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One of south africas most powerful politicians is due in court, accused of corruption involving multimillion dollar government contracts and popular home, but heavily criticized worldwide entente to achieve wins enough seats in parliament in parliamentary elections to form the next government. Thank you very much for joining us. We begin with reports that civilians have been massacred in northern ethiopia as fighting continues between the military and local forces in that region. Amnesty International Says hundreds may have been killed on monday. Its unable to confirm who was responsible but witnesses blame forces loyal. Busy to the great Peoples Liberation front, thousands are fleeing the violence many crossing the border into neighboring so don, the offensive against the grays. Leaders began last week after they were accused of attacking and military base called if not hundreds of civilians were stabbed to death in a small town called cutter, which is in the southwest of the degree region. Likely most likely on the night of november 9. These victims appear to civilians appear to be laborers, no way involved in the ongoing military offensive in the region. Atheist, Prime Minister has defended the ongoing operation saying the actions of tikrit forces cant be ignored. That the reason is massacure, perpetrated last week against all the men and women in uniform over the Northern Command was carried out. While they were at their most vulnerable in the germ us. And among those it towards where did this search at the dinners acts live us not of but to mobilize our Law Enforcement and defense machinery in an operation intended to end the prevailing lawlessness in the region. Lets go to him, morgan now, who joins us from god. Every faith in sudan, which is near the ethiopian border reports of thousands fleeing ethiopian recent days. Tell us about the situation at the border. How many have arrived there, and what are they finding in terms of help . Yes, fully tens of thousands of refugees arriving not just here in the lot of states, but in this neighboring states, as well, you know here and get out of state yesterday. And the minister of interior of sudan went and visited and took a look at the situation. He says that the situation is quiet, dire, at least 11000 have crossed into sudan over the possibility 8 hours. But theyre saying that there is an estimated 20000 waiting at the border to cross. And once they arrive, that whats happened is that they get screened for health reasons. But also for security reasons. Because the sudanese Authorities Say that the people who are coming in including former combatants but putting down their weapons and escaping the fighting in the coming in to sit down. Now this is the problem on top of a situation that was already going to be living here. Think about it state. There were 3 camps that were here and refugees were saying that the humanitarian situation was bleak. They say that they would try to just be in water, which is why the sudanese authorities are saying that they were trying to ensure that the military United Nations is expected to rise in the coming days if the conflict continues. And thats a great region if you know the neighbors extremely concerned about what are they doing to try and deescalate the situation if youve been able to sit down is mostly for 2 reasons. Partly because its shares a border with you and it is the 1st. Its with the influx of refugees coming into sudan. But the other reason its concern is because currently the head of the intergovernmental Intergovernmental Authority for development, the east african brogue bloc. That brings together a group of african nations, headed by the sudanese Prime Minister. He has spoken to the Prime Minister made last week and has met with the special envoy to sudan as well as the security advisor for your Prime Minister to look into whats happening to reach an opportunity to see if you have just done it. Saying that the situation under control in the shortest time possible, aspart the words of the advisers met with Prime Minister of them as well as the head of the sovereignty council. Now an extraordinary meeting of security and defense committee. I was held at the previous monday because the government over the situation that is unfolding on the border reacted last week by shutting down the border in castle and here and got out of state and deployed more than 6000 troops. And the borders were already porous to begin with. Theres been reports of human trafficking, human being honest, quite concerned about the fallout and the secret implications that would mean for the country as well. Thank you very much. Kevin morgan reporting there live from dari, from the sudan, ethiopia, Border Security and Election Officials from the u. S. Government have released a statement declaring this years president ial election was the most secure in american history. They say theres no evidence Voting Systems were compromised, says President Donald Trump continues to make unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud. Alan fischer reports its unusual for donald trump to keep such a low profile. Hes made one appearance, but hasnt spoken in public for a week. His twitter feed continues to push claims of a stolen election on thursday. He tweeted a report alleging 2700000 votes were deleted from Voting Systems across the country. The company who made the machines says that didnt happen, and a Government Election watchdog insists the election was the most secured in american history. The elections, infrastructure, government, coordinating council, and the election infrastructure sector, coordinating committees, part of the department of Homeland Security issued a joint statement and emphasized in bold type. There is no evidence that any Voting System deleted or lost votes changed votes, or was in any we compromised. One of the major contributors for making this the most secure election in u. S. History is the fact. There were large numbers with vote by mail and actual having physical paper ballots. One of Donald Trumps closest aides has reportedly been seeking out officials in various government departments, he considers insufficiently loyal to donald trump, with the intention of firing them. One of the people behind this report has told friends he expects to be called in the coming days. On capitol hill, democrats continue to urge their republican colleagues to accept the election result and get back to business when it comes to the election. Republicans, Congressional Republicans dont have the evidence. They dont have the proof, they dont have anything. Neither does the president , congress, Congressional Republicans are deliberately casting doubt on our elections for no other reason. But fear of donald trump. Ok, the biden team is pushing for access to the daily intelligence briefing. They got them during the campaign, but have been blocked since the election by a white house contesting the result. Will republican senators have expressed concern that could impact u. S. Security well stopping short of contradicting the president . Look, one of these 2 men will be the president United States after the Election Results have come in. And i think at this point, just as a matter of protecting our nations interests, i do think that both the president and his and his competition here in the of Vice President biden should have access to those classified reports. President trumps legal team insists theres a process to follow that could take some time and it continues to fundraise to help the president s efforts in court. Alan fischer aljazeera washington. Meanwhile, former u. S. President barack obama has weighed in saying democracy is being undermined because some republicans continue to go along with tom claims of election fraud. They appear to be motivated in part because the president doesnt like to lose and never admits loss. A more troubled by the fact that other republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step in the legitimizing, not just the incoming by administration, but democracy, joe. And thats a dangerous path to south africa now, where a senior official from the ruling a. N. C. Partys you to appear in court on corruption charges. 8th. My shoulder is secretary general of the a. N. C. The charges are linked to a multimillion dollar government project. While he was a provincial leader, my gosh, only denies any role in the alleged scam. 7 others have been charge live to find a male who is outside of a courthouse in bloemfontein. A family there are high profile suspect in court today. Remind us 1st, what this case is all about, and how much is said to be involved. All the case goes back to about 20142015 when the small 2000000. 00 learnt of between 15. 00 and 20000000. 00 was awarded to a joint venture here in the free states. And that was to remove, identify, and remove as best as sheeting from grooves in the holmes in this province. It turns out that was never done and some of the work that was done, which basically was just an assessment amounted to just a team of that amount. And it appears that based on the charges put before some of those a radio restored and what a smoker, who at the time was the premier of this province, it appears as if that money was instead funneled through various companies, various sub contractors, and instead found its way into the pockets of high profile leaders, political figures as well as Business People in this province and allegedly, one of them is a smuggler. Surely weve heard from a commission of inquiry thats looking into fraud and corruption in south africa that a smuggler chalet might have, might have pocketed about a 1000000. 00 of that. And this is just one of the scandals that hes potentially involved in. And we are expecting him to appear at the court behind us any time from now. We know from reports that he has handed himself over to police that was expected. And so we are waiting for that 1st appearance in court. He of course, denies any role in this alleged scam. What does this mean for the governing a. N. C. . Well, as soon as news trickled out that to the circus, the general of the a. N. C. Would be charged with corruption and ford. He said that this is all about an enemy with in the governing party. This is a political conspiracy, and this is some of the sentiment and richer it gets trickled down to his supporters just down the road from us. There are a number of supporters of a smoker who are here to show their support in the secretary general talking about divisions within the a. N. C. Elisa, an enemy agent within the party that is best trying to finger the secretary general because he is somebody who is a proponent of Economic Transformation in this country, but we do know that the a. N. C. Is a party that is split down the middle. Weve got president s who roam, of course, on one side and weve got people and high ranking members like a smuggler. Surely on the other side of, of this divide that has as characterized the a. N. C. In recent years. Remember, we also see we also saw former president jacob zuma stepping down amid scandals corruption scandals. And so, you know, this is a, some of the events that have plagued the a. N. C. In recent years. And some would argue that this could perhaps be a Tipping Point for the party. Certainly a showdown between these, these massive divisions within the ruling party and south africa. Thank you very much. From demeanor. Courtin dont taint still ahead. On aljazeera the 3rd day of demonstrations in support of cairo is former president who was voted out accused of corruption. And as protesters in thailand continue their costs for reform, well look at whether a political solution its possible. But how about your central and east europe has been sitting under these dismal conditions, but its back to be pushed out of the way because we still got the active stuff coming into the atlantic for the British Isles to scandinavia. And its been down through france and iberia. Now thats causing a difference in the days, but just stirring up the air, making it a windy condition for a time drawing up reducing but it was from further south. So youve got increasing temperatures and story of the fog. All things should be improving. Paris shows the temperature difference, average of 11 this time of the year. Weve got to 15 or 16, probably breezy the next 3 days, showers for a couple of them as a moves in there, you see the sun more obviously in germany and poland, and austria, the temperatures will try and try and feel better for you as a result, all this time is wet and windy, the British Isles, bits of france much quieter. Now in spain and portugal, actually much quieter in the eastern med. Its been very windy recently. You saw as drug testing, crete, i show them up with libya, will get not so much snow floods slow moving showers, and theyll be persistent for a couple of days. Weve also got rain in the form of showers still as far north in west africa, sierra leone, but the focus on the thrust is a bit further south. Frank assessments, if American Public Opinion Pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november 1 would be this. Because if you believe that there are corrosive to our democracy, one obvious solution is to read from an informed opinion. Anyway, the protesters arent going anywhere either. Its a bullet with a revolution. Indepth analysis of the days global headlines. Who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. The e a recap of our top stories on aljazeera. Civilians are reported to have been massacred in northern ethiopia as fighting continues between the military and local forces in the tikrit region. Im missing to National Says hundreds may have been killed on monday. Theyve been protests outside a court in south africa where a senior official of the governing body is due to appear a smog issue. Nice. Secretary general of the a. N. C. Is facing corruption charges leading to multimillion dollar as best as foreign troops. And top u. S. Election officials have described the president ial vote as the most secure in u. S. History denying any fraud. It comes as more republicans are breaking with donald trump over his refusal to cooperate with president elect joe biden. And the u. S. President has banned americans from doing business with companies owned or controlled by the chinese military. Donald trump declared a National Emergency to facilitate the executive order. It says beijing forces chinese firms to help finance and modernize its military. The ban takes effect on january 11 days before trump is you to step down the tree to you is in beijing and has on more on which companies will be affected by the bat. So weve got 31. 00 companies that are affected here in china, and some of these are the Biggest Companies in china. And many of these companies a stage are and that is to say that this move really targets the Chinese Communist party itself. Now we had donald trump stop the trade with china in 2018. We saw several chair of hikes, the really impacted the way that a lot of u. S. Companies did business with china. Many of them move their operations out of china and chinese manufacturers and turn also lessons of their reliance on the u. S. Market. But that being said, the u. S. Economy and the chinese economy still remain very tightly intertwined. You may not have american investors individually investing in chinese stocks, but you do have a lot of index funds or mutual funds with investments in china because it seems favorably as a such a large market and a growing market. So the trumpet, ministration doesnt like that. They really want to tear apart these 2 economies, and this move is designed to do so, although we still have a lot of questions about this as, as to how will be enforced, what will the penalty be for violating this . , and of course, the big question whether u. S. , president elect joe biden, will enforce this. Once you take office aid organizations are warning of an unfolding crisis on west africa that planned to coast with record numbers of migrants trying to make it to europe last weekend. More than 2600 migrants arrived on the shores of Spains Canary islands. Aljazeera as nicolas hot reports from the fishing city of war, incentive gaza, where many young men are looking for a better life. On his journey to europe, shake him back a sensed there would be obstacles. There were 200 people on board, a fishing boat packed like sardines, when the engine exploded. Mobile phone footage shows the boat catching fire off the coast of senegal with fishermen trying to rescue those they could. And buckets of people burnt alive. Sitting next to him was a 14 year old boy who drowned as other clung to him in panic. When one of the boy that died and i lived for the same reason, to go to him to your fish, the are no jobs, no work in europe. At least there is hope. The father of the dead doof has been arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter. For sending his son to europe, among the dead was also 29 year old metal worker and he heard that aging europeans dying a coronavirus were leaving jobs vacant for Young African men to take a false rumor. His morning father explains, he warned his son not to pay the 800. 00 to the traffickers. For those wanting to go, dont go, i have succeeded in my life here with knowledge having to leave dont be impatient. In the fishing town of m. Bore europe appears to be so close with so many tourists who come and go as they wish. But africans are unable to travel with such ease. Even legally explains migrant rights activist, im suffocating. Many here consider a synagogue in a prison. Europeans barricade themselves closing their borders to african countries at the same time, to open markets and borders to them. While some 570 s. Have died this year trying to make it to europe almost 1600, mostly west africans arrived in spain, canary islands, just last weekend. In the distance is the house belonging to a family who has migrated to europe and has Running Water electricity. The internet and here is the construction of another home funded by a migrants that has settled to the United States, compare this to the homes behind that have hardly any electricity or water with that visible difference in wealth with those families that have a relative abroad and those that havent, that is pushing so many families and parents to send their children on boats to europe despite the risks. Despite his ordeal shake him back. He has the blessing of his parents to attempt the crossing again, fleeing not war or poverty, but in search of a different life, a sense of being worthy to his family. And to himself. Nicholas hawke al jazeera, im bored. Andover of land captured by, as harry forces is due to take place, a spot of a controversial new ceasefire agreement with armenia. The deal ends weeks of fighting over the disputed region of nagano caught a box. But some people are reported to be burning their homes as a leave Hoda Abdelhamid reports from the regional capital say panacur it. We have seen very few civilians all military since we arrived here in st. Bernard kerik. Now, the vast majority of people had left throughout the war, and it seems that no one is intent to come back even though that is a suspicion of facilities ever says that ceasefire agreement was signed a november 9th. Now driving here, we will through a region called kobo job. It was a region that or armenia had occupied, in 1994, and according to a d agreement is now has to return to a serb by jan well, on the road, driving in the opposite direction to always the border with armenia. We sew, a lot of civilians, so trucks carrying beds, cupper cupboards, all sorts of personal be long. And we also saw military personnel, most likely armenian volunteers, being bussed out to still military underground, dismantling their positions. So you do get really to feeling when youre driving on the road that people are leaving arm as they know theyre not going to come back and theyre taking with them as much as they can because they know that the life they knew before is not going to be the same anymore. Cheese ruling party has won enough seats in parliament to form a myanmar snakes government, or National League for Democracy Party has so far secured, at least 346 out of 412 seats after sundays election. But more than a 1000000 people, many ethnic minorities were unable to vote after the government cancelled polls you to fighting in 2015 and cheese won the 1st parliamentary election ending the militarys tight grip on power, which lasted more than 50 is. The fall is following developments from young on it was expected, this is nothing new b. L. T. Themselves actually cold. This results several days ago and weve known for a while it was coming. But it is now officially announced by the Union Election commission, which is the body in charge of the elections. And they have revealed that they then ill be well over the number of seats needed to form a government. They need over 322. 00 seats in order to choose the president who then forms the government. And theyve already got 346. 00, and they are likely to get several more. Theres still 64. 00 seats to be counted. And in 2015 they got 370. 00 in total. They are now on track to get even more than they got in 2015, which is, you know, quite surprising. And one of the most significant things weve seen is that the, main opposition party, the us d. P. , is really pretty obsolete off the end of this election. They have the n. L. , these made huge gains in central areas in the past that had gone to us deeply in the past. And the us d. P. Have held a press conference complaining about move the vote. Theyre taking at least fighters the trump playbook and asking for accusing the Election Commission of florida saying that they dont agree with outs. Thousands of demonstrators continue to voice their anger in peru after this weeks ousting of the president demonstrations turned violent made in the night as police and protesters fought on. The street. Anger has escalated over the past few days after martin. This car was impeached over corruption charges, then terminate. Emanuel nerina has called for calm mariana sanchez, has more from lima. We have seen protesters on the streets, not only of lima, but different cities, major cities and smaller cities, all around the country. Of course, what they want is for the new interim president manuel, maybe not to leave. Many people have been peacefully protesting despite in the past few days. Weve seen some violence. Weve seen protesters throw rocks at police, riot Police Firing tear gas at protesters and many plain clothes officers, detaining people, something that a human rights organizations have said its illegal. But right now people are on the streets of mainly thousands of people saying that they want maybe no, the interim president to leave that they dont feel represented and people are angry. They say that a mafia has taken over this, the government and especially congress that was able to impeach him at the risk of with a 105. 00 votes. They say that theres, well theres, there are 68. 00 lawmakers that have criminal investigations ongoing with investigations that go from homicide to fraud, to Money Laundering and a long list of crimes. And people say that they, they should be unseated instead of having unseated president. Former president antigovernment protests in thailand continue to draw a tens of thousands of people on to the streets. Protesters are demanding reform of the palace and parliament. But after months of demonstrations and political solution remains uncertain, Scott Highbury for some bangkok was after months of antigovernment protests and rallies tensions peak last month. As the line between the protesters demands and the response of thailands government started by student groups at the beginning of the year, the protests swelled in july and have been growing ever since. So too has the focus on what they want change. They refine their demands to 3, the Prime Minister prio to not shall resign. A new constitution be drafted. And the powerful monarchy before the Prime Minister has repeatedly dismissed the idea that he stepped down and rejected any change within the monarchy. In an effort to find common ground, parliament will set up a Reconciliation Committee. The government says, trust is needed to make it work. Were trying to show them that. Ok, we listened to them and we are willing to do what they were. We can in the power of the government to actually do have the confidence that we are believing that their protests and their demands are being heard running on a pledge to reform government. The start up future Forward Party did very well in last years election. But it was later dissolved for taking an illegal loan from its billionaire Founder Party members call that a politically motivated charge. The move Forward Party was created, so some elected under a future forward could still serve in parliament, while skeptical the party says it will take place in the Reconciliation Committee. There is a sensitive topic that will raise alarm on one side discussion off want to hear what form if this can be surely discuss where everyone put aside their differences and speak rationally. This will help you feel why did yes, no point to the committee. The protest leaders have said that they will not participate in the Reconciliation Committee because the government is not sincere about trying to find a peaceful, political solution. Historically, theres been little success with reconciliation programs and some feel that the spirit of compromise on either side is absent. The student protests movement has learned by doing, but also they have tabulated and sort of taken into account all these various other bogus attempts in the past. And this time i think that they would not settle for another kind of misleading reconciliation attempt. He went on to say that the government is hoping that while its presenting the appearance of reconciliation, its actually slow walking the process and hoping the protest movement will lose momentum. But so far, thats clearly not the case. Scott, either al jazeera, bangkok

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