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Voiced their anger at the government over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Us president elect joe biden is moving forward with transition plans as the congratulations at home and abroad continue to come in on sunday he visited a Church Cemetery where family members are buried including his late son this week hell meet with his advisors to build a plan for combating coronavirus in the u. S. And reviving the economy donald trump meanwhile golfing outside of washington there is is refusing to concede defeat tweeting about legal challenges and vote recounts final tallies are still being done in several states said he insists without evidence that the election was fraudulent fellow Republican Former president george w. Bush says the vote was fair and its outcome was clear and sent his congratulations to Biden Mike Hanna has more on bidens plans to tackle covert 19 when he takes over at the oval office. They have been preparing for this for months particularly with regard to the pandemic which joe biden continually describes as his absolute priority and he is getting working already in the next 24 hours hell be naming a corona virus taskforce that he will be sitting up he has been advised by various experts for a long period of time and among them ron klain who was the at both the czar and barack obama but we understand as well that this task force is going to be headed by big murphy whos a former Surgeon General appointed by obama and then fired by donald trump in 2018 as well as a former commissioner of the food and Drug Administration David Kessler so this is really a heavyweight team that will be advising biden and which will form part of his Coronavirus Task force as he and his. Vice president elect come harris go forward but biden has made very clear through his campaign and hes made very clear since he was spoke as president elect that he believes that the way to combat the pen did make is to follow the science heres more of former u. S. President george w. Bushs note of congratulations which he posted on instagram he thanked biden for the patriotic message that he delivered on saturday nice adding that hed also called kamel harris to congratulate her on her historic election to the vice presidency it goes on though we have political differences i know joe biden to be a good man who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country and i offered him the same thing i offered president s trump and obama my prayers for his success and my pledge to help another republican senator mitt romney believes trump will accept the result if his legal challenges fail but he cautioned trump on the language shes using. I think one has to be careful in the choice of words i think they would you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged but thats unfortunately rather rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world and i think it also discourages confidence that our democratic process here at home and and with the battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom why i think i think its very important that we not use language which which can encourage. A course in history which would be very very unfortunate has our White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat on trumps options in the coming weeks. The legal challenges will continue in fact the u. S. President wants to remind it was tweeting today that joe biden while claiming victory is the projected winner by and number of Media Outlets on twitter he said when does the lame stream media as he calls it call who our next president will be so until that vote is official and certified in mid december the Truck Campaign believes it has a window of opportunity so it is continuing to receive funds soliciting funds in order to finance these legal challenges that are taking place across many states. The u. S. Has seen its 4th straight day of a Record Number in corona virus infections something biden says is a priority for his new administration on this and other policies hes been sharing americans that hell make a shot break the ones and exits the President Trump that could prove difficult if theres another divided congress accredits takes a look. Once the celebrations by joe biden and kumble harriss supporters have faded the enormity of the task facing the president elect and his deputy looms ahead and im heartened over quite a trust and confidence you placed in me. Biden has pointed to the covert 1000000000 teen pandemic now rampaging virtually unchecked throughout the country is his most urgent priority our work to get through getting covert under control by the time he takes the oath of office the situation may be far worse than it is now there are several months between now and when. Actually takes control if the Current Administration doesnt do an about face we will see much more misery much more unnecessary deaths Infectious Disease specialist say biden must work hard to convince the millions of people swayed by trumps rejection of science and math swearing to change their behavior needs to gather the right people around. Him. Which i know he will do he needs to get rid of those individuals who have been voicing nonscientific and unsound. Bad advice some things will be relatively easy for biden to accomplish by executive action rejoining the paris climate accords reinstating Environmental Protection rules eliminated under trump and reversing the socalled muslim ban but if the senate stays under republican control biden may be forced to compromise on vital matters like the size of an economic stimulus and relief legislation even more difficult to get through the senate will be bidens plans to increase taxes on high earners extend Health Care Insurance to more americans and overhaul immigration laws we know one thing about president elect biden its that hes somebody who has that instead of getting things done reaching across the aisle especially in a place like the senate and i think thats going to be exactly the set of attributes be so important to getting anything done at all its an old cliche to say after an election victory now comes the hard part but for joe biden and Campbell Harris the path ahead is as steep and as difficult as that of any Incoming Administration in u. S. History rob reynolds al jazeera los angeles. John there is a democratic strategist and a former Communications Director at the Democratic National committee who joins us on skype from washington d. C. Thank you time thats tonight and they know that legal challenges from team trump is this something that joe biden needs to be so keeping an eye out for and i dont mean about changing the result necessarily im talking more about the messaging thats coming from donald trump which is being taken out really wholeheartedly by his supporters. I think the message from the biden sample long has been to trust the process the counting took a lot of days and nobody rushed it from from biden camp it was always were going to be fine lets wait and get all the you know and everybody can be confident about the process and think hell be rushing any of the. Process either so far team is there or can in postelection work and theres really been no evidence that would just as there was any hope of anything else going any further than that so this really does seem like that didnt trump is doing what hes done for 4 years which is to explain without evidence that the world is going his way this time its very clear that in fact when you different right thats well and good but i mean more than joe biden need to Pay Attention to pat to even address the fact that so many support is listening to what donald trump is saying on this thing to his concerns agreeing with him you know i mean theres 117000000 people who voted for him this joe biden to address those peoples concerns. Absolutely and he prioritized out last night i think saying very much that he was going to be a president for all americans saying that he was going to be reaching out across the aisle and what we are not a word from this new well really elected president of opposition to any of the people at least in been in fierce political combat with for months now most of very much striking and newtown a lot of healing at her country thats her President Trump speaking from behind the fence of what in the last 4 years it was it was a total of the rate from what weve been used you know just a completely different tone to completely different kind of person and all across the spectrum yet or. President some supporters are working their way through their stages of grief but this is a new situation we find ourselves in and there is great relief for those who are not big fans of president from minnows who are his supporters see him in it being very subdued buried get hes going through the motions of protesting the vote but hes quieter hes not saddam and here you can see but the reality is setting in even for him i guess the challenge will bay for joe biden when it does go through the courts and how he responds to that but i want to talk we had just before from from mitt romney who has cautioned ok im to the president saying one has to be careful in the choice of words talking about the election being corrupt or stolen mitt romney saying that the language could encourage a course in history which would be very unfortunate what exactly that hes trying to say here and do you think well see more republicans to not only distancing themselves from President Trump. I mean there there was a lot of talk and not just talk there were surveys that showed that Many Americans werent themselves advocating for violence should their side lose this election but there was an expectation that somebody else other americans were going to do something that was not in keeping with their democratic tradition thats for sure and so were just were weve been very much on edge here and i think that were beginning to cautiously look beyond that and to think that we really may be in a to do a different place but youre right there are tens of millions of americans for whom theyve just seen a different reality than the rest of us have for a long time if you if you want to get your news from box news and a whole host a whole ecosystem of the conservative outlets you just dont see the same reality that other americans do answer bridging that divide its going to take a lot of time. Ok we really appreciate your time at think that john a democratic strategist. Stepped up there on al jazeera as coronavirus case decided to cross here at officials for the continent 2nd wife could eclipse the fast. And the crown jewel of perus the tourist sites reopened some demanding 8 months of closure. Hello we have a massive temperature contrast in the weather across north america the moment big area of cloud across the northern place pushing up across the prairie is canadian for i was to sliding out of the Pacific Northwest thats going to sink its way further south with over towards the east plenty of heat blowing out of washington d. C. For example 22. 00 celsius but theres that cold air Washington State temperatures near 8 degrees celsius and we are subzero across the border there in calgary so were going to see that coag gradually awaiting its way out so well lose the heat across the central parts at least and behind that cooler looking a fabulous snow even through the rockies through the canadian prairies once again central areas scotchwoman its hoba and some wintry weather to just around the iraqis there plenty of fat some wet so whether theyre moving towards the midwest and then look at changes to slide its way down across the Central Plains we will hang on to the heat and they say in new york temperatures getting up into the low twentys he said not too bad a toll further south of course all eyes on the hurrican 8 and is now Tropical Storm asia continues to bring some very heavy rain across cuba itll punch this way up towards the florida keys and gradually make its way into the gulf of mexico. But. I round the world powerful entities are working to manipulate and influence us trolls this taking out the rhythms that it developed in designed to push content that says click me every click we make is a value just sold for one and into a 5 part series i did raise in mexico examining how propaganda and proper shape content will be algorithm on the jersey. The earth the the you. Know what you are just there a reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President elect joe biden has outlined his administrations 4 big priorities curbing the coronavirus pandemic he and Vice President elect pushing ahead with transition plans. Donald trump is still refusing to concede defeat his team is preparing legal challenges to some of the counts. Republican and former president s george w. Bush that is the vote was fair and its outcome clear said his congratulations to biden. As we mentioned earlier International Reaction to bidens wind keeps coming in saudi arabias king saul modern crown Prince Mohammed bin someone have joined World Leaders congratulating biden and carmel howard as they were among the the last among the this to do so ties between riyadh and washington have been exceptionally close under trump who chose riyadh as this 1st overseas destination as president. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas could sit here with biden and 2016 says he looks forward to working with the new administration has refused to deal with the white house since trumps decision to recognize drucilla as the israeli capital and move the u. S. Embassy there. And israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his message to biden also paid tribute to donald trump. For myself and for all citizens of the state of israel i again thank President Trump for the great friendship and shown to the state of israel and to me personally i congratulate him for recognizing jerusalem and the golan for standing up to run for the historic peace accords and for bringing the American Israeli Alliance to unprecedented heights so thank you President Trump how false it is in west jerusalem he says netanyahu now has a delicate balancing act after getting so close to trump. He has to try and find a way to define himself a new not just to the new president of the United States next year but also to his own electorate because he has branded himself here as the one israeli statesman who couldve secured the kind of concessions that hes got from the United States from his incredibly friendly relationship with donald trump and hes had some criticism for that for splintering bipartisanship in the United States between republicans and democrats when it comes to israel as well as a lot of credit as well 70 percent or so of his readies when polled said that they would see a donald Trump Presidency continuing as being best for israel as far as the palestinians are concerned well this really does put it in deep question if not totally dispensing with the idea of the trump peace plan and any imminent at least u. S. Approved israeli an extension of the occupied west bank so there are many palestinian leadership figures who are very relieved and expressing that relief publicly. And the head of the World Health Organization has tweeted saying that he and his colleagues that forward to working with the president elects pledge to rejoin the w. H. O. On a 1st day in office he went on to say that crises like the pandemic show the importance of global fala darity in protecting lives and livelihoods together. The u. S. Is seen 4 Straight Days of new corona virus infection records more than 126000 cases and about 1000 death were reported on saturday at least 230000 people are known to have died from car that 19 in the u. S. Its total infection count is nearing 10000000. But as jack said advise the voting registration web site vote dot org on the Coronavirus Response she supports bidens plan to set up a task force as soon as possible. I think theres a lot that commute done in reading the field and in assuring americans across the country that there isnt fact a way to combat the virus and action that can be taken immediately to move us forward things that should have been done in march and i think you know the 1st step of getting this Tax Task Force announced an up and running is an Excellent Way to demonstrate that to give people faith that when their local leaders ask them to do things theres value in those actions and help move forward through the next few months before president elect biden is able to take office and begin instituting a National Plan states were seeing spikes all over europe and concerns in the rest of the world but again i think the power of showing leadership of working with local officials who have been doing the work and ensuring that local communities are able to do what they can to fight back is is the path forward and again i think theres something to be said for political pressure that there is a president elect there is a path to new leadership and there is the ability with that new platform to begin to constrain some of the more problematic things that weve seen how leadership has managed this crisis over the past that of months i think that it does matter but i dont want to understate the severity of the situation. The 2nd wave of koran a virus is pushing the pandemics global epicenter back towards europe and several countries have imposed various lockdowns ferring their hospitals could once again become of wild and evolve of reports from london. Weve covered 19 infection serging these are worrying times for hospital staff around europe here in france the death toll from the virus is now more than 40000 at this private hospital in the city of santa t. N. They have prepared for a 2nd wave but theyre still nervous on that. Weve managed to order equipment weve recruited some stuff which is very important in terms of organization and things are going better at the moment but it is nevertheless more stressful because we know that we are going to reach a level that we didnt reach during the past wave. France is currently a week into one of europes tightest lock downs and police have been stepping up checks on the roads people can only venture one kilometer from where they live thats unless they have a permit to travel for work that cant be done from home family obligations or medical visits greece has become the latest european country to enter lockdown for the next 3 weeks people can only leave home if they make a request via mobile phone and get approval nonessential shops have to close the move will be under 100 i believe people understand the urgency of the moment and will respond to the situation from the very 1st day they have been moving around the city i hope this will continue britain has imposed a ban all non u. K. Citizens coming from denmark because of concerns over a new coronavirus strain linked to main mutations of the virus that causes the covered 19 disease have been detected in more than 200 people in denmark most cases were connected to mink farms in the countrys north shore thora teas have ordered the cull of all mink thought to number around 70000000. In like in neighboring germany thousands of people demonstrated over the weekend against the current 4 week partial lockdown its aimed at fighting a rise in infections some protesters ignored in order to disperse scuffling with police and attacking journalists a reminder of the challenges much of europe faces as it tries to avoid reaching the death tolls seen back in the spring nadine barber al jazeera. In argentina people angry with their governments handling of the pandemic have been protesting what 33000 people have died or was that a demonstration and this. Was one of the longest lockdowns in the world this one has been going on here in argentina since march its often difficult to gauge peoples feelings but when it comes to demonstrations like this monthly protests in one of cyrus and in towns and cities across the country you get some idea of peoples anger their feeling about the way the government is handling the culture. 19 crisis theyre also protesting against plans to introduce vaccinations there about rising crime about corruption in the government they say this present government and the government before last of Cristina Fernandez the kitchen so a whole bunch of frustration. Which is uniting these people these monthly protests that are growing by the. Who are problematic were angry because this is the end of the republic this government is walking all over our Democratic Institutions the Justice System seems to favor these delinquents. Argentina is living through difficult times the messages from president fernandez are only dividing origin times we are on the streets to say weve had enough of this government. A few weeks ago we had a progovernment demonstration in exactly this sport similar numbers of people which gave us some idea of the polarized nation in argentina as the summer months approaches the days get hotter and the frustration that people feel against the lingering cold it 19 pandemic. Riot police in georgia have used water cannon to Disperse Protesters in tbilisi as they rallied against the results of octobers parliamentary election thousands of demonstrators demanded a step vote after the opposition accuse the ruling party of rigging the election the Georgian Dream party received nearly 50 percent of the ballots its held a Strong Majority in parliament 80 is its popularity has dwindled steadily among amid rather economic problems. Turkey has congratulated azerbaijans president too says his forces have seized a key city in a disputed region. Is one of the most important cities in a corner kind of awkward as a by john is fighting with a media. Some of the reports from. Fish they came in their thousands. Quickly turned into a Big Street Party after the countrys president said the strategic city of who was once again under their control. Dear brothers and sisters it is with great pride that the city of fuchsia has been liberated from occupation is ours. Is ours. Limited to the. People came out of the much anticipated announcement. In armenia is the 2nd largest city in the disputed region the mountain occupies a key location. With armenia the claims of victory were dismissed by the going to Administration Defense Ministry Says heavy fighting continues and its not surprising to hear that no they are not accepting a liberation. Army but as it has been stated by the head of the state. Even today just to sit behind the negotiations table and start political settlement but for these the important. Makes a commitment on the withdrawal of all its forces from. Both sides accuse each other of killing civilians in indiscriminate attacks no letup in fighting despite several cease fire agreements brokered by the minsk group which include russia france and the United States. Celebrations continued in the night restrictions such people also wave turkish and pakistani flags to thank to of azerbaijan. In 1902 tens of thousands of people have been displaced from the city and have dreamed of returning home. The city of which they see the country top of the. Most of the war is over but theyre hoping that this is. The closer to victory in the whole disputed region. Rescuers in guatemala have found more bodies dumped in landslides triggered by Tropical Storm ada the death toll stands at 27. 00 but at least 100. 00 others are still missing and feared dead devastated areas in some of the countrys most remote mountainous regions authorities are using helicopters to reach areas where road access has been cut off. After a year in exile bolivias former president evo morales is on his way home 61 year old was greeted by supporters of an Argentine Air force on sunday he plans to fly into a border town and then drive into bolivia but i believe the last november made violent protests and accusations of electoral fraud. Handfuls of tourists visit is trickling back into much of picchu of the heritage site finally reopened cruise government made it off limits in march due to the coronavirus pandemic shall ballast its. Much of picchu is not like any other place in the world as global covered 1000 cases surge and lockdowns cascade into effect its in can ruins have reopened. Damage a big tournament but the 1st to enter much of peter really is a thrill all i can tell all peruvians and all the world is to come we have all the security measures it is very safe to be here and you will be well received. The unesco World Heritage site is closed in march because of coronavirus restrictions it officially reopened to this week but with Health Checks and capacity limited to 30 percent or 680. 00 terrorists a day the 1st visit was just the yama in october the japanese tourist received a special exemption to into early after waiting for 7 months in a nearby town much you picchu sits 2400 meters above sea level with a proven andes meet the amazon basin archaeologists believe it was built in the 15th century as a century front in can empower it remains one of the most significant portals into inconsiderate eyes ation as perus top tourist attraction the local economy relies on the travel as it draws especially foreigners its closure affected nearly a quarter of a 1000000 workers shopkeepers in nearby cusco say they lost more than 2 thirds of their income and yet it has been super terrible because there were no tourists you can only see resident tourists who live here who live nearby and nothing else. Peru is closing in on 1000000. 00 cases of covert 19 with nearly 35000. 00 deaths for a country of 32000000. 00 people thats the highest per capita mortality rate in the world but cases are now decreasing and restrictions easing your. Calls its been quite complicated for all of us who work in tourism the city basically lives off it and its been a. Many shops are closed many people lost their jobs now the gates have reopened proving once a hopeful price a day or heat shell of dallas aljazeera. With the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President elect joe biden has outlined his administrations priorities including the coronavirus pandemic he and Vice President elect are pushing ahead with transition plans but it has named to members of a covert 19 working group hes expected to announce the others on monday for a 4th day u. S. Reported a Record Number of infections. President donald trump is still refusing to concede defeat

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