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Governments and i says and you looked and in englands from next week well see how people are reacting and with 2 days to go until the u. S. Election donald trump and joe biden make their final push in crucial swing states. And on peoples time to disport american athletes get greater protection after a new law is passed in the u. S. Following the gymnastics sex abuse scandal. But we begin this news are in the philippines for at least 4 people have been killed in the east of the country a super typhoon go any one of the most powerful this year hits the region heres what it looks like as it slowly passed over the northern irelands just a few hours of go the Weather Agency there saying violently casts. Strong sickly violent winds there gusting up to 280 kilometers an hour and there burned a 1000000 people have been moved from its projected path also in its path of course arena provinces which is still recovering from its only thing that hits just a week ago. Killed at least 22 people just syrias island has more now from manila. There are so many problems as theyre well within the eye wall of the strongest typhoon to hit the country and perhaps the world this year and earlier today there was an advisory that word top government officials spoke where they talked about preemptive measures that about 19000000 people are actually going to be affected by this typhoon and its here in manila the impact can only be felt late into sunday but the pictures coming from a by province from the region is 7 stating there have been flash floods houses submerged and there are reports of casualties although thats something that the government has not been able to confirm at this point but more importantly there is also growing criticism of the president not being present here in manila in luzon since if a full was even announced or arrived days ago we were told that the president is in in his hometown in davos city for the weekend and he did not appear at the official briefing today this morning so thats trending online theres a lot of social Media Outreach questioning why the president is in davos when the battle is here in the luzon region basically with the hashtag where is the president so over the coming hours according to the state Weather Bureau manila all the other surrounding provinces are going to actually experience stronger winds and heavy rains and basically the full impact of date will go on yes yet to be felt at this point. So what is say super typhoon with a storm that reaches sustained wind speeds of at least 240 kilometers an hour thats the equivalent c. A category 4 or category 5 hurricane and they develop over warm ocean waters huge clouds then form and unleashed a wrench all day and poors and they bring severe winds like coastal areas are at the highest risk and typhoons typically lose strength as they move over land or the last super typhoon to hit the philippines haiyan in 28 search seen that siphon killed more than 6000 people well lets get more on this now from Robert Kaufman he is the heads of the International Federation of the red cross Philippines Country Office and joins us now live from and i would kids have you with us on the news are your team is on the grains can you give us a sense of the kind of thing theyre facing right now. Sure thank you appreciate the chance to be here with show the story of what you have people are facing and how the Philippine Red Cross is responding we are about communication reliably with some of the people working on the front lines through Satellite Telecommunications and theyre right now looking at families nearly 21000 that have been displaced and many people who are getting temporary shelter in Evacuation Centers set up by the government where were offering hot meals and other essential lifesaving services in the early moments of the crisis in terms of how this impacts individual families just explains why this is so devastating because when the storm passes and they leave these evacuation shelters what exactly are they going back to. Well were going to go back to a situation that is dramatically different than the one they left just a day ago or earlier these areas that have been hit head on by the eye of the super typhoon ghani well they were not too wealthy communities a lot of them are farmers lentulus laborers what we call in the philippines fisherfolk there are people who are already considered quite vulnerable and the typhoon will render them in need of quite severe dramatic support not just in the immediate gate is but over the coming weeks and months to help restore livelihoods and to make sure that there are physical social and economic well being is being looked after that the philippines is used to seeing these kinds of storms tie things but this year of course is the article cation of the coronavirus pandemic how is that affecting things particularly the relief efforts because i mean how much social distancing can you do in an emergency shelter. Well youre right its been a tough year for everyone around the world to varying degrees and very conscious of the suffering that people are facing in turkey as well as in other places from the coronavirus but you do see is not the 1st type moon even this month in fact its the 4th so the people in affected communities are you know are tired theyve been facing a lot and the philippines is among the most Vulnerable Countries in the world to the coronavirus when you take into account the social Economic Situation the Health System hes profiles except for a so we are very much aware of the risk that an operation like this can pose in the context of a bend demick we have protocols the philippines red cross has a team that is well trained you know to make sure that through our response we dont exacerbate the spread of the disease but in fact we use it as a chance to help identify and isolate and treat those who might be out additional risk from the virus or are already in fact you ok and just quickly robert what sort of practical supports to these people need right now i and are your teams able to reach them because that storm is so fairly powerful. Yeah we wont know the full effect of this storm for a number of hours information is still coming in but were in close contact and in many locations were already providing hot meals 1st stage Psychosocial Support and over the coming hours days weeks and even months we will be asking for International Support to help the Philippine Red Cross continue to provide shelter support water and reste or the livelihoods of those who lost their economic well being as a result of this crisis in the heads of the International Federation of red cross philippines thank you very much indeed for joining us on aljazeera thank you best to you. The rescue crews in turkey are working to save people trapped in the rubble smear her for earthquake own for the western turkish province on the greek islands of some most triggering a small tsunami at least 53 people have been killed and hundreds more injured well the turkish president richard sipe parents want to arrive on saturday nights he visited the sites of collapsed buildings and spoke to search and rescue workers. In izmir forest some of the tests all continuing surprise just how much progress are the search teams making right now. Well as long as there are still people trapped under the rubble with the numbers increasing every hour every day on till the last body or the last survivor is rescued from from the rubble its still we are in front of preserving apartment one of the very badly damaged building you see behind me still search and rescue operation is on the way they are still trying to find people that are trapped in the everybody of course there is a crossroad prelates is around this building and around similar this freud buildings those people are waiting to see they are people are risking it from the rubble of course this is this is also in a way office waiting for them because their patience is about the finish its been almost 48 hours in 2 hours its going to be 48 hours and still theres a chance for people to be alive as some people were rescued last night law you know we have we have been speaking to the relatives. They are saw the press then they are so upset and tense around them and some local authorities are bringing for delivering food and even some people whose houses buildings havent been damaged in a way theyre afraid to go inside ok said and live for us in izmir thank you. Theres a lot more still to come on this news hour including is it time for a change in algeria just opened in a constitutional referendum fasts lease in hong kong arrest 7 prodemocracy politicians over process during a Legislative Council meeting in may. And mercedes aim to wrap up another constructors title in formula one vance coming up in the sports with peter. Voting is underway in algeria in a referendum on whether to rewrite the constitution if passed the political system would be reforms and troops would be allowed to fight a broad for the 1st time since the 1960 s. The new government says its responding to demands from protest is our Senior Correspondent joins us now i. Just talk us through whats at stake in this referendum where basically hala people were hoping to see a major change but they remain frustrated and theyre losing hope in the political establishment brothers of the board says this is a critical moment for algeria and that if both people vote today yes for the referendum that could pave the way to a new algeria but when you look at the changes theyre not really significant from the perspective of the algerian people because the president still will have a biggest say he can still fire the government the Prime Minister he has a huge say over the judiciary and this is what this is not what people were looking forward to see they said that they were instrumental in the project ocracy movement of last year wish toppled president. And what they were expecting to see is a new political establishment that has absolutely nothing to say with the political elite the has. 160. 2 so theyre very frustrated over whats happening other think we have to wait and see what happens tonight if the voter turnout is low thats going to be very bad news for the political establishment in algeria carol keep of course i are not one of the interesting things that there was this provision that would allow the army to send peacekeeping missions abroad for the 1st time in tell us more about that well thats a Seismic Shift in algeria they have had this no interference doctrine since 1960 of the interdependence of the country although they have been involved here and there but this time the president has the right to send troops with an approval the world with 2 thirds of the Parliament Voting yes when you look at the geography of the region algeria neighbor subsaharan africa. And those areas where al qaeda and i still have it operate in taking huge areas the americans and the french have been active over the last few years with the major success imagine if they are. To more to send peacekeeping forces to those areas there will be very good news for the americans and for the french another element which is our neighbors libya theyve seen the situation further evolving where now you have a major regional actors playing a significant role something that the algerian study of the past they dont welcome so i think this is one of but at and by the algerians to say that from now on wars the political establishment along with the militia are going to play a robust aggressive role in foreign diplomacy. Or theyre bringing us all the way says that creation for its thank you very much indeed. There is anger and frustration in spain about school 19 restrictions process in several cities including madrid turned violent and spains Prime Minister has condemned the unrest a 6 month state of emergency came into effect this week because corona virus cases and started rising once again. Well u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson is putting england back into lockdown for a month hes been warning that rising infections kids fill hospitals within weeks austria has in a similar measures adding to a growing list of European Countries re imposing restrictions theyve barco reports from london a major u. Turn in the British Governments covert 19 strategy for weeks the Prime Ministers insisted on local restrictions to avoid the need for a nationwide lockdown but infections have just continued rising as across much of europe the virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst Case Scenario of our scientific advisors from thursday until the start of december. You must stay at home you merely leave home for specific reasons im afraid nonessential shops leisure and Entertainment Venues will be closed the virus is spreading much faster than forecast the 2nd peak could be one and a half times higher than the 1st with as many as 4000 deaths a day the government hopes to use the new lockdown as an opportunity to dramatically accelerate testing there is one consolation though schools and universities can remain open and relief for parents struggling with childcare leading scientists advise the British Government last month to introduce a 2 week Circuit Breaker lock down when the infection rate started to creep up again the government resisted citing concerns over the health of the economy in scotland where tighter restrictions have been in place in september there is some evidence to suggest that the infection rate there is. But here in england Boris Johnsons gamble hasnt paid off the u. K. Isnt the only country to announce a nationwide lockdown the austrian chancellors order the closure of restaurants and hotels from choose day high schools and universities will move lessons online and theyll be a nightly curfew the measures remain in place until early december. The greek government also announced a partial lockdown from tuesday with mandatory mask wearing and gatherings banned one by one europes largest economies are switching from a piecemeal approach to the pandemic to more drastic measures france and germany reintroduced nationwide restrictions earlier this week the World Health Organization urged countries to act sooner and recover faster. But with many of europes economies in trouble the prospect of more months of covert confinement is difficult to bear neve barker aljazeera london lets get more now from paul brennan he joins me now live from london and paul england is the racists country to go back into national logs and how is that news being received. Well with the combination of all different kinds of emotions to be honest i mean this announcement by Boris Johnson on saturday evening has now sent some can it sunk into the newspaper headlines it sunk into the radio phone in shows and the emotions range from resigned acceptance to see the ng anger and outright despair many Business Owners for example are desperately worried for the for their future is the fact that this coronavirus pandemic led to a lockdown in march april then they were able to reopen and now that into shuts again many businesses desperately unhappy and ill race through some of the crime in the labor opposition to secure stomach for example said the government has finally taken the decision that it should have taken weeks ago theres a lot of criticism that the government could have acted sooner remember that the Scientific Advisory group said that the lockdown should have happened maybe back in september 21st september teaching unions are saying there should be more Safety Measures and protocols put into place for them because if youre going to close over the house but keep the schools open that means that schools could be a hotbed of infection also johnson is facing a huge amount of dissent from his own Parliamentary Party there are many conservative m. P. s here in the u. K. Who feel that the importance of the economy is being overlooked in this. Political decision by johnson and that hes not doing enough to protect the economy caroline confederation of british industry told the furniture its been an incredibly difficult time this is a real body blow so its going to be a very very difficult winter Boris Johnson the Prime Minister said so himself and a lot of criticism is coming down on his and his governments shoulders for the way that theyve handled this kaypro brennan there with the reaction from london thank you. Well for the 1st time in 5 months a stray aliya has not registered a single local case of corona virus the former hotspots of victoria state recently lifted a log in and hasnt had a case in 200 days strictures continued to ease across the street here and 7 prodemocracy politicians have been arrested in hong kong on charges related to a Legislative Council meeting more than 5 months ago the group is accused of content and obstructing a session police have not ruled out its making more arrests but speaking later emily lolla shes a former Democratic Party member of the hong kong Legislative Council and former chairperson Democratic Party joining us from hong kong good to have you with us on the user why do you think these arrests have been made 95 months after the facts. Well indeed why are we so i just moments and why only arrests the prodemocracy legislature because they were clashes in the Legislative Council meeting so some article communists were leading members who were also involved so why do you just pick out the prodemocracy were to arrest its very very and center and the role. Is a lot to remember this power to speak within the council now they have weaponized the law to target these people so many people fear even more could be arrested maybe well today there will be no more rescission voices in their hands so. We often talk about hong kong in relation to this National Security law which is very different and distinct from whats from whats happening here now but the one 3rd that does connect it is it seems to be law is being used to suppress dissent. What point do you think this is really about its what you think is happening here in Hong Kong Well of course they can and they will use National Security law to get the legislators and the activists. On this very own creation they are using a law which was enacted to. Made his speech a socially using everything so sorry to cut you have. The who do you think is targeting these prodemocracy politicians well of course is the whole government but i think the whole government is almost completely under the drug of the chinese. So they are actually according to the orders of the presidency in beijing. What do you think happens next what was the longer term impact because it looks like the Hong Kong Government and by extension. They have the law on the site theyre going to use the law from the war and it is this game over then for hong kongs prodemocracy legislators and prodemocracy activists. I will say. Like a bad penny we who came turning up and of course they will keep the rest of us but this struggle is by no means over no way but you can see they believe there are still and to try to a rest and to intimidate anybody who dared to speak out so i think elder sirrah talking to me we love that message to go out to the International Community that the game is not all that the struggle is not over but of course there will be a very heavy price to pay. Ok emily lau there joining us live from hong kong thank you very much indeed for speaking to aljazeera. Thats who people have been killed and 5 others injured during a knife attack in Eastern Canada it happens in quebec city in the early hours of sunday morning a man is being held in custody earlier police and asked for information on a man armed with a blaze and dressed in mediaval cool thing. The u. N. Secretary general has supported calls for another immediate cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan sri agreements have already collapsed and both sides supported late have reported more heavy shelling in the the goal of current region is the conflicts heaviest fighting since the ninetys when around 800000 ethnic as harrys say they were forced to flee their homes order of the hamid spoke to some of them in baquba. Its been a month since their last oldest son rest tool who joined as airy army as a volunteer soldier 30 days filled with worry for over jan and they know youssif of they were just telling us how they rarely hear from him when our conversation is interrupted rest school is on the phone hey. You brought us a walk ive been crying all day i really miss him i am proud he is there he is doing his duty he will free my land and we can go home but im really sad because our children are dying in the battlefield theres only army broke through Armenian Defense lines flanking from the south east along the border with iran towards the southwest of nagornokarabakh i mean as alarmed the as areas could be heading next eastward to shusha and important down in the corner of her about or north to the latch in korea door at the lifeline of the on clay. The main goals of creations are. To reproduce those. Or so. Who until last. To compromise with us. Who finish. Should finish some last possible. Time its also a very important element of this controversy. Back home of john and a north chuckle both their hometowns i know and as eric control they tease each other about wish they would visit 1st one step son is back. People here watching the developments of this war very close to their monk the hundreds of thousands who had to flee the karabakh region 30 years ago and as any one of these children they will tell you where theyre from even though they have never been there. From jib rail hussein and daimler are from this angle and some of the people here told us that for years they had criticised as a very president ilham aliyev for not taking any action now they fully support him the military is very popular here development it has retaken a large chunk of occupied land including the village of guys yen which meal a year misplay lova was forced to abandon some 27 years ago. I watch the news all the time 4 villages were liberated today ours was among them my only wish is to go there and after seeing my home again i can die im glad that soon no one will call us displaced anymore. This is about johns war to lose and many here believe the country should not accept anything short of a full armenian withdrawal as a precondition for a diplomatic solution but at that Hamid Al Jazeera back. Its time for the weather heres everson fox. However clouds are parting nicely across north america the sun will burst free for pretty much everybody as we go through the next couple of days they go largely clear skies across a good part of the u. S. Ok we have got a few showers towards the northeast and wet weather north of the border into canada over towards western side of canada so the some wetter weather coming in here and that will spill its way into the Pacific Northwest as we go through tuesday but for election day across much of the u. S. Its looking fine dry and sunny and the temperatures not faring too badly getting up into the mid teens if not low twentys for many here in light winds that really will feel quite pleasant so there is cases for not getting out to vote i suspect further south things a good deal more active weather wise here we got this nasty little cloud just storms here and it has become a Tropical Storm at or and thats going to continue making its way further west which is we go on through the next couple of days gradually running towards that western side of the caribbean is going to feed some very heavy rain in across jamaica for a time punching its way towards northern parts of nicaragua honduras can expect to see widespread rainfall today was we go on through the next day or so plenty of showers coming in behind with widespread flooding. So to come on the aljazeera revisit some of americas newest forces find out whats at stake for them in the Upcoming Elections fights for the future all from all over uproar e. U. And cool russia candidates go head to heads in the election and in sports with peace or some impressive basketball skills from former president s barack obama. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic lets start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the News Coverage whats the lay of the land there stripping away the spin being stewart about president ial corruption it is real reporting its not if you keep challenging assumptions and the official line we all decided we need to tell our school we dont want to rely on the authority and its media listening post on aljazeera. 5 g. Internet Technology Game changer thread i dont want to be a human lab rat activists. The. Conspiracy theorists engineers and World Leaders this is only the beginning arguing fiercely over control over the latest Wireless Technology the truth about 5 g. On aljazeera. This is al jazeera a quick reminder of the top stories for you now at least 4 people have been killed as super typhoon goli heads the philippines it cost the coast with winds of up to 280 Kilometers Per Hour runs a 1000000 people have been forced to leave their homes. Turkish president richard sipe era one has visited the site of collapsed buildings in the city of ismir following fridays powerful earthquake at least 53 people have been killed. And algerians are voting on whether to rewrite their constitution if passed the political system would be reformed and algerian troops would be allowed to fight a war for the 1st time since the 1960 s. Police in the french city of neo have arrested a suspect so the shooting of an orthodox priest is come as the country reels from another attack at a church only days ago the priest was causing his church on saturday afternoon when he was shot twice at close range hes recovering in hospital remains in a serious condition well another 2 people have been arrested over Thursdays Church its in nice 6 are now being held in france and another in she is here is accused of releasing a video claiming responsibility for the attack on behalf of an armed group lets get the latest on this night from david chase a he joins us now from these david we are learning of more arrests this hour or working you tell us about investigation. Heres how its beginning to get interesting because there are several quotes coming out of Police Sources here in the local media let me just go over some of the. There are a total of 6 men in custody being questioned about this attack along with of course the knife man who is in a serious condition in hospital and so on conscious now the most interesting ones are the 3 arrests made in the grass this is the very famous curfew in town about 70 kilometers away from nice now thats where 3 men all from the same house one at least we know is a Tunisian National there are 2 men in their twentys and one man who is in his sixtys that have been taken in by the police now what were hearing is that the investigation has discovered that all the Video Surveillance footage from the station. That actually shows that the tunisian 20 armor old refugee who carried out the attack was seen that night the night before the attack circling around the church and circling around the area. Obviously doing a record noida ring of the attack and then it appears that he went to sleep somewhere in that area and then in the morning launched the attack so this puts a very different dimension of it this is what the police are trying to find out of course what sort of network was to help this man where did he stay that night why did he come in latterly how soon did he actually decide to launch his attack how much cutting and premeditation was involved now weve also heard that a man has been arrested in tunisia 2 men actually but theyre claiming on a video on social media that they claim the attack that is being discounted by the police here but what i have heard also of course is that the Italian Police have made 2 arrests or discussing with 2 people in custody in sicily about the movements again of the 21 year old tunisian refugee so were beginning to piece together exactly where he was and who helped him and this is this is what theyre doing at the moment but behind me at the church excuse me we now have the 1st mass on all saints day commemorating the victims very moving scenes inside the choir of the whole graduation observing the distancing rules because of the crisis but still a very rule feelings here in these the moment now back to you that were ok thank you very much indeed david chase is there joining us live from. Its just 2 days until the u. S. President ial election and both candidates making a final push battleground States Donald trump went to 4 rallies in pennsylvania just 10 hours democratic challenger joe biden to admission. Can the help of former president barack obama a White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall kets has more now from the campaign trail. With less than 72 hours until election day President Trump started early for a full day of campaigning for different stops in the Northeastern State of pennsylvania in just 10 hours trump narrowly won pennsylvania in 2016 and on tuesday hes hoping to do it again and if we win pennsylvania its over. This is one of a handful of states the Trump Campaign considers a must win for reelection what i didnt expect from such good friends leading in National Polls former Vice President joe biden skipped pennsylvania on saturday instead he joined former president barack obama fighting for votes in another election battleground michigan i believe the most is going to be loud and its going to be clear its time for donald trump the pack is brag. Were done here is the kerry os the treats they are eager to hate the fair here refuse to take any responsibility the pair blame trump for the rising cases of covert 19 in the United States america just had its single worst week of new covert cases and whats his Closing Argument here we are the worst week this week i mean weve been going to this now for months the federal government has had an opportunity to respond for months. Back in pennsylvania trump painted an apocalyptic picture of a biden presidency joe biden or shut down your economy wipe out your factories and shut down your state ship your jobs to china raise your taxes but trump trails his democratic rival in this state still his supporters are adamant trump will win pennsylvania and the election i think the majority of the polls are pretty wrong i think theres a lot of Trump Supporters that dont come out publicly and say you know and support you know. Because theyre afraid as of saturday just one in 3 voters in pennsylvania had cast their ballot donald trump is making a push to win over those remaining voters in a state that could help decide the outcome of the u. S. Election kimberly held at aljazeera reading pennsylvania. Tensions flared 15 left and right wing groups during the 2nd night of protests in the u. S. States over washington everyone house to pick the side. People are going to be each other down in the streets over political views. Heavily armed protesters were seen marching through the streets over Vancouver Police trying to keep order its administrations were initially sponsored by the Police Shooting of a black man near the city on thursday nights. Immigrants have often borne the brunt of Donald Trumps america 1st administration are they planning to votes in the upcoming election if its all well Jackson Heights new york is one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in all of america in part 3 of aljazeera unheard american series Gabriel Elizondo spots a newly eligible forces there. When it comes to president ial elections in the United States the voice of recent immigrants are often left out of the conversation so want to wet and rainy afternoon we came to Jackson Heights considered to be the most culturally diverse neighborhood in all of america even the street signs make it clear where youre at san you will cast his ballot in early voting his 1st since becoming a u. S. Citizen do you feel as an immigrant to the United States do you feel that the candidates have been speaking to the issues that are important to you yeah i think so yeah you know if this is very important. To me guess a. Lot of People Living here. The most People Living. People are thinking. Becoming president of becoming president the 1st immigrants started arriving here in Jackson Heights in about 1065 and they came from latin america in the indian subcontinent but today there are people from all over the world that live here and there are now more than a 165 different languages spoken here just in jackson. A short subway ride from manhattan and with a population of about 200000. 00 in an area half the size of central park Jackson Heights is home to recent immigrants from nepal bangladesh India Pakistan colombia Dominican Republic puerto rico and people of Muslim Christian catholic and hindu faiths and thats just in one block early voting lines have been long in a solidly Democratic Party district who is represented in congress by Alexander Ocasio cortez. Is from pakistan and told me he is voting for a Democratic White House candidate joe biden. Talking a lot about. Jackson heights was one of new yorks hardest hit areas during the krona Virus Outbreak in the spring. Theyre not in a swing state they alone wont tip the scale of the election and some are so new theyre not even eligible to vote but in this culturally rich neighborhood all are seeing this election up close and personal through the eyes of recent arrivals to America Gabriel is on. New york. And i lecture is underway in moldova voters are deciding between candidates who favor a course or toys with either the new or russia president eager and on as the proof. To win a 2nd term so youre going to go has more from the capital is now. A last minute quest to chase every possible vote the frontrunner and current president. Holdover is a country of traditional values and should remain within russias sphere of influence a populist championing family and strong ties with other nations though don has been leading in the polls despite not having taken part in any debates what he has is the support of the countrys mass media heavily backed by members of his own party the socialists as well as a ringing endorsement from russias president vladimir putin. Following closely is the former Prime Minister by a son do who wants to shift away from russian dominance were trying to unite people of course we share the values because we believe in democracy we believe in human rights we believe in Economic Opportunities for everybody and we do see the european model of development as the most suitable form whats at stake 2 different visions for moldovas future voters for change and decide if they want stronger ties with the west or with a stick with what they already have and remain under moscows influence. But many here are skeptical that either candidate can improve their lives personally i dont believe any of the candidates their actions important for the young people and put those who are in the Better Future for themselves. The people come to power not corrupt and wont be traitors who bring the country down then they have a chance to do something good for. The sometimes bitter campaigns have been caught amid allegations of potential voter fraud and russian interference one place of concern say election observers is the breakaway region of transnistria an area recognized as an independent state by russia but not moldova and the bedrock of support for don it has been beset by allegations of vote rigging in favor of the socialist party of course russia would do whatever it takes to make sure that they secure and continue their. Influence over population and over over the leadership of this country there is also the question of the economy and migration moldova is one of the poorest countries in europe with a population of 2700000 people more than a 1000000 have emigrated for work and their remittances account for 16 percent of the nations g. D. P. What the country is betting on is strong alliances with other nations willing to support it with a lie to the east or west is what the people will decide. Joran says nyro so here how is that progress in a moment. Well so far about 20 percent of the electorate have voted taken part and most of those are the older voters that have already been to the polls to cast their ballots those would tend to favor the incumbent president you go down a man who is viewed as a somewhat of a traditionalist as well in keeping with moldovas previous ties with when it was a soviet state and its closer relations with moscow he seemed very much as a strong man much in line with how other ex soviet leaders would be seen as well so that is the count so far as well but their polls are going to be staying open until into the night and of course if theyre accused then that will they will remain open for a further 2 hours but whats interesting to note is how important how crucial the votes of the moldova diaspora is going to be because of course almost a 3rd of moldovans are abroad for work purposes as well and weve already seen how they are lining up embassies outside particularly in places like paris and london and london even reports of queues of half a kilometer long outside the Moldova Embassy for people to vote these tend to be younger people theyre more likely to vote for. A change in moldovas Political Landscape and they are seeking that and of course because of their experience of living in the European Union theyre more likely to want to vote align themselves with that but lets not of course. Forget that there is also a significant diaspora that lives in russia as well again they will be more likely to vote for someone who reflects more the russian take of things for moldova that state within moscows spear of influence ok so youre going to go there following that vote live from its loud thank you. My police and i have recourse to fired tear gas at protesters who are angry over the president s bid to run for a 3rd term in saturdays election there been rallies in the economic capital abidjan and several times demonstrators say president of the sun water as a term to stay in office is constitutional or hes appearing appealed for calm as faults are counts its. A gas pipeline has exploded in southern iraq killing at least 2 children more than 50 others have been injured firefighters cut off the gas to bring the fire under control its not clear what caused the explosion Officials Say the incident hasnt affected iraqs gas production. Perus government says causing cemetaries over the weekend as to stop people gathering for the traditional day of the dead celebrations with concerns of a 2nd wave of covert 19 cases among new infections have been slowing people are being warned not to be complacent the 900000 factions have been recorded perusing inconsiderate of Matthew Picchu is reopening its doors to the public the mescal World Heritage site has been closed since may 2 to the pandemic might be run under Strict Health protocols more than 3000 people used to visit every day or that number has been restricted to around 600. Hey stay with us here on aljazeera weve got the sports up next and 3 teams could have won the 6 nations but the competition on the final day peter will be here to explain all the action sports. Peace plan. The worlds biggest economy was put on hold. Deregulating industries of old delivered new growth for a president who promised greatness again. But the coronavirus pandemic has seen resurgence replaced with a recession as the world eagerly watches on to see out either president ial candidate might revive the flagship u. S. Economy class details coverage of the u. S. Elections on aljazeera. Southbound on the economic heartbeat of a thriving brazil but boom times mean rising rents and the lack of Public Housing isabellas just one of thousands looking for a place to call home with no choice but to occupy one of the citys many vacant buildings facing an uncertain future. Hell find a latin america occupying brazil on aljazeera. The arab. League. Its time for the sport heres peter thank you for so much sure american athletes will get greater protection and more of a say in Decision Making of the new law was passed on saturday following the gymnastics sex abuse scandal the new act increases funding for a program overseeing Child Protection and puts more athletes on the boards of the u. S. Olympic committee and International Governing Bodies the law followed an 11 month investigation which found that usa Gymnastics Team dr larry nasser was able to assault hundreds of girls and women because of a lack of transparency and accountability among us a limbic officials and coaches. Masseur were sentenced to up to 300 years in prison in 2018 after more than 350 women testified that they were abused by him among those to come forward as a victim is 4 time olympic Gold Medalist simone biles as well as several of her limbic teammates the scandal triggered lawsuits and mass resignations at the u. S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and usa gymnastics the latter of which has filed for bankruptcy lori had mandates was one of those on the u. S. Team that won gold at the rio olympics in 2016 earlier this year she testified against former National Team coach maggie haney detailing the verbal and Emotional Abuse shed suffered at the hands of her long time trainer and he has since been suspended for 8 years and hernandez is making a comeback to the sport hoping to clinch a spot at next years games. I know im not the only one whos been through my situation i know people who in my eyes that had it worse that now its you know it still exists out there unfortunately but in doing think about it and you know in seeing that there is a consequence for i think it shows other others hate like this isnt ok and hopefully we get a lot of different culture changes because of it and if speaking out about it and you know speaking out against emotional and verbal abuse thats going to help other people then absolutely i really hope i get to be a part of that change to football and barcelona coach Ronald Koeman admits hes worried about the poor form or for another draw in the Spanish League they were held one no one by their full team i love is that a man since all of us also have only won 2 of their opening 6 games and support wealth in the league table that is 8 points behind lead israel madrid. Obviously im worried we only got 2 points in the last few games but in my opinion our performances were more than acceptable be more worried if we were not creating any chances clearly we have to be more efficient in front of goal and this is a problem. To germany and a time defending champions by munich have moved top of the bundesliga this will surge gnabry scoring in their 21. 00 win over cologne dortmund for level on points with brian at the top after they beat armenia biller felt to know both of the goals scored by mats hummels. In the netherlands i. X. Rain top of the year to the receipts a walk through comes were 5 to win over bottom side full to the sort of david toss unschooled to the gold but over the last george cock school the best go the night for 14 are right at the end of the 2nd the game. And in england defending champions liverpool have on top of the premier league they needed a late winner from diogo jotter to beat west ham 21 everton could retake the lead later on sunday when they face Newcastle United ac milan are in action later looking to extend their lead at the top of city on their coach stefano purely pay tribute to the laser to sean connery and hopes to use 1. 00 of his famous james bond films as motivation for his players. I heard about his death just before the start of this press conference hes been an incredible star an actor ive always loved i loved all the characters he played but i think we have to be a team that never gives up therefore never say never again is the right title for this group. The Mercedes Formula One Team could clinch the constructors title at imola later they have a 209. 00 point lead over red bull in both of their cars on the front of the grid for sundays race but World Champion Lewis Hamilton will start from 2nd of the being denied poll by team f. L. Terry bought us although hamilton is 77 points clear of botanists in the drivers standings. These things happen you cant always get it perfect but what a beautiful place were in here in italy and the track is an unbelievable speed that we carry around the track so. Grateful to be here grateful that we have the performance that we have which is really remarkable. England the 2026 nations rugby champions 345 win of italy in rome on saturday secured the title for the english armys 100 the period for england ben youngs school the 1st try of the match would score a game in the 2nd half as Jamie George Tom curry and henry slade also crossed the line for 5 tries enough to earn england a bonus point win. But they needed a favor in paris both france and ireland could have won the title with a big enough victory as it turned out the french ran out 3527 winners a good win for france but not enough to overtake england at the top of the standings it is includes 39th title in the history of the competition france finished 2nd thats the best performance since 27. 00. Now if you needed proof that he sports is growing fast more than 3000000 people applied for tickets of the league of legends will championships in shanghai china who are only around 6000 were lucky enough to make it into the venue they had temperature checks and were not allowed to sit too close to each other league of legends it is one of the most Popular Video games in the world and it was self korean team damn warm gaming you took 1st place and the rather large trophy which was 32 kilograms. And a finish with some impressive basketball skills from former u. S. President barack obama while out on the campaign trail with joe biden in michigan he. Couldnt have done a better myself neither could i. Thank you very much indeed i have pizza there with all the sports and member of course lots more on the web site as well to 0 dot com well that wraps it up for this said news or to keep it here on aljazeera sale rahman will be with you after this. Frank assessments if American Public opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the cautious if you believe that there corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break an informed opinion look at shake his dog anyway the protesters are going and. Either its a revolution. Indepth analysis of the days global headlines because it gets really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with eventual capacity for 4000 covered 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. A journey a personal discovery. Which is the call of a letter to germany addressed by ground. 0. Traces of family links back to the regime of Benito Mussolini and asks his fascism return to italian port freshers in the family. This letter. Found. On aljazeera. Super typhoon go and he is downgraded as it sweeps the philippines at least 4 people have been killed. By yourself as there are means a whole rama. From our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next half hour the search for survivors goes on in western turkey in 2 days after a powerful earthquake. The chorus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst Case Scenario obama said

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