assad that became more widely known. When aljazeera caught up with him in september 2013, he remained as defiant as ever and insisted that there was no question of assad stepping down. And the terms of geneva, are you prepared to to concede on the role of presence of sadness . You might step down. Nobody disputes over the order of this group if you mention that so lets play the old fellow if you broaden your point. But ever since the uprising began, he blamed the u. S. And europe for sponsoring violence in syria was born on january the 13th, 1941 in damascus, less than 6 months before world war 2 allied forces invaded his city. He spent the last 2 years of his life fighting for what he considered the wests latest attempt at destabilizing his country. For the 1st time, u. S. President donald trump appears to have publicly acknowledged that joe biden won the election. But he also said he wont concede and will soon file more cases showing the vote was unconstitutional. Has more on the story. On sunday President Trump golf, but before hitting the links for the 2nd day in a row, trump ignited a short lived media frenzy when he seemed to finally admit defeat. Tweeting about president elect joe biden, he won because the election was rigged. But soon that tweet came down and trump sent out a new one saying, i concede nothing. Trumps false claims of voting fraud have been refuted by state and federal officials as biden attended Church Services near his home in delaware. Trumps own the former National Security adviser indicated trump is sabotaging the transfer of power pretty soon well get the stab in the back. Theories will get the dark conspiracy theories continued and he will make life as difficult as he can for the incoming by administration. I think that harms the country with coded 1000 cases and deaths sharply on the rise across the u. S. Bidens designated chief of staff said the transition must be seamless there. People, if youre just making plans to implement that vaccine, are experts need to talk to those people as soon as possible. So Nothing Drops in this change of power. Were going to have a generic 20. Several states have imposed severe new restrictions to curb the virus in recent days. A coach chairperson of bidens covert Task Force Said biden would not order a total lockdown when he takes office. The better way to think about the safety restrictions is more sit down and we turn up and down, depending on severity. Congress will be back in session on monday, with millions of americans out of jobs and plunged into poverty by the pandemic. Democrats called on Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell to speed up work on a covert relief and recovery bill. The bottom line is very simple. We need a large strong code bill to deal with our problems. We have heard for months, every time we get close to a deal, senator mcconnell says no. He has become the dr. No of coded, a transition on hold. As the virus gains the upper hand, robert oulds al jazeera while the u. S. Has recorded 1000000 new corona, virus infections in just the past 6 days, Johns Hopkins university, which is tracking the outbreak globally, has counted more than 11000000 u. S. Cases. In total. He says 264000 americans have died, advises appointed by president elect. Joe biden, have described the infection right as deeply and ah, me, several camps, housing, people who fled. I so have been closed down in iraq, aid groups and other nongovernmental organizations say the closure is a rush, leaving many with nowhere to go. So mona foreman has this report from northern iraq. This is placed by the conflict against eisel. These families are headed towards an uncertain future. They are the last ones to leave camp. One of several such facilities ordered shot by iraqs government in recent weeks. Authorities say they are leaving voluntarily, but many here see it differently. Of course they forced us to swear by god. They forced me to leave this camp. We feel comfortable here. All the residents feel comfortable. Families in the camps receive shelter, food, aid, and access to education and health services. 3 years after the government declared victory over eisel, it says its time for those displaced to go home. But n. G. O. S warn camp closures have been rushed and could leave tens of thousands of people homeless at the onset of winter. And during a pandemic, like many who lived in the camps, the mother cant return to his area because a relative his son had joined. I saw i will go to jeddah camp because of the tribal problems. I will stay far away from my town until god helps to solve this issue. His son is now serving a prison sentence, but for the tribesmen in ramadans hometown of justice must be meted out in line with tribal law. Elders say the return of families of iceland members would spark retaliatory attacks who are even if the i saw members in prison or if you was killed, he still his sons. He still has a family. Its not possible for me to see his son walk in front of my eyes while his father killed my brother. Everyone in this room has lost at least one Family Member to eisele. Deal with them with may see when they didnt show us. The government is attempting to negotiate solutions with tribes to allow most people to return. But despite limited progress in reconciling communities, the governor doesnt believe the camp closures. A premature. The citys cannot be reconstructed as long as the residents live in camps. When the residents return back, they will start to rebuild their homes in the areas with the support from the government and the international organisations. Such support has yet to reach saga host family left camp a week ago. They are now squatting amid ruins on the outskirts of mosul. You know, you can see what its like here. There is no water, no electricity, and there are snakes and stray dogs at night. There are no services at all. Unfortunately. Its just a concrete skeleton were living in to cannot return to her home district of cinder, because her husband now presumed dead, had joined. I saw the tribes have to put themselves in our shoes. Yes, some people have made mistakes. Im not saying they didnt, dont kill the child because of the parents crime, shunned by their community and neglected by their government. The prospects for saddams children look grim. Some fear the exclusion of these families could fuel resentment among future generations. Perhaps once again link Fertile Ground for radicalisation. Want to Fulton Al Jazeera in iraqs northern nineveh province. Egyptian police have arrested a staff member of a leading Human Rights Organization on terrorism charges. But the Egyptian Initiative personal rights says the detention of Mohammed Bashir is part of a crackdown. The group says it and others like it as subject to intimidation and scares, hacked. 6. Manning the shares, immediate release, armenians living in parts of the going to have been given 10 more days to leave before land is given to azerbaijan, a transfer as part of a deal to end fighting in the disputed region. The district of kabul jaw is among the 1st of the areas to be handed over. Some people there torched their homes as they left anger is simmering in armenia, about a peace deal many see as a betrayal. Meanwhile, phase there is the mood is very different. A summer binge of eid reports from tona this family is celebrating the return of the jar to other by john. This is the region, is there my old crispe, the women of the most plentiful, but also gets upset, looking at what is happening there. Many armenians are burning homes and schools as they hand over the region in the know only those in madrid among the houses a burnt in my village. My heart nearly exploded with grief when i see the treachery and betrayal why you come to our furnished houses. They did not belong to you. During the war with armenia over nagornokarabakh, that ended in 1994. Their child was a soldier in other by johns army. And his people were forced to leave cause the jar, he remembers how hundreds died during the exist tens of thousands of people pass through this road. It was so cold or so many people standing who were frozen stranded vehicles with frozen bodies. So many people suffered amputations because of the frost. The government has extended the deadline for combatants to leave college or by 10 days. It is very army, its fortifying its positions, but says it will wait until russian peacekeepers ensure armenian fighters have gone. Right now. It is not our task to force a 1000000 to leave all this. You know, this 3 regions. Thats tariffs or peacekeeping troops. Thats why they moved in, and it is their task. We will ask them. Thats our backup plan, which were short of sticky. Shes kept for decades, a reminder she says for occupiers finally left. After waiting for nearly 3 decades, the people of college are eager to return. But with so much still pending, including the role of the peacekeepers, the clearance operation, and rebuilding of infrastructure. It could perhaps take months or even years before they can return home. Both in or near culver just space x. Has launched. 4 astronauts to the International Space station is set up as a 1st fully fledged mission for nasa by a private company, a capsule named resilience in light of this years many challenges as you to reach the International Space station late on monday. It kicks off at nasa hopes will be many crew rotations between the orbiting lab and this is al jazeera, these are the top stories. The uns acting envoy to libya says a lot of work has yet to be done before. A National Transitional government can be named rival factions couldnt agree on who will lead the country ahead of elections next year. The majority in the room do not want the status quo. This is not an acceptable alternative. It is not sustainable. Everybody recognizes the hard summer that many libyans just pass through with no lectures

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