Given al this is a live from doha also coming up. The news of bidens when brought supporters out to celebration cities across the u. S. And outside the white house. But donald trump and his supporters to follow the president is showing no sign of conceding as he prepares to challenge a ballot cults in several states. That hasnt stopped leaders from around the world applauded joe biden treating many who have had a rocky relationship with trump. Joe biden has declared victory in the u. S. Elections earlier he and his running mate carla harris addressed the nation from his home state of delaware he spoke of uniting a country that has seen deep divisions the pandemic and racial unrest often dominating the headlines. The people of this nation have spoken. Theyve delivered us a clear victory a convincing victory a victory for good for we the people weve won with the most votes ever cast of president ial ticket in the history of the nation 74 marrying in the law but i must admit a surprised me tonight were seeing all over this nation all cities in all parts of the country indeed across the world an outpouring of joy of renewed faith in tomorrow bring a better day i i am humbled by the trust and confidence you placed in me. I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Weve done to seize red states and blue states only seize the United States are our ha Vice President elect come in the house is also making history shes the fast woman and 1st person of color to hold the job she spoke to the crowd about the president and she thinking. And what a testament it is to joes character that he had the audacity to break one of the most substantial barriers that exists in our country and select a woman as his vice. But while i may be the 1st woman in this office i will not be the last of the mike hanna joins us now live from delaware might if we look to find the headline if you like in joe biden speeches seems ready to be one of a compromise of wanting to Work Together of healing divisions. Very much so its been a seam of joe bidens campaign and its been a theme of everything you said since the polls close the need for this country to come together after a bruising and Vitriolic Campaign and 4 years of deep division among the people of the United States and for the 1st time you address to President Trump directly reaching out to him and saying lets give each other a chance he said lower the temperature stop treating your opponents like enemies but above all he said we have been called on to marshal the forces of decency bringing decency back into the political debate within the United States all of these are very important elements for joe biden as he and commoner heris look together to governing a country a country that has been so bitterly divided that is falling apart in this partisan struggle its going to be a very tough hurdle for him to overcome to attempt to bring the people together again and Mike Joe Biden is already talking about naming scientific advises and experts to lead the Coronavirus Response tell us more about what he had to say well thats an absolute priority he made that clear in the speech that the 1st issue that he and is Vice President elect have to confront is the pandemic that has claimed so many lives within the United States and which at times appears to have run completely out of control and which continues to peak as the country moves in to the winter in states across the United States biden making very clear that he and Camilla Harris are working now they are setting up programs now 5 in order to be in place to hit the ground running when he starts governing on general of the 20th this is what he said about the pandemic. Our work began to Getting Program under control we can only purge the economy restore our vitality a religious life most precious moments are going our grandchildren our children our birthdays weddings graduations all the moments that matter most to us until we get it under control on monday i will name a group of leading scientists and experts as transition advisors. To help take the bright hairs colored plan and convert it into an actual blueprint that will start on january the 20th or 2021. Its going to be one of the most dramatic changes of administration in memory biden making very clear that theres a lot that hes going to roll back hes going to end the process of leaving the World Health Organization is going to rejoin the paris Climate Conference all of these issues taken away by his who will become his previous president trumbo so rolling back those environmental restrictions which President Trump removed obama era. Climate type environmental rules so certainly this is going to be a major change for joe biden and coming to harris coming into a new administration beginning a whole set of new policies come january the 20th thank you so much for that mike hanna live from joe bidens home state of delaware where President Trump was playing golf when mr biden was declared the winner of the election and he has not conceded the ranks in a statement he said we all know why i joined biden is rushing to falsely pose as a winner and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him they dont want the truth to be exposed beginning monday our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws a fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. I watch house correspondent can we hope it has more now from washington d. C. So Many Americans who didnt vote for donald trump are saying why does he just concede you have to remember when 74000000 people vote for joe biden but just more than 70000000. 00 vote for donald trump and he promised to be their champion in their fight or they expect to see that so if he were just suddenly just give up when he thinks theres been some sort of irregularity that would not be delivering on that promise so donald trump is moving forward because he promised to do so but eventually that will come to a natural end so well have to see what happens i think the other thing we should really remind our viewers is you can probably hear the party behind me there is this when we talk 274270 1000000 voters the millions of voters generally live in urban centers and those that support donald trump live outside and the reason they like donald trump is because they felt they didnt have a voice in urban centers particularly this one washington d. C. And so they want to make sure their voices are still heard even if their candidate ultimately does not win this election Josh Blackman is a constitutional law professor at some pix this college of law he joins us now from houston thank you for your time mr blackman how will these legal bids by 7 donald trump and his team actually work whats the process going through and sort of different courts and how long it might take the lawsuits trying to argue that some probably cast perhaps it was not militant in the right deadline perhaps the person didnt sign the right form perhaps 1st made an error on the ballot would be discarded at bottom to try to knock out certain i dont want to say were consistently with the law. Ok for this result to be over 10 and even after this you get in several states right and when in those states what are the chances of that actually happening. Very low this sort of litigation works when theres a very thin very small margin of victory maybe a few 100 or a few 1000 votes at this point President Trump is behind by tens of thousands of votes in 4 or 5 different states but in how you count its very unlikely that this litigation can lead to enough change votes to flip the outcome of the election but what if its still in the courts by the time the Electoral College meets and in mid december what happens then. I think this lesion will drop to a close very very quickly the courts voting will dismiss them the appeals will run out and if its not even close i think its from parole just take a pass and james not for us to decide this has no actual bearing about the election i think all of this will be over the next few weeks when the Electoral College meets in mid december this litigation should be final it would be incredible if it transpired this way but lets just game this out what if donald trump refused to leave the white house it doesnt really matter. This is the sort of persistent fear a fantasy been clear asking january 20th that chief Justice John Roberts will swear in joe biden to become president and president of the out of town ill give you an anecdote in 1900 john adams lost the election to Thomas Jefferson they were huge rivals and john adams he did jeff in so much he actually left washington d. C. In the middle of the night to skip the dog aeration so he left in the dark of night i think biden will need to sit still im sorry try to make a similar exit at some point before a general point runs out. It seems theres a lot of different issues being taken as well i mean absentee ballots that the counting process signatures it seems like trying to sort of just throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks what whats your take i think the purpose of the sort of gave him is not necessarily to win but to create a sense of doubt of uncertainty for as long as possible hoping that Something Else happens you know maybe theres some allegation were 100000 ballots were dumped in a dumpster in michigan somewhere right there some massive allegation of fraud which you know if theres evidence bring it forward so keeping things settle this is why the president was so upset that some of the Networks Call arizona for. Providing really are because they put biden closer to the magic number of 270 electoral votes this litigation designed to show its not going to win its going to go through the process and even if he succeeds unlikely would be succeeded by him and so we the president what about getting the supporters of donald trump on side and i dont just made getting them behind joe biden i mean you know so many people are listening to donald trump when hes saying there is this voter forward when hes saying this needs to go through the courts what about all of those people who support him in that and want to see it go through the courts i mean that is an important thing that we must keep in mind here i. Right you know i heard you put a moment ago biden said that he received more votes than any other candidate merican history but 74000000 thats true trump received 71000000 right so i know people dont like donald trump maybe your audience particularly but theres a significant chunk of americans who like him and voted for him despite everything thats happened the last 4 years perhaps because everything has happened last 4 years and a lot of them but firmly believe that this election was a scam and that they were they were ripped off so what i would like to see is if theres evidence of massive widespread voter fraud bring it forward of the courts consider the evidence and say this is not substantial its not real that that point the people i think want to move on with their lives and say ok those election we had 71000000 votes of this i had 74000000 votes and in 5 states were very close margins we just didnt cut it try again in 4 years now i think thats the the posture what people should take when they take it i cant tell you i guess if bidens dream of unity is to be achieved though those people and their concerns also have to be addressed right thanks so much for time we have to leave it there when a constitutional law professor at south Texas College of law. Thank you so much. Still to come here on aljazeera will have all of the rest of the days news but maybe it gets ready for a new president a former bank look at the challenges he faces. Prominent opposition politicians in ivory coast are arrested suggesting software controversial election. Signs is some unsettled weather coming in across the middle east over the next couple days we see some showers recently around the levant some wet weather pushing across turkey will see some wet weather there between the black sea and the caspian sea just around the coaxes armenia azerbaijan julia seeing some showers long spells of rain and thats all sinking a little further south with so well see some wetter weather stretched across syria lebanon jordan israel in the palestinian territories in with a chance of seeing some of that wetter weather little more clout there just sliding its way to northern parts of saudi arabia that could well produce some showers along spells of rain as we go through monday but south of that is fine and dry there does hot temperatures a very pleasant 30 degrees celsius lot whence for the pretty good as we go through the next couple days just notice one or 2 showers just around that western side of yemen chances some showers to into a somali just around the whole of africa as we go through the next few days youve got the wind coming in from a general northeasterly direction driving the west the weather into the southern half of the somalia chance of some showers there into kenya maybe into towns in there as well and these showers if anything just peping up a touch as we go on through monday and of course a sado rain strips right across to the gulf of guinea. My name is Matthew Chance and i grew up jewish in america and i support the palestinian struggle against occupation when politics came past my mom saw me at a protest card carrying a palestinian flag she told me i was no longer her son is it possible to be jewish im critical of zionism. I do palestinian solidarity work think its the most jewish thing i can do what about the treatment towards the palestinians and the occupation of Gaza Aljazeera correspondent. There watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour joe biden has celebrated his election to the u. S. Presidency with a speech to the country he spoke of you know is he a nation that has seen deep divisions racial unrest often dominating the headlines they also point to experts next week to help them tackle the pandemic once he takes joe. Bidens running mate and Vice President elect called the house is also making history shes the 1st woman and 1st person of color to hold the job. As president trying meanwhile is continuing to make unsubstantiated claims about voter fraud or so his campaign has delved to mount more legal challenges so far he has not conceded race to joe biden and his golfing in the election result was announced. He is from around the world have been sending their congratulations to joe biden will start in europe german chancellor Angela Merkel issued a statement saying she looks forward to future cooperation with President Biden and that the transatlantic friendship between the u. S. And germany is. Replaceable if we are to master the great challenges of our time the emir of qatar which hosts the largest u. S. Military base in the middle east tweeted about how he looks forward to working together to continue strengthening the friendship between the 2 countries irans Supreme Leader meanwhile took a sharply different tone mocking the state of u. S. Politics and calling the elections a spectacle and an example of what he called the ugly ugly face of liberal democracy in the us and the political civil and moral decline of the us regime. One major player on the global stage who has not yet commented is chinas leader xi jinping katrina use in shanghai with more on what to expect with china u. S. Ties when biden takes charge. We may not hear from them until we have an official election result from the u. S. In joe bidens favor but certainly there will be many people in beijing who are breathing some sign of relief the past 4 years of the tremendous ration have been really tough on the Chinese Government weve had the initiation of the trade war and those tariffs that just had those very tough Technology Restrictions that have put a lot of pressure on the chinese economy and of course this year especially weve had attack after attack from the german ministration on everything from carpet 19 to the treatment we use in shin giant hole holes National Security law and all of this has really brought the u. S. China relationship to the lowest point that weve seen in decades so many of us seeing biden presidency as a chance to reset the relationship between the u. S. And china theyre expecting war a return to a more conventional style of diplomacy a less confrontational less unpredictable croce and also the opportunity for time in the u. S. To potentially Going Forward to collaborate on issues such as the environment and Climate Change with beijing and biden do seem to see eye to eye that being said that doesnt mean that beijing is likely to celebrate this indeed during my and it is likely to present more challenges to china. In the sense that he is expressing interest in strengthening ties with european allies for example they may build a bloc and use that bloc to pressure china to take some actions regards to the economy regards to trade so that could be a room big challenge for beijing Going Forward but livias president elect louis arthur will be sworn in on sunday the former banker one and the landslide election last month but now the focus turns to whether he can jumpstart the struggling economy through his above or. Some of the good and indigenous ritual. New precedent. This is the historic side of. Not far away from the capital a pass. From the Indigenous Group off for the traditional but on as a sign of good will. And hes Vice President that we. Are dressed in white to request the help from the mama or mother earth. Its all happening in a country that has been filled with political strife in the past year. After accusations of fraud led to the ricin nation of the libyas 1st indigenous president abel morales outgoing interim president anyone yes who took office after morales resignation said she was leaving the country in order that the whatever evidence shows bolivia has fared better than nations link to the socialist tradition such as present day argentina or venezuela my request to the president elect is that he keep the Living Expenses allowance the family allowance and the universal one as well. As new precedent to moralise socialist party and would have to deal with a divided country that is struggling with the impact of covert 19. Was economy minister while more dallas was in office and responsible for the Enormous Growth that empowered millions of people in the country now the former banker with a masters degree in economics will have to jumpstart at devastated economy i can support that we need to have a stereotype policy there is no other option if there is not enough income generation to cover the current spending especially Public Investment we have to make adjustments in current spending not in Public Investment that is where we mark a difference from the miniature if and were going to boost Public Investment and we have to be strict with spending. But economy saying it wont be easy. When the mass party was in power in the past there was an economic boom that gave the money to help the population but latin american bolivia are in crisis bolivia has a 13 percent deficit in the past year races discourses and regional rivalries have remerge in a country torn between a richer and whiter lowland east and a poorer indigenous Highland West small protests have been on the rise in recent days. For most people are says presidency is a fresh start for bolivias democracy and a chance to leave a turbulent year behind it he said. A car bomb explosion has killed at least 3 people in afghanistans capital among the casualties as a former Television Presenter for tolo news 24 hour channel always claimed responsibility follows last weeks attack on karpal university which killed at least 35 people guineas top court has confirmed president alpha condos victory a last months election means he can begin his 3rd term which as opponents argue was unconstitutional conduct campaigned to change the constitution earlier this year to circumvent a 2 term limit there were violent protests during his campaign in which dozens of people were killed opposition candidates say the election was rigged but the Constitutional Court says they produced no evidence of this. Voting is underway in may a mass general election despite Rights Groups calling it fundamentally flawed around 2 and a half 1000000 ethnic minority vote is being excluded from the pope has little to no official representation for some but minority groups has prompted calls for change they felt reports from young. In an election where little is expected to change one young candidate is calling for political reform. Eatons among is a human rights activist who gained popularity when she organized a counter protest in yangon last year against supporters of uncensored she thats while suchi was appearing in the International Court of justice in the hague to defend against charges of genocide. Now mom is campaigning for the Democratic Party for a new society or d. P. S. Under its slogan justice for minorities. But shes running in the bed on township against sea to mung one of just 2 muslim candidates chosen by the Ruling National League for Democracy Party to contest for a parliament that has no muslim representatives the system in your ma makes it harder much harder for muslims to be of assistance and it was a mistake for the appears to have run into a bit on one of the 2 heavily in wissam because the chances of downshifting ngo so this will have been excluded. Should be given a chance ethans among says it doesnt matter who the other candidates are they god but the policy the important thing is the party policy we could put hundreds of muslims in the parliament but what do they achieve if they dont talk about minority issues thats why our party keeps talking about minorities. Thats not something c. T. Among agrees with. We will listen to the voice of the people and carry out their desires in 2015 the n. L. The face in. National criticism for not running any muslim candidates and its been accused of not letting m. P. s speak freely we couldnt interview because he said that the n l d has told new candidates not to talk to the media but one Senior Party Member denied m. P. s are being silent the n l d has a policy that objects to all kinds of ethnic or religious discrimination a lot of people like the end of the many people are going to vote for us because we have the support of the people in 2015 the n o d one the township where the candidates are contesting with 87 percent of the vote here in the bed and the n l d remains popular and is likely to win again this is one of the most religiously diverse parts of young gun so for the d. P. s a party which campaigned on equality and diversity its clear why this was an appealing area to contest but if the party is successful a voice calling for inclusive ety could end up silencing one of the few muslims who have a chance of entering Parliament Ali file Al Jazeera Young gone a former Prime Minister in ivory coast has been arrested in connection with protests following a controversial election the government has also announced plans to charge a group of opposition leaders with terrorism over their refusal to accept the results of the vote of its interests reports from abidjan you they dont believe pascal i think your soul is the face of ivory coast opposition it wasnt a song who announced a boycott of the president ial vote and called for a campaign of civil disobedience as a result of the president ial election were being created he announced a Transitional Council headed by former president horror economy but. The government calls this treason. Ive also been here were focusing on those who incite people to violence before the calls to boycott civil disobedience and the socalled Transitional Council there was no violence these actions by the opposition changed everything. Although former president appeared at Opposition Press briefings the government has no plans to arrest him at least for now but hes always surrounded by police the police say thats because it was there that the Transitional Council has announced the arrest of leaders and members has struck the opposition especially here in the economic capital abidjan many have gone underground to continue what they say is that demand for justice and respect for the constitution. The secretary general of the f. B. I. Party. We can for a country where everyone should respect the law or one should know that you are some right bartolo so also some appreciation of 5 years for. Me in this is safety or if i think. Youre fighting for justice. The government has declared more position leaders wanted and said more arrests will follow in coming days ivory coast president ial election was marred by violent protests since the 2016 referendum and president Alassane Ouattara announcement that he was running for thought. The opposition says its illegal but his supporters assessed the constitutional amendment following the referendum cleared him to run again i am a decrease aljazeera abidjan. And celebrations of the eviction of joe biden and common house didnt just take place in the u. S. People also gathered in houses and sister village in Southern India villages used colored powder to write congratulatory messages to harristown the streets a maternal grandfather was born in this village in Tamil Nadu State late mother moved to the u. S. At the age of 19 to study at the university of california. M can but alan with the headlines on Al Jazeera Joe Biden has celebrated his election to the u. S. Presidency with a speech to the country he spoke of uniting a nation that is seen deep divisions with racial unrest often dominating the headlines the people of this nation have spoken. They delivered a clear victory. A convert to victory a victory. For we the people we want the most brooch

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