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In Central America and the caribbean rushed to help those made homeless by Tropical Storm. Well the transitions are joe biden presidency in the United States is gathering pace with some decisions expected in the hours ahead the president elect is due to announce a task force to tackle what he says is his top priority the coronavirus pandemic on sunday biden visited a Church Cemetery where family members are buried including his late son donald trump spent the day playing golf inside washington and is refusing to concede defeat his campaign is planning legal challenges in states where hes disputing the counting of votes but World Leaders including israels Binyamin Netanyahu and saudi arabias mohamed bin salma. And have congratulated buys in on his victory former u. S. President s and republican george w. Bush also sent his well wishes well heres more of whats george w. Bush said in a note spill sit on instagram he thanks by is in for the patriotic message that he delivered on saturday nights as in that he also cold komla harris to congratulate her on her historic elections in the vice presidency he goes on though we have political differences i know joe biden to be a good man who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country and i offered him the same thing i offered president s trump and obama my prayers for his success and my pledge to help well another republican senator mitt romney believes trump will accept the results if his legal challenges fail but he cautioned trump on the language hes using i think one has to be careful in the choice of words i think i think would you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged but thats unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world and i think it also discourages confidence that our democratic process here at home and and with the battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom why i think i think its very important that we not use language which which can encourage. A course in history which would be very very unfortunate. Well rosalynn jordan is following developments from washington and joins us now ross what sort of things should we be looking out for today. Well and not just the fact that the president elect and the Vice President elect are going to be holding a meeting with their version of a corona virus taskforce in wilmington delaware but the current Vice President mike pence is also going to be having a closed door meeting with the existing code at 19 task force at the white house campus we also understand according to the Washington Post that the official in the trumpet ministration who is responsible for making it possible for the transition to actually begin that is release money to the Biden Harris Team so that it can start the work of trying to determine who needs to be hired for government posts running background checks and authorizing the f. B. I. To look into potential nominees for cabinet posts and subcabinet posts all of that logistical technical boring work actually has not been authorized even though the election has been called for Vice President joe biden and senator kamel harris so this is something that is raising considerable concern here in washington and theyre already efforts afoot to try to get more information from the General Services administration about why it has not signed off on the documents to authorize the funding and the access that the Incoming Administration will need in order to carry out this transition caviezel and jones and then live from washington d. C. Thank you very much indeed. Well the challenges facing joe biden are unprecedented in scale a pandemic the worst global recession the century and the Climate Crisis reynolds looks ahead. Once the celebrations by joe biden and kamel harriss supporters have faded the enormity of the task facing the president elect and his deputy looms ahead and im heartened over by the trust and confidence you placed in me. Biden has pointed to the covert 19 pandemic now rampaging virtually unchecked throughout the country as his most urgent priority our work to get rid getting covered under control by the time he takes the oath of office the situation may be far worse than it is now there are several months between now and when biden actually takes control if the Current Administration doesnt do an about face we will see much more misery much more unnecessary deaths Infectious Disease specialist say biden must work hard to convince the millions of people swayed by trumps rejection of science and math swearing to change their behavior needs to gather the right people around him. Which i know he will do he needs to get rid of those individuals who have been voicing nonscientific and unsound. Bad advice some things will be relatively easy for biden to accomplish by executive action rejoining the paris climate accords reinstating Environmental Protection rules bill limited under trump and reversing the socalled muslim ban but if the senate stays under republican control biden may be forced to compromise on vital matters like the size of an economic stimulus and relief legislation even more difficult to get through the senate will be bite. Plans to increase taxes on high earners extend Health Care Insurance to more americans and overhaul immigration laws we know one thing about president elect biden its somebody who has that instead of getting things done reaching across the aisle especially in a place like the senate and i think thats going to be exactly the set of attributes be so important to getting anything done at all its an old cliche to say after an election victory now comes the hard part but for joe biden and Campbell Harris the path ahead is this steep and as difficult as that of any Incoming Administration in u. S. History robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles well as biden looks ahead President Donald Trump and his lawyers arent admitting defeat heres some of the legal maneuvering theyre working on at the moment theyve requested recounts of votes in places like wisconsin one of the States Joe Biden flipped from republican to democratic and possibly georgia or buys in is naturally ahead theyre also filing various lawsuits in other battleground states such as pennsylvania nevada and arizona their main allegations are that mail and ballots which lean toward spies and have been subject to widespread frauds and that Republican Campaign observers werent given sufficient access to vote counting centers little or no evidence has been provided to support these claims. Or clarity of the United States political future has seen a surge on asian stock markets key indices in south korea japan hong kong and taiwan were all up when trading began on monday analysts say asian markets are optimistic about their Economic Future under a biden presidency but trumps refusal to concede threats of legal action remain a cause for uncertain say stephen inness chief Global Market strategist at x. C. A Global Institutional Financial Services company he joins us live by skype from bangkok good to have you with this here on the program we often say that markets dont like uncertainty but they seem to be doing both are well nigh how do you explain this. Yeah thats sort of a misnomer isnt really its amazing really because weve gone from this blue waves weve center of the market was embracing to now almost congressional gridlock but the market seems to like this over in asia the big impulse here is a deescalation of us and it thats just carrying the day were seeing a shoe shop and volatility in the region were seeing a strengthening of local currencies and this is just attracting a lot of money back into the asia and stocks quite a positive day all around whether this holds up in the midst of a global i mean well thats yet to be seen but so far things are so good today and how much so should we set by these markets and looking at how they move because if we take the pandemic as an example looking at the pandemic markets of booming and sets insects at a time when ordinary people are really struggling quite a myth a quite a bit so well set a metric would you say they are. Thats a very very good question because its really main street where the problems exist and eventually were going to have to pay the piper because this pandemic has just wrecked havoc throughout the world you know the short term Market Sentiment you know just a lie the fact that were just in a deep recession right now theres a lot of money being put into the system thank you to Central Banks that are allowing as said markets to continue to float higher but as i said eventually that paper needs to be paid what were seeing a bit today however i think is this unwinding of a lot of pages that are really placed for a more contentious election play out a low President Trump has suggested he could take some legal action market seems to be ignoring that even people in his own Advisory Committee are telling him to concede so you know whether hes going to continue to beating the chest pushing for the Supreme Court to look at these voting procedures im not sure well have to wait and see how that plays out but right now the market seems to be a sage by the fact that ok we have the biden presidency but we dont have a biden presidency thats going to have all those taxes and regulations attached to it because the senate still remains a republican affair and saving what should we believe looking forward to this market starts open across europe then heading over of course towards the United States. But i just has to see how the investors react remember were still in the midst of a cult lockdown in europe and were also seeing flash points emanate across the usa this is a problem i dont think investors really like that idea and i think theyre going to be a little bit reticent jumping on the bandwagon ultimately we have to cure the virus and this is going to be a problem Going Forward for risk assets in my view its a 2nd well as stephen n. S. That chief Global Market strategist actually great to get your analysis thank you so much for talking to us here on aljazeera thanks for having me. Still ahead so on al jazeera shown to the turkish economy the finance minister resigns as the nearest lights to record levels well have a live update from istanbul. As commune of virus cases surge across europe officials fear the continents 2nd wave could eclipse the 1st. Got more cloud and rain rolling into western parts of europe still very unsettled here but these areas of low pressure just drifting in from the atlantic and they got to spin some further cloud wet weather and its quite a keen breeze as well central pos as the place to be for the quiet weather we do still have the fog and frost problems so early on it is going to be on the chilly side but you get some afternoon sunshine coming through lifting temperatures in vienna to well its pretty paltry 6 degrees celsius but in light winds at one feel too bad theres that west of weather were looking at its how to increase in the shower there across spain and portugal into france into England Wales all and i ventured up into scotland eventually some of that wet weather just not going towards scandinavia as well as we go on through choose day rather more persistent rain garage making its way in towards oland by the state of the central areas not too bad but looking at an 8 in vienna that laci try showers there just around to bulgaria pushing over towards showers still in play there across that eastern side of the mediterranean want to show the showers running down across the north of egypt libya could see a few coastal showers as well before much of north africa central areas its slushy dry come down into the gulf of guinea into central parts thats where the seasonal showers continue pushing south. Frank assessments if American Public opinion is betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be good because if you believe that theyre horo similar to our democracy one obvious solution is to break them up informed opinions look at checkers dont go anywhere the protesters arent going anywhere either its a bullet with a revolution if you want to call indepth analysis of the days global headlines who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. This is al jazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour here as president elect joe biden has outlined his administrations 4 big priorities including the coronavirus pandemic he and the Vice President elect are pushing ahead with transition plans but donald trump is still refusing to concede defeat his team is preparing legal challenges to some of the kinds. Of the United States political future has seen a surge on asian stock markets in south korea japan hong kong and taiwan were all up when trading began on monday. Turkey has congratulated azerbaijans president says his forces have seized a key city in a disputed region as one of the most important cities in the corner where azerbaijan is fighting with armenia sonnabend reports live from baquba. They came out in their thousands. Capital quickly turned into a Big Street Party after the countrys president said the strategic city was once again and that their control. Dear brothers and sisters it is with great pride that i announce that the city of shusha has been liberated from occupation shusha is ours karabakh is ours the celebrations are not limited to the capital buckel people came out another 30 days after the much anticipated announcement. Shusha called shushi in armenia is the 2nd largest city in the disputed region the mountaintop town occupy the key location connecting with armenia the claims of victory were dismissed by the go in a car or Bus Administration i mean used Defense Ministry says heavy fighting continues and its not surprising to hear that now they are not accepting the elaborate. But as it has been stated by the head of the state. Even today. Behind the negotiations table and start political settlement. The important. Commitment on the withdrawal of all its forces from still. Being no let up in fighting this. Group. States in celebrations continued in the night. People also with. 6 tens of thousands of people from the city and have dreamed. This. War is. In the. Region. Turkeys finance minister says hes resigning Health Problems. Also the son in law president. Made the announcement on his Instagram Accounts the resignation comes 2 days after the Central Bank Governor was sacked turkeys currency has lost 30 percent of its value against the u. S. Dollar since the start of the year lets get more from shes live for us in istanbul and cinema all seems rather on a resignation. Health problems what can you tell us about this resignation. Well his thoughts Health Problems are unspecified howler and so far i have to say that he has also shut down his twitter account after posting this Resignation Letter on has officially Instagram Account but prisons are gone hasnt accepted or approved the resignation yet at least so far we havent heard from him accepting having accept that this request so yes the resignation came after the appointment of a new Central Bank Governor who is known to be a highly critic of policies which many circles not on the political source circles but also in rest there in restaurateurs believe that these policies were assertive thats why this image many say that the president donna pointed to the new central governor without the knowledge of the finance minister without informing him and this became an emotional issue and this is how reacted this is what we know about the resignation so far but of course there are many rumors but were waiting for president to Say Something to say that the resignation has been accepted and what is going to be the plan b. Is the next plan from now on but why is the significance in and what exactly is this resignation going to change in terms of the way turkeys economy gets back on its feet. Well hala for sure this resignation is going to be a game changer especially for president are gone and his ruling Party Decides to call on me because the pulls the surveys show that the support for the ruling party has been down to 33 percent which is where people accuse the bad Economic Management for this and its not only the opposition or the investors accusing the government for a bad economy management but its also some circles within the party and we have been hearing that a group of 4 to members were about to decided to resign and switch to other offshoot parties so just looking at today since the morning in the Early Morning tradings the turkish lira which lost 30 percent value against the american dollar has gained 1. 7 percent against the american dollar just within the early trading which is seen as an investor optimism in turkey right now so what is next for the finance minister but i. Dont because some circle say that don who may need takes his family as 1st he will not leave him out and he may appoint him as a Vice President as within the new president ial system the president has the right to appoint while to pull Vice President s but some say that finance minister is willing to take over the management of the ruling party which will not be welcomed by others but this is seen as opposed to news because many have accused the government for the ailing economy ok soon im consumed bring us the latest from istanbul thank you. Now the 2nd wave of the corona virus is pushing the pandemics epicenter back towards europe several countries have imposed various lockdowns fearing their hospitals could once again become overwhelmed that he and barbara reports from london. With covered 19 infections surging these are worrying times for hospital staff around europe here in france the death toll from the virus is now more than 40000 at this private hospital in the city of santa t. N. They have prepared for a 2nd wave but theyre still nervous on that you know weve managed to order equipment weve recruited some stuff which is very important in terms of organization and things are going better at the moment but it is nevertheless more stressful because we know that we are going to reach a level that we didnt reach during the past wave. Front is currently a week into one of europes tightest lock downs and police have been stepping up checks on the roads people can only venture one kilometer from where they live thats unless they have a permit to travel for work that can be done from home family obligations or medical visits greece has become the latest european country to enter lockdown for the next 3 weeks people can only leave home if they make a request via mobile phone and get approval nonessential shops have to close in the middle of the other month i believe people understand the urgency of the moment and will respond to the situation from the very 1st day they have been moving around the city i hope this will continue britain has imposed a ban all non u. K. Citizens coming from denmark because of concerns over a new corona virus strain linked to make mutations of the virus that causes the covered 19 disease have been detected in more than 200 people in denmark most cases were connected to mink farms in the countrys north shore thora tes have ordered the cull of all mink thought to number around 70000000. In like in neighboring germany thousands of people demonstrated over the weekend against the current 4 week partial lockdown. Its aimed at fighting a rise in infections some protesters ignored in order to disperse scuffling with police and attacking journalists a reminder of the challenges much of europe faces as it tries to avoid reaching the death tolls back in the spring the dean barber al jazeera. The us has reported 4 Straight Days of new corona virus infection records on saturday more than 126000 cases and approach 1000 deaths were reported at least 230000 people are known to have died with covert 19 in the us its total infection count is nearing 10000000. Argentinians have been protesting against the governments handling of the pandemic at least 33000 people have died with covert 1000 in argentina and there was a demonstration in one of sirees. Was one of the longest lockdowns in the world this ones been going on here in argentina since march its often difficult to gauge peoples feelings but when it comes to demonstrations like this monthly protests in one of cyrus and in towns and cities across the country you get some idea of peoples anger their feeling about the way the government is handling the coverage 19 crisis theyre also protesting against plans to introduce vaccinations there about rising crime about corruption in the government they say this present government and the government before last of Cristina Fernandez the kitchen so a whole bunch of frustration i got of anger which is uniting these people and these monthly protests that are growing by the. Zapata level were angry because this is the end of the republic this government is walking all over our Democratic Institutions the Justice System seems to favor these delinquents. Argentina is living through difficult times the messages from president fernandez are only dividing origen times we are on the streets to say weve had enough of this government. A few weeks ago we had a progovernment demonstration in exactly this spot similar numbers of people which gave us some idea of the polarized nation in argentina as the summer months approaches the days get hotter and the frustration that people feel against the lingering called it 90 pandemic. If you piers Prime Minister has sacked his army chief and 2 others at the top of his government is casualties moments from conflicts in the north the foreign minister the heads of intelligence and the armys Top Commander were removed 5 days ago ill be ordered some military operation against separatists in the Northern Region of tikrit. Security forces in ivory coast are cracking down on dissenters following the violence triggered by president s other son watters 3rd term more than a dozen opposition leaders have been arrested and charged with terrorism aljazeera travelled see the opposition stronghold of to meet some of them. At 51 years old. Is passing through the most traumatic period of our life. By ourselves but he still in the mall 3 weeks after she says Security Forces shot and killed him. And. Ive nothing to live for now he was my support and my hope now hes gone stepping out of the house is equally hard i dont know how to react if i meet his friends how only child. Was killed during a protest in ivory coast opposition stronghold of the border. But his father cant say whether the 17 year old was part of the demonstration. When i heard about the shooting i went to the gendarmerie barrack from where the corpse of my son was taken to the city morgue no one told me how my son was killed. Only the opposition supporters accuse Security Forces of using Excessive Force against them while they look away when government supporters are out on the streets and allegation the police deny. At least 35. 00 protesters have been killed in violence or Security Forces in the run up to and after the october 31 president ial election. This deeply divided country is yet to find closure for the postelection violence that killed 3000 people between 2012011 many ivorians fear the recent and resolved killings are responsible for the climate of fear and uncertainty in the country the government has promised justice for the victims but blames the oppositions calls for civil disobedience and attempt to set up a little government thats the opposition for its part says its the president s 1st time in office but was the cause of the violence and only his departure can result. As a government in opposition continue to pass on the blame for victims and their families are waiting for accountability distraught. Says she has little faith but a family will ever get justice. What justice i leave justice in the hands of he will exact my revenge. Security forces still maintain strong presence around the homes of opposition figures in the konami capital abidjan many have been arrested and others on the run its hard to say if the continuing crackdown news enough to take the steam out of the months long opposition protest and prevent more deaths and i get. Aljazeera. A strengthening Tropical Storm or has made landfall on the florida keys days after leaving dozens dead in mexico and Central America rescuers in guatemala find more bodies after landslides triggered by the storm it had devastated areas in some of the countrys most remote smiles in its regions 60000 people have been forced to leave their homes. When they bring honduras return has displaced around 1000000 people the storm has damaged thousands of homes forcing many people to take cover in shelters. And all of them were like wow we need help because were left on the street everything is flooded people are asking to be taken out of their houses because they were trapped. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories u. S. President elect joe biden has outlined his

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