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The peruvian capital against the ousting of the former president of the corruption allegations. We begin in the u. S. Where top Election Officials have released a statement describing the 2020 president ial election as the most secure in history. Donald trump has refused to concede and claims without any evidence that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. But authorities on election and Cyber Security say right now across the country Election Officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result. Theres no evidence that any Voting System deletes it or lost votes. Change votes always anyway compromised. Former u. S. President Barack Obama Says americas democracy is being diligent semis by some republicans going along. We dont know chums, unfounded claims of election fraud. They appear to be motivated in part because the president doesnt like to lose and never admits loss more troubled by the fact that other republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step in the legitimizing, not just the incoming biden ministration, but democracy generally. And thats a dangerous path. Brings a small from washington d. C. Now you have this watchdog body which is attached to trumps all in department of Homeland Security saying that the elections was absolutely secure. Will it change anything . Absolutely not. Donald trump will continue to insist that the election was stolen from him, that there was widespread voter fraud, and that there were many irregularities and doing all this without any evidence to back it up. And this undermines that argument. It says the simply wasnt the case. Now were being told that in the last few days, there is someone who is very close to donald trump, one of his closest aides, whos been looking through the staffing lists at various government departments. And essentially singling out people who he doesnt believe are suitably loyal enough to president trump. And the reason hes doing that is because he wants to fire them before there is any transfer of power. If they ever agree to that. And one of the people that was involved in drawing up this report which says the elections were the more secure theyve ever been, has been telling friends that he expects to get cold in the next couple of days. Donald trump has ignored all the evidence to this point. Even when his teams have gone into court, they havent actually argued that there was widespread fraud. Theyve identified one or 2 cases here or there. They have affidavits from people who see that they felt in secure that they felt under scrutiny. But theres never been any Firm Evidence to back up. The claims that donald trump has made a late start is a professor of Elections Security at the university of chicago. He agrees this was an especially secure election and says extra precautions were taken in the lead up to the election. I take it with full credibility. So its really under the leadership of chris crabs at the Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency thats located within d h. S. Have taken numerous precautions in the lead up to the election, knowing full well that there would be incoming foreign interference and various other vulnerabilities. Learning from the 2016 campaign worked very close with state local officials work with the election boards. Work with the Election Assistance Commission to bring resources to make a very secure election. I think one of the things that point out too, is just the size of participation. This is been the largest turnout in 100 years for us president ial election. At the end, the day were looking at projections of over 66 percent participation, and one of the major contributors for making this the most secure election in u. S. History is the fact. There were large numbers with vote by mail and actual having paper ballots that has been a Lesson Learned and that was taken to heart from what weve learned in 2016. The u. S. President has also banned americans from doing business with companies that could help the Chinese Military. The move further escalates tensions between the 2 worlds 2 largest economies. Donald trump declared a National Emergency to facilitate the executive order. It says beijing forces Chinese Companies to help finance a modernize its military. Now the ban takes place effect on january 11th, just days before trump is scheduled to step, katrina years in beijing and has more on what companies will be affected by the ban. So weve got 31 companies that are affected here in china, and some of these are the Biggest Companies in china. And many of these companies a stage are and that is to say that this move really targets the Chinese Communist party itself. Now we had donald trump stop the trade with china in 2018. We saw several chair of hikes there really impacted the way that a lot of u. S. Companies did business with china. Many of them move their operations out of china and chinese manufacturers and turn also lessons of their reliance on the u. S. Market. But that being said, the u. S. Economy and the chinese economy still remain very tightly intertwined. You may not have american investors individually investing in chinese stocks, but you do have a lot of index funds and mutual funds with investments in china because it seems favorably as a such a large market and a growing market. So the Trump Administration doesnt like that. They really want to tear apart these 2 economies, and this move is designed to do so, although we still have a lot of questions about this as, as to how will be enforced, what will the penalty be for violating this . , and of course, the big question whether u. S. , president elect joe biden, will enforce this once hes due to take office or the chinese are in video sharing up to kill can keep operating in the u. S. For now. After a ban was lifted, the Commerce Department says it will abide by a temporary ruling pending further legal developments present. Donald trump called the security threats because of its chinese ownership. More than 1000. 00 people including a 6 month old baby, have died off libyas coast and attempt to cross into europe as Search Operations also underway after another 74. 00 people drowned on thursday after leaving the libyan port of homs reports. It was maybe it was the panic is claire as she calls out for a 6 month old baby. Joseph, her mother and son originally from guinea, were crammed into a rubber dinghy. When it started deflating hours after leaving libyas coast, the spanish open arms tweeted this message after baby joseph died on its rescue. Boat. It said they recovered him from the sea. Hours later, he died. They say she is the mother of joseph. Open arms rescued, more than 100 people from the boat. All hoping to seek a better life. Europe. 6 people including baby joseph did not make it. Dozens of bodies washed up in the libyan port of point to another tragedy. The coast guard said local fisherman did what they could to rescue about 43. 00 survivors sitting clearly in shock on the beach. N. J. Doctors without borders said they saw a loved ones disappear beneath the waves, dying in front of their eyes. Poor shipwrecked in 3 days have killed more than 120 people. These tragedies repeat over and over again. Of people trying to flee libya if there needs to be. I think frankly great empathy for the plight of these women, men and children who are seeking a better life. Part of the solution obviously involves dealing with the situation in libya and making it safer. Theres been a recent resurgence of people taking the migration route, mainly from libya and tunisia to europe. The risk of these people seeking a better life is huge. The Un Refugee Agency says more than 20000 people who attempted to take mediterranean crossing have died in the last 7 years. Its led to open arms referring to the migrant route at the cemetery with no gravestones. Among the al jazeera, if you have his Prime Minister has claimed victory in the Northern Region of seagrave, where the federal government is battling local forces. Us International Says that hundreds of civilians have been brutally killed. The offensive began last week, after Prime Minister ahmed accused the raised all government of attacking a military base. 11000 ethiopians have already fled. Conflict in neighboring sudan. Local Authorities Say theyre preparing for up to 200000 arrivals. Some double a is at the head of the evidence. For amnesty internationals Crisis Response team, he says there is evidence that there have been mass killings of civilians by government forces. We can confirm that scores if not hundreds of civilians were stabbed or hacked to death in that small town called me khadra, which is in the southwestern of ethiopias, of the degree region likely most likely on the night of november, the 9th, these victims appear to have been civilians appear to be laborers, no way involved in the ongoing military offensive in the region. We spoke to witnesses to, to the instance people who came into the town on the morning of the 10th of november after the army took control. And they, they said that the roads were strewn with dead bodies, especially in the, in the center of the town. We then studied audio visual evidence over dios and photographs that emerged from the region to make sure that these indeed were authentic. And were able to actually locate these images ourselves independently to the center of the town. So fixing with meeting current rating with those like witness testimony. The witnesses who saw the dead bodies told us that they had gaping wounds that appear to have been inflicted by shot weapons, for example, knives machetes, which is also what we should we saw in the imagery and that imagery. We then independently confirmed with, with the pathologist, were not actually independently yet able to confirm who was responsible for the killings, but we were told by, by the witnesses by 3 people. The survivors of the massacre told, told them that they were attacked by members of the special police force and other 2. Great peoples liberation. Front members still ahead out of their own following months of unrest in ivory coast at the present, an Opposition Leader come face to face, but it hasnt left many people feeling hopeful and a prayer storage monument with a modern problem, archaeologists and environmentalists battle a plan to divert traffic from any stone and out of the season has changed now, although its obviously fine and sunny for the time being from the levant. Right across to the border with iran. The showers and the rains were gone through and this is them manifest themselves on the Higher Ground in iran. Thats quite heavy. Rain, probably snow up in afghanistan. Of course it tracks back into saudi arabia. Significant hail showers fell the last day or so. Rain showers seem more likely with that brief blast of northerly wind dance, troupe operating cattle. Its quite liked it was the showers here as well. So doha showers on saturday in the forecast then things ease up in temperature, rises a little bit. Thats right. On the year to be about 29 degrees and low humidity. Here is where the seasonal rain is. The moment borlase, the middle of lake victoria, weve seen some heavy rain on the coast of tanzania recently and show still in south sudan. But thats not the majority. The forecast for juba does have a shower on saturday, but not on friday. And not on sunday. I did say tanzania has more of a focus and certainly in Dar Es Salaam we had rain recently and is now 3 days of light ish rain after that. But if you are south of malawi or south of botswana the next day or so, the chances are youll just be seeing sunshine jump into this stream and join our global community. Bio diversity is biosecurity. It is that essential for our species to survive. Be part of the debate. I know you, her panties, and you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table, the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize and gives the other part of this. Theres no consequence, this stream on out is the youre watching out, is there a reminder of our top stories this hour . Top u. S. Election officials have released a statement describing the president ial fight as the most secure in u. S. History and deny any form of fraud. Donald trump is still refused to concede, claim, concede, and claims without any evidence that rampant voter fraud stole victory from the u. S. President has been americans from doing business with companies that could help the Chinese Military about and takes place on january 11th, just days before the scheduled to start if you know, if his Prime Minister has declared victory in the Northern Region of t. , great, where the federal government is battling local forces. This fear of guy growing humanitarian crisis with thousands displaced across the border. I must International Says hundreds of civilians have died. Cheez ruling party is one enough seats in parliament to form a mammals next government. National league for Democracy Party has won 346 out of 412 seats after sundays election. The results of 64 seats are still to be announced. Now the government excluded more than a 1000000 people belonging to ethnic minorities from this poll is in young gone, forest. Must be saying this as a big victory. Yes, i mean they have been expecting a victory and of course the n. O. C. Themselves cold several days ago. This is just the official results were hearing today. Weve known for a while. If this isnt anything thats coming as a surprise, but its probably very reassuring to the m. L. T. That it is now official. Its been and thats why the Union Election commission, whoever sees the elections theyve been taking their time to release results, has been quite a lot of criticism about the lack of transparency from their end. And how criticism of why all the states in regions are able to release the individual results in those areas. But the, the larger result could be tallied, and theyve been slowly releasing it results in batches. And its now this morning, as of this morning, we know that they are the end of the have definitely reach that threshold. Everyone is expecting it to happen, but it is now official. Theyve got 346 seats, which is significantly more than 322 needed to form over 322, which they would need to form a government. So we know theyre going to be able to do that math and there are still more to be counted as, as you mentioned. So weve got 64 months ago, it looks like theyre on track to get even more than they got in the previous election. In 2015, they got 370 seats, but they made some gains in central myanmar. Mandalay, a stronghold that went to the u. S. To people is now taken by an audi, and they are on track to get an even larger number than last time. A 1000000 people of blowing into various internationally. That was the way i think its 70 going to have an impact. I mean, what were seeing here, what weve seen in the results of the election is definitely a kind of confirmation of the strength the n. L. B. Have in the central. But im an area the areas of mostly populated by the majority which the n. L. B. Is sometimes seen as a party that represents only the majority. Certainly been criticized for not prioritizing minority rights, ethnic minorities issues, fighting against doing anything about religious and ethnic discrimination. And of course, cancellation of widespread vote has been widely criticized our economy, which is, i mean me thats currently fighting the bambis army in the ethnic were kind state which is the area that seen the most widespread cancellations on top of the fact that the range of population is already voting on the citizenship. Konami have called for elections in that area and the votes in the areas where it was canceled. And surprisingly, the thomas all seems to respond positively to that calling back, talking before the end of the year. Whether that will happen is very unclear, it seems unlikely because i think, but well soon have some titchy and her party that they want to focus really on Bigger Picture stories which is going along. They want that they want to focus on the big issues for the country and theyre not really prioritizing the minority issues at the moment. Thank you very much. The president of the ivory coast and the main Opposition Leader have pledged to Work Together to defuse violent protests sparked by octobers disputed election. Alison or terrorist decision to run for a 3rd term, which he won with 94 percent of the votes. Led to accusations he violated term limits on that address has more from the 1st day of negotiations lasted less than an hour. As the 2 leaders emerge, their statements were brief, but many believe they could be a chance for a return to normality. After months of ethnic and Political Violence ahead of last months elections, president ready a the leader of the opposition and myself just had a meeting to restore confidence. So that ivory coast is at peace and we agreed that peace is the dearest thing to both of us. And to all ivorians former president , betty agreed, an important step had been taken, but a lot still needs to be done. It is a little ridiculous. Weve broken the wall of silence and well continue to call each other in the days and weeks to come to meet each other so that the country can heal and achieve peace. But the negotiations of left out key opposition figures. President alassane, ouattara, and henri khan unbid, you may have started the healing process, but the country is still far from securing a lasting peace. Many are concerned about the fate of Opposition Leaders in detention or in exile. Believe president ouattara as election and justice for victims of Political Violence. These are issues opposition negotiators insist must be addressed a constitutional amendment following a friend, im in 2016 enabled. What turned out to seek a 3rd term in office that sparked violence between opposition . A ruling Party Supporters and security forces. The government says more than 80 people were killed, but the opposition insist the number is much higher and many are calling for justice. To reach a consensus, we need an inclusive dialogue, not a 2 way dialogue, not a 3 way dialogue, but rather a dialogue that includes opposition and government figures as well as civil society. Many worried about an escalation of violence, similar to that which happened in the months after the disputed 2010 election. When up to 3000 people are killed. There wont be a repeat. In any case, all activities are blocked, nothing is working at the moment. We want peace. But achieving that peace will depend on how well the negotiations and, and whether other Opposition Leaders and the government will reach a deal. How mighty trees aljazeera theres widespread anger and say in armenia over a deal that ended weeks of fighting with the agreement allows azeris to keep areas captured over the disputed region and reports from the regional capital. We have seen very few civilians all military since we arrived here in state by and i carried now the vast majority of people had left throughout the war and it seems that no one is intent to come back even though there is a cessation of hostilities ever since the cease fire agreement was signed on november 9th, now driving here, we went through a region called killed by john. It was a region that or armenia had occupied in 1904 and according to idea agreement, is now has to return to azerbaijan. Well, on the road, driving in the opposite direction to was the border with armenia. We so a lot of civilians, so trucks carrying beds, cupper cupboards, all sorts of personal belongings. And we also saw military personnel, most likely armenian volunteers, being bussed outreach to military underground, dismantling their positions. So you do get really to feeling when youre driving on the road that people are leaving are mass, they know theyre not going to come back and theyre taking with them as much as they can because they know that the life they knew before is not going to be the same anymore. A u. N. Special representative visiting qatar, countries blockading the gulf states to immediately withdraw their restrictions. Alina duhon is the special rapporteur on the unilateral coercive measures and human, rights in 2017. The u. A. E. , saudi arabia, bahrain and egypt imposed a boycott on cattle accusing it of supporting terrorism. Qatar denies all. I urge the kingdom of saudi arabi, the united arab emirates, the kingdom of bihari, and are a pretty public of egypt to immediately withdraw all sanctions, mattia us into establishing restrictions on freedom of expression, more of them and access to property trade, darrius, bunter. Its quarter us nontariff measures include ensues, which prevent financing, the purchase of mattson medical equipment, food other essential goods, follow People Living in qatar in violation of International Legal standards. Police improves care of the laying of blocks. Protesters from reaching government headquarters, theyre marching against the impeachment of former president martin vizcaya. This car was voted out of office, so the corruption charges are replaced by the former head of congress. Mind you, but do you know, he will serve as interim president until july marion, a sanchez has more from the we have seen protesters on the streets, not only of lima, but different cities, major cities and smaller cities, all around the country. Since early today, protesting, and of course what they want is for the new interim president manuel, maybe not to leave. Many people have been peacefully protesting this pipe in the past few days. Weve seen some violence. Weve seen protesters throw rocks at police, riot Police Firing tear gas at protesters and many plain clothes officers, detaining people, something that human rights organizations are fitted illegal. But right now people are on the streets of mainly thousands of people saying that they want maybe no, the interim president to leave that they dont feel represented, and people are angry. They say that a mafia has taken over this, the government and especially congress that was able to impeach these cut off with 105. 00 votes. They say that theres, well theres, there are 68. 00 lawmakers that have criminal investigations ongoing with investigations that go from homicide to fraud, to Money Laundering and a long list of crimes. And people say that they, they should be unseated instead of having unseated president former president arroyo tunnel that would go beneath the prehistoric stone circle at stonehenge in england, has been approved the tunnels designed to divert traffic away from the World Heritage site. But the 3100000000. 00 project has been widely criticized by environmentalist and archaeologists ancient mysterious and at the heart of a bitter dispute. Stonehenge is one of the most important neolithic landscapes in europe. With one of englands most congested roads running past it. This section of the a 3 or 3 was designed for around 13000 cars a day, but struggles with double that amount. Traffic and local residents say its unsafe. We have people who will stop their vehicles on the side of the road to stonehenge or simply slow to take photographs. So when the great is i, its a nightmare because you have trucks trying very hard to get to the other side. So we have speeding because of course, when the traffic stop drawing to a halt, which it does towards leak and weve been caught, youre actually village cyphers. The latest proposal to widen the road with a 2. 9 kilometer tunnel would remove the sight and sound of the traffic and speed it up, but would also involve boring deep into the landscape. A landscape rich in archaeology still being uncovered. The deep cutting through dual carriageway into the tunnels would cut through assist i say unique in the u. K. Group of nearly thick long virus. Possibly also through late nearly 6 settlements, a place of pilgrimage 5 of 5000 years. The site is sacred to many. Beyond the thousands of tourists that visit, arthur penn dragon is a druid, a believer in ancient religion, and he worships here 4 times a year. He says a tunnel would ruin what he believes stonehenge was built for. Directly. There is where the sun comes up and tells you its the summer solstice and directly opposite, which is where they want to put the poor fool for telmo is where the sun sets that winter. So if they put the portal over there where they intend to, the Light Pollution is going to stop us from observing the sunset on the shortest day. Opposing sides recognise there is a problem here, but need to believe a tunnel is the best solution. Diverting the road north through britains biggest military Training Ground is one they all agree on. But the government doesnt have been trying and failing since the ninetys to solve the problem of this road. The a 3 o 3. Numerous plan to be proposed and then dropped the my and its unlikely even this decision will be the end of the brave. And if that if it is ancient site, Charlie Rangel al jazeera stone, this is out there, and these are the top stories. U. S. Election officials have released a statement describing the president ial vote as the most secure in u. S. History and deny any form of fraud. Donald trump is still refused to concede and claims without any evidence. The rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. All official has more from washington d. C. This is

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