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Accused of using excessive force. So the for survivors has gone on through the night in the coastal turkish city of izmir after a powerful earthquake the magnitude 7 tremor under the aegean sea brought down buildings in trickle triggered tidal waves in the city as well as in parts of greece at least 26 people have been killed in the 2 countries. And these are live pictures of the ongoing search right now you have quake was centered off turkeys izmir province and was felt as far away as athens in istanbul turkey says at least 20 buildings have been flattened in his manner and in many tsunami hit the greek island of some us scene of course the early reports now from istanbul. Rescuers search for survivors and rubble of buildings in is made trickiest 3rd biggest city the epicenter of friday afternoons shallow magnitude 7 earthquake was off the turkish cost. I have a shop on the back side i was talking with someone i felt that while we were outside the ground started to shake while i was watching our building i saw this one collapse many buildings collapsed injuring hundreds. And hundreds of. This man says got you are the greatest please protect us it still continues. Emergency responders are traveling from a stumble to support rescue efforts while residents are asked not to jam phone lines or transport links on necessarily but i thought that the ground to chatted you cannot think or you try to do is get out everywhere was collapsing luckily our building was intact we were really panicked to manage to get out at the last minute turkeys president rejects a barge and was quick to respond to their earthquake shows that in the russian or the new jersey i would like to express my sympathies to the city that were exposed to the earthquake that occurred around isnt it all right to express condolences for those who lost their lives on the buildings that collapsed india and i wish speedy recovery for the injured. The quake coast damage in many provinces in western turkey and triggered to see stores that flooded streets near the city of is made some damage was also reported to buildings and roads on the greek island of some us the hospital director there said some people with slight injuries have been treated we are hoping that the numbers will not be escalating and we hope to hear the news about more people being rescued but the fact that some 20 buildings have collapsed is. A big news and im afraid the number of casualties may rise crisscrossed by major fault lines turkey is one of the worlds most earthquake prone countries at these 17000 people were killed in 1999 when a large quick struck the city of is met south is stuff a stumble and around 500 turks died in deer creek which struck the eastern city of 9 years ago with this earthquake about 6000 people live in the area of severe shaking 71000 in the area a very strong shaking a 3200000 in the area of strong shaking which employees that in fact the number of casualties is likely to rise possibly substantially the one thing is that since 999 has evolved a pretty good network of search and rescue units near earth quake was also felt here in istanbul 500 kilometers far from israel now residents in turkey and all nearby greek islands have been a warned of aftershocks and further damage they might bring up a solo aljazeera a stumble or donors adn is 2nd to general of the humanitarian Relief Foundation or i age 8 in turkey and he explained what the teams priorities are right now. Our team now more than 260 search and rescue teams it reached is met the moment now they are the best in their 20 collapsed buildings so now you are working under the. And the turkey disaster and Emergency Management presidency so they had been telling us the beach buildings beacon and so to all the team members are to try to survive the lifes from the reeks so it is really hard because more than 200 aftershocks it still continues and its even hard to work under the rubble of this so the search and rescue team being very careful and trying to save the lives and when you hear the speak out to members of the distilleries or from the charity they moved in with the cars and if they are equipments now they reached me at the moment and they are doing the best and now we are preparing the hot meals for the people who are living on the street in the mosques and in the parks so we will be delivering and as early as possible for those people the hot meals and miscarry says it will investigate a report that the u. S. Government is deporting children that alone with no family to take them in the New York Times says more than 200 children recently from Central America have been expelled over the past 8 months once in mexico most is said to have been sent to Child Welfare shelters the u. S. Has holland is already tough border policies which it says is part of efforts to contain the corona virus John Heilemann has more now from mexico city. This is a policy from the trumpet ministration could remain in mexico thats been controversial name place for some time and in that policy those seeking asylum in the United States instead of staying in that country will that process happens as been the case and the previous administrations they sent across the border to mexico even though theyre not from this country a lot of them from Central American nations that was already controversial because in a lot of cities in mexico they sent 2. 00 to 1. 00 a new level or led to more or less there are troubled by crime or by kidnapping in the oval or of the we ourselves found that systematic kidnapping was taking place involving migrants so you can imagine with that situation already in place the New York Times article which said that unaccompanied minors children were being sent to these cities with an adult in a country that was not their own obviously cools news on the Mexican Government we did have a response saying the mets can government will follow up on specific cases in which unaccompanied minors could have vented mexico in an irregular fashion sort of confirming here that if this is happening it would be against the agreement between metz going in the United States but not confirming that it is going on our producer and part of rodriguez has also checked in with the United Nations the red cross unicef and some other n. G. O. S who have all said that they dont know if this is happening or not so if this is happening as you said these would be Vulnerable Children being placed into cities that are already unsuitable for them even if they were with the nato and even worse if theyre traveling alone in a country that is not theirs. British Media Outlets are reporting that a new nationwide lockdown may be brought in as soon as next week Prime Minister bros johnson is expected to announce measures which could include the closure of all but essential shops Times Newspaper reports the lockdown could begin on wednesday and last until december its concerned that hospitals will soon be overwhelmed by the resurgence of covert 19 cases unless action is taken. So on the campaign trail donald trump has been keen to sell the message that coronavirus isnt a big deal and hes on the decline that says the us posted 94000 new infections on friday which is another record overall more than 9000000 americans are known to have contracts of covert 90 still trying to lock down measures in other parts of the world. If you look at europe theyre surging despite these draconian lock downs they have it locked down and theyre surging so what happens is you get it youre going to get if you get it stay away if you get it youre going to get better and then youre going to be immune and its a whole thing and it goes away but the vaccine to the house. With a few days to go until the u. S. President ial election donald trump and joe biden have been crisscrossing midwestern battleground states both have records to defend with these folks who will play a key role in deciding the outcome she had written see as the details of. The president ial candidates know the midwest will be crucial to winning this election and both donald trump andrew biden visited minnesota and wisconsin on friday with biden also going to iowa and trying to michigan the president returned to the themes that served him well in the last election protecting workers from the offshoring of jobs and the trade deals favored by wall street and multinational corporations and he does have an achievement welcomed by u. S. Trade unions to point to his successful renegotiation of the north American Free trade deal on after a vote for me is to keep and create order jobs and all sorts of jobs in michigan where they belong. I ended the nafta nightmare and replaced it with a brand new u. S. Embassy a just kicked in just kicked out you know how you know its good because mexico and canada are so happy president obama also campaigned on renegotiating nafta but instead he signed the us up to another International Trade deal the Transpacific Partnership which unions felt would just multiply the jobs lost to other countries its clear dr biden is aware of the suspicion among Blue Collar Workers of his record both at obamas side as Vice President and before nonetheless he continues to tout what he says was once a booming economy the truck was handed a 2017. Share the stronger economy from the rocket made like Everything Else hed heard it he squandered. As a senator biden long fought for the Credit Card Companies of delaware that made up his donors against those forced to max out bad debt and often advocated Cutting Health and pension benefits for the poor but now biden insists hes learned from the progressive wing of the party you know who really got this country it was it was straight it was c. E. O. s it was hard work and folks like all you know its about time the wealthiest people in america the billionaires their trillion dollars out big multibillionaires and the biggest corporations start paying their fair share as for trump he must also contend with his own record the president did not stop historical trends of outsourcing and a decline in manufacturing and has shown himself also to be a close friend to wall street and then this code 19 the polls show trump is on the playing of its effects are liability as the coronavirus storms through the midwest and the economic crisis deepens that you know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from you know that right. Back in washington d. C. Office buildings and storefronts are being boarded up ahead of Election Night even though the polls have consistently shown biden ahead no one knows what to expect she every time see. More on the years election a bit later on aljazeera will look at the latino vote tomorrow unpredictability is a source of worry and hope for both the major. Chinas leaders outline their own visions ambitious a vision for the communities. Of. Color the weather set fabric cross the middle east for them and present sunshine clear skies a little more clout further north it has to be said because an cloud of rain moving across western parts of turkey sliding across the black sea and we may well even see want to 2 showers just coming into the levant syria lebanon jordan could see a spot or 2 of right as we go through sunday a bit more cloud coming into northern parts of saudi arabia Western Areas of iraq. That he wants celsius pleasant sunshine some lovely weather as we go through the next couple of days and a light winds it really will feel quite pleasant not quite supplies into central parts of africa plenty of showers around here could even see a little bit of flooding into that eastern side of ethiopia some showers pushing through mogadishu so whats the somalia could see some wet weather along with kenya showers rolling through here tanzania and tanzania also say some heavy showers from time to time more of the same as we go on through sunday wetter weather coming back into central and southern parts of somalia game with the risk of some localized flooding some shop she was to just making their way into the eastern side of south africa at the moment is fine to try and back at the moment but it will turn somewhat colder by sunday. But. Now its a 5 go drive to work. Its. You dont learn about its night Something Else happened august night. Just an 18 year old Michael Brown was gunned down 2. 13 songs on ferguson its really me i saw my sign in 15. Years that i mentor. Now felt like you know at this my time to stand. How to get you what you want to remind about top stories this hour and the search is underway for survivors in the coastal city is mia after a powerful magnitude 7 earthquake the tremor beneath the g. And c. Left at least 27 people dead in turkey in neighboring greece more than 800 others injured. The New York Times is reporting that the u. S. Government is deporting Migrant Children to mexico without an adult or without any family to take the men more than 200 children recently from Central American countries are said to be the spelt from the u. S. Over the past they. Dont trumpet election rival joe biden have held them back to back rallies in the u. S. Midwest the 2 candidates both stopped off in the state of minnesota to make the final push for support its already been any historically high for him to. So americas 32000000 latinos have been wooed by both major parties and latino becomes eligible to vote in a u. S. Election almost every 30 seconds but they are a Diverse Group and by no means a singular voting will rob reynolds says. For decades Democratic Party strategists have seen lefty know as a kind of Sleeping Giant ready to rise up flex their political muscle and turn republican states like texas and Arizona Democratic there are millions of voters this year we know will be the 2nd largest voting bloc behind mom has been a quiet for her so there are millions of like you know voters who do vote and to the extent that millions of latinos vote its worth trying to understand their Political Behavior but not as members of a single my teano voting bloc latinos are diverse the u. S. Has seen waves of migrants from different latin american and caribbean countries and its that diversity that makes their politics and priorities different about one 3rd of let tinos tend to vote republican the differences between National Groups is really just the 1st thing you could say about the diversity among latinos i mean theres a wide class the 1st of the. Highlight their religious backgrounds as the main driver of their politics trumps appeal to lets you know voters tend to focus on the thriving preplan demick economy ive achieved more for hispanic americans at 47 months than joe biden is 47 years that message resonates with latinos like republican activist Anthony Cupp Asa i think hes done a phenomenal job former Vice President joe biden needs let tino votes in swing states like nevada arizona and florida we cant make this we cant do it without you on his argument centers on trumps mishandling of the covert 19 pandemic and the high let tino death toll thats 40000 latinos nationwide 40000. 30000000 people lost their jobs 3000000 latinos lost their jobs lucy a salinas lost her job when the economy tanked now shes volunteering for biden im trying yeah im scared that i am not going to. Like that scholars say let tinos want candidates to show they care about their communities and he is definitely early and sustained engagement a new poll shows about 2 thirds of latino voters think biden will do a better job than trump on key issues including the coronavirus as always the big question is about turnout how many latino voters will vote early by mail or in person on election day the answer to that question could determine who wins the battle for the white house robert oulds aljazeera Los Angeles Twitter has lifted a suspension on the new york posts account the pro trump tabloids front page celebrates with a picture of twitters bird flying out of the cage its account was frozen after the paper published articles about democratic president ial candidate joe biden son it was a said it violated its materials policy which is now being changed republicans have accused twitter of censoring conservative outlets and im going to take a mist in the c. E. O. Of connect safely dot org he says twitch is rules can be consistent. Well i think twitter did make a mistake i mean look twitter has been accused of bias against conservatives and most of those accusations were plainly false what they mostly have done is taken away material which violates their terms of service in this case they had a rule about hacked materials but that rule actually doesnt make a lot of sense because its pretty common for journalists even to report on hacked materials now if the hacker him or herself had tweeted it then clearly twitter probably should shut shut it down but the fact that some things out there were how regard less of how its been obtained and of course theres a dispute whether it was in fact hacked at all its still material and the post i think had a right to post it even away whether you agree with it or not shouldnt be the issue the issue is did they have a right to share that information and twitter i think made a mistake and they realize they did and eventually back down they could ban some in from misinformation especially if its harmful for example covert 19 misinformation or misinformation about voting that could lead someone to not vote that that would be bound by twitters policy but theres a lot on twitter thats wrong and twitter is not the arbiter of truth in every situation so the reason they did this is allegedly that happened here although they were also under a lot of pressure politically mostly from conservatives but you know there are principles at stake here and it could be next time it could be a liberal publication that publishes something that gets taken down and they need to have consistent principles and stick to them. Now then police in thailand have rearrested 3 prominent leaders of the growing antigovernment protests one of them. Could lost consciousness when he was reportedly placed in a chokehold by an officer had not been to other activists charged with sedition and with violating an emergency ban on public gatherings more demonstrations are expected on saturday protesters have been calling for reforms of the monarchy and for a new constitution so lets take this on lets bring to our correspondent tony chang whos in bangkok and tony said the government says it has publicly said that it will take a more conciliatory approach to the proceedings even suggesting he might talk to them directly still following that approach what exactly we could go we were hearing from the Prime Minister that he wants to reach out to find some kind of compromise and speak directly to those protests leaders themselves it looks as if they were going that way when we heard the news this week that 3 of those key protest leaders will be released from the Remand Prison where theyve been held yesterday evening however they were taken from the Remand Prison where they were expected to be released immediately bundled into a police van to face new charges by the time they arrived at the Police Station as you mentioned one of them was unconscious apparently having been placed in a choke hold by the police on the short journey the others were met by their supporters and their lawyer the lawyer pointing out that these charges they were new charges they were going to face had actually expired and had been approved by the court then followed an impromptu demonstration with the protesters supporters outside on the steps eventually 4 oclock this morning the police decided they wouldnt be charged again and they were free to go there all 3 of them are now in hospital we expect theyre going to be there under observation for the next day or 2 but it does suggest that at this stage the government certainly going back on its plans and its announced plans to be take a more conciliatory approach and more demonstrations expected today. Yes. Bangkok is in a state some tension today because were expecting an announcement to 5 pm local time this evening from free use one of the major protest protest groups theyre saying theyre going to make and announce a big surprise and at the same time the king is going to be taking part in a Graduation Ceremony thomas at university now this is part of the regular duties he can diplomas every year diplomas and degrees but theres very high security there we understand that at least 50 percent of those graduating weve already announced theyre not going to be taking part those that have been being screened very carefully everyones being searched as they go into the building i understand the background checks are also being conducted but i think the concern is that there could be some disruption and after the. Collision we saw the disruption to the queens motorcade several weeks ago when she motorcade was met with protesters on the streets and the charge the severe charges that have followed some of those protest leaders involved in that incident and theres a concern there could be more problems than i think of the authorities taking all sorts of security concerns we understand the army has also been deployed at University Just in case anything untoward. Or tony for now will be there thanks very much tony ching there reporting from bangkok chinas leaders say they must seize the opportunity of the century to be in the front row of the worlds major powers the message came out of a rare meeting as chinas most powerful politicians map out the nations goals over the next 15 years if you could part and has more whats seen as beijings aggressive foreign policies. Well most of the world is struggling to overcome the kerner Virus Outbreak china has signalled that the country is well on its way to full recovery and the governments actions in recent months have set the stage for chinese ambitions across the globe chinas Foreign Policy has taken an aggressive turn this year such as lashing out at australia for pushing an investigation into the origins of the covert 1000. 00 virus and chinas armed forces have bolstered territorial claims in the South China Sea theyve also stepped up patrols near japanese controlled islands fought indias troops in the himalayas and sent warplanes close to taiwans airspace this place quite well with a domestic audience which has been fed a very heavy patriotic strongest country in the world weve got i mean i mean this goes down very well but i think also overseas theres a sort of sense in the chinese leadership weve been soft too long now is the time for the Biggest Country in the worlds 2nd biggest economy weve got to start approaching according to our white. China also toughened its stance on the autonomous city of hong kong after the International Community expressed support for Anti Government and prodemocracy protests last year in july beijing made its most dramatic move yet to tighten its grip on hong kong by imposing a wide ranging National Security law it came under criticism from many countries including the us which in turn put sanctions on chinese officials but it was a clear message to the International Community to stay out of chinas Affairs Relations between washington and beijing are at their lowest in decades because of disputes in trade technology and human rights. As the communist partys ambitious goal Setting Forum took place in beijing last week the u. S. Secretary of state went on a socalled anti china tour with high level meetings in asia including visits to vietnam indonesia japan india and sri lanka to where china has funded major Infrastructure Projects the u. S. Is trying to capitalize on whats seen as growing anti China Sentiment in the region and its not going on noticed in beijing. We can tell you about the risks and challenges of both from home and abroad from the global aspect unilateralism protectionism and antiglobalization on the rise unstable and im certain factors of increased aid recognition that chinas socalled wolf warrior diplomacy where it acts forcefully abroad may have one support at home but has alienated many in the region if you go palin are Jazeera Hong Kong the United States has agreed to restore sudans sovereign immunity meaning they cannot be prosecuted in u. S. Courts the return saddam will pay 335000000. 00 to settle existing legal cases including for the 998. 00 bombing of u. S. Embassies in kenya and in tanzania last week the white house remove sudan from the state sponsors of terror list as part of a normalization deal with israel because it is Electoral Commission says the president john michael fully has won a 2nd term in office but opposition groups have dismissed the results of the claims of widespread irregularities according to the National Accounts make a fairly 112500000 votes in wednesdays election while its main challenger 1900000 michael fully has vowed to boost the economy by completing ambitious Infrastructure Projects he started in his 1st. Rescue operation is underway in el salvador where a landslide has left at least 7 people dead and more than 30 missing some locals are helping crews using their bare hands to dig through the mud the landslide happened in a village just north of the capital following heavy rain the night before. Its still not that. A terrible amount of it there was a blockage with the storm that we had last night its a tragedy ive lost my father and my mother and brother are in hospital also when i have been killed. We were sleeping when suddenly we heard a roar like an earthquake my husband told me to get the kids i was able to get them out of the room where they were so when he opened the door of where he slept we saw that my daughters house was buried. Latin american nations are getting ready to honor their departed loved ones there the day that its one of the regions favorite holidays has been scaled back due to coronavirus a colorful alter has been set up outside one of mexicos most famous museums which is the new house and celebrating the life of a local painter this year theyre the deadfalls on november 2nd. In new york an artist is using the occasion to commemorate lives lost to cave 19 the current altar has been set up in brooklyn where visitors can bring personal offerings to their late loved ones more than 33000 coronavirus deaths have been reported in new york state since march. So this is out there these are the top stories and a search is underway for survivors in the coastal turkish city of is made after a powerful magnitude 7 earthquake tremor beneath the aegean sea left at least 27 people dead in turkey and in neighboring greece more than 800 others are injured at least 20 buildings were destroyed. I have a shop on the back side i was talking with someone i felt it while we were outside the ground started to shake while i was watching our building i saw this one collapse. I thought that the ground to chatted you cannot think or you try to do is get out everywhere was collapsing luckily our building

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