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The palestinians pay respects to their chief negotiator cybernetic out as he is laid to rest. And joining with the sports they head of english football, resigns out to using a racist slur. And there are calls for more diverse representation in top levels of the game. So it was out in this hour in hong kong where more than a dozen lawmakers resigned in solidarity after the territories government disqualified 4 of their opposition. Politician, colleagues. Yet there we go. So china is Legislature Passed a patriotism resolution, which allows the removal of lawmakers who were to challenge beijings rule. Hong kongs democracy says it amounts to the end of the one country 2 systems principle, which has been in place since 1907, when hong kong was handed back to china from the united kingdom, with a decision made by the Central Government in the state. That all this time, those are all tolerant will be taken away and all the problems we will be settled by steve. Good to make 2nd tier of cost to percent of you. Stuff happens all the Central Government. So thats how we solve the. That is the face of akim is why you state that today by the end of the 100, the system divya opponents following the story from hong kong, joins us now. Did you take us through whats happening . I mean, this was the threat, wasnt it . If you, if you take some of us than all of us go, where does that leave the opposition . Pretty much. They leave the opposition outside of hong kongs government. That was a very emotional press conference. Some of them announcing the resignation with tears in their eyes, saying those resignation letters will be in the hands of the government tomorrow, which essentially will deem Hong Kongs Legislative Council without any opposition voices anymore. They say theyre doing this because its what beijing exactions have essentially done is rendered hong kongs government ineffective in the making its own decisions. The fact that beijing could essentially oust lawmakers who are deemed as on patriotic or for any reason that it may like, essentially makes them oh, most ineffectual. Their whole position is already under siege. And they feel that hong kong no longer can have a democratic voice within the government. They made it very clear to say though, that although they are quitting the government, theyre not quitting the fight for democracy in hong kong. But many questions still remain once they leave. What kind of an opposition can remain in hong kong, given the fact that hong kong now has this National Security law, where any kind of dissents or protests are not allowed. So this seemed to be the last bastion of those opposition or critical voices, particularly within the government that can represent people in hong kong. And now that no longer will exist to their resignations are accepted up to that mass. Walkout happened in hong kongs government. Ok, thank you for that update. Give you the hollande in hong kong. Lets put some of those thoughts to claudia mo, who is a pro democracy politician there joining us. Thank you for your time. As outlines, the opposition has taken the view that well, there isnt a democracy, so were getting out isnt it effects just hand in beijing what it wants in the end . Yeah, i mean theres always a question that im not possible you have playing into the hands the fate game, but then with the little left, no choice basically what we need to quit in the protest against theres a beijing move by the crane. And the, i mean the, this is not even though who by law and now its moved by the crazy they do, they order whatever they want. And 2, we cannot simply afford to stay on because minus our 4 comics and well i was tipped the afternoon of the 15 of us simply dont have the minimum number to a protest but also from being unseated eventually one by one of the by the beijing type and so theres legislatures, so full of faith, most of that we just cannot carry on. And we need to support our colleagues who are you know, right. So then, what are your options now if youre not part of the legislature now, then thats one avenue closed protest isnt an option anymore either. Certainly not in any large numbers. Whats left . No, thats exactly what the beijing sparkling for those wealthy because at the moment they would need to worry about hong kong as 2000000 of us taking to discrete then protests rights and politically they can do or not. Yes, thats very telling anyone who was not patriotic enough to keep all politics. You have no place yet. And so i will work that to be frankly frank. I think that its possible that things will be in the but then you do not. I mean, the estimate from calm people, especially the young, that game which is some show or some go or thanks will have been bombed eventually, because you need to believe. And your mentee, do you expect or hope for some sort of support, some sort of International Support ive, ive asked colleagues of yours this before, and they always look to the international community, but then, well, who really stands up to china these days . Now, further asking for International Support and when you know National Security law, so what i would refrain from commenting on that because that there, that the maximum penalty could be a lifetime behind bars. But then theres, this is essentially a china problem, a hong kong problem. And we need at least, i suppose, some moral support. I know its been a busy day for you emotionally as well. Im so sorry, thank you for your time. We do appreciate it. Lets move on now. Ethiopia, the north of the country where the military operation there is threatening to spill over the countrys borders with fears as well that it could lead to a humanitarian crisis. Prime minister had ordered the offensive in the region last week, accusing local forces of attacking a military base. Since then hundreds have been killed and several 1000 people have fled to neighboring sudan that put it on the map for you. That stick right there in the north of here semi autonomous area governed by the Peoples Liberation front, which is estimated to have up to 250000 fighters. Today was the front line for ethiopia during its 2 year conflict with eritrea and large amounts of military equipment still stored that despite ethnic only making up 5 percent of the population, they control the National Government actually for nearly 3 decades before Prime Minister came to power in 2018, that was a big shift in power, returned to tension after defied government twice once in, refusing to join his coalition, and then again in september by Holding Elections against the orders of the Central Government. So lets start with mohamed atta, hes reporting from for us on the news hour. Hi mohamed. So the military operation, 1st of all itself, tell us about the high come all the fighting is still going on. Now, most of it has been taking place in the west and hot the border with the ball and sudan. Now they will not hound made out, which is the Border Crossing into sudan. If european governments have said theyre told that the grades are now denying, they also claiming there has been of forces from the who are coming in to support. If european Government Forces a claim that was outrightly denied, not just by the Foreign Ministry and the spokesperson for the emergency council, but also by the Defense Ministry will be saying that they had. And now enough forces to the operation themselves that they did not need any help that it difficult to verify the claims and counterclaims because internet and Telephone Networks integrated you be shut. Thank you for that update. Mohamed had mentioned the threat of a humanitarian crisis. Weve got the teach about it to talk about that horn of africa, director at Human Rights Watch in rome today. Lets thank you for your time. How well, how bad could this get . What sort of numbers are we talking about of people who are trying to get out of to right now . Well, i think as mohamed points out very clearly right now, its incredibly difficult to get an accurate sense of well, what the impact of some of the fighting could be on the civilian population. I think its important to highlight that even at the best of times, this is a region where you have over half a 1000000, people who need assistance. You have some particularly vulnerable communities in the t. K. Region. Notably, the eritrean refugee population, who really are caught between a rock and a hard place right now and have over the last year already been facing a real shift in policy by the Ethiopian Government in terms of protection of the eritrean refugee community. So that we really are talking about, you know, a significant amount of people who need assistance. Now, the problem right now which the u. N. And many humanitarian organizations have been underlining, is that the government has, in many ways blockaded access. So. So we really, if that blockade work to continue, we could be dealing with a significant humanitarian crisis. Is there also a potential for problems there, given that it is a semi autonomous region, it has its own forces, but then you would have federal forces involved as well, and sort of who looks out for who watches out for whom, who goes against each other in those regions, i mean, i think this comes back to this question of the 1st, of all, how essential right now it is to allow for independent reporting. I mean, the civilian population could very well be facing a very nasty, aggressive violent situation. And so i think its absolutely essential for all the Different Actors involved. And here is, as you underline, we are talking both about regional forces. We are receiving reports of regional militias being involved and also the federal forces. But i think what is really important to underline here is obviously the dynamics with the tea tray region are very unique. But this is by far not the only area of the elements which were seeing in the country. I mean, ethiopia really has been dealing with a deteriorating human rights crisis in the country for almost 2 years now. And weve been documented in the impact of a recurring cycles of violence, but also often very heavy handed, Abusive Security forces response to those violence. And to the unrest in, in many different parts of the country. And i think of course, women a lot of the attention right now. And today we could see once again, abuses and violence affecting a whole range of communities if you in other parts of the country. So, so whatever the response right now, it is absolutely essential for the governments to make sure that they are dealing with broader problems. The underlying causes of a lot of this unrest and tensions, and creating much more conducive environment to really deal with them. Just briefly potentially creates a border issue as well, doesnt it . If they play heading over to sudan to flee, the fighting will that puts pressure on the there was also in their government as well. Absolutely. I mean this is in company incredibly vaunted tile region. Were talking about right now. And the concern is really as aware as that, but civilians who are already in an incredibly difficult situation. As i mentioned again, a lot of them in need of humanitarian assistance in the best of times of really going to be stuck in an incredibly dangerous difficult situation. So, so, so you know, the absolutely essential that their needs are placed as a priority right now above everything else. But its about a from Human Rights Watch in rome today. Thank you for your time and your expertise. 14 minutes past the hour. Heres whats coming up. I just president elect joe biden says nothing will stop the transfer of power. Even though donald trump still refuses to concede. To smash records in the worlds biggest sales, talks on the problem to defend his masters title is coming up with a little later. Protesters have gathered on the capital to voice their anger over a deal to end the fighting with a disputed region. There opposed to the agreement which sees land handed over to john. This is, of course not going to cut about which is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan, but was controlled by ethnic armenians. Hundreds have been killed after the fighting in september, in amongst the protests there. And youre about to tell us what the protesters are actually demanding. Coming out of here at the Prime Minister. And now you have a couple of 1000 square. You know, these are people by agreement, by and large has been quite peaceful. There have been some scuffles here, 20 people have been detained at the beginning of this rally. And also what opposition parties say that question of the National Security. Now you have been reminding people through a microphone that theres still a martial law in this country and youre not allowed to protest, but these people are growing it now i spoke and to a few of them they say that didnt have the right to sign that agreement without consulting dipping with the people is they said that that is not democracy. And that basically he sold out and gave away their land as well, including those 7 regions that are considered being occupied by i mean a since 1900 people here say that is not the case. They say that they, the people that live there instapundit case in other parts of nagornokarabakh wont be returning there because of what he called accepted. And what is the Prime Minister saying in response to all of that . Well, the Prime Minister has been communicating via Facebook Live for the past 48 hours. Nobody really knows where he is. Hes not has his residence because some protesters had actually entered that residence on. As soon as i did news broke of the cease fire agreement, hes not in this government office, or a lot of people here were saying, well, where is he . He is trying to convince them that this was the best choice possible. He said, had the war continued, well, steve stiffened, the kurds would have been next on the as area plans they would have reached and because they were within a few kilometers. And he said that more soldiers would have died. They did simply did not have the capability to protect their own, defend themselves, and that there was no other choice. Hes been trying to say this over and over again, but he hasnt been convincing at this time. Now this is certainly not the majority of People Living in a year of and my views are the early days you have november 15th coming up, which is then going to be a key day because its the 1st pullout of Armenian Forces from those other areas that that they have to pull out from, according to this agreement, thats going to be very, very full of people here. So you, one has to see if these, this opposition will be able to keep that momentum. And the anger is certainly is going to grow in this country because everybody, even those who support me thought question me and said he did that big mistake. Ok, things starting to get loud there. And yet about it. Well check back with you again later on. U. S. President elect joe biden has called on the trance refusal to concede the election. Quote, an embarrassment, but biden says nothing will stop the transfer of power in january despite the trumpet Administration Reportedly refusing to even help the president elects Transition Team and support from alan fischer in washington. Well, donald trump is keeping a low profile. Joe biden is putting himself front and center. This was an event to discuss the Affordable Care act, but the president elect questions on other topics and he had a message to the man he will replace. And his refusal to accept the result. I just think its an embarrassment. Great, frankly. The only thing that how can we say this tax . I think it will help the president s legacy. I think that i know from my discussions with foreign leaders of us for it, that they are hopeful that the United States Democratic Institutions are viewed once again as being strong endure. And, but i think at the end of the day, you know, its all going to come to fruition in january 20th or foreign leaders are calling joe biden to congratulate him. Trump, secretary of state americas top diplomat, has called the result into question. There will be. Ready a smooth transition to a 2nd trimester action. Right . Were ready. The world is watching whats taking place that were going to count all the votes. When the process is complete, electors elected. Theres a process, the constitution lays it out pretty clearly. Various Government Agencies and departments. Its been reported have been ordered by the white house not to help with the president ial transition, because the result is still in doubt. That hasnt stopped joe biden, pushing ahead with planning for day one, even without the immediate assistance of the chump administration. And the leader of the republicans in the senate says the dilly, want to create problems. I dont think anything that occurred so far in iraq. An ordinary process of moving through the various steps that i indicated and allowing if there is a new administration to work through the transition, all of these ships will be taken at the appropriate time. This election has already seen a lot of legal challenges. There might be another one coming as the Biden Campaign considers going to court to force Donald Trumps team to start planning for the handover of power. Alan fischer. Aljazeera washington. Very pleased to have elliott brand with us. Now in the news, our Research Associate with the United States studies center, which is at the university of sydney elliott. So lets stay with the legal challenges 1st. Is there anything in what youve seen of these legal challenges that could, that could help donald trump that could actually get him where he wants or is it, as they say in america, a hail mary. It is, it is very much, mary. Basically what would need to occur is successful coach challenges in each of those key states that would bring talking a lot of ground over the last couple of days. And the odds of that the a lot of these cases are being thrown out of court immediately. And there are challenges, but its not clear at all that these would even come close to overturning the in the number of votes necessary to get to get President Trump of the line for a 2nd term. These are very much hail. Mary plays ok, sorry to interrupt it, moves to if that doesnt work, it moves to the actual we shouldnt forget the actual Electoral College, the 5 138. 00 electors who will meet to actually cost their ballots effectively on behalf of their states. Can they be influenced . It all, or is that something which i think i heard president trample his team talking about, you know, most trying to put pressure on them. Yes. So thats, thats a hard deadline for all of this is that i just said theres going to trump can find, has to finalize all of this one of them. And they have been putting pressure on republican state legislatures to, to buck the trend, to block the votes. And place Election Results that john meet with reality. Its not going to be very possible at all to get agreement in enough houses to, to make that an effective plan. And its a lot of noise at the moment, but i havent seen anything yet. That looks like it could secure the selection for donald trump when the writing is very much on the wall, meaning in so many states. Ok. So what im doing here is going through the steps, the possibilities. And if we go past that Electoral College point, then you have a point where and so many guests ive spoken to have said, i dont think hell just sit in the white house. I dont think, you know, this refused to move. But, you know, honestly i think its starting to look like that. The idea that he would just say, no, i dont accept that. Im not going anywhere. That would leave. I mean, constitutional crisis doesnt even cover it there. You know, that would be a remarkably dangerous situation. And youre quite right, we have drifted further and further into this process when its just a refusal to acknowledge what is quite patently the reality here. And it is a very dangerous moment moment in the United States. And so what this is doing, this is building pressure under the republicans and their silence at the moment is speaking volumes around the world. How far are they willing to let this go . I would hope that it doesnt go too far into january, and i would hope very much that it doesnt go much further than the eye to december when that Electoral College deadline use. And what potential damage is being done to the United States at the moment. Not just the electoral process, the peaceful transfer of power, the constitution, all these things. But the idea that the Transitional Government and the current government are not cooperating, doesnt create opportunities for other countries for, for terrorism, for anything to interfere with the United States. Because its in this flux, but i really think it does when you have a situation like this where its not clear, well its clear who the leader of the United States will be in 2021. But how that comes about is unclear if thats a lot how a vacuum in the United States is. Very much a pencil life for foreign actors to, to try and test the situation test the resolve of the United States, its precarious time in terms of democracy. Often the United States is referred to as the leader of the free world. The example being set at the moment, its not a model of democracy. What is happening at the moment . Well, yes, there is the legal recourse, but this is quite unprecedented in the the way its being handled. The very blunt rejection of what seems to be a clear result of popular election elliott could keep talking to you for hours on this one. Theres so much to discuss, but weve got some other news to get to. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you very much. At least 9 people have died after heavy rain flooded the state of tabasco in southern mexico, around 9000. 00 residents have also been forced to evacuate their homes that were submerged crops were damaged as well. In this low lying state, mexicos president says the government is providing aid and will work to prevent future lots more weather news. Now he is i think syrias most a Stormy Weather is western europe. But down the bottom right hand corner of the on the crete, once again, weve had significant northerly wind and thunderstorms. And this is the result. This is the north coast of crete, east of the capital, mostly. And this is just one example of where you get several 100 men to be surveyed up in the mountains all focused down into one street. And thus the dampeners, are we seeing this in the arms of the e. G. In, throughout the summer . Were still seeing it now as we are well into autumn, and it may not be the last is the potential in cyprus is still that strong winds through the gene into crete itself, but quite possibly of on the west is whether then leaves the island. Youll find it once again is once again on the eastern side of libya, that indicates, of course, a change in the weather type, eastern med and the event and beyond. We see a drop in temperature. Weve seen brief bits of flooding in some parts of the proper rain, which is the change of season spreading across iraq and into iraq. The focus is probably going to be on the north coast around the south coast of the caspian, if you like, for the next couple of days, quite a strong breeze blowing down the sea itself. So the forecast for barker is quite a windy one. With that wind willies totally was there. We worked your way about here is whats coming up. Undercover police in the u. K. Infiltrated left wing groups for decades. Now theyre facing scrutiny about rights abuses. Also in mexico looks to go back in time with a controversial new park that could be a breath of fresh air for the residents of the capital. And in support with joe, the mumbai indians wrap up another i. P. O. For the title to drive their industrial expansion and european powers colonised, huge areas of the world rich resources. So free labor and fast lads were exploited in the name of civilization and wealth until the colonies decided theyd had enough. In a new 3 part documentary series, aljazeera expose the history suffering and legacy of frances imperial past. Not in tears french to colonise ation. Coming soon, frank assessments, if American Public opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after november. What would be the preferred cultures if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy . One obvious solution is to break them up, informed opinions, look at his dont go any way. The protesters arent going anywhere, either puts a bullet with a revolution. People all call indepth analysis of the days global headlines. Who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Half past the hour. This is the news hour. And these are the top stories more than a dozen. Hong kong lawmakers have resigned in solidarity after the terrorist government disqualified for all of their colleagues, chinas legislature has passed a patriotism resolution, which allows the removal of lawmakers who challenge beijings rule. The military operation in northern ethiopia is threatening to spill over the countrys borders. Several 1000 people have now fled the region. Since Prime Minister ahmed ordered the offensive last week and demonstrators, an army needs capital, get on, are angry at the government. So for its decision to see territory to azerbaijan and a peace deal, the agreement hands back through several, i mean into trolled areas in the disputed region of mccoy. No doubt about brains. Long serving Prime Minister has died in the United States. Was 84 years old. He had been head of government in the gulf kingdom for more than 50 years. And if it was receiving medical treatment in the United States, his body now being sent for the funeral. And the government is announced a week of mourning. The Corruption Case against 7 People Associated with south africas governing party has been adjourned until february of next year. They are accused of pocketing millions of dollars which were meant to fund a special removal for more than 400000. Harnes residents of reportedly died or become sick because of the a specialist 5 has become the secretary general will also appear in court. Later this week, more from outside the courthouse in bloemfontein will leave the race a really important for the government especially which needs to be seen to be doing something against corruption of this is a country with there seems to be an increase in food corruption and especially in recent months, when it appears even funds that were meant to deal with fighting, covert, 19 pandemic seem to have been looted. But in this particular case, the people who were affected by it space stores roofing in their homes across the sprog. Hundreds of thousands of them, especially interested in this case and they say its about time that something is done around the corruption. In this particular scandal. Were talking about people who have become ill because of these as best of survivors in the rules, which often leads to things like lung disease. They say this for Service Delivery rather than spending up to 20000000. 00 on helping people on removing these routes, replacing them, and ensuring that people have safe places to love. That money instead appears to have been looted and appearing today, all a number of Business People as well as government officials who have been involved in the looting of these funds. At least 6. People have been killed dozens more wounded in the latest under arrest, in ivory coast, or than 40 people died in Election Related Violence in the past month. Since president allison what are announced, he would run for a controversial 3rd term. The u. N. Says the number of refugees who fled the country has now doubled to more than 8005, broken out at a refugee camp on the greek island of someone else. The cause of the fire is not yet known, but this is the 2nd blaze at the camp in just over a week and immediate reports of injury. This camp thought to house more than 4000 people own inquiry in the u. K. Scrutinizing Undercover Police tactics is about to begin. Its expected to hear evidence 5 years after it was set up. Looking at how undercover officers spied on hundreds of left wing organizations support from Charlie Angelo in london. Back in 1903 and no, its just an led a protest against the far right British National party as head of youth against racism. She wanted an end to racist attacks in london as was a peaceful group that police decided to infiltrate them. I found out in 2010 that i had been spied on by peta francis for about 4 or 5 years. And pace of francis was the chief. So he was a member, he was Undercover Police officer working for the s. D. S. , for many years. The s. D. S. , so special demonstrations squad, was set up in 1968 when a wave of protest against the vietnam war caught the police by surprise. Deciding intelligence was needed to control future demonstrators and then leaked in highly secret squad within the metropolitan police created over more than 4 decades at least 139 police offices, but given Fake Identities to closely monitor more than a 1000 political groups. Pretty much anybody that proposed any form of challenge to the state or corporate interests. Everything from environmental campaigners. Opponents of the arms try used on a more rights activists and Choices Campaign is to gain access to these creeps some offices started intimate relationships with female members. Then after a few years, when the deployment was over, they disappeared from their lives back through my life completely into disarray. Because as you can imagine, if youve spent 2 years with somebody and you think you know the really well, and then you discover that actually, you know, they were spying on you or they didnt exist. You know, hes, hes a person who no longer exists. I didnt know even his knowing the implications, that house you are the relationship. It destroys your ability to trust hard knowledge of these relationships are a violation of the womens human rights, the metropolitan police apologized and compensated 7 women 5 years ago. It was only through their own research that the undercover officers identities were revealed. Police are still refusing to release the full list of organizations that was spied on, believed to be more than a 1000 or the cover names of the Police Officers who infiltrated them. The core participants hope this inquiry will force them to reveal those details. And also the question, who in the government sanctioned these operations, charlie and the aljazeera and palestinians bidding farewell to the occupied territories. Chief negotiator cybernetic of his body, being taken from ramallah to here in jericho with a few know will be held at a cop, died on tuesday from complications of 19. He was a key figure in talks with israel for more than 20. Yes. His native abraham reporting from jericho today need to tell us whats happening right now. And the body of about a pod has arrived to his house now in jericho just a couple of minutes ago. And the family is expected to bid their final good byes to their farewell before his body is going to be laid to its by no rush. There hoss been a military funeral in the president ial heart for tours where by many senior officials have attended including the palestinian president , mahmoud abbas. There are a lot of ways that people are mourning and remembering that apart. And its one thing that seems to be clear that many palestinians say that hes a man of peace man who was committed to making the palestinian voice being heard that around the world. And this is probably why weve seen condolences poor and from different people across the globe and many problems finians. They know that he was committed person to the palestinian cause. Now there are those who disagree with his politics. That those who say that the nonviolence means and the negotiations have been to lead the palestinians to a place where they can have their freedom or are closer to their independent state media. There is nothing that even resembles a Peace Process in the occupied territory anymore. Even sort of is there someone else who can step up to take the position of cybercops health for so long and in stature as well . He had a couple of positions and there are mechanisms to fill in some of the positions that he was holding. For example, the executive committee of the palestinian liberation organization. The p. L. O. Is expected to convene and i lacked the new secretary general for the p. L. O. Hole. So he has been a Senior Member of there. There is a mechanism in place to elect someone else what he has a great amount of experience. Many here say that he was fierce, he was gentle, he was close to the media, always being generous with his time, with interviews and so on. So its going to be hard to replace him. But many palestinians say that he inspired a lot of a Young Leaders to be the voice of the palestinian cause for him in jericho for the funeral of cyber. Kyra, thank you for that. Nita, United States has approved the sale of dozens of f. 35 fine to jets, to the united arab emirates. A deal now goes before congress, where those opposed would need a 2 thirds majority to override any president ial veto is a 10000000000. 00 package that includes 50 jets, as well as it sees me 18 repaired drones, thousands of bombs and missiles. President trump agreed to consider the sale as a side deal to the u. A. E. Normalization agreements with israel. Meanwhile, the u. S. Supreme court has heard republican objections to the Affordable Care act, obamacare. Trump has long pledged to scrap his predecessor signature achievement, but some conservative judges have already signaled theyre unlikely to strike down the law and support from shopper, tansey estimated that some 23000000. 00 people would lose their Health Coverage if the Affordable Care act was found to be unconstitutional. Some gathered outside the Supreme Court as oral arguments were heard virtually by the justices to explain what was at stake. Like more a really whose past seizures might make him eligible for Health Insurance without obamacare and got hit with ambulance bill of about 900 dollars again for a one hour for a 5 minute ambulance ride and a hospital bill for almost 30000. 00 for one night in the hospital plus every idea of medical bills. Special thanks for that, you know, maybe 30 hours and a half. But if the 8 struck down over the coming days coming weeks, i will finally be without Health Insurance. A particular focus of the protest as fears was the supremum, coots, newest member, amy katie, barrett. Shes been critical of 2 previous rulings of holding the a. C. L. U. Against republican challengers. However, as it turned out, it was a different Trump Nominee who made the most significant contributions to the proceedings. Brett kavanaugh, his questioning, strongly suggested that even if a majority of justices grieved that the plaintiffs had a case and that whats called the individual mandate in the a. C. L. U. The requirement for all americans to have Health Insurance was unconstitutional. Kavanah didnt feel that would invalidate the rest of obamacare looking or several ability president s. It does seem fairly clear that the proper remedy would be to sever the mandate provision and leave the rest of the act in place. The provisions regarding preexisting conditions and the rest chief justice john roberts, also expressed skepticism at the republicans arguments together with cavanagh and the courts. 3 liberal justices, they could form a majority to preserve the a. C. L. U. In delaware, president elect joe biden weighed in this effort to bypass the will of the american people. The verdict of the courts in the past judgments of congress, in my view is simply cruel and needlessly device. Joe biden was among the 1st to, congratulate his then boss, president , barack obama, when the a c. , a became law in 20 term against republican objections. But a decade later, even by going except that with at least 30000000 still uninsured despite obamacare change is needed. And now his supporters hope hell be able to keep a Campaign Promise to use the a. C. S. Private insurance model as a basis for reform. Once the Supreme Court rules in several months, she record numbers of people are in hospital in the United States with coronaviruses, the number of new cases continues to soar. Almost 62000 people are currently hospitalized with covert 19 all up a 1000000. People have been infected in the United States in just the last 10 days to australia where police have broken up a global child abuse ring and arrested 14 suspects. The men are accused of filming the sexual abuse of minors and then sharing the images online. Dozens of victims have been identified in australia, the youngest, just 16 months old. One of the suspects was a child care worker, as well as Certain Police of past files onto authorities in new zealand and across europe, asia and north america. He says, has been described as an unprecedented operation. There are obviously, as, as described previously, i believe people involved in this operation and throughout the course of the investigation, each and every warrant activity resulted to the unraveling and identification of victims. Chinas top online retailer has smashed records in the worlds Biggest Online sale. They call it the singles day shopping event. Nothing to do with being single rather the 11111111. Its hosted by the Ali Baba Group and its big given black friday and cyber monday in the us put together maybe 600000 transactions a 2nd were recorded at its peak this year when his katrina, you with more from beijing. Were here at a Delivery Center on the outskirts of beijing where some packages are being processed behind me. And theyre among the millions and millions of packages that will be shipped across the country across china for the sting goes day shopping. And that now it was 1st started 12 years ago by economists giant alibaba at an event stand. In contrast to valentines day single day is a play on november 11th 1111. Its really a day for those unpartnered people to instead take advantage of discounts and treat themselves to gifts. Now today, its much more than that. Many more retailers and online shops take advantage of today, and its a period that lost not only on the number, november 11th, but for a period of about 2 weeks. But there are markdowns on everything from daily necessities to big ticket items such as cars and even luxury apartments. And the reason this event is so significant is that its seen as a economic boom is a, chinas help to really. And especially in a year with president xi jinping, is said that the country really needs a turbo charge, it shift away from relying on exports to the domestic economy, building up the consumer market. People are really being courage to spend as much as possible. And some people have even been given the day off to do that. But then were also seeing these wealthier customers in china who have been unable to travel overseas. And because of that, spending a lot more on big ticket luxury items. And of course also wristing a really big shift, the focus you missed by move things to do with taking care of their health service, doing the shipment and the buying of things like of vitamins and supplements, Sporting Goods and of course, face masks, also parent, its an anti valentines day, i think that might be something to do with unsinkable. Anyway. Joe is along to sport in a moment. This is quite something incredible. A hole in one of the worlds best golfers get ready for the must. Is joe, be here in a much cooler just before we get to sports work has begun on building what will become one of the Worlds Largest urban. It is hoped this project on the outskirts of mexicos capital could help air pollution. John heilemann reports mexico city limits because government canceled a 13000000000. 00 airport midway through its construction. It caused immense controversy. Have a look at what the now planning to put in its place. One of the biggest urban parks in the world, if it works out to be twice the size of manhattan architecting yuckier to veneer is the man with the vision. What a lot of obamas had a lot of where we are going to recover bodies of water. And that will help of recreate a bit of what the valley of mexico looked like before an experience that even though he shouldnt be, will be almost new. Mexico citys inhabitants, 500 years ago. Vast areas of the capital were underwater to the extent that a prime mode of transport was the canoe. The park aims to bring some of that prehistoric flavor back. Recovering 600. 00 hectares of lakes and lagoons, but theyll be more than just water on offer. The plan is for basketball courts 5 a side football pitches, gyms picnic and camping areas to the hope is that some of mexico citys poorest neighborhoods, which partly surround the park, will benefit with bus routes planned from those communities as well. But will not do it, which is a story. Many of us think that its a bit of social justice bringing cultural support and Environmental Facilities to population to work traditionally abandoned, or very little care for. Many of the workers like to stay a basket live close by us to what she thought the part shes hoping to create already has been face. But the hope is that this is for my children and grandchildren that they can enjoy this because if they do what they say they will, itll be a very big, i trust to god that ill see it. But if not, at least my family will be the part should have an impact on the whole capital. The idea is that the basque quantity of water implants here will help reduce air contamination and heat in the city who sounds promising. But so far theres little more than this nurseries of local flora, just starting to grow. It doesnt look like much now, but the hope is that these little native plants are going to be the seed from which entire barren areas or this not for a part, a reforested to be as full of life as they were centuries before. The game is to open by next year and have it finished by 2024 the end of the current governments term in office. Many still believe that government made a big mistake in scrapping the airport if the park pans out at the very least, it will be a real consolation john home and how does it or lots of sports news which are now and you need to stay right to the very end, right, because that golf shot is worth hanging around for he needs to say writes, they very well anyway of all. Anyway, the search for a new head of english that will begins today and there are calls for a black 0 ethnic minority man or woman to take over after former chief greg clarke resigned following his use of a racist term cock who is also a fee for Vice President quit just a few hours after apologizing for his inappropriate comments. He was being questioned by u. K. Members of parliament when he used the words colored footballers. And that wasnt the only or could moments. If i look at what happens to high profile female high profile cliques and the abuse, they take all social media. If you look at talk a little football, the Africanamerican Community is overrepresented versus the south asian. If you go to the only team to come to the n. F. L. You, theres a lot more south asians than there are african or abuse. They have different career interests. Well, later in the same hearing, clarke apologize for using the word colored it one. If i said it, i deeply apologize for it. Secondly, and the problem not. Having worked overseas, i worked in the usa for many years where i was required to use the Church People of color. And sometimes because that was that primitive diversity legislation opposed to discrimination format. Sometimes i trip over my words, but it wasnt long before he stepped down saying my unacceptable words in front of parliament were disservice to our game. And to those who watch play referee and administer it, this is crystallized my resolve to move on. So who will replace him well in and defend a tyrant . Main says there needs to be better representation across the upper levels of the game in his country. But were not necessarily asking for the next chairman, old or chief to be black or asking for is equal opportunities for both black and white people or ethnic minorities. So the opportunities to be equal, the come that is themselves to be rightly qualified for the job or asking for it is equal opportunities for everybody to have a fair crack of the whip north and central americas top cup competition. The country Caf Champions League will receive in a bubble in florida next month torment was interrupted in march by the current virus pandemic, but resumed last week with the quarterfinals organizers though, say that the 2nd legs as well as the semifinals of final, will now take place in orlando, at the explora stadium from december the 15th until the 22nd were still waiting for Diego Maradona to be released from hospital, but were being told by his doctor, his release is imminent. The argentina football legend underwent brain surgery on a blood clot last week. And has also been treated for drug withdrawal symptoms, but hes doing well according to his personal doctor to cricket and the mumbai indians have defended their Indian Premier League title that is off to beating the delhi capsules by 5 wickets in the final and to buy to lift the trophy for a record 5th time. This is i. P. L. Was originally scheduled to begin in march, but shifted to the u. A. E. Following the coach at 19 outbreak in india. One achieve the final result. I hope we pulled back a little while back out on the world as well. And these were the duff times a lot of people were going through a lot of tough times as well. So i hope this jumping ship that we have won something to cheer for the people back home as well. The Boston Red Sox have rehired their manager alex cora after he served a suspension for his part in the sign stealing scandal. Before joining boston, cora was a bench coach of the Houston Astros when they used cameras to spy on opposition, pitching signs on the way to winning the 2017 well series. He was banned for a season by the l. B. And the red sox were forced to let him go. But now hes back and determined to rebuild his reputation. I made a mistake. I still love the game, i still love what i do. And i promise you that from, you know, now on, you know, im going to use this experience the right way. Im not proud of it. Im not happy about it, but we have to move on, which is today away now from the start of the masters Golf Tournament with tiger woods aiming to defend the famous green jacket which won it in dramatic style back in 2019, securing his 1st major victory in 11 years and 15th major rule, he was supposed to defend it back in april this year, but the total, it was pushed back to november for the 1st time in its history because of the pandemic. To have it this long. Its not the way i want to have a while back and april, but obviously we do know how about we have an opportunity to play this week, which, you know, early in the year we didnt think wed have this opportunity. So robert fortunate bill bill will compete. Most of the pretournament talk is about bryce in december, who won the u. S. Open back in september. Hes bulked up 18 kilograms in a year and is driving the ball incredible distances. One drive at home recently carried more than 400 yards. I really dont know where the end game is on this, but i will say that i made it further now that i wasnt sure enters or any further than the u. S. Open. And im trying, you know, a driver this week that may help me a little even a little bit further. So well see, i dont know, still up in the air. Well, to shambo, maybe hitting the ball far, but can he do this . This was spains well, number 2, john rom, playing the paul 3 sixteenths in practice. He skimmed the ball over the lake on to the green and straight into the hole. Was present on what was his 26th birthday and 40 there were no fans at augusta this year. So it didnt get the cheers it deserved. That is all useful for now, unbeliever. Thank you for that joe. More news with volley in just a few minutes time. Food for celebration. Food for reconciliation. And food from ancient civilizations. Aljazeera world goes on a mouthwatering. How to reach any from spain to the middle east, to discover the Hidden History behind some of the regions best loved dishes. Savoring the past on aljazeera. Jump into the stream and doing on Global Community bio diversity is biosecurity. It is that essential for our species to survive. Be part of the debate. I know you have my days and you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table, the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize. And heres the other part of this. Theres no consequence to this dream on out is there when the music breaks apart from when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told. And thats why having peace testing in areas with a high infection rate with exclusive interviews and indepth reports, see people here tell us they are desperate. Theyre hungry and hope aljazeera has teams on the ground kind of loves to impact the 2nd lockdown with power to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news context. Storytelling, the biggest issues to do with standing down and solidarity 19 opposition. Politicians in hong kong resign, protesting and mauled by beijing to disqualify for a bare colleagues play watching aljazeera live from doha with me fully back, also ahead. A military operation in northern ethiopia forces thousands to flee to neighboring sudan anger in armenia after a deal is reached with azerbaijan. To end the fighting in the disputed region of my golden oaks

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