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A nearly 3 decade long ceasefire in the region. Also, dozens of People Killed and many injured as time soon needs a trail of death and destruction across the philippines. The u. S. President has spoken publicly for the 1st time since his election loss to joe biden. During his press conference, donald trump updated americans on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. But he also inched closer to acknowledging he may not be leading the countrys next administration. Alan fischer. How small from washington d. C. Incredibly, this is become a real thing. Public remarks by donald trump his 1st since the election. And this was about protecting his legacy. But administration has initiated the single greatest mobilization in u. S. History, pioneering developing and manufacturing therapies and vaccines. In record time, there was no talk of the election result. This was an update on the fight against corona virus, the hope provided by a vaccine. But there was almost the slip almost an acknowledgment. His time in the white house was coming to a close. Ideally, we wont go to a lockdown. I will not go, this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully the, the whatever happens in the future, who knows which administrator will be, i guess time will tell. But i can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown. The president has been adamant, he continues to fight in the courts to overturn an election. He claims without evidence was stolen from him, but hes running out of route. His campaign has dropped, its action in arizona with joe biden has been declared. The winner cases in michigan and pennsylvania have run into legal difficulties. Law teams have quit the fight because lawsuits being dismissed by judges who seem quite exasperated with lawyers representing the trump campaign. Who simply do not have facts. The president s own Cyber Security experts have declared the election to be the most secured in american history. Something the president was keen to take credit for while at the same time, claiming it had been rigged by the democrats against him. Another sign, the white house is moving towards acceptance of the result from monday, joe biden will start receiving the daily intelligence briefing. Something the trumpet ministration had blocked since the election. A biden campaigns reaction about time passing day, lack of access to current classified operations are back channel conversations that are happening really put the american peoples interest is at least in their National Security risk. Donald trump is arguably the most accessible president in modern history. But he left the rose garden, refusing to take questions about the election result. And if his days in the white house were numbered. Well, lets join allan now in washington, d. C. And allan developments on the legal front when it comes to pennsylvania. What seems to be happening just in the last couple of hours, according to pennsylvania, has thrown out 5 court cases, brought by the trump campaign. The judge decided there was absolutely no merit. And that short time after donald trump tweeted out that 700000 ballots in pennsylvania had not been observed. Therefore under the constitution we were in this state. Thats not quite how it works. Clearly this is just a sign that donald trump is getting a bit desperate. Again, claiming victory on twitter, but the reality is that when they take cases to the courts, theyre simply not getting past the legal threshold to be taken any farther. And also theyre running into problems of credibility as well. For example, in atlanta, they named 2 people who had voted in the said they were dead, local t. V. Station managed to turn up 2 of those people and they were both very much alive. One of them had voted for joe biden. The credibility gap is hotting. Donald trump and there are more and more republicans who quietly because theyre still afraid of the political power that donald trump has quietly suggesting that its time that the white house acknowledges that joe biden has won, even, even if donald trump wont make a concession speech of course the president put out a very brave face in the rose garden a few hours ago, and only sort of tacitly indicating that there was a possibility of a new say in the oval office in a few weeks time. He almost leaked into that idea wasnt, he was saying that this administration would have a lot dont we dont know whether the next administration thats what he was heading. He managed to pull himself back and say, well, lets wait and see what happens. That is a familiar line from donald trump when hes asked about anything, lets wait and see what happens. But its clear that slowly in his head hes getting the idea that come january the 20th, he might not be there. What is interesting is that his press secretary was asked on television earlier on friday. Well, donald trump be at the inauguration. She replied that he would be at the inauguration for his 2nd term. The question now is, will he actually be at the inauguration is going to be a much smaller event because of corporate, but everyone is expecting joe biden to be sworn in as president on the 20th of january. Whether or not donald trump will be there, whether he feels he can actually attend. Were not entirely sure, but that will become clear as we, we move closer and closer to that date. The biden campaign, making all the preparations to be in position to take over on day one. For the moment, i love the show, thanks very much. The update from washington d. C. Now the United Nations says its concerned war crimes may have been committed in, ethiopias, northern t. Gray region and fighting between the Ethiopian Military and to gori, Regional Forces the 10 day conflict has already killed hundreds of people. Thousands of fled to sudan. Prime minister has accused to graze Peoples Liberation front of treason and terrorism. Amnesty International Says scores of civilians have been massacred during the fighting hers more from the Northern City of dongle near to grey region. These fighting words has had no letup ever since it started about 9 days ago has caused massive casualties. And the civilian casualties that are being witnessed in some parts of the region are not giving any confidence to the people. There already. 100000 people who were already internally displaced within the region, even before the conflict started. And that was the most likely happened just about a 100 kilometers from where we are right now in a small town called mike cutler. Of course, the government is blaming the tea p. L. F. Fighters for these killings of people, most of it done through beheadings and using all kinds of crude weapons. But on this evening, the t. T. L. Of leader, the protests you dont get there. Michael held, released a message where he said that it was not his forces who carried out these masaka and said that there was need for an independent inquiry into the killings in my country. Of course, the government is claiming huge victories in the western part of the take a very region, particularly areas near the border with eritrea. Today they claim that they have taken the town of the ambassador and have their sights on the capital mackellar, the Prime Minister, says this is going to be a very quick operation. But when you look at how heavily armed both sides are, it looks like its going to be a protracted war. And that is what is causing concern for many people. Something that the main fear is that this conflict is going to have ramifications far beyond the borders. Obviously, of here a 30 year ceasefire, americas volatile Western Sahara region could be in jeopardy. Rockers, theres a Pro Independence group, has blocked a main road on the army, has moved in to stop the other policy front to reporting fighting in the buffer zone and say morocco has ignited war. The countrys authorities deny any fighting the group wants Western Sahara to be independent or morocco as Prime Minister describes some of the measures that were taken to the government, held an emergency meeting to address the situation in another. This road is important when it comes to the movement of civilians and goods. And because such actions were a violation of the u. N. Sponsored cease fire agreement, morocco, in order to fulfill its duties, ordered its military forces to intervene and build a sand barrier to protect the area from any future breaches of the operations been finished as safely as we abided by the principle of not entering in any type of confrontation with the other forces. We built the barrier 4 kilometers away from their location. The un secretary general says he is committed to ensuring the decades old cease fire is respected. As our diplomatic editor james bays explains. The un is deeply concerned about the situation right now in Western Sahara. A territory, as you say, used to be a spanish colony, a territory where theyve been u. N. Personnel based for 29 years originally sent there for a referendum that never took place. This was the comment from the Spokes Person of the u. N. Secretary general. The secretary general remains committed to doing his utmost to avoid the collapse of the cease fire that has been in place since 6 september 1991. And he is determined to do Everything Possible to remove all obstacles to the resumption of the political process, the United Nations at the u. N. Mission in your so is committed to continuing implementing its mandate. And the secretary general calls on the parties to provide full freedom of movement for me. Your so in accordance with its mandate, well, ill just areas of taint a copy of a letter from the head of the policy front to the un secretary general. They were supposed to have a phone call taking place about now a phone call. It seems has been told by these latest developments is also worth telling you that the u. N. Normally has an envoy from Western Sahara known as the secretary generals personal representative. That job has not been filled for 18 months. The u. N. Said thats not the fault of the secretary general. He needs to find the right candidate, but also get agreement from the u. N. Security council. And certainly in this letter, theres a call from the policy front for that u. N. Security council to meet. Im told right now, no meeting is scheduled. So the omagh is the policy area front representative in new york, the groups accused moroccan forces of attacking civilians. More arkell has publicly officially acknowledged the fact of launching an ardent attack on group of civilians demonstrating peacefully in Western Sahara, blatant violation of the cease fire. And it has a direct result of his duties between the moroccan combined forces and the forces of the atlantic pointed out in which continued as, as we speak in map, what you have is, is the wish an illegal occupation by a military force. What more awkward, has been trying to move beyond its military. A wall built living worsens and grab more land, which is armed, obviously, and acceptable. And thats why we have denounced this act of aggression, which course in danger, the International Peace and security and violence and cease fire leading to the resumption of the students. So there was no malicious, their actions and protest has been aired all around the world where men and men defenseless. While the morons have opted for using violence against them. And they are the ones to blame, and they are the ones to be held accountable for their aggressive actions. While still had hailed algis over the price of peace, Ethnic Albanians treat parts of the color. Karabakh lost to us a by john also ivory coast as the Worlds Largest producer of cocoa, but recent unrest in the country has left all of us feeling bitter over a lack of sales. Those stories after the break, the old hallow, the fine weather continues for most the exception being the finals of japan where every now and again the winner gets cold, starts to blow new c. B. S. There on the tops of the high ground as a power. But actually looks like a fine day on saturday. 9 degrees youll feel this is the breeze is quite strong in the morning, but otherwise its lovely looking along the south coast from grand or from taipei through ground on the ranji. I think the sea showers the next couple of days last induced by van, which is going to make landfall in north vietnam. But beyond that is a largely fine looking picture. Vanco currently is in the middle of the open, warm water. It will make landfall. I suspect on the late saturday or early sunday in northern vietnam does a tropical storms. Theres potential for wind damage, but rains the mains are going to get a half a meter of rain is still to fall resisting makes landfall. And there shasta south, and i dont see another development in the philippine sea, which is a nice thought for the time being because in one after another for the last couple of months. Otherwise big showers, of course its wet season for indonesia. In particular. The rain continues from just all the chennai southwards, down towards sri lanka, and useful rains coming to the north of pakistan, which will improve their quality. But since 2013 wish the World Innovation summit to health has gathered, health care leaders, practitioners and understand just together to learn, interact and engage with innovative organizations they, she wish will take place virtually under the banner of one world are on the register now wish dot org dot q a the lord what about you watching all deservedly so whole run a reminder of our top stories. The u. S. President donald trump, has admitted that he may not be leading the countrys next administration. He was speaking publicly for the 1st time since joe biden was named president elect. Hes also suffered another legal setback after a Pennsylvania Court threw out 5 republican lawsuits alleging voting irregularities. The United Nations says its concerned of war crimes may have been committed in ethiopias north into gray region where Government Forces are battling with local leaders. The 10 day conflict has already killed hundreds of people, thousands have fled to sudan. So as a by john has enforced a curfew in areas that its captured in the golan a kind of back. It comes ahead of armenians, handover of land to azerbaijan. Scores of Ethnic Armenians have begun fleeing the areas that will be handed over. Some have set fire to their former homes as they left. The handover is part of the deal between armenia and azerbaijan, that ended 6 weeks of fighting over the disputed region. How to abdul hamid has more from the corner cutbacks of regional capital stepanek at this city has been hit hard because during the last days that the shelling became more info as various forces were getting closer and closer to us, define a carrot and you see you see, is that this structure like this a bit randomly all over this city . Now we were told that this specific area was hit on november 8th. So one day before it a cease fire agreement was signed, we spoke to the owner of this shop. He is going to load what there were, he has left to salvage on to that truck and take it to your wherever we are outside of the boat record on the road. And actually it is a russian checkpoint, a few 100. Theres a way from here that were not allowed to film. Now as there in force is where did this city when to cease fire agreement came into effect. Prime minister has been saying that thats exactly why he signed that agreement. But the people we spoke to here said that they received little support by either armenia or do International Community and they feel betrayed by some of binge. It has more from the capital. But this is a curfew that has been put into place in most cities in azerbaijan, and there is a 9 pm curfew that starts at last until 6 am in the morning. And this is something that theyre implementing in the areas that are by joining forces have taken as well. The police stations that have been operating in these areas which were not under other by johnny control, were shifted to areas under azerbaijans control. Now the government, the president has told them that these police stations and their employees should move into the areas which are now under the control of the forces and implement those curfews. They should be maintaining law and order. And also making sure that the area is secure, making a note of the military hardware. There are there any land mines are in secure buildings, so that is why there is a curfew. But most of these bases across the line of contact are not inhabited by people because of the fighting, either people from either side, whether it was the armenian side or the other by chinese side have moved to their respective countries. So thats why they are going to be going in, regardless of the timings of the curfew. These are void of civilians. So a lot of people are not there. And these curfews are going to be more symbolic than actually trying to keep people indoors. Manufacturers in the ivory coast running out of Raw Materials and violence over octobers destructed election is that a serious economic disruption. Protesters have blockaded entire regions, preventing supplies from reaching factories has more from at this cocoa processing factory workers prepare the last talk of beans for production there where that some of them may be working their last ships opposition protests against president Alassane Ouattara 3rd have forced by the fracturing companies to cut production. The factory manager says they have received only 40 tons of cocoa beans in 2 weeks, instead of a daily consignment of 320 tons before the political crisis. The current political crisis has strangled towns like crowe and many others were hit by violent demonstrations. Farmers were scared. No one wants to take chances, as there are many incidents where truckloads of goods were burnt, or constitutional changes enable president ouattara to run for thought. The opposition call it illegal, sparking protests that killed more than 85 people. 2 weeks after a terrorist reelection. Tensions remain with clashes erupting in various parts of the country, impeding the delivery of Raw Materials, factories need for production, including cocoa, the countrys biggest export. Coca producers say the disruptions caused by the president ial election as theyre struggling with the effects of covered 19 would be felt for a very long time and more damage could be done if the political situation is not resolved quickly. With some considering cutting jobs, market truck driver ends a drought or brings a truckload of yams. He says many of them spoiled because his truck was held up for 3 days. Its hard to the crisis has affected the transportation of products. There were barricades and entire highways cut off for 8 years. Ive recourses seen consistent Economic Growth of 7 percent, making it one of the best performing economies in africa. But experts warn that continuing violence and uncertainty could be devastating for some businesses, both in the short and long term. In the short term, the economy will contract a recession of sorts. Even if you dont have a recession in the short term growth will drop. What we see is growth will be around 1. 3 to 1. 5 percent next year. He says the basic infrastructure of the country requires this and please this will help ivory coast return to decent Economic Growth. But right now, there are growing fears that the political crisis will go on. More people will lose their jobs, and the poverty already 47 percent or rise. How many degrees aljazeera might be job. Rival factions in libya have agreed to hold nationwide elections in december of next year. The date was announced by a United Nations official and is considered a sign of progress from the talks in neighboring tunisia. Thats where 75 libyan delegates have been negotiating a road map out of the civil war. Both sides signed a cease fire agreement last month in geneva. Germany has dampened hopes that a 4 week long run will end as planned. More than 23000, new infections were recorded on friday, the highest daily surge since the outbreak began. The chancellor will meet with state leaders on monday to review the current lockdown, which was lifted at the end of the month. Dominic cain has more from berlin, where he says hospitals are already under extreme pressure. Here in germany, theres no question that the average number of new cases reported every day has been very high indeed. 5 figure numbers for a very considerable period, which explains why you have so many active cases right now. And then there are other stats that reveal quite how deep this particular situation is. The fact that you have hospitals, not just in this city, not just in this country, but russia around the continent saying that a large fraction of all air intensive care bed capacity is taken up by existing code. Cases alone here in the city states of whirling all the one in 5 or 10 cities where it cant where its currently being used by patients. And the city says it only has another, perhaps 20 percent of intensive care beds available at all. So that explains why you see all storage fees, not just here in berlin, not just here in germany, but right across the continent saying that this, but this 2nd wave is a particularly vicious 2nd way at least 42. 00 people have now been confirmed dead after typhoon vanco soaked across the northern philippines, another 20 are still missing, landslides and flooding of destroyed homes and dozens of towns without power drill and theyre going to has more from the city of rodriguez. And about that in the town of a day gives in result we met eric and louise that meg band where they were able to evacuate their home before it was submerged by flood waters. I mean, and i mean, they had to get it done no matter how hard these to get here. Because really that to get the race and legs we had in the storage, at least they have something to be this week. But Everything Else has been destroyed. They know it will take them years to rebuild, so they see they hold on to what gives them hope. Next door, evangeline is in despair. All her belongings have been damaged too, and she still has her mortgage to pay. Please help us. We need clothes, food. We dont even have Drinking Water vanco barreled across many areas in the zone destroying homes and leaving thousands without power. More than 200000. 00, people were evacuated, but many others had to scramble onto rooftops and wait to be rescued. What were seeing here is just a fraction of a village of more than 2000 homes, but it is quite obvious already just by looking at the daybreak that a big part of the destruction of 5 was caused by logs that were swept down from the mountains by phone vanco is the 3rd typhoon to hit the philippines in 3 weeks. The country is still reeling from the impact of typhoon connie nearly 2 weeks ago. At least 20 typhoon strike each year. And earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common. Scientists say weather disturbances in the philippines have become more extreme over the last few years because of climate change. And thats raising concern among many that they could become victims to an endless cycle of loss and despair. Jamaal in dugan aljazeera result province, northern philippines. Brazil will hold elections on sunday for the 1st time, black candidates will be the majority. Racism is an issue thats been prevalent in Brazilian Society for decades. But activists say change is coming first. There was the murder of my only friend in the brazilian city council. Shutdown, really does. She need to use a gun . Ok. High profile murder, commit. Thousands of resumes. Black community then drop floyds death in the United States. Last me, me, she black wives matter protests worldwide to similar but separate events that have helped inspire a new generation of blacks, 20 brazilian politics and shape their own destiny. Then a social be seen on sundays municipal elections or than half of the candidates are people have color numbering, whites for the 1st time in history. 40 year old age matters said he was born and raised here in village community, one of reals favelas or slums. A long time activist, she helped found the favela front, a Political Movement for blacks from poor neighborhoods. Now shes running for city council. Dont want to be kept like women are extremely active in poor communities. But to make a real difference, you have to be in power. You have to hold a pen in your hand and sign the laws that will change this very equal and racist society. Blacks and browns account for 56 percent of brazils population, but injure much higher unemployment and poverty rates than whites. And theyre poorly represented partly because their underfunded brazilian parties receive public funds and free radio and t. V. Time to run their campaigns. The Party Leaders have been distributing money as they please, favoring white men. Mostly, a Supreme Court decision this year is now forcing parties to share the phones fairy more a suitable got to choose good. As we use the black lives of movement to played a case that an Unequal Society leads to by and in this sense, brazil is doing worse. The United States Police Violence killed 236 africanamericans in 2019. In brazil it killed 4353 blacks during the last elections like candidates received up to 3 times less money than whites city councilor candidate. While the 2nd mutal says the parties are not yet fully complying with the new law, but believes change is inevitable. This is all male journalists who have what we are seeing a current political consciousness amongst blacks, women and minorities. He says their purchase of patient in future elections will only grow in so will their chances of being fairly represented on sera rio de janeiro. Georgiades 0. It means a whole, rob, a reminder of our top stories, u. S. President donald trump, has admitted that he may not be leading the countrys next administration. He also suffered another legal setback after a pennsylvania coal threw out 5 republican lawsuits alleging voting irregularities. He was speaking publicly for the 1st time since joe biden was named, president elect, or joining his press conference. Trump updated americans on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. According to some estimates a National Lockdown course to

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