Frontline workers in venezuela said it curve it 19 patients are being left to die. Parts of europe are introducing more stringent restrictions as the continent struggles with a surge in covert 19 infections france will go into its 2nd nationwide locked out on friday president a medical mccraw warned that the rise in cases could be more deadly than the 1st which is there as the tasha butler reports now from paris the cd in a soviet t. V. Address french president emmanuel macro said a new lockdown was necessary because frances Health Situation had deteriorated rapidly. Even monopod because of what we bring down will be adapted schools will stay open where can continue will be permitted to Retirement Homes but i think its been you can only leave home to work for a medical. Help someone for essential shopping or exercise in a home of. The number of new cases is rising fast in france with more than 50000 on some days more than half of the countrys intensive care unit beds are occupied by kovi patients this doctor says that Health Workers would want for months at a 2nd wave was coming and would be worse than the 1st november is going to be very very hard and we have so we have you know to break that wave that is coming because if we keep accumulating really the cases in the case and cases then very soon we wont have any beds anymore. Really not any for months the government and president of urge people in france to live as normally as possible with the virus but these new restrictions reveal just are subtle and thing that really is. A government a strike to navigate a delicate process try to find if i could go in terms of focusing more on. Economy the situation we are in now is a result of this precarious balance. The fact that the new restrictions come less than 2 weeks after a night time curfew was imposed on most of the country could indicate that the government failed to anticipate the scale of the emergency for some a new look down could have been avoided others it was inevitable either way few would have imagined that they would be forced to stay at home again so soon its aljazeera paris germany is also imposing new restrictions for at least the next month starting on monday restaurants and bars will be closed but schools will stay open initially people are allowed to eat out after 6 pm for gyms. The situation is similar in spain there are overnight curfew has been declared and there are limits on gatherings in india theres concern that covert 19 will spread because large religious festivals are to be held in the coming weeks india is the worlds 2nd worst hit country and has just passed 8000000 covert 19 infections but its reported one of the lowest death rates and politicians say the rise in new cases is slowing peru is reporting its 1st case of diptheria in 20 years as routine vaccinations are being made more difficult by the pandemic the governments looking for other infected people after a 5 Year Old Girl was diagnosed in the diptheria affects the throat and leads to breathing problems brew has the worlds 11th highest number of covert 98 inspections. Aid workers in vietnam say that at least 50 people have been killed and dozens are missing after a powerful typhoon triggered landslides in remote areas at least 12 fishermen also reported been killed hundreds of soldiers and heavy machinery if been deployed to help search for survivors are serious Florence Louis reports now from kuala lumpur. This is one of the strongest typhoon to hit the country in 20 years and before the typhoon hit the government had moved more about 40000 people to emergency shelters it also or told the factories offices and schools to shut to prevent casualties and even though the typhoon had weakened to a tropical depression after it made landfall on wednesday it still brought lots of heavy rain and that rain set of landslides in Central Vietnam that is buried dozens of people its also many others are still missing now hundreds of soldiers have been deployed for Search Rescue and recovery work theyre using bulldozers excavators to open up blocked roads theyre trying to bring in more rescuers more heavy equipment to help in the search and rescue work but heavy rain is making their work more difficult now the 2 villages where the worst of the landslides took place is in a coastal province in Central Vietnam and this is a region that still recovering from floods earlier this month that killed about 130. 00 people and destroyed hundreds of homes the government says this typhoon that hit has damaged 50000. 00 homes and left millions of people without electricity and heavy rain is forecast to continue until at least saturday now this typhoon had earlier in the week passed through the philippines where it also caused landslides and flooding and disaster officials there say at least 16 people have been killed there the red cross is condemning growing violence in the dark conflict the latest ceasefire between as a version on the media appears to have failed doctors have tried to move patients to city of state power curves and other heavy shelling from azeri forces as a bodyguard accuses armenia of killing at least 21 people a good thing dozens of others in a missile strike on the city of baba not a serious challenge as the latest now from armenias capital you have a. Well the mcgoldrick are. Author of sees the Defense Ministry there is updated its military death toll. By another 51. 00 casualties on the battlefields now they seem to be losing roughly that amount of people every day at the moment so the current total stands at 1119. 00 since fighting erupted on september 27th the authorities there say that stepanek at the main city and shushi 2nd city also came under attack from Azerbaijani Forces using. Multi launch rocket systems and there have been a couple of injuries in attacks on the cities there the my armenian Defense Ministry is also said that it shot down one of these turkish made by reactor drove these are the the tech this is a piece of technology that has been taking a huge and devastating toll on the nagornokarabakh an armenian fight is now the diplomatic movement of the day is the Foreign Ministry Foreign Ministers of both as a by john and armenia are meeting in geneva with the cochairs of the o. S. C. The minsk group now that is the platform by which negotiations are going to going to go to karabakh have been undertaken for many years now but clearly the president of as a by john has no faith left in that platform he said as much in recent days and this fighting is evidence that he has run out of patience with the o. S. C. The minsk group an artillery attack by Regime Forces in syria has killed at least 5 people in southern italy the artillery shells struck a residential area on monday a russian air strike targeting a military camp in the province killed at least 78. 00 turkey backed rebels if it falls within a deescalation forced under a cease fire agreement in march between ankara moscow. Coronavirus cases continue to climb across the u. S. With the president ial election ballot just days away half a 1000000 cases have been recorded in the past week with 26 states reporting near record numbers it continues to dominate campaigning as mike hanna reports now from Washington Joe Biden emerges from the voting station having cast an early ballot joining his opponent donald trump who voted in florida last week theyre not the only ones 6 days out from election day a record 70000000 americans have cast their votes early amounting to half the total number of ballots recorded in 2016 biden chose to stay in his home town holding a meeting with Health Professionals to discuss the ongoing pandemic. Shaking his head at what he heard and afterwards lashing out at the president he contends has given up trying to contain the pandemic it seems like he just dont care much about it and the longer hes in charge the more reckless he gets its enough hes trying to change. Reports emerging during the day indicate that President Trump and his advisers were seeking Political Capital out of the pandemic as far back as april in a recorded interview with Journalist Bob Woodward jarrett cushiony reveals that his father in law in his words was getting the country back from the doctors question was referring to Donald Trumps insistence on ending the lockdown as soon as possible he was tweeting support for anti lock down protests at a time that americans were dying at the rate of some 2000 a day cushion a says he and trump focused on what would help the president on election day by their calculations he contended trump would be seen as the open up president which would give him a boost in the polls and on the campaign trail President Trump continues to insist this too much focus on the coronavirus and rails against the mitigating measures Health Experts insist on under bidens cruel and centers lockdowns countless americans will died from susa drug overdose. Deferred medical care alcoholism were going to open up pennsylvania were going to open up North Carolina and open up california and open up. The pandemic has dominated the Selection Process like no other subject and ultimately this vote may well turn into a referendum on how well or help badly the sitting president has responded. Michael. Washington the u. S. Supreme court has rejected a republican bid to limit when mail in ballots could be received in 2 key swing states pennsylvania of North Carolina it means the votes posted on november 3rd can be counted for several days afterwards President Trump has regularly attacked mail in voting making claims of fraud without any evidence philadelphia has imposed an overnight curfew to try to prevent a 3rd night of violent protests over the Police Killing of a black man previously planned rally was calm cold off but a few people detained for violating the curfew hundreds marched on tuesday night demanding the names of offices who shot and killed 26 year old Walter Wallace be made public officers say that he refused to drop a knife his family said he was having a breakdown. Weather update next here on aljazeera then how cinemas in south korea are using technology to adapt to a new pandemic reality. Hello theres a major area of Stormy Weather on its way to the British Isles moving fairly quickly there but easily described meter logically existing heres what you call a warm sector this is warmish air tight lines together so its windy to bring rain with it that are still stormy stuff to the east of that weve got this low circulating in the southern ejido which means the weathers improving greece but going downhill in turkey and probably the eastern side of roumania as well the wind and rain will hit the British Isles jury today particularly in scotland that rain tails out of the low countries and his bottom end is more snow for the slopes of the european alps and then it all heads off towards sweden Denmark Germany and poland leaving fine was behind briefly not particularly when the other the same is true in greece for the north the going down to the adriatic snows a burra that is strong can be damaging on the coast of croatia but these storms to heini around in the western black sea. Looks like maybe youre egypt has seen the end of this on the storms now and there are many in west africa the concentration is going 3rd a sense of sunshine almost the abidjan occasional shower with the showers more concentrated in. The. Jump into the stream and julian on Global Community biodiversity is biosecurity it is that essential for our species to survive be part of the debate i know you have on days and you too can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize and heres the other part of this theres no consequence to this stream on out as they are. On the. Hello again this is al jazeera thats for much of the bad news this hour a surge in corona virus infections across france has forced it into a month long lockdown from friday people can only leave home for essential reasons president a body on the course says the 2nd wave could lead to more deaths than the 1st. Aid workers in vietnam so that at least 50 people have been killed and dozens are missing after a powerful typhoon triggered landslides in some remote areas local Authorities Say the reste 12 have also been killed and the International Committee of the red cross is condemning growing violence in the color of our conflict the latest cease fire between us about a shot of the media appears to have failed doctors tried to move patients to the basement of a hospital as the city of state palekar came under heavy shelling from as every force is latin america has been badly hit by the coronavirus aid workers in venezuela a warning that the country is struggling to respond on the frontline hospitals are lacking basic supplies many patients have been left to die of serious to raise a bow reports are. Fighting 1000. 00 is a major challenge in most countries but even if where hospitals are running short of medicines and staff the battle is even harder. Every day to this hospital and get access to care for her father she says her presence is the only guarantee her father will be looked after. While my dad is there for me while he is alive it is already a victory and we have to thank god one more day of life for him an ongoing economic crisis and sanctions are having a devastating effect in venezuela thousands of Health Care Workers have migrated the government says it has tried to prepare hospitals in the country to fight over 1000 this hospital for example has received help from Doctors Without Borders it has Running Water and air conditioning but its the exception in the country these days. Janet by the dont is in charge of the intensive care unit here which is supposed to be one of the best prepared in the capital 80 famous had a miniature Health System in venezuela had deteriorated greatly prior to that 90 every doctor knows it is its a matter about resources about health and sanitary conditions even within hospitals we have population of more than 28000000. 00 authorities in venezuela reported fewer than 800. 00 deaths bike over 1000 but the opposition says the figure is much higher because many people are afraid to go to a hospital or cannot get tested. Says her father died of covert 19 she had to be isolated in a hotel with her family not to see what an answer now. We were received by the National Guard and we were told that we were under the care and if we tried to escape we were going to go on trial for bacterial terrorism our rooms had no electricity they would do. It looks like a red cave it took a while before we would tested we basically had to beg for a test because we wanted to get out of the hard tell we were emma experts say konami crisis may have helped at this time the lack of gasoline has reduced Movement Across the country and slowed down the spread of the virus in spite of the daily struggles people face priscilla. Announced earlier this week that venezuela has produced a cure for over 1000. I want to announce venezuela has created a medicine the stop corona virus after 6 months of trial who can certify the study as part of the experts and scientists with all the proof in the next day we will go to the World Health Organization to ratify. Ratified will start preparing the mass production of this molecule and give it to the world a cure against corona virus but many people in the country have doubts. Was once one of the richest countries in latin america and now millions are struggling just to survive its a crisis that has been looming for years and that for now is unlikely to end anytime soon. And. U. S. Secretary of state like tom perez described the Chinese Communist party as the biggest threat to religious freedom he was speaking during a visit to indonesia he said the policy of trying to justify its brutalization of weaker muslims as necessary for Counter Terrorism on pay as visiting the worlds biggest muslim majority nation is part of a regional trip to bolster trade and security ties. We know that there is no counterterrorism justification for you for forcing we were muslims to eat pork during ramadan or destroying a Muslim Cemetery theres no Poverty Alleviation guff occasion for forced sterilization or taking children away from their parents to be we had to be educated in state run boarding schools. I know i know that the Chinese Government authorities tried to convince the leaders to look away when you hear these arguments i just ask you to do this search your hearts. Look at the facts listen to the tales of the survivors and of their families and. To Sarah Jessica washington and the forest jessica what prompted these comments by the secretary of state and whats been the reaction. Well the secretary of state just wrapped up a meeting with into the asias largest Islamic Organization the youth wing of that organization and there he spoke to them and told them that he believes indonesia is a model for the world of religious pluralism and shows how different religions can live in harmony and he used the example of what is happening in chinas northwest as the greatest threats to religious freedom and he urged this group of moderate muslims to consider what is happening to the weak ethnic minority in chinas northwest and he did say that he acknowledges that beijing has made efforts to attempt to describe what is happening in engine john as counterterrorism efforts all reeducation efforts but he also to seriously consider whether this is in fact true now for the most part old though indonesia is the Worlds Largest muslim majority country human rights abuses against the weak ethnic minority dont really get that much attention and thats clearly something that secretary of state might pump aoe is trying to change and what else is the secretary of state doing that anybodys here and elsewhere in the region. So this is part of the secretary of state my compares very brief trip through asia to india. And now indonesia and he did meet with president joke over dodo and the foreign minister here in indonesia and this is part of the u. S. Efforts to try to contain some of that chinese influence here in this region but indonesia has a long history of having a nonaligned Foreign Policy what that means is that indonesia tries to have positive relations with both china and the u. S. Now the u. S. Is warning against chinese influence and also warning against chinas what it sees as chinas a more full of d. V. D. s in the South China Sea what indonesia has always said the same thing with regards to the South China Sea it doesnt often specifically name beijing as being behind on move like t. V. s but rather it it buys is all countries to follow International Law is not a serious jessica washington reporting live there from jakarta jessica many thanks indeed the heads of tech giants and the u. S. Supreme questions about how they moderate content the c. E. O. s of Facebook Google and twitter appeared before a Senate Committee which is discussing whether to reform laws that protect the companies from being held liable for users posts democrats say there needs to be stronger action over misinformation publicans accuse some platforms of censoring conservative voices in a freedom is the chief Technology Correspondent for axial she says that some of us got caught up in partisan fighting and fail to discuss the real issues. Today was exactly what happens when you schedule a hearing a week or less before the end of an election cycle you get a lot of you know partisan talk now that happens any time that were discussing these issues because it is viewed really differently by democrats and republicans but i think today we got even less into the issues around content moderation and really each side just trying to hammer home what it sees as an attempt to interfere in the election republicans see facebook and twitter as trying to throw the election to the democrats and the democrats see the republicans as using these allegations of bias to try and put their hand on the table if you will tilt the scale toward their favor so this was largely a partisan or almost exclusively a partisan exercise i think it is really important when we look at this free speech is really about the government regulating speech private companies have a right to set their own policies in the u. S. And in fact it never comes up but we have a far right sites far left sites and you dont really hear much because they dont have a lot of scale so no one is complaining that they have a bias obviously facebook and twitter have tremendous reach and it is important how they moderate it but its not about free speech so much as it is what are the rules and whats allowed and whats protected section 230. 00 which comes up at all these hearings gives extra protection to publishers and a lot of people feel like those protections should be limited and that criticism comes from both sides of the aisle just for different reasons. Long queues of ford outside Western Union branches across cuba after the government said that its local operations will be forced to close because of u. S. Sanctions at least reports. These cubans are waiting to pick up money sent from their relatives abroad millions here rely on remittances from the u. S. To make ends meet but the Money Transfer company that allows them to get those payments is under threat. The government in havana says its being forced to shut down the local operation of Western Union due to new u. S. Sanctions. Washington is banning anyone on u. S. Soil from sending money to cuba via the company because its local partner is a military controlled firm the u. S. Accuses cuba of profiting from the transfer business to oppress its people and fund interference in venezuela so more people the gullible and the well of were the ones who are harmed the people there are people who cant work here for one reason or another and live off their children their mother their brother and now this whos being harmed the ones at the bottom not those the top of our president that they dont they im fly President Donald Trump to live here in cuba for one day without family remittances we see from Western Union just one day and theyre bringing them in independently of all the politics i asked the u. S. To think about the people and we need the situations resolved no matter which party wins the election. Analysts say donald trump is ratcheting up sanctions on cuba in a bid to secure votes from cuban americans who fled from Fidel Castros communist rule about 1000000 are registered voters in the key swing state of florida in a tweet cubas Foreign Ministers said the sanctions would hurt cuban families the new rules wont come into force until the end of november meaning theres still time for Western Union and the government to come up with a new business arrangement with nonmilitary companies. As of now Western Union employees have not had any news that theyre going to close or anything no information has arrived yet we only received news that everything was very normal until further notice its not yet clear whether Western Union will be able to keep its 400 offices across cuba open beyond november 27th raising fears among many that theyll be out of pocket if they cant get health from abroad and they sue. A democracy activist in hong kong. Been charged with the session under the National Security law or imposed by china which critics say stifles dissent tony chung faces a 10 year sentence if convicted of trying to separate hong kong from Mainland China 1000 year old was also charged with Money Laundering and conspiring to publish seditious content. One of asias biggest Film Festivals is on the way but its scaled down change the coronavirus pandemic and what bride reports soft busan many syllables are relying on technology to adapt to the new reality of covert 19. It could be the way we all go to the movies in the future minimum interaction with anyone else from the snack machines to getting your tickets this cinema group says its customers like dealing with Technology Rather than other people. They have told us the new digital experience is fun and interesting so were working with this digital trend to introduce other you know patience despite a 70 percent drop in business cinemas here have managed to stay open while most worldwide have not and the annual busan Film Festival was able to be held big movie releases like peninsula a sequel to a popular zombie film have gone ahead while globalise blockbusters have been delayed all gone straight online 30. People have become more familiar with services on Online Platforms which shows a new generation of audience could emerge. Cinemas have been fighting back with the introduction of multisensory and multi screen technology. Heavily invested in ever more sophisticated movie theaters cinema operators are looking to get innovative ways of getting audiences back such as streaming live events from using concerts to video gaming the aim to exploit the big screen experience that smaller screens of hand phones and laptops cant offer however we watch what we watch is also likely to change. Has the number of moviegoers dwindle its natural for studios to move away from blockbusters to safer and more manageable productions they know can be successful and then just. The looking to keep its customers safe and itself in business robin bridal jazeera busan south korea. It is good to have you with us hello adrian figure here in doha the headlines on aljazeera a surge in corona virus infections across france has forced it into a month long lockdown from friday people can only leave home for essential reasons president to mario macross says the 2nd wave could lead to more deaths than the fast in india theres concern that covert 19 will spread because large religious festivals are due to be held in the coming weeks india is the worlds 2nd worst hit country

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