States that could secure part of victory donald trump is scheduled to hold 5 rallies including scranton pennsylvania the city where his rival joe biden was raised on the democratic nominee started his day in cleveland saying the u. S. Is done with the chaos of the Trump Presidency biden is wrapping up his campaign on the offensive traveling almost exclusively to states that trump won 4 years ago ohio in 2002000 drop your pledge to trusted me berar do gravitron or master trust me. Im proud of the coalition is character it is bill brock of democrats republicans independents. Im running as a proud democrat but ill govern as an american president. He. There will be no red states implode states just the United States North Carolina thank you very much oh of the tomorrow were going to win this state and were going to win for. The with you we will continue to cut your taxes cut regulation support our great Police Support our fantastic military. More now from alan fish and washington. If you look at the n. B. C. Washington post poll that came out on sunday it suggests that they mean battleground States Joe Biden has a 5 percent 5 point lead there so he seems to be doing well but the tom campaign doesnt accept that they think theyre behind it they know theyre behind but the point out of the fact that 4 years ago on the day before the election they were behind as well in every single poll even the ones that tended to favor the old trump so they think theyre in the same position what were seeing is that. Trump is finishing strongly in the states where you need to finish strongly so this is going to come down to just a couple of states possibly michigan but there joe biden has got a big lead to 7 points is the courses that donald trump is an any of the polls and pennsylvania is somewhere that joe biden really wants to win because as you point out thats where he was born thats where he thinks you really should be able to connect with the American People and it also gives them a lot of Electoral College votes to propel him towards the white house its interesting that joe biden is expanding the electoral map by going to ohio a state that would normally by this stage be looked up by the republicans but the polls are suggesting that joe biden might just be able to flip it in our other headlines at least 22. 00 people are dead and 22. 00 injured after a gunman stormed Kabul University sparking an hours long battle with Security Forces students were shot in their classrooms and as they try to flee the same eisel says it was behind the attack which comes as the taliban and the Afghan Government hold talks in doha. And in Tanzania Police briefly detained opposition president ial candidate and diesel of a call for protests in last weeks election his arrest came hours after the chair of his party Freeman Mccoy and other officials were detained on terrorism charges police say they were plotting to blow up oil stations in dar es salaam. Coming up next a bobber Sarris Al Jazeera correspondent fascism in the family an exploration of family links to formally dead benito miss alinas regime examines if he may now be embracing fascist ideologies most believed gone forever well have more news after that stay with us by phone now. I. I. I. I. I i. I was like yes i. Guess the boss i guess p. B. S. Was a who were at. Us i was a hooker was. Pleased to see us but i was little probably. The be absent i have was the to it but not everyone adores Matteo Salvini the far right leader dominating italian politics some believe his actions and slogans are reminiscent of the countrys most notorious export fascism. It was born here 100 years ago could it be coming back. To understand whats happening today i 1st need to explore this violent chapter from italys past. Like the country of my birth i too have fascism in my past. On the italian island of sardinia my grandfather was a senior figure in the fascist party this was his home. And my grandfather was actually a pilot in world war one was quite bashing. I dont really know much about my grandfather be his he died when i was just a few months old and the family never hid his fascist past by the opposite but i still dont feel like i actually know enough about what happened in those years when living under fascism was like and crucially the little. Theres a place nearby called carbone a mining town created in 1038 here in southern search as a showcase for fascism. Carved out of barren fields this town was built in every market. 6 out of borneo sort of up there but you can imagine how the boneyard was the brainchild of Benito Mussolini the man who ruled italy for 20 years and corinth the term fascism to describe his brand of dictatorship. My grandfather vitali pigo was chosen by his regime to be carbone years mayor. Its not just my familys past but its future that makes the story so poignant for me. And what you know. A morning my 3 year old son is half jewish and would likely have been a victim of the fascists to whom my grandfather pledged his allegiance but you know. Its quiet in this small corner of sergei near where generations of my family lived. But across the country and beyond. Fascism seems to be stirring one small. I want to understand why youd 1st took root in italy a sentry ago. Jen look a scrub who is a historian at the university of calgary in surveying he sees in the story of my grandfather how fascism inspired a generation. The not. And so batten down and down this us that it benefited the thought of the conflict dont really matter the sentiment of the condiment of the uppity achieve in iraq was the norm the president thought. Force an instrument of the throne a party. That happened to the normal role where theyre. Going to sit at a minimum of one of. The jonica bunch of the random little their 4th and world. Its about the. Encounter not in a fit with our. Systematic evidence to take with the apostle forces ideas into the concert you know started to study done a little shes also sure that we took the city to check you know if it would have been in the division in question what i meant and thats our main income enough to. Manifest she said. Going up a sauna of course as he put it a sense somebody who dont recall any individual support for that trick on me. In fact not on the next big thing but what happened to me but i shall depart father for the stuff that i should. Be the from the telling history the cowboy yeah and thats what i came out of the persona non of in say when i for the 10 on the fish. Miscellanies vision of modernity autonomy and power for it was embodied in his new town. He was so proud of his creation of carbone he had that he came with much fanfare to a normal way the city in the center of 1938. Theres a witness to this event from more than 80 years ago the writer paolo found there was here in this crowd he was 9 years old. Maybe caught up when he saw. You know i mean come on i think of them their mandate to the wind. And will they be met by it or theyre going to be all. Over she startled out of the dawa. Fold down bow and do. Whatever. You think. But i want to bet that ive got a lot of thought a. Little tough to travel. To work along a 5 told she was very raw the whole de la bella going all shamed. That fiona 15. 00 plus 10 all united in time job ok you know what i tell you got a boner going to be open enough that i thought and fossil media called will try inside today now i need someone to play with all the new thought ok if you fall say go 3000 and she goes a bit of a tame bull. This new town was founded on coal its very name derived from kind of born in the italian word for coal. So of course the mine was the center of life here. But fascism demanded more from people than just their labor. As the workers entered the mine theyd be welcomed by this sign and you can see its actually signed by mussolini and it says i prefer my workers to work obediently hard and possibly in silence and it really in caps relates that fascist ideal that you are called in a machine youre not a thinking being youre part of a bigger project i mean interesting possibly in silence im not sure they really had a choice because actually when the regime fell it was the mind is that a raised sign in the fire its. The archives in kalyani offer some valuable clues about why my grandfather was picked to be paul this stop the fascist title for me. My grandfather knows exactly the situation and carbo nya and because he had been you know within the frat fascist trade union he would understand from the word go what the challenges faced by the workers and presumably the miners would be so thats why they choose him. The archives also provide a picture of how fascism was being enforced throughout the country this includes the notorious racial laws that stripped italian jews of their jobs and rights and outlawed their books and films and these are the documents relating to the racial laws that were passed in 1038 to the pa the stance of to the mayors coming from the central fascist party in rome and its just an outline basically of what they are all the articles provisions for the defense of the town and race there they phrase there and here is the census because a census was held across italy and here in sweden as well of those it says here is royal lights resident in the province and theres about 4 in carbonara for example one of them was actually the president of the Italian Association of carbon. Which means he was effectively in must of played a key role in putting of any together and and then to see no edict comes in that effectively that all these people have to be relieved of their jobs grandfather must have known commendatory sega here spazzed have i also wonder what he had. Would have thought knowing that then his great grandchild might have fallen foul of the racial groups. The jews were discriminated against throughout italy and fascism imposed a strict controls on the lives of all citizens. The miners and carbo nea were no exception. Francesca feagles his father was a miner here during the time that my grandfather was mayor but he was an anti fascist. Im not certain how welcoming francesco will be. Singled out across the last is whats on the edge in nicaragua now and this is us in this ng because of the confront persona devil saw identical. Doing up at the thought i meant that events that are quite lucky your misandry happens and that it is simplicity thought up as in that on your part that are needed to what cause us will either laugh or doc you know your present not be so positive this one only nearby that are known. At the core of main. Course the. Love out of the let me stick what i meant they came up with what was that zone of so a lot of acted with us lowly that what i got to them its only that i started a new me me now tony siciliano. Because i dont know they need get on the roof and all but its the city i need it on the side of the anybody or the net its an accident they. Catch it on will see what i meant the apex on again was that the man that the. Even among the department if you put it from the room that you priyanka use is what is so much. To put it in a little bit of it because. You close it out in a can i dont know so i checked out that one for shes made out that youre supposed to be stuck on to point the continuum and i did a born a month wanted to be given a speech at the permit zone but in the city child can refute the model credible but it didnt demanded it still want to. Live in a. Commune of oto anything even but cmon dont mean you guys made novel before you do the more to drop. All the work down here was dangerous and grueling but some of the seams in this maze of tunnels had a more sinister purpose. This was one of the hardest places to work in the mine and often political dissidents or gay people were often sent here as punishment and the director of the mine a little earlier told me the story of when he was taking some people around sure some people around on a tour and on this tour was an old miner someone would actually work here back in those days and i 1000 age boy asked him in an offensive way and said what was it like working with gay people and the old miner snapped back at the boy and said they were wretches just like i was. This place of wretches became of by word for hardship. Californias reputation was immortalized in a film featuring 2 of the worlds greatest actors. In a special day marcelo mystery annie tells saffir law and how his lover has been punished for being gay in fascist italy. So to speak. So because she was. Kind of much of a regular difficult multiple. Hard labor in california will also be the fate of mastery on these character. Icons. But then with. The scenes between mr ianni and lord in their intro woven with the real events of this special day. May 3rd 1938 this is the date adult hitler was welcomed in rome by mussolini and thousands of adoring fascists. The Uneasy Alliance between these 2 dictators eventually resulted in italy joining world war 2 in 1940. The war would make carbone year not only a place of exile but a camp for italys prisoners of war. The Geneva Convention bans prisoners from working in dangerous conditions in carbone they were forced to dig coal. My grandfather vitale was still mayor. This chapter of certainly is history has been the focus for research or any color p. S. In the. Up and suddenly not a lot of. Comment of Uganda People to dhaka. Want our presence and us for a moment. Just before the little. Snoopy got. The. Money for the. Journey to go on and on about the love i mean out of. All of us but i wanted that if you felt that if i didnt care the. Other. Cover. We needed. Because. If i do love. You know whats out there now more control us about some of the carbon of this which is an american im going to. Find out i learned had no scope i just wanted you. To my. Absolute im interested in it i want to see michelle look at. The. More when i said latina woman to diversity but as a company was this equal but i uncovered. Full time and almost civil. Was important about. A law or law a fanatical contract thats the point im going to the company said no problem with the cause of. There are tangible signs not only in documents and photographs of my grandfathers role in car boni a story. But 100000 holes that he ordered be dug by prisoners were for planting trees that have grown into these woods on the edge of town. The picture that emerges of my grandfather is of a faithful follower and efficient administrator of the fascist party here inserted here. Back at the house though i find a clue that is loyalty to the regime led him beyond the silly to the 3rd reich. While looking through the pictures i found which is the coffee of a letter from nazi germany addressed to my grandfather. Berlin the date 16th of may 938 so thats just a few months before italy passes racial laws its in german i dont understand it i want it translated i want to know what it means and i want to know its significance but its definitely a punch in the stomach to find a letter with a swastika and heil hitler in the signature among old family photos. The buildings are directed by the fascists here and carbone are still standing. The town has done a thorough job of preserving the old architecture but has had less success securing new jobs. The coal mine is closed the industrial plant deserted. Its a place as francesca told me there is a sleep a town built for work for now there is none. What i learned about my grandfather is that he believed in the fascist ideals yes building a new italy but doing so by suppressing personal freedoms and using violence against anyone who didnt fit in with those ideals he knew about this it in sin gay people being sent across as punishment he implemented the racial laws by banning books and films by jewish authors and he knew about the dismissal of jewish workers in the future within a system that does that and you dont speak out you are responsible you are complicit. Matthew salvini is one of italys strongest Political Forces its rise as been propelled by a weakening economy. Italians are scared about their future. But has of reviving old hatreds from the countrys fascist past also played a role. Im still looking for details of my familys fascist history but i wonder what appeal could this repressive ideology really have for italians today. Its possible that i might uncover some of the answer is buried here at mussolinis to. In an election thats seen as a test of its 1st imma cry to elected government or will vote for a new parliament faced with International Pressure over a military crackdown of revenge in this slim. Cheese National League for democracy hold on to its majority. On aljazeera. 5 g. Internet Technology Game changer thread i dont want to be a human labora activists. Conspiracy theorists engineers and World Leaders this is only the beginning arguing fiercely over control over the latest Wireless Technology the truth about 5 g. On aljazeera. The earth. Although im Maryam Namazie analog and with more details on our breaking news story this hour police saying that several people have been injured in a shooting in the center of the austrian capital vienna. The countrys interior ministry has been report has been reported as saying that one attacker has been killed but another could be on the run witnesses reported several shots being fired close to his main synagogue in the center of the city the police have tweeted a warning for the public to stay away from the area they also say large numbers of police are now at the scene that speak to dominick whos following the situation force and dominick it appears that this is still unfolding live situation. Certainly merriment appears that there is as you say some degree of unfolding operation here the police are in great numbers at the sign the scene of the crime as it were differing reports suggests that perhaps at least one person one potential perpetrate such has been apprehended but that there may well be another or more than one who are at log looking at different News Agencies based in vienna who are reporting on what has happened i see that its that the a. P. A. Thats the Austrian Press Agency is suggesting that one perpetrator has in the been killed but thats the police are working on the on the impression of there isnt least one other person out there now some of the video that is being pushed out on social media from people who are close to the scene does suggest that very many shots being fired and we know that the authorities that is the police in vienna have suggested that there are very well numerous casualties a direct quote from the twitter account of the Viennese Police but as you say its clearly that the situation is unfolding and as i say the a. P. A mutation see thats an official news agency the official news agency in vienna is suggesting at least one perpetrator is dead but clearly we will be following this situation very closely yes thank you very much dominic kane financial going to bring you much more on that story and the news outlets at 2100. 00 g. M. T. I will see for that about half an hours time now Barbara Starr is aljazeera correspondent continues. Germany has banned the burial site for hitler but italy allows the crypt of mussolini to be preserved its become a place of pilgrimage for his followers this note has been left here to mark the anniversary of the 8th of september 1943 now thats the day that italy announced the armistice with the allies effectively the day that italy changed sides in the war with the allies and now against that germany a day that on this note they call a vial of betrayal and they say that actually its the people that stayed with me the brought in and loyalty to the nation to the point of giving their blood for it and thats exactly how they sign it they say on air and glory to you our beloved to do cheer the comrades of italy in this note along with these flowers left here about 10 days. Into this man turned out to be a member of neo fascist party. He wanted to talk but refused to show his face to the camera. Putting sweeney. Thought for. The. Cause in a variable. Which will cause a very me. But in the absence of a modern day mussolini the man told me that many members of his party were voting for. Been here more mussolini fans have come to pay their respects and a few it seems have been busy canvassing for their hero outside the cemetery. So while we were filming at the crypt someone left this flyer on the windshield of the car little note coming out saying you are always in my heart and then the address of the shop and inside theyve got. Theyve got pins key chains flags and its not just fascism because look here. The flags swastikas i mean look at this there is anything you might want. This isnt the only shop selling fascists the nazi memorabilia here in production there are 2 more and. It seems that 75 years after the end of world war 2 some italians are still drawn to mussolini and fascism. But there is a narrative closer to the truth than the one preferred by deaver to. A bestselling 800 page historical novel about mussolini intitled details the brutal reality of life under fascism its the work of untold new school. Too many people even you know used to believe that facile was evil i think and with the racial laws and with the relationship with denies it with the alliance but in the beginning most salumi was. Done a lot of good thing and it was a good statement. While its not true its not true so what do you think is the essence of fascism violence was the essence of fasting since the beginning the formula ok mostly me was youre scared you know you live by fear he fear uses years malfi use leap fear i will free from fear you know i will change fear in hate dont be afraid use ok hate someone. The main problem is in the huge masses of family of good people of workers were ready to support a populist leader who speaks with wards of many times. But what if some of those people are emboldened by the hateful words of a populist leader to do more than merely follow womens rights activist i mean out 0 has 1st hand experience of what can happen on because the paramount in the radio star will sell in about a month to live for the referee plays up the idea to let me just say no but i should never use for you so youve got quite a bizarre dont know what youre getting out of the physical reducing that kind of reminded a year i believe will be my demanded. Of course also about chapter but he didnt delete it under the bridge you see. This is really torn though the the she is more than the chair they deal in g. Took the put the land on which i pointed him if you give me a continent if you can. See his eye when im him sleazy remember could be a church and one of the 2 looking for the preceding jewish leaning class but harry carlin a few 100 years nothing bad to you from prison in your can we do could you havent who pulled stuff to cover the groupie. When you are telling us never caught up with what i got into fantasy of even if they are one of his good silo. In fact appeal of our own model can be cemented least in the spiritual. Realm a prop continuously and if you know more of what. They need to lead acts of intimidation have evolved into acts of terror. In the town of much errata in 2018 look at trainee opened fire on african migrants. 6 were injured none fatally but a year later a gunman inspired by trainee killed 51 people in 2 mosques in new zealand. An unsuccessful candidate from a. Party trainee was found guilty of multiple counts of attempted murder aggravated by racial hatred. The. More than 20000 Party Faithful have made the pilgrimage to the annual lego rally the crowd is energized anticipating the appearance of their leader but they also need to out was i but the feel good energy turns to hate as my fellow journalist gadget critic most of the mes anti immigrant rhetoric makes his way through the crowd. The schools are so i was down to it isnt that easy said the 63 yeah it was absolutely. We spent weeks trying to get a formal interview with some of the words we never got a reply not this of any specialist at all its. What the orioles and the specialists are losing not give it up to jermaine to side in the same prosecuted saudi officials may cause a distraction. But they have hoped it was a fantasy that to them so the nature of cricket was out of the for some radical quality was a reflection as a hollowed out it was identified as a demon so the need 20. Whos out of his legal study ok there was a really sad little old a lot of the physical emotional he goes oculus are those i mean i just listen to me put it c. F. L. Underling what they see us through the police. Well as he went out again you get on. You know youre told youre taking on this team in those days it was i was going to show a sort of language of killing you was a very good on t. K. Contraventions im going to basically just you. Know marcus Telecom Providers share some of us whatever didnt. Pay phone on the condition of the you know whatever level of mental pain signature the persona he was in a city much of thats the only thing i seen bakeshop off. In a cheaper way stump what i listen to was the speakers will not only for 2 of the 7 he gets an. A to have a sort of grand though its a vendor salute to call them all the band in an adonis i went the last time of one. Time i called the chief we got the lead. From him to p. R. Chamakh of the unified by pm piano with to the event or legend take it you think weve a party to. The it boy going. To say i might live in my kitchen its got all i got about it i thought it. Was should i have it but he. Wasnt a. Salvini. Now for me. Politica spandrel is simply pure gold. It minus some of the laugh at the guy hypocrites dont like whos a different shes more call could cause a kilo com piazzi. Space was a fragile d. Mussolini feagin the dinos up a low but the 2nd about the different public call up its. A queen the 2nd vent ok ill be sorry last its a love the love bloke at the only by the same way i seem to be the new do name me go up when they ask ya feel me not it control quality indicates im going to forget innocent and daddy like old buddy christensen 20 i want to know the event a quasi b. Zone you know a c. Invent that ok sista im a paid echo but did you make of that the question i resemble the league and if the shes going to quit in quite comodo for my daughter not that different shes. The migrants who pick the nations crops are often refiled by the far right. These workers in italy south west are exploited by both farmers and politicians. But they have a champion in even. You need to get on that bed normal. Or to be a model you need 2 people blaming the loss which it dos or launch which i like an easy body me get on this and want. Me to get on the just on my record by the media sic on that im not sure what id stuff but believe it it wont. Because that way but its sure not to. Go on any of you again said i dont see stick down mosul retort you need it on the part of law took almost a gentle systemically 70 days that it moved community to learn some equipment needed so you wanted samak little. Its on the spec and when they need a clean one National Kids get. It but dont know much so i mean you get the big get big key on the main do not im into whats on. The list see me get to know whos up with see me get a digital so im going to need it on t v and finally roll only need so final bill you need it on the. Bin laden be it a useful i lose on any time of buying more of the requests and putting the board case full down on the model so ill i think he needs to look bori much at the bottom to believe the guy mean he only. Sees me these articles and to me i was on a little up not deplete the conquest along the. Immediate on the roof on the. I was there are signs of fascism everywhere in italy. In rome the memory of zone in the buildings and monuments on which scribe his name. And the streets where he carved his slogans. Mussolinis formula as im calling you square that he described it to exploit fear and turn it into hatred is being echoed by the populace politicians to ignite their followers. These are the brothers of a to me the countrys 2nd largest far right party georgia maloney is the leader today shes issuing a clarion call for europe to get behind the brothers extreme nationalist agenda. Thank you thank you thank you. Let me. Start with you from across europe general probably the netherlands spain or from the far right parties in those various countries and all of them pretty much pushing the same very strong and immigration was mentioning that its actually a name missing here here and i dont want. You. You. You you you you. I suspect women only says our identity she doesnt include the farmworkers i met in korea and where is the countrys fascist history to be found in her notion of what defines us. I sense that dark passages from the past are being reimagined to create a new enemies. Escape. From a lance imposing Central Station is one of the busiest in europe more than 300000 people each day depart from 24 train tracks to the cities of each. But there is one track hidden beneath the side of this huge building that was used to transport people to their death. On platform 21 between 1943945 italian jews were herded into train carriages meant for animals to be sent to the extermination camps. The platform is now a memorial to this chapter of the holy ghost. More than 8000 italian jews were sent to the extermination camps 776 children were sent to auschwitz only 25 of them survived. One of those few surviving children is now 89 years old shes leanna sick shes been made a senator for life in italys pond. But i think that appropriate guy ive been pretty dramatic by this said now i think it can as well and you know i havent done well on the matter. At the map she turned to poor news but i sat in the intro quaver Gornja Greenburg only care might interest them interest the army. Around no shock. And im your family are going to have me on every week when the ferry sank to me so no birth to their bed or delay or vsto in toronto a memorial and in they stand down there in the frame could have the same man called only whalen or a man. And of utterly tahlia your buffalo going on a party call to call ourselves dorothy all of the you all to me a star dog will bear me no do it to your prey or can you know that the that i am mean ackles in sam you see every chynoweth all i read their owner owner piccola beamed no now they know now carol sina is sort of very fast or they have a roll call already rare so their land their land their. Cultural 40 similar pancham m. B. In the air and you may recall there were many literary. Him but i actually wrote. A law called by their 7 hour day and hour an hour crematorium. I want to go mean chair was there and only and then there you can actually run brian. Chesky politique cheek this is so no spare ac call no no no real a freak or cozy give me smaller. Or just indeed go it close here leaning girl or fall out there and or in the crapper is player thought realtor there a federal day after pill for my wife in me goes doc up was bitter toward. In an attempt to fight the rising tide of hatred in italy senator sigrid proposed the Government Commission to combat racism and anti semitism. The motion passed but leggo and brothers of italy abstained. Since then senator sigrid has received numerous Death Threats and now lives under police protection. This exceptional woman has known dangerous since she was a child. At 13 leanna sager and her father were fleeing to switzerland when they were arrested and sent to auschwitz. Her father was murdered there. Is im sad with sen c. Gray im haunted by a terrible thought that my grandfather may have had something to do with her fathers fate and that of thousands of others. Ive been listed the help of rebecca now in hiring germany to translate the nazi letter sent to my grandfather and to discover why it was written. That if theyre examining them again. Really a couple years. Old however they. Recognize. The thank you letter from his hosts strikes a friendly tone obviously wanting to build on the link between the nazis and the car bonior. Finding out my grandfather actually traveled to germany in 1938 as part of a trade delegation is upsetting. Ok so. It was about coal it was about the germans being interested in carbone ya as a source of coal so trade obviously its. Had some massive relief because it could have been. So much worse but still. It makes me sick this letter from the moment i found it was just always just made me sick. And i think the way i feel goes to the heart of the relationship that many perhaps most of the talents tend to have with their history i think theres definitely a sort of separation between italian fascism and then what fascism became when it allied itself to nazi germany and i think a lot of people just separate the 2 and a conclusion almost seems to be well you know telling fascism wasnt as bad but then i look at this letter and its got my grandfathers name and the swastika and heil hitler and you just you cant separate the 2 because what starts as a trade deal ends in genocide and it makes me sick. The story of that genocide is literally written on the streets in rome. Jews were sent to extermination camps starting in 1943 when central in northern italy was under german occupation. These brass memorial planks known as stumbling stones are laid outside the homes of jews seized and murdered by the nazis with the help of italian fascists. I found out what my grandfather did during the fascist iraq but increasingly ive been thinking about what i would have done and what im doing now. History teaches us that things happen gradually. Its all about recognizing that Tipping Point when we need to take action. Decades from now we will be judged by our grandchildren they will judge us on both what we did and what we didnt do in the face of intolerance fear and indifference. We got some Better Weather on the cost based on possible strike to follow on from the heavy rain that weve seen in the past few days the violent storms big hail so moving out of the way not storage of High Pressure coming in thats going to quieten things down going to weak weather system rolling across the way that will make its way through the ball just running over towards adelaide as we go on through choose the i 33 celsius in adelaide on tuesday but some places the shabby rang coming in from the south and that weak weather system that area cloud sweeps through 33 not to 21 in adelaide so i think you may well just nights assassin sherry rain coming in across victorias well southern parts of New South Wales somewhat of weather pushing into the western side of new zealand for much of days it is fun to dry questions to 27 degrees celsius weve got trouble making its way towards said japan meanwhile band of cloud him moving through sweeping through well see clearer skies coming in behind some showers that just stating in that gentle northwest brace into western parts of honshu to a good part off the car the clear across the weather comes back aim behind for the Korean Peninsula for much of china and it is a shower still learnt in those in japan but fine and drive to the south. 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