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Streets of lima following the swearing in of a new peruvian president. Calls for ceasefire in ethiopias to grey region where hundreds of died and thousands are fleeing to sudan. Under the program we begin in the u. S. Where the president elect joe biden has called Donald Trumps refusal to concede the president ial election an embarrassment but biden says nothing will stop the transfer of power in january and thats despite the trumpet ministration reportedly refusing to assist the president elects Transition Team and blocking them from accessing vital resources i just think its embarrassing. Quite frankly. The only thing. How can we save this tax i think it will not. Help the president s legacy i think that i know from my discussions with foreign leaders verse 4 that they are hopeful that United States Democratic Institutions are viewed once again as strong and endure and but i think at the end of the day. You know its all going to come to fruition in january 20th all correspondent live for us now and well bring to joe bidens home states jamal just what else hows the president elect been saying. Well so he was meeting with the Vice President elect and members of the Transitional Team just in the building behind us this is the 2nd day they convened there theyre almost making it a. Headquarters for. The Transitional Team those comments seem to be very calm in the face of what many saw as dangerous comments being made by secretary of state pale. Whether the trumpet ministration would be allowing for the transition to which he sarcastically replied saying go for course they would allow for a transition to a 2nd term of President Donald Trump something that people saw as disrespectful to the democratic process thats going gone by then did receive several phone calls from World Leaders earlier from the heads of state so from germany the United Kingdom and ireland as well they seem at the months that you know its business as usual in terms of how they will be preparing for when biden is finally sworn in theyre focusing their efforts on specific policies namely obviously covert but what theyre saying obviously is that even though they are those funds millions of dollars worth of funds that would otherwise be made available to them have been thus far withheld that they have raised enough money in the Biden Campaign to be able to proceed without it impacting obviously this comes whilst a 2nd Nongovernmental Organization the oas organization of american states is in gold here which monitors elections came out and said that it true soul no evidence of voter fraud or anything of the such that trump and his team have been alleging now for the best part of a week youll remember so well that last week the european Nongovernment Organization that deals with election monitoring around the world came with similar findings saying that there was no evidence. Of that so theyre pretty confident where they stand theyve been trying to be very tactful as biden himself put it and not being too confrontational but behind the scenes and definitely with regards to the supporters of donald trump and even some figures within the Republican Party there is growing frustration you can say as well as dismay some of them have put it sort of the way in which donald trump and his team continue to reject what appears to be the results of those historic elections indeed of course will be continuing so of course to monitor events with you jamal through the night thanks very much marcelo for us in wilmington meanwhile the u. S. Supreme court has begun hearing arguments in a case which could strip 20000000 people of medical insurance justices have already signaled that theyre unlikely to strike down all of the Affordable Care act a key piece of president obamas legacy thats known as obamacare or President Trump and other republicans want the law struck down alan fisher has the latest on that story for us from washington d. C. But before we go into that allan i believe you have news of a statement coming out of the u. S. Postal service regarding the election. Its actually coming from the House Oversight committee of course is controlled by democrats and its not good news for donald trump and his legal actions particularly in pennsylvania you remember that about a few days ago the revealed a whistleblower by the name of Richard Hawkins and said that he was a postal worker who heard it saw his supervisor backdating ballots that had been received now were just haired from the House Oversight committee that that postal worker after being interviewed by investigators has completely recanted that evidence what the tweet actually says is that he was he signed a sworn affidavit with allegations of ballot tampering fraud and went public through a group called project veritas the Inspector General of the u. S. P. S. The United States Postal Service inform Committee Staff today that the interviewed hopkins on friday but that hopkins recanted his allegations yesterday but did not explain why he signed a false d affidavit now if you sign an affidavit and its false youre opening yourself up to legal action but hes clearly decided that he he didnt witness what he said he witnessed and we know that the republicans were basing part on the case that they were taking to the courts in pennsylvania on what Richard Hopkins had told them so that has fallen apart just in the last few hours until we get more reaction to that from both sides of the political spectrum as the hours progress lets go back to whats going on in the Supreme Court we know that there are ongoing arguments over the issue of Obamacare Health care what else is coming out of the Supreme Court. Well you remember that 2 weeks ago at the white house him equally but it was installed d as the next Supreme Court justice democrats were very angry about that because they said there is a problem that she has with the Affordable Care act and that will be a big hearing for the Supreme Court one week after the election here we are one week after the election and there was a big hearing about the Affordable Care act but it seems that 2 of the conservative justices on the court minded to start pulling the law apart they were looking at whether or not Insurance Companies would still be forced to recognize preexisting conditions that something that impacts hundreds of actually millions of u. S. Citizens who have health care and saw the 2 judges seem to suggesting questioning that they were keen in dismantling the act they were a bit worried that. States like texas were asking them to take action that congress wouldnt deal with and so they seem to be edging away from pulling the act apart now if you had the 3 a liberal justices on there that would be a 54. 00 majority in favor of retaining the Affordable Health care act as it stands that would be a blow to the states that are trying to scrap it but also to dont trump and his administration who are part of the moves to scrap the act completely so not a good day for donald trump certainly not a good last couple of hours the thing to say is that although were judging this on the questions that the justices asked that could all change when they make their final decision but certainly what were seeing from 2 of the conservatives is that they dont think theyre about to pull the plug on the Affordable Healthcare act the Affordable Care act as it stands at the moment for the moment turn for the update television forests in washington d. C. Thanks allan. Russian peacekeeping troops are being deployed to go to karabakh following a deal to end 6 weeks of fighting the disputed region is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but its controlled by Ethnic Armenians as aries have spent the day celebrating whats been seen as a win delivering swathes of territory to their country but in neighboring armenia its been described as a disaster what ive done hamid reports from the capital yet of on. Like it or not. Its a nation in shock many baffled that their media has signed an agreement they see as humiliating and for some the anger was too much to contain by Early Morning protestors started to arrive in front of parliament. I dont know how this nation believes this man says calling on people to rise up emotions were high and soon the anger turned into chaos for me as Prime Minister. To resign among the people here veterans of the 1st war thereby jan in the early 1990 s. Mothers of soldiers who recently died and displaced people from nagornokarabakh. Nina and her mother bear to are dismayed they left their hometown of stepan occurred. By jan at the beginning of the fighting her father stayed behind the other a much harder to make articles on the one who signed this agreement didnt ask our opinion he signed it in secret its a crime i want to return there my train general there im not having a normal education because of current virus and the war i will only go back if the children of the Prime Minister come and live there with me. Like everyone here nina and berta want the agreement to be cancelled boardin a 1200 soldiers lost their lives order past 6 weeks has now also lost all 7 as every region surrounding the un clave it had occupied since 994. 00 as well as a total of shusha in the corner. Its hard to swallow this is a very difficult time for me and for Prime Minister and he called bashing me and that he was already under intense International Pressure just signed a cease fire agreement and now is having an even harder time at home explaining to people that this was the best option. In the Current Situation there was no chance of making another decision a plan to give more details such as why and what the reason was behind last months of ins i cant do it right now for one simple reason because stopping military actions is the main focus right now and if i Say Something i couldnt dangerous people. But hasnt managed to convince many people even among those who. Are an ordinary mother but what happened is horrible every day we were given good news and suddenly this happens good or bad i dont know but i dont want an agreement at the price of all those innocent children who died it should have been done earlier he needs to answer questions some of the russian peacekeepers have already. They will be deployed in. To guarantee to cease fire but. This sense of loss that azerbaijan felt for nearly 3 decades is just beginning to seep in but up the. President will and what he calls a years long occupation. From the capital baku. A victory dance for ages been years in the making either by johnnies or jubilant after the announcement of a deal to end the conflict in the corner. Even physical constraints didnt stop some people from showing their joy hundreds of thousands of displaced people who wanted to return now that seems possible. I will return to the place where my mother or grandmother were born. From. And. To me i cant even describe this feeling. Expressed. After steady gains on the battlefield since september has been made possible largely because of other by johns advanced military power the president acknowledged his forces as he declared the conflict over. God bless heroes as a result of their heroes and selfsacrifice we return to our learns. That soldiers can recover soon and return to normal life i have called it an armenian defeat agreed with russian relations and the deal will hold on to the areas of nagornokarabakh that is the feeling that. Well i mean your has agreed to withdraw from several other nearby areas in the coming few weeks russian peacekeepers will remain in the region but an extended 5 years in return other by john will stop its advances and the guns on the front lines have fallen silent. As it will join the army showed that we are capable to liberate our troops we have liberated our now we also showed that we have the political will to stop the hostilities and to continue negotiations many people in the very capital dont completely trust russian peacekeepers and wanted their forces to retake all of the disputed region the Turkish Foreign minister called the deal a secret success of the very president bush peacekeepers in addition to the russians but its not yet decided exactly how those troops will be deployed. Other by johnny see a few weeks of war have achieved more than 2 decades of diplomacy but maintaining peace is not going to be easy as thousands of people have been killed in both sides and more than a 1000000 have been displaced in the world i mean another write down some of the other there are. Mass protests taking place across peru after martin just car was removed as president protesters fall with Police Outside congress in the capital lima this current remains very popular despite the accusations of corruption that led to his impeachment mario was sworn in perus new president early on tuesday the next president ial election is in april. Well still ahead here on out as are some of the most powerful leaders of the Catholic Church dismissed reports of a sexual predator plus xcode looks to go back in time with a controversial new park that could be a breath of fresh air for the residents of the capital to stay with us. But. Weve got some very cold air plunging down across canada fading out across the western side of the United States behind this large band of cloud heres a cold front to the the west of that thats where that cold air is sliding across much of that western side of north america will see quite a temperature contrast because ahead of that system still getting up into the low twentys there in d. C. 23 celsius or 22 for new york but look at this for a temperature contrast 23. 00 in chicago one celsius there in minneapolis and its going to be the cold air that wins out just 9 celsius there for chicago as we go on through a way to stay wetter weather blustery conditions making its way away from the eastern seaboard some heavy downpours possibility of some localized flooding and you can see have a well. Runs right down towards the southeast of the u. S. Down towards florida where of course we have Tropical Storm 8 and now this has been with us for a good way come off to sunday shining up on a system here and there we go as curly back is pushed through cuba across southern parts of florida now making its way into the gulf of mexico gradually pushing its way further north which as we go through wednesday and thursday come the weekend it will reach that the south coast around alabama. But. My name is not you castle i grew up jewish in america and i support the palestinian struggle against occupation when politics came past and when my mom saw me at a protest in chicago carrying a palestinian flag she told me i was no longer her son is it possible to be jewish im critical of zionism. I do palestinian solidarity work think its the most jewish thing i can do what about the treatment towards the palestinians and the occupation about it. Algis ian a correspondent. Ruth. Youre watching all deserve means a whole rama remind us of our top stories u. S. President elect joe biden has called Donald Trumps refusal to concede the president ial election an embarrassment but he says that nothing calls stop the transfer of power in january. Also celebrations of be taking place in azerbaijan after a deal was signed to end weeks of conflict over the course of the karabakh region armenia will have to hand over control of 3 districts to its eyrie forces prompting an angry reaction by protesters there. And protests are taking place across peru after martin for skaro was removed as president protesters forth with Police Outside congress in lima is current remains very popular despite the accusations of corruption that led to his impeachment. Now an investigation by the vatican has revealed that Pope John Paul the 2nd failed to stop the rise of a disgraced cardinal despite having knowledge of his Sexual Misconduct Theodore Mccarrick was allowed to rise through the Catholic Churchs ranks despite a long history of abuse allegations against adults and minors the report does not accuse the current pontiff pope francis of trying to protect the u. S. Cardinal to milan and is president of the Survivors Network of those abused by priests also known as the s. N. Pe joins me now live from tucson arizona via skype thanks for joining us mr landon on the program what wonders whether or can a 449 page report absolve the Catholic Church and its leaders of the sins carried out on innocent followers of the faith. Well i think one of the big takeaways of the report was that. It demonstrated that there was reports to the church going back to 1906 and factors of priests that went to Pope John Paul the 2nd in 1088 complaining of sexual abuse and the church did nothing the church settled 2 cases with 4 different summon ariens in 2006 and then somehow in 2017 it became a surprise that macquarie quiz a predator went to church and there are key knew all along do you find it a huge surprise all something that was sort of whispered that Pope John Paul the 2nd knew about this all the time all of these senior members of the catholic clergy knew and did nothing about it does it make you angry or is it something that youre sort of resigned to accepting. Well weve seen in the last 50 years if theres a consistent pattern of. Up within the catholic r. P. In fact the pennsylvania the state of pennsylvania did a grand jury report and in that report they said that the bishops in pennsylvania there was a dozen of them covered up sexual abuse and that the cover up extended to the to the vatican now this is nothing new is fires the church protecting national own and the problem with this is sexual abuse continues when they cover up and thats a problems many more people are harmed when there is no punishment and no accountability and then theres 400. 00 pages there is nothing about accountability theres nothing about punishment theres nothing about steps towards a future so we can distort of up put out this 400 page and somehow step by step forward but thats not enough but there needs to be accountability there needs to be some changes and the punk im a committee has the courage to do so and so far we havent seen him with any courage he the current pope is paid prezzies say you not see him have the courage to say anything else has he been a game changer in the way that the church if we can say in any shape will full has changed has admitted the problems that it faces and the problems the underlying issues that its been trying to hide for many as has it has he been a game changer in any shape all full. Not a game changer hes made some very very minor reforms but again his major reform and i cant pronounce of vo. Im sorry. His his program about the metropolitan is the church reports to the church in other words that people within the will. He can make a dramatic step right this minute and command every bishop and as a power to do so he can command every bishop to report all sexual abuse to Civil Society he has not done that here in the United States that is close to be the rule not always follow get that is the rule but it should be worldwide there should be. Ciro tolerance if theres a bishop to covers up they should be removed ok and theres several bishops that should be removed because of this report so misled and then let me put it see that you know it every so often every few months we globally tend to hear about another case of abuse by catholic priests i mean for example just for our audience around the world a major American Network in 2019 suggested that in 6 months of 29000 there were 2600 cases of abuse reported in the us and then you talk about responsibility about the church reporting to the church indeed countries such as ireland and australia its actually the governments that have had to take control of the scenario because the church wouldnt do it so how important is it now about sort of as you know the governments themselves that host the Catholic Church on their sovereign soil to deal with this if the church will not do it themselves. Well i totally agree and i do not rely on the church to either be transparent or honest or rely on Civil Society to do their job frankly we saw in our story or in the pennsylvania grand jury or in the reports on our learned that its Civil Society that holds a Church Carnival the only reason there is any kind of reforms is the church has been in the Church Hierarchy has been exposed that they have to do something and they make these minor reforms crittur insufficient and it has to be Civil Society that does the work and do their jobs but we should see what happens certainly for the moment tonight and thanks so much for joining us in tucson in arizona thank you thank you now the conflict in northern ethiopia is threatening to spill over the countrys borders and appears to be fueling a humanitarian crisis Prime Minister bama old at an offensive in te grey last week after accusing local forces that of attacking a military base well since then hundreds have been killed and around 3 and a half 1000 people have fled the t. Grey region from neighboring saddam mammadov from the company. Celebrations on the streets of the tiny town of. An ethiopian residents came to welcome federal forces with just a tick in the town to great fights as does show which is in them hotly jim was captured by 2 Ground Forces a week ago during fighting with troops only 3 of his north uncomment whose bases they are tucked as they were to about look at him as he took them on that day we could have a lot of gunfire the whole village panicked but thanks to the m have a Regional Special forces who were able to save a lot of the National Defense forces. If your peers federal government continued to claim more victories on tuesday with its Defense Forces saying they had seized the airport in to cry near the border with sudan and eritrea they also paraded some militiamen from the to cry Peoples Liberation front who they said had defected. From political trend because we must not go to wolf the post reasons we should be defending our National Unity to the young men a to gray should not go to war of a telephone and Internet Communications blackout integrate has made it difficult to verify the situation on the ground the African Union is the latest to join International Calls for an immediate cease fire and dialogue to a peaceful solution to a huge chairperson most of achim hamad appealed for an immediate cessation of hostilities and called on parties to respect human rights and assure the protection of civilians the government however is adamant that it wont talk until the opposition achieves its objectives of bringing the to great leadership to justice and confiscating or destroying artillery and other arms the group has its in possession what we know was they had some missiles which could go to 300 kilometers that means they could to strike. A marriage and they could also strike our followers they could strike. Thats easier it was in their brain so thats why the government asked us to destroy it. Hundreds of people have already been killed in the conflict thats been mostly causes treated in western to grey close to the border with sudan and eritrea according to diplomats a large number of refugees including troops are said to already crossed into sudan their fears this conflict could trigger a civil war in the most populous nation in the horn of africa to grant account for 6 percent of ethiopians but have dominated politics for 30 years before Prime Minister rule rejoined mr Prime Minister going reforms are that our attempt to bring about a unitary system of government which destroys the current federal one diplomats are now wanted the longer the conflict takes the more difficult it might be to bring back the gray region into ethiopians for the nation of regional states. The world is the area of the suburb. At least 6 people are being killed and dozens more wounded in the latest unrest in ivory coast more than 40 people have died in Election Related Violence in the past month since president allison what tara announced hed run for a 3rd controversial term now the un says the number of refugees who fled the country has doubled over 8000 a 1000000 people have been infected with corona virus across the United States in just 10 days hospital admissions are at record levels and at least 16 states there are now more than 10000000 confirmed cases of cave in 19 across the u. S. The country is by far the worst affected nation in the world reporting 239000. European nations continue to grapple with the 2nd wave of infections officials in italy are appealing for foreign doctors to fly in and help operate ventilators hospitals are now under strain in countries that largely escape a high caseload earlier this year like poland and sweden meanwhile new restrictions are being imposed in several cities including the russian capital moscow where bars and restaurants will close early and healthcare workers in romania say the government hasnt been supporting them properly during the pandemic workers in the Health Care System have protested saying that theyre exhausted after months on the front line the government had promised them additional Financial Aid but not everyone has received the money. You want your visit with me is a whole run a reminder of our top news stories u. S. President elect joe biden has called Donald Trumps refusal to concede the president ial election an embarrassment but biden says nothing will stop the transfer of power in january and thats despite the trumpet ministration reportedly refusing to assist the president elects Transition Team and blocking them from accessing vital resources meanwhile the u. S. Supreme court has begun hearing arguments in the case which could strip 20000000 people of medical insurance justices have already signaled that theyre unlikely to strike down all of the Affordable Care act a key piece of president obamas lead

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