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Farewell to seibert account, the chief palestinian negotiator who died on tuesday night. So theres been an explosion at an event, attended by western diplomats and other foreign citizens in saudi arabia and hit a cemetery in the city of jeddah during a remembered state ceremony. The 11th of november, marking the end of the 1st world war, there are reports of several people being injured. The latest with Natasha Butler whos following this one in paris and sasha. Yes, weve had a statement now, a joint statement from several countries. France, the u. K. The us, greece and italy, their embassies, are put out a statement condemning what they call a cowardly attack. Now they are some of the countries that were represented during this Remembrance Day ceremony that took place in jeddah at this cemetery for non muslims. It is armistice day. It is the day that marks the end of world war one. What happened was an explosive device went off during that ceremony. We understand that several people were wounded. We dont have any more details though, about how gravely they were wounded or their identities. But what we know is that in this statement, the embassies of those nations that i mentioned before have called on or thirtys in saudi arabia to investigate this as speedily and transparently as possible. And as i said, they are condemning this attack. Now it comes as well, only less than 2 weeks now, since a guard outside, the french consulate in the same city in jeddah, was attacked by a man with a knife without speculating any further natascha because of the limited details. But why is france seemingly leading the charge here . Well, its clear that the Remembrance Day ceremony was one in which several nations were involved. You know, as i said, those embassies that put out that statement represented a number of countries,, including the u. S. U. K. , greece, italy, and france. But it is also true to say that the French Foreign ministry have, in recent weeks been warning french citizens abroad to be particularly vigilant. Because there is a growing anti french sentiment in a number of countries in the middle east. And in asia, weve seen a lot of anti french, the protests, for example, in the past few weeks. And all of this following the recent attacks we had here in france in october, the beheading of a schoolteacher, who showed cartoons of the prophet mohammad following president him at all. Mark cross comments that islam in the world was in crisis. And he also defended the right of the challis abdo newspaper to, to publish such cartoons saying that this was about freedom of expression and protecting frances values in that way. So growing french anti sentiment in the world. And that is why the Foreign Ministry has a citizens to be vigilant. So of course, once again, what weve seen in jad will again, mean that french citizens will be definitely definitely on their guard, i should say. Has the latest on that attack in saudi arabia. Thank you. Now, to other news, hong kong is facing further crisis after more than a dozen prodemocracy politicians called it quits. Their resignation was in solidarity after the territorys government disqualified 4 of their fellow legislators. There were, you know, the, Chinas Congress has passed a patriotism resolution allowing the removal of legislators who pose a threat to National Security and challenge the rule of beijing. Prodemocracy activists say that just amounts to the end of the one country 2 systems. Principle is defeated pollen reporting from hong kong. That was a very emotional press conference. Some of them announcing the resignation with tears in their eyes, saying those resignation letters will be in the hands of the government tomorrow, which essentially will deem Hong Kongs Legislative Council without any opposition voices anymore. They say theyre doing this because its what beijings actions have essentially done is rendered Hong Kong Government ineffective in the making its own decisions. The fact that beijing can essentially oust lawmakers who are deemed as unpatriotic or for any reason that it may like, essentially makes them almost ineffectual. Their whole position is already under siege. And they feel that hong kong no longer can have a democratic voice within the government. They made it very clear to say though, that although they are quitting the government, theyre not quitting the fight for democracy in hong kong. But many questions still remain and once they leave, what kind of an opposition can remain in hong kong given the fact that hong kong now has this National Security law, where any kind of dissent or protests are not allowed. So this seems to be the last gotten of those opposition or critical voices, particularly within the government that can represent people in hong kong. And now that no longer will exist after their resignations are accepted after that mass walkout happened in Hong Kong Government. Earlier we spoke to claudia moses, who is a hong kong prodemocracy politician. She says she interrupts mission. Lawmakers, fellow lawmakers have no choice, but to resign. We need to quit and the protest against a beijing group by the crazy and the, i mean the, this is not even though who by law now its moved by the crazy they do, they order whatever they want. And 2, we cannot simply afford to stay on because a minus hour for colleagues who are ousted the afternoon of the 15 of us will simply dont have the mendham a number to a protest that ourselves from being unseated. Eventually one by one of the by the beijing type. And so just let us, let us so full of hate that we just cannot carry on. And we need to support our colleagues who are you know, it telling anyone who was not patriotic enough to keep all politics. You have no place here. And so i would work that to be quakerly frank. I think its possible that things will be in that dont, but then you do not under estimate on calm people, especially the young that anguish. So Little Things will have for a refund eventually, because you need to believe and you meant to protest as in our medias capital of voicing their anger about a deal to end the fighting with azerbaijan. This isnt going to cut about, theyre opposed to the agreement, which sees land handed over to 0, forces. Police have detained around 20 people have protest in the capital. Were going to talk about, of course, internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan, but its controlled by armenians. And hundreds have been killed in the fighting since it is hot up to homemade now and yet of and she was at one of the protests and says, i mean ians are focusing their anger on the Prime Minister. Well, the main slogan coming out of here is that the call question, you know, who is the Prime Minister of armenia is a traitor. And now you have a couple, couple of 1000 people here in freedom square. You know, these are people who are infuriated with this ceasefire agreement by and large, it has been quite peaceful. There have been some scuffles here and there we are told at least 20 people who had been detained at the beginning of this rally. And also one of the opposition parties say that their leader is at the moment, the question of a National Security. Now you have police on this side standing there watching. They have been reminding people through a microphone that this martial law in this country, youre not allowed to protest, but these people are growing now as opposed to a few of them have the right to decide that consulting with the people. They said that that is not democracy and that basically he sold out and gave away their land, including those 7 regions that are considered since 94. 00 people here say that is not the case. They say that they, the people that live in other parts are not going to care about, wont be returning there. Because now the military operation in northern ethiopia is threatening to spill over the countrys borders. And there are fears of it, leading to a humanitarian crisis. Prime minister had ordered the offensive into grey last week, accusing local forces there of attacking a military base. Since then, hundreds have been killed and several 1000 people have fled to neighboring sudan. Lets put it on the map. In the north part of ethiopia, semi autonomous region, it is governed by the Peoples Liberation front and is estimated to have up to 250000. 00 fighters. Chicory was the frontline for ethiopia during its 2 year conflict with eritrea. And so large amounts of military equipment are still stored there, despite ethnic to greens, only making up 5 percent of the population. They actually controlled the National Government for nearly 3 decades. Before Prime Minister came to power in 2018. That was a shift in power. It turned to tension as well after leaders defied a government twice, once, refused to join its coalition, and then again in september, it held elections against the orders of the central government. Is the teacher better now . Whos the horn of africa director for Human Rights Watch . Told us, thousands of people were already in need of assistance before this fighting broke out. Right now its incredibly difficult to get an accurate sense of, of what the impact of some of the fighting could be on the civilian population. I think its important to highlight that even at the best of times, this is a region where you have over half a 1000000, people who need assistance. You have some particularly vulnerable communities in the t. K. Region. Notably, the eritrean refugee population, who really are caught between a rock and a hard place right now and have over the last year already been facing a real shift in policy by the Ethiopian Government in terms of protection of the eritrean refugee communities. So we really are talking about a, you know, a significant amount of people who need assistance. Now, the problem right now which the u. N. And many humanitarian organizations have been underlining, is that the government has, in many ways, blockaded access. So we really, if that were to continue, we could be dealing with a significant humanitarian crisis. In the news ahead, the suspected finance year of the rwandan genocide faces war crimes charges in the hague. And splashing out on singles day. It is chinas top retailer, alibaba, smashing all sorts of shopping records in the worlds biggest sales event. Cold wind. His blood has been some snow in her car to and that indicates a cold across the road to the warm waters of the north and see japan briefly. Weve got a day off on thursday. Its fairly sunny and winds are from the sas, and then it goes right into the northwest again says more cold coming across the hawkeye, to the high score, the recent snow. This rain over taiwan, the rain might just catch quandong, not even edge into hong kong, but most of china and the peninsula. The Korean Peninsula is going to be fine and dry. Typhoon vanco is the latest one to come through the philippines. Still slightly strengthening, potentially damaging storm surge with wind damage. A 130. 00 calories for of course, the risk of landslides that goes across southern luzon. Including manila, there emerges of the wall. Most of the south china sea. It will briefly strengthen, i think, and then probably fade away as it heads towards vietnam for a couple more days time. The northeast monsoon has set in across the bay of bengal. So we got rain from and ritesh south, which is right this time of year. It means the northern plain, including new delhi, is now a city under high pressure, coldish, winter weather, relatively speaking, and has to say equality, and those are pictures out of new delhi. So you might prefer to be in chennai jump into the stream and julian on Global Community bio diversity is biosecurity. It is that essential for our species to survive . Be part of the debate. I know you have ideas and yet you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table, the complaints are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize. And heres the other part of this. Theres no consequence, this stream on out is there with aljazeera. These are the top stories. Several people have been injured in an explosion in saudi arabia. It happened at an event, attended by western diplomats and other foreign citizens. It was at a cemetery during a world war, one remembered streets earning more than a dozen legislators in hong kong, resigned in solidarity after the government disqualified their callies. China passed a patriotism resolution, which allows the removal of politicians who challenge its rule. And protesters in armenias capital of voicing their anger about a deal to end the fighting with car about their opposed to the green zone and handed over to syrian forces. The alleged financing of the rwandan genocide is making his 1st appearance a u. N. Court in the hague is accused of funding, militia groups and propaganda. During the genocide which he denies, the former businessman was arrest, arrested in paris in may after 26 years on the run. I can 909400000, people died in that genocide, most of them ethnic to seize killed 5 hutus. So his catherine sawyer, following the story today from our bureau in nairobi. What happened in court today while the listen is still in the courtroom following the proceedings very keenly. Hes looking quite frail and frankly tired. Hes after all 84 years old. And the court started by asking him to identify himself and talk, asking him if he could understand the proceedings he was giving his responses. Ynys can now run. The native language has been translated through one of the interpreters and they read out the prosecution, read out his charges, those charges that is still going on. So its 7 counts in tortola, including genocide, complicity in genocide, direct incitement to commit genocide, extermination, and so war and so right now, the prosecution is just giving more details on those charges. What those charges are based on. And if you remember, there was a back and forth on where exactly will he be tried, the hague, or tanzania, or rwanda. He was supposed to be transferred to a russia in tanzania. The u. N. Court that replaced the i. C. T. Are that the un tribunals that was trying are people accused of the run and genocide. So you are supposed to be transferred there. But because of concerns about his health and his capacity to travel to tanzania, the judge ordered that he 1st be brought to the hague for a proper medical check. The court saying its still waiting for a complete medical report before it can be decided whether hes going to be transferred to tanzania for his trial, or hes going to remain at the hague for now. The fact that its even happening, catherine, after 26 years on the run, this is the rest of the trial. Its all very significant for the genocide. I think this is quite significant. Ive been talking to some people in rwanda who for starters are saying that this is significant to them because 1st, todays his 1st appearance in court. So theyre putting a face to his name, so to speak. As you mentioned, hes a man whos been on the run for 26 years. Hes of a dead, a Law Enforcement officers for 26 years. And his church is quite huge because he said to be one of the biggest benefit, one of the biggest standards, all that genocide in rwanda, he was a wall 3 businessman who got his wealth through she. He had a Radio Station that he say to have been used, and that is what the prosecutors prosecutors talking about. Now a Radio Station that he used to have been say to have been used to propagate, hate to have been labeling says that as cockroaches. So he saved to have founded the genocide in rwanda. And like you said, he has evaded Law Enforcement for all these years. Hes been hiding in kenya in the, u. K. Were told, and in france where he was arrested in may. So a lot of people in rwanda are really watching these developments, particularly and you know, and a lot of people ive spoken to saying that he really needs to be brought back to the continent to be tried here in a rouge or new order in rwanda. So that people, there people who survived the genocide, people who are going to testify against him can actually travel to these courts. And, you know, testify. People in rwanda, like i said, reacting, watching and saying that at least they get to see him. Hes at the hague, they say he has been arrested and hes not going anywhere anytime soon. Thank you. Catherine. So in nairobi, police in angola have set up roadblocks to try to stop antigovernment protests in the capital. There is growing discontent over the struggling economy and the governments failure to tackle corruption. Security forces violently suppressed recent demonstrations, but activists say they are determined to march on wednesday, which is the countrys independence day. The Corruption Case against 7 People Associated with south africas governing party has been adjourned until february of next year. Theyre accused of pocketing millions of dollars, which were meant to fund the removal of, especially from more than 400000 homes. Residents, residents have reportedly died or become sick because of the as best as 5 as the governing a. N. C. Party. Secretary general will also appear in court later this week. Heres more from the miller has been at the courthouse in bloemfontein. Police, a race of very important for the government, especially which needs to be seen to be doing something against corruption of this is a country where there seems to be an increase in fold corruption. And especially in recent months, when it appears even funds that were meant to deal with at fighting covert. 19 pandemic seem to have been looted, though, in this particular case, the people who were affected by it space stores roofing in their homes across the spavins, hundreds of thousands of them. Especially interested in this case. And they say its about time that something is done around the corruption in this particular scandal. Were talking about people who have become ill because of these as best of survivors in the rules, which often leads to things like lyme disease. They say this for Service Delivery rather than spending up to 20000000. 00 on helping people on removing these routes, replacing them, and ensuring that people have safe places to love. That money instead appears to have been looted and appearing today are a number of businesspeople, as well as government officials who were alleged to have been involved in the looting of these funds. U. S. President elect joe biden has called on the transfer fees all to concede the election an embarrassment, but he says nothing will stop the transfer of power in january, even though the trumpet ministration is apparently refusing to help the president elects transition team. And fisher has a report from washington. Well, donald trump is keeping a low profile. Joe biden is putting himself front and center. This was an event to discuss the Affordable Care act, but the president elect questions on other topics and he had a message to the man he replaced. And his refusal to accept the result. I just think its an embarrassment. Great, frankly. The only thing that how can we say this tax . I think it will help the president s legacy. I think that i know from my discussions with foreign leaders of us for that they are hopeful that the United States Democratic Institutions are viewed once again as being strong and endure. And, but i think at the end of the day, you know, its all going to come to fruition in january 20th or foreign leaders, a calling joe biden to congratulate him. Trump, secretary of state americas top diplomat, has called the result into question. It will be a smooth transition to a 2nd term administration. Right. Were ready for the, the world is watching whats taking place that were going to count all the votes. When the process is complete, electors selected, theres a process, the constitution lays it out pretty clearly. Various Government Agencies and departments its been reported have been ordered by the white house not to help with the president ial transition because in its view, the result is still in doubt. That hasnt stopped joe biden, pushing ahead with planning for day one, even without the immediate assistance of the chump administration. And the leader of the republicans in the senate says the dilly, want to create problems. I dont think anything thats occurred so far. Iraqs an ordinary process of moving through the various steps that i indicated and allowing if there is a new administration to work through the transition, all of these ships will be taken at the appropriate time. This election has already seen a lot of legal challenges there might be another one coming as the Bike Campaign considers going to court to force Donald Trumps team to start planning for the handover of power. Alan fischer. Aljazeera washington bahrains long time Prime Minister has died in the us. I mean, been Salman Al Khalifa was 84 years old. He was the head of the excuse me, he was the head of the government in the gulf kingdom for more than 50 years. And who was receiving medical treatment in the United States, his body now being sent back to bahrain for a funeral. And the governments announced a week of mourning. And Funeral Services have been held for the chief palestinian negotiator side at a cot in his hometown of jericho. And his body arrived there on wednesday for burial after a ceremony in ramallah on tuesday from 19 relation complications. It was he who negotiated with israel on behalf of the palestinians for more than 20 years. Need to abraham is in jericho, was laid to rest. The out of court family is mourning the loss of a loved one. But for many palestinians here, the leaves the big void in the political palestinian fear. There are mechanisms to replace some of the positions he was feeling, but its hard to match his personality. And his experience with the Firm Believer in negotiations and in non violent means as the only path towards achieving a 2 state solution and freedom for the palestinians. But many here now say that this has reached and even those who currently disagreed with his politics more him, him more name as a person who won the palestinian voice to be heard. Its really hard to envision a replacement. I think what, what is the school by itself as an individual, he was able to work with seeing his dream fulfilled all having. And indeed in his final days, brittle arab normal, a nation well meet with israel. And many palestinians here are saying they want to be the most difficult palestinian state. Finally, the worlds biggest shopping sprees began in china. They called it singles day. Its hosted by the Ali Baba Group and its bigger than black friday and cyber monday in the u. S. Combined in the 600000 transactions a 2nd recorded at its peak this year is katrina a year with more from beijing. Were here at a Delivery Center on the outskirts of beijing where some packages are being processed behind me and theyre among the millions and millions of packages up with shipped across the country across china for the single day shopping. And that now it was 1st started 12 years ago by economist giant ali baba had an event to stand. In contrast to valentines day single day is a play on november 11th 1111. Its really a day for those unpartnered people to instead take advantage of discounts and treat themselves to gifts. Now today its much more than that. Many more retailers and online shops take advantage of today, and its a period that lost not only on the never november 11th, but for a period of about 2 weeks. But there are markdowns on everything from daily necessities to big ticket items such as cars and even luxury apartments. And the reason this event is so significant is that its seen as a Economic Forum as a for chinas help to really. And especially in a year with president xi jinping, is said that the country really needs a turbo charge, it shift away from relying on exports to the domestic economy, building up the consumer market. People are really being courage to spend as much as possible. And some people have even been given the day off to do that. But then were also seeing these wealthier customers in china who have been unable to travel overseas and because of that, the spending a lot more on big ticket luxury items. And of course also wristing a really big shift, the focus you missed by move things to do with taking care of their health service, doing the shipment and the buying of things like of vitamins and supplements, Sporting Goods and of course, face masks. Also half past the hour here on aljazeera, these are the top stories, several people injured in an explosion in saudi arabia. It happened at a ceremony in jeddah, attended by western diplomats and other foreign citizens targeting a cemetery. In fact, during a world war, one Remembrance Day ceremony is more from the butler in paris for all the u. K

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